The Big Even! If - A Non-Partisan Family 1 VOLUME XXXV. News Items s From ll\ interesting News Items as Our Correspondent! tions of tl \ MTLA1- I i Mr. H. C. Hodges made a business i?ip to the county home Sunday taking quite a number of inmates ovr there with him. Miss Dean Hayes and little son vin* Mr and Mrs- N.*G Wheeler quite Mr. Olen Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hayes Easter Sunday. Mr. Willard Miller is stili visiting H C. Hodges Mr. John Johnson came home Sun Any to see the home folks. Mr. Will Greer enjoyed the visit of Mr. Henry Triplet!. Some of t?u>* boys came in from Va. We are glad to see them. ^ ROMINGER DOTS Farmers an very busy here just now as the inclement weather has j?ct them a bit behind with theii work. Mr. Monroe Presnell ar.d family Kho moved to Arkansas some years ?4:0 hove moved back to their native haunts, as they nearly all do. Mr. Gov Rominger left last week for Haiti more where he expects to W W treated for trouble with his stomach. We hope he will return a well man. He has suffered intensely with bis stomach for some time. Tli? iv :s to he a public singing at Mount Giiead Baptist church the 3rd San laj ' May. Mr. Charles Mast is at home alter a loop- stay w it h the lumber company al jfrhulis Mills. Ms. 1. B. Hicks made a business trip ?. ! ' !c Pari. hist .w ek. Mi. Clinurii Hicks has moved tci t his new home on Beech Creek Mrs. Susan Uillam is a very sicl woman. M.-s. Aver Rominger visited hei rarents in Tennessee last week. Elder Uriah Farthing preached al 2.ion Hill Baptist chuich the secom i aturdav and Sunday in April whicl highly appreciated by all mem hers, tic is a Baptist of the Bibh ' ype. Hope he will come again: BLUE R1l>GE ITEMS We are pleased to see so muci pretty weather after such a cold win iex. Though it makes it hard on th women of the community, as the Fo voe people have written of so man foxes on the river, the men have gon fox hunting and the ladies are farm IMP V> I* art' fiuviug jfugu ;iiiigiug av uui hurches hero We have sinking s hoih churches on different hours o Saturday. Jk Mrs. .Alien Grafrg went to the hoi pita! la>t week for examination at ain. Doctor Sherrill said die was in proving fast. Mrs. Gragg Was arompanieri by her sister Miss Virgil :a Dula. Mrs. D. W. Church went to No\ land last week shopping. Mrs. M. A. Wright has returns from Hudson after spending the wi ter there. Will likely spend the sur mer with her son. I). H. Wright. Mr. Com Church was here on bu mess this week. We hope the go? people will soon come hack to tl vicinity. Mr. Will Estes was a caller John A. Gragg's last Sunday. Mr. Charlie Coffey and Miss Air Collins motored to the Grandfath last Sunday. Mr. Will Berry of this communi is selling out. We hate to give up t good citizen. GAP CREEK i Mrs. Ellen Greene is very -mu indisposed in health and at this wi ing is confined to her bed. Miss Dollie Greene a student the city scTiool in Vorth W:lkesb< enme homo i.?st Sunday to visit 1 sick mother Mrs. Ellen Greene u of the Season )c 'life Newspaper Published in ai $1.50 Per Year BOONF.. is Reported jral Watauga ? Reported Each Week by s in the Several Seche County ' will stay a while or until her mother : 1 improves in health before she* returns to her studies. Mr. Monroe Greene has moved to the place he recently purchased on Gap (-reek. Mr. Greene will he our star mail route carrier on the Yuma- i Fleetwood route when his term of service begins July 1st and hv his new place of residence can give the ; route his personal attention. Mr. A. F. Nichols and family have moved into their new house recently built and will make their residence permanently near the Boone Trail. | overlooking the same. The Sunday School has opened . gain for anbthcr summer at the Gap Greek Baptist church. There was quite- a lot of motoring | on the Boone Trail Highway last Sun j day. This road seems a favorite plac 1 to spin along for diversion and re| creation now days. j The correspondents of the Watau: ga Democrat are doing fine, so keep ' going on audi let's make it the best j paper known. ONE OF BUILDINGS A'l THE PATTERSON SCHOOL BURNS j Palmyra, the main building of Pat! teraon Industrial School for bqvs in ! Yadkin Valley, was mpletelv dc' Rtriivixl hv firp inOi \-. - v ! noon. A nearby granary and scales , house wa& also burned. Several : times cottages surrounding the main s building: caught, but the flames were j extinguished before they made very | much headway. The fire originated' j in the laundry adjoining the main ' J building. When discovered the par-1 < i 1 the laundry wen a mass i?f flames. Before help could he se> ; <1 the fire had burned Uunugh the roof, and from there it spread to Palmyra, the main building. ? Lenoir News-Topic 22nd. , WIDOW OF ZEB VANCE DEAD * ! Asheville, April 22.?Mrs. Zebu11 Ion Baird Vance, widow of North j Carolina's governor during the war between the states died this afternoon at 3 o'clock at fcer home near Black Mountain, after having been ill for several months. She wa> horn ^ in Kentucky September 24, 1X40. Deceased was a devoted lover of e the Confederacy, and has always s been active in work connected y with the Confederate veterans and e Daughters of the Confederacy. While her husband was in the United States Senate she was active in soh 'cial affairs in the capital city. The body will he laid to rest at n Riverside ceipetery here where rests the body of her distinguished hus5_ band. I KIDDIES ENJOY EASTER EGG V HUNT The teachers of the Junior ano I primary departments of the Met ho_ dist Sunday School gave the chddrer an Easter egg hunt on Monday mor ning. The day was sunny and heart: n were light as more than thirty o! i these littie people ran over the mea dow in search of gaily colored egg j hidden in the grass. The hunt wa: ^ j followed by games and stories am i jolly good time together, but the cli | max came in the surprise of a gen atjerous ice cream cone for each at th< last. Happiness beamed from ever little face as the children took thei na , , homeward way at noon time. er Two colored men were standing o the corner discussing family trees. 44Yes suh, man," said Ambrose " can trace my relations back to family tree." "Chase 'em back to a family tree ich said Mose. *it- "Naw man, trace 'em, trace 'ei ?get me?" in 44Well they ain't but two kinds c >ro things dat live in trees. Birds ar fier monkey . d you sho' ain't got r md ic. .i vis on you."?Judge. Piedmont Chat; w id for Boone and Wataug WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CA C.C.H.S. CLOSES i SUCCESSFUL TERM I Commencement Program Had Many Interesting. Features?School on I Accredited List This Year. Sunday morning marked the close of the most successful year in the mt?i.ury 01 me tove Creek High Schol. j The school goes on the accredited list this year and the present graduates are the first to graduate under the new status of the school. These students will receive elementary cert if icates issued on their high school diplomas and attendance upon one sum mer school for teachers. Friday afternoon the commencement program opened with a recita-j tion and declamation contest and pi- i ano recital. Those reciting were Miss-j | es Mabel Henson, Annie Mae Sherwood, Pearl Davis, Ola Dotson, Kdith j Brinklev and Vera Sherwood. For de-| clamations Messrs Lon Church, Clay Harmon and Theodore Robinson, j These were all delivered in an exceptional manner. The winners were E-1 ilith Brinkley and Lon Church. The piano recital was also very much enjoyed and showed the result i of carefui preparation. Friday night a large crowd gathered at the school to see the 4tPrin- j cess of IV.ppylami" an operetta given by the grammar grades. The children did well and the large crowd i that more than filled '.he auditorium wvi interested from start to finish. The little folks were trained well and performed beautifully. Saturday morning the Senior class had full sway. The stage was a if is tu-al'.y decorated with iera?, Easter, lilies, and the class colors, purple audi gold. Ei.vh senioi did his or her part well. The exercises were especially interesting because this is the first | cia.xs to graduate from the school, and the record of its achievements must set a precedent for classes in thi future. Those receiving diploma were Misses Edith Biinklt y. Virginia , Bingham, Winnifred Combs. Mary Elizabeth Morton, Blanche Henson, Thelina Perry. (?v>idu- Moody, Jennie Mast. Altai- .Mae Sherwood. Mes.o tiurui'j Briiikiey. Grady .Mast, Carlton Mast and Kemp Wilson. Dinner was served in the cla>s ' rooms, and such a dinner it was. iV> say it was enjoyed and that theie was an abundance would be putting j it mildly. That afternoon we assembled in i the auditorium. The aldience sang . "America" followed by the literary add ress by Dr. J. D. Rankin, Prof. of 1 English of the Appalachian Training j School. In am emphatic way Dr. . U.'inkin nrt"?'i! thi> class to eonliue 111 its search after knowledge and to secure the development necessary for the making of good citizens. He emphasized the importance of honesty and character building along with the need for education. The medal for the best recitatior was won by Edith Brink ley and for the best declamation by Lon Church Medals were also given for scholar ship and industry, these being wor b\ Edith Brinkley and Ralph Green Rev. F. M. Muggins in a few well chi i sen remarks awarded these four me dais. Mr. W. V. Perry awarded pri i j ze. to Peari Henson for obedience . j and scholarship, to Karl Isaacs fo 11 perfect ui tendance. to Blanche Ban . j ner for mathematics and to Dea ..j McBride for fifth grade mathemativ f A prize was also awarded Mary L12 .: zie Horton for good work in musi s: during the year. s ; Perfect attendance certificates a\t j i arded Bonnie Mast, Mattic Lane She i wood, Lizzie Wilson, Mary Kate Her . son, Loy Campbell, Blanche Banne! e i Earl Isaacs. Finley Bingham. Boi y ] nie i^cBride, .Jim Banner, Josep - ' Pnnm.r Rlariphp John She , wood. Winnifred Combs, Paul Bini | ham, Jennie Mast, Ophia Binghar n ! Thelma Perry and Forest Wilson t I. Principal S. F. Horton. Roll of hoi I or certificates were also present* a the following: Charlie Trivett, Be: lah Mae Henson, Howard Simpso " Louise Johnson, Fred Harman, Be Lewis, John Stansbery, Catherii m Horton and Iva Dean Wilson. Diplomas were presented the el >f venth grade graduates by Count; id Supt. Smith Hagaman. 10 . .: . r ?>'.'tC in the altcmoi ; ciii- ..ppinachsa. Training Sei.woi wqisa Festival, sir ^SV'V ? a County, the Leader of h ROL1NA, THURSDAY APRIL 24, 1 DAIRY DEVELOPMENT IN BEAVER DAM SECTION An Insight into the Possibilities of Dairy Farming in Watauga County. (By H. L. Wilson.) We have a very striking example on what a Dairy Minded farmer can do in Watauga County. Mr. Ray Wilson of Beaver Dam, i one of the promoters and one of the largest patrons of the Beaver Dam Cheese Factory, kept books on his five cows last year That is to say, he weighed each cow's milk and the amount of feed she ate last year. As we entered the barii he pulled a milk j sheet from his pocket, and as he walk ' d along behind the cows he pointed | out his favorites- They were his fa| vorites because they had made him j a profit last year. His cows produc-! I ed an average of 6514 pounds. His best cow produced 7086 pounds. His! ; poorest cow produced 4478 pounds and she has already been sold. Please compare these figures with the production of the average cow of North j Carolina which is 2606 pounds and \ tin average cow of Wisconsin which is a little over 5.000 pounds. These cows make him a fair profi it on milk production but that is not jail; each cow makes about twelve ton of manure each year which will I increase the yield per acre on all farm crops. He raised some fine heifer calves from his highest producing cows, the real value of which will not be known until they producing milk. Hi- raised some line; hi with the whey which he brought h\ me from the cheese factory. All :hi.- must he credited to the dairy j cow. At the prc>ent time he is n.ilkingf lone cow tiuve times a day. She is J j producing over ix gallon veigh-j eil m:!k per clay. Six other cows are einjr milked , t\v. a day and on April 201 h the seven cows averaged 12.:! pounds, just a little under four gallons per day. Mv. Wilson is very enthusiastic ?>\i? thi- valuable pjiece of work and j has a right to he. He says he is go-j ing to raise his average production j per cow to 10,000 pounds. He says he can do l his by raising more soy bean hay. W e wen at Mr. Wilson's farm 01 April 21 which was a very pleasant day, hut his cows were lying :n ? well lighted and well ventilated barn comfortably chewing' then cuds and manufacturing milk. Mr. Wilson says j "while they manufacture milk I am i raising certified seed potatoes and | cabbage for the kraut factory." i A few days ago a man from Tennessee was in this section looking for dairy cows, offered Mr. Clyde ? Perry $150.00 for one that he had raised in Watauga^ County Mr. Perry says that he needs this cow in his own herd. 1 Why go to Wisconsin for high producing and high priced cows when 1 we have them in Watauga CountyV . i _ ch?- Cov,- Ore* k High School crossed hats hi an unusually interesting: basehail pamv The game was full ol thrilling: plays, the climax coming ! in the last when the score was tied and two of the Cove Creek ' men on the bases. I he counting score *" , was made by Carlton Mast ending " j the ganu with a margin of a four u 1 j three victory for Cove Creek. Saturday night the Senior Class " grave a play "'Borrowed Money.' r!This play was a great success fea ' | turod by the clever acting of Our r* nev Brinkley and Winnie Combs a *" negroes The proceed^ from the sab >h of tickets amounted to $173.37. r- The final exercises were held oi r- Sunday morning when Rev. G. C a, Teague of Lenoir preached a splen >y did sermon on "Heart Culture." Mi 11- Teague emphasized the importance o >d the development of the spiritual sid u- along with the social, physical an n, mental development of man. ss We wish to extend to the patron ie of the school our thanks for thei splendid cooperation during the ye# e- just closing. Let us look forward t a still greater success next year an at all times work towards the bm!< t>n . .,g ;.p of our co;iu oc nd . moot. ?wcpoiicd Bcone. Anril 2! 7 - r - ? rootr Jorthwestern North Caroli 924. 5 Ct?. aCopy NEWS ITEMS FROM THE APPALACHIAN SCHOOL On<- >f the interesting events during the past week was the Junior-Senior Rcrpntion tnvpn sit I.i*vill the young: ladies dormitory of the Appalachian Training School on Thursday evening. The Juniors gave an interesting program as a preliminary. a number of appropriate toasts to the various hodv of guests present a sumptuous supper was given, followed by some social hours ar.d all present pronounced the function a success. The Normal classes of the Training School went on their recreational trip on Monday the 21st to Linvine ami other places of interest and returned on Monday evening. Various members of the faculty of the school went on almost as many missions during the week. Prof. T. (J. Greer went on Wednesday to Xewland to deliver the address at the close of Xewland High School; he also delivered the address at a school superintended by Miss Dorris j Pennington one of our best former graduates. Dr. J. I). Rankin went on Saturday to deliver the address at the Gove Creek High School in the ( .?vi Creek section. The latter day.??i' fcno week President B. B. Dougherty ;vc nt to Alleghany on this same mission to several schools; oil Wednesday morning Professors I> . D. Dougherty and J. M. Downum left foi the Classical Association ol the middle west and south at Lexington K< ntucky. A few words about this latter trip nia\ not be uninteresting to your many readers. The trip front; to Johnson City. Venn, along the Watauga, the Linvillo, the Toe (or Estato perhaps), the Doe Rivers, j where nature has wrought some of her choicest handiwork, is one in-i deed of great interest. On every hand | is beaut v and grandeur, beautiful' mountains, pleasant Valleys, swiftl> flowing crystal rivers and immense | gorges giving ample evidence that.' the section was once dotted with cry J stal lakes tlx* waters of which grad-i u. 'ly wore their w:.\ to the lower' lands, r rum Johnson City the trip' was oy Morristown on the Southern to Knox- 111e where a few hours gave them a ehai - , to visit the I ii'versity of 'lVnr.e -it and learn >ome ol its me we si;:. A night ride brought inera ; nex: morning to ihe -eat of meet ig. The Clr.ssKal association included the I 18, and 19, dur mg time outside the work of the A.-mm itio.i. the members had a chance t? see the various places of uteres in this historic section. After registering at the Phoenix Hotel where the association held some of its meetings they began to meet ina; ny of the members of the body as they came in. The first meeting was at 2 p. m. and a large number approaching two hundred had already i . i. i u.. : ?* . u,. j arrived jor uic rem i?u>uitr&s> i?a ua| Association. Everything was carried ! on without the least bitterness toi ward others who might not be in full l sympathy with the work they rep resented, in perfect harmony with 'each other and always acting ir. pel j feet harmony with c e other and always acting in the most cordial, svm ."i pathetic, courageous manner in al the meeting.-.. Various papers wen ; > ad and addresses given on the va : iious interests of the work and wit! * out exception all of these wore of ar ; unusually high order and deliverer i < :n a manner to indicate the abiltj r; of tho.-i- participating in the pro > gram. Every one was well prepare! i arid ready for his part, no excuse sliieing man -, us none were necessar '! for not having been prepared. Anoti - or very significant fact was that o - the entire number of twenty eigfc sjwho had a specific part on the pr<; e | gram only one failed to be pre sen ! his failure being caused by sicknes n Such promptness is commendabh During the three days of the Associ. - tior. a number of courtesies wore " tended to the members and the A. f sociation as such. On the first a e ternoon cordial greetings and goo ^ wishes came from the White Hou* is President Coolidge commending tl ir work of the Association tr On the evening of the IT'.h tl ;o members were entertained at dinn< id by the splendid Phoenix hotel. ( i- Friday lunch was served to them I 1Y' *" S Sc n< V ntat; a ?the L'?uv i .-r.y iv. . ocati !fl! to May 3rd na.-Established in 1888 NUMBER 16. PIEDMONT FESTIV'L TO BE ON APRIL 29'h Bonne'i First Traveling Entertainers for the Season Will Be Greeted Enthusiastically. After the tnost severe winter of many years the citizenship of the town and county, with the com ins: of the warm dry weather are about to awake with laughter and song. The Piedmont Chatauqua Festival, which was hooked last fall for this season will be here to start an engagement on April 129th which will iast until May :)?four good evenings of high class entretainment which is hailed by the natives with much the zest displayed hv the small boy when the first circus is scheduled to arrive and he lias visions of tali women, fat men. clowns, elephants, and the proverbial red lemonade from time immemorial thought of as .1 necessary adjunct to the saw uust ring. The Chatauqua has met with much favor in this section and has begun to be considered as ar. institution. But unusual interest is being displayed this year, as the entertainments now provided are different and even better than those of the regular Chatauqua. The company under whose auspices the event is arranged hails from Ashcvilie. North Carolina, and perhaps because of its being a home institution, many will join in who otherwise would not. The company has procured for this year's tours . U ?- ? ' tin* oust. possinie talent 111 the several lines, and there will be no amateurs. Tiu* Programs will consist of plays, violin, clarionet. accordion. Readings, aid and new songs?at any rate something good all the time. These affairs are universally sanctioned by the best of people, in and at of the church, and wi should be glad to he privileged to have a good clean moral bit of recreation. Th' business men of the towji of lloor.e have made possible the Chai a input and it is earnestly beleieved lhaT the people of the towi^and count} will cooperate with them in nutting the thing over in record-breaking i shape. Ticket- will be on -ale in ample time, and ai the low price of 50 and '"i ,'Anfc t.. i- - - vv..? >'i rMitjitv" V?I si a 0 and .To cents for season tickets. ( ome or. hoys, let's all take | a.- near a holiday during this period as possible and have our fun line thins: is coming- and let's help out i the men who have been good enough to make possible this first entertainment of the season. The festival will be held in the court house in Boone. Remember the dates?April 29th to May 3rd. BLOWING ROCK COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES j Blowing Rock graded school commencement begins May the first at S p. m. with a miscellaneous program by the primary and grammar grades. At 10 a. m. Friday the 2nd will be a recitation contest followed by an adj dress. The exercise will close Friday i night with the play "Fruits of his Falling" given by the high school pu^ j nils. ? at Lexington, and in the evening o: i the da\ the Association wcie ' guests of President and Mrs MoVey -jof the same institution at tea. On i Saturday the Association were t-hc | guests of Transylvania College, also y j located at Lexington and after the h luncheon ali wen* taken in antes by 1 the courtesy of the city for an extended drive over the beautiful P.iue ?-1 grass countrx to various places of t i interest in arid around the city. Ams j ong these were the wonderfully fer tile stock farms where the guests ha?i the pleasure of seeing some very vat luable race horses on their native ?-j heath. %?n one farm were three valj ued respectively at $110,000. $120,id! 000, and $75,000. Another farai ^ j they saw one for which the owner ^ ! refused $700,000. Visits to the Ea.-t , Kentucky Normal at Richmond, Ky. j nnd Berea College were much enjoyj ed and that to the old home of Hen*r ry Clay now owned by his great grand daughter and her husband and see?>" ing their tomb in the city cemetery r,f rought back worth while memories ? . our . history.

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