Page Si* Dare Be the I Thing You Are ! | By DOUGLAS MALLOCH | /T* O DARE to be he you are, -* N-?t something else to seem. Your Journey near, your Journey far, . - ? And dark, or itl- (gleam? . ^iv m ?Ik your way with heaJ erect, Whatever it may be. Will bring you ;n<?rc -?f men's respect. Than cheap chicanery. To wear a gloss, a r' in veneer. Your inner self to bile. Rome other person to appear, Mav please voitr petty pride. May satisfy you for a day, A little while deceive? But men shall tour the mask awajr And doubt who now believe. If you are poor, to dare be p*?or Is truly to be rich; To live. If n.'ed he. on tho m?K>r, If fated walk fhe ditch Will bring you more regard, I Kno^ Than velvet garment* gay. Than till the artificial show For which you cannot pay. If rl^b or poor. !f small or If ^g?? is yours, or youtli. Whatever fortune, 'ever fate. Your greatest -harm la troth; And they . ore quickly ttinl the dream. The goal, however far. Who 'hi a s. 'Miethiug try to seem Hut so.'iu tho thing they are! i i b\ M-Clor? N*w?*v?4>. r S> cate.> O Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER I.AlCk.s \KI Si\(i I\(} r.-\ ? l'?f< ?S1! itnifv Moats who _a/> on the towers of i _ iii'.i u i In the far-off j> i - an e. thought to the ii r1.;.* ami j...i it- . prevents min jei'ial ium'w'O, the larks are always sing g. Mi -i r- have 'help -r :.s and diflii u'.te'v "Vven as you and L" but with them ill, they manage to wear h bo lie ntem The> . Mieir ! .ti? - nvevar ! - . . _ may seem with a ehe?f.i' i. t gi\ ? s ins: ration to the <1:~ >;i'-; t <! .; ) ! rj. r; tilling souls i juen;i\ losing their way and fail i:j t' v re t despair i i!? \ inmiv imwH^iy when lOspeaK anil i t?i 'iii' ' t.rir tongues. for they '; learned the tin si ditltoilt of all nr-v art "f soif-eontroi, which the von.evihle s A"III teli you is the tir>? stepping stone '?? worldly sin-cess and an enduring happiness. I! p. - \loser < tliera, o n lu their darkest hours. She holds' her .i/.imr tor< h over her head ar ?l bids vhenj follow *.< the gloom of somber n pit la trnnsf..r:i!i'(! to -lay, and the trusting disciples move fr- n place to pi;n p. con tidcnt .?f their ability to find tiled way to the. hilis where the larks ar* sinjring and tie sky is forever iwith glorious sunlight. The worid owes a *ioi?r of gratitude tO these }.! Uile people \vl.i< ' It mwer < >t pay . and you and 1 being H jwrt of rid. are li'-ewiso delinquent and p-'?dMv 11nr.iglit less of our Wo :.r.- . soli , entered, too greedy for gain - fal: ideSS. <!?? : i i ' ' ' ir- ? ? |* Hi our UUi suit ?>f :?rr: y <}r?**s and Trampijis mul. '.?ir hasty :'>-ei. nev.-r s: v,\Y.: g r - I "ik t<. see whether we have hurt them. We forget that we a'*, are of one : ."-ii it' we have injured Then, we 1 -ive injured ourselx >*. Ken i.iy the Wise Keej?or of th< Hook <>r I .tie is calling on some dehtoi to Mot .rit his ?>r her delinquencies, ill ways im;;_r!ng ov.*r his or her head an til the i. eoimt Is paid Ir- full. If yon have cameled your obligu lion and kept the faith, the day of reek oiling will have no terrors, for you wll find you are as free and happy as th? larks ginning In gladness all about 3*01 when the dawning Is rosy and the al Is fragrant with the seeat of flowers. I?. i?2a. by McClotsf S>w<pap?r Syndicate. O -ty Wild Deor on City Lawns, ty wild deer from the hilts ar ig ahout the residential sect id] ack, N. V.. feeding on lf*vtra an* or beds. Nyack Is ooiy -4-1 mlii utes from Broadway." Heavy snow In the iiiils are believed to have sen the deer down In search of ft?r?ge. O lf |""t. nr y-MTH. i pf??e*i>{tr?|7A 11 ST5 dteT You J/NWOJ L Htgc. ^TT gfp Q| YONAN S APPEAL FOR RELIEF WRING* HEARTS OF HEARERS Against a background of borrows difficult for the human mind actus-1 Corned tu the resultaim >. the plenty, the happiness, the love of a Christian civilization to comprehend. Pr. Isaac M Yonan. at the First Presbyterian church pictured the plight of or-! phaned Armenia and the near east < ir a manner almost to break the hearts of his audience. CertafnFv those hearts were melted with a compassion that goes out to hungry, helpless childhood that for four years] or more has not known a mother's ?.?r .i uauut . ? iuai i and starving: that lifts its eyas in dumb appeal to its only source of hope?America. It is a picture hard to comprehend because it :s so foreign to anything most people of this country, blessed I with neace and plenty, huma nkir.dness and a wholesome fear of God hi-ve ever witnessed. It is possible ; to the near east because there, instead of Christianity, is a setting of Mohammedan cruelty, of Turkish brutality that beggars the most terrible adjective of the language to describe. Could Dr. Yonan speak to all of the American people a she spoke last night, there need never be an: other appeal uttered on behalf of the Armenians, tht near east. Provision ! would be made?and immediately ? ; >* "iily forthe 110,000 children who homeless and helpless, are slowly -tanang: bul fo rthe million men ami worn. who i?t being martyred by the war of Islam upon Christianity. . wat that Km vs no mercy, no iiuar} utr. The picture cannot be :< produced m prim a.- it was given by Dr. Yonan ivords. He ' ua:i at tin beginning ?f th? story, that there might be und<-r -amling ?>f the motives behind till* ! urkisn slaiiigjitei ar.u . |vakai>lv cruel tortile. Fit>5 thin. vva. V. - ?>f th<- Aimemrr inaup3'H'?ir | r-"' is| B HMHOahBRK HH s - E s iSTS H ...... We will se i j iands. This farm f fine hotnes. Ever is absolutely beyo This Brand ] ster given away A i 0 Everybody on thi given a free cbanc ' If prize- Be on ha e J ning of the Sale. be given out at th 1 Sale. Here you v reort in Carolina This prope never has been of We want t lina. Come and Pd our Representati1 : I i m j BAND CONCEF THE WATAUGA during the war?and there were 10*>000 battling for the all ed cause during the world war. L>r Yonr.n . . minded his hearers. That weeding out of the men tilted nieely into 1 the tincdish Turkish scheme of removing the Armenians forever from the earth. Then the\ took the Werner. mothers and girls appealing to their lustful eyes -and sold them into the hellish slavery of Turkish harems. The old people left were ruthlessly slaughtered and the ehu dren driven out into the fields to die. Those were events that came in the ; main daring and immediately foliow 1 ing the war. Since 1019 those thousands upon thousands of children j have been at the mercy of a cruel i fate. At first there was warm i v. ?*nther?iong days of sunshine and : night when they could sleep without covering; green herbs, roots and ifiuits that they could feed upon. ! ) heir first baptism into real suffering if the loss of love and kindness ar.?i parental tenderness and care art to bi forgotten?came with the blasts of winter. Food gone, clothing in i tatters, they huddied together for mutual warmth; and thus in ninny instances were they f >und, frozen.iust bundles of hones :?:k' rag . pitilui remnants of a dying race, little tots- dead fro mstarvation and cold ' .no unspeakable suffering And thus are tin v dy;;i^ stiil? ?those who have not btfen reached by tiu arm of the American relief com1 mittee for the near east. Those in charge of the American erphanages must pass them upon the streets, vis:bl\ dying b\ starvation. because there is rot suilicionfc pi'" i - ns made to save them all. Three American men were th< first outsiders to behold this spectacle, Dr. Vonau recalled: and one of th. 111 lost his mind, li is readily cone iva.' ie. Thi two [ others were responsib:-.- for the organisation of th Aim Titan near east i-ommitie. ana its work of salvage. Tho.-? . ho hav? participated irs that THR Saturdc B1 -1= sxxr- ? -. urn w is w ill the property owned by has been subdivided into y farm has been subdivid nd any doubt the best farr New Ford Roadbsolutely FREE, e ground will be :e at this valuable nd at the begin- I ^ The tickets will e first part of the yill find some of the most 1 ? Blowing Rock. This h: rty located only six miles fered to the people of Nor 11. o invite everyDoay to atte meet the thousands of pe ves, Mr. J. R. Puett and F DINNER F! tT Carolina Write, Wire or PI r^guqucflignfeiEngnjauaueiijapgcg if^nEJftoTEanpr^nlb DEMOCRAT . "cf must have felt grateful la: Siii"t ro hear l>r. Yooui's aa-uuut k has been accomplished; an ! nter.ed to redoubled eiTorts Im i -<- of what remains to be done. Dr. Yonan on a visit there la: summer, adopted one ot these unfo e orphans whom he found a t corner?the only home 1 u. Just a bundle of bones. fr begging only with his eyes an a outstretched hand. The >peak< exhibited the apparel that that A r,. an boy wore when he four h - - if, indeed, it can be called a) parol. A tiny red skull cap; a bodi< Ar.i rican made and contributed, thj had becfn worn literally to tatter a i a third garment?just a sheaf ? rasjs. No imagination could endo 1l- wnrilrrht' vvil b u-arrolh* H?*w could cover nakedness would be di j ficuit to conceive. It was for children like these thj Pr Yonan pleaded. He did not a? J s 1 >'co? for the million older peop | who are slowly but surely being e: ; t? rminuted by the terrible Tui "Let them die," he said, "as tv rr.r. ions of them have died with ' the past two years. But save tl cfci Iren." Pr. Yonon's talk, while not bittc carried with it an indictment of tl ; ureal political powers of the ear that burned deep with its satire. I ; n oalh d the promises made to A !, ... by the British when manpo1 ; ?< in demand for prosecution the war?of a free Armenia with tl v >t Turkey forever liftedp imises readily forgotten after tl a: i -ticc. in secret treaties wit a t T s - He recalled the whole yet ... cr the collapse of Russia, th *Jt\i 'lien of Armenia held the Ca ca . front against the Turk. pr te and holding for th allies t oil weiis that would have set ( ? i<rn..?!iy to such tremendous u ' vaM... ; how Turkey was beaten 1 ' iri::< ?i 0:1 p:nr<- M-wt ? n B EE THOUSAND ACRE iy May 1 Jr.iwiMiMr. a 1 in.rut a n * i v?vv r\ " W the Watts Cotton Mill C about 50 farms and sma ed so as to make these tf n land in Caldwell count MmmaaBmaMBHHHBHB ?*"r ~ r- -**--g^y t+mfA rgsW^UM seautiful homes on the li icrtiwav will also be hard from Lenoir and 15 mil th Carolina and especial :nd this Awful Sale, as il ople who will be 1 re fi dr. Ray Pitts, who nave REE. COME SPEP a Land < lone Us If You Hav Prop * ! Start That Account r:a p:e it *t: and when you think of a bank, think of our w Bank?then come in and get acquainted. it The man with five dollars is treated with at the same courtesy as the man with thousands 1" YOU NEED US rk| Z WE NEED YOU it' ' T, , tie th Iu I - I ,,i- As business friends we are both made stronger ho lie u\ at ThePeopleis Bank & Trust Company t rF^njr^ rr=[Uc^rr^{i^Qie[u^iu^r^^ryerLf i ?[Ur'pre[i fci{i rep roi ;aui^nic^i^ru^rijqfys srfenBJfe^ uanfe^^ uij. -Icdi Tlanlanla^ R? Hn FARM i 19, 1923 | . M. jjS I H 8% Ag IKI LUAKULINA I "o., formerly known as the Cilley and Harpef g II tracts from 5 ?o 300 acres each, including 10 te best farms in Western North Carolina. This y- 1 ? m About 75 head of Fine Cattle | I Some Hogs, Mules, and all kinds sP I of Farm Machinery will be sold S ' 8 for the High Dollar on this day. |p Si ? I ^^7 I 1 iiKIYIS)??/4 Cash; Balance easy g " ?' I ?To be announced at Sale. lighway leading to the most beautiful summer |? [surfaced in the near future. si es from Blowing Rock. Here is a chance that E ly Caldwell County. t's the largest ever held in Western North Caro- sa om everywhere. For further information see a a temporary office at the Watts Mill Store. |? fl) THE DAY I DON'T FORGET THE DATE Company I >erty to Sell / g|

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