ACE TWC . /OI GHTON ON ROAD BUILDING j?. ? . -"* CONGRESSMAN DOUGH TON t, ON HIGHWAY BUILDING Sf"; ^ I "iitev Mm) lotfrc*t?ni{ Fact* in an ?*'* Addreis Before the Houm; of Reprr???at*tive?; Tell* How it i* Done in Nortb Carolina. Washington. Apr? 26.?The following address was made in the house of representative*; last Saturday by the Hon. R. L. D ought on member of congress from the eighth district of North Carolina. His subject was roads. j Wr Cha;rman and gentlemen of) the committee: I appreciate very I much this opportunity of calling the! attention of congress and the court-1 try to what I deem >ome significant' facts in connection w *h the building pi public roads iv. the United States in the recent past. It was not until during the sixtythird congress in June 191:> that the rules of the house we.'-. changed providing for the forming or creating of i a committee on - Prior to that! time litt!< had Ivor eie by Cor-j h X V vV . l-? V ' 4VM- VI IIIIIV ill j by way of giving encouragement to the building of public highways. Be-1 for?- the /n?mmiUee or roads was for- ' med - :ch bill- as erp introduced on the -jii'.ioct of road legislation were ! referred to different committees of the house and usuar:y received slight? consideration. The on^ival or first committee or; toads consisted of the following members: .Shackleford of M - art Chairman Saunders of Virginia, Barnhart of Indiana. Davenport of Oklahoma, Byrru> - of South Carolina, Connelly of Kansas, Stephens of Mississippi, v\"h *acr< ?f Ohio P?? ghton of North Carolina, Keating >f v ?dorado. Tavenner of Illinois. T Eyck of New York. Asweil f l.onis; ana. Dershem of Pennsylvania, Slcmn of Virginia. Proutv f 1 ov.-t 11 ' New ^ < k. Sutherland <fi \V? \ -i.nia. Shr* f Pennsylvania- Br??wi;?- of Wiscon-1 .. 1 U I , I, iV \l ,.K The first cat of C ogress carrying appropriation- to >e used frt cot neclion with public highways was appro* od August I 'bl2. sixty -econd! ro'v;?a?ss. This providing foi the ap-j poiutment ??t' a in'.tit committee on post offices a ad post road-- consisting of five members of the senate and | five nu mbers of the house. Th?? duties] of thi< committee were to make inquiry into the subject of federal aid itt the construction of post roads, and report at the earliest practicable date This bill appropriated $25,000 for the purpose of inqu i\ and investigations and $500,000 to be expended by the secretary of agriculture in cooperation with the postmaster general, in improving en-tain road to be selected by them over which rural delivery mail was being carried or might be carried. The postmaster general and the secretary of agriculture were directed to report to congress within one year after 1 h?- ratification of the act the number of miles of roads improved, co-' >: same and such other information as they had acquired. They were also directed to make recommendations as to them seemed wise for formulating a general plan of national aid for ihc improvement of post roads ;n cooperation with the state and counties. The liext act providing that the United States should aid the states in the construction of rural post road was passed by the sixty fourth con-J gress. This provided that the secretary of agriculture was authorized to cooperate w ith the states through the respective state highway departments in the construction of rural post road This act also provided that no money appropriated under its provisions to any state shouid be expended there-l in until its state legislature .shouldj have assented to the provision- of the act. Thh act appropriated for the' year ending June 30, 1917. the suir. of $5,000,000. Foi the year ending June 30, 101s the sum of $10,000,000; for the fiscal year ending June SO. 19-19, the sum of $15,000,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1020 the sum of $20,000,000; for the fiscal year ending June SO. 1921 the sum of S25.000.000 Thi* ?..t approved July 11, 1916 In the sixty-fifth congress the ate of July 11. 1916, was amended and appropriations authorized as follows: For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919 ?50,000,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. $75.000,900; for the year ending June 30, 1921 $75,0u0.000. These amount were in addition to the appropriations authorized in the act of July 11, 1916, which made a tolai of $65,000.000 for the fiscal year 1916; $95,000 000 for the fiscal year 1920; J SAVE YOUR MONEY?, t* ho* of Tutfs Pills aave* many Uars in doctor's hills. A remedy r diseases of the liver. siclr headhe. dyspepsia. constipation, hii- | jsrvess; a million people endorse iitt's Pills) T $100,000,000 for the fiscal year 1921. j ; : ' '.on to the-e amounts. appropriations wove also made for the : . y -irue|. ?R and maintenance of the r<?arfs in the ::at:onai forests. Th;> aci was appro v??d iehruary 28. 1919. 7n- act of -July 11. 1916, was again amended in the sixty-seventh Loagrtss in many vital rt^jects and ft v tic pur peso of carry * .s out the act thus amended $7?,OOH.O(K) was appropriated. So it wilt be seen by u se acts that the last appropriation f public roads, not ire idtng the forests. made bj a tlemoccatic congret was $100,000,001) wh-lc the first appropriation made by a epublican congres?- was $75,000000 for the year U'2L', or a falling back -?f $25,000.000. This act was approved Noverofc-er 9. 19J1 ; On June 19 1922. sixty-seventh: congress the following authorizations were made: Fifty million dollars foi the fis-! cal year 1923, which >how> another drop of $25,000,000 from the year 1022. and $50,000,000 drop as compared with the year 1921, the last appropriation authorized by a demo-! cratic congress; $65,000,000 for the; fi&ca3 yVar 1024; $75,000,000 for the fiscal year 1025, making a total of $100,000,000 for the three years of 1923, 192 4 and '925. Since the passage of the federal aid road act on >uly 11. 1016, federal aid appropriations and authorizations to all states have been as follows: For the fiscal year 1917. $4,850.0??0; for the fiscal year 191 x. $9,700.000; for the fiscal year 1919, P" l.l- MMM'U, I??r II*- I <?I VVlil 1 920, $H:M;")0,0y0; for the fiscal year 11*21 $97,000,000: : r the fiscal year 1922 $73,125,000; for the fiscal yar 1923. $4S,750.000; for the fiscal year 192 1. $<?.: 175,000; total appropriation.-? for all the states 1917 to 1924 inc. -v $425.000,000. Of this amount . thorized and appro,' utod the f North C arolina received t total <>f $10,597.004.S4. While the amount received ft m the state of North Carolina from the Federal government has la n most helpful and :> highly appreciated by the people of that state' yet the amount received f*a>m the' federal g?. ernnietit has ben but a' -tu.til per rentage of the amount ac-1 tually expended in that sCite for highway construction. The general as- . etnblv of North Carolina in 1921 ' provided for the raising of $50,000,i u00 for road construction and the ! uem?ral assembly of 1023 ^upplennnod the amount by an additional au[ thori/.ation of $15,000,000, making la total of $05,000,000 for the state j which added to the $10,507,001.84! J -f federal funds, make a total of Hairs Catarrh Medicine rid vour system of Catarrh or Deafness i caused by Catarrh. S+LJ by d*mggut$ for over 40 ymrt i F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo. Ohio1 i I fij [. * % J J' > jj RUNABOUT i # Th Tv TW Ford Pi tnineporiiii. , Priced lower nBskt npt To ?ale?n>eu , bo?n(m the operating ece inburbaD caij SEE THE I 4 II ^ CARS ! ?" ' HE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV both state and ,federal fuiif}; for j North Carc^na of $75-597,004.84. | In addition to this the counties of I North Carolina are building county' highway? ar the cost of many millions\ of dollars additional. It will be seen that ?ur state is going forward i?< the construction of one of the most progressive and comprehensive highway systems of any state in the union ' I feel that no legislation enacted i*\ in- .-Amh-J ici? ' congress n'Tmc the last quarter of a century has brought such universal benefits to the entire people of the United States as has the legislation providing for the cooperation by the feci oral government with the several states and the appropriation of mon-| fy for a uniform and comprehensive system of road building. ? It is expected that this congress will provide for the continuing of the present program and will authorize the appropriations of adequate i sums of money, which in my judg- i ment should be at least $100,000,-, 000 p?. r annum, and for not less than ! two years. The present authorization will expire with the fiscal year of 1925, and unless there is legislation' before that tim?- the splendid work that is now being done will be stopped. 1 have every reason to believe however, that congress will not fail to see the necessity of going forward with this work and of providing adequate funds, so that no delay will be caused in the continuation of what is being done and finally reaching the ultimate aim of those who started this movement?that is, a comnl< *?"? niu' jinifncni vv?t.,ni ..t" <! >???? - - ?.i?. ... liable highways throughout the entire United Stale*. Mr. Quin: Mr. Chairman will the gentleman yield? Mr. Houghton: Yes. Mr. Quin: Will the gentleman tell us how the slate of North Carolina finances its road improvements? Mr. Houghton: Yes; North Carolina finances its road system by a Aiinoun On Mav I 1 Q94 v*ro . 1 ^ ? " Voperation a Jitney bet^ tain City, Tenn. The City at 7 a. m. arrive a leave on return at 2 p. City at 5:30. A good comfortable careful and polite driv BOONE TRAIL' Madron Bros. Jr., Pro a jtMBBWHISg?JMIH I\IXJSTTT : * 4 e Lowest Price iro-Passenger Ca mahout is tite most ecooocaical car i> . known. than any other motor car. it* macntr naes are in ksey>iny with Ms present k >nd others who ?wn(t a hick daily Runabout has a special typed b. mosny and its onowamx* in aoakii is. tAtot&r^/Offt/u fV> Detroit. Michigan NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DE TRUCKS - TRACT taMBMBMMMeMBWMaarawwmA.'ariiB grjy a?BP?MW lammmmmmmmmmmammammmmmamirn ERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. bond issue. We have a license tax' a! or motor vehicles and a gasoline tax K from the revenue derived from ?v these two sources we receive sufficient; th funds to pay the interest on our bond n< and keep up our roads and also set sa I aside a sinking fund to retire the :tv?ricls. We raised $5,000,000 last year |0j i this way. We have one of the best t i ysien. - it the United State>. ^ OBITUARY Whereas it has please*! Almighty God to take from our midst our be jvcd darling boy, Archadaie Greer aged three years, seven months and two weeks. He wa.s a sweet kind darling. loved by all who knew him. We 1 can no longer hear his sweet voice nor feel his warm embrace but we Mrs. A. R. Weaver A Mother's Story! j Young Mothers Should Heed This Advice Charlotte, N. Car.?"I am clad to recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorita Prescription to the young mother who has need of a tonic and nervine, for 1 am very sure it was of benefit to me in my own young motherhood. It quiets the nerves and strengthens every part of the body." Mrs. A R. Weaver, 807 N. Davidson St. You better go now to your nearest druggist and obtain this wonderful woman's tonic, the Prescription of Dr. Pierce to be had in tablets or | liquid; or write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for free radical advice. Seed 10c for trial pke. tablets. ! icemen t will again put in daily s een Boone and Moun jitney will leave Mtn. t Boone at 10:30, and m. and arrive at Mtn. * car will be used with j er. FRANSFER CO. ps. S&S' ! IAJEIW I p I d ir jr peraooal TUBCt > <! PW COM. Blcifr hi 3tk for ka at dry and ALER f r, OKS 'I 1 bow In submission to our Blessed edeeivu r's will who doeth ail things 1 eh We hope to meet little Dale in 1 lat happy land where there will be ?| ; more sad partings sod no morel i?i goodbyes. Hv was laid to rest near the home j r his m. her the sikth of April 1921. 1 I Everyday j J Everyday problems small are the portion tunities for investment bad?are offered every cing personal venture: and all of them ough your banker for advic We are in business I and clients to solve tb reason our officers are ed doors, it's the reaso ble visitors' chairs at t Drop in to see us an The People Tru st C -ifgL PAN Doesn't mear Quarrel." It i and quality, what we ha plant. . We have fl< laor ci/linnr lumber, the b windows, dot brick, lime pi rock, etc., to this section. 1 ure to show 3 ausd quote y ces. BET fEi NO A substanti is coming. I needs and coi Pri Qua! ant HON) DEAL WATAUGA FURNT by W. R. Gragg, C MAY \. 1924 Get your feed burkwheat from 7. Kggei - & Co. Ptenty while it last.* ?iit you bad better Ret yours while J jetting is good. .Subscribe For Y a * County Paper. Problems of finance?large or i of every one. Opport?some good, some / day: means of finans must be considered it to be submitted to ** e. to help our depositors leir problems. It's the not kept behind closn they have comforta heir elbows, ytime. s Bank & lompany i KODAK FINISHING HARDY'S STUDIO j LENOIR. NORTH CAROLINA. I 21-24 | ID -0 yi "Pick and neant price and that ii ve at our >oring, ceilnd finished est stock of ars, roofing aster, sheet be found in t is a pleasrou our line ou our pri * BUY W ^ ial advance 'igure your ne to se? us. ee lity A EST .ING rURE & LBR. GO. jeneral Manager.

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