MARCH 8. 1923. HARD ON NERVES| squeaky Shoes One of Mankind's Greatest Afflictions. Only Way to Bo "Dead Safe," It Would Seem, lo to Wear Pair of Rubber Boots. The only way to be certain that yon will not some day find yourself walking through' some still and echoing church or hull in a pair of squeak) shoes is never to go' anywhere except in a pair of rubber boots* There Is no sure way to cure a pair of shoes of squeuklng except one?by giving them away to the man who tends the furnace. A shoemaker can take a pair of squeaky shoes apart and put them together again until he Is blue In the face, but if that squeak Isn't ready to go It won't go. But you can give those shoes to the furnace man and he can sit down and pnt them on and rise and walk away and make no more noise than If he were wuiKing in m? hocks. Sometimes squeaky shoes are cured by other means than furnace men, hut not often, and the process in that case is pretty wearing on the nerves, observes a writer for the New York Sun. A man once bought a pair of $15 shoes. lie said that he would try highpriced shoes for once in his life and see If they would last long enough to be worth It. Re put them on one Sunday morning and went to church, and he was a little late and was forced to walk to his seat, through the comparative quiet of the minister's opening exhortation. And right at that point those shoea began to let out noises that were worse than a guinea hen going somewhere in a hurry, and the minister might as well have been talking on his hands for all the congregation could hear of what be had to say. Next day that man returned his ahoes to the place be bought them and told the shopkeeper what he thought about them, which was Interesting. The shopkeeper sent them to the factory and had them fixed. Next Sunday the man again wore them to church, and again they were still as death up to the exact moment of his entering the church, when they took In a eounJe of deep breaths. as you might say. an?l began to yell like human beings In distress. This time the choir was singing the opening hymn, and those squawk-1 ir.g shoes half-way d'-owned the singers j out and threw n dozen of them out of key. and the leader had to slop the singing and start ail over again. And in the midst of such excitement as hadn't horn seen hi that church for forty years the owner of those shoes squeaked halfway down to his pew. turned around and squeaked hack out into the street again, and went to the house of the shoe salesman, and walked tn without knocking, but did Mr. knocking afterward, when the salesman came In from the kitchen to find out what was the matter. The indignant customer walked across the room. He turned around and walked hack again. Not a sound Those shoes never made a squeak. Thov never made another squeak as long as he wore them, which was fourteen months and a half. IndoChina. Both Chinese and Malays in TndoChina had reached a high stage of civ- ; llization before the arrival of tho ' Fn*n."h and have preserved language. ' literature and religion almost exactly ns they existed before Klini Pink- em peror of Annan, astonished Europe by I his education when he oaum to visit Is* smiuver. Commerce flourishes In lndo-Ohina. ; Gotten and rice are exported in large Quantities to Plena nn?l Japan. Rail- ' ways exist on an extensive seale. Saigon In PoehIn-China has become one of the big ports of the French empire, boasting of docks, wharves, European buildings and tlrst class hotels. Lord NorthciliYe. when h?? visited the city shortly before his death, was loud In his praise of the French administration. v British Eioctrlc Ships. Three vessels of a very unusual character are shortly to be built In a British ship building yard. Each will be about 4.000 tons and especially designed for the fruit carrying trade. They will be fitted with oil engines of a special type designed In this particular yard and recently tested under ocean-going conditions with most satisfactory results. These engines will drive electric generators which will apply current to electric motors placed on short propeller shafts at the stern of the vessel. This arrangement will give greatly Increased space for ^ cargo and Is expected to result In a Crtnclilpr'1 HI o liDcinar I n fnol tlon. besides giving great flexibility of control. i American Samoa. American Samoa, composed of the Inlands of Tuituila. Annun. OJu and Tain. Is 4.160 miles from Snn Francisco, 2^63 miles from Hawaii, 1,580 miles from Auckland, and 4,200 miles from Manila. The natives can all read and write and are all Christians of different denominations. They are the highest type of the Polynesian race, and are greatly on the Increase, due to laws forbidding foreigners buying their land. > A Fit Aii Right. ' "Did yoor new dressmaker give yon fltr } "Did she! They ha virtue of an order of the Supertor Court of Watauga in the above entitled action, I will on Monday March 19, 1923 between the hours of 12 in and 2 P. M. at fch? court, house door in Boone. Watauga county, soli to the highest bidder, the following described lands: BEGINNING on a sycamore, ^r.uiarch's corner at the creek and runs nt?rth . 1 degrees west with Church's line 1G poie.s to a ha'm-ofCilcud; then south 7b degrees west w in Church's line 20 poles to a stake! Church's corner, therce north 50 degrees west with said line o0 poles to a stake; then north 69 de^rn-s west with said line 10 poles to a stake; then north 70 degrees west with said line 12 poles to a stake; then .north 84 degrees west with said line is po. les to a stake; then south 70 degrees west with top of ridge 11 poles to a stake; then north 85 degrees west with top of ridge 10 1-1 poles to a sourwood, J. U. Robinson's corner, then west with said ridge 8 poles to a stake; then south 10 degrees west 1 poles to a dead locust on top of said ridge; then south 19 degrees east with said ridge 24 poles to a stake; then south 4S degrees east with said ridge o poles to a stake; then south 06 degrees east with said ridge 18 poles to a stake; then south 50 degrees east with said ridge dO po to a stake; then south 62 degrees east 10 poles to a stake; then south 16 degrees east with said ridge 10 poles to a\stake; then south 67 degrees east with said ridge 12 poles to a chestnut; then south 41 degrees cast with said ridge 15 poles to a stake; then south 25 degrees east, with said ridge 0 poles to a cucumber; A. B. Church's corner; then north 62 degrees east with Church's line 78 poles io a st-aKe on tnc west bank ol tiie creek; then north 28 degrees west 10 poles to a stake; then north 45 degrees west 5 poles to a stake, then west 4 1-2 poles to a stake on the lower bank of the new public roadd; then north 3 degrees west 31 3-4 poles to the beginning, containing 55 acres, more or less, with the exception of about one acre sold by G. W. Lowrance to James Isaacs by deed dated May 5, 1908, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book 7, at page 428 to which deed and the recordation thereof reference is hereby made. TERMS OF SALE: $1,000.00 in cash paid down on day of sale and the deferred payments set out in said order. The bidding to start above $4100.00. This the 14th day of February, 1923. SOLOMON EGGF.RS Commissioner. THE WATAUGA NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having qualified [as administrate! of T. ;M. Greene thuis to notify all persons having cia.m j against tne estate of the .-a d i. M I Greene, deceased, to present them ! to the under.signed within uwi . mouths from tne date of this notice | or it will be pleaded in bar of then | recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate wi*l piease come forward j and make settlement. I This the 1-th clav of February li'23 E. C. HODGE Administrator. j Black and the receding colors such I as dark blue and dark green used j in materials without a luster tend | to reduce proportions and are be! coming to a stout woman. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Watauga County, in the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. J. C. Clarke VS. Enoch H. Perry, S. J. Price and H. P. Cook. Pursuant to an order issued by Hon. A. W. Smith, Clerk of the Superioi Court for Watauga County in the aoove entitled action, the undersigned commissioner duly appointed by the court, will on Saturday March 24, 1923 offer for sale at the court house dooi of Watauga County, Boone. N. C. tht following described tracts of land FIRST TRACT BEGINNING on a spruce pine and poplar stump corner to school house lot, thense south 05 1-2 degrees west 23 poios to a stake in the center ol the public road, thence south 41 degrees west one pole to a stake ir the center of the public road, thenc? south 40 1-2 degrees east 3 poles u a stake, R. P. Kobinsin's corner, ther with his line south 41 degrees west 2 poles to a stake thence with same south 22 degrees East 5 1-2 poles ti a stake in Perry's road, thence west 4 poles to a stake in the ford of the creek, thence south 43 degrees west 3 poles to a birch ;thence south 50 de grees west 17 poles to a stake in tht creek, thence with the creek soutt 7 degrees west 5 poles, thence soutl 42 degrees west 2 poles, thence soutl 79 degrees west 2 poles, thence soutl 19 1-2 degrees-*west I poles, thence | south 24 degrees west 3 poles, tbenct | south 45 degrees west s puies, thence South 31 degrees west "> pole.-, to ; | hornbeam corner, to S. -I. Price; tin i J .-Uitth 15 degrees ea.-.t 10 poles l ; stake near an a.- h, thence south Gi 1-. J degrees cast 5U po;c-s to ?i sta-. >. i X. T. flyers lino, thence north I i . j degrees east 18 poles to a stake o. i top of a ridge, thence north east 8 poles to a cherry tree ?;\ the road, thence south 8 i degrees eas I o poles, south 'to degrees ea.-.i. . ; poles, south 58 degrees east lv> po.c: south 28 degrees east degrees east 32 poles to a stake, come, jto S. -J. Price, and known as the Am ' chell old corner, thence north iO ueg recs east 25 poles to a hickory, theuvi. | north 5 degree.- west lt? poivs to ?l * ^i-y11 ^ . ... ^ 4 1 | ?1?? VUUOHIMV, o ; south 84 degrees west 31 po,e.> to , [stake, thence west with top t>L i .ig. b poles to a large chestnut, J. U. Leo. hour's corner, thenc north *< < i . {east w.i a Icennoar'.- s jS? p> ? >J a beach, thence \\? t ' 2 pole- ... ; spruce pine, J. 8>. Dougherty's coiik r thence north ..'6 1-.- degrees v.. 122 i-2 poles to a spruce pine stump thence north To degrees west \.. Dougherty's lines bii poles to tin ?. ginning, containing i).> ACRES mor. or less . SECOND TRACT ADJOINING THE ABOVE. 1>. G1NN1NG at a branch at a stas*. B. S. Smith's corner, thence sod. 77 degrees east vvitn same 40 po?e. to a stake, A. Grogan's corner, thoxut up the bank of said branch 7 po.-.- t a stake, Ira Mitchell's corner, them south with same 40 poles to .t top oi a clitf, Ira Mitchell's corner, tin east 72 poles to a staKe on the nori turn of a ridge, a spur of Rich M? tain; thence houib 18 poies with ters, S. J. Price's corner, with sum. and top of ri? ge, a conditional Inu made between Bennett Smith and ./ - hiel Smith; thence with same and to; of ridge with S J. Price's line soi. *75 degrees west 25 poles to a stai: on top of said ridge, with same co.; ditional line and Price's line west poles to a stake on top of a ridge with same and conditional line sou.. 71 degrees west with Price s line d poics lo a stake, near a locust, centei to lot No. 1 R. J. Perry's corner, tne: north 2 1-2 degrees east 71 poles ic a stake, K. J. Perry's corner, thence norm 71 degrees west o poles to stake, R. J. Perry's corner, thence with same north 16 1-2 degrees west 55 poles to the beginning* containing 50 ACRES more or less. Time oi sale iz M. Terms ol sak ?Cash. This the 19th day of February 192; H. J. SINGLETON Commissioner i dl:M | NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE ;! By virtue of an execution directed to the undersined sheriff of Watauga .r unty from the Superior court of >aiii -anty, in teat certain action cntitad J. L. ''otter vs Martha Main * vi;i 011 Monday the 26th day of March i. J.., at ?>ne o'clock p. m. at 1 f.e co house door of saui county j soil to the highest bidder for cash I to sat.-1; the said execution all the , ltght. tii.u ; interest which J. O. ... i'oti r surety on plaintiff's bond. | has in he following described tract . of land to wit: i Beginning on a birch in Lenoir's line and runs west with Lenoir line J 72 poles to top of Snake Mountain, j then outh 0 degrees west with top of said mountain 220 poles to a rock j marked with four hacks and '"X" then south 75 degrees east -11 poles to a l keyc on a ridge, then south 80 degrees east with top of ridge 35 poles to a small beech, then south 68 degrees east 6 poles to a buck| eye, V mebarger's corner; then north with W nebarger's line 8S poles to his corner: then east with said line 50 , poles to his corner ; then north 5o j poles to a stake; then north 18 de-j , gree t 105 poles to the begin-J * iiwiuiiii*; i'i i-- acres more I ?r It* . and bring the land granted I to M \V. Kay and J. O J .Potter! 1 oy giant No. 18JC0. Thi the 22nd day of February,! 192.;. | C. M. CUITCHKR Sheriff Watauga County, j : AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR, THE ISSUANCE OF $14000.00 I SiKEET IMPROVEMENT FUND INC BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BOONE AND FOR the PAYMENT! Or THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF' AND INTEREST THEREON, k Whereas, there was outstanding, , on the sixth day of December 1021, i an indebtedness of the town of ! Boone, in the amount of $ lb,000 ? which indebtedness had theretofore > been incurred pursuant to the au- j 1 thority of the Board of Commis-' * sioners of the Town of Boone for nec? -ary expenses of said town, to , wit. the improvement of the streets , in said town by macadamizing, cunj strutting concrete sidewalk, and by i building bridges and which indebt\ crln- is till outstanding and of * which $1,000 will be paid short.y i ami the remaining $14,000 will be cancel id prior to its maturity ami . . -c.u.-ly with the issuance oi . . d. o fund such dfc.-'t: ami. as it is, in t a opi.iion ol , ih> r i ?.f Ki.itro. a lei.* abi : proper and for liu- best i..tere th d- . . be funtied. 1 i .vr iore, be it ordained by *; .. ... ,.rd of Commis.,?uiieiof th - i 'i< <>,' Boone: Li 1. That the town of * ; j; .r.-aaat to ii.e "Municipal* F;..;.n?-o Ait, L021," ir-sue its bonds , to ae known as fundiri bonds, f.>?* , i.?e purpose of funding ami payingj umding indebt dnc&s of said , tity aicurrcd for the necessary ex1 pen. i thereof, referred to in the 1 pream ueo hereof. ~ Section 2. That the maximum ag-| ^ ^negate principal amount of said bond issue shall be Fourteen thouss ; and dollars ($14,000.) [ Section 3: That a tax sufficient . pay the principal arid interest of i' i c bonds shall he annually levied and collected . section J. That, a statement of .ae dc' t of the Town of Boone ha.J en filed with the Clerk and is o;u n! public inspection. Secilon p? I i ... tii*> ordi uu.ise |sj .-ha.: "ta'a eiTe *1 i ..;i it - pas-.i jc ' .lid ^!lj?j ; not he 'ir?,11o i to the vo- |, .is *-v ;ih<* ibwa oi ik?j:n'. . E. kOk . .1. wlork. - { * ii.o !??;. oio":>a vax pass- fl d or. tii; i-i> i.ny -.( 1\ r il .2. |j nd wu- first iHtjbjUtu-d on tnc S,?.j -y oi March l'J2o. n.ny action or pro-, eeni .q; qiu siiort- i i: g: the validity oI said ordinance | ,'st. I-, '.onimne ed within thirty j days after Its west jRibiicatiou. A. E. SOU I l. Cietk. ' NOTICE OF M.X'.^AGE SALE Under and i y virt le of lite pox ei j i sate coiitaineii in a certain mort-i crxtce deed executed by .1. G. Norris, ; and wife Florence- Xorris, to J. pres iuojj hniES 3ip no )-.\i TJ"2Ge$ }? -*CJ ?>*^P uoao jo o}ou tnnpMD n jo yt;:iu.:*.d ; . oanDOs ot ???>l 415 joqiuoidoc; pa^np v li.vtoavi tiipitnH \\ put? yv date, n::d the note beir>K past hue we . ;ti scii to the hi^he. t bidder for cash at the court hv. c r in IJoone on the 7th day cf Apri! 1923, to sati. fy the note with interest and costs the following described lands, to wit: Beginning on a .-tone in the line* of If. J. Iiardin and running a west roux&e with the public road 15 polos d 5 links to a stone at the forks . of the road; thence south 8 degreed . west about 10 poles to a stone at the forks of the road where the road fork . ' to go to the.New River Power Plant; then southeast with the old Hardin and Counciil line (nov: LV.agherty's line) with the fence and road to a ,rg chestnut, the Hartley and Coun, cill corner; thence 18 poles and 10 links with the H. J. Hardin line to . the beginning, containing 2 1-1 acres more or le^s. Sale to be between the hours of 12 M and 1 p. m. J. W. McGHEE . W. pARDIN BROWN Mortgagees. I Page Seven ENTRY NOTICE 2563 : * * * - . Stole of Nor'h Carolina, WatRVf... ^ 'a/t im - f j ? County. Cfii-e of the Entry T?ker:. J} v ,r oflen of ,*.d co;nty sp t ; :..s rtVV. S. Trinlett iooat' ^ . CM "li,tl00r SS art, of lane, in Eik, i..:nvjs. A tt massage lying -Hi t he head vat<-* >? fE'k <:reek Vv:vn : l% ' c T-en R,ves jegir:;;i:?_r on a ?pan;sh oak at Eliza-' surprising relief, ' eth Trplett's cornor, ruarirsg with ^ ^ ^ ^ ? Watt C rape's lin- ?? V ^ thence ith Elizabeth TripietiV- r.? n Jar* U?<* Yearly The Hull Dog Grip It isn't genius that wins in the long run It's the bull dog grip . i he staying qualities l he ability not only to start a thing but? I'o keep it up ' The man who starts a bank account here And keeps it up Is the man who succeeds The Peoples Bank & j Trust Company 1 Everything in Hardware!! g||^ J[ . A'; ;.:. ''jl > Spring is approaching and the wide- aw- |? Ip ake farmer is now busy getting ready for ^ |p h;s early plowing. The fences on the farm ^ij ~jj8 net ' replacing with new ores, many ditches tp !Mnc ' uperhvj, and it ma} ; e that the good Jlj , , H-i^gS ~-S t > H-'lag M H ? ?- n i? ...? .33 ce ropiaeea j.'s^ ? - HI n? Hi Ba HJ^^Sys By Tpa = 6? *i -" S33fi :-r R?w gu . .] '. rh a new one. | And die you say you needed some earth ?j ;:e pipe and other material used in plumbing? jfS ^ p I LET US SAY 1 ^ ihat all these needs can he supplied at our hg 11 1 ^ ^ store, the best plows on the market, a large |p f-ij shipment oi wire fencing, shovels, mattocks Jn3 and picks to be used in your ditchng. a dan- ^ ?| dy line of Ranges and cook stoves always jp j|| in stock, and earth pipe and plumbing mater si . , , ^ ia!s galore. gt i . , s S? In fact if it is anything in hardware you can ?3 hi =ffl " J get it here. ?i hi srfl rm are _ . siJ H^ome ana examine our stock. ?i , , |j I a 1 mnwx up-mmnr.: m ft I uUUIlLtlfiilu If trii ill. UUi |