FACE FOUR ?f)c ?ilatauga ?cmocrat. j R. C. RIVERS, Editor and Owner. Published Eeer7 Thuruiay by THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Subscribers wisb'njf their addrcssm changed aill p)ease lavcr us by fiving the OLIi as weL' *3 the Nf^W ddress. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.50 5ii Months 75 Three Months 40 ! Payable in Advance. , Advertising Rates oa Application Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect, Obituaries, otc. are charged; for at the regular advertising rates. Articles sent for publication without : giving the name of the writer will noli i under any circumstance be published . Entered at the postorfioe at Boone N. C. as second class mail matter. Thursday June 26, 1924. t Commenting on the new fish hat- I chore program the Charlotte Obser- j ver lays: ( Oac important proposition in the ( promotion of the welfare of the state , provide*; by the present administre-J tion and one which has had but scant notice at the hands of the public, is j that of developing the.fisheries industry. To that end hatcheries ar*. ' to be located at strategic points in both coastal and mountain sections, and the people of Watauga, alert to ' the advantages, made strong pull for the location of a hatchery. Proposed sites were investigated but difficulty developed in securing title to a site. { Word was passed around that aban- ' donment of the scheme, so far as I Watatfgfa was concerned was in con-' teinp!ation. Then came forward aj ' public spirited mountain man in thet person of Mr. Bait Cook, with pre-' soniation to t r-< . .ate of sufficient'^ land at tfcuthcriv.?<>d, six mile- from Boone, upon which to establish the! jj hatchery. Water and land v.er< exactly suited i?. ill:.' purpose and the State tto'.jrfenlY ... s pted the gift but j neat irorru-lia > to woi k getting the hatcherv busier way. The Watauga; J). mt I tig 1 be gem rt) 18 llfl*\t ill . I . ..L .t'llll'll vi . ...I I i'.,i day for ti couniv, ojqte mates that' the u'ii't w:.- -t'li -Si.ii'ii i:< ear-h. The Watauga hatchery will be d?-' voted to propagation of mountain trout alone, for distribution in the streams of the state. 1,000 CARSMELONS] HELD 11PIN FLKIDA Georgia Protests Shipment Through That State , Fearing Tick Infestation. Atlanta, June 23.?Hearing on a' petition of an injunction to permit! movement of approximately 1,000 j carload: of watermelons. now being held in Jacksonville ar.d other Florida points will t>?* held 1 iraorrow in | federal l?stn< court here. The petition was presented to Uni-i ted States Judge S. II. Sibley late to-1 day y Attorneys for the Atlan . Coast line Railway seeking to prevent the er, 1 >rcement ?;i an order i>sfifc by Dr. Peter F. Ilahiisen, late veterinarian of Geoeg?<*. prohibiting th* entrance of Florida melon ears into Georgia because thw contained pine si-raw bedding alleged to have ; bee: infected with cattle ticks. The petition avers that the ordei . issued y I)r. Bahnsen is arbitrary and without sufficient authority that is confiscatory and contrary to constitutional provisions and that the reason for its issuance is not founded on facet. .? i'itu siKior* vr.f iicorl : . \ _ _-i, . t kn l temporary injunction until he had! heard form both Dr. Cahnsen audi, counsel for the load. Dr. Bah risen's order is based on the contention that the pine straw used in packing the melon is infested with cattle ticks and would re-infect tick-tree aiei^, in Georgia if allowed to he shipped or to pass through the state. Davidson's July Clearance Sale begins Tuesd'y i July 1, For more particulars see page 2. C. C. Hacker, M. D. (Offices over Post Ott'ce.) Eliiabethtoo - Tennessee. Practice limited to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases of these organs treated by the latest approved methods. Errors of refraction scientifically corrected. Tonsiis and adenoids removed only when neces?arv 2-l-6mp j TH MADRON-HAMPTON ' I Reported. | i A beautiful wed<;iHgr occurred at: the home of T. A. Madron on Sat-J urday evening at 5 o'clock June 21 j when Lon L. Madron and Mis? Reba i H. Hampton stood lore Rev. D. i L. Howell and were joined together s| by him in the holy bonds of matri- v mony. Only a few relatives and ?. friends were present on this happy tj occasion. After the ceremony, dinner t was announced and the guests were ^ ushered into the dicing room to find it well loaded table of viands such as; ^ only the skillful hands of a lady like j Mrs. Madron can prepare. The bride wore a beautiful dress jf white canton crepe and carried a ^ bouquet of bride's roses. The wedding ^ is of much interest and importance ^ us it connects two prominent familr>. TL- ... . t_ f D * l tut- kruuui is mr m n. iuntl | Mrs. Madron of Laurel Bloomery, I'enn. and is a fine business young . nan and holds a position in Boone, j K. C. The bride is the charming . laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johr Ham- P on of Lansing, N. C. She isr a grad- C late of the App alachian Training T schooi at Boone, and is now a stuient of the summet school at that )laco. The union is very pleasing to heir many friends who consider iti . nost suitable and compatible from very viewpoint, and w ho wish for la m much sublim- Miss and joy as hey travel along life*;- unseen highvay. in GROWING FLOWERS FOR THE STATE FAIR Raleigh, N C. June -3.?General Manager K. V. Waiborri of the North Carolina State Fan h.ts one hobby I) takes 141 practically all his spa Flame. it is growing flowers. Last year he tried >ut the plan uf planting a few f vers at the fair ground, and rked out so WC'U that he has gone to the flot -, i r business on a : .! < scale this, year < '* course he is inking about :ii> fair, which coir. the middle of October, and h. soects to have l?is flov h C ?t thit tinn lie proof of ihi pi'iding in th< eating and la-; ; he showed Mrs. Edith Vai dn pros.dent of the i-i.r that he con i :o it. She was a hit skeptical about his ability to have t.h< dahlias and . lias bloom.: g just" win i: thousand* f Tar Heels would t ?* at tiii- lair eiyiinos 10 sec liii- exhibits. But they were blooming all right. One of the thing* Mr. Walborn has to do i- to hold them back. il< ; an manage the chihius fairly \ve!Lj ai i it 'is not hard to control the ai- a and the centaurea, which furnish the red and white colors, bat In* has gone in this year also for astois. and will have to give them more attention. i .<! a haekgioutii! he planted what the botanists all ricinus. t what are more usually known as, the < as- tor oil bean. He has had fine success with them- in other years, and finds that :hey do well. There will Ik p'ei\ty of flowers at the S.ate rair. Mr. Walborn has said j so, and he knows. Notice to the Registrars and Judges; of Election in Watauga Co. You will take notice that by order* of ' he State Board of Elections a second primary will be held July 5, j l .'2-t for .selection of the democratic ; Nomiuct for commissioner f labor j and printing. I will furnish yob the ( necessary blanks and ticket.- as soon: as they arrive from the State Board.1 Yours truly, .!. M. MORKTZ, Chm. Co. IM. of >:iec: ions, i . Subscribe For Your County Paper THE SELECTION of a Proper INVESTMENT for yoar individual needs can j best be obtained by selecting a financial institution of experience and one which offers a large list of securities co select from. We offer safe, conservative investments, suitable to every in dividual need Bond. Department American Trust Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Frank B. Green, Mgr. . i !lDR. ALFRED W. DULA F EYE SPECIALIST SEE BETTER JQP SEE DUU 17 Year'e Experience The Best Equipment Obtainable. I "Glasses Fitted Exclusively ! MARTIN BLOCK, LENOtfl, H. C. . If yon ?ot it from t?l'LA It's AlITUjrbt, ( WAtCB VJLPJLB. EO* DATES. ! b - -^55534; -')-v VSEsi ; < ? E WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E VE )R. CHASE FIRES S~! OF BAD UNIVERS! Dr. H. W. Chase, president of the ' diversity of North Carolina has Jed a statement denying thai there a- any disagreement between the iculty. trustee? aisd students over le case of J. R. Gaskins, university udent. who was awarded his d:?do-, la at commencement by the board f trustees after it had been withheld y the faculty because Gaskins was "targed with drinking. President Chase pointed out - hat; ic trustees made an except io- in j ie case of Gaskins in view of his j ?cellent character :lbd record and id not '*ffnnge or modify their pre-| ous ruling regarding drinking which I prohibited or. the university cam-j LIS hv *rti?ito?? ppiviil?t.inti I)r. Chaw? ?also took occasion to sue a general statement regarding rinking at the university. After exlaining that he has been "aware of ossip and rumor here and there hich pictured the university a ace of drunken debauchery,'" he iiti: "I am Tired of such absolute rris presentotion of the campus. There drinking?yes. but I will v?? ur* le assertion that there is less drinkijr among the 2,0C0 students at the diversity of North Carolina than nong any other group of 2,<HiO nun i North Carolina. Furthermore I heBARGAINS IN HOM 1. Combination home and bu*i iling with an established trade loc stock of goods, barn garag? wr splcindid garden, one acre of real ded highway, paying post office j Half cash balance easy term 01 ca-?h ?. Nice little home, on one h Training School buildings, rr.ld running water through lot, good Half cash, or will lake one fourl n. a. nfW . 3. Daniel Boone Park lo' . ail Save about 60 for you to cho ><e 4. Nice rejidfnee or busimu lf*?t frontage or. Boone Trail, d< cash 5. Two lotk just jLcroftS ma n i about lieie. A number of the be?t farm* in Watch for my special bargain H.W.HI REAL ESTATE A for Economical THE IDEAL CAR TAINS A 1 I&ll KJ ' Carloads after carl have been delivered this section, and still Those who intend pi / cars should not delaj made for a while wi ness. Ask any Ch< thinks of his car. The Boo RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C 10T AT RUMORS TY LIQUOR HABIT Ifeve thai anyone who has been coj n^cted with the university for a tin will agree with me that there i^no less drink hi# among the 2,000 st' dents here than there was amoi the six or seven hundred at the Ur versity fifteen years ago, with tl exception oi a relapse mat occurr< just after the war. a relapse that w; country wide, drinking has stedi diminished.M "The regulations of the truste< requires that the faculty dismiss fro the university any student that found guilty of drinking intoxicatir liquors. It is a statement, not mere that a student has no right to g drunk, hut that he has no right take a drink on the campus. This the regulation under which the fa uity was acting, and this reguiath was specifically reaffirmed by tl trustees at their la?t meeting," * During May veterinarians of il State Department of Agriculture t ted 10,378 head of cattle for tube culosis finding 29 reactors and tv suspects. Farmers of Edgecombe coun pooled 3,500 pounds of wool for sa in the recent pool, reports county a ent Zeiio Moore. iES, LOTS, LANDS iness. Combines store nrd dwelated at one o\ the best stands. II house, water chicken house, estate on hte railroad, and graob includede, all for $2500.00. r ten per cent discount for all alf acre land, right among the spring water, also stream of 1 garden. Price only $1250 00. th cash. Balance 6, 12, and 18 I tlie way from $100 to $550. I from. lot, or both combined with 250 ose in. $375 cash or $400, haif treet from Mr. Ed Coffey's. aAsk the county at attractive prices, s each week. 8RT0N ND l*$SURAi*CE 'Jransportatton FOR THIS MOUNECTION oads of Chevrolet cars to satisfied owners in 1 the demand is great, lacing orders for these r, for deliveries can be ith reasonable promptevrolet owner what he ne Garage i '"'V - - ----- SJ OR. F. M. Dula Rrceiv?*? High Honor | - ! Lenoir Daily SentiTtcl. l'>r. and iV?rs. A. W. Dula received ' a telegram yesterday stating that thpir son Dr. F. M. Dula. who stood r'~ the State Hoard in Columbia, S C. a few days ago has received the second highest mark in a class of twelve, j This is a splendid record for such a' ,i_ young man atid Lenoir feels very le proud indeed to learn that a home ?d j :>oy ncrived such it hi^h honor- I ] as ,y ~ J _ -rrr?;?rrr , 1 ,-jfwk I W Ofite 1 from mor i J hundred cil r- II voluntaiily III to the unusual t 1 provided bi y I JowMeeJSm I-- I is a feci to re \ when choodat V\ VtmrWhTl-t "" \\ arc Standard la on iM Buich .Vi When better autos are buill F. M. RICHARDS, B W. H. GRACG, Boone, N. C. Save I ' DID YOJU KNOW YO UP MONEY E BY NOT U OIL ST | : L_ 1 Let us show you that i to one half less to oper; does to operate a coal < ? I . "THE L( ?s conceded to be the 1 any p , They are equipped interchangeable to an> tainers, dos not burn i give you two to three regular burner. Come in and let us c f to you. We can prove our st by those, who know. Dont forget we car hardware and come ar BOONE HARDW JUNE 26, \9Z4~ A OhXKl Tbtng-IH^T MlfcS IT. iN?nti your name wu! adrircM plain!;* f rrittrn together with to wr.n (and tbi# )ip) to Chamberlain Medic&? Co. De# kfoin**, Iova, atxi ivceive in return ?. rial pmckagv containing CiminberUic'e )oiigl, Remedy for cooglvis eoldc, croap, u?>.v. hiaiv u&vT and whooping cough*, ir.d tickling throat: Chamberlain'* 8>oia? icfc and tim Tablets for tioiuach trots' >!??, iitdigeetiou, gassy poina that crowJ ^hazuberitiux't SaJre, needed in kcijir for burns, scalds, wounds, p*k% u?d fkio sfibctimw; these emitted feaMp nftdic&ncc for only 6 cents. Don't aiiee &V; ' 'i| Wv J ?? * m sO A 1 sails e than a (? k 1!'|! ies have \| testified \\ :'" : . hieingsr&tp \\ :;. jr Buick ivij tes. This \|:i i;: srsernlber i !i1 gyonrcar. jjjji, \ntfires J a Uiprocat J/J > i ,, '.^ >. >T li>i ?g$ P**"'"^immmm 4 t Buick Will Build Them snn?r Elk, N. C. Ctiai. ?. GREEN, Bakenvilte, N. C. money ma "1! U WERE BURNING IVERY DAY SING AN OVE? t t costs from one third ite an oil stov^than it ar wood stove. )RAIN" jest on the market at >rice A with a giant burner r one of the wick conmy more oil and will * times as much as the lemonstrate this stove / '- V- - atements as to saving i ry a complete line of id get what you need. ^ ARE COMPANY >

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