Eifh TWENTY-ONE So you &?v uV v are a roan! I>kl you ever think. - : . be-v. much " has cost to a >ia?: i you? Someone ha- figured ac the cosi ill mency in reu* .:nr a child. Ht says to bring a men. t * :o<?a' age cart for him t*vda. *e h.ri? c* $25 Which :r or of motiej to put in jlBsh ami b; But ho1 isn't a?I. Vol* have -* you** fat hemany hard knock- and short dinner: imi worry and gray streaks in hi. hair. And y-or mo*her- ?ah boy You will never know You have cod he*- days and nights of anxiety auc v.-rirk:e> ?n her u- a face and heart ache? and sacrifice. It has been expensivs- *. grow up but if yo i are worthy ?\ r r you thirl you are. you are worth all you cos' much, much more. B? sure of r.}. ~. \\ . ? father doe: not say much hut H- . son,** waj down, in his toisjjgjb. staunch heart h? think- y. ; are the tir -t ever A at C ? ?J-- ftV. n..<-'n?-r .hfiimnu CHfirot keep he** lovt and prid'1 fo: you out "1 he" ev. s. Sometime von muK step in you: \\i\iicft'* - H- i*.'t like yo; to c..; hi?r. oM. ' ;ust the same h? isn't as :i: he used to be. Yot see. younir mar.. ha- beer. y/orkinj has for !u : fie: year.- Tt he!;, you! And !y your motfc.e: is blfjginv.inc: to a: u you. Your fuih. ha.- d<e fairly wo!I hut you Jn do Is v-tcr. You may r:?? (h: k ht ; - 11 ha- ^ive" C you a bet: r hu:i -h.-.r ft ha?i. lr hiairy ways yui: cat b?v!n v.hvnjjp }.ef' '>;T Ht . - a go -d d a vc;: out :f ma of u {T, o-'.t thi .oa-1 > fairly ,nr.r.>: >3 THINGS FOR THE FAM'LY TABLE T*7 [TKN preparing *0111 and 1 W dumpllfig :s desired. try these One-half hour before the up is t< be served drop lnt . it a large potato and rook until done. Put It Into i bowl with a tahlespoonful of buttei and mash line, add a slice of grate* toast, an eg*, a dash of salt and ant meg and work well with n fork Droj this paste la small pieces Into the soap boll up and serve ut once. Ali?ghany Muffin*. T?ko one and one-half cupful* o sifted dour, one cupful of milk, on tab!e.?p?>on*jl each of butter and lard two tea spoonful a of baking powdei one-half teasponful of salt and cn egg Mix all the dry ingredients an< slf* through the sieve. M?4t the hut ter and lanl in a cup. Heat the egi very light anil add the milk to It Pour this mixture nto the dry ingre clients, add the melted fat and beat vtj orously for a minute. Pour Into but tered muffin pans and bake 15 ra'.r utes. r?; - - rj.o. Pcur.d C?kc .... i)T\e-<luavT'?r of a cupful but*. - v - cupful of pov let soicar. ; -i r!i?- b?k: ten voilfc; ,-.f tw <\Sfa, ont- of vsiniila. th gratis' r?vl <>: ? iexnor. aTii1. or?teainl cui>Jv?i COi'l >vj:*.r. Mix :hor??ughl ar.1 ..>; ! >ne ann one-half upfr.is ri.'e .1 ::r that h.- b??*:i su're.! rvic with ar.fi me-;i:,'f teasivvinfais hairing 7- vd^r { '.?' ! In the stiffl beaten wh:r?"s f rh>- eggs atid bake. U==F HO mw SB H fl9 i[p 2^^ JWfl Ira ftp HS HB AT A. G. Ml SAT. CAR LOAD < 1 SISTING OF BOARDS, Wi STRAIGHT i MANY OTH1 Listen, this most of this is Don't fail t< treat. I also ha at a bargain, a starts at 10 o'< k scientific handling of the convsctsH gtvv;.>:>or?i xvvs. It is admitted thai trs are! r? ' *.he Guiifpyii c< ty contic: camp- That adm.sslon is onou&h to condemn tht sysifjafe- for . :>ris?>? c?"s :*re r?>i Hot?--:'- ill any prison that is scier.t.'fica.iy organised under ni >aem conditions. in u niodc . scientific prison there - . > need of the -trap for rhv- prisoners can be controlled without it. To be feures they car >e COR" rrohed by utst any roujrhr.cck who t rr . b?? hired fo- $l.c" ? day to i -tar.d traard over convict- They - c.umot be eortrolled in > . h an ortrsnizarior. as that repr< - *:t^s dby th Guilford County corvct camp t without the : -? oi vbdenc' But if the State of North Car -a eared enough about what she i.- doing to > is;en in her prisons she could abolish ' -trans and dark ee'ls with out losing ? control of her prisoner The 'rouble ' is North C;.ro?ina doesn't are. nnv has carer. A man put into the r North Cambria penitentiary. accord : > the North Caioliru ?vay of r thinking :> deserting >: d-se of : heit-fire so let him roast. T? establish a scientific - -n sysi t ht in this state womd v are an r: : -u- amount of hard t r and a ? ??o<i deai of moiey. It \v>-not re ,'C ifrurr. ir. iviry. firtii? a r?-i..:\ W?'!Kt : out else. n . coi: i ensiiy ? a-icpt-cd N--:th va ne* ? >. Hut Xortfa >lina : i-.i'her: ?' willing waste n -y and hart! labor on - - "V . T"s better than what a ?-. >f th- i?t hate at home** is th nhrase apt .ieu to pri->n conmany a sei: re*:; .'tins cit ' ' it ;.evr: o.-ettfe ' him that tr.- :. ;rnb < ?:vditic - the prif Bvhoi's home life may t? responsible his being in prison At i it isn't : than why.t tin- pi: ha- at home Ir rawer is better than t: ! m and hi i.as freedom at honi- . P.the arsr intent f< i -rientifie eatn-e.ii of pri.-me?> t nocesbased on sympathy for cot*a: a L It may I (Isoleiy i entighlAed - It inter- After : ail. Th?-se in -n must (?" released sonie> tim?. Kv. ti the life term '-onxict is > sunny pardoned after 1la, or 1 20 ycarand of the others, niner tenths live until their sentences have expired. Then there is nothinir to do ^ but to turn them loose. Ph.- question i> are they Koine *o be rurrvd loose worse or better j than they were when they entered prison? That depends almost absof itely on their treatment while they * are in confinement but the effect of ' thai treatment is felt by the state at ^ la rye. If the prisoner is made :i better nisti: hv his term in the m-n 1 1 . tentiary. th< taw will have no more ^ i'Vjbh- with hln.. It* he is made n t. a . man h?- is likely to commit 5- (Univiaiu.ns that wli cost immer.st* >um< ami put :lu- sia'.v t?> heavy exP" pcr.se it; catching him and trying him all over iti^UQ. It is decidedly to tk. 't ;ost of the :ax-pa>er as a hnan I cial matter .to have s orison system # | that a i -omplishvs its our peso?nam'y to r each pr rs t?. remain witho in. the lav. As a matter of fact, out f on s. >ystem - I' -rrer dnjaigneii i I? tt act. : r suiters tu hz *. the law u * - . . an- ?- is atfmirr L hat strap usi I here, whicl ' '.is an admission .that ike thing is no nianiavarj?=ii LC^. jesniei.. = IVII 1 LEER'S STORE, BROW? JUNE S DF SECOND HAND FUF DRESSERS, WASH S' OOD BED STEADS, RO( CHAIRS, KITCHEN CA1 IR THINGS FOR THE H furniture is to go at youi as good as new. j see this lot of Furniture f< ve FIRST CLASS FURNT tnd a full line of General IV clock. COME ONE AND J Yours for servic A. G. IV THE WATAUC THE BLESSINGS of PROHIBITION Then art many who refuse to rec giur- ifcp.se bUfC&ir.ars. and to whom the claim that the country has beer .K -H-fitted by prohibition is only tv | isdd fue! r(. the flame of their wrath !? , their favorite arguments is u -ay * 11 ii r the cost of enforcing thi *w- we! in the end be the cause ? f the it repeal. Tri > r v v the eo>t of the army of officials necessary, the loss in rev i c:v.' to the Government, and tin j ger- i. demorilirr.tion of the people According to th?. figures of tm I gover* nu-r.t only ?9.250,000 was ap propr;ated by Congress for the pur j pose >f enforcing this law. Nine and oitc quarter million dol lars is a large sum v? admit, but ?14 121.20? is much larger and that amount is wha fcthe Government re ; cerved from tines and sale of pro j-rty ized by prohibition officer ami evied by the courts of the land If a balance of S14.S71.209 to oui r> > any pr : f losing money we would like to exchange place: with the Government. We confess that the enforcement of the prohibition laws is attendet j \v *h more demorilization of thi people of this country than is goo< f r the future welfare of our land. We i ar. imagiia. how this deca; f r;i '!\i!s v-.xes the righteous sou oposirs ?f prohibition, wh? their country with such disin : \ e. Xo u>ubt they ar? !;k? Lot when r.. was in Sodom, ar.< w;.s with the filthy conversa i tionni ?l->a_ IV-J I'n-ike L-:. however t> are no wiUuu to st-pcvate themselves fron the wicked. out are mem selves th< chief culprits. Tru-y are the who brpc ahou that ontempt for Jaw which the; depiotv. i'* H-y '>n <i he eliminated, thei ; detlioi ilizatioi: of month B?r. \ ri if the present conditio] >i xh i als be continued, there is ies e* m< and u--- suffering than who; i 1 thing 'nterterred with the sale o ; lMiuor. Or- can hut wonder at the con : roi a i?ju<?r man must havt over hi coantenav.ee when he does all he cai to ur.dv rniitii respect for law atn then deplores that the laws are hel in contempt and society is hurt. ?I'resbyt riun Standard. "The center of interest in the liel of education today is uudoubtedl the subject of the relation betwee education and industry."?Link April couldn't change her min i more ireqentiy 11 -ne were a ioreig policy.?Atlantic Constitution. JOB PRINTING OF THE BETTEI KIND. RIVERS PRINTING CO. "WE ADMIT WF. KNOW HOW" . a scientific prison However, it wouJ i worse than useless merely to fo' hi*! flogging without substitutin any other method of controlling rt :: :ojy prisoners. We cannot clea < a State system by jumping on th : : i: officials ->f a single countj pyffirc* fui'rsf it may lie that iir.mwaxwnr. r.taiity has been practiced in Gui !?>rd. which case some one shoal punished. But thai wiii not o f. a n.rmanenr improvement ir. tY < -i?m No perman.-nt improveme! ... he wrought until hte people ? X : th ('arolina takt. enough intere 1 :v. ;la- lousiness to demand that th yr'iso: system bo conducted aloi ' scit ntific lines. air MLL WOOD, N. C. >, 1923 n 1NITURE, CONTANDS, SIDELING CHAIRS s BINETS AND | OME. r own price, and I ?r it will be a real I TIJRE I will offer | 1 | J!. O 1 0= ici tiionaise. oaie s VLL. 1 e, t 1ILLER j ;a democrat i ?. ? ? | i : MEN YOU MAY MARRY ' 1 4 By E. R. PEYSER ' t. ; ? : h? Has a man like this proposed ? <' * to you? I ] a, . * Symptoms: Awfully precise, j j jy just tull enough for lite anuy, * I j * no more. I?id a few weeks mill- * | ^ * tary training just before anute- I ! t tioe whs signed and can't forget * ? it. Turns a corner on tils heel, t t*: Always talks of how he did this * i * and that in the army, goes to ? j bed on schedule, calls it taps. ? j h< * arises on schedule, calls it re- * vellle. eats on schedule, calls It * a I iuess. On schedule on irh of J j tj * July he unfurls his little flag, on + 1 I schedule he calls on you and t j . -days "Just so long." He walks t ? a certain way to work a?d a J c t rertaln way when he returns. . . ** IN FACT { 11 | Lie "does time" dally. P ?v Prescription for bride to be: + g i Kssence of TNT In his tea * S| * to make him do something nor * t, I on the time table. ^ Vt Absorb This: ^ REGULARITY IS THE THIEF ; I p J OF LOVE. | # (? by McCJur* Newspaper Syndicate ) | j ' *' ; ? o'"- 6,ti Stray Bits of Wisdom. Lovers* oaths arv like fetter* made ' of glass, that glisten fair, but compel : 1 ao restraint.?Zeno. > O b c: > y ; " BACsv TO THE WALTZ 1 <1 > When you <lance. 1 wish you A wave o' the ?ea. that you rnifcht ever do ( h I Nothing but that. } -8hakrspeare. j ? ; < r > BVKNT ever produced so great a sen.sution," w rote Thorn- j as Ralkes tn hU ''Personal Recollections," "as the introduction of the Ger<1 man walto. ?)ld and young returned to school, and the mornings were now ur absorbed at home in whirling; a chair around the room to learn the step and measure of the German waits. The anti-wait7.:ng party took alarm, cried ' it down ; mothers forbade It, and every ballroom became a scene of feud and contention. Such was the attitude toward the ?? new dance when it was new some f hundred and twenty-Are years ago. True the waltz not so much of a favorite at a popular dunce as Is the . i>ne-step or fox trot, hut you will lind that those who are able to dance it well really prefer It to the other dances. !lp | Of course we do regard It as a rather tame affair after all the other .= modern dances, but the time was -- once, as Thomas Raikes .suggests, r~_ when it was regarded as quite as ^ shocking as we regarded any of the [=> new-fangled trots when tliey cnine CL out. In fact. Goethe makes Werner say that If ho were married his wife ? should waltz with no one but hlraq self. And there were rather oidfashioned folk a generation ago who, g though they would two-step and poika ir with others after they were engaged. wt>uin waits oriiy wnn me one to whom they were betrothed. Now we n] have no such sentimental notions. If We prefer usually to ?lanre with the H persons with whom we are best able to t:o through the steps. Lads dance Tl with their own grandmothers and are ^ glad enough to do so if those grand^ mothers dance well. O (?? by MrC.ur N?w*pdp^r Sjrn-llcat?.) Waiting Her Turn. Iffl Aunty, telling the three children to ;=. go and play, and after a little while ;? not hearing them, wondered why they ? were so quiet. Opening the door, she LT aaw them playing bride and groom. Alice was wearing a baby dress. Aunty fe said: "Don't you want to play with them?" Alice said: "I in playing, onlj g ill waiting till I is born." I 1 | CORE MUSCLES e vacations are olten Ej spoiled by soreness re? suiting from outdoor games. A good massage S with Vicks often gives e j surprising relief. V>CKS % W VapoRub Ovor J 7 Million J art Ummd Yearly NOTICE OF EXECUTION SAI.E by virtue of an execution directed > the undersigned, sheriff of Wu~ tuga County, from the Superior ourt i-f said count;, in that certain! ?t?on. entitled \V. C. Wilson and . M. Wilson vs. D. I. Stansberv and S. Stansbery, on the 10th day of pril, 1023, 1 will on the 2nd day ol jly. 1 L*_!3. it being; the tirst Mort- J ay of said month, to satisfy said kecution and costs, sell to th ehigk-, si bidder, for cash at the court ouse <!< <r of Watauga County, be-; >* i the hours of 10 o'clock A. M :id 4 o'clock P. M., the following ( escribed realestate. to-vvit: Beginning on a beech, running outh To deg. West IT poles to ai liestnut; the North 4 deg. East T2 , oles t-> a stake; on top of the ridge; y ten with said ridge Westward 2S i ?>! '< n Oatu in Jhf T o.frin. V.. I ers line: then with said line to a :ake in Davis' line; then Davis* line > a stake in Landrine Eggers Deeased, ine: then with said Eggor's J ne to an old dogwood corner, now 1 lice's line an Eastward course to a j take ii: Landrine Egger's line: near pair of drawbars and school-house; | hen with the said Landrine Eggers* | r. line to the beginning, containing o2 acres more or less, from the jotegoing boundry is excepted a ract "f land allotted to J. S. Stans- ^1 erry as homestead, bounded as 01 ws: ? Beginning on a small dogwood be- * mv the little old store house at lublic road, and runs Xorth s deg. Vest 2"- poles to a stake; then Xorth 2 dec. East 24 poles to a rockj i; then South Ss ?i- g. East -42 poles i o a small popular: then Soutn 27, | ieg. East poles to stake in old pad; then down the o'd road to the! ?eginnirg\ containing 1<? acres more; r less. This the 12 day of May. \<J2',. C M. CRITCHER, Sheriff. 5y Char:? > A. Greer, I). S. NOTICE. SOUTH CAROLINA, A*ATA UGA COUNTY. J. M. Sudderth. Administrate!! vs. red Coffey et al Heirs it law of Geo. Coffey, deceased. Having been appointed a Comnus-j doner by the Clerk of the Superior ourt of Watauga County, 1 will on j Fune t?, 1023 offer for sale at the! "ourt House door, in Boone, at one' j'clock p. m., the lands situated in i iVatauga township and known as the! ^?eo. Coffey lands consisting of about JO acres, said lands bounded by the and of Hill Wright and otheis. Terms to be announced upon day >f sale. G M. SUDDERTH, Commissioner. for tLconomical SUPERIOR CHASIS $62( DELIVERED IN BO MENTS, OVER A PI MONTHS. MANUFACTURE COMPANY THAT J AND CADILLACQUALITY MATERL The Boor WALTER? May 24. is23 ' If you want money for your real estatesee, write or wire us. GLOBE REALTY & AUCTION CO. Johnson City, Tenn. wrrnwi 12 ^7 / MOTOR CARS Mbrmtrcart?? i""?" Fours -- Sixes r. Wl. Richards, BANNER ELK V. H. Gragg, BOONE nsurance Fire, Life and Casualty AJ1 new business and expiring policies promptly attended to. Adjustments promptly made. GEORGE F. BLAIR BLOWING ROCK. N. C. (Office in Postoffice Bldg) I .. _ ... | After livery Meal WRICLEYS I Top off each meal with a bit of 1 sweet In the form of WHIG LEY'S. M It satisfies the S sweet tooth and B aids digestion. / Pleasure and ^combined. _ , ?Va nspo rla tion \ !).()() ONE EASY PAYiRIOD OF TWELVE D BY THE SAME vlAKES THE BlIirK THE SAME HIGH \L BEING USED. ) le Garage JOHNSON, Manager J

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