P?ftc Sight IS THE GULF STREAM CHANGING ITS COURSE? (The Ijathfmdcrl Recent*.; we t>>ld of the effect which th- preseitf i r >iKU period i -on the earth. At th- pivse;s? time. i; is playing havoc with ou** weatbei. in the attic r$jgo*is. for instance, stun*. jwrt> >o.-m -? he wanemg or. hut other porr or., appear to In getting coi'h r. !t: the Greenland ea. north ??i Europe, milder weather and less ice than ever prevailed last winter, while in the LJehring sea and in ht ieg:ii r.> north of America unusually heavy ice vva reported. The Gulf stream ha? now been traced some 2500 m north of Mainmerfest, Norway ? indicating that it has pushed furtht. r north than formerly gr?.at ma^^es oi ice were found there are new bare places. Glaciers formerly < ctended far into sea about the island of Spitsbergen, 2,009 mil* - north of Norway. The appearance of warm weather hes brought about great changes in the flora and fau' a i?f this-- part of the artic. The whi: fish have- disappeared from Spitzbei&eii waters and the seal eat - h is far under the average. Hviri.ig and smelt are now found in abundance The temperature of adjacet ' raters is much vhi nier. {.! contrast to this, abnormally heavy e is reported in the Hearing sea and tne w? tern artic. Thai? can e- ihv he i bureau r-? fo? vast famine e . ?1 it jtv northern Japan. The iudirectiy controls) '.he J'.pr. -sh f -i p\-ly to a mr?? 7 ertvib. by i' bearing >. ha?- on ri- J I production. Tb- - 2iiiri?r tern pern-1 tun of. a current which llows ; southward l.oni ihr Fearing sea a|8S ; neighbor. *ig \v;v.cs FOLLOWING SPRING TO A FAREWELL he ?v:tvni bi ith Sprimr. com ip iVhir. the South. ha? kissed the u < j,tir- ithis par of the' . try. lei; it- imprint ;nst Pr -? viuees, whete the valleys are 2,000' tc-et above sea level and .he mcun tains tower into altitudes of <5.000 fet am: over Here, in Ashe. Alleghany fancy, Avery. Mitchell ami: Watauga count: -. the breath 1" Spring is as vet only the fair:est i zephyr a i of hut momentary dura! lion, .i? :i ii is here that the dev. gee' may g.:\. ring the final fare\v el1 at; . mm? w i rif g.nni Old >umiilcrJ uu is mating down upon ?. hnrloit-. j ?Char)otto Observer. j START SOMETHING Boost your city, boost, your r.er.ils, j Boost the lodge that you attend. Boost the strict in which you're' dwelling, j Boost the goods that you're selling, j Boost the street around about you, j They can get along without you. J But sue cess will quickly fui-i them. }' If thev know that vou'r* behind them 1 \! Boost for every forward movement, ' " 1 for every new improvement, the man for wlv-m you labor. I1 the stranger and the neighbor. \( }? ?c to be a chronic kicker. j t ease to be a progress blocker. J Boosting helps us t:> ascend, To the portal? of wise ir.cn. ?Anonymous. 1j I SCHOOL BOYS COMPOSITION | ON THE GOOSE The goose is a low heavy-set bird, . composed of meat and feathers. His J head sets on one end and he sets on 1 the other. He cannot sing much on | account of the dampness in the moisture in which he lives. There ain't | no between to his toes and he carries a toy balloon in his stomach to keep I from sinking. A goose has two legs and they are set so far back on his | running gear that they came pretty | near missing his body. Some geese j when they get big are called Ganders. . Ganders don't have to set or hatch, j but just loaf, eat and go swimming. I If I was a goose I'd rather be a gander. , NEW YORK'S IDEA OF BEAUTY rhe Intv.boroJig Rapid Transit v* of New York City is pair.t-its vl? ;\ated cars a g \i? i? red rn'or. v .iii black ioof> and blue UtoKn.t'. Toe metropolitan uce&? declare the decoration of * he cars a .-.iritr red to be an attempt to make them beautiful. Though the color scheme is more HaoRf than heautSfed, thcWgeneral on lie will be please w lh?s and every* effort to make < . ova re. s look bright and clean. IV' ave seen so many orange and brow 11 and so many lemon and white car that we would welcome almas* any deviation. When the gentlemen of high finance of different cities < ensolidated a!! the trolky lines th*-* had the . ais painted the same color. They were imbuned with high -financial pride, in that the colors signified thai all of the cats were owned by the same interests. The olive-grot v: color the most economical, as it does not show dust i or d ' i so clearly as other colors. Bui! r is dark, and is not a safe color for padistrians. Orange yellow is bright' and makes cars visible, even at a dis- j tarice. The 'nterborough's insol ation is j .< i . h while. fitv streets will look: - - , more nicturesque with multicolored! surt'ac ixiid v ';._-\ ated cars. As in the J '?!<} days, cars ir.ay be pointed cer- j tain co >r, as to signify ih- routes I over which they g". and ihiis \v:i.?Ex. SPRING ha come and so you will I- i net ng a ' . ?iif ear-. Thai little cuss wll! go 10 -' rk. dabbing people with hi.- dirk. i Th f'-siivL f"y will soon ? out. ' To tic kit baid heads with 5 s snout. : Naughty words men's lips will smirch, Swearing at the dies ir; cnurch. The little sk enter with bis bill, o coin * along *? og< I . And every other pesky thing Wii! come along with gentle spring. ?Anonynioti.'. THE MAN WHO WINS The man who wins is the man who doe?", The man who makes things hum ami bu '.z. The man who work? and the man who acts. Who r-u:V.s on a basis of solid facts, Who doesn't sit down to mope and dream. But humps ahead vvh n fore of , steam; Who hasen't the time to fuss and fiv' Bu tgets there every time-?you bet! The man who wins is the man who wears 1 A smile to cover his burden of care-: Who knows that the sun will shine' again. That the clouds will pass, and we need the rain. Who buckles down to a pile of work. And in ver gives up an d never v.d! &h?rb Till the cask is done and the !"ii, made sweet While the temples thvoh with the i-.s blood heat. The man who win is the man who climbs The ladder of iit? to the ofcivr> chimes Of the bells of laiwr. the bells of toii. And isn't afraid his skin will spoil If he faces the shine of the glaring sun And wr.rks in the iigbt till the task is done? A human engine with triple beam, And a hundred and fifty pounds of steam. ?Selected . The Appalachian Training School iefented Granite Falls Wednesday iftempon in a fast game of ball, the score being G to 10 in favor of the * Appalachian Training School. An>ther game was played Thursday af 1 ernoon, that is it was started but ' lue to some argument the game was railed off.?New-Topic J. S. Barlow has returned from Boone to his home here. Mr. Barlow n?t*lh*.i the new p!~r.t for the Wai- : luga Furniture and Lumber Company.?News-Topic. 3aBBa9&a?SBD:-2 mm* ? ? Accept g No Substitutes g < B tor B . S Thedford's 3 BLACK-BRAU6HT! a Purely El ' Jj Vegetable b Liver Medicine 3 IB F * BD ' BBBBBBBBBSBBB THE WATAU RUSSIA IS AGAIN AROUSING ANGER GK SWISS LEADERS Russia has riddled Lausanne with ! Soviet shot again ami aroused the anger of Swiss statesmen, who pride j themselves on the r country V irapu: ality and hospitality; Official! Sv.ii/.vnand regards with gravity J Rvda'i- complain tmade today in M. i Yorovsky's pcblie statement, that by preventing the arrival of a Ruslan courie- at l.ausarne the Swiss Conf_-d?. ration was lv !-.y of taking sides m a conflict between Russia, and certain of the great powers and therefore had abandoned with disloyalty her role of impartiality and fair|nes>. The whole controversy goes back to the original decision of the powers to invite Russia to Lausanne Con-i ferenco only for the discussion on the Straits and not in any way to participate in th egcner&l peace discussions with Turkey. Russia believes she should take part in all the 'sear F.astern conversations; she opposes thi S*raits convention drafted by the Allies with Turkey but contends that as the Straits treaty has! not ye tbeen signed sh?: has a per- j feet right 10 be at .Lausanne. Swiss officials explained tonight j hat the Federal Council gave all] I 'cessary facilities to all th deie-? ;."; ' during th first conference.! j uncommon i ] Sense OHN BLAKE |j 1 m - SALKSJI VNSIIIF \J\7 LtKTHEK you are taking orders * v for threshing ma?hlties? or life insurance, or drawing a salary of ten j dollars a week, you are a salesman. t In the first instance you are selling somebody else1 a product, In the lust you are selling your own. You will sell threshing machines or life insurance faster If you know something about them, and believe in them. You will sell your own services for II higher price if you believe in yourself. If the merchandise you offer la not worth the price you ask for It, you can t l?e sincere is your efforts te dispose ?>/ it. And If you do not absolutely know that your services are worth more than you are getting for thsss, you will never oe aoie t? gat mora. AH salesmanship that i? worth a*ythlsg la bused OB ?OILfid*llCt. Tea wiU fi* p. m. over St. Louis. Mo. :t. ( (Thursday) over Kan-M as City, Mo. Here the plane was swallowed by l j he darkness and was not beard j j :-<>m deiinitviy until after dawn.)* \ hen it was reported over New i [ Mexico. j ^ Later a report was received from IE Arizona and then E. Centro, Cali- 5 "ornia. flashed the word that th": p viator had pctsMed over ther* at' = 1 .20 a. m. 1 coast. time. living at' c 1C NOTICE \ORTH CAROLINA VATAUGA COUNTY. M. Sudderth, Administraton Ij vs. rred Coffey et al Heirs {j it law of Geo. Coffey, deceased. jj Having- been appointed a Commis- jj ioner by the Clerk of the Superior c >>urt of Watauga County, I will on c Sunt 9. 1923 offer for sale at the ^ ourt House door, in Boone, at one H >'clock p. m., the lands situated in Q .Vatauga township and known as the q *eo. Coffey lands consisting of about s JO acres, said lands bounded by the c and of Hill Wright and others. ? Terms to be announced upon day 0 >f sale. Q G. M. SUDDERTH. Commissioner. c G A DEMOCRAT from 1.000 to 5.000 foot elevation. T clanding at Kockweil field was made in about an hour. the aviators hardly had made record before the> wove laying p.. ! .; lor a more ambitious flight? no around the world. This they . ?pe to attempt next year, they an-j > need in a statement tonight. Alter Kelly and Mac-Ready had re- : ; r.-hed themselves with a quick wash . i some food they told their story.. I. was a composite narrative, iirst' i e putting :n a sentence or 1 wo arid . i other breaking in. 'When we left New York/* said , i Kelly, "we could not seem to get Vhe "all power out of the Liberty engine. We flew for more than 20 miles at altitude less than 400 feet. Over New Jersey the voltage j j. gulator went out. This was heart-. breaking for, unless we could repair i* in flight, we would be forced to; ? : rn back. While 1 handled the. con- j wheel Mac Heady set desperately ? work taking: off the swithch and ailing a new one. "He succeeded and a load was lift from our hearts when the regulat again began to function properly.** MacReady took up the story: From that moment the flight be-1 ame a pleasant prospect for us, and v. encountered no further mechanics trouble The Liberty motor was !: operating at 90 per cent of its horsepower after we had cleared \? w Jersey lanes. . arhinv Dayton, Ohio. 500 airline from New York, we . j00 feet when ? caught us near Indiai.opjis. , Approximately i>0 miles from i Belleville, Illinois, we were thrilled i ? ; the sight of a huge beam of light t . :r up through the clouds, j I .i- a beacon along a rocky and j d -. - reus shore to u;.. for otherwise j intense darkness prevailed and w? w. trusting solely to our compas-j to k< ep on a straight course. "Aided by this beam <>f light, j vriij-.-v we Knew calm* from ttelieville w. continued straight as an arrow for the Missouri river. A light rain j l> an ;<> fall when we crossed the Mi.-souri line, a condition we were pre p;;nd for on account of the cloudy weether e. Indiana and Illinois. -t the Mi?souri-Kansas line, wh?'e travelling at an altitude of 5.01M) ie? t, we sighted moonlight Altering, through eioud hole*. it gave as a feeling of security. 1 YOU ARE I* sP_ ^ ^ ' _____ jj fr . JMGIiy ved t othis wonderful rar Hga free set of beautiful O "'Q; Do not miss this event 0m WFFK ONI VTULJ11 V1U -3^ __ "Tht-H faint streaks of mooni.;.!'. we?e .-..1 -hat we sighted of the hi A v. * ?: lay tweak eve* T eir.e.w l" V e!:y v as at th- w :>eel. 1'tawi; vu k . if, I\V ]' ;;avv a shod < f| joy whvn. on looking over the sid? of the tv kpit he sp ed the ceme .- y on the outskirts of T.tcumari. it vas a land mark we kn From 'bat time on the avi *o;^ hn-! !. *i.i slighter* ctithculty. Tae^ were I'v ?:g in day -yht over a section they knew well from their previous flight and the plane, lightened of much of its early burden of fuel, did all that was asked of it in climb mg over rm* mountain ranges. They considered that part of the trip so easy they barely commented on it. MacReady and Kelly said they exchaugt i positions at the steering gear every six hours except while crossing over the Arizona forest. Then they exchanged frequently, partly to rest and partly to arrange that MacReady would handle the controls in making the landing here. The aviators said they would remain here 1 hing a new world duration record of at leaat 48 hours. They will make that effort some tine this summer, g They expect to remain on duty at Rockwell field until next spring, when they plan to go east to prepare for their attempt to fly around the w. rld. M _ I $ Ar:er aaety V . * v y ?! si f CetCW .VCUI' !oi)d ^ iveii, tnea 5stc I fc WHIG LEV'S So I aiil digestion. ft i. ... - i ii cisw uceps the iee!2i "? Dreath swecl, s appetite ke^ r. The Great American Stvc ct r:\cut ^ uL^iilsrife IVITED TO A" 1 5 m .LJ ?I > Fthe GREAT -_ , MA is=c:-rir* ^ jS** Ma H Ra A factory i **?-1 be on hand i many new ii ige and to extend the manu Doking Ware it will be both pleasant ar LY MAY 14T1 5* -J. L. c BOOI May 10. 1023 qORF. MUSCLES Va ' 'i.ions arc often spoiled by soreness resmUi:-S l" rn outdoor gamt s. A J massage with Vicks often gives surprisi ng relief. X/ICKS W V'a? '>R.ub fiver 17 Uliluvn .lars Used imrly If you want money for your real estatesee, write or wire us. GLOBE REALTY & AUCTION CO. ^lohnsoi^City^TeraTiJ Fours -- Sixes r. M. Richards, BANNER ELK V. H. Gragg, BOONE nsurance-Fire, Life and Casualty All new business and expiring policies promptly attended to. Adjustments promptly made. GEORGE F. BLAIR BLOWING ROCK, N. C. (Office in Pntfnffir- RIJ?^ ntenenfaiia^ [TEND OUR | LH1BIT OF ^ reat I I m jestic | 1 nges | epresentative will to show you the ^ nprovements addifacturer's offer of id profitable. Sfi H TO 19TH I Quails |