HA. (-.5 KG?; CUV, WE F AVE SIhUCE rClTCLlS! FOK i hi: I .1 I, ? : i f 'in: Fuller r..J. T V tt'io: The IV; T' ow Him A Halt, f (I.ati So He Could do Hal';: Himself. It Wolllil U tot.ttit mild ly to say th it Ualiiilt was stunned on Sunday morning when it was generally known that Fitting .1. .1. I'.oyle. the . I f . I ... I jiru'st in riianr' oi in;'i auu- i " - licchuivh oftiu'Sa iv.IIl.'ait , ITtli'i.iy ofMay 1NS). li.vns.. th-y shall i..' iv.ii5i-..l of.l.'sus, had on Satunl iy T..al it shrill In unlaw- to pay th.'snia oi' for .-k h niHit Ini'ii i-oniniittMl to th- ml i'r any live stork smh asJay or part th.'.i-i'flhat they rifv prison on i harm- of ri m hrs.-s. i at(l. slu-.p. ho-s. may rnua-!' ii I hcii lnisin.-ss. inal assault on ayounnla.ly. ats. ia ks. j.-.n.M ts -.. or I'.-rsons iolatin- this or.li thcr,rJU)ist of his (hurrii. ir'sf. to i un at lav withir nam shall upon rouv:ctini. This faot v;is known on Sat-! the roi poratf limits of tin- Im lim-J not hss t lian S" nor uiJayni-htto many whi-n town, ami any stock fouml iuor. than JO. he was atrostoJ. but ' it was : running at lar-c asafoivsaiJ i Tb.-it if tin 1 own Mar not until Sunday inorninjrl""!- I'' impouiiJi'J ly the s!).,j ui!!i'ully n-lrri . t- that it was known throuuh-i town Marshal ami held under j;s,.!mi o(. j,js Juii(,s he shaM out thecitv. It' it had l.een generally known on Satiu - j 1 1 l . r J I . i day nionr some iear uu.i I'.oyle would have been I vn-, clied. This, the CiiHOMn.K. i i,s'J-'' al on horses ami 1 does not believe. The peo- cattle, ami Ke. on hoi;s. pie, here, have faith that tlie'shiep and other stock per: law will be vindicated. Hiid'iy. Ami upon taiiuro ot; m.vi;i:ii:.). tin tlKM-vemii jt js UHUe ()f n,nvcuiem e. ; I ivy iinish. ail the latest style, . ."' rv U dr.wu-inoiiams, they did not 'vant to briiur a j owners to .ay said sums, th;y i tin- Mih of May at the res- uv ,U(.t. w hileianv. Mr. (iray Sa tines. Worsteds. Victoria I.; is a! to iJ'cts. MuU ntain uptm the name of the! twn Marshal shall, alter the: M,-mv of th- bride's lather. ol- ti. m.;il ()- (;r.:, & Kia.ir ; nainsook, chiH.se doth, velvets. -h iiiimrs at 10c., sh'.etin. city. It dazed the people lexpiration of sixdays.adver-j . W. Fran nmand Miss b-u ilo l:ive had a very laviT1'.. alamaneeat 7c Table oil eki! h. Twilled drapery for Theycouldhanllyhebroueht tisesuch property as he may sa M. li'ieuu. ian.l li:K hotel la, ill. near whi.lrw cnitains oi orpin covers.- Mvuimi boys cassimer to realize that on one ot tlie 3 lirincipalstriH..ts.inthesan-(vljby virtue of thisordiuam-eat l precints of u church. sofoul.iH-" ourt House i!oor hi a deed had been committed, and, too, by one who minis tered at (Jod's holy altarand who was the pastor of the young lady. The indina ...ji ion of the people was very great and they waft very free in giving utterance to their denunciations. The following is the best statement we can give of tin crime. There have been so many conflicting statements that it is almost impossible to make a plain statement. On Saturday afternoon Fath er Boyle returned from New Herne. He arrived at the church, which is a residence as well. In the yard were two young ladies gathering flowers with which to decor ate the church. After he had gone into the house, he sent for the organist, a young la dy, only 17 years old, and told her that the music for Sunday's service was in his room and directed her to go after it. AVhen she did, he followed ami locked thedoor. She screamed, and he fright ened her ii i to silence by t h rea t ning to kill her. She made desperate attempts, without success, to prevent his ac complishing his purpose. Af ter he had succeeded he offer ed to run away with her. and marry her, saying that he hod plenty of money. She recoiled at sm h a proposi tion from the man who had taken advantage of his rela tions as a pastor to ruinhei . lie told her that if she said a word about this he would kill her. She left the church and walked home with her ' .friend. Saying not a word s about it until she was at her I home. Her friend asked her 1 i if she had not been crying, j t The young lady denied it and i J hurried home. When her I j father became acquainted f t with the facts, he procured n f warrant from the Mayor for Boyle, chief o police Htui tt went about 8 o'clock to 'ai red Boyleand found the un feeling brute asleep, seeming ly without regard for his act. Afterwards another warrant was served on Boyle for rape, and at mid-nigljt he was in I 'he city trison. His attor-j : , . ,. I I ! k a.- ! i. ..r -i ' ai.i thai m: ue ( i'!'irl't r iut liiu-'n ni. Tin- M; or ro;ni::i; i- I ( to iail. io a Ml i;:s til il ;li !ie !IC I'M" II O! . !,:. M!JH'Vm.,1 .,uv .-,,,,.1 u-lll-Sorili:-!- i ior i vain Nf..f.- r.fi. , M, j;M.,- ;l1lV des-ript ion Town 0 dii3n;; i'a J l.y ill- low. i Tom- 11. IW I ' 11 ! . I 'f I . II ll II' ( ' Ins control until the owner - sha!l pay 1 u iit -live cents; I ..11. K...I . I .1 : ! . l f 1 .! . I I r.- . !'V ' , ' " 1 ,,,r: -;iiii. www suaii nor excecu nn e seue.i ami iHipouimeai Hoone for the period of Ten ii i ii.i . ( pub he outcry to the ugliest ... . ,i . bidder at the town pen to .. f , , -Vi fi I ivli- r un 'i in i.iijr iiinv. i hi t-'i i iiiii nil! ' i. i i n i .- ... 4, , . , u .ii"', ii innr in mn , tu or tri turned to the owner, This (jrdiuance to be in fuiliand what of mortals iallin V lorce ami cnect on and aiier the first day of June lSSt). II. That it sh.a'.l beunlaw ful for any person to take, or attempt take, from the town Marshal any stock as above mentioned in ordi nance No. 1. in his custody. )) take fiom town pen any stock placed there by him. Any person so offending, up on conviction, he fined not less than. 2 nor more than $10. III. That it shall be un lawful for any person to use profane, vulgar or boistrous language on the streets and public squares of the town of Boone. Any one so offend ing shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than $1 nor more than 10. IV. That it shall be un- lawful for any person to put ! to his family, for word came upon the streets or public! to him that his wife had un squaresany obstruction to i fortunately broken a limb. public passage, or to put up-! on the streets or public squares any filth, or other- J. . . J .' . ., wise injure or impair sain streets and squares of Boone. Any person so offendingshall upon conviction, be fined not less than $2 nor more than V. That it shall be unlaw ful for any persons to engage in any affray within the cor porate limits. Persons so of fending shall upon conviction be fined not less than $2 nor ir ore than $20. VI. That it shall be unlaw ful for any person to dis charge any fire arm, to wit: guns, rifles or pistols on the streets or public squares of of the town of Boone. Per sons so offending, shall upon conviction, be fined aot less than 2.)C nor more than $2. VII. That all able-bodied men her.ween the asres of 18 and 45 years shall be requir- Mr. II. M. Kent, the -vey- ed to work noon the publiVor, has come back from his, stivets of the town of Boone, upon notice from the road - . i s ...- - ii II ti.." .-!l. I i , .. ." . ' h ' .1 i e i a on ' ll!'- ; : i sj ;..r t ; or r 1 inl. Ul. l"l i : 1 1 all peddlers heap-hum s.ili ..f. ; ,. , .. it'.i shail on'. 'ring to v.l at-o- r. obtain iroui tin Ma vor of coii' a lit i'iii to .x-i i tlu-ir tiaJi.' insaij in- ... il-l ii !' I t !. Ill Mllll fi ll- Vill i I ;., ,.victiou, heliue.l if 10 ;1Ul ,-....m,Vil from o!!i V. I!. t'orxriiJ. .Ii:. J ,j j.- Si-AiNiiotii ! C,ii;-':v jOUN s. Wii.i.i vms. J c. coVFICY, JIayou. ' Aoer ineceremonA, mcu;ji,.S- lJ..;jv's l,(.us.-.. durimr i was co-idu-ted by I. J. ! - ; Mierwoo.!. we repaired toil:,- dining room where oureyi iiiiii.t i i.it . nice v ami tasteimiv ar- I ' i .i . -I- n .', i rani-ed. that il old .wotner !i ii .1 -.1 ii I- t-n p.. hi in I i.n-ii i -ii i a i 1 1. . v. ki i ii i in 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1111 I, ... , uri n i.i un nt n i ir i m in Shave been tempted to eat. sum as we, Vlit'tllffWklltlli'lll .vn -in iww.i.i., i.:()(1 juis W..1! the new husband and wile. I .uay eace wreatne ner cnam about their persons. There was only one objec tion urged against Professor Francuu. as Principal of Cove ( rei.'k Acaciemy, hy the stock holders, and that- was that he was not a married man. So the Professor le,er,i)ii.ed that it sla.uid no hmuer ex- c. a. lid helic: he ol took unto Wa tair.va's liimself a v. i;c fairest daughters b; ne.vt ? ho will L. Liaville, X. C. M;i.v, xhe 17:h. '8'.). I'Mitor I)k.M!), :;at. Mr. Charley Moody, of V'atauga town ship, your county, was called home, yesterday, to attend and his son had chopped off some of his toes, so the work on Mr. Richie's house is sus - , , ,. . penoeu ior me pn seui . rone sure, uen wishes iorul. , .. ,.,.,..,.,. Thehotd building is prog- ,,-., U) ym oyrreutly low. ressing. Mr. (i. W. FounciilLMurchants should not miss has the frame of the main building up. It istobe!12xti0 feet, two stories high with an Ii. 3 Ir. Kelsey, manager of the company, left here Wednes day morning last, to visit his family at Highland inMacon county, this State. Highland is a smart town of Mr. Kel sey 's creation, for fourteen years ago it was ''out in the woods," now it is a "right smart chance of a town." Mr. McRea, president of the company, is here, and work is being pushed on the new streets. They are being con structed on the right and left. Mr. Rickt-c-cker, the Secre-j ! tarv, is al most always here. home in Lenoir, and he and ' Harry Kelsey are still sur - ' ! ... . ' J J . ' in' ' r- t ;.:. -'ill to woik 1 ' . " i . II 'I ' C i. . '!. Jr. I' . fini.i !;; lov.n ; . U .dr. t'oun-.-;:i on t!" in- !; i. i (m-re was aiiV O'Ul't , ...i, ,i, k .'i . .ii T " :lt VT u;,uI. ioults havi' u)W aiiLln'il It is now a mat it of Jays. Mr. Chaili's Moojy, of Wa i..un i tov. iishi. aUo it'tniii- 1 I TI r.l Mi y li'iiiay. ins i,t Ikm! ,i!i,''il a liiiib. and t Ii" hov i t:t tl.iv-.. tni-s. i.nt thv will U(.j We hear nothing: of a daily mail from fraiiherry heie, hut tiust ihat it will schui he rvlah'.isheil. J.S. V. BLOWING ROCS SI BOOMING. U. hpent a nil.t last ivivk i at ISIouil.jJT Koclv. witji our' old fii.nd L. V. Fst.s. who is one of the hest ami cievcr- e.-t nien in N. ('. and owns uiiii if t lu most desirable' places in this couniry. lie ' has rcivMly buili one of the tinest barns in this county, :tl,.iast '!X ni' n ! .is. lii '.v edtok.-' p 1 00 u jj; jM i1 guests. r. ' i ia '' is a neve'.- ,g. iit.i iii...i. in-. ...i. ' ,.,i. i. !.-,ir.-,J ! -"lv ' 1 11 ,!1 ' . 1 1 ti,., u . ! - sa.iim.i. I.. ..i. .-.,.-. ii -.ii. i . i iiiiiii-ii rn-; iiiii i : . i.mii. ,i on . i( . 1 1 i ! ( )-. u. 1 u ll.. (oi. - i j. , j. j I () I )li ! 1 1 1 M "' ' I 1 V S t ' f ; t,,f .,, js -(!! wj.j, y,., ii)..V(ii,i 'l'hev 1 1 .1 lie s;;V' fully that vo, they had every o p- ,rhim.v to slight it. as he was a way much of the time These boys are fir.ewoj kmen. and tii it's nor all. they arc i;.,,,,,,,,,-,,;. u-(Mitle.,;en. t a v are now bniidiuir Mr. M'-'-ris a tine dwelling Iioum'. The growth of i --'win::-r.odc. for the lat few y -ars. hns bi-'ii woner;,u Men used to say: "I assed I'.'ow-in- I!o"k" a t such and Mi'-h a time, now t'ley say. l-l went t'rrorh IMowing Ib-x-k at sii'-h an;l Mid; a time." i':!ow ing ftock used to b( iilmosl uothinir a little gap in tin mountain where the wind was constantly blowing, that i all. Now Blowing Hock is more than a mile long, and is the most popular summer resorts in the State. tiuAxn Closini; Out Sali;. 1 intend to close out my en tire stock of hardware in the next '20 days, and offer a great many things regardless i of cost. Best Heavy Handled Hoes $3.50 !:r doz. Steel 1 (tw J' v.'- ! Plow stocks Si 00. Bar Iron -i(.fs uov u smd anv thin'- this opportunity "pick up" saleable goods at a sacrafice. Very Respect fully, II. (-. Martin. " ""iiiirsiiiHOH's""" " (laliia Powdsr, Shee 6i jfea Pcwdsr, tellfe Powder, IS'srGdina Liniment, W. L. 15RYAX. a Mattress Co., MAXrK.ACTl KIMlS OF C0TT0X, (iUASS, lllSK and STB AW MATTRKSSES, Slat Sjrinus, Siirtog Kcd, Woven Wire; nu nn? Jiiiiin.; sis, i-uniiiiire I i .... ; ni uii., u.1., j . . . K05.TH CAROLINA, j : LENOIS, . iT.riVpri'Mvl.-r' rn ! uU 1 N V, inv v V ul u 'i spwlal Prim t Hotels B'd'ar lion i : JIokack l'own ia.. Manager. i!i t-.li: . '!!::; N .'". .-; o.i.js at it i:Iiii.u!.' low figares. .i.ui-:": il lit IO i ts Me.Vs w ool hats 2." rts. to Iiir!.:i1 a;..aji. Hardware coiii-t ing of. plows, s. chisihs. saws, hamnn i. hiue.es, A; etc.. iV: etc. (u; i-r oi'iiSI sort, nt Wot to:n variel v. and as cheap as it can ! found in the Count v. ,i;nn:!:nv imk-i-:,:ii-v fti:on:i;nv I Mil ;--. patfnt mkii!.im:s of all kinds, nt factory pru-'W. fir;;e loi ot shoes ill latest styles. Hoots at Prime cost. Aiwa V" on hand a I.ir;re lot of ToU'i-y Ih-otlier's Icatln-r. at ia; tory prici s. Jeans and CnssimiTs at Factory FnVes. Tinware at almot ii'itninp:. We also ha ye ; larejc lot of ' S.Ti:i:SOX (MiToiiv t l ."f. 1 I 1 I .ll.li.i. MMl " .Ui'.ll.M -.U.llMi" Yarn and Jeans at Factory prices, to echanue for wool or Ioiit he afraid to trad." with us if you owe us, for , will cuahlcyou to p-iy Uj hack dclits. All for sale at, hot torn limine. at Dr. J. U. Phillips i: Son. ATi:i;si. Mav la. (im. HOW CAN' Will Y. Hiilsi-law soil oo.Is so i heap? 1st. I5y hnyin.u.- far Cash nt the lowest prices ami p'tlms Hscoiii;ts, 'ml. liy liem.i; - -".rd. My h iving no had ichts for !.'iv down. I HOW ha ve in ph-te asMirtmcnt oTjuoods ever o.f '!, !'' sale, at bottom : jn i. es. even the bottom dropped rut. L0;i0 yards of cali- j t os. consist in.1;- of indigo I lues. : J0 to o(:e lie;-vard Men ami up. l.adi s hats tmtriui.neu lai.. sly'es. ." and up, 1 Trimmed .1.." ad up. Misses tri.nmed h its all styles. T,",. ;U1(J r-, ,vo!.t j, si Anvthi'iL c-a want at Mim 1 invent. p!-i'(. possible. Irom a paper oi needles at ac to plows and -i. -,, , . , ,. 1 (,v,, ".' m''lis 11 .'"on wdHet me order th, 'in tor von. .V) , ., .. , Iw.v,,.nn, 4, ,,(),),,-- SOLD O.N I l.Mh. the rotten cv.li tsy: tem m.istgo ' - ' t . i fir- i j JJo;- prices 11 i.-t i il o ll'j. ll is mail proieptlv li!ie.l. ICverybody is resjiecl fully i,.vitel to call and sr.- oi;;1 n u goods and low prices. No trouble to mar li"lm. Wn.i. Si-:YLN(i MACillNFS AXD- 0JJA.S This handsome -- Drawer Sew ing Machine with full set of at tachments ;;i),J fivs years guarantee frem the MA.vn'AC'int ;or L'.ciincF.x lM.;.Ai:s cas'i. (; or S other 1st. class Mad.i;,e. ' w ' iw - . l;t,ui ItailJ :nv house in A' ex rf,V. 20 years ex)erience in this busi ness. Write at once for drculnr.s tud prices. X:vdles I parts foi iiil Leading ' -achines. S. P. ANGEL, KNOXYILLi Tennessee. 0-ian 12m. SUBSCRIBE TO THE if Yea Wool t!3 Latest AivEimsE ix Tin: want it THE PEOPLE Puici; f 1 iT.it vi:au. in AD'AN"l.'K. . Vui. il 12', to 22 ts. iritis. Crockery in endirss i)ATt:i;sn IMCTOUV I I'l'I'lK'.lX' I i. '!. Hi I Suriir (!rovi X. ('. satidi".! wii!i small pi-ofits. or an j . as !r onlv for st oi-'c oi : i if I !w mn4 eii:ii. !a:;-Im:n.. c!i:m!;s. cham- LovV s-v,, l,-,t 1 On my mo o. .Ml oj-'Jers l.y urs, anxious to please. lloj.sc-t.Aw. ilas. ; t: : ' '.--'.-.Vi. 4 - -A and Most Ralia&le I'm. dkmockat if ycij to reach '.

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