PACE TWO BOY TELLS SORDID STORY OF CRIME St. Petersburg Boy ICtHet* Diiru?es Crime Calmly; Shows Lack cf Feeling. Spi- ia' t(? !I . y T LE v 11\\ A TFJt Isvlum These are the gr?B a^temativcS faced by Fra-ik 31 cO ?,v.-y. tn?y skiy todi M"< Pw I - n : eat at* tfceorist. 9ft>r. aitti Kiiivi = . arct ts. Mr : 4' ' S. M i )i a- thoe slept tii rheir heme in St. Potvr-J-i-.r'j.. \ yec-.? : .ro < the '.r . ho satura* d the bed of his yi>U')g sister*. with kerosene, fii> ; it. and -va; d morose^ for is m I: . Both crimes. .. Thout parnjk * ?mp? '- ? - i'i h roJa> -*ween two : > ?? r*ej- ft :h< Tantp.. Times and. atteim : <: ?. \ :> x : ? -:i rm>v rk'tl::' II- ! Oil!* fine--. Meantm:e oomn.- :. n of doctors was '?ci v1' appoint (thei *'he was,asked, "She \va> .hi! \ inH.itiu'l ie to my ivlijrious views." b. reoiiec a lit*!** n uri'y. "'She v\.t> devoutly relii^iou^ ami I. weil. I fir -nn, but 5 can't be i ("hrifiian. 1 am ar icm -p . The lono-w ;d -li-Dowell that it iu'.-i i nnet' b. Mat hi- moth r kt en b killed tile . ' }& and hate : nim foi it. "is that i.'imoV" v.* v as asked. 'Did veil lu-r to rtti'id 3&d' 1>'A !* ^ji IfljBflr M 'I'"W' :! Jllled "A- Wi :;k fact to the ar.i !?g| with jfte'piertion * '*V\ ! >?. ?'iiiiil hu\e n?p w ' .. h a honiHo thing ??s that?" Then ho added i?oIitv!> !>?it I ih.ilk y "l TO' It'il'r.".', Ui. ?;f n iM-rr." Not Bright Looking \ - ?fth: vraiy youth a ;'.i!i'i g nianr#s, Melb.welL fo? al! his uttlisuul ir.tiTv >t r. Blig-iki* and -..rial iUx-st'cms did u>t appear to he p?rtieuiark Digh't. ;fi- wax chin. utl. ?tott-< hris: a id^vero to an.'I kn -\v nothing of tinu or spa , , i ouJy knew I was to Remorse. happreciate my no? tievn. i -ai, horrified,** he r?tu>:eif hi a maw ?f fact tone. When MeiP.uci' was nine, ho said and living with his parents and sistors in D'catitr. Ga. where his- father v. as a resp 'ttd newspaperman, he biasphe-; ed i-, Moiy Ghost. Cursed Holy Ghost < T giri playmate was at his house, and he was trying to out a shirt on. It hail come hark L'loir the :iun?i?y ?' without the lira ions '?. " \ dordt know what nun. ; seized m " ho . 'o.ha; . But I wa- dind3 ]y fut . i *rsed ;he tloiy Ghe t. t L*t < r - h ighea i sn> its a .*an"t imaging mv stat of Sand In cbu\vl pre aeh- v. diaSfiK a r nWK -.-'tthat t-i mBj. - . Ho?y ? CJho*t v the r..??a;\ionaV. n. ??; i years vhat tcrtured me.'' fcr; The :>ny wr-- -stem for a f--y m.>:< n*?-ni . Th-\ r no added i ?ri of ? afterthought "of .ojarse those things i** don : orry me m>v.. 1": *io? a Chrish tfan yen*. k its come.and and hi its hoomine voice. It said "Go. kill the u) followers of Anti-Christ, rs "And 1 did. T shot my father and pr mother as they dept. my father first it and then my mother. r "Then for a v.-rah I was dazed and nr afterward horrified f was struck b\ the oisgrace of the thing and smashA TR d r t>u >vr? i n bunip-'d my head M give the appearance of a | v.;h a sfcr:r.if:e? and I tried to lay J the blame on him.* I A McDow II said that his mother herself advised him 10 buy the revolver with which he later murdered her. "I bought two w<.eks There ^ ;.:x bet pr .vK-r> .ibou* the house Disciij;" Crime Ca!ir!\ Tin :.: k M< i>ov7.d: is hi- apparent -k of Te; i-; : riiosl .ii!. :m?r it.- hennbie praties; : fii - d S|lm!y, ?mk . ilin^iy ex- hi Ha* .ur eat est worry. ho adriiitted, n.:> ways brvi: ihi. faw of Frariv 'o !?ci>o? at. t-way: beer; introspw::-e and th :'ud "'nr said. "My w, told j mo that. J should niiuaf wore with 1st i m v? i- had mucf with jguis; "ni nor a nuir- of '? world ??) jSnyihiny: iik,- that, you km. v.- b my life I've been ii t< rested in M ; r. . run., in o-m-iniogy and }>- vvho'ojry. ic i t- what . jving to; fir bapjK ' nic why I was different ;I; j from others. hi i ? horrible thing.' think of hi you that is an- V . t?o a ! ther? *- -fterlife. j J r- '11 i - i ru.v : i nor ;? I ' : i i t till ho lad i? .i' 11} 1 .-ii-jiy books on religion. b*it be could j h\ ; -?o? - ?-.* ;h. A-.-OS of them. Of On ! fg if .'the libit he u;:- most fasci-th - and Ki vels ti ' to Kniory 1 rive?y Rut ] didn't like college and left." He could fa net explain why. th M? Dowel! -aid that h- knew of no j v instances of insanity in hi-- family . fh : "Of course an -incle. my father'--1 p; ther, Eugene McDowell. ooim|Hti.ed, al >uicide : Atlanta -overal rs ago." bi b" w-- ii's. "Rrobably he v.a> insane wl \?-.ythat o'tunnt- suit -de is. 1 h. n;;ve?- heard What his rof. on was for ! kc killhl': himself." AI clR? li phjkid ' h '* h. - parents.],0 paria daily his mother. kn--v that nej^. oils ai?t'.uriu:.L gX -t{. M | #n ; r. j were uut.ed. ',) >p- .? most of j : 1 ?. Jay r? tiny in hiiStyot bnder heavy; . ,j j '?hr...vv".^^j Hv romp.a: km! of a pair u tHe | ,Jj i i -aid he was often 'fOU-jp, ; i.iod t>\ :r \ >:.i- h t he added ' , ; 3; .. .3 can- hazy ami uncertain. \ Troubled by Dreams. hUd T>x other straps- -d dream.-. I.ast iiigrht for instance I. h :-u, le drear..!v " he and a jri; red a peek of Russian rub.h ! . f ?* t ied i?j feed . :.?m to a horse \J which saw . down the i ,,f .a. I uBit >. . . }' ' w oil, ir.? tj2fc-.l, :ioie since the murder in St. ; j\ ?r he told the renort?-f? KJ . '~.ix < .- : v'f- are rath i ha>-> 3 .>i "Th is no Mer.? liod. no ia? iierent ' h. .isriurtcd. "Tho idea of a he?-.:.;': : . - childish: I v. \ ? evinid -eliv : . rflity rhoH>r think yon will ever want' to kill arjain*." he v as asked- ! j rho oy's fa;-,- a ickered and 1. | o, ms-ed a hand w?a: .> over his -j 1 through his ii. . i don't know i -c hope not " h<* said Talked Freely At . time did he become angered .. r iti his statements. st tr.iked ?.i no. . at her rolucI o y. * anp d. ' i.e professed J : . have a high r et?; ; for her. It w;i- ; evident. however that he did n? greatly e steem he?-. ! 1 :v k ! ['. rely in my head" 1 'Trained. "I think J have no ice Jbj \ While McPoweH \vr.s heirig inter- w; wed .. number ox cuncsity-seekei . . .i . bars of his :fc . lis pa hi -lightest att'*n-!ir, tidr. to them : ht He w.., ... aiikjois tc ia!k '\ - ' ve: ro ma times I v. :* h C:t i on Id ;xe'. your information some sti ! vk-e - e." he cxplainde but if you iii- i. iv . . T "i try to help you. unbalanced, - tfVentered. ji: j :"it y strange doubts ami at times v I v.vo' away by subconscious forces ;hat be cannot understand, forces that ;T1 1 caus*- h:*n to maim ami kill, that's Frank McDowell, one of the queerest f?figmvk that ever set in the Pinellas: -y. Jail. b THANKS f ** We arc in receipt of a letter from w Mr. George Lowrance of Clifftop, oi W. Va. '-ordaining seven new sub-1 M s.criher to the Democrat and * post- o! office order to cover. We appreciate ii< the addition of this office to our pi iist. Thanks. it IF. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E OTHERS AID IN STATE DOING WONDERFUL WORK Fin* Work Si":ig Done Under the Act ..f 1823. IJt. - !!' : inrely do'iors from th rati. ->p.d oounty drapt ?he bensficj of ?-- Ard 'ti North pa t<- !>?.:< eneo* r -.-.cut t 'sty. able honivfs, ;i: .vpnit the-r ..-fiiidrc!: sr. ^ch-ol. It . . u'aj i vi.iln- ic t c ?j. r ; .?>r ? it f ; ht * nr.'.IltM v ojS !* '. tovorto Mis* Kntnuijfc I-. dsHctor -t Mot.-ars' />:<'. for the :at< Hoard of Charities Pub : Vif&re Mothers' A \ ?nude possibl" .!?. General Asseibfbh* of lt*23. in Uortb Carolina since le first a" July ?*- " Since .haaio ' " \voffl? ri in 18 counties of the :.'r h.we r cvved assistance, it wa> a. id. Mis-s i'utlle rites* se veral c*^ ovhng tnc human interest side of others" Ad. One of the raos* typ. a! -a? iViKTi Mother-* Aid has w .mi the rural. in;r iu of a famthat of " oman vho air. ady : . I'ttons for he' Uu" t.hive. : va- th< --nation *vh.:i she ap* , .! for a:-i Xov. ,h-- able to er? :hiv. ; it-i her and a--- . c; nt jaiiv :o ' ' ' : whole imiij : .*?. Her. G >iv neceivihg aid. .-Tits tiiul <: > T m ?ncy enough retire ; rout me: " for one of her dldren who hail defective eyes, it ps stated. b3. : o\v the little hoy is ling- t; at? <3 by a specialist. Mousing has hew. a problem in aetica'ly every e of Mothers* id. according to Mi Tattle. One unty .-aperintendent of public welr< found a family living down in e woods in a one-room house. The e'iuaii had seen better day- with her st husband. Her s? eor.d husband id deserted her. The fir-t Mothers' d check was used by this woman to iy furniture for another house hi eh the welfare : e.fx i ititendent id provided for her Tin- woman ? ps the house spotlessly clean and . is a marked v? ml rust with hes arc abode. Mis- Tuttie id. Tie pro ?.t M?b t ha- ked tip- rooperior i *! ili I ova I ii-one demons! ration u-uebii.: of 1 he oldest rl. i cripple, imllin-'iv nn>. o that -the- rmny h?- p in the M "ting t.f he family. \ .>th< ' woman aided :i was point. ; was one who fia opt tiinr Mi . U< ?1 .11; Vip":'HlHlll 11)1 apiC'llt ' ?v;t '*c?n;id mm take lithe for as she hail 'o wt>fk in a star, .pport her children. Miilhcrt rrn it possible for he: to h;r . io : and i hit s b?- in betftri ?; - a: e??nd<: >or. io wo:for h> kiidi en. !i. ai other eas the superintend^ . I r v. elfar- administer.''.--' othe: ' Aid has io < .1 pr inn ! ;r '?.! reading in the hone . She . : a cl|eiip tnaya ne. the oi:i\ 5' reading matter in the house , KgSja* i^pjhcgTggl. S I " - ? ffifisu ... !< in the ?*R>e with ?$><*! readier atter and has uoiv -uppiied fch? nt ill .rood hook.- ! ;ii worth. The idea otii.'d the i." s.iys M'ss Tutcle. is "no o :?l the wolf fvuin tin- dour. ' r-* f from fvrn emmfefj ?ip the path. 1 want to help tin.-, people before y ha" t eome t?- dl-v >oven \ ;uid ith its resulting ins of morale, others* Aid is friendly help. The . .\ : npem.: ondeiiT of i fare a-a! :h: >uirh him the State :.:(! of ( havith and Publi Welve keen in touch with each case liicli is thoroughly ir.ver-lijrated he re the aid i> trmnted. It ;s requiri that recipients r e women of ntal. moral and physical characr. Mothers art asked t?> Xeeu a rict monthly acrou nt of expend). i. of the funds received from at* avtd ce?ynient which . . be followed in the home have on suggested, such a; sawing. milfiery, chickens and laundry ork. Several jpe'lritcndonts hav rranged for mothers to buy \v.*v h *r marmncs on the installment plan, in the administration of the; Moths \'ii the co-operation of other >ate agencies, like the division of >m?' demonstration and the Station rd of Health is sought by the I; _ _>( _? e - rpi. t; ;;1C wcionv iwivw. ifir uiiffior ishes to get a ohysical examination i every child or woman receiving others' Aid. Ii is also the efforts " th? county stiperinteiuknts of nub: welfare to put the children in good hysieai condition by seeing that tey get the right son of food and \ VERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. i LENOIR HOP'"!/ FOR N. ?. W. RAILWAY UN EL-j iN'^rfoJk and Wostera Reported a? Considering line to EIkLtik! i. no:r May be Terminus I 1 no ir. March 3.?Thai serious j or idera of In?iZf Uhk No* j"1 lv \' ?U-m- witb l.on< ir.j V. ,V. W. ?s < rtalntx H. L. I>av;> Norfolk r.n- Ihf. i \ >\r BBs ibii'.'.ivs <'1* Lenoir and! , this v*' ' or. : $yco?n panital by f!. S > nes of Xew i"oi k City, rep j ' v -.tirr.; the Eli: Creek Lumber Co., owners of vast t:mbor boundaries in . '.ills section. IV !< deeid* <*?d the biiildiny i !*; romi v. oil Id cut i; i'-Tir i.-de- ?n. ?i. ! shipments b. .ecu Lenoir and \Ve~{ Virginia t vl Oh.o points fthree to four dollars wr thou-;?rb. This same relative -yvmg; may >,. . pb\ d to i Hi riit urc shipment- yo' int -? the Maryland t?v-: it->i \ as well s- to the <:o:r >uip:.ivi?ts coming this j The ;nir< ( > be* afforded will! ?? ? wry tnu'-crial to the Klk 'reck' ' 'mho: <. orbpany*> land. It will * v -k?. it tm-siMe to mamifaeture this mber and place .1 oil t.lie market i miu'h more favorably than could In . . under present condition . There are different irr.-nio of lumber yoi>e_* into tk< rr.ininjr dk-ti ct-. th? pr?>p> , i m: ; onlit-r- ;?k- a different , .r |unio< i* ih ": is y*eii>b for ; a? needs of a;.} of^.theSK' iwa^kots'. r'h .. a:? f t v u -i " Mr. ! > 'lOs !;;k*T sn wiiiij ' III".'-1 tif 4he A bbordim-KtkH i. . -d h'tuifi e mehBKS jB^cn ove? j ! few y ar ago by the Moftttt Vii*ii 'At te s\ was nficr a nUitijba? ef (?)?fcr??ri?as that Mr. fi*Wo< : ; war t ! het< to ?0 tP- lick! 1 .mat f tlit no i in lie/eloped & v ^ ? ... .. . Ocscrt Land from Lack of Rain for < *?rv eoudK.lou* n*?xt season" \ow. .1, ir the rainfall -to-* not h. l?e produces hir* owu rainfall ?jy a of the wrist, or rh push of a ' non In exactly th>* quantity tic- c.nd at precisely the time It is ] fwl. Furthermore, he pulp i: on :fc particular piece of ground ?r,,;rh h wi ne> to cultivate r; . .^plication ct elecir.c pc-wer , i;- . -Ion. throuR-: :h?ri< :n :-t. has sin. : piOi-^ss to; Protection F'om Poison Gas Th- following four rules for pro* on again: t deadly effects of poi gr.- carbon monoxide, niv avsj in exhaust from gas driven ng . ued hy the United States mreau of mines, are: \* ' -. run an automohil e engine ii- c! cd g rage; open doors wide. Netet crawl under ear with engine " inir'T. ,.? if ear is iji oper. air. \* \> i 11 in closed ear with engine i.lining ev- n if in ventilated garage. Nov* r -it in closed ear with en r?r>. turning and all window- shut i -f it: lhe men air; always lave v indov > openSo ?> . '.? aths from j.i pr -ent in * he i xiiai. fi-v.ii . nnioHh's. have occurred ni i vln-wi tl.c country in the pas: ill- : i: - that * I 1'' I ..v?viigll : fon of b >t;;n of mines h;cprompted ' ? all the attention of (he i to d.ati: If tin- or.f-iin' is h< Jia- . nvu*? vent ittfocl. - )]> warned lu-vor ? -or ork * i a -tor.iKp r**?i ervoir rtr-aMe of holding pH *h?> water " ???????????? ... - ?? . jjlJUT } This Also Was Desert Once * pumped over a period of twelve hours* h*- plant could be run all night. ind I in the rnornng the farmer would ht>C i [ 1 reservoir. from which he .^ould r hi* land a* needed through tbe d it night the reservoir ^ould thus completing th~ yot? NOKIH CAROLINA | Annie Stnith Bowie, Biowie-.r Hock.. 1 < Mir ?: :lifui Carolina i.- i' the .ijrht: The mad'Ug lady in the renter of' the stage The eye.-, of her admirers a? fixed; upon her; Her attractions are becoming the* rape. She ha won her station and laurels^ fail. And merits her eiieore: and ap piausc: Sh< toiled hard oi\ r i i 1?\ mode) l.wv- * [ , is roads' by .which she achieved l\vnr. A?'< uiufci 'udicd hi v sister ' suites | i 1 v ? l.u ailt v i - :t re'ioe. r.ed .. t lie Queeti 'd* . hf'.a | She welcome:- tjjie >'ranpe- wnhn: hei pates. Subscribe For Your , County Paper KODAK FINISHING^ HARDY'S STUDIO LENOIR. NORTH CAROLINA i-21-2 ! I* I I ? ! Ill M ' '"V__ ~? H srCPDETROiT SI i Cars is than the ' immedi ;aler I I < TOKS Tim i ii Hi wmnmm i iMM?MiBi>aiiiii t \