A Non-Partisan Family P VOLUME xxxiv BAPTIST CONVENTION TAKE A CRACK AT PREVAILING EVILS Kansas City Dispatch?The Southern Baptist Convention here selected Atlanta. Georgia as the place for the convention next year, endorsed the establishment of a seminary for negroes in Nashville. Tenn., and approved plans for the erection of a $2,000,000 hospital in New Orleans1 La. Marathon dances were characteriz-: ed as disgusting exhibitions; mob violence whether by persons masked or unmasked, was declared to tramj..?* ? i - - jji%; nt me hum cvciy numan On the question of dancing the report said in part: "The ever vicious dance evil continues. The latest form of nauseating excess to which this destroyer of the modesty and morals of manhood and womanhood has gone is the disgusting exhibition popularly known as 'marathon dances.' "The recent action of New York in repealing its enforcement code is a disgrace to that state and an insult to the federal government" the report said in commenting upon the 18th amendment. "Enforcement in Xev York will be somewhat more difficult, but prohibition will go forward not backward, The question before the American people is not shall we have prohibition but shall orderly government prevail. "The recent decision of the Supreme court is in every way good for! this cause. It is a surprise that it holds that American ships are exempt from the operation of a law of the United States when on the high seas. Meanwhile it will not be very feasible for ships to stock and unstuck j with liquors at the three mile limit."J A report of the relief and annuity hoard adopted today declared that j the Southern Baptist convention is! aiding 925 baged ministers and dependent members of their families. It declared that the board's resources were $1,490,19U. 59 which, according to the report. '>-inadequate. The board has projeclftd a program I calling for the raising of a total of, $10,000,000 for future work. "Such a fund will make possible' . an annual income each year of from $600,000 to $000,000" Dr. William Lunsfotd. corresponding secretary! said in presenting the resolution. In selecting Atlanta as the next convention city it was declared that since the 75 million campaign was statttd there in 1910 that place, would he a good place to wind up the campaign. A change in laws relating to the exclusion of Chinese was rccommen-j ded in a resolution adopted at the j morning session. Deportation of Chinese Christian; i. ? . i. i? -? ? - uun: ii: tins countn, :.:ia pruu;: treatment of Withers, the report declared "is doing: much to weaken the influence of American mission work inj China. " The report asks that pastors and local churches petition representa-! Uvea and senators to have these laws i modified. A detailed report of the commit-; tec on women's work was adopted. A plan was adopted to buy the property of St. Ceeila. a Catholic school for girls in Nashville and convert it into a negro theological college. The report to build the New Orleans hospital was the result of two memorials intx-oduced into the convention earlier in the week. One a Baltimore memorial declared against the building of hospitals while the other from Louisiana asked for the completion of hte hospital as originally planned. This matter was then | referred to a committee whose report > has been adopted. The Baptists of Louisiana will be expected to contribute at least $100, 000 toward the first unit of the hospital, the report declared. William Jennings Bryan address ed the convention. FRIDAY CLUB The Friday Afternoon Club was charmingly entertained last week by Mrs. W. R. Johnson. In addition to the regular needle work the guests enjoyed a sewing contest Mrs. I. G. Greer winning the prize, a sewing set while Mrs. B. C. Johnson was given a thimble holder for the consolation. Following the contest, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. L. Wilson and Mrs. B. C. Johnson served a salad course with hot chocolate, followed by strawberry short cake. Mrs. J. F. Hardin and Mrs. B. C. Johnson were the invited guests. )t 1ft Newspaper Published in ar BOONE. STORIES OF HORROR TOLD BY SURVIVORS OF CLEVELAND TRAGEDY CAMDEN?Tales of heroism and personal experience were slow in coming out of the situation created on the 18th by the fire at Cleveland schoolhouse. Virtually every person who was in the building when an oil lamp over the stage fell and started the blaze was more or less injured. With the exception of a few, all were taken to widely scattered homes and it was positively impossible to gather up the list. Confusion reigned throughout most of the day. few being able to tell coherent stories. The} total death list to date is 75. T. N. McLeod caught on the second floor of the building, jumped to safety and obtaining a flag pole placed it against the building. Many slid dow?! the pole to safety. George Dixon lost eleven relatives in the tire. Alter saving one of his children he returned to get his wife and other children. He was caught in the jamb of the dooi and was pulled out by Jesse Pearce. Pearct was caught in the same jam a little later and perished . Stoney * "ainpbell, who saved his wife by hurling her through a windov and escaped through the sameexit. went back to find his 14-yearj old daughter. He found her in the fr.??u ,f *!?? *u.. ami seizing: her arms, used all his strength to puli her to safety hut in vain. Both her shoulders were jerked out of the sockets bu thee ho-j dy could not be moved. The school building that became a death trap or. the last night that it was scheduled to be used for school purposes, was erected about fifteen; years ago. It was of frame construction, 100 feet by 40 feet, with the auditorium on the second floor and -irv 1 ?ading to it. Thursday night's program was the last that was to have been carried out in the structure, the school au-j 'horities having arranged to abandon ! the use of the building and to send the pupils to a nearby school of more modern and larger design. Witnesses said the building burned with inconceivable rapidity. The ! crash of the ceiling lamp which was to mean the death of almost four score people, startled the audience at 9:05 o'clock adn by 10 o'clock there was nothing left of the building but a mass of smoking debris. Many of the victims died within reaching distance of safety. Caught in tin- jam of humanity at the lone entrance they were grasped by the! hands and arms by relatives and friends from the outside, but the wall ?? fthe trapped humanity could not be moved. JUDGE CONDEMNS CONVICT WHIPPING Wilmington Dispatch.?Declaring j that outrages perpetrated by men | "Who disguise themselves in dark-! n*5ss, take out men and \vomen and ! beat them" is "ten thousand times more menacing to the public than all the bootleggers," Judge X. A. Sinclair. in charging the grand jury at the opening of the criminal court of Superior Court here this morning, also flayed the liquor traffic eastigat-j ed officfres of the law who violate the statutes in enforcing' the laws, condemned the widespread disregard and disrespect for law and order and charged that th elaw is being violated in many sections of the State by admitting prisoners to jail without the required medical examination having been given." "The old idea of tortue i.-> gone with the dark ages," Judge Sinclair reported, and said that he had notic ed reports of grand juries over the State regarding their visits to jails, the reports simply stating that the; "jails seemed all right." In criticiz*; ing such reports, Judge Sinclair said ! that he hoped no such report would j be submitted by the present grand j jury, requesting that the grand jury j uetail its findings, whether they be j good or bad giving due credit to the] officers responsible for the good conditions they find existing. He said the State has the right to deprive a prisoner of the liierty. and demand m* services during penal sen i?*e. t ut other than this the State could deother than this the State could demand nothing else. Judge Sinclair directed the jury's attention to the reckless operation of automobiles, citing the law enacted by the la3t General Assembly prohibiting the driving of automobiles tfcm0 id for Boone and Wataug WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH Ci MANY THOUSANDS WILL VISIT MOUNT MITCHELL With the opening of the automobile road to the top of Mount Mitchel! on the State Park within a few days, it is expected thre will start a pilgrimage to the historic peak that ; will number 40.000 people before the end of the season. This is eight times I the number that took the trip during ; the short season following the open-; ing of the road late last year, but the | figure is a conservative one in the i ngnt oi apparent interest and the number of inquiries that have reached the Development Company. In order that the thousands expec- i ted may be well cared for and their number in creased, the North Carolina Geological Survey is taking steps to assure camping conveniences for spending the night near the summit, including water supply, tents, blank- j ets, sanitary conveniences, etc. It s also planned to have in operation for the season a tea room at which visitors may be served with meals. These essentials to the free use of the state's one park will be taken care of either by the Development | Company, which has charge of the I road of provided under slate'management. The Development Company already has plans made for the building of a number of huts at Camp Alice for the accommodation of tourists. Suggestions for the broader improvement and greater conveniences of Mount Mitchell and the contiguous Federal ^Forest Reserve were also discussed at a meeting at Asheville in which Director Pratt of the survey. State Forester Holmes, Verne Rhodes J Supervisor of Pisgah Forest, and C.' A. Dickey of the Mount Mitchell De-i velopment Company took part. These j included the proposition of erecting' a modern inn and lodge on govern-1 ment land near the park, by Federal{ concession as allowed by the Weeks i Law. Mr. Dickey has now taken up this matter with President Perely of; the Development Company and will I report within a few weeks whether' or not that interest will be able to} undertake the project. Other projects in contemplation for the improvement of the park arc the extension of the motor highway | from Camp Alice a half mile further up the mountain to Commissary Ridge, the proposed site for the lodge the improvement of the trail leading to the summit ami the construction: of additional trails for horseback r-j ders and pedestrians. Established or j under construction this sUmnu trails to connect Mount Mitchell u ith j Micaville, along the Black Mountain! range to Deep Gap, Spruce Foiv-r! ami South Toe River: and a trail the Vanrey-Buncombe divide, thr-1 Balsam (iap, by Yates Knob to Oyv Meadow, where there are road- : Buinsville and Barnardsvilie. i>> children under 16 years of a the new law making the parent.such children or the owners of t\ cars, liable to indictment on uncharge of a misdemeanor. He urged the grand jurymen to "keep your eyes open ami indict them, and I don't care who you indict, if their children under lt? years of age :. e operating an automobile." Judge Sinclair differentiated ' > classes of crime, those against . person and those against proper y, 1 and cited a number of diffeiv.it \ crimes, stating that carrying a cwi-| cealed weapon, perjury and gambling, are vicious. He charged the. jury tkntj "it is your duty to investigate ew crime of gambling." He referred to certain extenua: ig! circumstances that might mitigat .] crime, but said that there would v. ! no extenuating circumstances in tir ' degree murder, admitting, howev , that such conditions might be a . i ligation in manslaughter. He said there are no extenuating cire 11 in stances to the man who manufactures; liquor, stating that *'a man who maa-; ufactures liquor, goes out and buys, his material, makes his still and selects a site, is guilty of cold-blooded premeditation." However, Judge Sinclair cited an example of mitigated circumstances, as being possible in the case of a negro bay, who is not a professional bootlegger, but who is inveigled into buying liquor for a white man, sim ply as an accomodation. He said that he had far more respect for the negro in such a case than he had for I the white man influencing the boy I to become a bootlegger and lawbreaker. . It can no longer be denied that the Republican party is a party of parts. ?Norfolk Virginia-Pilot. a Hei a County, the Leader of N lk.R01.INA, THURSDAY MAY 24. 19 BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR THE ELECTRIC LINE Lenoir News-Topic. There are still bright prospects for I the c instruction of an electric line fr< ? "!. Mount Holly through Lenoir to Blowing Hock, Boone, and to tap the coa": fields, according to Dr. W. T. I Shinp here a few* days ago. Dr. Sh-pp says that a number of Chariot:. manufacturers are interested in th. project and are lending their aid ar pushing the matter along. Dr. Shipp has been working on th project for seve al years. At no tin; . he says, have his hopes been hi- r than at the present time. He has definite information which cannot bt. given out that would cause the people of Lenoir, Hickory and other, tow - along the survey to sit up and notice, and within another few ; months the proposition may materialize sufficiently to be given out to the; P LIBERAL DONATIONS FOR THE APPALACHIAN SCHOOL Li! i Dispatch U- Charlotte Observer. , Appalachian Training School . r--< ! liberal consideration from j ; th a.-t legislature according tc? J fi : of the school hert recently.! Th< educational bill passed by this' j letur?- provides an appropriation: for this school sufficient to enable it J to build a larger power plant, a! model building for physical educa-j j *' * work, a central dining room a : dry cold storage, and for the: improvement of the grounds. The j appropriation for the next two years) wii; be 5&00.0QG. This will give the j institution the largest and best plant j in this part of the state. The Appalachian Training School?i is now one of the best organized of < slat, nor nidi institutions. It gives . two years of work above high schools and grades for these two i j years may be transferred to any of . tK colleges of the state. Graduates i from this institution receive the gra- ] rrnnar grade B and primary B certificates. Under the leadership of B. B. , Dougherty, the northwestern counties have in the Appalachian Training School one of the finest education , al institutions to be found in the south. INCREASED DEMANDS FOR SKILLED LABOR Increased demands for all classes of skilled labor, skilled mechanics,] and farm hands have practically put an end to unemployment in every; section of the country, the Depart-1 mem of Labor recently reported uj! an analysis covering conditions during April. 4*Thc predicted shortag of competent farm labor." the report said, "is now already a fact aud in many sections of the country the farming; interests are being severely hampered by the inability to secure labor for farm work. In the south ami v. the southwest where heretofore tore has always been a sufficient supply they are experiencing for the first time a situation which is causing alarm, as large numbers of men who have always worked on the farm have migrated to tin large cities of the country, securing immediate employment in the various industries which are having trouble to lind sufficient iabor to meet; their demands. "indicative of the country's sound industrial condition, is the fact that a large per cent of the public employment offices report that it >001. will be impossible to meet the growing demand for certain classes of labor." ! GOVERNOR MORRISON WILL MAKE ADDRESS AT LENOIR Lenoir Dispatch to Raleigh News' and Observer. Cameron Morrison will deliver the j Fourth of July address here at a big I picnic ceieoration 10 De neid by the ' American Legion. The message in, forming the local post that he would be here was received several days I ago by F. D. Grist, former post comI inlander. A program is being arranged now by a comznstttce vf the Dysart-Kenj dall Post for the coming event. A | number of interesting features, it is j understood, will be on the program. I The celebration will be a whole day j I affair with a big parade of former! j service men. The committee is arj ranging for several unusual attracI tions during the day. At night a I home-talent minstrel will be given. tturc# iorthwestem North Carolir 23 CHEESE MAKERS FORM STATE 1 ASSOCIATION I The North Carolina Chcest Makers association was organize*! here Tuesday with representatives from all of ' the heese making counties of the i State in attendance. Officers for the t coming year were elected as follows: ; President, T. D. Hefner. Valle Cru- 1 ci^; vice-president, Parmer McC'r^ry Horseshoe, Secretary. Carte*- Farth- i ing. Sweet Water. The mertinc wag by J A. A rev N. C. extension dairy < specialist, who stated in his address ' 44Dairying Makes Farmers independent. States with an average of several cows per farm have a higher 1 annual farm income than states with i less than two cows per farm as is' \ tb< case with North Carolina." Speaking of making cheese, Mr. t An y said: 4iGood cheese can oniy be made from good milk. With grass < for cattle and fresh water in atiur- * dan in which to keep the milk, i.l W - rn North Carolina ha- the b-_?t V conditions available for the pio.iuv- v tag cf good milk." Tl meeting was b> ' :i.? Ki- ; wane hall and had a* atv ndar.ce of > it least twenty-iiv- . ? Morgan u > New - : raid. t ft PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER WILL HAVE APPOINTMENT LATER Rev. Mr. Long who has -aken up : hi ministerial work of the late la- f merited Rev, Edgar Tufts with Mr.! ?dgur Tufts. Jr. Mr. Frank Stifison h md Mr. Ingle, all of that town, pass- I ?t through Sunday, eh route t?? Blow- f ng Rock where he preached, his first | jermon to that congregation. It is the intention of the board of trustees I :o carry out a- nearly as possible n :ne pros:rum Jaid out by Mr. Tufts v and accordingly the Boone work will E not be neglected. An appointment E for Mr. Long will be made lor next ?j month, the Sunday to be occupiedjb not yet decided upon, when we sup- t pose some other matters will come [ E up of great interest to the little band c jf Presbyterians in ami around Boone We are told Mr. Long is a fine ser- 1 monizer and we will be warmly welcomed in our town. 1 BRICK MACHINERY TO SPAIN Mi. Francisco Padros, of Barcelona, Spain, left Friday evening for * New York city after c< ndueti ?e N experimivt- with brieK-making machinery :i y.r . ?.f -J. C. Steea& S:-. Sns-nl.-h ? ;ny was mod i\-r the e*"? r.fv.ts. whirl result' . will v. . rick and j v mosaic : Mr. T; . - was he id by the imr.itvrat; : . > at Ml'.ts Li&nd until: the New ^ i k corns?. . pond*. J. ' . Steele &. S >ivs ihat, ne rs;u v. '-i oil a I'om.ii- mis-sur*:. An i u-i t-K'r acelifii him ! .<'. i X?u York Mi, Padros #>00 \u : Is. in the lot ol clay brougfi over v. him.?Landmark. Andree Lafayette X<- ' OB . V ? > ^ .^'5' **' ? ,?L- " K 'm The moit prominent -movie" star in all France, Andree Lafayette, now la In the United Statee. She wae brought j to this country to play the title role Im | a prominent production, at ia. Lstablishecl in 1888 NUMBER 30 REFORMED CHURCH IN SOUTH FOR FIRST TIME IN SO YEARS Hickory. N. C.?For the first time n the sixty years of its history the General Synod of Reformed Church n the United States will meet in triennial session south of the Mason ind Dixon :me when it convert s here Wednesday evening May 23. The church has its greatest strength n the north and more than 350 del. gates already have made plans to iome from Pennsylvania. Ohio. Whs or.sin. Minnesota. Dakotas, Illinils, 'sew York. New Jersey and Canada. At ?. general session m Reading, Pa.. Hickory was chosen for the .923 session over Indianapolis, and oenibeis?!)f the church ?r thic i-hk-h was organized in IS69 have cng beer. making plans to entertain heir ?. Hickory nestles or. the eastern edge 1 the Fiij-o Ridge Mountains and anong the r-ecla? events provided will l ait automobile trip to Blowing p i" May uH -Avr the new state high !"ay which gives a view of some of he most wonderful mountain scenery n the country. At Blowing Rock, on>e ">,000 feet above sea level an id fashioned southern barbecue will ie served. There will be other near?y trips also. The session wi:' last through May :0 and will b?: held u Corinth reonu Church here which its pastor he Rev. Dr. \V. W. Howe terms he southernmost outpost of the Utormed Church. The Rev. Dr. George W. Richards ;ead of the Theological Seminary at .ancaster. Pa. is president ef the Reortned Church organization. [NOTE?Mr. W. J. Shuford, of iickory. Chairman of the entertainment committee has extended at* initatior. to 35 of the business men of toone to be with them at Blowing lock on Saturday evening, meet the listinguishod visitors and enjoy the iig event. There will be, according o Mr. Shuford, between four and five lundred in the party. Boone's full |U0ta, we take it. will be on hand.] THINKS THE MOVIES HAVE A BIC FUTURE r.diton Predicts the Film Screen Will Replace the Blackboard in Schools Xew York Dispatch.?The children >i today's school children will get heir education at high schools in vhich^ the movie screen will supplant he blackboard and the motion picare film will take the place of text oaks. Thomas A. Edison predicted today at the investigation by the Ydernl Trade Commission of charges hat the Fane us V aycrs-Lasl:v < , ? 5 ation and >ix aided organU.e.: :ons vr.siitute :? moMn *: picture trust. The rani"? \v.w--n.tor. whose re.Liit questionnaires .ace led him to ay harsh things aK?ut present oduatieria; method.- in the United States .vas called for the purpose of developing the importance of the film industry and its possibilities ior the future. He disclosed for "he first time Aperimeuts vvitVi school children, which h*- said had convinced him that >."> per cent of ali "knowledge is tgajB , : t\i through the eye and :ha* morior. piciuiv? are iu?) per cent efficient for its dissemination. 1 hove made a good many ex-1 nerimonts in the line of teaching children by other methods that* book," Ms*. Edison toIJ the commission. "I made ar. experiment . a ot ol picture U sieh children chemistry. L sr-.?t fvcix-e children and ash 1 them to write down *. r.at they had carr.et: from th? pictures 1 was amazed that such a complicated subject as chemistry was readily grasped h\ them to a large extent through pic; ares. The parts of the pictures they did not understand 1 did over and over again until they finaiiy understood the entire picture" "What, in your opinion, is the future growth of the motion picture?" Mr. Edison was asked. "I think motion pictures have just started," he said, "and it is my op'.ItAn h.anf,- "CM ?.W? VMW>. 1. 10 1.IIVJ (> vaia VUHU1CU will be taught through pictures and not through books." Asked his opinion as to the genera! influence over the people c? motion picture films, Mr. Edison said: "The most "The motion picture is the most powerful avenue of informing people and will increase year to year." Overheard at a directors meeting; "While we are sitting here let us see how we stand on running expenses." ?Boston Transcript.