hg< T? LEGISLATIRE'STHO I tO THKUUUH OtH Progressive Spirit inspir mirustration s f rograr: "Alarming V lciousnes. tive being to "Kill Mo (By Brock Barklcy) North Carolina may be facing: just now the greatest crisis in its history. The new and progressive spirit that was aroused through the bold Wjprogram of Morrison administration in the 1921 general assembly is being assailed with a viciousness and persistence that is alarming. Through the smoke screen the cries of a treasury deficit has t reated, the attention of the Legislature is being diverted from opportunities for carrying the state onward and placing it in line with the greatest among the progresive -tates of the union. If < ver the emergency <. xisted when the no.mV < f ^tntu cbouM vnpfit that eemrgemy developing during the past few days, has now plos?-omed into fuli bloom. Unless concerted action from the people back home is brought to bear upon the general assembly, strangulation of the -progressive movement within the. state will certainly be accomplished. "Kill Morrison" is Motive Back of the whole scheme unmistakable lies the determination to "kill Morrison." He is growing too powerful and too influential in his hold or. the people as the result of the state's realization of his dominating desire to serve the state. Politics is lighting statesmanship with all its might, and unless there comes an unmistakable demand for the continuation of the work that has begun and the furthering of a recognized program of pi ogress, the cause for which Morrison has been fighting will be lost. "Kill Morrison; sacrifice the state if necessary, but kill Morrison"? that might well be excepted as the slogan of many among the reactionary fv vcet -.bat are spreading their propaganda with a wilfulness and a pointednes:- that threatens to vi; tualiy null.fy the progressive wock fr.fUl! h-U I. .'I Ilir.llf m-oi ..a There really isn't to much more to he done, when i-.rmpiu eJ v. iri. a-ha. already has been accomplished, but if that proposed for t he next ewo years should gfip'ou^h, the .a..r of the Morrison administration .ouii be to great for the comfort of many poi tical antagonists. Program Ahead Morrison wants the educational BH and charitable inst itutions exit n> en program of the U>21 general es.cnbly 'duplicated. That would require some $0,700,0U0 in appropriations. Fortunately the road extension recommendation got through before the poison propaganda got a} hoWi. lie wants the natural possibilities oft he fish and oyster hods and in inland Streams developed. That would cost half a million and yield millions in return, arid the initial cost would be borne by those directly reaping the benefits. He wants the state-owned ship line project to have a fair trial. His other recommendations would require expenditures that are insignificant. While advocating these further L- steps by the state. Morrison has planned i"i ?r tho ftflfn.ffiiar/linir 'ko states credit. Two bills introduced in the general assembly at his special bidding will prove effective safety valves. Through constitutional ammendraent | which the people will vote upon, the j amount of bonding indebtedness the J state may contract will be limited to five per cent of the assessed property valuation, and a sinking fund will be created to provide for the redemption of existing indebtedness as the bonds mature. What Reaction Mrans The Morrison measures are safe and sound and look to the further j betterment of the state, the broad- j ening of opportunities* for its citizens and the rounding out of a program that will put North Carolina in the very fore front of the great states ot" the Union. The university, state college, the woman's college and all the other institutions must be throttled unless the means is provided for their expansion. With the high schools mat triculating thousands annually, the state must provide for them than opportunity for fitting themselves for a life's work. That is the Governor Morrison s comneliing desire?to give! boys and girls of North Carolina: the same educational advantages the i greatest states of the union offer, if the work is stopped now the state will suffer. Because every sees and uses the j highways, their service to the state j has been apparent and propaganda j cuuiu uul kin requirements lor rounding out this part of the program. Ship Line Project A fair chance for the ship line project is all the governor asks. Through an expected compromise ami I lion dollars will serve as the immediate requirements, and that amount will go for permanent improvements in the form of port terminals facilities. The claim has been made that the success of the Morrison administration is at a stand still over the ship line project, which isn't necessarily correct; bnt an otter defeat for this would give more enjoyment to the anti-Morrison propagandists than any other development. The educational forcis of North Carolina, coming out today with the UGH! BEING DIVER- I Cll SMOKE SCREEN ed by Present State Ad- j n is Being Assailed With [ s and Persistency, the lVlo- i rrison." t* i proud acceptance of the cognomen j* of "propagandists of progressivism," ) hav e started the march on the leg- 1 islature. Unless the progressive element of the state bestirs itseh" Vhc A jvhole cause will he lost. Deficit cries are serving their pur- ' pose as smoke-screens. The stale is t ample able to carry on the work it has inaugurated and to extend and 1 broaden it. The statements of men * thoroughly familiar with the affairs 1 of the government prove it. 4 Expert accountants, who hav. had 1 the opportunity to examin the ftnan- N eiai affairs of the state, declare * "North Carolina's financial condition 1 i.- far better than that of any <>ther 1 southern state; in fact it is "i a * par with the great est of the great northern states." Hig things are coming this week, * be apostles of progress a reexpect- * (1 to assert themselves for one thing 1 ami much is out, likely, to clear up r smoke-screen that all the bally- 4 over deficits has caused-? 1 Charlotte Observer- c I IN MEMORY OF DR. J.B. PHILLIPS s i On the hill overlooking the home, 1 under the low spreading branches ? of the oak and chestnut, mark-- the * ; last resting place of Dr. .J. B. Phillips * who for mere than four years went in and out among the people to whom ' he gave the best service of his life, ? which always seemed a pleasure and * joy. ? He was born May 18i.h IS 11, died I January 21st, 1323, aged 81 years, 8 months, and 3 days, and was buried c by the members of his Lodge, Snow, 1 No. 363. His faithful companion, who 4 for 57 years shared his every joy * and sorrow, died January 25th 1323, 4 and was laid beside him. Just seperat- 1 ed 5 days, they said good by here to trike glad hands where then is no ' | more parting. 1 Dr. Phillips was Sargeaiit in the '1 7th N. ('. Infantry, and it is said I thai he was ever at his post, of duty. 1 As a neighbor h ^..acticed the golden 1 rule. He represented Watauga Coun- 1 !ty in the Legislature about the year 1 J 1883. To his church he was faithful. !a 1 iived a clean christian life. He 1 was a loyal Alason. He attended the 4 jugular communications as ofte i as 1 ' he was permitted, and enjoyed the 1 visits from the Breather? during his 1 long affliction. As j; physician, wo have not seen his like in his day, Doctors were .waive, and his calis were many. ?he 1 "night was never to > dJak Tfor the * weather too inclernant for him to * rule far and near to ithieve the suf- 1 fering, and often wuh no hope of 1 remuneration. In his practice he was so kind, 1 sympathetic and fatherly that he en 1 J cared himself with a!! with whom * \ v came in ronte<? Such are the beautiful deeds that I 1 soften sorrow and leave a lasting 1 impression on our memories, and 1 make us proud of him. He was afflicted for more than twenty years but was patient and submissive. A good man is gone, What more can we say? s Therpfftvo K" ?* " I 1st,. That we humbly bow to the de- 1 tree of the aiw:se and Merciful Rul- > I. V I 2nd. To the immediate family and 1 i freinds, we offer our deepest sym- 1 pathy in the loss of father and moth- 1 \ cr. 11 3rd. That the Ledge has lost a worthy brother, and in Honor of his mem- r ory, the members will wear the usual i 11 badge of mourning for thirty days, 1; 4th. That a copy of these resolutions ^ be spread upon our minutes, a copy 11 be sent to the family, and a copy b sent to th eWataiiga Democrat for n publication. 1 Feb. 1st, 1023. Signed, J. M. SHULL, Com. s o 1< a Wheel* by the Million. Bight million wheels, exclusive of I spares and wheels for replacement purposes, were used In the manufac- J ture of motorcar*, and trucks during 1922. according to statistic compiled J by th* Motor Wheel corporation. Placed in line, with rims touching these wheels would extend 3,080 T miles, or acroas the American continent from the Atlantic to the PaclJto I tout 50 GOOD CIGARETTES1 ioc ^ JnOir GENUINE 2E8| "Bull" TT^iTm DURHAM I Tnp.rfo THE WATA1 PHARAOH'S COUCH TAKEN FROM TOMB Only one object was removed on fanuary 21 from the tomb of Tutlankhamen. It was a large hathorleaded wooden couch thickly over aid with strips of gold. Each Vide >f the couch was shaped to rt present i sacred cow, or hsthor. The horns tood up straight for more than a root and the tail Was the cow's back. IJut as the back was only about five nchns wide, when this was detached ;rom the couch?as the numerous 'isitors saw it, because Howard Carer was unable to remove the couch n one piece?the effect was rather rortesuue. Those who had seen the other collects of the tomb unanimously agreed his couch?and it might be added he other two couches with lion heads md t\phon heads still in the tomb? loes not compare in an artistic sense vith many of the other objects in the oinb. But when it is remembered hat this couch had a religious significance it is easy to comprehend that he designers put religion above art. This fact is in itseif an illuminating ideiigiit on the spirit animating these mcient artists. Where there was no eligious significance involved the irtists allowed their artistic consepion full play, but once they had to confine themselves to the convenional er traditional form of gods ?r goddess?forms designed in earlier >eriods of Egypt when there was no uch freedom of line or delicate grace is characterized?they subordinated heir sense of beauty. The result was ;een in this couch. It was most im>ressive, but largely because it was frot.esgue. Mr. Carter first removed one side, ie had to exercise the greatest care, is the height of the cow from the loofs to the tip of the horns was ilmost as high as the doorway and >assage. Again in the decorations 011 the :ow's attenuated body there was evi icnce tnat me artist's clung to tra1 it ion rigorously. Ages before the ime of Tutankhamen the marking ?n the scared cow's hide had been set, md they were reproduced precisely or. this couch. They were disappointingly crude in comparison with he other artistic treasures of the omb. there v as a dramatic interruption n the work by the chief inspe- lor of he Antiquities Department of Up>er Egypt, who informed Mr Carter hat the Egvption Govern me m had irdered that newspaper men were o have access to the tomb on Friiay .Mr. Carter was nonplussed to go o Cairo on Thursday evening to meet he Earl of Carnarvon. STATE FINANCIAL INVESTIGATION ORDERED tContinued from page one) neniber of the corporation commis ion. Asserting that he was a messenger I niging tidings that were not hetrful, the corporation commission;r said he was presenting the "bare >ones" of the state's condition. His i! tide was a protest against increas;d expenditures by * the general as pcmbly, and making: the point that ippropriations and finances had nothng to do with the state road buliding program, which was being carried ?y special taxes. That part of his statement which he governor assailed is as follows: M?vc!!'; Conclusions The recently issued report of the late treasurer calling attention to a leficit of $1,853,805.41 was discussng the deficit for the one full fiscal ear only, in that fiscal year there bos included in revenue receipts a cturn for a full year of income tax mder the new law. For the proceedug seven months period, in which lone of this income revenue was collected, the figures ill the treasurer's eport show another deficit in revelue receipts against operating expenses of $1,082,510.83. No report ias been issued for the last live lonths period, but a statement has een made by thfe treasury dc-partaent., July 1st 1022, to December 31 022; which shows a deficit of $1,08,529.64. Taking the three periods ep^rately, each of them shows a ieavy deficit, and taking them colectively, the treasurer's figures are s follows: Revenue Receipts )ec. 1, 1020, to June 30, 1921 $1,756,252,89 uly 1, 1021, to June 30, 6,274,088.83 uly I, 1922, to Doc. 31, 1922 2,554,049.18 otal revenue receipts $10,584,390.90 Operating Eipenies )ec. 1, 1920 to June 30, 1921 $3,738,772.72 uly 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922 8,127,984.24 uly 1, 1922 to Dec. 31 1922 , 4,386,578.82 'otal aperating expenses $16,229,335.78 10.584,390.90 ieficit in revenue receipts $5,644,944.88 ,ess cash balance, Dec. 1, 1920 597,529.99 let deficit $5,047,414.89 iTutt's Pills f ^ Vnequaied as an Jf I anti-bilious mvtem I stimulate torpid liver, strengthen I I digestive organs, regulate the I I bowels. relieve sick howl ache. | v. s.ini - JGA DEMOCRAT NORTH CAROLINA TO HAVE (Continued from page one) her of spindles installed during 1922 was smaller than for any year during the past 12 years. The number in s'gbt for this year, however, shows that the business depression is over in this sectipn and that the textile industry is preparing to forge ahead at a rapid rate, the number of spindles to be installed this year being greater than for any year during the past 12. North Carolina alone will install more spindles this year than the aw rage number installed per year m the entire South during the past 12 . ars. The number of spindles to ::..:uiied in North Carolina during ihi. >i.u nas been vceeded by the entire south in only three out ol the poit 12 years. Economic authority in North Carolina and those from other states who have investigated the industrial situation in North Carolina have been one in their opinion thta the remarkaide development in the textbo and other industries in North Orolina a- been the result of sc-erai nota titude of fairness and friendl'Mcss upon the* part of the people of he state as .1 whole and the Legibiat v. bodies;"the availability of chea. con* veient electric power in large quantities; the type and character r>i the met: who man the industries A u. state. The intelligence, the spirit oi independence, the industry, the ambition, and the thorough-going Americanism of the North Carolina working man in considered by many to be the biggest factor in the prosperity and expansion of the industries of the state. Industry in North Carolina, it is frequently noted, has been remarkably free from the labor troubles and agitation which has been a serious handicap to industry i nrnany'sections of the country.?Charlotte Observer. Halifax county is feeding ten carloads of hogs to be shipped co operatively according to a report from the county agent. A DEAR ONE IS GONE The subject of this sketch v as born December -11. 11112. Age 10 years, i 1 months and UP days. Departed this life December 21b J.if22. She was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Danner. Verlee was loved by all who knew her. She always met her playmates with a smile. We Loved Verlee but God loved her most and called her from us. She ? m,.,. I ?.?.! ,.iwwi;....4 -u:u , ..... .. Ifiti UJVUIUIII. Villi U Ul home and at school. She loved to go to Sunday School and never failed to have a good lesson. We all will miss Verlee In Sunday School, hut most of all she will he missed in the home, but God had a workk for her to do and h<5 said come. But we will say to the bereaved family and relations not to grieve for her for Christ said, "Sufter little children to come unto me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." And unless we become as little children we cannot inheria Eternal life. There is a vacant chair by the fireside that cannot be filled hut our loss is her eternal gain. Now let. us all be prepared to meet Verlee where there will be no tears or sorrow but all will be praises around the throne of God. She is gone, forever gone; her journey here is done. Years and ages may still roll on but we will hear Verlee's sweet voice no more. E. E. EARP notice Notice is hereby given to the creditors of the Cove Creek Co-operative Store that on January 15th 1921, D. C. Mast and Mis. D. C. Mast sold their entire interest in said store to I Lfavia r. ittasi. mat on or about June the 20th 1022, through the directors of the Cove Creek Co-operative store, David P. Mast sold his entire interest in said store to J. B. Horton, J. J. Mast, John H. Bingham and A. C. Mast, doing business under the firm name of A. C. Mast ard Company. They to pay any and all debts of the Cove Creek Co-operative store and all debts due same to be paid by A. C. Mast and Company, This January 27th 1923. D. C. MAST, MRS. D. C. MAST, DAVID P. MAST. 4t-14-p Sift /T-K and give yoni stomach a lilt. _ Provides "tbe bit ol /?/ sweet- la beneficial ^ lorn.. Helps to elea?se J the teett and keep ^^^tben. healthy. How To Use \ For Deep 6 First, It Is Very Importai efacient Or Counter-] duceed On the Surface Lungs, ? i This draws the blood from congested lungs, Lessening the dancer of ^ C j Pneumonia. Then Treat With Vicks Deep, grippy colds, frequently lead-| ing to pneumonia, have been unusual-! ly prevalent this winter. In some sec-! tions they are called influenza, but j are not so virulent as the influenza I cases during the first epidemic, tho j they arc worse than ordinary colds.! For these cases the usual light application of Vicks is not sufficient. The Danger Is From Pneumonia What is needed therefore is some-' thing to decrease the congestion of, the lungs. For this purpose there is' nothing like a rubefacient or count-' er-irritant, as witness the use of blisters, poultices and plasters for many ] generations. This reddening or irritation of the skin causes a rush of blood to the surface; the circulation i is improved; there is a sensation of j warmth and, the possiblity of pneu-i iionia is greatened lessened. j A "Quick Rubefacient Needed. The value of this counter-irritant effect is greatly increased if it is produced quickly. Nearly every fam- j iJy has its favorite method?onion 1 poultices, turpentine stupes, mustard plasters and poultices of various kinds are all pood. How to Produce This Effect Our experiments have shown that an ordinary mustard plaster is very effective, i se one part of mustard and two parts of flour or flax seed meal for adults, and one to three parts for children under eight years. Art even simpler method, purlieu-, iariy for adults, is to apply towels,! wrung out in hot water?as hot as the patient can stand. Whatevei method is used, the application should he applied over the throat and chest until the skin is thoroughly reddened. In very deep colds, the sides and especially the back from the middle i of the soulder blades to a point just j anovt the waist, should alho be treated. For adlilts, a hot mustard foot-, barh?one tablespoon of mustard to a gallon of water?given at this stage of the treatment, will aid in drawing i the blood from congested parts. Then Massage With Vicks After the skin is thoroughly red-1 dened, it should be dried ligbthy and J immediately and the patient should be I given a brisk massage with VicksI all over the parts. Continue ihis for five minutes. This increases the count-1 er-irritant effect. Then apply V\icka i thickly over all the parts; thai is, spread it on like you would a poultice?about: one-sixteenth of an inch thick or more?and cover with two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths. Vicks Acts Like a Vapor Lamp The advantae of applying Vicks thickly over the body is this: Vicks is so made that the body heat gradually releases the ingredients in the j form of vapors. The more Vicks ap- f plied the stronger these vapors and | the longer these vapors will last. The' night clothing should always be loose! around the neck and the bed clothingj arranged in the form of a funnel. These vapors being lighter than air' rise up from the chest and, if the! bed clothing is properly arranged,! pass by the nose and mouth and are I thus inhaled with each breath, car- j rying the medication directly thru j i" I "When 1 feel stnptd, get constlpa two of Black-Draught aad it lets mi Halslep, of R. F. D. 2. Columbia, S. all right, ami have not used any ottx of It I am a guard at the State ii or more yean. When ! first heard H BLACK-D Liver ft I and file good medicine it was, I fa m I'd get up la the morning. I would bad lade hi my mouth, but didn't t I stupid and didnt feel like eating?tt was then 1 began Black-Draught, at I kind of work, ready to eat and sleep I take Black-Draught, and for 25 ye wouldn't be without it at all. My w lot I am out of doors, and fresh I w '^dnes 1 need. I recommend it t Sold Eve isasssssssssi _ y "x fr' '-.v <?? v- r' >./: " - FEBRUARY ?. IKJ fick's VapoRub rippy Colds it That a Thorough Rubirritant Effect Be Proof the Skin Around the the air passages to the lungs. At the same time Vicks is absorbed thru and stimulates the skin. Repeat the Entire Treatment Whet! the vapors being to lose their strenght, fresh Vicks should be applied over the pads. This to keep u|i viic tuuvfiiuuus sajipiy ux vapors. When the redness of the skin begins to die out, all the' Vicks remaining ' should be .wiped off and the entire treatment repeated. That is, the hot wet towels or mustard plasters should be used until the skin is again thoroughly reddened, then massage with Vicks, spread or. thickly ar.d cover with hot flannels, just as previously done. Can Add Mustard tc Vicks This redness of the skin should last for two or three hours, but | varies with different patients. Some skins are much more sensitive than | others. This redness can be prolonged I by mixing a little ordinary powdered ! mustard with Vicks?about on epart i one part of mustard to four parts I of Vicks, but this can be varied according to the patient's skin. Just j enough mustard should be used to keep up the counter-irritant effect | for two or four hours, so that the | wet towels or mustard plasters will | not have to be used so frequently as to prevent the patient from rest| ing. Use In a Tea-Kettle Sometimes when the patient is | badly choked up, the vapors from the I application on the chest are not sufj ficient to make breathing easier. In these cases drop a tcaspoonful of Vicks into a kettle of boiling water and allow the patient to inhale the warm steam and vapors combined for about ton minuets. Do this several times a day if needed. Keep the water boiling and put i" additional Vicks whenever the vapors decrease. Put a sheet over the patient and the tea-kettle, makingva kind ol' a tent, so as to confine the vapors. An ordinary steam vaporizer, is even more convenient than a tea-kettle. Scanty Applications Useless This is a vigorous treatment, but to check congestion requires vigorous measures. Vicks must be used freely to be effective. The cost of this treatment is insignificant compared with the results which are frequently obtained. Does Not Take the Place of the Physician. In all cases a physician should bo called. These deej> colds are too serious and have too many complications to rely entirely o nany home medication. Vicks, however, does not interfere with any treatment that | the doctor may prescribe. In addiI tion the formula of Vicks is given on every ciAular so there is no reason why any doctor should object to its use, except the fact that a few physicians do not care to use anything which is advertised directly to the public. Vicks VanoRuh is thp a North Carolina pharmacist. From the back room of a little drug store its use has grown until today literally tens of millions of families are never without the family blue jar. It is their standby for all forms of cold troubles and , in addition, is useful for the many minor ailments of the hoine. It is particularly a boon to mothers with small children, because it is externally applied. Over 17 million jars are used yearly in the United States alone. Adv. Taste" | ted, or bilious, I take a good dose or I ) straight." writes Mr. George B. 11 . C. "It cleanses the liver and I feel II tt medicine at I do aot aee the need tefonnatory, and have been tor three I ot D A TT/1 TTfll I lvnuun l n ledidne ad been having a tired feeBng when Id be stiff and sore, and had a aBmy, 9 hink so much of it till 1 began to feel j i en I knew I needed medicine. It H id I felt all made over, ready for any f So, for any return of this trouble, j us it has been my medicine, and 1 I ork is constant. I am on my feet a I air and Black-Draught are all the | o others for I know it is good.** rywhere* is BB (SBsS 2 5hE1

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