Page EighJ WASHINGTON ALL HEATED UP OVER SHRINERS CONVENTION (Wasbiiiu'.i'r City I): : :.tch ! > th' Green l>aii> Netys.) The President a?;.3 his cabinet wres ' tied zuost of th* - ssion yesterday with rht- i?r?.?K m *t how to .rive the &o\< riure! workers* which is practically ul! Washington, a holiday to - *. thy S'-.ri' parade without vo'at ;- 'he a a ayainst such ho!id a* What Will happei '>i't b that then, won't he a holiday i?ur that n<> onv \v';^ h vt'-vi " moraii/.e-i >v. ;he m-r.jr Shriners convent it 1 is t were a village holding r< * ::sK :r:t\ fair. It is i still a v k : >re the Shrin-j ers get be re p f e nut the cap- j .tai has d el;*" I i moratorium of1 all it- : hr-ury i. '.cities and is re ikearsin? the h. - of vast, imaginary crowds. There is not a red fez on the street 1 bu* Jt i- ha- ; : -.ret. about this viliae- tf people had de ' sc" . Ud the town and were | crowding the st root The bus lir : run wher< t h *y j orc:.iM**iiy ?i.-. reh v arrow? on sir - ?r way streets everywiu-rt -i .. -. t.reen *raiik cops stand . x: : I places nak- . iiig si ,?tt :- whi'-" "o or.- c'?e understands, while the streets are practically <- '* .: r the mason.-- are ? n-r here ;.e<5 v he h-' ? * for v;h:;e the ;> - ::< v. in- usually t rave't ti.r rt^i. .-> *- are pract; ;:"Iy barred them y the rcu- "hrr you caivvot sto* an automobile ?:7v a a^nute ar.yv. hero within mih Y. tbot pur4 :.f rh< where ail T: ,!:r < : : iy contour :? -.0 - ' r.j : am..: for v? r. E M.:-en? arrive ? \ a- t- u i . * : - a?)..?.-.r the Sin > mi tr.ei' wives during the weeK li.a y .i-,- h- 't*. Prices of '.oin-c ?xv< rot jroins ' ) b?- advanced fi.: th? .up ..t" ; t?\vr visitors. except of course you km a h?s .-oa-m many p:\opfo up ami they aiv already ascendins1. The busy bootlegger pcddiinr iris van -- -hot the recent supreme court division against carrying rum on foreign -hips has se: t p the n ice of Scotch. The ice cream; dealer finds ir, the high price ef sugar arai the coot sprint; affecting onploasantly the usual placid disport-1 t ion ii'i cows, -urticient reason to jack . up his charges. It's a coincidence Z'vi j lu chpn-.-s the mometit \hen the njers are about to arrive. The food dealers warn their cm-tornen chat they had better la; ipi a fort nights supply of pr> visions ahead. \s there may he nothi- v ts? be had whet) the Shriners a?v nor< T'he;hyiha sent oat an ytra-n dina! / notice to housewives wiiining ih .-m , . gain.-t thieves and pickpocne -. It Is a.l! a part of the t eit anient I entrrtm::uiv - :#jfc t-nrn-Rrinn. .wrier rma, sifR rne it ' niKrchatits ??> CM!'!:;.. ?viil be the grai'.t .-on ? nrir- oi.t.i >:' the hy rights .-honld 1 e. f ir; ifc? - verti::. nt of th : lr. : . . Suitv.Sphaijiiiv. rig nghtSgcfor..Wb.i: Wu.-hh,-.:"." ?nri would Iwarm rt o.-f the street- tin pyiic. e;c-.xcrinic .. incursion of thieves. l-a: : ) i.:T ..? then: by !ir..l din t raff if ra! - ami fo>. -.1 t? 1 ...V at I iii:t?y I ia;.d d.-i bra-inn ; > very, ht re oil the oup'.tar.Bjaffnttn-ent atennes. .*' the ,r.:.s'ei'rnm al' parts nf the eoanrrv nr.ay therein pvel,: i.y ,i view of vl.. won- j der ' -.fie work, the tpovterr.nitBf : .he Unit-.; State-.' benciiei-it.y making i'.t'c- bossi'sio ?n there continents'.' 1; ? i high and . >w a ike ?r< put to tr.ation. Vi e V.'bit.- .- is -..? i the beautiful things of Washington, h The President woke up a fort night j >-?o to hear the sound of Hammers ij i irachers in front Of it. 'Ihe j suited at this v.crk cf art it ueing taken for granted that he '.vou ! be delighted to see for a month in front oi his residence bare new boaid. rising up to the tree tops. They -ay chat he did not "like the improvement on the landscape. I do not know whether it is true or not but I hope it is for it shows a full , appreciation of the possibilities in | the precedent being set by the Shriners. The White house will be barred from view by the bleachers for about ! six weeks. A little figuring: Suppose Washington does come a convention city Nine conventions a year like this one j would mean permanent bleachers in ! | front of the White House. Coney Island pillars and lighting j effects add a new lustre to fine ave- i nues. Splendid vistas end in raw new boards. Holiday stands vie with the I treasury buildings as examples of I civic pride. On the wall a ''home sweet home" J put up in honor of John Howard 1 fyA V __ THREW MONE1 INTO ATLANTA M Ichae! J. Si:!*:. v;t r.. ral mar a- v of the Canada: Sr-pping Ton t uny of Sa'i m. Ma--, a* ?: Izzy .lz obs of N\v- York ' nere detair ; . . sicamshi liumtr i. s 'ussing coll: . ?rfeit monvy. % . tiicb " had bee :i>t ril?:;ting as "- . :rs,% we! shocked Friday v h- - the/ learned tb money v.a? jrer.ttM>-. "An? I 'threw $1 it .?ve l- " Suiliva . i agha*t SuU'.var. still had ii> t' the bil of $10 denomination i" his posseion A-hen he was ?: * d. Fe< ral authorities upon viminatiiv. o::i.?u?!ivd u>r and \ Jacobs were orti r.- I release Stilliv n declared 'he > s he ha :iven .twav nr.d th >verboar wen "f the same cries as tho: pronounced genuine. Sti'Iivaj: d? he had broug! some of the money h - : with hi sh<-\\ h - fri.-r.d-he Amer t.-. rum rnr >- won putting' vi.t ?r. Engh-h lit]. r dealers il<- said he ..received $1,800 : ; ..-gov.- as payment for a froig' shipment or. : < ?f ir snips of h it from X<>\ aSc ' . Glasgov ivering that two billl the name -f tfc* First X rional Hank ?-f On 'ark. Lor Island. -n. re mum ' - he sa; he mvos/'a'' i a:. found the fend he -r put : ilation e rum r??v. off ih> N?v. < y Hipi Is. :i paytnen H" . JOr. Tr. re were or i. ha dozen t t !" * name < r v Xat " .1 ; of A toil; i. I. fee j'T'i'-'i : th? ir pel uiijene-s ami tested i: in by wasl a. Who 'iii dgvaUnv- fade h- conclud* v.a: . . 'iterf* .:>< . But per*- of ihz Set-ret Svi' ice who oj .mired th- Am ryvi'N - - said thi S ?var >al the part jsked for :\vo ' : them ??? play practn a! . -ke. he said. Jacobs ha .he misfortune to pet tw of the hi mi nr tosseu ir.ein on cne ira t a .steward, making the eyes ? 'hat individual grew large with gra it tide and surprise. Hut the steward's arratiheatk subsided a little later wher at;em(] i.-uv to ntv'k up * he bills from his tri which happened to be moist, the bil separata ?i having been modi ir* tv pieces. He notified the purser v. i iv turn notified the Federa. rSorv'.ce aii' r.t> by radio. The seer si-rvu-e men vsere waiting when tn boat came in. Thoma- Tucker, chief of :l ?c;?! Secret Service, said the 1 ?" .riinierit won hi regard the esc. PM?*> i v. the Homeric as r. more that a i..u.gei\jus joke whu i; * ? live et <7 I he Whit. Hton-. BortunaU'Iy. fc \v.r gten. trying to absorl 1 ti- : ce;i\ option, show.- how small J^$J5IUEll^-i5afi3'?3BJ?SUaWr?n -^r; gjan^i^jsr^5n&J3nEffen!3.nS AUC AT A. G. MI 1 SAT. =p CAR LOAD( SISTING OF M BOARDS, W( m STRAIGHT ( MANY OTHE 3ni - . Listen, this ||j most of this is Don't fail to treat. I also hai || at a bargain, a starts at 10 o'c THE WATAUGC repeat. "Just the same. even if the most i- of those bill:? were good, thousands ?- dollars in counterfeit bills have i reached England in payment for !u{Uor," Sullivan declared. "and he P vfnvricah bootleggers who are vai atae ? ovet there are boastine n :*,,w 'hey put it v-ver on the English" SAVING THE GARDEN CROP Timely spraying will hein to mak a success of the home garden if caris ried out with' tin proper care, and <- :i reduced grocery bill as a result ol 1- this kind of crop insurance are two ii tho ghts suggested by G. \V. Fan. le( extension plant disease worker for the State College anil State Departtd men I of Agriculture. \]. Mr. Fant says there is much loss :"r? r:i disease in the garden which i> ft-', mistaken for had weather or *or soil conditions A good many re g'nwers have found it profitable t< i- .-pray tomatoes to reduce the am it unt of Mich' and fruit rot. If th< ?nes die early and the trouble lookin u.-pic -us of wilt, send stem specimens to The Division ef Plant Disea; State C 'llege. Raleigh for examr. ination. This wilt disease lives in th?. . fr-'Ri yea*- t ?i Bordeaux mix* art Experienc in shown that this is the best a! 3- around praerit v. "It : n "h a disappoint >f mv' ' ' ' ave a :h< crop of grapes g< i h.H1 fi.-ni grape fruit rot. Unless . >f spraj is applied ther* will likely be V*. !< ;.- of it this year. 'The of watermelons am .-i.tu. - pI'.vyni- the early dvir; ! o: xi a i e iim;nates the melon d -tx.ts V. :io?vi as ant hi1ac nose. <- If . \ - g row Hi spraying whih x- ' i:? in T he plant bed and latin y 'fa ' ?i will control foliage blight r:se I- > ! OUST SUCClllcill a * (i Mv ma .t! ol - ad for chewing jo ' - * I ho ehenpe.-t and most of :>vay f0? garden crops/' Mr ? - Fact saj s. MILDEW ON ROSES a _???. u; ! rind that there is a considerabli tn them in the early morning while thy, t. dev. is on. with sulphur. This doesj Ly! : remove the mildew that is there ['s hut it prevents further spreading.! Dust the sulphur or. several times; lo after biossotninff this year and then r.t again before blossoming next springL,t in this way the rose bush should be free from the trouble by blossoming time next spring. ie Spraying with commercial lime sul-. k._ phur diluted t?? 1 to 50 is the best :i_ r.hjru' that can bt done if the hush , is in such position i hat ?'nis can be o without the spray materia; getT V \iu.iilvu Ik V?IU Ufa*" . v>.or pfiint. The Lime-sulphur also; ..lis the foliage u .til washed off h by the rain ami for this reason -hpiiUl 'c appiied ju-i prior to ! oomjfc*-ir.g lime. ? V-'Ur rose b?sh? > should be well for ' rause it takes a-a re ana : to produce a well established s hush. gfcrc JOHN P. STEELE . . Co* Acrent noNi LLER'S STORE, BROWNt JUNE 2 )F SECOND HAND "?l TIJN dressers, wash st, 30d bed steads, roc* :hairs, kitchen cabi :r things for the ho furniture is to go at your < as good as new. see this lot of Furniture for ve FIRST CLASS FURN1TI nd a full line of General Me lock. COME ONE AND AI Yours for service, A. G. M t DEMOCRAT CHURCH BUILT WITH 50 CENTS; The story is this. Fifteen years I go or more a fittle crippled bov. j ; Little Joe" became a member of the orphanage family, where he soon or his place in the hearts of the I 1 '.Ivcll '?ni' f ?.- *? * phanage and only the buildings ah-' iotely necessary for housing: and teaching the youngsters had been! r??ted. They had no church. Every Sunday morning: the children were i :.-.-sod in their "best* and they] marched away in two and two's to : hurch and Sunday school to the which v. as some distance away. > This was an even in their young! < >. but, worked; : irdships. The weather wa snot alays fair. Sometimes it ra ned or; u ve;i and the wind blew coid. Cut . bother it rained or the weather was tir, it was the same story for "Little 'oe." He could not walk. Therefore waalways left behind in his hair on tin porch :? walch liis riends go tripping away on a jour- ' v nis little heart and feet longed to take. H" was not very strong and when he was about 11 year- old he was took down", as K< iliey s Happy Lit Cripple expressed it. and shortly -fterwards died. Before his death i. called the official faniiiy to him and made his last will and testiment. Hi* confided to them a secret he had kept all to himself. He had a hidden treasure. What little boy does not. or does not dream of them? And there they would find all his money which he wanted them to take and build a church in the grove on the campus so that the children would not have so far to go. One of his special requests is that it be built with porches Alter he had died they found his purse where he said it was hidden and when opened it contained fifty cents?and the most of it was in pennies?-pennies visitors had given him to sing them a song, for he was a great little singer. That was the beginning of a campaign for dollars fairly flew into a fund $10,000 strong, and today " Little Joe's Church" stands as a monument to him and is generally known as "ine pnurcn mat was hunt with V.iiy tents."?Lamp Light Letter. Farnu i> of Halifax county have purchased 6,000 baby chicks, a carload ?i Holstein and Guernsey cattle formed a seed breeders association am! sold a carload of graded sweet potatoes iv. Los Angeles. California at 05 cents per bushel according to recent reports from the county agent WOOD, N. C. 19231 Be IITITPP rT*W * * V/ J % *__< y V/V/I \NDS, SIDE- % CING CHAIRS NETS AND g ME. jg awn price, and it will be a real p JRE I will offer rchandise. Sale ILLER I saBHSS^ssassBH \ NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned, sheriff of Watauga County, from the Superior Court of said county, in that certain action, entitled W. C. Wilson and D. M. Wilson vs. L). I. Stansbery and I. S. Stansbery, on the 10th day of Api . 1923, i will on the 2nd day of July. 1923, it being the tirst Monday of said month, to satisfy said execution and costs, sell to th ehighest bidder, for cash at the court house door of Watauga-County, beJ tweer. the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M., tbe following described realestate. to-wit: Beginning on a beech, running South 75 deg. West 17 poles to a chestnut: the North 4 deg. East 72 poles to a stake; on top of the ridge; then with said ridge Westward 28 poles to a stake in the Ladrine Eg gers line: then with said line to a stake in Davis* line; then Davis' line to a stake in Landririe Eggers Deceased. line; then with said Egger's line to an old dogwood corner, now Price's line an Eastward course to a stake in Landrine Egger*S line; near a pair of drawbars and school-house; then with the said Landrine Eggers' Jr. line to the beginning, containing 552 acres more or less, from the foregoing boundry is excepted a tract of land allotted to J. S. Stansberry as homestead, bounded as follows: Beginning on a small dogwood bei< . the little old store hot&e at public road, and runs North 8 deg U\ 24 poles to a stake; then Nortl: ' 2 di-u. East 24 poles to a root >i.: then South 88 deg. East .42 polei to a small popular; then South 2r deg. East 44 poles to stake in olc| road; then down the old road to tlu beginning, containing 10 acres men or less. rhi the 12 day of May. 1023. M. CRITEHEB. Sheriff. Bv ? hades A. Greer. D. S. NOTICE. NORTH < ARC LIN A, WATAUGA COUNTY. G. M. Sudderth, Administrator, vs. Fred Coffey et al Heirs at law of Geo. Coffey, deceased. Having been appointed a Commis sioner by the Clerk of the Superioi Court of Watauga County. 1 will 01 June i*. 11*23 offer for sale at th? Court House door, in Boone, at om o'clock p. m., the lands situated ii Watauga township and known as till Gc-o. Coffey lands consisting of abou "JO acres, said lands bounded by thi land of Hill Wright and others. Terms to be announced upon daj of sale. G. M. SUDDERTH, Commissioner jor JLconomtct SUPERIOR CHASIi . $62 REMEMBER W EH ERY CARS, TOUR1 SJERS, SEDANS, GIVE REASONABL ON ANY ONE OF 1 COME AND LEI OUT THE NEW PL MAY OWN ONE Ol MAKE EASY PAYIV The Booi WALTER MAY 31. J92J 1 ' ??????I If you want money for your real estatesee, write or wire us. GLOBE REALTY & AUCTION CO. Johnson City, Tenn. VALVE-IN-HEAP ' J p? Fours -- Sixes F. M. Richards. BANNER ELK W. H Gragg, BOONE Insurance?Fire, Life and Casualty ( Ail new business And expiring policies promptly attended to. Adjustments promptly made. GEORGE F. BLAIR BLOWING ROCK, N. C. (Office in Postoffice Bldg) After Every Meal WRIfiltYS I Top ?11 each meal I with a bit of 1 sweet In the form I of WRIGLEY'S. / It satisfies the / sweet tooth and S aids digestion. / Pleasure and f benellt combined. y t I ijglp^EQjl > 5 % i 0.00 < tAVE LIGHT DELIVing cars, road COUPES, AND CAN .Y GOOD DELIVERY iHESE MODELS, r US TELL YOU ABAN WHEREBY YOU ' F THESE CARS AND 1ENTS AS YOU RIDE tie Garage JOHNSON, -?? 4