^utecriiititiii flEcdpts. ALABAMA—J S Baxlej GEORGIA—By J M Drown. By Wra Adams. Elder J R Re.spe.ss “ N Hutchinson Elder E G Tin ash Elder D W Batman 2, B II Mobley 3, Mrs L L Terrv 2, .1 Chandler .25, J II .\Ieeks .50, .lama.s Whittle 2, J II Adatri.s .25, J II Carter 2, J R Garrett 2, A P llaip 2, IOWA—Hugh Moflitt ILLINCIS-By Elder J G Wil liams Elder I N Vanine’erl 50, J J Ash- tirSi. 2 75 M.\RYLAND—Susie L W'oolford $ 1 50 10 00 10 50 8 00 4 00 10 60 2 00 4 00 MICHIG.VN—James Garball. NEW JER.SEY—A S Cook ... 2 00 2 00 NORTH CAROLINA—Mrs Mayo 1, J W Moore 2, David Evans 2 25, Bird Godsev 1, M A Brasswell 2, Mr.s Mary Laws 1, Maggie vVilliams 2, Mrs Martha Clark 2, .Mrs E Gill 2, Joseph F.armer 1 50, J H Draughn 2, Geo Gardner 1, J W .Ilarri'On 1 50, .1 II Pippin 6, M E Winstead 2, Mrs M E Griflin 2, R M Whitaker 2, G .M .Ma.son 2, W II Fry 1, J H Griffin 2, S 11 Thorn 2, W Trevathan 2, J J Bunn 2, S D Boykin 2, H Tliomas 2, B Morri.s 1 50, .1 Dowdy 2, W J Bullock 2, Baker 2, Miss M J Powell 2, , />s^'oodard 2, T J .Motley 2, J ,• •/ Charles Battle 2 230 87 |ii ^Eiiioriant. Goose Creek Island, N. C., Jan. lOth, 1877. Dear Brother Gold :— By request I send you a short no tice of the death of tliree infant chil dren of brother John A., and si.ster Mahaia Lupton. FLORENCE ALLEN was born Oct. 2nd, 1865, and died Oct. 19th, 1870-aged 4 year.s, 11 months and 29 days. CHARI FY ELE.A- NOR was born Oct. 30th, 1869, and died Ju ly Slst, 1872—aged 2 years, 9 months and 1 day. LEMUEL THEODORE was born Nov. 12ai, 1874, and died Oct. 25th, 1S76— eged 1 year, 11 months and 13 days. Thus we feel that those dear infants have been borne by the angels from this sinful, troubl isome world to that happy place where Jesus their Savior dw'ells, and somiw.s and Bufferings are no more. B it yet we feel loth with them to part, and hope that Jesus will comfort and con.sole their parent.s, broth ers, sisters and friends ; and may they feel tliat the Lord doetli ail tilings well, and so endeavor to walk foiw.ird towards Jesus, that they may meet with them in that world where parting will be known no more ; “ And have their lovely shadows fled! Yet stop those fniitl^ tears ; They from a tiiousand |>ang.s arefreed^ You from ten thousattd feuaa. Though lost, they’ie lost to earth alone. Above they will be found Amidst the stars and near the tlvorie. Which babes like them .surround. Look upward and your children .sec. Fixed in iheir ble.ssed abode; What parent would not childless be, To give a child to God !” G. M. HARDY. Robky .ML, N. C., Nov. 28th, 1876. Elder P. D. Gold—Dear Brother in Chritit:— You ni.iy, if you feel disposed, insert in the L.\Ni).MAt!K, the death of our much beloved and highly esteemed old brother, ,\.\'riI.\N- lEL WOMBLE, who deparied this life Oct. 8th. 1876—aged 78 year.s and some days. He was born in tlie yearof our Ijord, 1798 His di.^ease was dropsy cf the heart. He had been a pious, upright and orderly mem ber of the Primitive Baptist cnurch for 40 years; and during (iiat period of time had never had the .slighte.st charge jirefered against him. I was witii him in liis last moments of life.— He died in tlie strongest triumphs of faith that I liave ever witne.-sed. Only a few hours before he ilied be seemed to be giving glory to God, and tried to sing a hymn ; and, in the morning of the .same day, was anxious to go to church ; and told me if he could not go, for me to go and do iny duty Hi.s words of admonition to me, I shall reniembor I think, while I live. He died at half pa.sl 8 P. .M. Dear broth -r Gold, I write this scribble at the request of some brethren. Y^our unworthy brother, in hope, Wm. E. GREEN. Rocky Mt., N. C , Nov. 28tli, 1876. DIED—Near this place, .Mrs. John Coley, on the 8th of, September—aged 25 years and some days. She was confined to her bed five months, very ill, but in her rigiit mind all the lime. A few d;iys before she died, on the night of the .second Saturday in Sept., late at night, she sent for me to go and see her, which I (lid. When 1 got there she told me slie was bound to die, and said slie wanted me to'Mng t^yiiiii, c^imei^difg. "hS," lor .slie was a sinner. I tried to satisfy her and she seemed to 1)6001116 more coiri|)osed. I sing sev eral livniii.s for her or in hearing, and left her. She .sent for me again on .Monday fdllowing, and I went to see her again. She had under gone a great change. When I went in the house and comiiienctd talking with lier she told me that she was willing to die, and pray ed tliat her blessed JeHIS would take hermit of her sufferings. She .seemed to express great willingne s to die. She asked me to sing and pray with her, which I did the best I could, and was willing to try to give thanks for the blessed and e..livening a pear mceof our blessed Jesns, which I ^ould see inakiiu'- itself manifest in lier brightened up comue- iiance. She died in faitii, believing that her sins were all pardoned and that all would be peace with her,and thatall she hated to leave was her dear little hahv- She left a husband and one child, father, mother, two hrotlmrs and one sister, to inourn their los.s, but I feel that their loss i.shereteri al gain. Done by request of her hustand. Yours truly, in hope, Wm. E. green. Request.—Will ail ^uil).«cribers iu anviir.s ])laise rcniir to L.vndm.ark as soon as they eaii ? Each can .ste ft'oiii tlie (late affi.xed to h s iiaiiie the time to whioh liis paper is paid u[>. I am needing the money. Tliese are harcl limes; 1 hope we will all bear burdens together i upon those that eaimot pay I will vVait. I trust that others will suh.serilve, and tliat old suiescribers will nuiew. Will my bivtliren and triends please e.xtend its circnhitioii, as much as possible, by obtaining new sniwriberst MARRIED—December the S4th, 1876, at the residence of the bride’s father, l>y Elder W. Hubbard, Mr. John T Hammond, of Lee coUiUy, and Miss Miasonri M. Garrett) of Randolph county, Ga. KEHUKEE HISTORY. The Ivehnkee As.sociation at her last (October) si^ssion decided to have her History written ap to the present time; and obtained the eon.simt of Elder C, B. Ha.ssdl of VV’illiamston, X C., to prepare the same for publi cation. All persons wisliing one or more copies of .said work are requested to enter tlieir names on some one of the Snh.scri|)tioii Papens sent out to to the various agents, or .send their names directly to Joseph D. Ri.i its, Williamston, X. C., Clerk of said A.s- sociatioii. November, 1876. IblmlisniiEuts. Ellaville, G.x., Jan. 20th, 1877 Brother Gold; — In addition to the appointments of Ifild. Piir.'hw, fnr Eld. Dameroti, ot Vn., Eld. Dameron will preadi, the Lord willing, on 2nd .April at Mt P.aron 3 County iJne 4 iiamah 5 Good Hope 6 Phillippi 7 M t Zimi 8 Buili'iSpr.ng (2nd Sim) 9 ...Red Hill 10 Ebenezei (.Macon Co) 11 New Hope 12 Belhhhein 13 Pro,“p*ritv 14 BeihJl 15 Fellowship)Hoiision Co., 3rd Sun) 16 Eld S dry’s church 17 Sardis (Bibb Co) 18 sliiloh 19, 20,21,22, in tin* Ebcnczcr A«.-.(iciation, terminating n ar the rail road. Tlie brethren in these various lo calities will please meet and eonvev him. He will get off at Fort Valley, from Bethel to Eellotvship. Brother Temples will please irive notice in the L.a.n’DMAUK of his ap pointments in tlie Eiienes! a'. It mav be thf'” T'-yilegcV^'*^ j'*~..^ipau5'ii)g puin. y J. R. Riispxiss. Elder J. S Briiisori and brother I. J. Taylor will pivach in X’ortb Caro lina, if the Lord will, as follows: Hodnott’s Creek, Carteret Coun tv, Fob I3l h.. White Oak, Jones “ ’ Hickory Hill, Onslow “ Vowhead, “ “ .North-East “ “ Wardswiil, “ • A’o|)p’s. “ " btiimp Sound. ‘‘ “ Wilmington, (at night,) E. tiariier’s (fiineran, Brunswick Co >andmark^ P, D, GOLD, Editor, FUBI.JSHEK SEMI-MONTHLY —( at )— 'jy^ILSON, JIoF\TH j-iAI^LINA Two Dollars Per A nnuttK u\OT Cliib.s of eight anbi-cribers, or a larger^ number, can have the IjANDMAiik at each, and the clubs need ii( t be at tiie samo Post Office or even in the same State, and persons renewing can make clubs in .sarrH> wav ; and other iia-oes may he added to clubs, after they are sent on Ui $1.50 each. 'I'he per son getting tip tlie chib (sin have L.xnd- MAUK free for the time the chd> is made. If any wish the La-NO-MAUK discoiitinueii, at llie expiration of tliC time paid, th.ey wi4? l»lease reiiiie.st it done, or their paper wiE be continued. This I do, because inanv sub scribers intend to renew, bii, fail to .«end cm remittance at the expiration of time f)aid for. All jiersons sending in names of subscribers, or renewals, and those desiring any clianc^ in Post Offices, or their papers stopl, will Iilease write the names of such |>ers()ii.s, thek Post Offices, Counties, and States I’L.AINLY. ■Money can be sent by express or oth erwise, at my expense. In sums of a few dol lars it can >^e .«ent at niy risk, by ordinary let ters. When money is not receipted, please always inform me. VVhEN convenient, always SKJf» Money by Express or Money Obleks, at MY expense, if PREFEi(ED.“@a For a good rea.son, plea.se direct till Itstleiw to me as follows: P. D. Gold, Wilsan, N. C. Wilson Colleges STRICTLY NO.V-SKCTARIAN I 7^ Institute ami Seminary ConilimeiL S KXES IN SEPARATE BUI1.DI.NG Maiile Hill, South-West, Cypress Creek, Muddy Creek, Sand ilili, Beaverduii, Cross Roads, Swift Creek, .Mi I to , Pender County, Onslow Duplin Lenoir Pitt Craven Pamlioo 14th. 15th. 16th. 17-18. 19th. 20th. 22nd. 23rd. 25th. 27th. 28th. March 2nd. “ 3rd. “ 4th. “ 6th. ■ “ 7.h. “ 8th. “ 10-11. Tlntse brediren will b« dejiendeHt fur couvpyaiice. 0 Kesular Collesie Course. ISine Able and Experienced Teaclura.. I'Vnc,^ Cityv-nrry wtad Apjnfrifi'nTX 4^' Primary, Preparatory, Co.m.merctai,, Normal. Musical, Ornamental, & Agricultural Departments. Entire Aven’age Expeyises indudhff Tuition, Books, Board, use of Furnished Room, Fuel, Light, and Washing, $ 2 0 0 PER YEAR. MUSIC $45 ADDTTIOXAL. Session extends from the first Monday b» October to tlie last Thursday in June. For Catilogne, address SYLVHSTER HAb.'^ELL, A M., Presideait of Wilson CoLLBCut, »ng 15"tf Wilson, N. U . & W. 11. 11. Co. Americiis, Ga., Dec. 2nd, 1876. Brother Gold: — Plt'ilse publish the following ap pointments for lirother Dameron, in the hoUnds of the Harmony Assswcia- tion, Ga., commencing n^rcli «j.t rfjimiony Liberty Providence 25 Beulah 2ti Turkey Crtek 2” Poplar Sluing 28 Harmony, Stewart Co 2i^ Sliuightcr Creek .New Bv'tiiel 31 and 1st Apr-.i ..Mt Olive, Cu.s.seta Co I will meet liroiher D.imeron, Wednesday the 21st) the Lord wil ling, cx|)ecting to take him to my house. Your brother, T. K. PURSLEAG The bloodthirsty hate the upright but the just seek his soul.—Prov. CII.VNGE OF SCHEDULE. ©FFicE OF* Gen’l Superintendent. I Wilmington, N. C., Jan- 1, 1877./ and after January 3rd, 1877, 44 Pas-enger trains on tlie WUming- ton & \Veldon Railroad will run a-s fob l(»ws : Day Mail and Express Train. L’ve 'Aiiinington Front St. Depot 7:15 a. tti. Arrive at Goldsboro’ ; 11:42 a. iti-. “ *• Rocky Mount. 1:41) p. m “ “ Weldon 3:20 p. da. Leave Weldon daily At 12:40 i). m. Arrive at Rocky .Mount i:;23 p. eh-^ “ “ Goldsboro’ j 4:05 p. la “Wilmington, Front St. Dejiot 7:-50 p. W; Bight Mail and Express I'rain. Daily except Sunday Leave Wilmington At 5:40 p. m. Arrive at Goldsboro’..j;; 10:15 p. uv. “ “ Rocky Mount 12:30 a. ta. “ “ V\ eldon 2:20 a. lu. Leave M’eldoii daily.;.-; 4:20 £. ut. .Arrive at Rocky Mount 6:01 a. m. “ “ ‘ioldsboro’.;; 8:00 a. itk “ “ Wilmington; 12:(>0 na, 'Fhe day train m.tkes close eonnection at Weldon for all points North, via Bay Line, tiaily, except Sundays) and daily via! Bicfe^ mond and all rail routes. Night train makes cld.«g connection at W(s4- don for all point.s North vial. Richmond PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING C.\RS attached to all Night Trains, and rui through from Wilmington to Millord Statiou, on Richrilond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad. Freight 'Trains will leave Wilnaington weekly at §iS0 a. m., aiid arrive at 1:40 p. m- JOHN F. DIVINE, tienentl Acesl

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