PAGE FOUR die SGUatauga ZDfmocrat. R C. RIVERS. Editor and Owner. Published Every Thursday l>v THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Subscribers visaing the:*- addresser changed will please favor us bj giving the OLD as well as the NEW address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.5( Sis Months . 7t Three Months 4( Payable in Advance. Advertising: Rates on Application Cards of Thank.-, Resolutions ol Respect -*' ituaries, etc. are charge* for at the regular advertisiiig rates Articles -,erit for publication withoui giving the name of the writer will not under any circumstance be pub'ish Entered at the post office at Boon* S. C. a second rlas- mail matter. Thursd^v November 1, 1923 LETTER FROM A TRAVELING MAN Bai rishure: Pa. i 27, *2" I)ear Editor: ? It is <* rally a.-suim*d that :ht 'ifr of a * raveling mar is so full oi hustle anc hustle that he has n?> cimt to stc:- roti- the beauty of f he c**which he pa- -- thru B..' v h - wander over the -Tate ofIVr.nsy! for the past -evera1 months 1 was compear'^ to larvev n:\ v.""'. - u!i to lev thista*. for a monj at U has :: m> plea- : - ?. - isit thirty seven of th< : sft. " vv h.-B'TttU"and eompari.-??/; think thi - is cm of the mo-: beaut if. st-ste Iv; ivor beer *ers airfL neiri?H-at-cep tlTt V>K,'' of !S S 1 ' for mi!> - >! every >:d.e 1 y .uautifti' farm lr. i-. liar:i ;rg b< .: ? h? ca pitiftS ihe state nv.' i: rally f?-?\vr. niihiri thmi vi-.> would ^nsle thi "ity a l?'-autif "! ?. The cam*.d a. on* tost t: !? ro? on d i'ars. v or and a! ov* hi- hmvevev :r city ;s no ed far it - onormou- park acreage. np t ' r?nty six h mire* acre of thi hra-: mirk- in the state Harrish;' e also hu< more ja\od stiff han any other city ?>f ihe -auu* sizi in the world, oid fKven mile*- of un I ronkabie riv-_r park front. The city is also an ir.ijustvia! center having -eventy run- industrial plants, inciud ing th' iri immoth Hethlehem sfcee mills. Every 2 1 hour.- 2 2d trains pn>: in and out of this city Sonv of then go over the famous R< . kvilh- Bridg' the largest stone arch bridge in th? worid. it being one and one quartei miles ;n length and havmu* four tracl Spanning th<- Susquoha: na River anc still others of these trains pass on th< historical Gettysburg, only 27 mile c ...u ,.e u? -TI u - .u . I i. l f * ?n ii.u : i-muij;. i - ur u:t scene of the lurning .mint of th? rfri' U?r ,?,j th#> m?? of ?bos< tbnr bitter days is .>u;tal>:\ mark? ? y liii beautiful monument to the Confederate soldiers, a piiae of url a^t in bronze to reprewnt the Confederate infantry and v.-Jry. A the important parts of interest have bee; ir irked by monuments, more than four hundred monuments being no". , . the field Th? have beet erected with great ear* and the tiesigns ha.c all been execu*. \ ir bronze marble .<: var-lte. An exceptionally relet- no stands where Lincoln -made iris most famous speech or the dedication *>1 the nattenat ceini t -ry or Nov. i;t. l>o?. Let now turn ov.r attention or down the Cumberlarv. valley :r Chambers! :. v. where General Let was encamped when he decided tc attack the Union forces at Gettysburg. i ' the 52 miles . .vc Lee covered from Queen City ; the Vaiicj of Gettysburg he pa- .d ove: on* of the crowning' works : latuie. th. Cambc- harid Valiey -:.-f.-.:: being ed the Gel den Spot of Pennsylvania and ir; realitj it is ah mat it is at trihuten of being. It :s a stretch <? . . / ' f -.r./S vv ' t* - I.,-.; lying between the mountaick ar.c yielding annually to the skilled han< of the farmers a large ;bundar.c< of the deliciotij fruits for which thi country is noted. Down through it majestic bosom coiis and winds :na golden thread which link.- the Nr.rt: with the South, the Lincoln Iiigh way. It was over this highway tha 1 made my advent into Penr.sylvani: and it will be by this trail thai I wil wend my way back to Watauga. Bu after ail. Mr. Editor, there is n place quite like old Watauga counts With every best wish to you an yours, I am. Most Sincerely yours, IRA W. DA^ /OR OLD AND TOUNG Tatt'a Urer Pint act aa kindly on tie delicate female #r infirm oM aye aa npea tfie viforoaa man. Tu tt's Pills Tame amd stremgthem the weak Stomach. BetaeU. Kktmmt, mad Bladder. I Through the Years As i Mountain School Teacher By Nannie J. Rivers nysvif in another little unceile > School house at the- base -f Elk Knol i Happy of cuise, with a ?:*.-? wd of ch > dren. ' ??? see the great fire plac filled witn I--?rs. and what a pleasur " it v?a> for the big bo\s to prepai ^ the wood. That winter was severe j Ther; was so much snow, and tli bitter - blew tirm-.-t unceasinj . | !y. When I hrst wc rt to this soho* t : the ohildr. :t .vert? p??"i t i\ supplied v ith bc-k>. ! stayed wit t-ie :h-"1 ?ru week, then I dote in f-d . havf -tune bo ok .-a h'rom sum cause I ?uldn't g< " any onveyaro " 1' -ue. so I started walking hoj -j ing to ret a ift: in this I failed 3 1 I walked 10 mile?- by J L' o"clock. _>-t op splendidly until just befox : n ifhen h"tne I was caught it: sh ?w,-r and simply dre: ched. 1 thin l that I . onld have kept from cryin | .. baby but for the look on m i r'> f < whei. I t- id her I ha w- ' X? : . but a mother can loo hi : kvd at thi t i red child. Fin pining a.,d wholes-m? food and v. ;. it n y-'if again. Has was m a * " a k of any length. Suffice * say i t new books and wer . - n.'": - :h(-m. am: got alon f: i must have made man ? ?.! . 1 ;i!' y days?as v.< .1 - v it what failure? failure it - only a spu' T? he ne who receives it right. I ]' ihnke- \* > : uirit v/5thin him stir To go i: i once move and rightj i If you've m\ir jRtilod t's an eas U)U have n?\r won o \ high su< 1 had - ine fire 1?'- " -hat sehoc i w - ' th-vn S' lie of thm are successra: business men now. On 1 :n!c? v.t-rlnjr at recc"lit of m i boys said t.. me, "I bniiev? -I ?vii! t:o ti'.?r;e.*,.*4\Vhat - matter i ;>> . d. ''Nothing:," he -ilud oiil t r.icvi that I w i 11 ev> down hom?'He vent and left on? distressed rchoi ?J teache; i ratif* the he'l The chiltites eam< n. "Nov." 1 -aid. "1 must Riu>< ? i- the matter with M? ni lA i'h an enoreet! nod of his h? a > :< boy replied " Tore she seat oci j <'f b. l?reeche> 1 think." So the t i . et wis o*r and my happy-face -1 . y was rack at school the next mci 1 !iip. r..<> any one now living; i i>< ne M-r.-mbei this"' 1 taught t that nlsu'o f> : two terms, six montli in ah and it a pleasure vet t :n :.k of those days, and the km r frit inK ihertra ; I must tell of the ^rand o. mour i u**t hack . f our schoo' houst i.;k Knob. \ii nave heaid of thi mountain, it was told nie that sh? ha ' h.'dde i aw ay beneath her rug d e> i ior millions of tons of eoj.per or ' *, "ai r11' zr further haf: w-.s unk liiere at one tmu- an material out on the tr round for smelter. bin for some cau&e the wor wi.s abandoned. Down the side o he mountain ran a little stivam. j'onad * ;?ne day from its >ourc a large -pring, till it emptied inT. i the -nurklinp; waters of Meat ("ami Did ycu ever read How the Water ' onit Down at I.odore? If m mountain -tream would make yo ' think of it Right merrily skippe j and played, frolicked and danced e - wa\ Miniature water fa!! wer ! sometimes to be seen and again pa . id iakes reflecting Heaven's I ] 1 I as sure beautiful to see, and . h;-.v often wishtd to taK?- that walk uitau To be continued) FRIDAY CLUB The numbers of the Friday . c. ur. were iigbtfully ta .ed last week by ?lrs. R. K ii.r.t - ham. The home was attractive;v det' f ?ra:ed with chrysanthemums an r r\- After an hour spent in \ t rr.ptingr salad course was i ft/ ivni by ere.and cake? Tr ?i xi meeting of theclnb will be hel , with Mrs B. S. Coffey. t x THE WATAWI BLOWING ROCK NEWS ITEMS ^ Governor Morrison visited B'< * ing Rock recently. He was delight^ with our town, said it was growir.f with rapid strides, and that the g>-- < roads were spreading its fame. It v. rapidly becoming a famous touvis | lesort. When \ou like a thing you . f glad when you find it. That ?s win the boys celebrated the other when they dug up twelve quartperfectly good booze while digjL a pipe line in May view Park. George Crisp leaves for Lenw 1 v ; California the first of November I will find employment with his u Byrum Hartley at that place. The Blowing Kork people are s indeed to know that Rev G. C. Br 1 ( man will not pi each for them ai i the coming year. He was a faiti ' pastoi ar.d beloved friend of ie t peop e. M??ssrs Nev.ton Greene and ( ( ritcher celebrated their first i t j hunt of the season by giving a ? . supper which was enjoyed-if pos?-t more than the hunt. The boys Ho thev know now where the racco< a | i. stay. Miss Caroline Waters of Fo spent ; :ie week end with her g! daughter Mrs. Blanche Ward Mrs. Lena Robbirs. She says is delighted with her new home ; surroundings. Mi-- Ma . daughter of Mr. r Mrs. J. S. Williams has taken a j . -ition i mho Is: a or Elk High Sch L She is a gradu* te of the A. T. S. , Hiram Ye ague and wife aft* 5*j -i'n' j a"vi*n. ?f six months have be< reconciled. Wo ar<* glad that the i < :p!e have decided to spend ti. a'cr days in peace and harmony Mh-s II- en. daughtei >f Mr. Mrs. A. M. Critcher will spend winter ir lassadena. t alii'ornia. Mi.-s !.Ma Ward of New York < iter sperding the summer at B! ing Rock will return to her h V <!ry. Miss. Lucy, daughter in* Mr. a M:. John VYi jair. -tn ia-t Satar-. .. ight between the hours of six a j i. o celebrated her thirteenth to ': > 5>y giving a party at the hoi v i : 1 r part ntv. The dining room w b i.-tily decorated with autumn flow i*:d foiiagt . The pretty birthday ca , was ornamented thirteen pr a utiles in oupit! holders. The evenii j va- -pent playirg games. Miss Ft! Williams assisted by Miss Annie Wa , crvil fruits, cakes ami candies. A present were highly entertained. \Y. L. Payne of Hickory spent v r week end in Blowing Hock. He I just purchased a pretty bungalow sitt . on Morns Hill where he will ir th< : oar future erect a handsome >un r fralow. . Barbe Hartley who has -n very siek man is slowly improving He had measles in the early summe which left him in a very weak rondi ^ tion. One Left of Seven Ancient Wonder of The World ' All except one of the sever a: ien a wonders of the world have been dc k stioyed. recent researches have dote: : mined. Even the collosai Pyramid ' of Cheops, the only one of the fame< 1 , groun remaining to the present iia> 'has not entirely escaped the force' )- of nature, for portions of it havi i been torn down by earth tremors. Th< second *vondt 1, the walls of Babyloi u was Jom down by Xerxes. The third | the startie of Zeus, in the temple o: Olympus, was destroyed by tire ii v -108 A. D. Diana's temple at Ephe -us. < orstr: -t-.-d in the fourth ci-ntur: : B. C.. and tired by the Goths in 26: ej A. D.. was the . >u?*h wonder to per h. The lifth was the mausoleun - . ! >"( aria, which v - d< i v n hi::iaV_.- Th.- Pn ?>sus of Kh'.-ie- built in 2S0 B. C. j that strn'lak-<! th? island harbor. ali< I-was wri ft.-H by in earth tremor. Th< (ththo'M- t by Ptolemy Pbi'.adel ;.hus and. pe rhaps was the U rerun ru-r ?;f the modern skyscraper since i between 100 and 600 feet high At t-i; th-i iake l'>PP'ed it over :k JS! d County Agent Dukes report> tha ?e 15.000 pounds of carpet grass an* d Japan clover were planted in Robe son county irt one week recently. MON U See us before buying i j-i old established conrer anteed first class. Eit our Watauga represer ,_J ell at Peoples Bank & I c. ^ REINS B1 Lenoii I DEMOCRAT POOR MODERNS! i Baltimore Sun. If the modern youth goes a little E< > coo ftr in quest of a thrill the fault r is rot wholly his own. The times are Jc a; fault. He yearns for romance and re -? excitement, and the times have in shown him so much and taught him th >o much that little is left to afford a thrill He is bored and unhappy. ^ Poor efd-up boy. Take the matter of shows. The r.ioden. youth has seen many chor-1, H" discusses chorus ladies inj,n the casual, matter-of-fact ton ethe! farmer uses when discussing Berk -hires at im* count\ tair not the old 41 uw can remember when to see v ' widehipped ladies in tights was an xv i adventure. The boy who had seen * one such chorus was a superior per*.?n. the hoy who had seen two was ^ a man of the world. And there is the matter of kissing, i Persons who seem to know assert rhat the modem girl is east);* kissed Well, there's the fun in kissing a g rl who doesn't care if you do and ? esp't care .f you don't? There is no thrill >!i i'. no kick, no conquermg-hero feeling. ?'ne old-timer can rt member his first k.>-. He was at the age when ! th? barber's casual reference to the toughness of the whiskers made his entire world seem rosy; and all of his illusions were intact. He loved the girl. Gosh how he ;??y, he:And after courting her many, many weeks, and buying her candy hi a/'- whereon beautiful aliments were printed in red. he mustered courage to attempt bidding h? r hand. He got away with it too. the daring ra al. And then after weeks >f hard- holding he began to yearn t kiss her. That first kiss wasn't much of it .en - Kisses go. For one thing, he was scared. For another the girl .as a vo She knew what was comng of course; hut it was a fearful al venture, and at the last moment her courage failed and she ducked. He k ssed her somewhere north of i f.'-r i< ft ('V'-bruw. Hut oh: tn?- trnll I i it ami the ocstacy <?f it * !'<? ! nictli-rii youth! What would not r v fot a thrill like that? for one brief moment of great and oul-stirring adventure. "If you can't win make the one ?ead of you break the record" is a i slogan for Tarheel farm club 1 eml ore. r II THE SMART DRESSY i I EFFECT THAT 1 I YOU \VA\'T '| I' Eutlt : .TO every "Shield j Brend Suit from start to | finish. The good locks, f |i good f?* and guaranteed i j | wearing qualities ere the re j J | suit fcfixsiefully selected pet- . j ,T IJI terns end fabrics expertly ijl tailored to produce the qual- ' j|| itp von will find wherever j| j! you find that "Shield Brand" j - ! lakel 1 . II i a ; |?| Let us shew you the new :j ! patterns and styles. We ij! j; can pic ate you :f you sCill |li 11 give us the opportunity. t a n > r~f v?; T. Hill Farthing BOONE. N. C 1 - _ . ill MENTS Tionuments. We are an n and all work is guarher buy direct or thru itative Mr. A. Y. Howl Trust Co., Boone, N. ROTHERS r, N. C. Usi .Bl| NOVEMBER 1^1923. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF iitor Democrat. Q*ht I notice the papery report snow at ^ hnson City and Asheville in the _- f** rfc Y YH Cf ?^ cent cold snap to a depth of five ,?h^C U-kiA W?o ,,,^wwwwl,>???.l is -i-anin of the year. cak-iuds you so llvt yon are . more tired in the morning ^ on<> >vars "*-' > 1 was in < - than when you wnnt to lx-d. derail1 camp near Knoxville Tenn. Dr. Kings New Discovery id on about the 25th day of Oetu- "/"Rhine by gently . ,, stimulating the -r there fell a snow o or fi inches roueous men.- ft depth. The snow fell at night and brines to throw Ml d not melt off the ground until the off dogging se- ^ cond day after it fell, but when it cretions. 1? hns/H^ eared up, for the next six weeks au agreeable e had unusually pretty autumn taste. All drug- yTJFy ' ftp ~ father. Sometimes history reueats '/? \ 8j self. [d \ L. N. PKRKIXS. oone, October 27. 1923. - j I I iThe new Ford cars ore now readv for your ! | inspection, intrcduciv; changes that i'.iprcve the appearance ol t ie various bcvly types .?:id increase their comfort and utility. I ^ They oiler you not only economical and dependable transportation, hut also .1 more attractive jtJ style and a greater share oi motoring convenience L[1 ?,1 combination that makes the outstandirg ul value ol Ford cars more impressive th in ever. See the new Ford models now on display in k* our showroom. rj These cars can he ohtaired through .*,% i the Ford H'ceh(\ f tr chase Fian. J ' J. B. TAYLOR, Boone, N. C. | * VfO snf ., S pi || CARS TRUCKS - TRACTOR.S : -I | A New k Jewelry Store 1 have opened up a jewelry store in the building formerly occupied by the Watauga County Bank. My intentions are to give every one an honest deal. I am sure i car: seli the people of Boone and Watauga county Watches and t Jewelry cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. 1 have the very best in watches and rings, Lockets, Lavalliers, Broaches,. Pins,. Cuff Links, Chains, Silverware, Toilet and Manicure Sets and omst everything in the jewelry line in my store. It is the best place to select your WEDDING & BIRTHDAY PRESENTS is Every piece of jewelry is guaranteed. I invite you to come and select your presents and promise to give you the best for the money. , My line is made up of the very latest designs and styles. I also Repair Watches and Jewelry. Come and look over my line before you buy. . > WILL C. WALKER, BOONE, NO i

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