A Non-Partisan Family ! ? VOLUME XXXV. T?? I News Items s From Ri interesting News Items ai Our Correspondents jf- * tions of tl |L Valle Crucis The Community Club held an in I tore-sting meeting at the public school building Monday night. After the reg ular business program the club was addressed by our county agent Mr. John Steele, also by Mr. Crowell the county agent for Ashe, county, and Mr. Fant of the Agricultural department at Raleigh. On Sunday an open air service was held at Warren Park, the Methodist and Episcopal congregations joining for the service, which was conducted by Kev. Mr. Burke, rector of th" Episcopal church. A number of the visitors were present and at the cono'ovn nf ihn fiApTOAv ! VtriimU'fnl nm ?>1, isic dinner was enjoyed. Visitors to the Valley Sunday were Mrs. Joe Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Crisp. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Rahb, Mrs. Carol Moore and son Billy of Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wagoner and f children and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morris and baby of Montcalm, W. Va. were visitors here last week. Mrs. Mary McKoy loft Tuesday morning for he; home in Washington Stole, after a visit of more than u Syeai to relatives here. Mrs. John Dyer of Mountain City is visiting her sister Mrs. J. L-. Tester, and her mother Mrs. Mary Thomas, who has been ill with an abscessed hand for some time, but who is now improving. Mrs. W. H. Mast ha? been indisposed for a few dayr Miss Nannie Taylor of the Charlotte Sanatorium at Charlotte, ha? 1. arrived to f.peiid her vacation of two weeks. She' was accompanied by Mr ^ Ed Murray and his sister Mrs- Mary HE. Murray of Charlotte. tOit Friday night a birthday party was given by Mrs. I) F. Mn-o. UK Miss Daisy Mast, to Mrs. Edwarc 4> Lund of Orange, N. J. Refreshments of ice erearn anc __1- ... ? A . - L I t I case were eervwi LU .:iv large 11UC11H^-| of guests present. Miss Alloa Gibson of Kiugsport spent, the week end with Misses Su sie and Alice Taylor. Mr. Lionel Herman and family o: Richmond, Indiana after an abser.ci of 15 years from Watauga, arc nov visiting relatives ill Vallo Cruris aia Cove Creek. , Foscoe The people in Voscoe dedicated t'n new Christian church Sunday .Tun f!9th. A large crowd attended, hav nig eotne from all angles. \ Iter hearing a wonderful sermo delivered hy the Rev. E. Roy Ger try of Galax, Va. an unusual dir ner was served or. the beautiful law The table reached across the law and was covered with plenty of c\ anything good to eat, which everyor ; present mast have enjoyed to tfc ' fullest. The collection which was ti ket, up for the benefit of the. ne' church was something ovei $800. Mrs. Moilie Belle Coffey Wiilian v and boy3 af .Johnson City, Tenn spci the past week end with parents her Mr. G. G. Stephens and Mr. Not Chuich of Todd were in Foscoe Su day for the dedication. Mi.-ses Carrie and Hazel Bingha of Arnantha spent the week end wil relatives and friends here. IMiss Annie Uannet uiea ai n home- near here last Sunday after short illness. Mrs. Carrie Walters plans to spei the 4th 1: relatives in Blowing Roe BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. ra. During the ahsence of the past someone will have charge of the fx vice on the 2nd 3rd and 4th Sc days. ? . A cordial invitation extended to -J* to worship with us. The farm and home agents of t state college extension division v gather for their short course at I college, on July 14. The course v extend through the farmers cony tion on July 23, the agents remain; for this gathering. V l:2?PB25 . * vt Newspaper Published in ai $1.50 Pet Year BOONE, is Reported ! iral Watauga * i Reported Each Week by s in the Several Sectie County ILOST PROVINCES I CERTAIN OF R. R.I ' New Yorker Mm Party Surveying | Route* Throughout the I-cmt Ter- ( ritory. Henry Belk in G;-een*borc Nevrj. . . West Jefferson June 28.?"Sure the Lost Provinces are going to get a railroad," Tam Contee Bowie, late of the race for the president of the state senate and sometimes called the "Lion of the Mountains" told me as I interrupted his lucid explanation of why ho xvas not elected over Long and Reynolds. 'First thing, 1 was late getting in the race, running only GO days. In this time I was away from my office just about 20 days and you knew the folks over the state can't beseen and stirred up or. such short notice. The other fellows had been running a long time before 1 g*t i starred. * "The big thing though was thatReynolds ami myself were both in j the west. L p here is located most of; the counties which cast a Republican; majority. That left for us two westerr. fellows I he division of the light j west vote. Long b r i I' g free to himself j in the larger ant! more heavily *Snnucratic eastern counties, 1 .eve that I would have been elected if I had gone to the folks in a second j , primary. p "Some folks have said and maybe you have read that the Worth letter . hurt me. I don't believe that. The letter was not r.o broadly circulated , and 1 don't think it lost me many ! votes." Mr. Bowie explained that he [ had statements and evidence to disprove the fact? as sot forth. 1 About here was where the eunverr salior. switched to the railroad 1 hud been asking every citizen of the Lest Provinces that same question for . '.he past ton days and I wanted Bowie's idea in on the straw vote, f "You see the Norfolk and Western . the railroad which now owns the r I road into Ashe from Abingdon. Va. j realize;' that if they don't pretty soon get busy they are going to lose this territory. So I figure that whether or not my stute road project goes through that there is a good chance of something happening in the railroad line for this territory before so very long," he continued. Mr. Bowie related the same expedience that mar.y other citizens have related to me. The 'scouts' representing somebody, supposedly the Norfolk and Western, have been to see hiin and gained exhaustive ir.for1" mation as to the support which a connection from Bowie, near the end of the Norfoik and Western line run ning fro mAbingdon, Va. to Todd, it the direction of Lenoir and connect ing here, would get what freight ton ^ n&ge in lumber, business, cattle ant produce shipments might be expect ^ ed. He spoke mysteriously of knowing things; of a telegram which hai today been received and made othe suggestions. While the Norfolk or Western o some other interested company, i certainly making an exhaustive sur *-V ? , , .' _ 1 L11 ,V?. ^ vey OI 11HJ siLua; iu.i anu wnuc vu? arc other evidences to show tha i(j smebody is thinking of connecting th j. Norfolk and Western end with Li noir, not everyone expresses Bowie' optimism. "I won't believe that w are going to get a railroad that wi reclaim the Lost Provinces until or see it" is trie way a nuniDer cajiici ;r_ themselves. "You see we have ha ^n_ railroad talk and railroad talk unt I am tired arid sick of the thin| aH No sir, I am not suing to take an stock in the suggestion untii I s* the road-" Meantime, though, the party i die surveyors?some say employed bj 'ill the Norfolk and Western, but 01 ;l>e of the engineers on the job said i "11 a promoter by the name of Jam t- of Now York City?are going < ing v.itli their work from Deep Gap Watauga county in the direction rWenSeeTnii if^' A1, &Iwllfh,,a, I*i j 'rifi id for Boone and Watauge WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CA1 DEMOCRATS PUT ! UP GOOD TICKET Large Crowds Attend Convention Names of Those Nominated for the Principal Offices. The Democratic County Conven tion which was held in the court house Monday wius well attended. Hamionv and good cheer seemed to prevail and we can cheerfully say the entire ticket nominated is worthy of the support cf the. citizens. The convention is to he congratulated upon its fine judgment. Following are the names of the nominees for the most important offices: For Senate, John E. Brown. House of Representatives, N. L. Mast. Sheriff, L. M. Farthing. Register of Deeds, Mrs Hattic Johnson. For County Commissioners: T. H. Coffey. Robert Taylor and W. N. Howe? 2. | Lenoir. There are some eight men in the party arid they have been going over the route for more than 30 days now. Nobody seems to know what the idea is. Some say that the line will connect with the Carolina and Northwestern eight miles out of Lenoir in the direction of the Lost Territory at Edgemuni and rur, back and make a connection with the Norfolk and Western at Bowie in Ashe county. "You see the whole project of a railroad through that stretch of country would he ir. the country from Deep Gap toward Lenoir. That once settled upon and provided for the rest would be comparatively easy. Yes we | know that it would be possible to get a road through, but it would require 1 considerable engineering skill and i 1 then could be done only at great cost. The Mr. James we are working for only conies down from New York, j every few weeks." Srch in substance i ! was the way one of the members of the surveying party explained the situation. The link which the Norfolk and Western would have to build would be less than 50 miles long and wou'd give the road p straight haul from the coal fields. Mining men around Boone think that valuable mineral deposits could be made available for development b> the road. The principal thing that the road could rely upon would be in the lumber shipments. The Elk Creek Lumber Company of Chicago, owns 60,000 acres said to contain some 510.000,000 feet of fine timber. This . Chicago concern is understood to be ! contemplating the beginning of cutJ ting of their timber and io be direet? ly interested in the proposed road, j Lumber men say that the company I is owned by such financial interests as arc able to handle any proposition for development which may be decided upon. 1 Scouts for the link have visited ' most of the men who are engaged in the lumber business or who are it ' | a position to know the resources oi '; the section. Prof. B. B. Doughertj ' i President of tne Appalachian Train1, ing School at Boone said he spem ' an entire afternoon closeted with i "j Norfolk and Western agent givinj ' him facts and figures about possibl: " freightage. This agent has been ove: " the entire section in this fashion. T< * all inquiries as to what is plannct ri he smiles knowingly and yet mystor iously and conccnds that he has beei r instructed to get the facts and ahov 3 and beyond that he knows nothing, an... : .J int?w? 1 lie lllblCUdCU OWVl?IVJ M..V. ....v.vw e being shown in the line which run 1 from Abingdon to Todd would indi e cate that some future developmen is planned. At present the Norfol s and Western is spending $400,000 i e building new bridges over tfce nu " merous streams which the line span * in its mountain trip, I was told. 1 ** was further said that heavier rail " were being place dand the road b< '' ing put in A-l condition. Over a di: f- tance of several miles which I co' y ered on foot I found that new tit !0 had recently been added and a be ter ballast fix^d. The work crews < J- the road arc making their head qua ' ter* here. le Yon see the Norfolk and Westei 'Y lias it figured out that unless th< ef V'i r. w v?# *?, J j * i V/I I 1' ROL1NA, THURSDAY JULY 3, 19!?? MAY HAVE UNTIL 15 ? 10 GET AUTO PLATE! 1 Immense Task of Regiitering Titles . and Issuing Nev Licenses Make ^ Extsmion of Time Limit Necessary v ? P Automobile owners of North Car- b olina will have until July 15 to ob- ^ tain state licenses and register title to their autos. This extension was i granted by Secretary of State W. N. A Everett, who has recently visited several of the branch offices of the automobile department of the office of the secretary of state. The time would ' otherwise have expired at the close of June 30. At Morganton. Lenoir, Statesviile, SJa liakll W 1 jivincrfnn Winston Salem he found large groups ' of people trying to obtain their li- * cense mud register theiv automobiles. <" Some of (hem, he said, had been stan- 0 ding in line for hours unable to reach the registration and license desk. f "It is unfair to subject these peo- c pie who want to trade with the state of North Carolina to arrest for not ' having obtained license and register- a cd their automobiles," said Mr. Kverett. "In view of this obvious ap- i lication of justice," he added, "I have c extended the time until July 15 and r wQi appreciate it if this statement | i receives wide publicity." As a result of Mr. Everett's ex-1 ' tension of time limit, 110 owner of 1 an automobile will be subject to ar- ' rest for not having current license < plates until after July 15. 1 there are thirty right branch of- ' iices in the state. Mr. Everett says 1 the main office at Raleigh expects to * maintain these branch offices for the cost of mailing out the license from | < Raleigh. Thus far the project has i worked out satisfactorily and justifies 1 the aims of the department. The reg- < istratior, of title requirements renders I I the purchase of licenses a longer pro i cess than would otherwise be the case > Mr. Everett states. The department is working on oians to further improve I the service for automobile owners. t Local state otlicials < Local municipal and State author- I ities insist that owners will not be < permitted to drive if they haven't 1 made applications for license by the ' I loth. i * CHAIRMAN BROWN OF TOUR THANKS NORTHWEST FOLK By John M. Brown chairman of Know Your State Tour no. 1 through | Northwestern Carolina in the Winstun Salem Journal. 1 wish it were possible for me to see every citizen of the counties visited by our "Know Your State Tour" j and convey to them personally the i sincere appreciation of Winston-Sa- i 'em for the whole-hearted way in I which our tout was received. At every stop ana on every road ' side v/e were extended greetings that1 showed they came from the heart. , When we were privileged to stop they i shook cur hands and fed us bounteous ; i ly. Where we could not stop we had | i waved to us a hearty greeting and I 1 a fond farewell. The receptmn accorded the tourj 'la? a unit did not surpass our recop-1 J tion a3 individuals. There was no hes tji'ancy on the part of any man wo-' * man or child on the entire tour in1 f looking to tht pleasure and comfort I - of the individuals of the tour. Thej r men were out with a handshake and ( > a welcome?the Indies and children | i were serving us with food and drink - at every step and the children, some ' of them hardly waist high, were pulle ing us down and pinning flowers on our coats to show us that they too, t were glad to see us. s The trriffic storm which caught our - party on the last lap of its journey t brought very forcibly to the attenk tion of our committees in charge n just what the tour had meant to the personnel of the tour. Drenched is garments, muddy roads and delays in t schedules could and did not affect Is the high spirit cf enthusiasm which ! at all times was so much in evidence, s- The links of friendship formed by ' vour reception and the pleasant mentis cries of our visit could not be washed t- out. They are there to stay. >f The committees whose faith in youx r- people prompted them to give the necessary time and labor to make n this tour possible, and the citizenship iy of Winston-alnm ac large, hope and lis! believe that this is the first step ir n. the complete unification of north it we.st North Carolina-?the greates country on God's gr.i;; ?auU> , it '"in i|i'a i o *'^ i i'wfc ffilTjwir- yo-;fSSri . k?v? H? aMnili h?i u ii i in MufSrtwvo ? nn Hi?i?aio?i?< arthwestern North Carol 5 Cts. aCopy r ADOO LEADING ~ WITH 503 VOTES According to the latest wire report row the Democratic National Conention in New York, aa we go to res*. .VtAJoo *1 the end of the -43rd allot leads with 503.4 votes. Smith ac 318.5. while D?vis fade to 67. VVERY OalHAN~ SHOT BY SHERIFF Vill Hurot Shot and Killed by Sheriff Vance when he ''Decide# to Take Charge of Smoky Mountain" The following in record to the eeent shooting in Averv county is aken from the Elk Park News, inorroation of the affair having reach d this oflico after our edition was tT the press last week. On Wednesday of this week Will furot and nephetv decided to take barge of Smoky Mountain, near lewl&nd, N. C. in Allen Clan fashon and drive all the inhabitants awiy by firing: on all those who cams bid went. Mr. P. A. Vance, the sherfT was informed of the trouble, acompanied by his deputy, Mr. Bownan and another man, immediately iroceoded to the place where the out aws had taken their stand and af;er considerable maneuvering, sue reeded in locating them at Will Hurts tome. Mr. Bowman being the first tc :on?e in contact with them, he being n such close quarters with them, was "oreed to surrender one of his wea>ons, a shot gun, and in the meantime vas covered with both men's guns Vli. Vance, having gone :i different lircet.ion, happened on the scene, but n rear of the men, and after due precaution slipped near enough tc 'each behind Will Hurt and snatct lis revolver from him, while Mr Bowman proceeded to handcuff bin md Hurt, seeing an opportunity snatched Mr. Bowman's revolve *r,-?yy? him fivinir nn him fvvn nr thw in'-., without effect, then tummy )n Mr. Vance, shooting him in t in eft forearm Mr. Vance realizing thi longer con 'routing him, fired 01 Hurt, shooting him square through which caused instant death. Hurt': nephew did not take much hand it the affair, nroceeded to make his es cape but was overhauled by the mai who had accompanied the sheriff am his deputy. Mr. Hurt was known as a man o bad reputation and greatly feared b; ali law abiding citizens. He leave a wife and three children. Mr. Vance is now in the Grac Hospital at Banner Elk, nursing badly broken and shattered arm. NEW HIGHWAY TO BLOWING ROCK TO BE OPENED SCO! A new road, offering a more d reel route to Charlotte to-lIOMa rec! route from Charlotte to Blov ing Rock will he opened for travi tlily 10, when state highway eng lieers will declare the stretch hi tween Newton and Lincoln ton read for traffic. The stretch between Lincr.lr.tc and Newton has heen pavi 1 wit concrete and is IS miles long. T1 road is IS feet wide and it is e: pecbed that the concrete will I sufficiently settled to permit traff within 10 days. The opening of the new roi I win give two roads net ween tna lotte and Blowing Rock. The oth is via Statesville, and is betwei two and threo miles longer than t: road through Lincolnton. There is only one detour on tl Statesville road, this one being on a distance of three miles, just ov side of Statesville. By way of Li colnton there Is a stretch betwe Charlotte ana Mount Holly and a other between Lincolnton and Gi tonia, not yet paved. I Motorists Ipaving Charlotte f the Blue Ridge Mountains can rea j Blowing Rock in three hours drivi j time. Most of the route is paved a those stretches not hard surfaced sand-clay constructed ana are in v? good condition. ?Charlotte Observer. On account of a shut down in I ' electric power acrrke yesterday, go to press this week with four pa] instead of tbe cAstomarv eight. ' ability to operate our. type-cast I machine on the busy day forces i to omit iout valuable "copy". - promise the regular rase sheet r. t week. ?The Publisner. 1V;. cji ,1^ WW sWV ina.?Established in 1888 NUMBER 28. itthonors the winstonians j Other Items of Gttoerei Interest from the vchooE snd town at Large, by our Regular Correspondent. There was an informal gathering j at Mr. B. J. Coancill's one evening , recently and it was made on enjoyj able occasion by miscellaneous con1 versation and the singing of old time iniuiciii nit.ofiir ? ney remained far beyond the intended time ior departure and left delighted with, kind hospitality of Mr. arid Mrs. CouncilL Miss Reba Hampton, a student :d ! the summer school, greatly surprised her many friends by secretly marrying on the past Sunday. Virginia, daughter of Mr. Will Hodges of Boone, died at her sister's heme in Boone on the morning of the 25th. Their friends are in sympathy with the bereaved ones. The coming of the delegation of Winston-Salem's fine busihess men, numbering about 200. was indeed most pleasing to the people of Boone and the Training School. They arrived in Boone about 7:30 and were given breakfast by the Training School r at Lovill Home, and the school wardelighted to entertain these distinguished men. After breakfast all -, cufne to the new auditoriuL< at the J school where they were given a hcar? ty welcome by the faculty and large student body. The program began ; with the singing of the school song, "The North Carolina Hills" follow' ed by the stanza: "Winston-Salem, we've been thinking, what a fir\e place this would be. if Boone Trail were but concreted from vour town to 4 Tennessee." Mr. VV. R. Gragg pres> ident of Boone Chamber of Comi me roe. presided and introduced as the Lirsi sneaker President H B. FloiicrV.. I c.-ty i f lHe Training School, who gave a most appropriate talk sounding a r hearty note of'welcome to these dis tinguisbed visitors. He next iiitredut I't'ii CcL Dwire of the Winston Senti' nel who presided, and introduced ' Prof. Brown of Winston-Salem who ' | made a pleasing and interesting talk. The hand accompanying the visitors s gave several fine selections. No more i enthusiastic gathering has been seen -! in Boone. All were delighted to have v them and shall gladly welcome there II at any time. Capt. E. F. Lovill Chairman of the f board of trustees, was given a hearty y reception of honor on Friday, s AddT o ATS NEWS C Prof. Frederick D. Losey, Shakese perir.il interpreter and impersonator, a who gave four numbers before the summer school on Friday and Saturday, made a most thoughtful and inspiring address to the student body ^ at Chapel Saturday morning. ' Boone has teen treating her vislit ors to an unusual type of warm 'weather, not nearly so warm, how. i ever as they would have had at home. '" The refreshing rains of last night L'~ have brought with them the usual ?l summer temperature. Rev. M. B. Wooslev and Messrs J. ,n: S. Stanbury and F? N. Hahn report i an unusually fine session of the Mere ' .1 ir-- j.-_. t . , I iiiuuiM uuuici cuiixurciicf wmni in?*\ x" j attended at Sparta tiic past week. ?e! while Mr. ft. F Dixon brings back ;c | enthusiastic repents of the Epworth j League Conference at Greensboro. u^| Prof. R. M. Brown of the State '"] Welfare Department, was a pleasant er j and pleasant visitor at the Training | School for several days last week. 'le His friends here are always glad to see him come. hf' The campus presented a deserted appearance on Monday. Almost the "" entire summer school went on a sight n- seeing trip through the l.inville Gorge r, en and to -1 uhnson City. There is no finin~ er scfenery than this in eastern Amls" erica and the railroad officials show themselves exceedingly kind to \ the or school in making these trips possible. tlR A number of the teachers from the I Training School spent the week end ,re i away from Boone. Dr. Rankin visitiry ing his mother and relatives in Salisbury, Prof. Mosei and family going to Cherryille and Prof. B. L. Smith and family accompanied by the Mrs. J. I). Rankin, going to Rutherw? ford College. t? In- Aifalfa is becoming a valuable hay ing crop ill North Carolina. Many famous ; erf are using it to advantage as a We I grazing crop and for hay. This fall est is a good time to start some land a to he ready for planting the crop next fall. ??? -?? ? n-i.uno I IB WHS-..I I ?nn