Established in 1888. A VOLUME XXXIV American Tourists Are ' Rich Harvest in Egypt Associated press dispatch from Valley of the kings, Luxor Egypt. Within the last month three big ocean liners from the United States have touched at Egypt and swarms of Americans have docked down to the scene of King Tut's terrestial resurrection in the valley of the kings American travelers who heitofoit have spent their winters i nthe Holy Lands Algeria or other semi-tropical j resorts have this winter chosen the Nile because of its nearness to the J tomb of the ancient Pharoah. The j great presidential shrines at Mount j Vernon and Springfield, 111. have not attracted a greater number of Am-1 erican pilgrims this winter than the; strange subterranean sepulchre of' Egypt. "Have you seen the new tomb?" is the first question put to every American upon setting foot in Egypt. . For in the ppular view not to have visited the now popular mummy eham ber is not to have been in Egypt, j American visitors instead ot stopping off at Cairo as was previously their j custom now come directly down to Luxor making the 450 mile journey] from the capitol in twelve hours, or more leisurely in one of the river excursion boats. The finding of the tomb has given this little Nile municipality a nimportance it has not enjoyed in 3,000 years. Luxor is snugly situated on the east bank of the Nile opposite ancient Thebes and has a populat ion of 1500O Its chief attraction apart from the new royal tomb is the temple of Luxor, built by the sovereigns of a for- j gotten age, and until 1890 buried in the accumulated mud and rubbish of cpnturics A Mnhnmnn?*l?n mrtenno built in the heart of the ruins of the Temple strikes an incongruous note. The principal industry f Luxor besides turist hotels is souvenir making The busy and igenius Arabs of the town bring quantities of elephant rhinoceros hide aid ?rtHy f*om . the Sudan and convert thera deftly into a thousand and one novelties and to attract the tourist. The latest pro- i duct of their ingenuity is an ivory i figure of Tutankhamen which is sold for a dollar. j The men of Luxor go about in ; r long cotton cloaks and white Turban ( while the women wear sombre, dress- i es and shawls of deep black that cov- j er even their fafes. The children of t both sexes ramble about the streets , naked a custom dictated both by cc- , onomy and the excessive heat. The only school in the town is an Ameri- ] can missionary school for girls. Like the modern Greeks the Egyptians of ] today take little interest in the his- 1 tory and achievements of their an- ; cient forebears and seem quite indifferent to the temple and tomb o-xca- j vating being carried on by the Am- ; erican Brit ..1} and French archeoiogiots. They are ?e terc-.-'te*4 only in t;.e i amount of gold the new tombs may produce and htey indulge in the sus-j picior. that a large quantity of this , is taken secretly out of Egypt by lor- | eigne rs. j \ A pleasant 15 minute sail across j the Nile in catboats rowed by Arabs h hrinps t.h?? visitor h? tho- <>f nn_l cient Thebes in its day the largest i and most sumptuous capital in the ; world. The metropolis of antiquity c is now a vast expanse of sand, mar- , shes, sugar fields and straggling farm ; The city of New York might be pla- ] ced on the present plain of Thebes i but a part of it would overflow on j the Nile. When the west bank of the Nile i is reached the visitor usually mounts j a donkey or camel for a two hours , ride to the valley of the kings. He j passes on the way the great Colossi 1 of Memmon one of which according : to tradition emits sound when the i sun's rays fall upon it. The Emperor . t Hadrian came here when the dawn of ; Roman history and scratched his in- i itials upon the pediment of the vocal Hemnon just as tourists do today. The Royal Necropolis which entombs the dead of forty centuries lies , six miles from the river bank. The ; narrow footpath that led to the in i the days when Tutankhamen's sane- , tuary was uninvaded by prowling archeologists has become expanded into the width of a good American Toad. It winds through poverty stricken villages of the native farmers past the temple of Ramases the third and beyond the mountain shrine of Queen Hatshesput, the Cleopatra of the Dy- nasty, and thence past the deathlike Valley of the Queens. After getting a glimpse of the en- ; N trance ot Tutankhamen's rqck hewn portal?for no one is permitted to go into the tomb itself?visitors usually seek the cool shades of one of the many tombs that are quarried in the side of the mountain. Here they .discuss the merits of the sepulchre and eat their luncheon, while the mu milled body of a sovereign of bygone centuries rests in all its ancient majesty in a ghostly inner chamber. Do yon take Tour County Paper! Non-Partisan Family Newspaper. Dc BOONE, U New River Light Plant Destroyed by Fire Last Friday morning the power i plant supplying: Boone and the Training school with lights, located east of Boone on the New River was completely destroyed by fire. The fire started presumably from a short circuit somewhere in the building. The dam which was constructed of wood was not damaged but insofar as the machinery is n total loss and as funds were appropriated by the past legislature for tho nurnosp of hllilflinc* n turn- nlnnt on middle Fork of New River this summer to supply both the Appalachian school and the town with elec- I trie current,, it is not thought the plant will he rebuilt at the old site. The trustees of the School have not made public their intentions but it is to be supposed that work will start on the new power development at the earliest possible date, as not only the town but the school as web are in temporary darkness. BASKET BALL SEASON ENDS AT TRAINING SCHOOL The basket hall season is now over at the Training School after a very successful year. Although the boys lost five games and won five yet in the games played the local lads scored 310 points while their opponents scored only 260 points. Williams and Ilenson were the mainstays at forwards, while John Howell also did some good work at several games. Farthing at center probably developed more during the season than any other player . At guards Miller and Hortn did the brunt of the work, while Moretz helped and showed signs of developing into a | star guard for another year. Without question Miller was the best guard seen on the iocal floor this season. U of the i??v / . k > shade an. ornamental ire -.- porks i:;mp groiin. and well kept . 1 grout.d> arc a: indicative of ihe -.?i?it of its hji.der and keepers f w ;in*h then i-. no c cjual, all ti? < i i. .kv ic oat of tii most prosperous ; nd progress^ . ci. ies in the slat C ncrete. hard surj face and top sc.. roads' lead in ai directions from town which makes I easily accessible to the iargei towr of the state. We made inquiry as r the chief industries of Watauga < o* ty and found them to be fanning u;. rying and cheese making. Two indatries that have assumed larye rrop< tions are the raising of seed potato and the manufacture of kraut. Tfc largest factory in the south is at il place. This ha? grc lly the raising of cabbage, t" which Ik section is ?o well adapted. We fi: the Method::'. 1:'. pise ope and Presbyterians all ha.. nice chu ches in town. The graded school bui. dii.g situated near the Daniel Boor Monument .. a modern tw s. structure wh t the children aw i? dor the managiment. of the A. i. c making it a . do! ho ' f u ten.b The A. T. S .a state a - notion i the trainie . of ch . leading coll ;:e ; ? the st te W wcr wonderful.\ ?:;:i;svd ta t?.p duous strkb ,!n , ?wn and aiur.t. uefc, umui: -?i :11c ia>. v_:i yjar.. a. took occasion to ask why and how a this came about. We were told it v. through the indomitable courage, ar ceaseless and untiring efforts of t.? people who wrought unstii.ungjy f its development. But who are thepeople? we asked. "Oh" replied"ou informant, "1 could not came ther all, but such men as Dr. Anders, Di Jones, Dr. Moose, Dr. Bingham, J L. Quails, John W. Hodges, I). J. Cot trell, Frank Moore, E. N. Hahn, Mur ry Critchci, 3! 1. Coff.y. "..'d the Dougherty boys, Smith Ike Greer and many others z?r the ones v ,r;iv . t those who br ' t* v r."rt of tn storm." "But" said 1, "r..?t havin: had the picture of meet* :g man of these 3 ' " " -r*r orr val in town w >ul. vc"? 1 lellin; me what ha -on o M " "Nc "Dr. Moose he got up real early on morning and left for Raleigh,, Soro time later Dr. Anders Smith Haguroa Dr. Bingham, Frank Moore and aom others left on dark rainy nights f ??-? a?----- - & He oonc, and Watauga County, "the Lea ROLINA, THURSDAY MARCH 29, I Notice :h has been appointed one. >ple will gather up all front and back yards and boxes and have it >rning the town wagon ^?] -ii i .c, auu wc win nave a ii and streets. everybody will cooperem; ses cleaned up and re the wagon can take morning April 4th. er and make Boone a iich to live. EDWIN N. HAHN, Mayor. 1 Durham, John Ilod^es is located in Caiy seeing that strangers take the 1 ngiit road, Blan Dougherty is teach^' ing half the day and looking aiiu " i the children the other half. i A spirit such as this" said he. 0 t 4Cwiil build more cities even if mouna;tJ?iT9 have to be removed to do so." e The time for our departure had l" come hut while strolling along the ^ corridor of the Municipal Building *" where the Chamber of Commerce is holding its weekly meetings and which '? done more than any otner agency toe wards the building f the town we find e j > ! - - ? mi:ci) xraiiiuu anu uiiuit u gius nunj(n :ng on the wall the following: "Work for your own town, beautify it, imL> prove it, make it attractive. The war, the Treaty of Peace, the Protective tariff and all such things are im~ purtant subjects, but whats theuse of chewing up the world uless you sweep your own door steps? The best advertisement of your k" business is the town you live in. i vnTia gCv rC'putatiuii.-) aS w'uil u> incu * Make j?ur town talk all over the state 'j ?t will thus draw people and where ; the people conn i! n- *s prosperity 1 Hid your town of or.o eye sore after another, clea p the vacant, lots and put them in gurder.-". Make a clutter* ' ed yard a disgrace. Make public opiniOn too hot for t.r-o who will not .iCJn. ANOTHER iKf AT WEAPONS To buy a pistol in North Carolina it is necessary to first get a permit from the Clerk of the Superior Court and the clerk, before issuing the permit, s sup ' isfy himself that the applicant desires the weapon for a ' legitimate purpo-c?to keep in his home as a prof cciioii. Dealers, and rs, for "what matter cannot le gan,y sou a weapon umess tne purchaser exhibits a permit from the clerk. Thi to the concealed weapon law of lo:?g ^i-.mding was enacted year. ago. But it has been largely nuilifu-d by the purchase of .i.stols in otiu r sta'?ks the purchaser receiving the weapon by mail or ex ' pre .-. Mail di r houses do a large business in weapons and they advere extensivny to catch the trade. ;he last h.. tu attempted to stop this pra ' ' by making it unlawful "to i\ . . .? a pistol, pumpgun ,! Bowie kn:f<* dagger or metalt i lie knucks from a postmaster, postal k clerk, oinp-e i parcel post department. rural mail carrier, express agent or cmpijye" unless the reci| I pient first exhibits a permit from the ' cierk of the court authorizing the pur "r I ci?ase of the weapon. ihis may help some but it will be \ I quite difficult of enforcement. Ol I*! course the state cannot, nor does it attempt,, the prohibit of carrying of I weapons in the mails or the delivery i of them by postal employes. It simpj*' ply undertakes to make the person ' making the delivery a witness against ' viu individual who may receive the ] weapon without the required permit. e i But of course ail weapons are receiv| cu under cover and if the parcels ' ! are not without identifying marks, _ I i ow they will be after the news ol *! the North Carol in a statute iscircutated among the dca.ors. A parcel re0 ceived under cover, possibly sealec e and without identifying marks, leaves n the postal people in complete ignor e ance of the contents. And they can'1 ar look in simply to tell about it. a. ,1 , ,, V x ' tttucr der of Northweitern Carolina.*' 1923 ! Chamber of Commerce Holds Unusually Interesting Meeting Sat. Th* I'-oone Chamber of Commerce held ws weekly meeting on Saturday night, with a good number of the most progressive citizens present A c? mmittee appointed for that purpose was authorized to make the proper investigations relative to the , purchasing of a suitable site for a tourists camp ground, cost, amount of piping necessary to put water 1 on the same, together with such oth- ' er information as would be useful, \ and make definite plans for forwarding th:- movement which may be taken ! ? fore the next meeting of the Chamber for approval. , A program was prearranged for the meeting and speeches had been ] prepared for the occasion by thoMi t 1,U -- --- - ? mvoi.ii, 'jui uii motion oj. l'rolessoi i liillm.: the program was continued until Saturday o? this week, to give , way to the more pressing subjecti that ??i providing the towr with tr-nr porux.. leetric lighting facilit.-, until thi new plant has been i' all u on Middle Fork I It was decided to make investigation hrough some reliable engineer to ascertain if it would be practical to j install a dynamo in the plant of the Watauga Furniture and Lumber Co. to b? run by steam power and pos| sihly to be kept for future use in } case of emergencies. Th<- owners of the Lumber Co. j Messrs Ilahn and Gragg say that . 1 an arrangement ofthis sort could be made with them, and if the investigations are not disappointing, owing ( to th- kindness of these gentlemeil it is to be expected that we will have electric current again before long. . It is hoped that all the Chamber members will all attend these meetings, and others, as for that matter , as it is destined to be the greatest agency in the building of a bigger , and better Boone. Six More Rum Ships Riding the High Seas For Am erican Coast New York, March 24.?Reprts that six more rum laden vessels had left I I' the Bahamas for American waters and that three schoners believed to : Ko ?U.. ...I J ' mnniaf uaru OI II Spring rum fleet from St.Pierre, jVliquelon, 1 had dropped anchor off the Rhode Island coast today added to the worries of prohibition enforcement au thorities. R. Q. Merrick, newly appointed zone enforcement chief, met the news with the siatemenc ; .at there was nothing he could do about it. The federal |>iuimui:on enforcement of- | fice has no I'.eet to send out to cope with tlu* luation, he said, and was cumpil ii t?? rely on the coast euard arid eu cms service to break it up. ( apt.v: lteed. coast guard conirnancie. v the New York division. ' said there were three coast guard , vessels in his distinct?which has a i coast bin of about 200 miles?doing ' "ocoa work against the rum ' I runner.-. He pointed out that the coast guard had other duties to perform Customs authorities said they had the cutter Lexington on the trail of the rum runners but declared she was far from able to cope with the traffic. Touching on the wireless message flashed lust night from the rum running yacht Ister to a man in a Times oqujin iiolci ana purporting to advise him that a small boat of liquor was drifting off the Highlands, Captain Rc-ed declared he was proceeding op rhe theory that it was a code message The message as received by cus"M? tor boat adrift. Headed for New inlet. Yours for the salvage, . lst*.r." The man to whom the message was I address d sent two messages to the Ister, ti.e first, reading: "The agent will he out thu afternoon, and the second, am sending three boats to different points." The kter, it was :;aid, is loaded with Scotch whiskey taken on at Glasgow, from which pert the Britisn fleet was expected to operate. The six vessei? which customs authorities were ^notified had cleared from the Bahamas With liquor and which have been put cificialy on the : susp:>'ious list,' although they are ' ostensibly bound for other ports, are British schooner Lucille M. Smith, 3.600 cases; British schoncr Sadie A. Nickles, 1,800 cases; American motor boat T.-uant, 400 cases; British auxil[ rary sehoner Inia, 700 cases; American schooner Liberty, 500 cases, and American auxiliary schooner Esther, . 600 cases. Edward Barns, assistant solicitor I for the customs service, has beun in investigation f the registry of the three vessels classed as Amerij can. If they are found to be American registered it was said, they will be seized under Attorney General Dougherty's ruling that the Ameri1 can ships must travel "dry" throughout the world. at Published Weekly NUMBER 22 Watauga Court Convenes Monday With Judge Ray Presiding The* spring term of Watauga Superior court is in session this week with Judge J. Bis Ray presiding. Notwithstanding the fact the- docket is light the crowds have been heavy, dut in a measure perhaps to the clemency of the weather. Judge Ray made possibly one of the strongest and best charges to the grand jury ever heard in Boone. The first rmrt of hiv iticfonwo taken up with statistics showing the importance f North Carolina as a manufacturing state, beguiling at the coast with the fishing industry he enumerated s? me of the most important establishment, and "although it has been aid" continued Judge Ray, "that Ge was tired when h<> made this mountain country, and faded to finish the job, opportunity stands on ' very craig throwing h< light of progress into every \ illev He reft rred to this section as a playground for the tourist, a Switzerland ? f America, and foretold a bright future for .it. Trie jurist then gave the grand furors v< ry minute iitstrucUuna as to heir duties, calling attention to the fact that ih purpose of the law is not to destroy but tu protect, told of how a man was shielded by it before birth, through life, and in death and for centuries untold thereafter, be eran with the capital crime.- ,;r>d gave sinie time to all law in the criminal line, down to thut which protects the birds of the held from the shotguns of the boys. He probably placed more stress on the laws regulating marriage contracts, automobile regulations and the "dry" laws. Judge Ray is known fur and wide for hi8 rule without fear or favor and it is to be expected this term of Watauga court will do much for the suppression of crime in this section. Today, Thursday the criminal gTist continues to pour through the mill of justice at the court house but it !r thnnffhl I-"* ; 1' 1? ...vwf,... HI-. niavc uul. IVt'k will DC finished today. The majority of those tried and convicted are in jail awaiting sentence, hence our inability to publish the proceedings until next week. News Items From The Training School The Literary Scieties of the Appalachian Training Schoi were given it few social hours on Monday evening, the A. L. S. inviting the Euterpban and the Calliopean inviting the IV. L. S Court in Boone this week brings cjuite a number f visiting lawyers and other interested. Judge Bay is presiding. There arc very few cases ar.d court is not apt to last but a few ilays. At the Chamber of Commerce on Saturday night the matter of lights was discussed most anxiously, especially that lights might be secured temporarily until the Training School could erect its plant. A Committee until was appointed to look into the matter, and the general opinion was that they must have lights at the earliest possible day. The power plant of the Appalachian Training School burned at half past five o'clock on the morning ox tne za. it is not known what was the cause of the fire, but it is supposed that it was a short circuit. The plant is a complete loss. School authorities say that lights will be provided at the earliest possible time. J. M. Downum COVE CREEK HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. Despite the rain and mud the minstrel, given at the school on last Saturday night, was quite a success. However the inclement weather kept so many people away, that we have been asked to repeat it. This we have decided to do on Saturday night, March 24. There will be some changes and additions to the ministrel, and also a good string band to furnish plenty of music. The proceeds of course, go for buying necea CHUJT otuuui tqujpnujfll. Misses Ruth Rhodes and Minnie * Thornburg, members of our faculty, spent the week-end, supposedly, with home-folks in Lincolnton and Dallas, N. C. Rev. A. J. Gren preached two very thoughtful and imspiring sermons at the Baptist church last Saturday and Sunday. The attendance of the schol is holding up well and we are of the opinion that it will continue to do so, because parents are realizing mora and more jnst how much the last few weeks of school means to their children. ! A. G. G.