MAY ZA. 1SZ3 &h? ^gataua? 43emotr Local Affairs Mi. Bau guess, photographer f Johnson City is- in Boone for a days. Mr. Lather South who took contract to do some extensive w on North Water Street, began g ing Tuesday morning. Miss Velma Rivers went to noir Monday afternoon to atten banquet given by the Davenport lege Alumnae Association. T1 were present representatives of < class from 1860. Miss Rivers rep a grand time. Mayor H&hn and lady left yes day for Gastonia. Mr. Hahn to tend the spring Ceremonial of 0 Temple which convenes in that today. The fixtures are now being in place in the new Watauga Cot t> -1 ?. L DniMin.* wkiok will Kn n/ni in the very near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jenkins of Si erland with their baby daughter th Miss Velma Lovill were over day visitors with home folks friends in Boone. The county singing will be he!< Brushy Fork Church on next Sum This statement made again as the nouncement last week was rather fusing. Dr. White, of Elizabethton, T? "a man who deals in dirt" waj town Monday, billing the town a big sale to be pulled off in his t< in the near future. M iss Mollie Ixiwrance went to ' le Crucis Monday, Dr. Perry remc her tonsils ar.d she returned to Blackburn Hotel Tuesday, and Is f ing very well after the painful oration. The Boone Produce Company ' has been for some time occupj the Ward building on depot st has moved into the Critcher prop* just opposite, where, Mr. Wilcox - their location is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Farthing Y returned from several weeks visi Asheville, Mr. Farthing taking tr ment for some slight disorder? Otten whiie in the city in the mc tains. He .returns very much imp ed. Mrs. A. E. South and two 1 children left yesterday for Gast? where she will spend the next weeks visiting her parents, when will be joined by her husband c trip to Washington City, to ntt the Shriners meeting early in Jui Mr. James H. Taylor who s] the winter and spring with his < ghter Mrs. Joe Wardin in Charl has returned to his home in Be for the summer. Despite his g age (nearly ninety-seven) he is able to stir about at will and is joying the best of health. Mrs. James Rivers left yestei morning fur Brighton, Colo., wl she will join her husband. She accompanied as far as Johnson by her sister Mrs. J. A. Sproles, Mrs. William Mulvaney who is turning to her home in Asheville ter a \isit at the Sproles hom< Boone. Mr. .W. H. Gragg one of Boo real promoters, has purchased a of ground near the home of Mr c 1 .--in *. kJ. vuiicj * | Watauga Superior Court and sentenpied i c(1(j to roads. I am in favor oi Watauga county arranging: a chain uti.-1 gang and working her men on th? lit-; roads in our own county. I underSun j stand that there were about thirty and men sent to the roads from oui county the two last terms of court ^ ^ i and the sentences were from six t?, eighteen months. Just think how the # county could save in building hei roads. The southern counties have had the advantage of us all these j long years building roads while we ;nn. were sleeping and didn't have any r in roads that we hardly fit to travel, for while we were furnishing men U >wn other counties to work and build their good roads. Let us try and ar* ; range to work our convicts in oui a , | own county and save thousands of ^ ; dollars. ^ | I don't think there are any who will ! not agree with me on this subject ' I would 11 kt- to know how the people ; stand on this question, that | Yours very truly, ring j J. E. BURKETT reet Todd, North Carolina. ?rty *y*\ AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH lave All visitors are invited to atten ?<<.one 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome ex reat tended to all. still en- FATHER day " t master at Brownwood, N. C. PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The Parent Teachers Association will meet at the public school house on Friday May 25, 2:30 p. in. for its regular business meeting. This an important meeting and we hope every member will be present. MR. C. J. COTTRELL UNIMPROVf ' ED l ' Mr. C. J. Cottrell, whose serious illness we have mentioned from time to time, continues unimproved and as we art ready for press we learn j f that hp ic dpnHilv ?rnu'inir nL- ?>? I His son, Mr. T. Hill Cottrell, of Broad I nax, Virginia, arrived yesterday and will remain until there is some radical change in his condition. i 1 THE ELECTRIC CROSS AT LAKE JUNALUSKA The Junaluskan. j "Why do you burn the lights in | the Cross during these months when -j so few are at the Lake?" This quesj tion comes to us very often and we j are telling you now. The railroad men running through d here at night asked that it be kept lighted, as they looked forward to seeing it in the darkness as a beacon and a source of good cheer. Travel e ing men coming through have also requested that it be lighted as it was such an inspiration to them as they ?. drive along in the night. Then too, one of Junalu&ka's devoted friends Mrs. E. L. Hart, spoke of the Cross on her deathbed,, and said that she d 1 felt that thi6 cross should always be -1 lighted, and so we have this light n i each night. The beautiful symbol of I the light of the world set on a hill, e Who knows what its influence might u be. Bishop Atkins says that someone with a real gift should write a poem on "The Cros at Junaluska. n e One of the largest and most perle feet fir tTees ever felled in Washington was recently cut at Kapowsin te and turned into lumber by a lo-j cal mill. The tree stood more than is 300 feet high and seven thirty-two is foot logs were cut below its branches. These logs were of a diameter | of nine feet and weighed *275 tons. They were worth $3,000 in the rough Id and the first grade flooring obtained it from them will sell for several times *. that sum. Did YOU plant a tree this spring? k DEMOCRAT Which i the MAS . . AVHJC EY? DC NOSE Al YOU THE N. L. Mast, President L. A. Greene, Vive-Pr G. P. Hagaman, Cashi? W. D. Farthing:. A. C Austin E, South, Telle Miss Pearl Hodges, Bookkeeper / C~ i' We would call the special at ten- * tion of the readers this week to the I advertisements appearing for two of c ur country merchants, Mr. \\. r. , >'.crwood. and A. (i. Miller. These V men are on the job, and they offer you real inducements. Look up the J a 1TY AND MAK r\/~\ ir I :er IVU J'JIViL Wr I CERTIFICATE WILL FURNISI FITABLE EMF iS! WATAUGA r.. \> W*** BOON JIG MOVIE SHOW! jj Ol'RT HOUSE BOONE. N. C. ON iAT. MAY 26 7 P. M. i Ooubtleix the best (how that will a in Boone soon is coming this week 000 feet of the very latest and best i?m. We carry a much better show ban ever before. i AUf in addition we will have the very eit string music, and dancing. Come i ,nd see and enjoy yourself. Entire 1 trogram amusing and entertaining o the little folks and grown up* as | velL DON'T MISS THiS GRAND j "REAT. COME JOIN US. Admission: Adults 25 cents; Children 0 cents. J. CAMPBELL,s"' FARM FOR SALE { Fifty seven acres adjoining town j imits of Wilkesboro. Forty acres fer- | ;ile river bottom. Twenty seven acres ?] of woodland. Within 100 yards of j :hurches, school, and hard surfaced i road and paved sidewalks. One mile J f -? ? ? ?? c:? 1 {rati and wheat land. Close enough to enjoy the advantages of town and have a good paying farm. For price and terms address MRS. C. J. COWLES Wilkesboro, N. C. BO. WOOL WANTED?Unwashed wool i j free from Burrs. 38 cts. POUND Huph F. Webb, Johnson City, Ten- wel ncssee. m21-4c an i Local Man Wanted ? A BUSINESS OF HIS OWN AWAITS THE RIGHT MAN Seldom does an offer come to the ambitious, honest men of our com munity that equals the opportunity 1 am authorized by Fnrst and Thomas to offer at this time. There is an opportunity for some j pood ambitious men to own a busi- J ness o Itheir own not far from here. ! It takes very little money as you will ! be extended credit. No boss, no whistle, you will own and operate your own business and be independent. The business is known as a McNess Business and the work is selling F. W. McNess* 110 Superior Quality] Sanitary Products. No selling experi- I ence is necessary?Furst and Thomas teacn you how and I will help you get started. If you can furnish a team and wagon or a car with which you can m carry on business and want to know about the ins and outs of the busv ] ness, I will tell you all about it. Na Don't bother me however if you \v* don't mean business. Call at my pJa house Saturday P. M., or write me a Be: letter if yo umean business and can Ye furnish an auto or team. rea Yours for business. FO V. M. Presnell, Vilas, N. C. J Va P?5? Five J J OR YOUR MONI. YYD KEEP YOUR [ STONE OR ARE j i'OUR AUTHORE YOUR MONEY rHE WORK. OUR :S OF DEPOSIT -I IT WITH PRO'LOYMENT. COUNTY 4K E . N . C . GONE DRUG CO. rhe REXALL Store . Dealers in JGS & CHEMICALS FOR CASH :NCY: Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Symphony Lawn and Lord Baltimore Linen Whitman's Chocolates (.famouf. Since 1842) Liggett'* Candies (^Little Bits from the East and Maxie Cherries.) E1AFFER FOUNTAIN PENS & FINE TOILET ARTICLES }ur Terms Are Cash 100NE DRUG CO. R. D. JENNINGS DENTIST Office at Blacburn Hotel ONE N. CAHO. *atients from a distance would do 1 to write and have appointments anged beforehand, \T AUCTIONI If you have property I to sell, write or wire I us. Our advice Free I i i_ ji I as iiu v* 10 nanaie Your property. Write today, we'll see you soon. CAROLINA LAND COMPANY Subdivision Agents Hickory, IO). '1.ANTS:?10,000,000 Porto Rico ncy Hall potato plants, Charleston tkelield, Flat Dutch cabbage nts, Baltimore and Red Field tfUtv tomato plants, White and llow Bermuda Onion plants now idy, shipping daily $1.00 per 1000 >B Valdosta. Dorris plant Co., Idosta, Ga.