PAGE EIGHT OHOVtD UNIFORM WTE&KATKNUL {1 SundaySchool ? Lesson* (By RCt. r B mZWATER. D ft, Tea-her of English HjoIo la the Moody B'hle Institute of Chicago.) 1*?X S?w?;>niH?rr?i??.? LESSON FOK JcCEMBER 23 UNIVERSAL REIGN OF CHRIST LESSON I*XT-l>i # *. T; 11:1-11. li'JLDB-N I?XT- Ask m?* and 1 .ihall give th?>; the bea.tb-.-n ior thine inherl* Una- ami th- Utt?-rf!:vat Jj.k ts of trt? earth for thy possess:-?n. l'?. - i. PRIMARY TOPIC ?C far tat. (he Prill. f Pf? ? JUNIOR TOPIC?God'? Promise of Peace on Eai'tlt. INTKIiM^PlATK AND SENIOR POP- ' L.'-Oh?-u?t"s Kingdum the Hope of the i Woril [J UX NO PEOPLE \ND ADULT TOPIC ? What * Reign %l-ar.? t-> ;he V orlU. 5 i?r urne is wni-n ^ hriat shall r*?!?ti j> Kir.,; over the v* hole world. I. The King {Is:? 9:6). 1 He is a S^a of Man A child w is , ?rn '1 e et r; t: S??n became incorporated with the race iu r-ier to ; , be its- Savior and Lord. T* King shall be of buv.ii s lie. royal stork. . . I. lie is the S??n of God. "A soli La given." As The eternal Soil of Red Hp whs no? ' > -? bm given. This Son i given is the mighty God pveriast tug Lather Being such. He will take ta government upon His s Milder*, evsaitie .ilt authority. H?? is wonderful The world v\ ; marvel ut Him. Ilia kingdom will be different 'mm all Hmrdon>s because p will n<?: be if this world. H?' is ih?- aVt-wfse ('oitnrejlor; tU*M"e'o-? will make no tnisbikes in His >r ;ii" of the aiTults of the kingdom. li s k tvgdom will be a km.': of >. .. N haired 01 tear Mill be 'vision n ;n His killer! t:i :v I'' .- is ,'s i juant.oaf ?n Msa. II-s-ti- ; s! .ill rest upon Hi to His <??v " n f i ' -1 "MP,' ( ni'ss. . ( b * I'll** $n>i: r of e I * i" .*\t Is n d n -rv pr- ? frem ;1?r Sor- t-if of w.stjoe" c -Hl r; i: tiro it! j ihin.ts. human .in 1 n :!> "S|#>r!t .?!' n !.?rst;i kfit?-,Lr' nt Is the iSi'Uty to M,'f that w! - .?f ?h?? highest and best. f i) s t of emse!" HUM ?? the make plsns. "spirit of *: 8 i s; " . * * * tha! - the ability to M >s pi: "> "Smelt of knowledge" ,!im? i< t^f* i*hil?T> to p-rceive tho will c. -j .n a"! things. ?7> "The fear of >! ? Lor!" 'hat is reverent!ril and oto-.Lem f.-.n* t. The ?'hnr?ofi-" ?v ,hi King (Tin 11 3 o) RiM-auso of Hl!t 'tlvlne anoln! ins He shall he .j hek *? nd- goodness i v. IVea^-v of rids dls "rnuu'ni the rjgh: wll! ' ave ree?jrd thm and the pretender o rig: si?a!i he recognised and exp -ed <J) Ho shall not Judce efter eternal apt-ear Hn<-o<? (v. n>. IS! Sha-d no! lee'de upon hearsay fv 1' R^'i <*a*e sh-,'1 he df'IfH upon the hasfs of absolute and perfect tmowleds:* 0 He -hi:'! defend and h verier* rfce poor and mcel of ai! the earth fv. 4V Th? meek ah all Inherit The earth when the Mec s; th relgiw (Mftd "V (f?) Sha l amlte the earth ' v. I> Those whom He fttnhe* are tne w.godly inh.ddnnrs vtio are then, In '"deration against s'hrlRt Tl." ?iea I <* Mil - federation !Antl-rhrl .i <li Th-wc. 2:S> ?l) . /Kg Shall have ii real for justice and truth (v. n). 0 II. The Nature of H s Kingdom i Ian. 11:6-10). TMk U a <i? ture of the gb>r!on* t.olden Age of w hleh poets have sunp and for whJrli rfct wise men of ui; ages have longed *nd looked. There will then he peace. not only between mer. but between -nin.nls 1. The Wolf Sbnll Dwell With th? l amb (v. ri). The wor-i "?Jwol!** aug gests intiniae*. as If tb- Iamb should receive the wolf into its home. The only place and .-ltvmnalance at present in which the wolf and the larnb dwell together Is when the lamh la Inside of the wolf 2. The r.c r?.ird Shall T ie Thown With the fs!d (v 8). ?. The Calf, the young I.lion and th? ShnP P.e Torerlie- (v. 6> They are so gentle and peaceful that a lltflo rhlM an 1 ad thenv 4. The C'ow a'n/t the B.-ar Shall Feed Together (v. 7>. PV Th?- ldon Shall En? Stra ^ * v. 7) ? no long* r preying upon other anl..tats. 8. The Surklng "hUd Sl ab Play Vpon the Hole of the 4,sp fv. S>. I A ^ ?HI: <*SThOC F T)tO Hlrr. (v. 10). Ti." ";irth sh til ihen he fall ?v* the knttecl - l-.: - of the T.ord an (by waters coyer the ill. The Glorious Issue of the Kingdorr. (T?*r.. 17 10-12' The 7' >rfov.s re<?r? of ? Vrtst shall Httr jc the <ren' ! nations This in flu* r<Mt purpose ?>f the to attra? .'Ne nation* of the earth to Jesus F*hr1s* tha* they might >?e saved. The nations nf the earth shall be Drought to the place where th"\ will recognize Christ because of the glory and perfection of His kingdom. / Our Gcthseir.ane. It Is a grent thing, when our seinane hours rome, when th*? cup ol bitterness Is presented to our lips, and when we pray that it may pass away to feei rhat It Ik not fa*e. that It is nol necessity, but dlv'ne love for good j ends, working upon as.?E H. Chaplin j But One Book. When Walter Scott came Into thai winter of bla life, he Mid: "Bring not; the Book." "What book 7' he wai asked. He answered. "There In bat >-- J^e Wonderfu 1 Word. f HIS WORLD WILL HOLD JUST SO MANY You bjtve today about 1,750.000,KK) Qvghbors or th.- whole round arth. That cota? doubled in the last entury and will double again it ap- ; >cars, before your baby boy an >s?i man. His grandchildren may ea ily live to see the world holding ail; he people it csili accomodate. Laud cts the limit. Even with our progress: r takes two or three acres to keep own life going. The engineers! .r<i chemists wili improve on that ng:re. but thex: the doctors will reduce! he death rate, and the earth after] ah is only so big. Calling the limit j ji human population five ^illoin or, e:t million does not alter the problem, i LYe are much clos? r in time to reach] :lmt limit than we are to the days f ( 'hri.l.inhvt rnlhinhlK \V:tf will nake i\o real difference unless it up-| *eis the arcanRoment- on which men j >a.-c their living. Modern war. far! from doing so. whips up both prolutrtive power and medical skill. Thi> globe i> measured and known, j What races are to have the land, th?future, the place in the sun of iife? rfc<> Chinese have tilled their own i :o:miry to overflowing: as the Japanese and tlie Hindus have ailso done. What other spa-es are they to ha%eV I'hr pressing fact here is that the ( ,-arth will i t- entirely populated l*e,?"e its races have be- *r:iie united in >n?.\ Raciai mixtures are not now successful. Perhaps rorne great dis overy :n biology may ehunjje that ?ai our age must work out a world j valance of races :'iid sands on some >as;s fair to aiL Oflietwise bosiiii:ks betu-erj them may destroy the arth itself, so far as fitness to support human life is concerned. That iias been done "Ye: great triyjts of I - art! Asia. Our w vi'd is fa i mu wide house and the vision of; Home txKit i; might be will vol' inspire mch \ set it in older for la tter days.?Colliers' MOUNT PLEASANT NFWS (Too late for last issue.) Tin n'lM.b iti this section art' in Hjry ' :ui condition. which condition ?m.!J I . very r.iii. i: imini.Y.d :f they '<1-re properly raped 01 draped. | . n? to prevent the water front stjti:mts u d !o\v places. We are much picasod to .>< ? the gravel bfcimt plan : part* i>/ the highway. and h? ne that tin work will jr;> forward rapidly mti' .iii of highway no. <>!' L'i-oin 15. one \<. Todd will be hard *ur c or rrjCveK k i- .u ratify in# v?? nctr , 'ho amount -t grading and pavfcl[4t hat ha- >. o): Uon< u t hi - road with ir? the lev month-. Lot's keep j ;t Up at i rapid pace. -o that the tugt: weather t?! wirtcr may not; -hat its in. Work is going forward on the \vhv -y>ten 'hat is being placed in the inn jkii nag* . 'several Iron) Alt ' :?: -! Meat Damp and a number Mt. Plea-ant ale at work on j)!;.:.! .hir week. All. fVly Moretz . is M.i" mending the job. M X. ! V.. -ivtz of M? ai Camp : ibe any : lie home of Uev. .' V'-'cat on last A!fiurkett Hr-j. r.rc : or. " Top . In- week. M iss Winnie made a btisi ."v- trip to Todd one day last week. Tb eLight llrigaiii' of the Mount Pleasant i ongrelation sent a box of and other evergreens to the 1 ighr Brigad. ot Milton, Pa. This i- a band of wide awake : i-uns workers. Dr. .Jettcoat and wife made a busTHE S1XT 151 ILDIX We want 1024 to pari by taking paid u cent or. every tioiiar v Since the Bi we have assiste< and churches. 1 he Buildin; than six millioi 000 of money 1 Let's get bel native county ? Building & Loa Office over t it over with the WATAUGA _ V THE WATAUGA D iness trip to Burlington the last of the past week. M iss Winnie Moretz and a group of children of the community who are nioinbersi of the Light Brigade had a jollt time gathering gaiax on last j Monday morning. There will be a Christmas program at the Mount Pleasant Lutheran . < hurch or. t hristmas day at eievt-r o'clock. Kverybody is invited. Mr. Posy Moretz of Boone s|?ent, the night at the home of Rev. .lelf- ! . ?at ?>n last Monday night. Mr. A. t . Xorris of Howell's Sid j ing spent the night on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr. Watt Green. Ht was on his return from Boone where he had taken a ions1 of produce. Mrs. Watt Greene and Miss Cora .IctTcoat made a business trip to Boone on last Wednesday. Thought.- for the week: All the vorld admires a hustler. ; He doesn't have time- to tell h*s trouI.!.-, **N-ariy every woman wonders what her husband does with his money. That's easy?he doesn't have any* Charity h not an action?it is a life. Smiling i- a contagion for which v. e want no antidote. YEAR OF UNPRECEDEN1ED PROSPERITY IS ON WAY A Wilmington man of large affn'rs just back from New York and Washington ha.- tcld the Wilmington Star that th?- year before us is to he unexampled ir- prosperity and that railroads will not be abb* to carry ' ie goods that will be needed to mr-et the public demand, ii" say- that the ... ;i . ,,.!U u. ... . i... narenon ?... ... , auto industry, which has been ex; pa ruled so create. that many oersons :ow feel I ha1 the saturation point may be reached before very ion?. Still, on the other hand, tHi,- feeling has ;>o<expressed before with the facts turn lag up t?> prove its '-nor. Being a presidential year the W all Si?, ,i interests aiv expected to give the country a reason for continuing their old friends, the Republic ins in no-.vtn. European conditions are expeered to take a turn for the hotter | a> indicated in the market already. The South already i? feeling the 'hi ill of new financial life along its I keel as the money from the tobacco and 'he cotton crops wends its way through the mail of trade to swell ; hunk balances. HORSE FACES EXTINCTION IN CENTURY, SAYS SAVANT Statistics recently circulated staled that horse* in large measure free '"'cause of motor power, from the labors that made them beasts of bur <i i . ? i iiicivio.i'j; i.nn*-i 'ii.iii diminishing i" number. But now comes Professor Furlong of the University ?.i California with the prediction that thi horse v ii) he virtually extinct on the American continent in another century. Professor Furlong is so confident of his supposition thai he has starI ted for posterity a cr.Ucctio:. of all mod* rn specimens of the nouine faio| ily 1!co! eel ion will rest along with the bones of the three-toed horse and other prehistoric kin. Recalling the dominant position of motor conveyance in the cities. Professor Fnrlong adds: 44Daily the tractor and the automobile are taking the place of the horse in rural life. As j the usefulness of the horse passes. II SERIES OF THE iG AM) LOAN IS N(J oe the oiggest. year of the Assoc ia . '!?, ... ... . i c . i. l? OS UlOMIUBKIIl! a--'-7UXV. L.1LUC1 OX UIU ou put Into th?' affiliation. adding and Loan was or< J in building more than on< g & Loan of the United a subscribers and more tf loaned. lind a home institution th ind help those to own hoi n that could not own them :he Watauga County Ban Secretary now?Don't de BUILDING & LOAN A: ' II! f EMOCRAT so will the necessity for his existence Before- many yeans the use of a horsi for the purposes with which he ha* been idenUficd since time itnmemoria wi'.t be a curiosity. In another hnu ar"d years you nvtj find horses ir I am sure you will not fiiu: them 'anywhere else " RUM CONTINUES TO FLOW INTO NEW YORK A t! i.e.toJ. f*<.m Mai" e. N. Y. say; that athin line of 1 I*', prohibition en forceroeut t u-toms afreets, inspector; and constabularies stood on xuar< to stop if possible the ever increas flow of Canadian cdntrabam | liquor through the sricat open ?pac< of a frontier of nearly "00 miles com [ northeastern New lork. The rum consigned to the big citie | <iown?stati* for the Christmas holiday j trade, has been pouring over the in i ternaiional border in such nvav; j quantities recently a** t<? cause ser i ious concern to the law enforcemen i officers. The authorities, federal and stab 1 haw lately maintained a policy o secrecy, not only as to their plans ; but as to the success or failure o i their efforts to stem the tide. X< j secret *s made, however of the fae that despite their efforts, there is n< diminution in the flow. Reports tha | the enforcement officers have sough I reinforcement^ could not be confirm | cd. ; This Frankiin county village. 1 j miles from the border is the nerv center of the efforts to bring Lli smugglers in the clutches of the lot j for here an; located the headquarter j of troop 11 of state troopers and fed ; oral authorities. Malone itself vva i dry before the enactment of the 1 amendment. Forty saloons in tow had been closet! by vote lind?*r loc ! optional law. But nearly cverybod j talk:- of contraband liquor. The bor leggci has become commonplace. ?Tbf northern New York bootlegge is bold aisd RO.t ashamed of his t(|cr ! i ity. One recently brought over 2 irallons of liquor, parked his car wit! j in a stone's throw of the custom j house and started to peddle his wart I WEAR THE SCARF OF YOUR OW1 CATCH EIGHT DAYS FROM TH1 TIME OF THE KILL. KILL IN TH1 LATE WINTER C. K. ROSSER, FURRIER . STAUNTON, VA I 2-20-1 Ot You Need * Electrical Service on Your Farm HOME L.iGHT & SUPPLY CO. Sole Dealers for Ashe, Alleghany an Watauga 1 Service at all times. Full line j Electrical Fixtures and Bulbs I WEST JEFFERSON. N. C. WATAUGA >W OPEN Lion. Will you do your m will pay you six per janized in 1 92 I i hundred homes States has more tan $3,000,000,iat will help our mes through the any other way. k. Call and talk lay. SSOC1ATION ? j 4 ?. , .'notice or re-sale of land] Pursuant to an order directed to! nle as trustee from thr- Clerk of theiKl ' Superior Court of Watauga County! \\ > and by virtue ol the power of sale' . r-?v?ta:ned in a certain deed of trust| ty executed by J. B. Morton and wife,: tv ' .Vngio Smith rtorton to the unders:g-j re : "ui Trustee and duly recorded in the' i?i Register of Deeds office for said coun' tv i> book no. 1. page ".546. 1 shall? rjj or the 22nd day of December 1923, . re-sell at public auction at the court ci. - house door in Boone. Xorth Carolina. 0f between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m, > r?i. and 2 o'clock p. ra. to the highest . bidder for cash the following described iond. lying and being in Watauga ^ | County and state aforesaid and more '! particularly desrribed anil defined as s> -{follows: j ;5. \ Beginning on a bunch of lynns on ; , the line of the 1U0 acre tract and, i running east 22 poles to a beach, then i _ " Xorth 6S poles to a <take and gate ; f post thence east 97 poles lo a stake sugar tree and birch pointers, thence R north 7S poles td a stake in the field; ? thence ea.-t is poles te a stake, Frank g| 1 i Wilson's comer; th? nee north 22 do.! to a hunch of chestnuts, thence south ! y. | 34 degrees east 14 poles to a wahou; | thence east 74 poles to a cucumber; j " I thence north 40 poles to a stake in! 1 the line of N. R. Horton tract, then! north 72 degrees cast 12 poles to ajL. service bush, now gone; thence south IL _ 58 poles t" a stake; thence south 2$!^ degrees west with Snyder's line 102, / poles to ft beech, the beginning cor-j ' f ner of the Phinis Horton 100 acre. r, tract, thence 4 poles to a small buck- * eye, thence south I poles to a large buckeye, marked C*N. H." thence W J } 29 poles to a stake with a birch and I t beech, thence south 31 poles to a {? stake, corner of Lenoir's 75 acre ^ tract, thence west 47 poles to a stake in the line of Lenoir's 100 acre tract 1 thence south 49 poles to a ?take cor- J 2 ner of said tract, thence west 133 , poles to the beginning, containing 245 1-5 acres more or less. See plat v of J. I>. Horton. recorded in the Re% gister of Heeds office. Boone, North > ( arotina. This deed of trust includes r i. one half of th- above described tract. * This the 1th dav of I)e< t niher 1923.1 r EUGKNK TR1VETTE, ' Trustee q ,i HHBMMnonfifiii urn1111 I HEMLOCK 1 am in position to furnish H< H on Short Notice. Can Deliver to Be Also have a lot of Chestnut SI - I . Sec or write ! F.M.MA I Oc4-92mr BOON I Il_ ? lfj? I fp v_Ill l&lllldb IS UlllUU^ I s9 money. Buy presents 1 d J A FEW SUG( For Mother Si: - I nip | A sewing machine. Rar l?j=j ing set, Flash Light, - ^ For Father, Brotf |p Pocket Knife, Razor ar [3e Rifle, Carpenter Tools, i For the CI tul Coaster Wagons, expre Air Rifles, Tricycles, F There are many othe St articles in our line too ti ?1 ell vj See our line before b ijp prices are in line with a iKs ware Store, and only < consider one man's cash Therefore "the One Pri Your Fri I Boone | Com; DECEMBER 20. 1923. REPORT OF REG. OF DEEDS 3RTH CAROLINA ATAUGA COUNTV To the Honorable Board of Coun01 ii toi of Watauga Coon: 1 herewith hand you rny annual port for the year ending Dec. 3, as follows: 1 have received $166.00 for mar*>:e license and have turned $131 cr to tfcc sheriff and hold his reipt for the same and the balance $35.00 1 have sent to the Departer.t of Revenue. This e ail the money 1 am reqtrirI bv Ir.n to report. E M. HARM AN. D .... - C r> 1 worn 10 before ine this December 1 923. A. \V. SMITH. Clerk Superior Court. 0MMERC1AL PRINTING OF EVE Y KIND BY RIVERS PRINT. CO TORS AND SIXES F. M. RICHARDS W. H. GRAGG banner Elk. N. Carolina loone, - North Caro. MiMitri; I ? m_^4 _m_ ^ i emlock Framing and Sheeting one or Blowing Rock, iccting at a good price. LTBA n. c. m i\ Mni \vn MS I w 11y womc } uui pl? hat are worth while. JESTIONS 5 iter or Wife ^ m ige, silverware, carvj I ler or Husband gS id strop, Shot Gun or || or Flash Light. 1 tuldren jyp sa- wagons, Sleighs, gj| \ lash lights. jyj| ^ r valuable and useful i f edious to mention.. uying elsewher. Our ^ ny well based Hard- pS ^ne price to all. We ^ : as good as another's g| ce Store."' 4. Hdw. I I >any^j^|

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