'ECEMBER 28, 1922 THE WATAUGA DEMuCRAl Pat Tkiw bt Watauga democrat LOCAL AFFAIRS Because of little complaint am ong tome out of town subscribers. to our raiting the price of The Ymocrat on January 1. we have iecided for the benefit ' of tome of 1 ur kind patront who think we were l little tudden about the advance, to reeeivn lubierintiona 'at SI. 00 Ber ear until the 15th of January. We eel turt that thit give fair warn ing and lott of time in which to pay Ip. We thank everyone for the kind responses in thit connection and in sist that thote who have not done o get tquare before the latt man ned date, for then we mutt have SO per year, in advance. New Year's -Greetings. Born at the Watauga Hospital on laet Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. D. F. I Brown a son, Joseph Fueling. , The Friday Afternoon Club will aeet with Mrs. Lester Brown Decern Der 29. Mr. J W. Arthurs of Mooresville, lhas returned home after a visit to his jughter who is a patient at the Wa tauga Hospital. 1 The little child of Professor and Mrs. I. G. Greer who has been sick with pneumonia is improving. Rev. 0. L. Brown Methodist min ister will preach in the court house at 11 a. m. and at night next Sun day. Miss Nannie Rivers who is teach ing in the Sampson District is spend ing this week at her home" in Boone. WMr. Eller McNeil of Rutherwood was in town Monday and reported many cases of influenza in his sec tion, but none that were seriously ill. Mr. B. R. Bryan is we understand suffering from a right sudden attack of flu, or kindred malady, but his condition is not thought to be serious, Dr. George K. Moose returned Sun day from a second visit to his sick father in Rowan county, who we re glad to learn, is improving. Mr. Olin G. Winebarger of Meat amp, was a pleasant and much-in terested visitor to our shop Christ- Sorry to learn that our Register of Deeds Mr. E. M. Harman is quite a sick man. He is suffering with an attack 6f influenza but his condition is not considered serious and it is hoped that before many days he will be in his office again. Quite a number of people have been disappointed about getting their wedding licenses issued during the illness of Register of Deeds Harman but let us hope the conjugal knots tied after the holidays will be just as good and altogether as binding. Granville, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Dink" Berry of Vilas, is a very sick young man and much anxiety is felt by loved ones over his condition. His uncle, Mr. W. R. Gragg of Boone is to see him each day and we learn that arrangements are being made to give him hospital treatment at once. His serious illness is a result of an attack of flu. His half-brother Mr. McKinley Ayers of West Virginia, is with him. - JOHNSON-GREENE MRS. ANDERS ENTERTAINS At the home of Dr. and Mrs. McG Anders Christmas afternoon the Girls Sewing Club gave a miscellaneous shower, complimentary to Miss Mae Greene one of their members. Besides members of the club the invited guests were Miss'Ruth Ran kin, Mrs. Hooper Hendrix and Mrs. David Greene. . At the close of the afternoons en tertainment Miss Louise Critcher pre sented to the bride a huge red stock ing, filled with gifts, after which a salad course was served. FROM THE TRAINING SCHOOL On Tuesday last Mr. Cleve John. son and Miss Mae Greene were mar ried at the home of the bride's, pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M; Greene. Rev. F. M. Huggins performed the ceremony and the young couple left immediately for a few days. We understand that for the present they will live with Mr. and Mrs. Greene. The house was simply but beau tifully decorated. Only a few near relatives and friends were in atten dance. We hope for them the best. Mr. Johnson is an honest and straight forward young man connected with the State Highway Commission. Miss Greene is a splendid young woVnan of unusual ability. We believe the future holds much in store for them. GUEST. SUMMERS-TOPPINGS 8 mas day. , Mrs. Henry J. Hardin with her two IT :v hoiiTaysvu; hi r . uitzrJTz " r . I Tint- in nnnaaroriPO or TtiO Miss Ethel Toppings, teacher at Cherryville, N. C. for some time, ar rived at the home of her step-mother Mrs. Mattie Toppings, in Boone, last Thursday, and we supposed she was a holiday visitor and she was. But there's more to the story: Monday afternoon a wealthy young cotton The Training School has closed a most successful and agreeable sess ion, and the students are all off for the holidays except a few from Eas tern Carolina who are spending their vacatidn with us. As I pen these lines on Christ' mas day the sun shines bright over head and the thermometer registers a most delightful temperature as if winter had abdicated for the occa sion. Cupid seems to have been alert and diligent, and the wedding bells ring close upon the Christmas bells; Miss Kate Haskell of the Home Eco nomics department and Prof. Arlie Smith of the Science Department were married at the home of the bride's parents, Abbeville, Si C. last Thursday. Dr. Rankin of the Train ing School accompanied them and performed the ceremony. Cards an-! nounce two marriages for tomorrow Miss Annie Winkler of the public school faculty and Mr. Moore of Ka- leigh; and Miss Mae Greene of this town and Mr. Cleve Johnson of the State Highway Service. The social life of the community is brightened by the presence of the .college students "on vacation: Misses Ruth Dotson, Meredith; Anna Blair Anders, Trinity; Ruth Rankin, Win- throp; and Messrs James Councill and Fred Hodges, University of N. Carolina. J. M. DOWNUM. her town put in appearance at the Toppings home and on Tuesday fore noon the attractive and popular lady mother Mrs. M. B. Blackburn in Boone. ml Ci ' i. .. .1 L f U TXnnna iL J: , . oui v4. became his bride. The Rev. N. D. rnlyh:;Z n" xt Sun- Yount, Lutheran minister, tying, the ri .,7 L " " u v,;i Iknot that made two hearts beat as yays onermg w.u ue tuc The ,. left at once for N. P Orpene of Cherryville where they will make ureene ui , . ,,. dren's home I -W 1 Hff ivir. ana their home. The groom We have never ?kr?JK 'rt but we w to congratulate 0)1 caiuruuy. inu euuu cij. ever be welcome visitors in lioone, ! him upon winning the heart and i 1 1 I . V 1. . ,, . . iu o ;,: nana ot .uiss .tnei, wno is numutr e ipeciauy ai uie nume u. ., nmmi our best and most deserv- Miss Kathleen Crawford, graduate njarse of Gastonia, will arrive here Jiinuary 1 to assume her duties'as Superintendent of the Watauga Hos pital. Miss Crawford is well known Vere having spent several summers in the city. It is pleasing to know that the mer chants of the town without exception ing young ladies. A BIRTHDAY PARTY DO YOU Own ' 1918 W. S. STAMPS JF you own War Savings Stamps of this issue we shall be glad to collect them for you or to arrange their exchange for the new Treasury Savings Certificates if you prefer. A PRETTY HOME WEDDING At one o'clock Tuesday Mr. Ernest Moore a student at the State College Raleigh, was married to Miss Annie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wink- Oave njoyed the best holiday trade 1 Reverend R M Huggins officiating. ever, and let us say by way of pa , renthesis that the good result is due largely to judicious advertising. Thanks, many tnanKS, to our many friends and patrons for much appro- j ciated kindnesses in the shape of( vjvdrds and encouragement, and bet- Qer still, for many new subscribers and scores of renewals since we en- . tered a broader field in the news paper world. Miss Allie Brown was a pleasant caller at our shop last week, and renewed a subscription for an uncle Mr. Ed. Lowrance of Skidmore, Mo. Miss Brown in company with her mother has just returned f rbm a vis it i some weeks with Mr. Lowrance. Mr. Carl Beach on ot Mr. ana Wrs. A. V. Beach of Boone, who has been suffering with a hroKen leg m a Johnson City hospital for some time returned to his home here vr.uiiy. and is abie to be about town with the aid of crutches, although he is still wcarng a pla.-ter 'of Paris cast on the injured limb. The young man was working for a Virginia lumber company when the unfortunate acci dent occurred. 0 THANK YCU KINDLY The marriage was a cuiiet affair, only a few relatives and friends of the family being invited. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for Raleigh where they will re main until Mr. Moore has completed his collegiate course which will be next spring. Mr. Moore was a student at the A. T. S. formerly, and made many friends here. His bride is one of Wa tauga's choice young ladies. The Democrat extends congratulations and wishes for them a safe, peaceful and happy voyage over the sea of life. On last Friday December 22, the friends, neighbors, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Mrs. Anna Brown met at her home in honor of her 72nd birthday. It was a very" enjoyable occasion. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Williams and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Greene and family, Mrs Harriet Clawson, Mrs. Laura Green, Mrs. G. E. Hayes, Mrs. T. C. Norris, Mrs. Laura Jones, Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Greene, Mr. Manly McBride, Mr. E. J. Norris, Mrs. Martha ' Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Finley Hodges and fam ilv, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Cook and family, The only thing that marred the pleasure of the day was the absence of the daughter and only child, Mrs. C. G. Hodges who is in the Charlotte Sanitorium and her family who are with her. The table was loaded with good things until it was past groaning with its heavy burden. Thanks were re turned by E. J. Norris. Here's wishing her many more days as enjoyable as this one was. ONE PRESENT. N. L. Mast, President L. A. Greene, Vive-Pres. G. P. Hagaman, Cashier W. D. Farthing, A. Cashier Austin E. South, Teller Miss Pearl Hodges, Bookkeeper You saved splendidly to help your country. Save now to help yourself. And let us help too, by sincere aid toward the realization of your highest ambition. WATAUGA COUNTY BANK GONE. N C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the will of Miss Susie Farthing, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said cftate of deceased to present the same for pay ment within twelve months from the date of this notice or it will be plead in bar of their recovery and all per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This December 14, 1922. W. Y. FARTHING, Executor ESCAPED BY DEATH RESALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST "I desire to thank the friend" and neighbors most heartily in this man. ner for their united aid and cooper ation during the' illness and death of my recent husband who escaped from mo by the hand of death on Friday last while eating breakfast. To the friendd and all who contributed so ! . ef 3 1 Willi"? toward making the last mo- Insurance r ire, Lite andimnts and funeral of my hu..,')and a howling success. 1 desire to be re niembured most kindly, homing these few lines will find you enjoying the same blessing. 1 also have a good inilch cow and a roan gelding horse which I will ,!:e!l cheap God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.- He plants his foot steps in the s:ea and rides upon the iiorm also a black and white shoat very low. Obituary card in Eldorado, (Kans) Times. Casualty We wish to thank each and every one from the depths of our hearts for the great big-hearted contnbu n t fnnA nlnthinc. money and tllf 1 1 ui XV" - onndios an d fruits for the little tots, orphans, county home and the two WtitntP families during the holiday season. You have made a number of little hearts glad with Santa Claus rt,and in so much as you did it to the least of these you have done it unto , me, saith Christ our Saviour. EDWARD N. HAHN W. H. GRAGG, HAZEL CARRIGER AH now busineai and ex piring policies promptly at tended to. Adjustments promptly made. GEORGE F. BLAIR BLOWING RCCK, N. C. (Office in Postoffice BIdg) DEERFIELD DOTS Dcerfield public school closed on Friday December 22nd. with a nice Christmas tree, most of tho patrons taking part in the exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Storie's little -fnnr vpr old son died Thursday night after a brief illness and was buried on Christmas day in tne iam Nw nomotprv nt. Clarence McGhee's. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Rowles died a few weeks ago. Both of these deaths were probably re sults of measles. , to LOST Between Virgil and Cove Creek, leather handgag, with candy and chewing gum samples. For re ward return or write to American Candy Company, . North Wilkesboro, N- C. Tax Notice I will be at the following places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 1922 on the dates named. Let all those who have not paid their taxes do so at once as 1 pe cent will be added after February 1st, 1923. vrth Fnrfc R. F. Mller's store, forenoon December 18, 1922 .W V.. . V,.., - - . North Fork, Will Thomas' store, aiternoon ucccmoer 1 : Meat Camp, A. W. Hodgson's store,, forenoon December IS. 1022 Meat Camp, W. H. Nprns' store, aiternoon wui-emuer Bald Mountain, Todd December l'J, 1922 Cove Creek, W. M. Reece's store, lorenoon uecemoer iv, i.m r,nu Creek W. F. Sherwood's store, afternoon Deivriiifr 12, Jl'22 Beaver Dams, Don Hagaman's store, lorenoon uecemuer iu, u Stony Fork, Jerry Watson's store, aiternoon uecemuer iu, j Stonv Fork, Cook Bro's store, forenoon December 20. 1922 ell, r C Tr n ett's Store uetuiiiuui . Laurel Creek, James' store, fornoon December 21, 1922 T.oi rvoolf Rnmincer school house, afternoon December 21, VJt ci. !,., Mhhpv iJecenii)..'!' 22. V.K Watauga, 'Farthing's store, forenoon December 23. 1922 Wntnura. Shulls Mills, afternoon December 2., 192.. Blue Ridge, Stories store Blowing Rock Boone The bid having been raised as pro vided by law I will re-sell under and by virtue of the power of sale contain cd in a certain trust deed executed by T. M. Moretz and wife Florence Moretz to John E. Brown, Trustee for uinn-Marshall Co. of Lynchburg, Va. on the 11th. day of May 1922 to se cure the payment of the sum of ?C0j with interest thereon at the rate of 6 oer cent per annum from the date of thesame until pai.d and default having been made in the payment of the note secured bv said Trust deed the under signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at court house door in Boone, North Carolina on Saturday December 30, 1922 between the hours of 12 m. and 2 p. m. the following described lands: Beginning on an ash in the line of Hamp ClawsoVs heirs runinjr n 75 degrees U10 poles to a cln.vtnut. II. Clawron's corner, thence south 22 p. to a stake in I ::ivis line uie:: eaw with said line. 179 poles to a chest nut oak, Davis' coiner; then f.o'.itii with Davis' line ." poles to a branch thence down the biatieh 99 poles to .aid CIawt:o:i's line; thence v.ith said line 8-1 poles to the beginning, adjoin ing the lands of C. M. Blackburn, II. A. Davis, John Clawson, L. M. Green and others and located in Watauga County North Carolina, Containing 5G acres more or less and being the land purchased of L. W. Green and wife, P. P. Moretz and wife, S. G. Moretz. This Dec. 13, 1922. The bidding will start above $220. JOHN E. BROWN, Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE .December 28, 1922 December 29, 1922 December 30, 1922 J. E. YOUNG, Ex-Sheriff. Property of Boone Fork Manu facturing Company .in Cherokee Watauga and Avery Counties, North Carolina. By John A. Hambleton, Duff Merrick Receivers By virtue of an order and de- cree ol tne uistnct court United States for the Western Dis trict of North Carolina, dated Nov ember 7th, 1922, entered in the case of Summers Hardware Com pany, Lockett Bros. Co. and H. T. Hacknev Co. vs. Boone rorK Manu facturing Co. on a bill of foreclosure filed by Commerce Trust Company, Trustee, the undersigned, John A. Hambleton and Duff Merrick, Ke ceivers appointed by the Court for the properties of Boone Fork Man ufacturing Company (hereinafter called the Company), situated in the State of North Carolina and conveyed insaid Company's Inden ture of Mortgage (hereinafter call ed the Indenture) to said Trustee, dated August 1, 1921, and regic tered as hereinafter noted, will offer all right, tjtle and interest of the Company in and to all of Faid pro perties (now remaining), for sale, at public auction, at the time and places and upon the terms herein after set forth, to-wit: FI2ST GROUP OR PARCEL Watauga and Avery 'Counties All of the property situated in Watagua and Avery Counties in said State will be so offered for sale, as a whole, at the Court House door in the town of Boone, Watag ua County, on January 5, 1923, at 12 o clock noon, said properties be ing more fully described as follows: A. The saw mill and lumber man ufacturing plant of the Company, situated at or near the Post Olfiee of Shulls Mills in Watauga County, consisting of one single band saw mill, with re-saw and all machinery, log pond, one planing mill, one di mension and lath mill, battery of three steam boilers, one electric generator, one stationery engine, one charging station, , four locomo tives, forty log cars, one motor driven inspection car, one crank driven utility car, three electric tractors, two steam log loaders, and three steam log skidders, with all fixtures, appliances, machinery, tools, supplies and equipment to any and every of said properties belonging or appertaining; Together with all other mills, factories, houses, buddings, struct ures, engines, machinery, tools ap paratus, Mipplies, equipment and im provements of every kind and na ture, situated or contained upon the land, upon which said saw mill and lumber manufacturing plant is (it uated. or m anywise belonging or appertaining thereto, and for a more particular description of said saw mill and lumber manufacturing plant rcfuvr.ces is mad'.' to the Inventory filed with the Court by the above receivers on November 2,1922; And including also all right, title and interest of the Company in and to the hydroelectric plant on Boone Fork, Watauga County, from which electrical current is generated and supplied for the operation of said saw mill and lumber .manufacturing plant, as such right, title and inte'r- i est in and to said hydro-electric plant appears by contract between the Boone and Blowing Rock Light & Power Company and W. S. Whit ing and wife, and the Company and its receivers, dated September 25, 1922, and filed in the Register's of fice for Watauga County, to which contract as so of record reference is hereby made for more particular description and terms. B. The leasehold interest of the Company in and to the lands upon which the saw mill and lumber man ufacturing plant is situate, con taining in all approximately twenty six and three-fourths (26 3-1 acres as derived under the two fol lowing leases: (a) Lease from G.W. Robins and wife Luna to Boone Fork Lumber Company, Feburary 9, 191 G, regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeda for Watagua County, in Book No. .19 of Deeds, page 330, all right, title and interest of said lessee hav ing heretofore been du'.y assigned and conveyed to the Company; h) Lease from S. E. Gragg and wife to Boone Fork Manufacturing Company, November 6, 1922, filed for Regisration in said Register's office for Watagua County, and for a statement of the terms of said leases and description of the lands, reference is made to same as of ntord as aforesaid; The saw mill and lumber man ufacturing plant, with the lands up on which same is situated includ ing the "First Boundary" of "Par cel Number Four" as conveyed in the Indenture, which is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, in Book No. 1 of Mortgages, at pages 87 to 163, and in the office of the Register of Deeds for Avery County, in Book No. 11 at pages 1 to 163, and refer ence is made to the Indenture for more particular description. (c) A tract of land in fee con taining five and a fraction acres, situated near above saw .mill and lumber manufacturing plant in Wa tauga County, known as the "Bun galow Lot", and being the "Second Boundary" of "Parcel Number Four as described in the Indenture; Together with all tenements, houses and other improvements and privileges situated on dV appurten ant to said land. (D) The merchantable timber, wood and bark situated, standing, growing, lying and being upon tho following boundaries of land in Watauga and Avery Counties, to gether v ith all rights of way and other rights to enter upon the lands, to-wit: (a) The "Ilindman lands", con taining approximatly five thousand ("0()0) acres, and being the tracts described as "First Boundary" to "Twelfth Boundary", iiuiusive of "Parcel Number Five" of the Inden ture, and including also ,vh;.t is known as the II itt timber aivl cer tain lands contiguous to said Iliad man lands in fee, hereinafter li .ted by reference to the deeds therefor. The time to remove tho timber on the "Ilindman lands" expires on Feburary 26, 1932, excepting C3 to certain interior tracts on which there is a shorter time limit, more fully set forth in said Indenture, to which reference is made for more com plete description of the said bound aries and for a statement of the times in which the timber may be removed. (b) The Littio, Linney and Pat terson timber, being boundaries "Thirteenth" and "Fourteenth" of "Parcel Number Five" of the Inden ture, containing approximately 2895 acres, the time to cut the timber on which expires six years from April 6,1918, as to the Patterson timber, and eight years from March 8,1918, as to the Little and Linney timber, as more fully appears in said In denture; (c) The standing timber on ap proximately five hundred eighty-four (584) acres known as the Lenoir Lumber Company and Watauga Lumber Company lands, being the "Fifteenth" to "Eighteenth" Bound aries oi "rarcel Tuimber rive ol the Indenture, the time to cut and remove the timber 'on which is limited to Feburary 23, 1925; (d) The Linviile Improvement Co. timber approximately seven hundred acre?, conveyed as tho "Nineteenth Boundary", of "Parcel Number Five" in the Indenture, being th etimber originally conveyed to tho Boone Fork Lumber Company by th ela:i vil.s Improvement Compa'iy a;id Donald McRae and Hugh McRae

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