established in 1888. A VOLC. . TV PRESS CONVENTION! .AT HIGH POINT Adopts Resolutions for Continuing State Highway Program? To Meet At Blowing Rock For Summer Session. (By J. A. Parham in Charlotte Observer) After unanimously adopting a set of resolutions placing itself on record as favoring a continued pro gram 01 progress for the state, the North Carolina Press association adjourned its mid-winter convention here at 5 o'clock this afternoon to meet next, in its annual summer convention, at Mayview Manor, Blowing Bock, the exact date to be fixed by the executive committee, after consulting with Walter Alexander, who will be the host at the summer meeting. For State Progress Resolutions adopted endorse the proposed issue of fifteen millions of dollar- in state bonds for highway, in addition to the fifty million already authorized, in order to round out the state highway construction program; express appreciation of the value of a ship line plying between North : Carolina ports and the markets of the : north Atlantic seaboard, without specific endorsement or mention of the do finale plan set forth in Governor Morrison's message to the log-; islatun- end likewise rccogthe importance of a direct outlet and rail connections for the wo t, promising ' to "give our earnest consideration to the -doa of constructing a line of 1 raiiroad through our western mountains which wiil connect with the systems of the west and open the "lost provinces." 1 Another resolution recognizee what 1 is termed a growing laxity in respect 1 for law and pledging members to ' eonsecrateu efforts to stimulate great 1 er respect for the laws and the land 1 i-and urges firm and impartial administration of the laws. .Still another 1 resolution pledges the members of < the association to efforts for the fur- 1 ther material development of the 1 state and general program of prop- * ress, aisu pledging tne press to a 1 program to further diminish illiteracy 1 in the state. t AFTER MoRi* READERS' j At the morning session the convention adopted a plan of campaign for increasing the number of news- ' paper readers in the state. The extension service of the University of North Carolina is to prepare copy for display advertisements, and as prepared by Charles A Webb, The Asheviile Citizen will prepare mattrices for daily papers and the West- 5 ern Newspaper Union will furnish plates for the weekly papers, all to ( be published ill u campaign or com- ; cation of the people to the value o** ' reading the newspaper.-. ' F.vnrp;ino- cvmivjiir- ">'! - t lence fdr the family of the late Col. J. Bryon Crimes, secretary of state, a t message was telegraphed to Raleigh today under instruction of the as- j aociation which took this action upon ; motion of J. A. Livingstone, of Raleigh. The vcrc to accept the invitatioi: of Walter Alexander to meet in his new hotel at Blowing Rock for the summer convention was unanimous and followed brief discussion of the question. air. Alexander was present and renewed and reinforced his invitation extended last summer. Lenoir and Hickory already were lined up ready ? to co-operate with Blowiijg Rock in entertaining the publishers and editors at their towns on their way to ' the mountain resort and helping in 1 conveying them to the "Rock." Mr. Alexander said that he had ample ^ accommodations for from 100 to 500 1 persons, if they would meet there * ahead of the summer rush. It is pro- 1 bable that the convention will be held c comparatively early in June. V Resolutions Addopted While the association did not spe- ' cifically endorse the plan of Govcr- ? ner Morrison for a state-owned ship ' line, with a commission and $2,000, 000 to buy ships and treminal fac- * ilitics, it did endorse the proposal c in principal. It resolved "that we appreciate the value of a ship line I olvinsr between our norti and lfc#> t markets of the north Atlantic sea- c doard and that we give careful con- t sideration to any propoaals looking c to the establishment of such lines 1 of transportation." 1 Likewise while the association did ) not endorse any specific route for a i new railroad into or through the < northwestern counties, it resolved r "that we recognize the importance of a direst outlet and rail connec- ^ tions for the west and that wc give 1 our earnest consideration to. the idea ? of construction a line of railroad ] through .our .western .mountains I which will connect with the great ] systems of the west and open the 'lost provencct.' " < "Be it resolved that we recognize 1 the great value of our good roads i and the importance of completing i the forward program now under 1 IC Wto i Non-Parti?an Family Newspaper. De BOONE. \\ IS FREE AND SANE" SAYS DR. PEACOCK Tells Wife He is Free and Has been Pronounced Sane Penitentiary Officials Dubious, But Are Making Efforts to Get Information. A letter purporting to have been written by L)r. J. W. Peacock, form- 1 er Thomasville physician, who cs- ? caped from last September from the l criminal insane department of the state penitentiary was received Mon day by his wife. The letter was dated : Lakeland, Fla., and stated that Dr. I Peacock had been set free by a judge of that state after alienists had pro- 1 nounced him sane. 1 In the same letter came instruc- ' lions that his _ instruments, equip- 1 nient and office furniture be for- * warded to him, with the statement that he planned to resume the prac- i lice of medicine at some point in ' Florida, and hat he was planning * to spend Monday and Tuesday in St. ( Petersburg, with a view to deciding ' on r- ation for the practice of hi< 1 profession. The question already is being agi- \ taled as to what cour e will b? p sued in regard to bringing him hackto this state. Solicitor Bow or, of Ml. Airy, according to unconfirmed reports, has said that he can be brought ; t-iie!.. Mr. Bower was the prosecu* r 1 tor lie state in 1 < notable trial if ' Peacock at Lexington year bofor1 In charge of murder of h nf Police Taylor, of Thoma* villc. MR G. A. BRYAN RETURNED TO 1 HOSPITAL AT MORGAN t ON Mr. George A. Bryan, of Boone, ' ivho for some weeks has been vcry anwell, in fact unable to leave his room, was retunned to the Western ' Hospital at Morganton last Saturday : loi treatment. uepucy finrcritt Hayes ind Dick Hodges accompanying him. J rhis is the third if not the fourth * ime George bus been a patient there, < ?ach time for the same cause, bad * nental derangmept. It is hoped, still ' .hat he, naturally one of our bright- 1 jst business men, will again recover * [rem the cause that has darkened 1 lis brilliant mind. He has always re- 1 urned well, but just as often he has { jone back into the old rwt^ that 1 save caused all his mental troubles. Bad, too bad. for any one with his * natural ability to be in this condi- > ion. i WANT STATE LIQUOR LAWS TO CONFORM TO DRY ACT Legislation proposing t?s make the 1 tfc?ito liquor laws conform to the Vol- * tea J Let was approved by the trust- \ >es of the North Carolina Anti-Sal- 1 ior. league in :Nessiu?i iiunday pic- ' iminary to the law enforcement con 1 ention of the teniperaritC" forces of 1 he state. The bill, drawn by a spec- ' .1 committee, will be presented to ' he convention when it meets. 1 HUST KIDNAP THE niw ronm ?- * TfflJU TO OKI' HIM ; Greensboro Officer Fail To Get Al- \ le^ed Yeggman From New York State. \ Greensboro,?New York police dicers told a couple of Greensboro ^ Officials, just back from Gotham, that j f they wanted to get Lounis Flood, \ aid to be fourth member of a gang J >f yeggmen, they would have to kid- j lap him. , The two men returned to Greens- v loro Monday empty handed. Gangs ?f all sorts are so well organized md have such financial backing that, hey were told by an attorney they ngaged in New York to help them t ret Flood, that it is piactically im- i icssible to carry a criminal wanted a n another state out of New York, fc The New Yorkers told of the kidnap- i ng of an alleged murderer wanted in t Baltimore in New York, but the two t Greensboro did npt care to take the e ihance of going to jail themselves. f Hnwuvur iKnir l?o?o L * ?...v.w. j <i??c UIIVC hick uure i nembers of the alleged gang, arrest- ? ?d three weeks ago by them, on the i >n the eve, police here say, of at- \ empt at big burglaries and safe I tracking here and in this section, i Phe New York police told the Greens- t >oro men that two of the men, Joe c Blruno and Jack Matherson, are well ind unfavorably known by them. The J >ther, Harry Muliins, lives here, rhey will be tried here. i : t w*y" said the highway bonds reso- i ution adopted, "and that we hereby indorse the issurance of bonds for j 15 millions of dollars in addition to 1 that already authorized for the pur- 1 >ose of carrying on the road plans." 1 The meeting was pronounced one i )f the best mid-winter meetings yet t leld and the attendance was up to i standard, about 100 members and ] vives of members of the association s jcing present. i 0 / rfmtg voted to the Best Interests of Boot 'ATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CAR< MOTHERS AID BILL TO BE PROPOSED Would Provide Aid For Mothers Who Are Unable Financially To Care For Their Children. Rtheigh, Jan. 12.?A bill to provide aid for mothers who are men-' tally, morally and physically able to j i*are for their children, but who are | financially unable to do so will be' proposed to the general assembly by various civic and fratennal organisations in the state including the Vorth Carolina legislative council of A-onien with the approval of the state noarct 01 chanties and public welfare, it was announced here today. Such aid will mean the annual expenditure of $? 00,000 by the state and several counties. It is planned .hat the state "appropriate $50,000 a i rear from which appropritions made by counties which take advantage of ! the biil will be matched dollar for ! lollar. It will be permissive with the several counties whether use in made of such provision. 1 There are now approximately >.- 1 00 in the state who are in need of I he benefits of such legislation and for whom there i no room in the jphan;.:- > oi the slai: , declared Mrs. Kate P.-jrr cs m ission- ; :v of nuhi.c welfav . The whole dea of mother's aid law is (hat thsome is the mo t i-factory place for the rearing ??1 the child and that 1 uothi-r and child should not He sep. rated for realms of poverty only, it * s > ' xplaincd. It is generally admit- < e-i. the commission r stated, that | us- itutional life, however good, can lever he as advantogeous for the development. t?the child as nor- 1 mal home i.fe. 1 No new machinery will be required , for the administration of mother's lirl in North Carolina, according to he commissioner, as the funds would \ )c adminimtcred l?v the state board j ?f charities and public welfare otficmy acting under their respective J >oards of the county commissioners. tecommcnciations lor benefit under ! his law would be made by judge of he juvenile court and the county >oard of public welfare supject to he approval of the state board of harities and public welfare after nvestigaticn. NortH Carolina is one of the six dates only which at present have 10 form of mother's aid. The idea s steadily growing in popularity, unlor standing and execution. The law lilFers in different states as to thi requirements for the mother who shall receive aid. In the proposed law 'or the state a mother shall be eligible for benefits if she be a widow ' ?r divorced cr deserted, if it be found , mpossible to require the husband to .uppuil biu*, or the husband is found j o be mentally or physicial incapai i ! a ted to support his family, or if; ic is con lined to any penal or cl 'niosynary institution, provided no dative is able and willing to under ake to aid the woman efficiently. The beneficiary must have been a esident of the state for three years md the county one year. Each case vill require thorough investigation tnd constitute a particular problem L, ind it is here that the careful superpsion of the state board of charities c inq public welfare will be of special i ~ alue. j a An interesting: system of mothe. v tid is being used at present by Rv . a d. L. Kesler, superintendent of the j baptist Orphanage at Thomasvilb, f ?Ir. Hosier has been admir.isterin-, t nother's aid to more than 150 farn- c lies and has expressed his opinion fc hat much better worlar can'"be done yhen families are kept intact. ? \ ? t IN THIS ISSUE s r We are printing in full the Gov- < ;rnor'* message to the Legislature t is a very exhaustive document. 1 ma every citizen of the state should a ip given the opportunity to read it. s This is the first country weekly in V his part of the state to publish such e i document, and we feel sure our fforts to please our readers will be ully appreciated. We hoped to grt i t to them in our last issue, but fail- c d to get the copy until the day of i tunucacion. it it t!to to remind yon $ hat the length of an article has c ?ut little to do with its publication t n these columns, provided, however, i :he subject matter is of interest s snough to warrant it. t / * HAY LOCATE IN BOO$E SOON t Mr. T. M. Greer, formerly of Wa.auga, now of Bloomfield, Nebraska. 1 n sending: check to Democrat says, < four present paper is surely an im- 2 movement. We are always so glad j to get it. It is a great pleasure < ,0 us to hear of the improvements a >eing made in Boone. We hope that < n the near future, we will be able a .0 locate there." We are of the opin- t on that the location of Mr. Greer in < Boone (although we have not been I a ?o advised) means a creamery here,] | it least the straws point that way. |.? , u M oc, and Watauga County, "the Lcadc: >LINA, THURSDAY JANUARY 18. N.C.PR0HI. AGENTS i MAKE FINE RECORD State Prohibition Agent, Kohass.Re- E ports Fine Work For Year 1922? Many Stills and Much Liquor Destroyed. Public sentiment in North Carolina, especially in the western part w of the state, is overwhelmingly in n favor of enforcing the prohibition t) laws, R. A. Kohloss, state prohibi- fi tion director, declared tonight in si making public a report on the activ- 1? ities of his department last year, a which showed 132 automobiles, val- r ued at $43,382 had been seized; 1,- c 025,745 gallons 6f malt liquors des- h troved; $100,849 in fines and $17,- bj 648 in assessments by the collector of internal revenues had been collect- c td, and 1,918 persons prosecuted. j The report showed 326 persons (had been given jail sentences and v 72"? fined. Assessments amounted to J $301,579.68 and the total apraised ?j value of property destroyed $390,200..";S. The total appraised value of ^ tk property not destroyed was placed at $45,788.10. i n a lector to r cderaT Prohibition I j Coninii:siorier i.. A. llavnes, Wa.-n-j inj: I). C-, Director Kohlo-. called! iitv ition to th( largo miroh of cor!-' viction- in the federal courts <?l the| "I state and a-sorted tile total of 1 .Oo?j|f J i'u not include the cases tried by i rh :t:;U < ourW. When the rcp..-t ? from ?he fell term of the federe.' poUrt at Wilmmgton and Ralelgn ar 'received, he continued, the total nun! ' >er ot convictions is expected to reach j 5 , *t, on will note that our men have j . 3e>t royed approximately 1,100.000 gallons of mash, beer and pomace. The quantity utilized for making 'mooneshine" in this section of the country where a great deal of sugar n is used in the mixture and the liquor ,r produced from same is known as Sugar Head Moonshnie/ would have h produced approximately 100,000 gal- h ons of whisky, basing the figures )v. information acquired by me from !a ;hose,whe are familiar with the dis- p dilation and who have estimated a al treat deal above that figure. In adlition to this you will note we have m lestroyed in real made whiskey 13,- si 311 gallons. a While there is a great deal of noonshine liquor being made in the c< ?tate, yet., from my observations and di nformation gathered through out the h; itante, has led me to believe that the raflfic in j^hiskey has been greatly c< educed and that many eases of ia 1 run ken ess occasionally visible in the fi late are caused by the promisuous ir idling of denatured alcohol by gauges, paint shops,and aecasionally m Irug stores , where act 17, national p jmhibition law, and act 7 regulation j o 10 ant! article 108, regulation <?! are |fj violated. , \ "I am endeavoring to procure the j tames of all automobile dealers in|n he state to whom I intend to issue J Q circular letter calling attention that ? Icalers who are selling this denatur-j r *d alcohol are required to lable same; is poison, and refrain from selling j o anyone except when alcohol is j o be utilized for automobile purpos s. I wish to say, however,'in behalf j drug stores that they are very j V .trict in the distribution of denatur-1 'd alcohol, but Mind that the garages ire the places where the laws are iolatcd, while perhaps unintentionally on the part of many of them, h ret often people purchase the stuff **< ;rom them in pint, and quart quart- ^ ities and put it in the pockets and di arrv it away to be consumed for ai leverage purposes. u) 4<i beg to suggest that some pro- tc isio'n be made requiring garages not T o sell any of this alcohoi only when ni ame is, placed in raidiators cf auto- si noones. i also find that some garag- in s have notices in their windows in Alcohol for Sale' so much per gal- in on, failing to specify the kind of U] tlcohpl that they are selling. Such igns attract the attention to those tl] ?ho are looking for intoxicating lev- te rages. pj "I am glad to state that public to sentiment in this state, especially n the western part of the state, is w >verwhelmingly in favor of enforcng the prohibition law. I base my H assertion upon observing the attitude cz ?f jurors throughout the staate in it he state and federal courts, where "1 nvariable, if there is reasonable and w lufficient evidence against the viola- o1 or of the prohibition law, the jury la >rings in a verdict of 'Guilty.' hi "Taking conditions as a whole I hink we should be gratified at the M results oroduced durinc thf- vi?ar ?i 1922. I wish to say ir. behalf of the w )fficers connected with this organisation that they have displayed a V p*eat deal of ability, energy and alirtness in coping with the situation, ind this combined wiht the hearty :o-operation from your department U ind vaur personal inspiration and ir ;hose of the department of justice g )f the state, and some of the state i U tnd county officers, have made it I ir possible for me to submit to you this! ii >plendid report," he said. I o tltflcCT r of Northwestern Carolina." 1923 H ATESVILLE HAS~ LARGE FIRE WED. eginning at One O'clock Yesterday Morning Fire Rages Over Three Blocks?Powell Tobacco Factory Other Business Houses Destroyed. Scatesville, N. C. Jan. 17.?A fire hich began at 1:30 o'clock this lorning was raging over an area of hree blocks here, and effort of the rcmen was mullilfied by a strong outh wind. The sections which are urning included south Center, Steele nd Meeting streets up to the rail pad tracks. Buildings in this' area on>ist of residences and business ou.-es, the Powell Tobacco Factory jeirg among the burning buildings. At 2:*15 A. M. the fire was under ontrol after one block between Ccner and Meeting Streets had been ompletely destroyed. Other sections ,'en. protected by firemen and a trong wind made the task a hard Seven negro and three white resiences as well as several negro busiest establish merits have bee,1, de? royed. A local ho.-i Iry ibe U?i. y i?'U ?. ; has been destroyed and the Wallace Brothers, formerly a lo-j .1 " warehouse. The fire originated a negro pressing club. LOVONER MORRISON S program in brief Tv. o constitutional amc- -in : t?nr limiting the state's indebtedness > > per cent ?>C the value of Us property and another prohibiting fujn Legislatures from diverting inking funds. Provision for creation of sinking unds for payment of the Stai^T* I onds issued for highways and perlanent improvements at the State's istitutions. Additional fifteen million doilar ond issue to complete the state's ighway system. duplication of the program of the ist legislature for permanent 1mlovements at the state's cdueationl and charitable institutions. Creation of a ship and port comlission, with $2,000,000 to establish ate port terminals and to purchase fleet of ships. Creation of a state department of jmtnercc and industry and a state epartment of banking, the latter to ave supervision of all state banks. Appropriation of $500,000 and amprehensive and adequate legisition xo conserve and promote state sh and oyster and other seafood idustrics. Provision of adequate funds to prolote and carry forward the present, rogram- of progress and extension i the health, educational, social welirc ; i.'i g.ruultural department. ?.ir. En mend Greene is seriously i ai;- home of her son, Mr. .John reel.- . of Hodges Gap. IKIETARYOF STATE APPOINTED /. N. Everett of Richmond County will Fill Vacancy Caused Sy Death of Grimes. Palcigh, .N. C., -Jan. 15.?Facing is colleagues in the House of Repiser.tatives here tonight, W. X. veretT. of Richmond county, tenered his resignation from that body nd announced his acceptance, of the ppomUuect to the secretary of state succeed the late J. Bryan Grimes, he announcement came as the efiax to a short but interesting sesori at which several new bills were itroduced. others passed third readg and the Neal resolution for an ivestigation of state printing came a for discussion. On the other side of the corridor ie Senate received two bills fos red by the North Carolina Municiil Association and adjourned until morrow morning at eleven o'clock. The resignation of Mr. Everett, hich was announced earlier in the rening, did not come as a surprise, e expressed his desire that the eduitional program be carried on to s fullest extent and stated that the people everywhere point to us ith confidence and pride/' inview F the policies which the last legisiture had shaped and" which it was is hope this body would carry on. In recognition of the services of [r. Everett, Representative Everett, f Durham, moved a rising vote hich was dulv recorded. fANTS INVESTIGATION OF CHARGES MADE BY UPSHAW WASHINGTON,?Discussing the pshaw charges as to liquor tir'nktg by members of Congress and high overnment officials, Representative 1*11, republican, Maryland, declared 1 the house that they* ought to be lvestigated and not be broadcast ver the country unchallenged. f / Publi.htd WnUr ; iJ BRYAN CRIMES ; DIES IN RALEIGH I Secretary of State Since 1901 Sue cumbs to Attack of Pneumonia An Able Official. J. Bryan Grimes secretary of state since January 19C1, died at 8:30 o'clock at his home on East Lane street after an illness of two weeks pneumonia and in fluenza. The disease that left him a mark for complications had run its course without giving special alarm. But failure to show any Improvement for days and particularly today left no ,in'.iKt u:? - ?-- * <?v?ui. nitxi in> r-.-MTve rind r.ii jjfune. He passed the* crisis in both diseases v iihout ability to rally. The news of his death struck the city a straggering bl . H had never relinquished his Pat a si \ residence, hut he held al: but his nr. ming i r . !-' and ' v<>' ivcj: > j taking the oath of ollic; he had held the distinction t?T the .sr;-"sr man in the stai *s cabin t. It ill he written of him that an a:-:.<-r cctary of .state has not s?. r .el the | stat . ; Colonel Grim:- v:a the -on of Gen. rlrta.: ' m;- ('.e : .cb fame an w m in Pitt count; .> S years I ago. lit w?s g- .i i sated from t he :ni in the r't -rti4 isss and I iiny?:1: the trust'.- - he vas regarded o anna mat r The political rv\oiution lot the tas! sent him into e.Tjoe with | the adoption of the uopsiiruiionai amendment of 11)00 arid every candidate seeking to dislodge him had found in him a political fee with only service record as his machine in politics. Six terms he was chosen secretary of state on that record alone. Universally he was regarded invincible. Colonel Grimes was twice married first in 1891 to .Miss Mary Laughinghouse and in 190-1 to Miss Elisabeth Forrest Lauphinghouse, daughters of f?... I^ l i -1-: ? ** . ?l?t. t/vivr uau^imignoust!, OI Greenville. Four children come of the two unions. lie is survived also by a brother, Wliliam Dcmpsie Grimes, and a sister, Mrs. W. Croom Rodman, of Washington, N. C. CHEAPER COAL IS SEEN FOR THE FUTURE In the strengthening of the railroad credits, and the maintainehcc of peaceful industrial relations a way ear: he found to provide a more adequate and more reasonable priced coal supply for the nation, according to the report of the special committee of the American Railway Association. If regulative bodies and committees will adopt "such an attitude towards the railroads and will convince tlu v public that money invested in railroads will receive a fair re; urn," the Ajport .-aid, "carriers will bo able to increase facilities to in: ..iv transports oi> of the supply, while preventing of strikes would allow regular production without congestion such as that which now develops when consumers endeavor to lake in all of a winter's supply during a comparatively few weeks. The report pointed out that since 11)10 the number of bituminous coal mines has not more than doubled, while the output, of coal per mine, figured or. an annual basis, had de creased. This, it was stated, domoii:trated 'inflation' in the industry, aiid put a strain upon the railroads, in that they we r ere qui red to attempt to distribute cars among: ail the new mines and like wise keep available an increasiir-i reserve of cars and lomocotives for serving ".nines that operated only a part time basis. ? FROM BARREN DESERT TO SENATE INDIANS COME TO PLEAD Twelve delegates representing: twenty Indian Pueblos of New Mexico are expected to arrive here to-morrow to appear before a sub-comxnittee of the senate public lands committee in opposition to the Rursum bill dealing: with land and water rights on the lands granted them in 1680 by the Spanish king and confirmed by congress in 1858 after the territory* had become part of -the United States. The Indians, said to be the first all-Pueblo division to visit Washington since the days of Lincoln and bearing silver headed canes given to them by their governor, also will oppose the Jones-Leatherwood bill, it was staated January 15th and will urge the government to appropriate money for irrigation projects on and near their lands and evict certain alleged white squatters from their alleged white squatters from their property. The Pueblos, it was announced, also will ask that the gov> crnment afford them efficient medi- j . cal and health service d education, and that they be giv a voice in | naming legal council to represent their interests. J 1

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