MARCH 1. 1923 &Liatauba *?tuiouai. t i Local Affairs ' . I Just a touch of winter again after j the few days of pretty weather. Miss Hazel Carriger has returned * from a few days business trip to Johnson City and other Tennesseee i towns. ? 1 Is your name on our mailing list? ' If not, wily not? This issue alone to a man who wants to keep up with county affairs, is well worth the price of a years subscription. Mrs. J. B. Taylor of Valle Cru- j cis, and little daughter, only a few weeks old, have joined Mr. Taylor here, and the family will do light housekeeping in a suit of rooms in the Black burn hotel. Prof. Greer Glenn, principal of the I State High School on Cove Creek, \ was a Business caner at tnis omce on t Monday. i Mr. L. L. Bingham who for a long: : while has been doing efficient work 1 in the Boone post office has resigned 1 and accepted a position as bookkeep- ^ er in the Taylor garage. Captain Loviil who has been spend- , ing some weeks in Raleigh, and at the home of his daughter Mrs. Jim Brawley in Greensboro, has returned. His health is not as robust as it > might be, still he is feeling pretty i well. ! Elder R. L. Isbcll, of Lenoir, N. C. * will hold his regular monthly scrvi- 1 ces at the Episcopal Church Sunday ' morning at 11 o'clock and Sunday 1 evening at 7:30. His subject Sunday 1 morning will be "The King's High- : way." Sunday evening "Moses choice' ' Everybody cordially invited to attend these services. Mr. Tom Green, the washing ma- , chine man, has rented the west room , of the Ellis Store Building, and will store his stock of machines there hav-i ing moved from Depot Street. He says ms saies are sausiaciory. There will be a meeting of the Pa-; rent--Teacher Association at the Bap-' tist Church Friday evening Feb. Uth at 7:30. Prof. 1>. D. Dougherty will give a talk on the state laws govern- j ing the erection of school buildings. Kveryone interested?men and women. Please come. Mr. \V. J. Ilorton formerly of Watauga, but. now of Farrel, Pa. was a heavy loser in a tire in his town. I that consumed property to the anio' unt of $35,000. Fortunately for him the property was partly covered by insurance. The market house, which was destroyed, belonged to him, and it is his intention to rebuild at once, j Mrs. Farthing widow of the late? Rev. Winfield Farthing of Watauga j Falls who is now very old, has been? on a rather rapid decline for some time. Her son, Mr. W. D. Farthing of Boone, visits her at least once a week. Ho was there on Sunday night and he said it seemed she was slightly better. Leakage of the heart, with other complications, is her trouble, i Mrs. Joe T. Ashley has returnedj and will open business in the house; I-.. -\1 n< i 1:11 - .1 - ' iiww uiauuii'u i?y mr. i. run rauningj as soon as ho can move to his new quarters in the bank block. She tells: the Democrat she has much of her. stock bought anil wili+hc ready for business as soon as her room on; Depot Street is vacated. The County Board of Health com-; posed ol Chairman hoard county co- i missiouers, Mayor of Boone, county supt. of Schools and two physicians, met on Tuesday March G and elected Dr. R. K. Bingham and Dr. Otto Bingham members of the board of health. Dr. Me. G. Anders was elected county physician. Rev. \V. L. Scott wife and children of Ramsour spent Tuesday with Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stanbury in Boone. Mr. Scott made the trip just now for the purpose of taking his mother who had spent the winter with him, to her home in Ashe County, which gave them an opportunity for a short visit to home folks here. Their visit was much enjoyed by all who had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Ella Taylor, of St. Paul, Kan. * the illness of her father, Mr. W. T. Blair, will remain for a visit of a few weeks to relatives and friends in Watauga. All are deligheted to see her, and sympathize deeply with her and the other children over the death of their father. FOR SALE?GOOD STOCK FARM 114 acres, 6 miles from Elk Park, N. C. 75 acres can be worked with machinery, 25 acres cleared. House need repairing. Will exchange fbr goods or will take a good Ford car or truck as part payment r a good pair ol s Draft Horses. The timber is worth what I ask for the farm. PRICE $2500.00 Ha.f cash balance on good time. Write to D. F. PRESNELL at Whaley, N. C 8-31 The Intermediate B. Y. P. U. held ;heir quarterly social at the church ast Monday night. A number of members of the church had been invited. \ very interesting program was carred out. Mr. Raleigh Cottrell, the prcs dent, was in charge. There were ^ongs and talks by Rev. F. M. Hug*;ns, E. S. Coffey, and I). J. Cottrell. After the progiam the Union with the invited guests retired to the basement ivhere games were played and refresh ments were served. It was a very enjoyable occasion. Mr. D. J. Cottrell is the leader, and he is doing a fine Aork. Mr. Luther Bingham who duiing the wintetf has been in Florida look- | inc aften'lhe 4Titnre?t.H of U'ftrlH War. Veterans was in town Tuesday, com injz: here from Johnson City, Tenn. where he succeeded in getting into a sanatorium a young veteran from Orianda, Fla., who is suffering with tuberculosis. Mr. Bingham says he has traveled nearly all over hte state in rjuest of the soldier boys who need medical or other attention, and has succeeded in providing it for many of them. He as we understand it is in the employ of the government. He will return to Florida within the next few days. APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL GETS $300,000 APPROPRIATION The Appalachian Training School A'hich is rapidly forging to the front in the great educational system of the ! State, and known throughout our commonwealth as the school that does i more work for less money than any ather, and recognized by the legislature just adjourned, has at its dis- ( posal for the year 1923 and 1924 the sum of $300,000. This is a big sum , of money, but every cent of it will; be Heeded to carry out the building; and other programs that are slated i for the next two years. A very much : enlarged efectrte plant, one sufficient ! to furnish lights and power not only j for the school but for the town as n i r *u ~? i ?? IS Ulir, mi: IVIIUH 1 : Villi lUV IUVVII to furnish a needed loan fund for; young men and women who are una- i ble financially to pay their way in school. Another great improvement: (one long needed) will be the im-, proving and beautifying of the campus. dust what the building program is we have not learned, but it wi!! bo extensive. AN AGED CITIZEN DEAD Mr. \V. T. Blair, an aged an most' highly rc-spectcd citizen of Watauga died at the home of his son, Mr. A. I). Blair near Boone, early Tuesday morning, following a stroke of paralysis on last Friday. Mr. Blair had almost reached his four score years and was a very wonderful man for that age. His mind was bright, and his interest in public affairs never lessened as he grew older. He was for manv vears a con sistont member of the Methodist Church and as long as he was in easy reach he was a regular attendant upon its servces, and took the greatest interest therein. He was an exConfederate soldier, having served the full four years in the war between the states, and was never known to shirk a duty. Interment was made in the cemetery here Wednesday afternoon, ail the children save one being present, Mrs: G. C. Merriman of Lake Conio, Lena. Hit pastor the Rev. G. C. Brink man conducted the funeral services from the Baptist Church, which was kindly tendered by the good people of that denomination. The surviving children are: Mrs. I)r. Geo. C. Merriman. Lake Como, Pehn., (who was too ill to come) Mrs. T. B. Moore of Boone; Mrs. | Richard Taylor, of St. Paul, Kans.;; Mrs. Will McGuire of Brookside, this county; Miss Blanche Blair of Blowing Rock; Mr. A. D. Blair, of Boone; and Mr. G. P. Blair, and Mrs. George M. Sudderth of Blowing Rock. BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH F. M. Huggins, Pastor Do not forget the Sunday Schoo next Sunday morning at 10 a. m Come and bring some one with you If you ha^e recently moved to Boone and have rot got started to Sunday School make a big start next Sunday Wo had 175 present last Sunday. Le us nave 220 next Sunday. The pastor preaches at 11 a. m. 01 living by the Golden Rule. The Gol den Rule is applied Christianity. If al would live by it we would have bet ter communities and a better world It applies with equal fitness to tin young and old and to people of al classes. It will-solve all problems fron that of the individual to internation al relations. Like your watch you ma; carry it around in your vest pocke ever ready for instant use. "Do unt others as you would have others d unto you." Junior B. Y. P. U. meets at 3 p. ir The Intermediate and Senior Union meet at 6 p. m. Preaching again at ' p. m. 1 You are personally invited to al tend all or any of these services. ^ WANTED?25 cords good dry woo 4 feet long. Apply Watauga Furn. < i" Lumber Company ? / THE WATAUGi Mi>s Nannie Rivers spent Saturday ~ and Sunday at her home in Boone returning: to her school at Sampson on Monday. Mr. 1). C. Mast of Sugar Grove was in to see us Tuesday and left a nice order for printing for the Cove Creek Cheese FactorySorry to learn that MK Albert Hodge of iiorlon, had the misfortune of getting one of his legs broken while working in a new ground near bis home. Mr. Frank Loviil, Jr. is preparing to move to Ohio, provided a trade he is trying to make for his property here materializes and we understand there is a good chance for it. Editor Fred May of the Lenoir News-Topic was a guest at the Critcher Hotel Sunday night. He came over with Mr. Poe. contractor on the new building at the A. T. S. who will. resume work thereon in the very near future, or rather, as soon as weather conditions will permit. Mr. Kewton Howell who for the past six? years has been an efficient member of the County l>oard of Education, will step down to give room for his successor Mr. Lloyd Hodges, who was appointed by the Legislature as a member of that body, Mr. Howell's term of office having expired. Mrs. Cicero Greer who had just opened a nice line of millinery in the L. L. Critcher building, is now under quarantine, possibly for 30 days, on account of her little son having scarlet fever. She now thinks of suspending wing to this unfortunate occurrence, her millinery department until fall, but will continue her dress makng work. Her prospects for the spring trade seemed flattering and The Democrat is sorry to know her plans have been thus foiled. Mr. Henry Brinkley has been appointed as night watchman for the town, he having the full power of the clay police, and if he finds any mischief being carried on he is vested with power from the town Aldermen to make arrests and bring to justice any violators of the town ordinances. i his is another good move by our progressive town, and those who hfkve a weakness for depredation; during the night may rest assured that they are being shadowed by the Argus eye of Brinkicy. BLAINE COFFEY ACTIVE There is one thing you must hand L to the Honorable Blaine Coffey, no difference what your polities are, J . [ he has done enough in the legislature , ll1 : just closed to remind anyone very j ^ l forcibly that we had a real live mem- r i ber in Raleigh this time. Some of his \ j bills may not appeal to you individi ually, but will to others. Anyway he ' has used his every energy to enact c into laws what he thought best for s i the county of his nativity. The ma- jor part of his bills are to be found i in this paper. 1 I .... ' ? ITIM I v>rv riAnw 3 I I1KLL 5 1 tPS , Mayor Hahn lias adopted this schedule ox costs for town drunks: First offense $7.00; second offense $27.00; mil third $50.00. He has p..: : sed up one at least to the second degree, but as yet has not raised lil'ty '"bones" out of any one so far as I we have learned. He says v? must get drunk had best go to the woods, as there is no p.ace far hirn in Boone while under the inline) v of liquor. 'Rah for our worthy m y- 1 or! We hereby put him in nomination for a second term. OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS Mrs. II. A. Green of Blowing Rock was operated on for appendicitis at Watauga Hospital Tuesday afternoon 1 and later reports from her bedside are to the effects that she is getting ' on very nicely. GERMANY BUYING COAL AT NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Norfolk, March 5.?American coal for use in Germany, said to be a resuit of the French seizure of the Ruhr ' j mines will begin moving from Hanip*! ton Roads in cargo lots this week, 'j Two vessels, the British Ventura r I de Larriniga and Norweie*an Halitrri f I both in port now are scheduled to load cargoes of coal at the Newport News terminals for German ports im1 mediately and a third vessel is under~ stood to be chartered for the same purpose. i DR.A.W.DULA EYE SPECIALIST 8 LENOIR, N. C. Saturday Marcl. 10 to Saturday March 17th 8 daya -- in Home Office, Lenoir, N. C.' I WILL BE IN BOONE, N. C. AND d OTHER PLACES COURT WEEK, & See next week* paper for these dates. .1 DR. A. W. DULA K DEMOCRAT The Pro* . of the yOLUMt of savin lent tho N. L. Mast, President L. A. Greene. Vive-Pi G. P. Hagaman, Cashi W. D. Farthing, A. C Austin E. South, Tell' Miss Pearl Hodges, Bookkeeper I SSll \m rm ||3y|i ancy. i he principal means of guardidg .rainst pneumonia are hygienic. "As ; < windows go down the pt.eunio:i death rat?- goes up." Sleeping in P?-n rooms with plenty of fresh air en though the temperature he low. essential. Washing the hands fro uently. and always before eating, is safeguard. "DO pel cent of conta:<?us diseases are transmitted by way 1" the hand to the nioutli." Shaking ar.ds is to be avoided. It is unhygieie and unnecessary. The bddy should ? kept warm but not overheated. Varm outer clothing is better than navy underclothing because it can eadily be removed when warm temperatures are encountered. The agents held 0,711 meetings at vhieh there was a total attendance if people reports C. It. Iiud>on. State Agent SUNBURN As a preventive, apply Vicka at r. salve before Roing i.r lb sun. Rub well ii T iviieve the burn. i! thickslijjbUy. Oo m jr.. v::kU3 1 ' ' ' - J Yearly [>. F. H OR YON, VILAS, N. C. HAS FOR SAL. ?. Some grade Poland China Shoats and Duroc Pigs, ready March 1st, half dozen in ail. Also same strips of timbered land and would like to have a tenant to make a crop and work the rest of the time by the day. 22-2t FOR SALE Chickens, Eggs, Corn, White Wyandott and Shepherd Ancona eggs $1.25 per 15. Cockerels reasonable. Ensilage corn. Don Horton, Vilas, N. C. 15-3eo FOR SALE August and Sept. hatching S. C. Buff Orphington Cockrels, Cooks strain. Finley P. Hodges, Sands, N. C. 3t-14 /* /: / /." if. I : . - Vl V; ry* -j "*> j j y . r r 6' /" -~i "v c i I :". _ : f \- J .-.'J '-if ?/ ' v / /J, s aa,1 fEiv * s8fl: iP ?S r Provides ** m sv-cel" Ir. i ' lcr?r>. Helps to i the Ceeth -fT^.-them te~ ? of PUDDIN< i^S have been writt* ig. and those who r< ughts no doubt regi But, as the the proof of L?r in the eating how absoli saving sen must saveperience tin v J of. 1 : , x r* vr" i x x .<-x. i St WAIAUW i DAI *^1 BOON Sale ?Army Shoes Sale v. ; have j:. i bought a tremendous -lock ot Army Moh ton la.-i Is o - to b< sold to the public direct Pt\lC? 1 he > ai > 1 per cent solid leather with In avy iloubie solos sew< ?1 and nailc-s. The upper.1- of heavy tan chrome leather with 1?? .lows tongue thereby making the in waterproof. i l.iso shoes are selling very fast and we advise you to orci. i at to insure your oi lier being tilied. The siie are G to ii. all widths. Pay on receipt of goods or solid money order. Money refunded if shoe.-, are not satisfactory, 'i HE 1. S. STORES CO.. 1 ill Broadway. New York City. 2-22tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of (I. S. Watts deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate of deceased to present the same for pay1 ment within twelve months from ihc (late of this notice ?>r it will be plead : iii bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate \\ ill This i'i-hruary 22, 192.)/ T. II. COFFEY, Administrator PUBLIC SALES Wo have purchased 122,000 pair of U. Army Munson la.-t ihoos, sizes f? 12 to 12 which v. as the ou: tire >urp us stock of one of t'oj iurg| est I . S. Government shoe :oi:a;u ' ors. *s guarantee ; one hundred per cent solid icat'ie?\ co'or dark tan, hollows torguc, d*rt and waterproof. The actual value of this ' oho $6.00. Owing to this tremcn ; nc us buy we can offer sane to the ' public a! $2.05. j >?-nd correct .size. Pay posi master on delivery or send money order If i shoes are not as represented we w ill cheerfully refund your money | promptly upon request. >1 National Bay State Shoe Company 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y. i~E00NE DRUG C(T The REXALL Store Dealers in Drugs for Cash Agency for: Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Sheaffer Fountain pens Whitman's Chocolates (famou ' since 1842. Jacob's Candies "Made Last Night." A complete line of the highest grade toilet goods, stationery and fine cigars. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY THE STORE THAT APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS TERMS CASH MARCH 8, 1923 in on the value iad such excelster approval. t old adage goes, ! the pudding is [. And to know itely right the . timent is, one and himself exe benefits there\ COUNTY MR [ E, , M . C . EXECUTORS NOTICE II; .:Lr qualified as executor of the will of yn . Susie Farthing, do..o-.i, tins ia to notify all persons tiaviug i against said o. I ate of ueceu-ou to present the simc fur payment v.ithin twelve :.? . ns from the date of thi> nonce or it will be plead i. bar oi t.icir y and all persons indebted io >aid eit&te will plea-i- make imnudiuie payment.. Ibis December 11. I'J 22. \V. V. FARTHING, Executor Insurance tire, Life and Casualty A11 new business and expiring policies promptly attended to. Adjustments promptly made. GEORGE F. BLAIR BLOWING RCCK, N C i.Gffice :n Po.vtcffice Blbg) R. DTENNTNGSCft:\-TiST O'.lic .> a* im> ?. and Xewlasid Boom?Fir.-i lb buy.; of each inontl Ncvvland?Da. t lb day> . f ea h monti Write or pi., c m ilnone or Ne'.vhr. d for appointments WATCH REPTAIRINGT Done under a po-dtive guarantee. Jew elry repaired, Estimates furnished on all mail orders. Satisfaction enarar.tet'd. Office west v>i Blackburn Hotel J. W. BRYAN, Jeweler C. B. KFARFOOT Architect BRISTOL, VA.-TENN. Registered Architect in North Carolina Schools, Banks and Public Buildings 10-12-22 $250.00 REWARD I will pay two hundred and fifty dollars reward to any person or persons for the arrest and delivery to the sheriff of Watauga County, North Carolina, of Charlie Thomas who shot and killed my son, Willi ,n* Crady j Wilson, at or near Silvers# me. North Carolina, on or about August 2Mrd? i 1922. LEMUEL WILSON 3m-10-p Reece, N. <3. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE I Sj j The undersigned have qualified as , Executor of the Estate of I. W. ! Gross, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present them to him 0 nor before the 20th day of January, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ^ All persons indebted to said estat* r. will please come toward and make settlement. S This the 19th day of January, 1 1923. F. M. MALTBA, 6t-13-p Executor.

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