DECEMBER ZO, 1923 U. S. FLYERS TO i CIRCLE WORLD Trip Will Show Ease of Communication Between the Continents. Washington. ? Secretary of War Wseka has formally approved the project f??r a Uigi^t of four or five j army airplanes around the world next / spring and summer. This flight, the most ambitious nn dertajdn*; of the nrniy air service. Is intended to demonstrate the feasibility with which aerial communication way be established between the various continents aad to obtnla data concerning the operation of present type airplanes under varying climatic jmnSHnna At now planned, the personnel for the fight will consist of four commlsafoaed offlcere and four eallsted men. j wo 11 qualltVd for a letig and arduous flight. The selection of personnel fa 1 now under consideration by MnJ. G?r?. j Msaon M. Patrick, chief of the air j service. and hU associates. Await Foreign Approval. Until authority boa been received from all foreign government* whose territory will be visited the exact route of the flight will aot be deteeVfeed. The route tentatively mapped dftt follow*: l>eav? Washington about the raidMto of March anrl proceed to Seattle. ?*p*rt trom Seattle about April 1, flyykc northward along the ooaat of Canada and southern Alaska. They will fly acroee the Aleutian tnda, down through the possesions Japan. along the shores of China, I uch Indo-Chlna. Slam and Burma. IJffroaii India, up the Persian gulf, j across Turkey and Euro?>e t<> England, fkgnee north through the Faroe Islands j&t Inland, thence to Greenland and TOtbwnrd along the eastern shore of continent to Cape Farewell, Greent npd. from which point a direct flight MAI be made to Hamilton Inlet on the "Wborador coast, thence southward Snnc the Canadian shore and op the !&, Lawrence river to Quebec and Montreal, from which point the flight MDl proceed to Washington, thus corajfietlcg the circumference of the globe ^Sa the air. . ' TMa Itinerary hat been worked out fptatlvHy lu the cxpeotMtion that it Jv?l> enable the flyeru to dodge the ^pLlziy seasons in tho United State# Mid India And Insure fiigitf over Ico- ' Inpd and Greenland during August | |pd September. Pilots Wilt Study Haute*. L JDx luting airway facilities wtU ba ttpowed In the United States, soufhE&ti Japea and between India and jupndon. The taterreniag Sections ot fflH long routs will h? givao farther lyOdy by experienced pilot*. wAo will ttecood over tho route prior to tho Hrlval of the flight, f* A patb-flndlng eor^edldon o? two of- | 1 jfltera baa been In the field for aoma Hqo Lieut. Clarence EL OremrLa* la Sw tn Otwnland. invootlgntlmg farflHia for aviation there Lies*- OUf|r jjjrf C. Nutt. now in tho Philippines, gui visii inpun in iuak* piwimiuar| ; Krangetrii'Pta u? aoon at the wishes JK the Tokyo government have been ttdt* known to the StMte department. p pdeanwhlle, n detailed atudy of the ante la being made In the ortV?- of ^Mp^ral Patrtck. the United States guard Is obtaining dura on faBmties between Seattle and Attn laBed in the Aleutian greop, which Is HB point of departure of the flight SKro United States territory, f. fecial attention la being given to SdNtber conditions along the proposed jjjflfcLa. with a view to making availa?le every possible facility to the ?r flyers. ^phe planes choeen tor the flight are QMuglas world-cmiseitk designed and filllt by the Douglas Airplane oom ffi&fcr. Santa Monica, Qjtl. They wfll 9ft powered with Liberty mo tots. At Battle the planes trial be equipped JtflEh pontoons for water landtag*. JpjWefent plan* contemplate removing pontoon* at Tokyo and using landWi gear from that point on. ^fculls Possibly Indian Link. Avttfon, Santa Catallna Islands.? roll* recently unearthed at Santa A^rhara by the S:\Jtlisontan InstMuWto expedition may prove to be a ^pnnertlng link- between early AsljttHp trtbea and the American Indian, Hither thnn the "missing link" bewk>n the Indian and toe wan of the ifcwnderthal period. Ralph GUdden, / ujB^iropolojrist connected with the 8 / [Si* Foundation of the American Inj SSt said 4 " i Kaiser's Pioture in Concealed Room i i Boui'uir.'i'ton.?Behind a panol I tr tb* main hull of The I.evla- , {baa, ou of tbs Hoar's stewards J ^iatL .red on a rttoant trfp a I 9ptf aqolppad barbar shop in J vibEfc vara scattsead a nonpar i ?(elc;iire poatautfc at Kalaar 1 Wmolio, tha crow* pitnca and r tM^Vkar toraar rcymi person j , Mrta of Qarmanj, a Oaa of tka T aslathaii's offl oad axpraaasri awprtae that { Alttortcau naval man bad never SaaevarMl th? secrat room when fcaj tkor?a*Wj mrdMd the I dvy bafora nstng W as a war j MAhv.................. j ' " "" U.S. POST OFFICE IS 284 YEARS OLD First Station Organized in 1639 at Boston to Sell Wine and Strong Water. Boston.?Two hundred und elgbtJFfour jcun ago the tlrat poet office is the United States was established In Boston, and the celebration of tho anniversary thla month recalled the manner of its founding It had been the custom in thoas dajs for tlu- citizen* of Boston to troop on board the packets which arrived from overseas In Qusat of let tern and other tidings fiom England. That vu all very wall for a while, but as the population grow tho habit bouame a auisauce to tbo skippers, who objected to tiering their decks na<^ Impromptu delivery offices and the none too spacious quarters below crowded with man and woman. Flret Postmaster Namod. So the general rourt to* tbo Maaooefcosetta legislature always has been called) stepped In. In 1S38 It ruled , that Richard Fairbanks (on tho site j of whoue home tho Boston Globe i building cow stands) was bo take charge of and distribute letters from abroad. Tor preventing tho miscarriage of letters," the quaint older read, "said It Is ordered that notice ho given that Richard Fairbanks his house In Boa ton la the place appointed for all let tere which ure brought from heyoad the eena. or are to be aent hither, are to bee brought unto An hoe Is to take cure that they bee delivered or aer.t according lo their directions, and hee Is allowed for every auca letter a penny." Given Liquor Permit. John Wluthrop was goverDor when Fulrbjiiks was appointed. The latter ! had a permit to sell "wine and strong water" and over Ms bar tbo men of Boston sipped their ale and read their mad and talked of the tidings from far away Kalrbanka acted as postmaster i:ntfl 1617. In January. 14V7H. the general court tonde provision for a domestic service, the carriera to be paid three ponce per mile for their services. Twenty years later the Amert can post office was eBtabllahed and In 1CT?5 a coach and mail nerrice was begun betvrocn Boston and Hartford. Gypaiei, Beggars Barred by Constantinople Police OmstantlDopIe^?Slrvoe the mantelpoi authorities have taken central of this dry they have effected the abotV tton of many abuse* that went ontoacbed during tha rears of tho allied occupation. Meet atrikiag la the cruaade agaluMt beggars who have elwaya lnfetged thla place. Under atrlct police efforts they bare begun to dlseppenr. and It to now possible to walk the etreer* wltliont filthy men women and children tugging at one's cont In Importunate Impudence. Now the order la ut that the dtr la to be rid of Its arrnotMO n ho nr# roM majority of the beggars, sneak-!literal and pickpockets that bare I nf eared the tlmrousrlifarea London Police Showered With Gifts by Admirers London.?The In'ereet and courteny shown hy the London police In the welfare of the public constantly bring* Its reward. This U. usually expressed In bequest 8 to police men"? fund*, hoe pitnls and home# by psreo&a of varying circumstances, who at one time or another have been *Wed by polios IPRES IFOR 0?g?S%t?SSg!!e .. Special Prices f Suits, Overcoats j Railroad men who every day buy clothing say they buy high clae to tifteen dollars less j same goods in Johnso CHRISTMA; Wives and sweeth store the very thing f 1 Boone Clol f'rtE WATAUC i Scvcu Si'ntraM Scrmeni Glory to Goti in the highest and i ' --n earth jkoci-. goo w'-\] toward men. J ?The Christmas Angels. r r I The feet of the hbmhlest may walk in the field Where the feet of the holiest have trod; This?this is the marvel to mortals i revealed j When the silver trumpets ??f Ch? .-tmas have pealed | That mankind are the childre nof God.?Phillip Brooks. ! Therefore, Christmas men. be ;:rv. i Wealth or rank possessing, I Ye who will bless the poor [ Shall yourselves find blessing. ?John Mason Neale. * * Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; : Ring out the darkness of the land. Ring in the Christ that is to be. ?Tennyson. * * * Fear not; for behold, I bring you i good tidings of great joy which shall j be to all people; for unto you is born j th's day in the city of David, a Saf vior. which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10, 11 ? * * j I heard the bells on Christmas day I I Their old familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat 1 Of peace on earth good will to men. | ?Longfellow. I * * ? Let not the useless sorrow j Pursue night and morrow; ; if e'er you hoped, hope now. Take heart?uncloud your face And join in our embrace Under the Holly Bough. ?Charles McKay j "lie joined the Co-Ops'* reports ! county age. I Kope Elias in telling . bout one Mecklenburg county fari mer who found he would get over j .S 100 more for his cotton hv having , it properly graded by his own paid j grader and sold through the Association. Thirty business men gave a verdict j in favor of North Carolina kraut when they compared it to one of then | leading commercial brands being sold | in the state, reports county agent 11. Steele of Watauga County. Seventy live acres will be added to the state's pecan area when one Anson county farmer plants the 1,000 trees that he has recently ordered. reports county agent J. W. Cameron. The movement is spreading. Growing children need whole milk for growth and development. Substitutes will not take its place, say home demonstration workers of the State College and Department of AgWhen hugs and worms are most plentiful in spring, hens lay heaviest. ; In winter when this animal food is i not available it should be supplied by using such substitutes as meat scrap', fish meal, milk ??r high grade ; tankage, recommends A. G. Oliver, ! poultry extension specialist. Subscribe For Your County Paper iENTS I MEN I or Christmas oil ?. Shoes and etc. are in Johnson City y from us because they ?s suits from us for ten than they can buy the n City. S PRESENTS earts can find in our or him. thing Store ,A DEMOCRAT IV Sugg< A partial list of the use! offering this year: Hach purchase, if desiret in Christmas paper, tags, s< ing without extra charge. FOUNT All Parker Lucky Curve, P; deal, Parker Pencils, Pail gold or silver pen and penc STAT Crane's Linen Lawn, Ci c Ldge Vellum, Rillette Bond en. Highland Linen, Romai Linen, 1 uberose, Old Lngl Writing Papers. CA1 Jacobs "Made Last Nigl dy of the South in most at pounds. Miscellaneous chc bulk. BC Complete Line latest fi Morrocco bindings, Bibles, Comics, etc. MAG IA years subscription to most acceptable gift, and c a whole year. We act as a% ter your subscription at p charge for our services. FORS Pipes, 1 obacco, Tohacc Cigarette Cases, Cigars in Cigarettes, etc. FL< We are agents for Gun Bristol Moral Company, as early as possible in orde fore the Christmas rush. MISCEJ Phonograps and record $ Sticks, Manicure sets. Car $ Shaving Sets, Tissue Pape jj l insel Cord, etc., etc., Greene ? i Boone, N PACE THREE 5hriot!^5TI CHEER. [ (J lift sstions ful and attractive gifts we are 1, will be attractively wrapped :als, etc., and packed for mailU PCMC CTe X A E_ 1 V^. arker Duofold, Waterman's Iaer Duette Sets, consisting of il in velvet lined gift box. IONERY ine's Kid Finish, Crane's Ravel I. Dalton Vellum, Autocrat Lin 10, Old Chelsea Vellum. Paget ish Crushed Bond. Children's NDIES at"' and Nunnally's " 1 he Cantractive boxes from one to fave acolates and other candies in >OKS ction: Classics in leather and Dictionaries, Children's Books A 7INFC a favorite magazine makes a me that can be appreciated for jents for all magazines and enublishers price, without extra MOKERS o Pouches, Cigarette Holders, Holiday Boxes, of twenty five, )WERS nar Teil mann & Son, and the Orders should be given to us r to insure prompt delivery be .LANEOUS s, mahogany and silver candle d Sets, Ctird Cases, Bill 1 olds, rs, Cards. Tags, Seals. Folders, l Bingham orth Carolina.