f?t? Tw# Famous Sculptor Plans Giant Group On Stone Mountaii ATLANTA. OA--?If the plans o Gutzn Borlum. woliknown iculptoi do not go awry, gianWized figures, o Gen. Robert E. Lee. Jefferson Davi and Gen. Stonewall Jackson, heroe of the southern Confederacy, soo will be outlined on the blank face o Stone Mountain near Atlanta as a a everlasting memorial of the los cause. Work of installing a huge project ing lamp, something new in th worid of science, at the foot of th mountain now is being eompietec and when the Georgia Railway an Power company extends its powe lines from the end of the street ca line to the mountair. Mr. B?>rglur intends to come to Atlanta and at tempt to fa-ten the likenesses o the Confederal* Leaders oil the sid t>f the great ni i : granite. Tha of Lee aIon?- i - d to bo abou 8-l> fe-* highifSi b! lo head of th hot he v '. >v!> riding wi! I be ,'JO ! et i i - ii. Th e diiueu sio:>- *>e figure of th propel t*?-tur an idea of thintra emit y i * culptsri . vnvl wrili v.1 ? ?: >ftipleted, no TO*- feet of the ft c of the ih ; ' (r? the c fe the groat tun chi .f t.M . - to }>: :?:Cttir:' or. t stone .1. -i . . picture is prnt ed o; paper i ; *Ir ro ; t ? ! : p o. >Rrra]> .oars i ?. ??ir. liot^lun intend.- to . np to ?t:ir >vv* the picture on ne mourua r si J*; a.- a picture . d:r : on ti.o sctvor in a motion theater. Ther he will have him elf iow< rel fropi th*- top ? f the tno. .iain i:. a -winking seat, and working in that dangerous position, v.ill spend an houi or two at h .night until he ha- succeeded i' outlining with white paint the figure- ir. the memorial. That the work f carving the gigantic picture wili be a dangerous one :s acknowledged by experts who have ontemplau-d the la. k. The ?teep - de of >t?- < mountain rises 900 f t in heig! h w th no foothold ft . !>; Din. . in .. v,,i\ the work -.an be oiplishtd is by le x-. . -j : v . . l m the tor of the cl ff. ; . i" sk -in ii i Sen wt o uo -.he :ic ' c- , \v jfe r u..,?r l V, : , I ' ,.f I hi .,;n\p $?-'* u-M ' f.n >e\: r Af.t I M-i-i T>oiS dc^'oiop ,_r . : ?i. j i '.iu u\. i jSkt ,i kia> 'tc jihminii- Ar :His ?. ?! ic I wi: u;.m. a'1 ay .... i... Hiornirv i \ ill . > toady f. i my ,.?t . : car. 1 _u' -v : d . v nv will; the (? ! . !- J ' I will have * k ^ r ; p pij i a i . i. i ? Plat;.- ' < f.r :i merMV.;.: - . ;4 ... '. c vivi.-ikad' . > j? - ? 0? - y and the unlit armies, l';\ ki t Har . : i".1 r ,'f.ri .r-icin . and I. a.!, r- f p. ': o;.c- ,i ..it thre 1 \ W '.nVI ted \ l UK>wi '"O'. the c - :'ia of l proje. i ! m rnonnL me rial v. ; t gu:t in J !?1 *? and sn'u-v:- i! " i - e largely flr. a I y ' 1 r II >rg! im pt r= mai y and k. ni :n the Vo able ? .a. v. \n o-.v.i t e mo-datn. r Bore: in .. f.r.-t I-re. gtel to .. a by the Atlanta chapu v. United E)a. . '.:. of the Co i icraey, a b .;ce ;:.at r.I.v.e the Atlanta e;iap*er i be m actively at work on i - Bctw eon $20,00 0 and 0 0 .000 airc-uly hud been expanded -afere the - or 0 war brought an < t! to activities. The Dau-'. lers of me i ?>..t deracy, proximate 1 < : ave n taken up the work of ; ;r.i:-hirg t ;o material. according t Mrs. T. T. Ste vens of Atlanta., vice provider., of the Confederate Memovin? -wiAAt* tiou. Aj a iikaus to th;s end the Daughters of the Confederacy are considering u.- : _c a plot of ground at the foot of the mountain deeded to them by Mr. \ enable, as an outdoor auditorium AVERAGE T.xiCES FOR COT COS >THiS SEASON Avcing^ first of the month cut.ton prices for L'n.uc States for cotton lor the pic sent season have b -en announced by C. W. Pugsley, acth g secretary of agriculture, as follows: ' August. 20.70; September, 21.10; October, 20.00; November, 22.40; December, 23.80; January, 24.50; Februrary, 25.90. The average for the seven months was not computed by the department, but from the monthly averages it figures 22.60. On low grade cotton sold by the North Carolina Cotton Association for the same period an average of 26.25 cents was received. Davids* ISSUED EVERY NOW AND 1 HOPE IT WILL PLEASE AN Boone n 1 ________ . " One Price ' ur rule is not to ileal with a store or wholesale house which has not one price. \\ e do not mind paying the price when we are pc :tive that I- everyone else w:;i have to d pay the same. A business like r} thus cannot overcharge and rl succeed. Someone sooner or n later will find u t ?nd its reputation will be -t. ?Ve ar afraid to buy from those houses when you "buy at your own price." where the merchant tru- to get as t much as he possii y can and e'l tiu cu 'onKr to y as lilI t:? as he possib can. The fact is the ne til- -always at a disadvan o: because I merchant Knows how If .' ho ran m*u a- the eustom v do - ? I w that. No .a!'- h the a.-. . ?tit ton ri from flic pru i' ! there is a.was- a p- - that he > OJ1. oiae >.ov. i m.hi' a make a la . * ?t. Ami > 1-- c. r . comno t at tne pittce he offrtrti i^ori 1 v.o to s what you disiike. ?\ a. a t llKt to 1" asked a p: . and sold . - f??r and w >:;.i more d.siikc to ask car stomer higher prices and thru come down. \% e don't war.; you to misunderstand us and think ; that we ate to come down a i'laause we want u> make a bigger proiit.il: fact is thai we can make more protit by not having one price. . Ninety nine pi r c-. of the peopte who wai argue on the price don t know a thing aouut merchandise. W hen we ott'er them an an which cost us $>o.0d for v .00 they oaer us JMkuO, and wuen we a. ? . t in toi ame ar, t ,ci' >MiO tie > : us !>?>. ? i could m a ting'c ...em and d hut .1 i.- ng-unst our l . : ..to IVu. 1.- . r .... a. ... . - -1 merit, nd tX ?.e .1 fail* l> lO CO& , ...... . ;. i in niai. prolti Re ( >eut;V e hi *. ail pi o..t. < . a itl.iKC 1 . u e c, v.? po. ..... :?i.4.v. mold ! - ... uu... i y M ilihg u. p.... 4...11 t.l... ^ v ?VU ?.. l .; w'fcO ?4i?i pi'iCC. i- .. 4 .. yu... . r.mO aau uu?.-L 4. amp^e Goods Vi v.' i.avc a variety cf sample shoe-. rata c jau and hats w . .44. wo will i.^e out at cod. bampl- goods aro e?i.a.iv Dollar ti.au regular K .ou.s, .) t at t..e same time ito.tr.er ti.e houses boug.it fiu.u nor wan we guarantee a..y iample goods. \v e are nosing o-l the : aiiipL- go..Us in a44. rCa.4co \.iti? our p?.icy to carry on.y goods w../. n v. . can ro4.->..ii.?, ,.u and guara..tn. L/cr. t m.ss t.ie cpp -t ....it y t.. b^y goods at away i?4i ,w w .oiesale 1.0.1. | i i.e. e a ui?f er . .?> ? . a I. me a fci^w r?.c, , V ...iiwlu tj im. | Tm ilflff il a very u.f .ri r o.,. U. ?.a i . aJ t. e o . ai.a r . u.ug it cc? tire th .r, e.. the uy tea.: * \ -o watfni iik-: .* bo. k ?\ke t is w.li tike t..-s boo.. ..nr.- ar -a.idard lines cf .1.1 a.d there are 11:. . . .. r cf iu.I'w. A-.ti. . : f uoonc and V.ata~gj tuu;..; airv w r? i_. i . ?.y re a..-i g . re..a-? a? 1. e i a a bong. c <> ,4'r b^r.r.sj Uuco. .? iuit toe b.it ir*o.:. We i.a. bo. 2-.i a v ootpic.c itfic oi dr. goo_- ft wio oue of t .0 mo. : reliable . ouses 10 trie ta .. 1 ao (f-.:ds w.:ro s.-l t.ci will, gi . ui .arc, ?o t. at Wi.i; a few minor cx.cpt.o... an the goccis art.* ao?oiul >y la*t colors. Yv e are lite sci ajonts f r the Stetson hat> auci Arrow Cohars. c bete lii.es are known a.i over t..e civilized world, v. e iiave also made arraagc.mci.ts to carry the famous ime cf Kianhattan sintrts. We arc the bgcr.ti for ti.o Buster browu and Star Brand S..oes. Lv^ry pair is guaranteed solid lcacticr. If you want good standard merchandise at reatonao.c prices come to uc Wiilie Knew The Superintendent of i the Sunday School was alto * the village doctor. One Sunday he was questioning the scnooi on various important points. "Willie," he asked a small boy, "will you tell me < what we must do in order to get to heaven?" "We must die," replied Willie. "Very true," assented the doctor. "But tell what we must do before we die." "We must get sick," was Willie's unexpected answer, "and send for you." THE WATAUC on Store HEN BY THE DAVIDSON DEPAR D ENTERTA.'N OUR FRIENDS Al , North Carolina, March Paragraphs How many oysters constitute a quorum in a stew?? Pittsburg Post. The pertinent question is not are they really longer, hut how long will they wear them longer *?Virginia Pilet. \\ hen you see a dry enforcement officer approach Johnson's house it's a sign that Johnson is either going to lose his liquor or replen isn nis stocK?riasnviiie Tenl neseean. The greatest advantage-of the new automatic telephone ic that by pressing the button you can get the wrong number for yourself.?New York American. The woman convicted of murdering her hu>band gets a life sentence. 1 he death sentence is f-e^ved for male performers.?Philadelphia Record. Our Monthly Price List . . Wf will publish a price list about once every month.. . . . Read them carefully and remember the prices are the same for each and every custmer. The only exception we will make is to retail merchant* who will buy in large quantities. There is a Reason For It "You know Jim," said the wife to her husband, looking in a newspaper. "I am reading in the paper that 80 per cent of the men in jails are unmarried." "That shows," answered th?* husband, "that men had better go to jaii than to get married." Prices Are Advancing Cvcry item in our pay 14 1-2 c?*nts for the sheeting we br.ug' t six rn nt!;.s aifi fcr 9 1-2. overalls for which wo paid last year $13.50 to $15 00 per dozen are now $20 00 to $22 per dozen, and so with ot^er items. The prices are still climbing. We w -re fortunate to buy our goods early c.r.d we can sell nearly everything at last year's price*. Bw from us and save the difference. SPECIAL BARGAIN* Men's Sample Hats, R 3.00 values, close out { Men's and Boys Sampl< ues closing out price. Misses Sample Shoes, 1 Baby Shoes only . . . . Baby and Childrens S only :\ n ' * * * i- ens Heavy Work She only Laches Silk Pop in Rai c'ollars value choice . . ha T.'n> in f."en- f am; r eat many ether items cifv. Stet on Selected Quali A very high g: a le guar 6.00 va'ue, only C uality De Lux silk lin Lllgh grade felt hats, u Sample Hats High grade boys solid and star brand makes, Same kind but blk. . . . Youths' solid leather s Mens solid leather woi Boys solid leather- woi Ladies solid leather di calf, black and brown. Ladies Comfort Shoes Ladies solid leather v/c !v n * ? * misses and L-hildren's ! Poll Parrott and other Baby shoes All the above shoes t Sample Shoes will go / Big variety all kinds ol A dandy line of Ladies Reasonabl A DEMOCRAT > News ==_=_ TMENT STORES, WITH THE MD CUSTOMERS. 1923. 5, 10 and 25c. De partment .We have purchased a compile line of 5, 10, and 25 cent articles, and have intended to open this department during court week but on account of the absence of Mr. H. G. Farthing who is going to manage this department, we will be unable to open it up until sometime, next, month. Watch for our opening announcement. . Prices Read our pricl list for the next 30 days carefully. Remember it is impossible to quote here prices on every article in our store. We are quoting just enough prices to show you that not withstanding the big jump in pri ces, tne most ot our prices are not advanced and some items are priced even low< r than last year. Castor Oil Sometimes my dinner tastes so good I eat a bit more than I should And then 1 have to spoil The flavor of the pies and cakes And other things my mother makes By taking Castor Oil. Show me the man that makes that stuff, I sure would treat that scoundrel rough? I'd roll him in the soil; And while I had him off his toes, I'd have my mother hold his j nose. And feed him Castor Oil. Surprised i4VVas you at hone when I was born?" asked a child of her mother. ' No, dear," answered the mother "I was then visiting grandma." "Wasn't you surpri- ur Ki SAMPLE GOODS egular prices 1.75 to jrice. . . . .75 to 1.25 s Caps 50 to 2.00 val 19c. to $1.00 2.75 values only 1.25 69c cuffers $2.00 values 1 93c >cs 4.50 to 5.00 value 2.25 n Coat 10.00 to $15 4,50 i n ^ p?e Ka.n i^oats and a too numerous to spety Hat only . . . 6.5D anteed hat, silk lined g? 4.50 ed only 3.00 nlined . . . $2. to $3 75c to 1.25 leather shoes, Brown mahogany only 3.25 2.75 hoes .... 2.25 to $3 -k shoes. .2.25 to $5 k shoes. . 1.85 to $4 i ess shoes in kid and 2.50 to 6.00 ! 2.25 to 3.50 , , rK snoes. Z.Z5 to 3.50 3hoes, Buster Brown, famous brands 1.50 to 3.50 X 1.00 and up ire standard brands. lT COST 69c to 2.25 r hose, per pair, from 9 10c to $4>50 [ Spring Hats at very le Prices . . _________________ MARCH 29. 1*0 . DRESS GOODS 1 Bates Zapher Ginghams 32 in wide. . 29c Kulburnia gingham 32 in. wide per yd.. 25c Hazel Zapher gingham 32 in wide yd.. . 20c High grade 27 in. gingham only 15c Small quantity fairly good gingham ..12 1-2 Lad and Lasie and Devenshire cloth. . . 29c High grade linen finish chambry only 22 1-2 Blue Bell Cheviot only 20c Good Grade of Cheviot and Chambray 15c A very high grade of percal and cambric over a yard wide only .... per yd 20c Good percale 30 in. wide per yd 15c 27 in. percales only 10c 27 in prints, a very good grade 12 1-2 /~\:1 : . l-ii - ? - wn prims, sona colors I L I -2 Galarea and strong cloth only 15c Good Outing per yard , . . . 12 1-2 & 17 1-2 Curtain Scrims, per yard . . 10c and 12 1-2 Extra good lace curtain goods per yd.. . 25c Good 36 inches bleaching only 17c A very good grade of English long cloth 20c * A very high grade of English long cloth 36 inches wide only 22 l-2c Egyptiao long cloth (the finest long cloth made) only 35c Silk Finish Nainsook 29c Very high grade of white pink and black batist, onl}' 29c High grade of batiste and lingerie in assorted colors 35c High grade Jap crepe only 35c Good grade white lawn, 42 in wide only 20c Good grade white lawn only 15c Good dimity checks only 17 l-2c iii i ' ' - - - n:gn graae pajama check, only 20c High grade white dotted swiss only .... 35c White mercerized organdy 40 wide -29c High grade white mercerized voil 42 wide only 35c White Indian Head only 29c High grade mercerized crepe only. . . 39c A very good grade table linen only. . . .59c Lxtra good grade oil cloth only 39c A very good Creton only 15c A very good sheeting 85 in. wide only . . 50c f'eperel 9-4 sheeting only 52 1-2 High grade seamless ready itradi? sheets only... '. 1.50 each Ready made hemstitched pillow cases. .39c A good grade of white pique 29c Good toweling only 12 l-2cts Large Duck towels only 15c Large T urkish bath towels only 25c High grade ratine (the kind you are paying 75 cents for) only 50c A very fine grade of white flaxon .... 29c A very good grade of mercerized x>plin 35c C-li r> - * . "5" a111*-1*1 .jiik ropiin only 98c Pure silk mesaline only 1.50 High grade siik taffeta 1.50 & 1.75 Silk Chiffon assorted colors 36" wide, ,50c Silk Chiffon 27" wide only 39c Wool Mixed Serges 39c to 59c All wool serges only 95c 54 inch serges only 1.25 High grade French serge only 1.25 Ail wool tricotine only 2.25 Imported Swiss Organdies, assorted colors only 75c High grade American organdies only . . 35c . MEM'S AMD BOYS' CLOTHING Men's good work pants. . 1.25, 1.50, $1.75 Men's khaki riding pants 1.95 ' M llskin riding pants 2.50 Corduroy riding pants 3.50 Men's dress pants 2.50 to 9.00 Young mens dress pants $3 to 6.00 Boys Pants 50c to 1.50 Mens and young mens suits. 10.C0 to 27.50 Boys Suits 3.00 to 9.00 SHOES . . High grade mens kangaroo kid, brown and black dress shoes, Dr. Sewar and other high grade makes only 7 5ft - - - High grade boarded calf shoes, Star Brand and Brown makes only 7.00 High grade lotus calf dress shoes. 6.50, 5.50 Very good line of blk. and brown kid shoes only 5.00 A good line of blk. kid and mahog side solid leather shoes, Star Brand make 4.50 A line of solid leather dress shoes, Brown and Star Brand makes mahogany 3.50 Same shoes but in blk. only 3.00 A line of solid leather mahogany shoes Beasley make, only 3.00 High grade boys calf shoes only 4.50