Four ??????????????? tHSatauga democrat. ft- C. RIVERS, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED ON THURSDAYS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Effective only until Jan. 1st. 1923) One year $1.00; Six months 50c. .... Three months, 25 cents Entered at the postoffice at Boone N. C. as second class mail matter. AS TO ELECTRIC CURRENT The board of town aldermen as is norated elsewhere in this issue have some propositions from Mr. E. VV. Thomson, who owns the fine power proposition on Watauga River, as to furnishing Boone electricity for both lighting and commercial purposes. In order that Mr. Tomson may build his plant of sufficient size to supply our every need, he must close some sort of deal with us soon as he must start on the big- job a searly as possible. If we refuse to accept any proposition made or come to no terms ?i i ...:n i... i -1. i.i.. c .. ni" (Mni uk~ uaiu witi\ li/i Blowing: Rock, whereas if we are so inclined, we can have it twice as large, with adequate current for both Boone and Blowing Rock for years to come. It is as we wish, Mr. Thomson wants us to let him help us in this our great need; we don't know exactl.% what propositions he has made, but it is evident that he is reasonable and that ar: agreement can be made with him that will be good for us. He wants to invest money here, so why not? Our growth in many lines depends on our power. Wo have long been handicapped because of the lack of it. and now. town fathers,, we implore you to come to terms with Thomson without unnecessary delay, the town stands with you, don't be side-tracked by other propositions. This one is sure. Let us all stand as one on this issue for its our real chance. T'n ematter will probably be definitely decided upon Saturday evening when the Commercial Club meets at the Critcher Hotel. Be and boost this project. Opportunity knocks, shall we open out dooj ? SWISS CHEESE IS NOW M ADE IN NORTH STATE (Raleigh News and Observer) Swiss cheese with the regulation eyes and teardrops, is now being manufauturod in North Carolina. To date, i; is only being done in an expenmoniai way :?y ino dairy specialists of the State ('allegro and department o1 agriculture, hut the outlook is bright for the new industry to become firmly established, according l?? F. H. ?Iester, editor of the department. "This new industry for the state was begun last year at the Cove Cove Creek Go-oporatfVe Cheese Factory in Watauga county/' he said. **lt nas long been known that the mountain coves of North Carolina were ideally suited to the manufacture of cheese. Since the movement was begun in a small way over there in 1915 by experts of the experimental station and extension service, there has been a steady increase in the number of factories being built until about- 21ft were onci> thnt'c u-aiiI/I Ku mnoli reason for bitterness when farmers are out of money. A RUSSIAN MYSTERY (Washington Herald.) It is announced that the Russian people under the Soviet government ? have now a surplus of grain which Vthey can export. And yet, singular as it may seem Russia will stiil need the assistance of foreign nations in grain. Now, what does this mean? The answer is simple. In Russia's vast empire it is more difficult to move goods from one part to another than than to move goods from the remotest part of the world to Russia. The reason is that Russia has no railroad system worthy of the 'name. She had none under the old Czar. But even such railroad equipment as she had was completely destroyed during the war. It is in better condition today than it was when the Soviets took control but it must be in very much better condition still before the Russians' grain can be brought from all parts of the empire to feed the western cities. Russia is now buying railroad equipment right and left. Five hundred million dollars worth was recently bought from Canada. Germany and England are selling Russia hundreds of millions of dollars worth of engines and cars. Only America has so much business that she can afford to throw away Russian business in order to satisfy the spleen of our international bankers. POLITICAf PRISONERS TO "RECEIVE PARDONS. "President Harding," says a dispatch of the 29th, expects to sign tomorrow commutations of sentences of 12 or more "political prisoners" There will, however, be no "generpl amnisty" it was added. The commutation. it was explained, will l>e in the nature of a News Years gift. Just prior to Christmas the President granted these commutations but these were not for offenders of war-time laws. RfeV. J. F .DAVIS WRITES We are in receipt of a letter from Rev. J. F. Davis, formerly of Boone, in which he congratulates us on "The New Democrat" and upon the growth of our town, and expresses a longing to visit Boone again. Rev. Davis has many friends in Watauga to whom he sends best wishes. Ha is now located at Hilda, S. C. SORE MUSCLES Vacations are often spoiled by soreness resulting from outdoor games. A good massage with Vicks often gives surprising relief. WICKS 1 WW VapoRub <.'v -a. u* | Miss Anna, Ed mist en, excellent as sistant teacher, entertained five o? her baby friends at her home one night during the past week liy saying baby friends we mean babys of the family and as she. Mis:; Anna, is the bahv she enjoyed her friends very much, also t he rest of the family enjoyed having them. School closed December 23 with a nice little program including an excellent address by Mr. Edgar Edmiften a student of the A. T. S. and a member of the E. S, of that school, c: the subject "Christmas'", with four sub-heads; What does it it mean; Origin; Why do we keep it; How should we keep it. It is being spoken of by who heard it as being one ? f the best talks ever delivered at th'1 school. Mr. A K. Trivi-tt our local merchant has bought and sold t > the Northern markets nearly $G,000. worth, of turkeys from this section. Fine for our section. RENTING COFFINS IS VOGUE IN ATLANTA Operation oi >\-ei? of i.nting fine coffins whereby persons ?f mod* erato means could provide exiu-itbive appearing fun.Tab for relative .> at a small cost, was revealed as police eoiitinued their probe into the 10b!very of graves in a south > do cemetery by a board of lietizro men. i S. F. Ware. negro proprietor of the Atlanta Undertaking ' , : v. and said to he the in 4 ;ra:or ??i" the crime, was indicted by r niton county ^rand jury on chart s of grave i >!>berv. Charles Maddox ?o.d Thurrnan Jones, two other men, alsj wtro indicted. President Harding broke White House records several months standing when he shook hands with 1.150 persons in a recent reception* Saving seed from the best vegetable in the garden is a sure way to know the worth of what you plant next season. L Si uality in building ma- |al J. uo in oiner things. jet the lengths, grades, ?er you want. fj|| I stronger each day for p h the price be much p ound that quality must w of the price. Take for jp iding. One dealer may jus i, yet it is full of loose oj= is cheao In nii?ll?? ? nc3 <1? SjiJ s thro. >ughly kiln dried S , and will make a beau- M ild you want for your g a part of the price? g 1 I ,& Lumber Go. I