JUNE 14, 1923 PITTSFIELD ELECTRICIANS TC WiTH TEN MILLION HORSE POWER The greatest amount of en en *V i concentrated by human ingcn ity?more than 10,000,000 horse power?was erected, toyed with ar finally docilely placed back in ; cradle yesterday bv a single man. The significance of the spvctaci lair demonstration was that twice ; much electric voitagi a* ever befoi was produced and safely bandied, also was made to do the bidding of man operating a small switch with a the unfathomable wizardry of a m; gician bringing rabbits out o fa ha For a small *??? * of o millionfU <.? second the power was equal to a the electrical powe rin America. The exact voltage was 2,000,00* which, as estimated by Charles i Steinmetz, an electrical expert, one twenty-fifth the power of a bo! of lightening. The demonstration was made i the Pittsfield laboratory, renowne among electrical men as the tran. mission experimentation center. 1 was in charge of F. YV. Peek, Jr who directs the high voltage researc and Giuseppe Faccioli, chief elei trical engineer of the Pittsfiel works. | 'j?uher;? want i! for it quickly clo.i:> away the choking phlegm, stops the 1 oar.se cough, gives re-." n! sleep. ".-sife and reliable CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDi! No Narcotics FOR SALE: One pair of mules Six years old. Also some hogs. Price ricf.i Terms right. I. M. Sinv\v? Sugar Grove, N. C. 152-S INFORMATION WANTED Any information Leading to tin whereabouts . f my mother, Mrs \l:,vv Mel ! vvi'' h:? in. les-h'x appreciated by her Mr. Thos Luther Love, recently returned Cron the north. !!? is 23 years ??r ace beiw bovn June 17. 1000. at Watauga Falls, N. C.. and has no recollection whatever of her. When Jasi heard from she was in Avery County. Send all information in care oJ Democrat. Boone N. C. it NOTICE OF SAL.E OF LAND FOB TAXES For the purpose of collecting th< taxes for the years, 1020 and 1921 Iwill on Monday. Juiy 2, 1023, sel to the highest bidder for cash the follow tag described real estates, to wit: Boone Township, 1921. I. T. Barnett, $7.00 200 Acres Fred B. Hartley, $0.70 Town lot H. W. Horton, $23.14 5 acres G. A. Hodges, $21.00 45 acres. B. T. Brannoek. $1.12 Town lot T. A. N'orris, $16.91 66 acres. Will Wineberger, $2.06. Boone Township, 1920 Bumgarner, J. S., $7.80 53 acres H. R. Greene. $7.80 100 acres. J. M. Harbison, $8.53 55 acres. E. J. Harbison, $16.30 100 acres J. G. Norris, $1.84 4 acres. J. W. Presnell. $5.40 15 acres. Blue Ridge David Horton Heirs for 1921 $7.51 David Horton Heirs for 1922, $6.6< 100 acres. Donia Richardson 1922. $0.33 acre. Oscar Storie, 1921, $0.40 13 ac res. Oscar Storie 1922, $0.33 13 ac res. Blowing Rock Township E. P. Colton for 1921, $6.08 Tow; lot. E. P. Colton for 1921, $5.el tow lot. ! . Mrs. G. M. Wiley. 1921 and 192: $1.42 Town Lot. D C. Kiever, 1922, $2.94 Tow Lot. H. E. Kinsman 1922, $7.30 Tow Lot. This June 1st 1923. J. E. YOUNG, Ex-Sheri % THE WA ?1 ?- ? ,Y C. B. KEAHFOOT ADR. ALFRED DtfLA ~ EVE SfPClAI-IST SEE BETTI , BRISTOl" VA''TKS"N. IBP SEEDUU u I ^ ^ Year * (Lxp?=ri?n P.^cf s v-n. ^ - - . nt iwim 1 fie tSest t-quipment Obtaii-ab , Carolina . Banks and j "Glasses Fitted Exclusively Public BuiMings 1 MARTIN BLOCK, LENOIR, M." 1 ,-v i.i o.) I If you **>t it frotn IK'i.A. it's \i! iiijhi I VATUii til'iiU T?? jR OATl..'.1 .. . ?n i i ... .. j . PgG 1 Earol^ow- For Only t 1 "You Cant Order a it 'V : 1 r ; and in a short time it will be yours. If you have delayed p'ahng your order because of the c :-h outlay necessary?you need wait no longer. If you have been depriving your family and yourself of the pleasures and benefits t a car because you felt that you could not afford it?ordv r now and know that ir will not work any hardship on you. Use the So plan to ride and he happy, you and your family. Make tire first payment of So roday which will he deposited in a local bank at interest. You can add a little each week. Soon the payments, plus the interest paid by the bank, will make the car yours. Come in and learn about this new plan. I f J. B. TAYLOR I UEALF.R BOONE AND VALLE CRUSIS I ' S i? ' pMSlMliSlliiSW r j an! ' P 1 Cut-Over '1 I 1 - ii-aiiu iur ^aie m \ |fjj 1 FOUR HUNDRED ACRES IN MOODY {? MILL CREEK SECTION OF THE BOONE It FORK AREA ye WILL SELL THIS LAND OUTRIGHT 1 OR WOULD MAKE EXCHANGE FOR : art 5 Jg STOCK OF GOODS. ii i ^ For further information write or see jSrJ me at the Morgan Lumber Company's store ill Shulis Mills, North Carolina. " s Jffi jlE 0 n i yfz C. H. GARLAND rAUGA DEMOCRAT llCORE MUSCLES I Vacations are often , t spoiled by soreness re- ;?l| * suiting from outdoor -ltjil V. 'e- games. A good massage ' I with Vicfcs often gives CJ surprising relief. - WICKS W VapoRuq wu Oi'rr 17 Million Jar a t'tcJ Yearly II WOOL WANTED Unwashed wool f?o,. front Burrs. 38 cts. POUND j Hugh F. Webb, Johnson City. Ten | nessee. r.i24-lc . __ _ a NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of an order of the Su ^ perior Court of Watauga County rriiHe at the sprint; term 11*23 in j that certain action entitled ?T. E. Jes- YOU | | its and Minnie Jestes vs W. H. Byrd appointing the undersigned a commis- rM7T>/ > ; s-r t-> sell the hereinafter describ- L/?.a \J i ed lands according to the terms of a cr'a r mortgage dt*?*d v-xecuted by ** a .* K. Jestes and wife Minnie Jestes t" IV. H. Byni on the first day of :j March 11120, I will on Monday June 18, 1923, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at the court house door in Watauga county sell to the highest bidder j for cash and according to the terms , ct said .-udgment, the following de- \ scribed lands, to wit: i :.ying and being in Watauga court- j tv, - talc of North Carolina and in < Watauga Township. Beginning on a' i Ed Franklin's corner, ami runs i! "i 22 1-1 vivarees j ' | * ^ | m i?i - i n In a double! n -' north :,-i degrees vast p - } and ten ifnk - to a chestnut ' V. !. : M. K. livrd '? Mm; i. the j N : . 26 1-2 degree- east 23 p;>':? :< a stuk' . M. 17. B\ rd ' ' T ?* L ' * " -? ? ?: ,. -i. i; i ; . y ^. j i'tic -rth - dcgre? . j iff fi V to a chestnut, Uu < 1 ivi-:< ? * .. Tv.. a Jcei -Ul;l ttivi:,: ' | : ' : hvnv So ; it 7" 1-2 f i-*. ]) '} t1 a \ : y:?i an- ', . 1 . iy 4 "i-.'.ii 37 dvyvi . t eh., , a lodw ;?t* !-.?vk, t! - . mcreasi -v' ' use a n : v.ahoo and chestnuts, then s?utn ivgrees west 2 poles to a stake StCTS, e 1 j r?-v -outh .i - w.: t ,")i p.., employ i of cho*:nuts. theme so.uh j ' j_ ' .-t-vrrv.-s v. v-t :: > ?'* less. "flJir This the 21st day of May 1023. 1 A. W. SMITH. Commissioner. A VIC 1C 5 AMERICAN i rji The Crude Rubber when it came in cont -i ment. The press of ^ =1 ^ * fleets the determina motorist that tire p reasonable level?an ? produce its own rubh Jirti I CUTS TIR Sal I 1C a We announce a li>% reduction in tires and tabes effective June II. The lowered cost of jTr, ?rudc rubber and the special Firestone manufje factoring and distribution advantages make tteB possJbte. f?3 Firestone factories are organized on a basis ot large volume. and effective production Costs are down but Quality is at its peak Stockholder workmen are daily building many fOg thousand of Gum Dipped Cords.?the best Fire^ stone ever produced, and we believe, the leader on the market today. =j3 Firestone cords took the first lour places and eight of the ten money positions in the S3 Get a set of these Gtcm-Dipped Cord I W. RALP fi Most Miles pjj fmavBKammmm?\Am>< mmawmgi mi?mi >a6