Established in 1888. A VOLUME XXXIV The New North State Attracting Attention Once the "Old" North State Now it is the "New" North State That is Fully Awake and Going Ahead University News Letter Once it was the Old North State? a sweet memory a pathetic .lament? the Rip Van Winkle state, asleep for two full centuries. Now it is the New North State? awake at last, wide awake?refreshed and renewed by her long sleepvigorous, and aflame with the early morning visions of youth?boastful ??hlatant if von nlpnao r?Vww?L- full f of bla-ba and blurb after the manner of a robust, two listed male youngster in the pin-feather stage of development?conscious of his power and immodestly boastful. North Carolina is actually beginning to believe in herself and to boast of herself gracelessly for all the world like Atlanta. Chicago, the Atlanta of the west, was The Constitution headquarters when Cleveland reached the Windy City in his Swing Around the Circle in the days of his presidency. Atlanta has been the butt of many a merry jest. Shes shameless in her boasting. Henry Grady began it and the very kids keep it up. It is the spirit of indestructible youth, and youth wins. Atlanta proves it. California proves it. And in particular Los Angeles. Los Angeles bounds herself a hun dred dollars per inhabitant, spends thirty millions on a water supply system, and twelve millions more on a man made harbor twelve miles away. She stands right up and blows about it. pictures it in the magazines the world around, ana she doubles her population and quadruples her wreaith in a single decade. North Carolina multiplies her public school fund twenty times over in twenty years, spends forty-two million dollars in two years on public school buildings, equipments and support: one hundred and twentytwo millions of Federal State and local on p*ruuv aud pays another one hundred and twenty two millions of taxes into fcte Federal treasury on incomes, estates and the like in a single year! But sh-h-h! Nobody must mention it! It*8 immodest to say a word about it! North Carolina begins?barely begins?to cash in the immense assets that lie in her soils and seasons, forests and waterfalls, mines and factories; and just as she begins, her fervor is chilled by the charge that she is immoderate and anba:hed in her boasting. It was a Calif ornian who said at Long Beach in 1921, North Carolina has got California beat a mile, and doesn't know it. it nas taken her two centuries to I develop gumption, grace and grit | enough to lay down the foundation of i a great commonwealth in public education, public hea th, and public highways. And she has the courage of her convictions. She docs not mean to hide her light under a bushel measure but to set it on a candlestick right out in the open for all hte world to see. The people of North Carolina know?at least they have been told often enough to know?that we are building good roads faster than any other State in the Union, Pennsylvania alone excepted, but also that our improved highways do .not yet reach the total mileage of good roads in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New- York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania or California. And they know too, that the twenty million dollars wc are spending on public schools thi3 year is four times tke sum we were spending for this purpose ten years ago; but also that we are still far behind the Middle Western States in public school support. And that in legislative appropriations for college culture, thirty five states make a better showing than North Carolina. The University News Letter exhibited the facts way back yonder in July 1922. The State has not lost her sense '* of perspective. She is not swashbucklering, but she is doing great things of late and she's proud of them. She can display her wares but she need not do it like Simple Simon of Mother Goose fame. She need not be provincial and parochial ?which are polite terms for ignorance of what is happening in the big wide world beyond her borders. So here's to the New North State. The old-age son of Sarah the barren The bottle fed boy brought up by Murphy and Morehead?schooled by Wiley. Mclver, Noble, Alderman, Gra ham, Claxton Joyner and Brooks and licked into lustiness by Vance, Aycock, Bickett and Morrison! Who ia now as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoicing as a strong man to run a race. May he forever be rich in purse and poor in spirit 1 Always abounding in wealth and in willingness to devote it to the common weal and the commonwealth 1 \t m * i Non-Partisan Family Newspaper.! BOONE, List of Storm Victims Stands at Twenty Eight In Tennestei Red Cross and Other Agencies of Re lief are Caring for the Homelet in North Mississippi Towns. MEMPHIS?With the death list a 28, the Red Cross and other ager.cie of relief are undertaking the task o providing for the many families ren dered homeless by the tornado whicl through Savage and other north Mis sissippi towns. G. C. Crane in charge of the Red Cross work at Savage ha reported that 102 houses were destro; ed. Volunteer relief parties from th surrounding towns hav supplied largi quantities,of food and clothing. Ai emergency kithchen is being operate< in box cars at Savage and meals an being served to hundreds of refugee Fifty tents have been supplied ii the stricken town and the war depar inert, cooperating with the Red Cros has shipped 75 army tents to Mem phis. Other supplies aie being concen trated here, and C. E. Lovett a Re< Cross worker will arrive from Atlan ta tomorrow to supervise the distri bution. Although 25 or more persons wen injured, a score of them seriously it is not thought that mere death will be reported. ANTS HAVE INTELLIGENCE "Go to the Ant, Thou Sluggard, Con rider Her Ways and Be Wi?c." Monroe Enquirer. 1 wonder if there are any boy: reading this, who ever stepped un der the shade of atree at the enc of a long cotton row, to watch a col ony of ants. How in a long time, som< coming, some going, they would sto| to greet each other. And no mattei how many thousands of the little in sects there might be they never fail cd to know each other as member: of the same klan. In this particulai they are somewhat like colored folk: No one ever saw two of them meet without greeting each otke| Sometimes the boy wlfo woufa rati er observe nature than to hoe cot ton would gc off a short distance anc get other kinds of ants and mix then when there would be a battle royal with no letup until the interlopers were vanquished. Recently I was reading of ants o1 the tropics?big fellows?which ap patently have intelligence equal u human beings. Perhaps one of th< most interesting species is the leaf cutting ants, one of the most dcstru< live insects of the tropics. They fre quntly strip a tree of its entire fol iage in a night. The ants lug away the leaves ovei roads which they have built. Thest roads are six inches wide sometiraei a mile long, and are kept in repaii and free from vegetation by squad: of road repair ants. At the farend of the road the ant: turn tne leaves into a compost or fer tilizer, from which springs up a fun gus growth, a kind of mushroom foi which the ants are gluttons. "These minute insects have becora* expert mushroom growers" says Dr F. J. Seaver who tells the story in i lecture at the New York Bctanica Garden. The leaf cutting ants turn from the trees and attack certain jungh plants. Maybe these plants have in telligence, maybe not. At any rate, they seek a means o] protection. Presto! An "idea" come: to them. Tbey change their shapi alter their small structure until the} become small hotels. Colonies of fighting ants observ< that the plants have provided idea housing and feed ing quarters. The} move in. And they protect their homes. Le a leaf cutting ant come marauding in and it never gets out alive. Th< army aunts klil it. They also protec the plants against all other insects. As a military alliance, what do yoi think of this combination betweei plants and ants? The arrangement between the jun gle plants and the army ants, you'l observe, is a 50-50 proposition. Th< plants give free rent and give protec tion. The ants get the free rent am give the protection. lucic is iiu tKoum^nt aDous it. it give-and-take, dollar lor dollar. Ni one gets any more than he payB lot Nor does he pay for more than hi gets. Ifs a natural law. "A fai exchange is no robbery." If we hu mans lived up to this natural law getting a good living would be easie for all of us?and the average stan dard of living would be higher thai it is in this day of trying to get sum thing for nothing. "Go to the ant, thou sluggard, con sider her ways and be wise." Mr. Henry Greer of Vilas was ii to renew his subscription last Thuri day and told ns that since last Sep tember he has had six cases of ty phoid fever in his family, he and hi wife being two of the number. Foi tnnately all recovered. Kwm'i dim ; fcQ . ifttstg Devoted to the Be?t Interest* of Boc WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH. CAR The Bridge With a j Thousand Spans a A thousand spans! Where from? where to? New York to Liverpool "! is perhaps suggested, as you under* take to calculate mentally how far a thousand spans like those of the 11 Queensboro Bridge would reach. It ! :s no such ambitious project however ? for the thousand spans of this bridge would not cover the distance from the Wool worth Building to Sandy Hook. The spans will be very short? ' only about 14 feet each?but even \ | so, it will be some bridge! * A mire $2,000.00(1 will bui'.d the * 14,000 feet of structure and 16,000 I feet of approaches which seems a mod?:--t sum for so much bridge. The Gaudy Bridge, as it is called J will be the largest undertaking of its kind in America, with two exceptions i ni? riagier tvev \\ est exception, and the structure at Salt Lake City, Utah. Its purpose is to shorten the distance from Tampa to St. Peteisbunr '| Fla., 38 miles. How long does it take to drive 38 I miles? i(on much does it cost: Many could ansuvr the firs I question?very few could correctly answer the last. | The Gundy Bridge Company is bet% 1 t ing $2,000,000 that at least 2.000 motorists per day will spend 75 cents ' rather than give an additional 38 mile drive to go from one of these towns to the other. Anyone who has trawrst <1 the longer route will believe they are betting on a sure thing. The present road is, at one and the same time, both excellent and excreble; that seeming contradiction being explained by the fact that if one can drive . along on a nine foot brick prved load unmolested by other traffic noth s ing better could be desired, but when ' forced to yield half of it to other vehicles, nothing worse could be imagined. With half of the narrow brick road grudgingly allowed a passing ear, two wheels of your machine _ plunge and wallow through deep hole . or sandy ruts, the other wheels smoot ^ ly rolling along on the brick. You aixz snainiK cilttl, lUttU II1U3I. U1 lliC j Vime tau. If the tacking and smashing impact doesn't fracture a spring or I break an axle, you pet a new re3pcct j for the material in your car before the journey is completed. 5 ~ News Items From The Training School ) % The Boone Chamber of Commerce _ had a most interesting meeting on ? Saturday night. A male quartette . gave several song selections at th<. opening. This was followed by speeches by Prof. Smith Hugaman on the p Community spirit as applied to Boone . and Watauga County; by Mr. W. U s Gragg on Boone ten years hence; r and by Prof. B. B. Dougherty on 5 Securing a Camp Ground at Boone i'or Tourists Ail seemed at their be>t 3 and their speeches were enjoyed i>\ . all present, including several visitors. The Glee Club on Monday night r gave a highly entertaining program in the Auditorium of the School -u ; a good crowd, though the weather was somewhat unfavorable. This pit>l gram was given under the direction 1j of Miss Ruth Coffey, the Director of I' Music. The three brick blocks being built ?-! in Boone are now nearing completion _ I The Jones block is practically comiplcie and is occupied by the Peoples I! Bank & Trust Co and J. M. Moreiz s! Furniture Store and the Telephone > Exchange is up stairs. The Watauga j County Bank Block will soon be completed. One part of it is already coin3 plete and is occupied by the post of\ fice with an equipment that would do j credit to a much larger town than Boone. The other parts of it will be I occupied by the Watauga County r Bank, T. Hill Farthing, ladies fur?1 nishings and millinery, and the Boone I Hardware. The Quails block is also nearly complete and three depart, ments arc to be taken by the McLh jj gle Grocery Store, Quails and Company's well equipped restaurant and _ J. L. Quails Hardware. 1 J. M. DOWN CM 2 - Watauga Building and 1 Loan Still Goes Strong XT TT ? ~oc_.?*. J <U1. u. u. U1CCIIC , but; UlllCiCUd . Secretary Treasurer of the Watauga 2 Building and Loan Association says r subscriptions still pour in, and it is _ good to know that we have a real live institution of this sort for it is r no doubt one of the greatest devel_ opment agencies there is. a In this connection we would call e attent: n to the advertisements appearing in this publication each week . They are good reading matter and prove most conclusively why * stock in the Association ir in such great a demand. This week Mr. Greene hasj h used the space to give a list of the K stockholders, and it is to be noted u that the ablest and best people of B the town and county predominate, >. 1 Subocrifco for your county paper . >. - ' . a Mt me, and Watauga County, "the Lee OLINA, THURSDAY MARCH 22 ' France Discounts Rumoi of Peace Negotiations? Takes Over More Minei Guard Miners Group of Worken Atk For Work with Belgian Pay matter?May Try the Mine Own ert. Duesaeldorf Dispatch?Reports o\ negotiations designed to settle the Ruhr problem which are numerout here, have not altered the Franco, Belgian plans for taking over the coke and coal problems of the Ger mans. It was announced today thai two additional shafts of state ownec had been occupied by ordei of the commissioner of control. Tht Blurnenthai mine is occupied by French troops and the French arc planning to begin the shipment ol COke to France immediately. The exact number of mines novk in the hands of the French ar.d Bel jri. not known from official sour ccs. ?ui according to the German: the number is seven. The Proapei mi:, which has two shafts, and als< the Lehin mine both near Bottrop \ occupied the Germans say, a: well as the Bismarck mine. Hie French are continuing to loac cok- cars by means of German-Pol ish labor; several hundred of thest men are working for the French. b?* I ing quartered at the mines and art | eating and sleeping under the pro 1 teciion of troops, steam engines am j other apparatus are being brought j from France and Belgium to facil I itate the loading of the cars with tin thousands of tons of coke on band, j It is reported that several thou 1 sand miners of th Anna mines be i longing to German capitalists, have opened negotiations with the Beig ' iam for the purpose of reaching a working agreement. The men ask foi | a seven hour day, payment in Bel 1 gian francs and certain food allowances. It was announced that because of the refusal of German mine own era to pay a 40 per cent tax to the French and Belgians the first penal | ties had been applied by the coramis sion of control. These penalties in delude; the withholding of till export licenses except in relation to Hollanci TUi, 1 * ? * - *?'iu Iituunio. X III.? vuai kaA. uttsed on coal production, was formerly paid by the owners to the German government. The mine owners have been granted more time to considei the matter of payment, but if thej continue their obstinate attitude aftei April 15 they will be arrested and court martialled. The Franco Belgian commission, which is considering the new monetary system for the Ruhr and land, went to Essen for consultation with the engineers mission and army technical experts. It will return tc Paris next week. About Time to Spray the Apples When the pink of the unfolded up pie blossoms is beginning t show anc just before the blossoms have begur to open is the time to spray for "ap pie scab" suggests G. \V. Fant, Ex tension worker for the state College and Department of Agriculture in th< Deuartmpnt rilant Mr Fant states that those apple orchars in which the scab has been bad ir previous years should receive a clus ter bud spray as a means of keepiug this diseas ein check during the com ing season. A spray given at this time is the most important that could be giver in the whole season. Mr. Fant states that scab live; throughout the winter on old leave; found beneath the trees. It spread: from these leaves back to the nev leaves and fruit buds just as the bios som buds have separated from eael other and are in the cluster stag*He suggests that these buds mu3t bJ watched carefully to tell when th< spray application should be made. It may be five or six days before the full bloom depending on how th< weather warms up. In most cases th< county agent can tell just when ii is time to make this spray. As to the proper treatment to bi given Mr. Fant says "spray of th' summer strength must be used at thi time, since the winter spray is to< strong for unfolding leaf buds an< blossom buds. When using liquid lim sulphur, apply at the rate of fivi quarts to 50 gallons of water, plu: one pound of dry arsenate of lea< or two pounds of arsenate of lea< paste. If aphids were severe last yea add one half pint of black leaf 44 I to every 50 erallons of water. If sura I material other than liqnid lime sui phur is used, apply at summer streni according to recommendations lui nished by the manufacturer." Spray calendars giving all thes instructions may be obtained fror the Plant Pathology Department N O. Experiment Station, Raleigh. Mr. G. G. Hodges of Blowing Roc' was operated on for apendicitis a the Watauga Hospital Tuesday. Hi condition is reported aa favorable. inotr ider of Northwestern Carolina." ? The Coldest Weather ( For Late in March i Damage to Cropi is Expected to Go ?f Into the Millions Nine Lives Have Been Lost i ASHEVILLE?The coldest tilth f of March experienced in Ashcville i in 25 years was recorded today. No > fear is entertained for the apple crop -; but it is beiieved the peach and also S'the prape crop in the section sur-j rounding Asheville from which rei ports have been obtained will be re1 duced . r CHICAGO March 19?A marked k moi. '-ation in temperature with even bright sunshine in places and a ; forecast of fair and warmer today Ii registered the end of one of the most sever March storms that the Great | r Lakes region and the Mississippi val i ley has ever known. -I New low temperature records for 5 j late March were established in many r wes' last night and early today, when ) the ?torm - swept through this region, . on it way from Alaska to the south> em part of the United States. New records were made at points in 31 > ? 1 so"ri. Texas and Tennessee while oth j er states in the farther north record-' ed the coldest late March weather - i in half a century. 'j Higher temperature and sunshine - today began melting the huge banks 1 of now which have been blocking : and impeding all sorts of travel in - parts of Iowa and Nebraska. Heavy ' snowfalls was prevalent in the entire storm swept area, snow falling - a: far south as Birmingham. Ala. - It was expected that train service which had been abandoned in some - places would-be returned to nor-mal i soon. r Two death caused by the cold were reported at Rockford, 111. one in Wis. one near Kutoh, Colorado, one in Jhi diana and one at Chicago. Reports from Baxter, Colo, also told of the f finding of three childrr-n who had h??t-n frozpn tn rl?*nih Damage t o crops was expected to ! run into the millions, it being estiniat ted that the Oklahomo peach crop I alone was damaged to the extent oi more than two million dollars. Some livestock was frozen to death i at Council! Bluffs. Iowa, when a train was stalled there during a blizzard yesterday. WATAUGA HIT BY COLD WAVE I ' (letting a little closer home, For the past several days the weather has . been unusually cold for this season of the year, mercury hovering un comfortably close to the zero point. ' However owing the fact that the r fruit trees were not quite so far ad- j > vanced as is s.onsot mies the ease lit - [ I tie iear is cuteruuued over the apple ; J crop, al'hough it is probable peaches i J ami inaiier fruits may be killed. 1 Committee Report to the Eoone Chamber of Commerce To i' ' < Chamber of Commerce. t Boone. North Carolina, j Greetings: We your committee appointed to , make suggestions for beautifying the | town of Boone respectfully submit the following report r 1. Request that all property own1 ers clear, up and beautify their prem ises and the streets directly in front ; of their property and that each fain-] \ ily or business has a trash can or barrel s 2. Request that the town authori5 ties designate a suitable place for s dumping this trash and see that it is T hauled there ar.d burned. 3. Appoint Mr. R. R. Johnson to \ got permission from the Railroad Company to beautify the "Y" aceor? ding to Mr. Johnson's plan, j 4. Appoint a committtee to see the county commissioners in regard to ? putting a fence around the court ; house grounds, beautifying the same i and keeping the court house clean. t 5. Request all stores and places of business to bum papers and not e scatter them on the streets. e Respectfully, s MRS. E. S. COFFEY, Ch'm. 5 MRS. McG. ANDERS MRS. SMITH HAGAMAN e MISS PEARL HODGES B J. M. DOWNUM 5 A. E. SOUTH, Sec'y. Com. I 1 r THE BOONE CLOTHING STORE y . . nyatri smith Hagaman and J. C. 1- McConnei are opening a gents furE niibings store in Boone, v Every thing worn by a man or boy will be carried in stock, up toe date factory lines are bought and a will be arrving the last of this week, r. Jlr. McConnel who will have charg of the business has just returned from out of the State where he has k been studying the business with some it of the best retail dealers of the coun> try. especially the inside of buying. at Published Weekly NUMBER 21 Some Roads in the Seventh District Will Be Completed After All Proposal for Big Cement Manufsctur ing Plant Somewhere in Western Carolina to Facilitate Road Work Roads Ordered Completed. Winston Salem Journal. The State of North Carolina is seriously considering the feasibility of building a gigantic cement manufacturing plant, to cost between four and five million dollars to facilitate the building cf hard surface roads in the State, according to A. S. Ha tics, highway commissioner, who has returned from a meeting of the State Highway Commission in Raleigh. A committee composed of J. Elwood Cox, John Sprunt Hill A. S. I lanes has 1 etn appointed by Frank I'age, chairman of the State Highway Commission *o visit cement manufacturing plants and make such recommendation as they s- a fit in regard to the feasibility of such a plan location ; f the plant, etc. Mr. Hones stated thai the building of cement roads in the state is being delayed because of the fact that the bement cannot be secured at the pres ent time. The cement shortage is hindering the ivork of road building in every district in the state and the highway commissioners see no way out of the difficulty other than by the building of a plant for the production of cement. Mr. I Fanes stated that the members of the committee would leave on the tour cf inspection immediately. They will visit Allentown. Pa. one of the great cement producting centers and King^port, Tenn., also Norfolk, Va., On their return they will report to Lhu highway commission and if the report of the cc-mmittce is accepted by the commissioners definite action will be taken. In the meanwhile the building of hard surface roads in the state is almost at a standstill. The session of the commissioners just closed was one of the longest ever held by that body. They were in session lor three days and an immense amount of work was transacted. A number of matters were disccussed and the commission is confronted with other grave problems in addition to the cement shortage. At the meeting just closed a number of projects were authorized for the seventh district of which Mr. Hanes is commissioner. The completion of the cement road to Danbury and from Mount Airy to Pilot Knob were authorized . The completion of the road from Winston-Salem to Mocksville was also authorized as well as the ones from Lenoir to Hickory, Wilkesboro to Mulberry Gap. Boone and Blowing Rock and for the construction of five miles of road along the Boone Trail Highway from Wilkesboro towards Winstcn-Saiem. The route for the road leading to Lexington from Winston Salem to be built of concrete, was ordered located. The cement will be laid in the near future. Mr. Hanes stated that none of the projects could be completed at the present time, due to the cement shortage, but that in all cases the roads would he graded bridges built and everything put in readiness for hard surfacing at the earliest possible moment. The construction of the Clemens ized. This will he a sand clay road. Contracts were authorized for the completion of the road between Jefferson and Sparta in Ashe and Alleghany Counties. Civil Service Examination for Boone P. Office The United States civil service Com mission announces a competitive examination for the pcstmastership at Boona. The examinations will be held at different points in North Carolina on April 14. Our applicants for the position will ikely go to Charlotte for the examination. The term of the present postmaster will expire on July 28, 1923. The salary here is $1900 per year. Apply at the post office at this place or to the Civil Service Com mission at Washington, D. C. for application form 2241, and forms 2223 and 2358. containing the dates and places of examinations. THE SUCCESS FAMILY j Selected. The Father of Success is ?Work. 1 The Mother of Success is?Ambition. I The oldest Son is?Common Some of the other boys are: Peresvcrance, Honesty, Thoroughness, Foresight, Enthusiasm, Co-operation. The oldest daugheter is?Character Some of the sisters are: Cheerfulness, Loyalty, Courtesy, Care, Economy, Sincerity. The boy is?Opportunity. Get acquainted with the "Old hian" and you will be able to get along pretty well with the rest of the family.

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