Page Two RETAIL SALES GOOD i j, Roroi U Bab.-on, who has recently ln'vn checking figures on the retail vradc of the country has today isue?J a prelimina/y -atcment. Ac- I cording to his analysis, retail trade F is again back to normal. r Some sections are till behind the J' good years of lldy an-i 1^20,"' says Mr. Babson. "hut ma". other sections ^ are ahead. Retail trad?* was the last j. to feel the cTcc's of the deptesion ri When a .dark busine- hits a section j f the financial interests feel its first;! the manufacturing and farming in-Is terests feel it second; the jobbers and j l" wholesalers feel it third; and finally!" the retailers hear Hence, al j A though retail trade entinues good I * long after Wall >tna ' :s blue, it dots t not come back again until some time r after Wail street comes back. There ^ arc. of cour-. . few exceptions t'? s this general rub The profits of firm . ';ke Tiffany, t; jeweler, who J a -ells largely t th wealthy fol- M f(>v ' - ;o ock n:r *r movements j 11 -..I firm4 'The best retail trad# today is in} 2 the cities <. ?''?n?t. where; ; two year.- ;4co, rv. and fa-.tor ivere shut df-vn, tie ; nov -.ei: j ir.g overtime. Cities ike Pitt > burgh, 5 ' which a year aco wvre working c!y'?<' :<< r cent of their capacity. i . ' back to nearly 1 DO per -.en*. Akron, l4 which t'-ir years ago L<;d the highest j ) percent..'.ye ef are:-!; ! -> meat in the I country, is nov; utvc: < ?sii?g for mo; j 'Detroit is again back to normal and the V'.lann? of reiail eade in most of these ci-b\s is equal to or greater than i it h:e ever been. Of course, thi^ doe s not mean that profits are a j1 iarg'. . The public > showing more ' diseriminat ioii in its purchases and is shopping ..bout moie. The volume , of retail business, however, is back to normal in these citn. "Any concern in a" industrial city [ which is not doing a normal businos today should clean house and asccr- t .am wherein the difficulty lie?. Cities ? ! ich u:-i .out wai - r.uran 'i ' cially favorable . Th eretai .at w* 1 w?' E*u h _tfcv> r J 1 XV1 6 ss 1 iron ;. I i 4 ..>? HV&J flo ' " '* i ; 1..- . : lojjaBj hi' ig iwixati , up iii outside t?i?U i V' i- ;m i not attend iij# to - > }.-, i ; vet posted as to 'undjnv. -l':. rendition.-. There is a 'hole ir. I??- utimm;c ' ^..nrwlu'r- and it is up :?> him ' to ism! if. "During the next months local mcrchmtls shculd m ;so. N;\ Honai !QftaauXucr.ui*ers ar>? itii aiajEj the ^ great ;>ox\or of advertising in the dis- t SSSSm vi ihnir products. Thei^ successful department stores are also ;; using la?"ge spa- e in the newspaper-; f hat the :?aller retailer ha.- > .-t f:iii- s oil to' as he should. Perhar. t is why lie is small? one v canno'i led. There surely is some rea.-u;, way the people flock to one nvev-'hat -' upj! kiss by another. Sra- j j ristu? c. riair.iy indicate that the rea-j i son : !o-eiy connected with the ad- c \oy: irtg. I .et me also take this oc- 1 ension to n"r.' retailors t,? ll- tie* t nev>r:-t>. r.- -n a dirnii; d way :ath-: 1 er thiiii ;.trvinpti.-g: to use [ ' and ??>vv Hy vo.urivances. During ;.hcj " pas* two: a..-albs I have wipter d c 'I |! sddtia-'.;. 1 r.t & ? jl Jior : u ;ahy. At almost Clos-, road is .- ante sort o? s.ign .a . windmill or something eise sold toj) some hank or tf&jrckunt who thought; he had discovered a cheaper or more * effective method of advertising than his newspaper offered. A- .. matter of fact he unconsciously disfigure? the highways, endangers fi and j makes enemies instead of frit-r.ds. Merchandising is a profession and should be treated in a dignified way. . Moreover, how banks can adopt such j cheap appearing methods of publicity is beyond tne comprehensi n of most businc^, men. Vet, 1 understand the temptation, having once fallen ' for outdoor advertising mvsolf mn??h against. the advice of the Gundlach Advertising agency which handles our copy.'' Mr. Babson added a word of cheer to those retailers who fear the chain store. I "Instead of worrying about chain stores," says he, "the independent retailer should copy* their good features and avoid their pitfalls. The chain stores are revolutionizing retaring. They are introducing many good features from which every retailer should profit. But chain stores have many troubles ahead, j When their employes organize into a labor union?as is inevitable with ( ROGRE5S OF NORTH CAROLINA1 HAS COT ALL STATES TALKING "Tnerc is mo uite in a!' thesej 'mtvd States which has ni l ' more; rojrress in public health work in' L.eut years than North Carolina,' ut her progress antl profit has been > lo?. which must be considered in, dancing the account." i>- A. i.' ?uila, president, today d ired in j s annual address to the thirteenth; lual session of the North Carolina' uhlic Health Association. "Providence has so placed this J late that its people eiijov the bc>? limate in the world." he continued. | We escape the rgors of st ere cold 1 nd are free from the oppr? ? ion that' rolonged. intense hea* \i.-dts upon J ... .! (l-ir ~r?il \i>a?nne I he temperature and distrih tion of a'mfall enables us to fjrow .ery im rtant grop grown in the United :tatc-s. "In natural water r*>w< . ve lead :I ??:her state-- :e : f :h- M >issippi. x et X*-v. > "} k v. - Miag rr. Th. >^le would ? have; , al'U :?> tor?- -head he has j thoiU thi si t . bout river ;.-ri:>1 *.; ; : from Ih ghts of hi An: an thv Ridge! i.v .tii v ? - red to-; li ' Ve x wen nd pro-! :m \'\?Jc ln-caus cotnes \ ro-A the skies. "*i his state f our "i s a .tttifrrs j lion 1 worth} iuet.-- irrually r.-.mi classed, i- : dollar state. * four-; above Ih *. r pow- J oj i her Vav- ry v a:. excelled none, nrc t .vealth. o-'-.s health, .go< : .'<>ads, in] ",:i - of daear on. Mr cent nire Ajijr: .. i - odr-is.k , her in nany respects the greatest state in ht Union. .Shi- i ;:rowin;r greater! ind richer . r-.-had< v.: other! rait :- in progress and prosn- r:ty. "Today. we find Virgin i South] Carolina. Tennessee a: i Georgiai newspapers asking why Mot"h Caro-f ina go- s ahead -?> much f: -r than! ;er southern sisters in heai-h, work, dueation, in good roads and indus:rin! development. "The ar-'.ver ?ay. > \ Vie first! iv,..nths it* 19w"2. imunities .'ted. A*-1.000.-1 {o -. !-.i.:h f J.S > ?m:u av.ii a.-t of ihe MM-t?v * hi?>? feec.t: i:ti. - i.ank'-OUM, arm iu-w t M aoTir to eAg&jpr i oh -mind Hi, Its ' Knplod, its \ i Wti ?t.;?ily i<> hv a iima h itm-a'.-t? TKr \.r? , . .. < d u\ i ; lat * oni ??f profit ami los "Wiuh a m . I J.5 scattered over ia an-n ?> pi. 7 Ml miles. with rage of ,740 miles, with average ? i !y people *? the square milt ?with only 55 cities an.l towns of nore : aai- -.500 population, and only i - oi with more thai} 25. ?; inhabitants and r.ont above 50,000? vi'* a rural pope hiti< n ofapprox; nately 2;000.hd0 people. makes thi ' tare an idea! pk$%*e for people to lie. ir.d to live out their fuU days of est>eetam;y with as little sickness and niFerimr a- anywher- in the wo: i. "'Of i\> !i?o c? u -'s. 2>% have' vhoh* time health officers, about one bird of tin and a little loss haii ,>!,! half of its population. The cunt s wit h health dficers last year j nvested more than $200.Oot) in pub-; ic health xvjrk. examined 75,000; diildreti for physical defects, treated i.f.oo for dental defects 2,000 t? 1 -nedaoid op*, rat tor s; vaccinated | -. "0 a-*.;i i diphtheria. 2*1,0 >' . V.nst small no:: .. :V. 000 agai -i ' big units?th . the intiependc..; psrchaui \v:ii attain have a gr?.:: rt.uih:\. I however, do belicv rat i: wcjuld bo '.vise of independent ru-'..hunts to pet together moreiznor.g themselves and form small :onirc.l. Pelow normal a year ajro."?Greens >ro Daily News. 50 GOOD CIGARETTES ioc ^ y GENUINE bull" T^vS? DURHAM J,r TOBACCO THE WATAU* typhoid fever; approved more than ? 5,0 urban and rural privies as sanitary. "Thes ''progressive counties arc making investments more lasting than their tucks and bills and which A ill oay a profit until the end of firm Hut all the health work of the stat- is not being done by the 2S counties with whole time health officers. "L?:t us turn to the other 72 counties in which the state board of health has been operating through its several branches. With a corps of nurses dentists, specialists and lield workers. ?6,155 children wt re examined for physical defects. 2S tonsil-adenoid clinics were hold, 2.-!sS children sue* .??, r?n.l 30 ICO treated for dental defects; 73,61)2 persons vaccinated against typhoid fever and 13,110 against diphtheria; 4,379 persons were examined in 30 venereal clinics, in the same nuni her of counties, and 211 found infected or about 19 per cent. "Thev approved 60,-400 privies a sanitary. and seweragt sys ? . for several with a popu lr.t'.o* of mo! J iiif. i ,000 have been at i> .5S natal case.j he i 2 l>ai?v - regfeti red. ?itM> iI"* ? GUI:* a v.ti; whole tir... eaftfc officer a tad : 'hjs.- w ithout, in .he *:? ' . .1 n even county in the state, county hospitals o> !.< pita! !! a gr . of count u*; and a n ;I ' .i We will set ai births ;.i . i by physicians, a. they should ' e. We will >ee cancel and pordio renal diseases, which art new on the increase, begin to decline We will see the #1)0,060 persons in fee ted with malaria and hookworm: diminished to a ;ew hundred, and ? i much largt r numoer of the state's population suffering with impair I nients of varying degrees, gradual iy get under treatment. "We will see the 63,500 white am about the am-- number of collorec ' enants and croppers begin to risi it to farm owners. The 1,380.0( i landless .sou Is will seek homt s on thi ; 1 nn.000 vacant lot- and .ho 22,000. ' of farm land. Thro ; will j*: ht: 'o tK ! <-. :< what Sold nv.>r. ca!U;d . . 'I. and understand i".l apply . farm production farm cooperative markci'iur am tarir v. i .. in u. . ra?: reae/mg fcha a: .-i - ' :i _ -: ided i: ' : .u, r. ill';a : U a -i ilOlhc t : lit iiu i.-." h rtcd.? . By . vi t'r. A1 rm BAFT! r CHURCH t. \ 1 1:" r i d valu ? . . . hu. a- ai tht ; cam-it i ..? !n.-i iv/o Sundays 1 We appreciate his help. 'J i f Sunday S booi numbered 281 1 last Sunday. Let u: make i: 2.W v .* Si. no ay. A number hav intu town during the winl* 1 who haw net jrolton started y i We live you a hearty invitation ti attend. We are triad to have visl tors, and new comers to attend. The amount has not boon reached The carpet will cost about $350 Some have pledged but have not pair You are asked to uo so just a: soon as possible. SO THAT THr OKDKR may be place*! for the cur We are plannim* tn havo r. j*rca . ! lit the ! fth Sunday u Blowing: Rock next Saturday air. Suiuiav. We hope all Who are 02 1 he program will bo present. \\ t hope also that many others will at tend. Pr.?\? r lias Seer. xturui<: up again with increased interest Come out <>n Tuesday night-. Church Covenant mid Declaration .1 ? air a which were adopted by th< .ra. : (> .}? ivd to o< pa; .? . . form has been printed aw is ohe for every of thi cru.ivh. F. M. HIGGIWS. Pr. or |f "Built iD jj "T USED Cardvi for years q * and it did roe more goo. than any medicine I eve m used," writes Mrs. M. C _ C 1 T Q I\agjuaic, Ul I UU lUWbUil g Okla. "I used to suffer witi | womanly trouble that weak g ened me until I was a men | shadow, nervous, and couk | not sleep. I did not feel lik< g I could live. Q "It seemed that nothini O helped me till I heard o D Cardui and began tp use it 1 ? CAF The Won Ipnnnnnnnnnpj] CA DEMOCRAT THE RESORT BUSINESS The Ashcvillo Citizen savs the :ourtsts an; coming. "The spring J e*?: en in the mountains has had : ?: thousand visiting celebrations.** i -..ys that pap?.r, ''taking into account j o; \y those who caret across the hills I ??> rail. Other thousands came by aut??mobitc." Pinchurst and Southern Pines rej t? rt that thirty thousand visitors *a? tv turned away during the past m'jisoii for lack of accomodations. Entertaining tourists is one of the dgbusinesses of the world and is growing yearly. Southern resorts ami North Carolina resorts especialv. are becoming more and more pop; ar and do an increasing amount of it mess each year. , ! Thi'SP ri'^nrtv: hrinr* :i troin# mlniK mount of money into the South. And i-les we are making new friends in section of the country all the time. Surely no tourist in his righ.. : can stay a winter, a spring or rimer in the South without going i thinking more of U?i section t > pvoph* ! ::; ?? !U. thought beh< came. : 1 f. . ey the tourics leave th-.-m. -.onn. idea of its voiauiv . ba g.tined from the thru res;j th? A me near. E -pi ess Com . i ! Knows pretty well howvisitors go and eotr.e i.s: thi.:y and has a nretty g??ou line at l hey rpend. It says thai : ican traveiors loft something j ivvo hundred million dollars in sj Europe last. year. It is calculated *i that the ten million people who vh>:t j Atlantic City a t year spent a.' much as that city alone, and that, the .! wii:i or visitors to Florida spent ai J . three hundred million dollar: J v that State. There is no liner resort country ir - the world than the mountains alem Journal j .?( ' "?N PROVKS I-LK OI RUM 15 YERY Wl-T ISLE I N Yon : 1:>. A i . \ in. .... - : u! iV.jin N t-v -j oix ^ay.m over thi isles o i? : Ktitn. it returned tonight siin ?ssfu .! . < iftfies officially chart.-:red o: j I no r - V h dated Pi\ -> su-c a ! inonl'.s ... o ! r:. reported < x*veiisi\ liquor smuggling off Highlands, fede ral prohibition officials were incline* t to scoff at tin- presence of seiiahl - liquor fleets. Today, however, Palm er GanfieM, new federal prohibitioi director for Mew York decided to gc lirs lhami information and took ; i baud of newspaper men with hi): ; down the harbor on ihe coast guar* * cutter Manhattan. Although he di< -j noi M*e u crop 01 liquor, ne returnei j convinced there was plenty under tni : k h.-itrhos of 'the fctcign craft i idinj t at anchor aut?idf the three mile limit i Car.held critically inspected th< j fleet, which had shrunk from seven teen vessels to six; declined an invi tali on to hoard the flagship Istar, wa ; *%sassed" by one of her officers. an< 1 on the way home frankly denounce* the r??m craft ;is ocean bu./ard plucking at the heart of the nation , He held the fleet accountable for th< smuggling ashore of 100,000 case f of liquor a year and declared thai t? i combat the smugglers it was ahso lately necessary lo have a water pa trol supplemented by a .suil land force. Ji. L*. g&aff Me Up" I ~i a strengthened rae and, as 'twas q 1 recommended to do, it regur lated and built me up till 1 "J , was like another woman." O If you are weak, run-down . and feel that you need a tonic, H; i take cardui, the woman's . tonic, the tonic about which , you have always heard, the tonic that helps weak women 1 regain their strength. 6 Cardui acts on the womanly system and helps relieve pain y and discomfort due to female * ailments. 1 Try Cardui, today, for your t trouble. IDUI ian's Tonic iqBbnnnpgnano THE FIRST BATTLE *Bv Dr W. R Butter) IJ&v'a first battle that is fought, T?k '"j-bc in mother's arms; It is a battle of true love, A: ' dot s very little harm. It begin- ai weaning time, \Vh' n the babe must cease to nurse j An awful crying: noise we hear. But mother can stand such fuss. It fights and scratches, bites and claws. Until the buttons are torn from mother's clothes. She spanks and laughs until tears come in mother's eyes; And wit ha sugar teat. Life's first battle is compromised. Life's second battle that is fought j Is with mother and Father's hearThe time has come to say good bye 1 ( And bid adieu to the old home spot 1 < Tl:t fnt - . " ith quiveriap Up* TaU* hi- son by the hand. i Advi- r ;ir? i" ho brave and pood. ;\ ' ::m!j a nook man. | i iHolr i ,vs to the pate. ' Em? ' ?-s him iti hc-i ami?; ' l iV*' ; ii?' ! ' in f: >: r r.: cJll'i K | 'iI vjIs live forever in his mind. | \ never forsake j Ti e < h he? roam'a;, n any coon? t.t: or v m? : j H;eb . a-, iipht. | Or o' . . r. kin "v-vith crime. io the Stock li Watauga \i 11 v I 1 he Annual Mee? u .1 n~r and Loan A: s . c cu >. rouse n E . i'.lay f;rs*. lis e pu . c cc e e ! J ck u ng yfu- and any y.. ope y come be ?.? ? ' - io a . et y important r . equested to be presei i WATAUGA BUiLDINS? j D. J. Cottrell, President. BOON] i JI See what 1 ,11 ?j iBHinn ?> beautiful, smc 41?andthat'sju! going to refinisl work, floors and ml You'll be just t || when you use P Lac and see tl ffil works on worn s Pee Gee Re-Ntt-i natural wood and while, gold and sil /Ql Boone Har APRIL 26, 1923 "Efc'oVvd.v.d, A ^p.pen one with u: It will h* :,p your : red it * t :cJ .enable y u to net aionp n life. With a I*;ii ' \( ?> ami a Check. y->.: iiuvc ; : J. you : vd v*?th y .'!* d it.' r ?: cha:tgc A:! A U: ' '.d i < i^C LTCatf i 111 tCank or Blowing Rock Blowing K k N C. ? " "~ ,rw*" " ioIe wonders it urfaces. Kjd Lac comes in 20 enamel colors, 'vcr; 25c and up, dware Co.