PACE EIGHT $44,000,900 CASH IS RAISED 81 BAPTISTS FUND JVrAKES POSSIBLE LARGE ADVANCE :N VlSSfONS, EDUCATION A.\D 5?\riVOL6NCES IMPROVE CHIaCH FINANCES 5)r O. b*. B -an W D>cd South *?d* Effort tu Put Al! Local Churches on a Budget Bas<> T"p to V> i. the Bantlfl enureses of t.t? Sou > .. ' tjai.t ii cash The sum of ? *< " < 0x70 on 7" Million O.rsii rh. program 'or v :;?!.ng tl-' n< ra missionary, ?*d - ."tl and herwol vii 1 worV of the deuoiciJiur it>> ?t i announced by the c-ner%: headQuai tera of -hat movonpnt. This sum wv9 cpntribsked sy the va rloae s *; >? of the Sou'Jiera liaptis Cootentitw as follows: Aiabama #1,8^0.tiST.25; Arkansas, $1.331.eSU.tio DR O. E 3RYAN Budget and Strw?;r asmp Director fcr .Southern Baptists Di*tW' r iti Cohn'Mi. $202,583.15 Floi'iiia. $732,23 G?->rgia. $4 "is 008 93; lilinois, $ " J? n$7.S7: K*?oiui'k] $4.a::7.:'7i? Lon- ,i ;v $1,144,398.79 Maryland. (556,5S:. i6; M'sofosipp 32 29.293.S7; Missouri $ I.S 22.353.06 Npa Mexico I217.82S.33; \*orih Oi ollra. $3.630.83; Oklahoma, $1 112.781.19; Sooth Carolina $3.5 Iti 853.19, TeiUies.-.v. $2,953,050.09; To: *ta. 3S.4S3.09S,42; Virginia $4,923 22." 31. Special*- Louisiana. $130,035.1 New Mexico. $419,739.18. Oklahera; nun: $191,176,11; Hon" Boara Sp?c.*is, $16,740.00; Fore.g Board Special*. *36.103 00; raised V local ohurthfs on foreign fields and e: peeled by thorn there. $1.003.390. Large Res-lti Achieved These larger resources have mad poBsiblr ?arg?i advances in every d partui-nt of work fostered b> Sont ?*rn Baptists. Indicating the in rh, homeland (luring the cutn aig period jr is announced thai there h: been a gain of ?7 district association 38$ active minister*. 3.068 loc; churchos. 3.2S7 Sunday schools wi' 439.223 pup as, S.6SS Baptist Your Fnopie's I'mous with 233.9] 7 mei hers and 7.09$ vromaa's Missions! I'rjion organisations During th time mere have ween, 762,880 yersot baptized into the local Ba;ti churches. $4o.4')5,U8 has been i vested in local church property. ur the increase in oCfernigs to mlssioi and bene vol v-ncos has been more thi $28 900.009 over Th-j correspond!! period preceding the Campaign. Among the many gains on forelt mission telds are Included 34.3 baptisms, 336 chudties. 1.800 tniasM stations. 39 houses of worship. 53.6 members ?.>7 Sunaay Schools wi 31.202 pupils, the sending out of 2 new American missionaries, the a pointment of 2.029 native workei entry into si* new foreign conntri and the larger equipment for i forms of work on sixteen fields Workers of 'he Home Missi< Board have baptized 173.602 perso during rh#? Campaign period, have ceived 277.96* persons into the me bersMp of the churches, enlisted 1 772 voting persons In definite fori of Christian service, built or improv 1.R72 church houses, organized 9 church"!! and 2.S9S Sunday schools. Stabilize Church Finances To reach the original goal It n be necessary Tor Southern Ilapt; to raise 531,000.000 additional for t Campaign program by the end of t! movement !n 1924 In the hope bringing the churches .if the denoi nation to a better system of flaaci and the church members to a ful realization of their obligation to a port religloua mrlt. the Cam pal Comtnlaalon ku employed Dr. O. Bryan of jJSIiU.. superintendent evangelism 2nd enllatment of 1 Home Mission Board, a* stewards! and church budget director Dr. Bryaa Cfaps aannmed his a dutias and 'working through the sloes state offices and the agenc of the district associations he U sr log to bring the Baptist oburcbas the South to tha sdpoden of a yes budget for both their local work 1 tha general missionary and bens lent Interests of the denomination, aim being to enlist every nseabes every church la weekly and moal aontrlbuttons to religious o-vussa. MTROVED UNIFORM PfinWXnONAl ! SundaySdioo i ? LessonT (Bj KJ6IV r B KITJSW AT fiJt. D. 1 Teacher of English l>',blo tn tlie Moo| Institute oi_ Chkagc.) ? (?, Uli. ".V;i? rii N?v - per Uoiors.) > > LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER '< TIMOTHY A GOOD MINISTER C CHRIST JESUS -? LESSON TEXT?Acta 1*5 Pt ? 21 11 r.rj I :!- >. II Tim. 1:14Uv'L:?KN TEXT?'"Be thou - n exaj ;>io ?! (bo tmUfcvera,, tn ? r<5. tn co 1 vsriiLrtob. in charity, in spirit, in fall la puritj ?1 Tltn. <12 l'HIMAKV Topic?A Ua? V'uu L*>v J ? V,,. "* JUNIOR TOPIC?Timothy. Pau Htlpor. L. INTERMEDIATE VXD SENIOR TO ^ 1C?Timothy Trained to Serve. rOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP '* ?The Christian Ministry as a Li '$ Work. !. Timothy's Parentage (Acta itf: His lusher wu* u Greek and I mother a believing on 1 mother's side at least, lie bul a got j ancestry. Usually the mother nial the son. Tw*o generations oi tauten pious gramlmoLhers were bark Timothy How thunkful we ought lie u? (soil for a godly ancest (Jhrtttiiir heredity and train log" e< stitute the essectiul elements for Christian life. II. Timothy's Train, ng (11 Tl 3 :5; 11 flu:. Ills wise and luithl'ui mother ? grandmother carefully nurtured h in God'.- Word, lie knew tie Scr *tnv.*- from his childhood through th training lhe faith which came him from his grandmother through ! mother did not come through toe ta n f heredity. hut through careful tra ne and teaching Grace is not r j soned l>y the laws of heredity. 1 fact**1*8 InvoHed in his training \v< . Jv au?'?>.ster> u Oiri.sU.iu h-nne. u i g. r.t study of the Scripture... III. Timothy's Call (Acta While n Paul's second UiJ^ioiR J _OUiU?.? in company with SO as 11 othV was I' unU l.ystru near lK.*r iv-i t tps he i?id been coav* Saul's lirsi missionary jouriu>. 1 hearing u favorable report ot him ; the l?n*threUa I'aul too* and "rev cfaed Mm so ua? hot to ofi'oni] >\ Jew>, !m ause 1 Is lather whs a lire i; This wus not contrary to the deols I. ol the Jerusalem fotltldL li viae 1; euse where ooQollmtioQ could he an r- without compromise ol truth. Ft tins time t?? the end of I'uul's life, and Timothy were boon ompnaivj l- They were an a loving father am i.- ' dutiful son. ,; IV. Timothy** Character Reticen a. 1. (H a ile tiring IHsposltion a Tim. 1 :d. Timothy had received a i n from Chid at the hands of tite spot, y hut It to l>e stirred up. that r- funned Into a dame. Such a teini* S. meat would mature in touch will great personality like I'uul. It is hi la ly Important that everyone store e- the gift which ?J.rJ has given unto L !i- 2. < ourugeo'ib. U Timothy 2: h Having hmn ?5tirr?*0 yp ha v.'eS fr :?? from the spirit of feer and dellber&i :a identified himself with Tsui in av sufferings and trial. Courage is gr \\ ly DMmB In doing the Lord's woi i. FaithfuL He tarried in the <3 g i'ult Held of Ephesus through m u- years He was the only man of ~y Qt^dod fidelity to minister to the 1 Inait&n* i t'hlhnnhinc >-OA\ Tho is cret of his faithfulness In such a p st lion was his ftddltj1 to the Word n- God. id V. Timothy's Ministry. is 1. As a fellow-missionary with P in (Phi). 2:22). kg 2. As pastor of a church at Ephe Here he tailored for many years t in fully meeting the difficulties of i 44 great church. The Christian mini >c should believe in the Scriptures ud God's Word and f>e able to rightly tlx vide it so as to meet the need* 75 those who hear him. This !S the < ip- way to meet the difficulties that a rs, in the, pastor's labors. eg til All Doe to Christianity. * We live In the midst of blessi till we ire utterly insensible of t in greatness-, and of the source 1 re- which they How. We speak of vn- civilization, our aria, our freedom, 1.- lavs. 1 forget entirely Low larj as share of all is due to ChrisdaJ ed Blot Christianity out of the pug25 man's history, and what would laws have been??what his civl rioa^ Christianity is wised up rtlt our very being and our daily ;ts there is not a familiar object r< he us which does not wear its mark, lat a being or a thing which does ok war a oinereor. aspect, Decease mi- light of Christian hope ta ?>n It, '* t liw which does not owe its t lor and gentleness to Christianity, n up- custom which cannot be traced. Ii Its holy and healthful parts." to & Gospel. ol tha Rssponalbttitie* hip Responsibilities gravitate to person who can* shoulder them ritw power dows to tba man who ki rw- bow.?-Hubbard. ilea ?? ?fc- Avoid Making Knsntiss. ol Ttiose whoca yon cannot iriy 1 friends of, avoid making eneoA sod Epicurus TC* ? the : The Weak. oS The weak may be joked oat of &2sr ' thing but their weakness.?Zin cnmn 1 THE WATAUG A On FRIDAY MORNING 1 September 28th from 10 a. m. to 10;30 a. m. willse'l 5 and 10c lace for 1 cent "er yard, T. HILL FA RTF INC. - - - Jr I v. -rood IV4QS. 1.,-t I 13 >F uf .i nucli ill is oi- i :,4% v kQ -Vvvr a- ! j ' ; : 1 v. -iu- stfete.j ?xi - ^ pnv.. what ! ..... : ; of State :?.haobs, State i 111 - r |.. I : " > T.' ! \ red raw nvays, j >p. ; -i- I - f Keoi* St ate dejmrti Xvricuiiwre y State court]' i !:" the c. , and ; * the State] Jw.-rc the >olt administrative { ' would becomt ol Stati militia.!*1' ' St;i> ; > !.i e. State hoFP lalization, :?! , . . . lly ' Stat*. governrient? :e:3 ! .> function for a State ^ ' r:r. why >i ild the >tate not of j -i 1* with rhv we.fare of :ts to 1 o-:- > ion which ry- - oth if.'Lv? \ it . rt. ,,f li.: !:? . with j a 1? : won o be % v of ra:".:\ uti- without --'ate reft- ! m at \\ tv re -;::te has do control and' nd im ' ' r"",U ,ip_ - States , eir ?r.e i?n v. ra . ha v. a?ic??uate, to - "? 1 -; - 'e:n of his a i - \ ioh bniId. . .. o. ht ai'.i trunk : in~ ; ' * road 1 -a' < 1. ! .. t 8 ? la- Stati and the . jjg? j . nw\r jjkIr- ? ? !' : ' .*t ion a id ;]k ( lam a :. - a .national iryiuvay v iry !:< , > : m the be. a .! .v.t vill be built and! .. - i: r* t \'ati> t. v.iu,ut v. ,i -, \ c in thi ?o\ - . > nr . ar a :- u -? badly a } |'U ater> te -vl -iii of tottris. tar. informed t'liitor? Oh he ? . \ . .: at ' '.i. nn-v "V the que? a , a - ; et i(j? urn SAFE AOAD LIGHTING li? OF THE NEXT DECADE ' AS. w 1 H t "Leuisla: against the glaring head 0 J: j. : t tiend" >:i\s the motorist. But * ^ i . ir.-iatioi. doesn't cure the evils of ;4 ^ ! riare. mainly because the law which) lJ ' . izts down the glare so it is safe also! 1 1^ . ut> down the lights so much that ' .ra its use is unsafe. i * oinpar::iivt !y speaking, glare I ess \ ,J lift- .ghts can he. and arc made, hut their ri UD iso requires a scientific adjustment 0 um. ,4 t lens, reflector and lamp, each 1 1 ' each and the whole to the running ;1 :?! me of the car. Such an adjust* jr eat tt | Lumber! Lumc se- * I of | EVERYBODY WANT auL GEORGIA PINE PLC SUB. \ WEATHERBOARDS the? LARGE STOCK ON H i * RECT IN CAR LOTS AND HANDLE THE He have ceiling fron !rom . our and up. our nity Weather boarding fr * Of Windows from $2.2 Witll Sheeting, framing, QOC board, Sheet Rock, and th\i m ^ ing Material T?th q *jj Come and let's talk i tbe and see our material, z tio save money and time b home folks. SATISFACTION nak* Watauga Furi any- COm| Jiueri*1 Ml WiWti'llili i II11IIMM? * Ii DEMOCRAT .-loos not rvnviin penj JHHHHI up ions in tire pressure alter.- ii. | -i ja: ? ioltv. a?-c loo-ore^- of parts f' rs the relation of the lamp and CO : c - greater stnctiK*^- it: rotuiu-i Di . i? t .; ? ton .v he v:l hi.; .1 f ii coal* ic tg " - i y.'ttrs tigo c'tk-5 v\.r.- ut. . ih . Ii : : - >) ; far between that the i 1 with a lavt-rn Vet out cit-]! arc Hi'Iitt-d. well lights] that I !?o;.Vu of hsadli^hls i - ea-. j -a b\ forbidding. :r. citkv, I j but Mima 1 headlights. jrtiy as the post office lepart- ' maintains beacons tc, guide its' j livers at night. will the nation 1 * -rnmect eventually light ii A hijrhvnys at night, With th j t of traffic . htcb " ill e'enin-J ? x over the national highways ' n rent cciy? . >. it will be 5. (coi mica! to light in n frv?m " f . than fo perm!: s he motor: , !.* 1. - own I : of rh road : /. at . 11 ii:--. which caus g " K I 0 ,1'INAL FIRE PRENENHON EXPOSITION III. 1,2. i ! 1 < " - la . " i: s r ? week ' : - yea: ' ' v - 1 " it i i v. } ( | 4. j a: educational Nath-r Fire pre j j c Fxpositi '? Xtw Y? k. ! focal point ?f il-- Kationa if'onnl F t ' P: ever: k?t: Cam its physical aspects will h, X Fixe Provenion Ex?-.e-i-j New York 1 ity. Il? ?? for the! me. v. i>. shofv thousa*:.: efj n .. rooting, ivm k. If sru'a sprinkler systems. firej . I.vh !?-: . ;hm: X-.i, . "!> I.alo -ft i i 'dials which have pa--<*i ihej|Ur^ of 1 - e? ir. t .a!. . ^Oj ;n*:ki?' r :? -! public s--rv j gpj ft. " will !>. eiig:*- I i? ites in the \ \ar ami that it holds the =jQS Iienace ?>t a possible conflagration bS ver everv community in the counry, according to statements made ifter investigation by a Federal bu- (Oc^ eau. I jyjfj I - -1 I L_l life ... ler; Lumuer; i: ii S the LONG LEAF |jjg ai )ORING, CEILING, !p tl IG. WE HAVE A AND AND BUY Dl- ] fj ei FROM THE MILLS || s? BEST MATERIAL. i i is u 'H: n $2.00 per hundred o m$2.00 and up || 5 4 and up jjjy; lime, plaster, wall Everything in Build- 1 1 t over. Get our prices ind you will not only >ut you will deal with 51 ? v [GUARANTEED i. & Lumber aany h i ' ? - - i - - . ? ? ? SEPTEMBER 20, 1923 These are the contents of our booklet that niains sixteen pages. ividsoii Store News N. \ r and c.. " \ The I>a\.Stores With i V" ' ' - s-.nrl ' '"sr-t , luv Frlt-orft and Ci.- ottiet C/innouncing, Our" First j Economy^ Sale