?Elic flSStatauga Democrat. R. C. RIVERS. Editor and Owner. Published Every Thursday by THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Stvbserib rs wishing their ai-i: es changed will pleas-- favor u> by jiviug the OLD a- we';': a? the NKU address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Or.e Year . $1.50 Six Mo* "hs 7? Three Months 40 Payable lr. Advance. Advertising Rates on Application Card- f Thank- Resolutions of Re spec . Obituaries, etc. are charged for a*, the regular advertising rates. Ar*. - sent for publication without giving the name >f the writer will not Uiidt : . v e:r. untstar.ee be published Et : red at the fU'Stotnce at Boon*:V r .-i i? mad matter. THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1923 THE J WESLEY HIGG1NS WILL Or. Apr J. ' Mr. J \\ Higgir.-. Van y ability's c?t:zen. died as a result of injuries sustained iv. an automobile accident a shorl time : idr thereto and c< ntempn i \yith the lot. it e fcis r>'\vs. ha* he had left a H'iil. ",m< . 5 Meii.' Ji-t chtrch : ;.?* fts va^ou- J nek? (.1 ? ifu i'.iiiiir :.u th<~ y\vUf! ' way : o v.m tbat he was pelm t tod "t<> > .a!it\ as &ir.:inis:!*ator o t ( -? , .-.-f- N.i w.!! has yet h?-ei A't h >nyh the- wig wu? -Si:!; d::>? hy local attoiws m Kurns He aod,l:p*< peily ni-.-n-.: at 38j iime iim -tie M-en> !? hflp a.ij miVrn v !' a tha:f.:? of : jvp - *.>n the pttri of the test or at ary hni. after {. nati otade J1.;.- wll! distv.>: of hi> prop. rty. as staled in the foci L'.v Mr. has been asceriaino* ;n-sn fthe e.|gbar.s and for th* vacuuss interests of the church It is important fr-?r?; two aspects that wis course should be pursues: 1. Because of the aid and y.-<:3nee which the bequests provider ,i. .* in the will would give ro 'hi rthy causes which were so n-? d dear to the heart of this generous man. 2. Because i* is of prime impor anco that the wish, plan and purpose, which Mr. Htgpilis had formu 'atvd and carried into effect as fa as he cotrtii with the execution o his wili, should not be thwarted afte his death and when he is power!es " interfere?N (\ Christian Ad voeate. THE HOME OF GOOI PRINTING J^ivers printing ^ompany . , STUAKTS CRITICISM TOO SEVERE \Y? aro inclined to believe that Rev R. Stuart was ;ust a bit in his criticism of the flup; v r in his Greensboro lecture reeentv. He referred t?> some ? ' our modern tr:rl> as "Mop headed dappers," and said that they wore S5 hose -" wing aproximately ?-l.9? worth f them, and intimated that they had ' .trotten what Mother E\v discov vtd when she partook of the forbidfruit. and su purest ed that it was time to "pass the apples attain." We are not defending: the worst of our l modern jrirls. hut we are not quite convinced that because a iriri wears her hair bobbed and because she ini sists upon more freedom and sanita j tion from long skirts, thi country i has gone io the 4'detnn?*ion bowi wows." W o don't belie'? hat. deep ! down in rheir hearts, the. modern girls aie any worse than <>ur grandj mcthfrs %\or? . * )f i some of th m seem to take a delight in 1 sh> v king the sensibilities of the mere conservative, yet when it comes to i r.r question of morality we believe i h iii.Mlerr. si: i wii 1 we;.s ire u:> favorably with any other generation during the past half cent u.?Mocks J vi'ie Enterprise. JHEY SPOKE AND A GUN SILENCED ONE Argu!rcr> it a night session of W > . ' d * wind *A. Fov }: .. -b-r ea-e in wE h Bgfcnuar.t star - Trial f?-i ':i -hi >?. crtd .. . - e. the _ i'n .M Pt.w, Confede> : am s ?>th( r the a v. La rat ci with chwx pist shots. !eil then w.t fov a doctor but made no Other ctf m: ^2 liu lying broi hi r. ' I5an:::c his tesi bvior.v that he h:n ' j anothei ffftvor and a shotgug tit :' od:,l:! I'oWVl"' aiatle .? cood v His brother who was 7'.' years oh was well k 11 Own. He was father-:a ' ... of Attoinej I.. ; Tiiley. Drsr " ham. ) Arirutv.er.i s tomorrow will be lv.ad ' by W. - -,\or.\-o:* .< <- - .. io ihori it niUrh. s I we!.! no i:>? . S-i-.., >.icty am: qui:.' Ii< iuj A Grad\ iti his charge to th - <'raw?. uruud it conveturai si; :i ptrhr court here : his week, .hem s Grady cam. down li&e the proverbia : brick.-" a the \vkiske\ rratii : iir.Jic-t aiitv a ad :h?. operation 'auioTOoldlx'- * *y tho>e under the iii .. ating liquor. '1 lit automobi^^Sbiie r natta; j " commercial development a - < spidered by him a curst i - i. . lii: l.-SUMII.HlH'li ?' i! ivirls today as never before : : .du'e Oraay asserted, and unless th nractkv is checked it omens ill fc-! hi. r;a\. In this connection h called paiticuiar attention to auto - -a- ;.t late hours of th ar.d cnaracto! i >. d them as in r stinnv : i- iv furtherance of th . most vicious vrimcs. In directing' the attention of th. ; \ j'try to reckless .1i :ving of a atom a r-iies he dec it*. Ted that DO per cent o the deaths from automobile acci . deals v.erc vi.tims r.f "drunk*-: "You can hardiy ever picl i:.i ah. Greeiwbon i barZott or N- v. Bern that you d . not see where someone has bee: killed through the unlawful use o . lic-oid' ho said. A FORESIGHTLD INDIAN f - i *. OI? I " -tM vn uKioiiid CuifUl teii;" Oi UIl Ol w 1-idlari v.-ho came into his office i . r ay Cor his paper. T he editor too he money; then the Indian want', a receipt. The editor tried to tn. him "lit >f it. Mr. Indian insistei After making it out, the editor war. )ed to know why he was so persist ei about wanting a receipt. The India ?aid: ttMe die some time. Go to b; : grate and St. Peter ask if I been goc Indian. I say yes He say, 'Did yc pay editor fo: paper?" I say ye? h . -ay, "Where is receipt?" I no ban it. I have to run all over hell to fi: you and get receipt."?The Arg j r.aut. JOB PRINTING OF THE BETTE KIND. RIVERS PRINTING CO o.- ^ NORTH CAROl.INA MOUN AINS HAVE FRGbr PROOF BELTS The thermit! bclv> of Wecteri: v >r.h Carolina a:* tLheir rclat.on tV :* growing in the central them o1 ? new lt>??-pa*t rvpi"t by ths W'eath T.u ai. >f le C. ted Stat-?? I)pa?*tn!v. i:t of Ag.h'u;lare. The authors ??f this publication ait Henry J. Cox. Meteorologist of thi Bureau, and Prof. W. i>. Hutt fo? year.- in charge of the horticuttura i\ r . : the North Carolina Experiment Station ar. i Department of A? riculture. The report ha.- a number of pho tographs. showing orchard scenes ii Western North Carolina, many draw mg> showing tht location of observa tion points and held stations, table: giving the different temperatures o .hat section, topographic maps, am other itoHi.- -.f importance to person i:.*erc.-ted in fruit-growing in West ern N orth Carolina. The bulletin discus-; the fruit growing area in which there is littl itw and little frost or freezing: o: u eastern mountain slopes cf west ern North Carolina. Is shows ho? different contours table bands. vail." f. ors or knobs affect the nocturne breezi s which keep the a?r from bt < omimr still and the iii draiuag 'which protects the fruit on col r.rhts. p'.went.nz the buds fori t : g or g i bv frosi !*i :i- .n embraces years c -tutiy ? i the- phenomena and a core . K gort . i- one ??r* the mo? sei.-ntific j , - Rations rc centty issued relating to the ftur of *Yt: - aving .r: that section. A? r diseuss 1 g ;li? phenomena 0 ? i.t 1 : the autho. Mr. C x. i ays: A:, lei i -.om ifor t: uit -growin oix of my*.1 ate elevation abo\ i-.v.e'i. ie uit&'us \oiy;.ig t et o'iff'. ! . of th ' mi latui I iO'i 1 - he' mi ou r a?i . <0 if ^.ituat?gj f o: i - ? ii:?v. < . el ut-i. i >0. . ?3t \i, .13J Wii'Li -l-oiv. *.he iovrer le\?] of aslope -u;T Tif- it; t. 'V::ioa j L th -.-f oi 1 i'-WetM1''-1 '1' once of the nocluri ii ?i r.iihoug . v i/ ' fe'1 ueeoui of the great ste-t surrtnjuhng tl : v v. ion mu I i'oji.- :> r'.v . f ratios; ?? \ responsible for groatr loss of in-; oi:-! . OXXt . ?; a: . .1 "it . V orchard i.- ' 1/ tufore vvacmei tiia piat.t.- i grass. . in- -I:.-. :. J a ?. t.t- .1 . . LSI!:- .-lUt ' i.ikv pi-tin i;cc?'>>ity for giv in il: 'ct; n of a proper' . ' .Mo ;>- i , ?f IV . ir'? o\V M i to'piump :* of a -i; :s pa ! toe *.hoini:?l I.eL e J> thr-nifci? the >.-a* n Moar.iai i Burke COtit WHY WOMEN ARE 1NTERE5TE SIN ROAD EXTENSION ' : Tbt- -Journal ) Primarily the women aiv rotoih ; .. ivn >iv.i in ivoo?i rouds than art t> iiv. .. Cn.o?i roads arc a tremor, del ... ntage to business :?? ?j ? ; coui -r.cr. .hat ?av . .. .ad> primarily are . i. laWr savers, and anything that . a IuUh 'ncreases prm action. V. m I the ".i,cn cat: haul three loads o. ia mfore hauled one, and whe t* ?.. t\ leqiiircd a my, and who do a year's- hauling t:i . r. ^r.-ater fas.:- aitli k-ss exp..?: than they conic once do a moult hauling, he whole f amily is of tour But the women and hil.i ren a more benefited for roads aiid .a. ,.cs .?)<* up a new jif** -to ihei Good roads arc the forerun not of e: l. larevd social . educational and r ous opportunity; in the old d: , fi tin* ii'Ai: could get away from hon out thv wamten and children cpu . ut. Many a woman iiyod her who life in the old days in Union Gount y without ever having gone jo far fro 9 v. a- Charlotte. Now the wo;m j -uid children can and do go a'on t- goir g distances at times which we: before unheard of. More and mo the school will soon he in reach o? ; children provided they have roads ger to them. More, and mure tl church life and the social life of t! fi people are being cularut-d and all 0 ims depends upon the ability of t . Dtol.k r?> t*i j. r.t-s^ asset to the men but to the v. j men they mean a larger social, ed eationai and religious outlook a j. opportunity. n Women and children have m- re |p stake than the men, and they w icvcr op called upon to cast tn< . eailots for any purpose that rnea rt i y.ore ir. their daily lives than go ... roads do inhere are yet win K-, neighborhoods in the country ti: 0_ are shut off from the blessings tl: I rr.ost enjoy. The women can r.e. I cast a cote that fril mean more __ i their sisters that are thus shut i R than a vote for giving them betl roads. I WILL TRACTORS ELIMINATE HORSES After telling what a farmer knows --'at horses. George M. Rommel, in * I ; e June issue of the Farm Journal, i . i "Does the farmer knew ;?s much . out his tractor? No. And that's .liurgely responsible for tractor fai'i. lures* when failures occur. It is not ? ' " e sole reason by any means. but it 5 pv bably ha> beet: the cause that "unless a man is willing to; _ - tidy the tractor thoroughly and give s' l is tractor as good care as he does f, horses, he had better let tractors i alone." "Professor Hibbard, of th eUniver.' - *> of Wisconsin, says many a far r r could make a far more pconomi-i . use of his horses than he now If you have three little 1200' n ud horses, you could probably get as much or more with less feed v man labor out of two 1600 or 1.v >00 pound ones. " -Most sensible farm owners art: v. inyr to concede that the tractor . t - its place; most sensible nianuj ; . urers have abandoned the idea of i ^ i or completely motort a,n' , .. I ^ .t :s an exceptional farm, con-1 - the >t??ry, "that uses a trae-j t ? than lifty days each year; r .-rape is near, r thirty. Figure lor y :rse!f how much it means V: i lose or.e of these days on acnt of a breakdown due to iark of krpfv sner: is ho neve? h.-.vt is1', with r.h?ir h >? ?. :tnd ? . ?it hers who.-.- pick ythine * r at c< tne *k?:.sr. from f - -.ft ro stroke- liirh'enmg. s; : " 3 - 3 v ji\ v.-hue others can rati, any eid t?a t- has sh -wr. its aoiliiq j*s to pull ;t plow, disk and hr ? : .> r.v. ; . I'f'vffic as horses, aid r -.vill .pet the job out of the way o v ore than tie t .i, fcr an> adlt .. cost. This time-saying ok... I : is the most n-i'-.rt.i t ' of the tractor.** i inally the mat - * of i?- must :i ...iyhlv oonsifidred. llav .- tho , . to for the nn.rhii ? . if not until you have. Y??.i will i No man . mighty in knowh ?: . 3f. or cash that whei he drops out hi'!) ntak. no ;. than a splash. And it you imagine that m'Wti you arc dead, the world wit! ! ? jolted clour out of D its head, that people will Weep till ihey wear out their eyes, you're in for jarr;i:'_ nost-moitem surprise The worl l will ruli o>? without alippir.tr a e ir when you and the dead ones are h>.-i i" he fog that haivover ti e bvefisi of the mnrmir.y >*.> a ; th pie ,v! I traffic and play the old tricks; the wmen will ru.v v sip, tho children will dance, and ii you arc luc-nthmed U would he hy chance. The san neither rises nor sevs in your clothes, the plan nets too swollen for use; don't yt-.fn eagle if you rt* a goose. r ALWAYS LEAVE YOUR ADDRESS a. BEFORE YOU DIE ... Pe?*sjr.al-?Any nju* knowing the address of Howard Hippie. died May ?,j communicate with \Ym. Piskc. 15fJ X. Dos Plainer milil 9 III m lC III J I he BBBBBmir J X |f^\ ||^M )ifc La* FOR SALE?ONE TWO YEAR OLE tat yoke of work cattle, owe heifer er One mare pony, bridle and saddit to j One registered O. I. C. Boar, im )ff ported from Illinois, one buggy an< X-r harness. Easy terms. C. G. Hodgei Sands, North Carolina 31-; NOTICE.?I o mmjrking by tur-1 WATCH REPAIRING keys this year by outtint the inside Done under a positive guarantee, toe of the left foot. If this is any- I eiry renaircd. Estimates furnone's mark, let tne know at once. If ished on a11 mail orderi> Satufac, tion guaranteed, no one notifies me. this -hall be my permanent mark. PAUL TUG MAN | ^ * Btaekbur? ??tcl Sherwood. N. c. J. W. BRYAN, Jeweler HAYING SEASON IS NEARLY HERE 1 ^JBa&k? "? I We wish to tell you we have plenty of the famous Deering Mowers and Rakes at prices as low as can be sold anywhere. Come in and look thein over. I hey need no recommendation. just received a factory shipment of the 1 nationalh advertised "ALLEN S PR1N- | g < Ebb KAAULb . also the NEW BEbI rEFT. \-v hy pay more and get no better Paints 8 .1 : Ooil- at less than the market prices. ' Jng but tne verv best sold in Paints and Oils. if you an planning "Building, our line of Building Hrdware can not be excelled in this part of the country. Tools of all kinds and for every purpose. Screen Wire all widths. Screen Doors too. \ our friends, Boone Hdwe. Co. Boone, North Carolina @2 |U5 te B I T) * 1 1 * I Building | Material 1 s 1 EE ' iii ! CHEAP now | Sj jjg WE HAVE PRETTY NO. 1 and NO.. 2 1 STL' it71 UTr rnmr /"?ri* itt/> x t? tt-?onr* .->0 (us vv ni i c. rutr. clilihu A i .^3, LHLJ i - lye ig NUT AT $25.00, FLOORING AT $30.00. ^ 'IS a S FOUR NARROW GUAGE CARS OF WIN Sj S DOWS AND DOORS JUST RECEIVED. ? ^ OUR PRICES ARE WAY DOWN. ?g Qfl Si rift rig 1 WE HAVE A PRETTY STOCK OF YEL- gj m LOW PINE KILN DRIED FLOORING, ij m CEILING AND SIDING. PRICES AND ?? ?| QUALITY IS RIGHT. jg S3 EVERYTHING IN FINISHED LUMBER ? ai A\in Dim nivr matcdiai MiiL/ uuiLiUiiiu iri/\ I ui\i/1Li. yjq (^ ?1 iHHi I Si l^n! I Watauga Fur. & Lumber Co. | ! ^3NsKP^PiK^?^P^Pjl'HPS!^g^St^gWgUati3}igK^ niKiiiiiimiiiwci iMMmnr^- km w 1 nnniwiiaffi?mTM?iTivf