PACE TWO t true these - flowers grow v.ild, but they belong - to the land which they adorn, as truly as cultivated flowers belong to the private garden. It is certain that un> less the 'depredations are stopped the ,1 time is close at hand when the peo. pie who love the mountain flowers s and who have derived much pleasure f from yearly indulgence in their gor geousncss, will be forced to gar far t- from the highway in order to revel e in their beauty, for during the pros ent season a perfect riot of vandalism d has reigned. e ree Parent Teacher* Association ^ The. regular meeting of the Pa* rent Teachers Association will bo c held this week on Saturday instead of Friday, since Friday is a national holiday. All patrons of the school as ? well as members of the Association t are most cordially invited to be press ent. The program committee has so* s cured Dr. Kephart of the North Cnvs |olina * College for Women who wiU I f V -r (111. ,"3Ui I Ck 1.I.IO I1IVV.I8 ing. s Do not forget the time and place _ Saturday afternoon at ?! p. nv at the . Demonstration school of the A. T. S. A BIRTHDAY DINNER ! One of tin nicest and most enjoyable occasions of the season took place on Beaver Dam last Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. IV J. Hagaman o hen their daughter Miss Stella ar.d daughtev-in-law, Mrs. Don Hagaman, secretly prepared a sumptuous dinner in honor cf their tuoth_jt=r's b ird birthday. A profusion ot sweet peas and rose.- graced the home making it beau tifu'i. About 30 people, brothers, sisters. cousins, neighbors and friends partook most freely of the bounteous ^ repast ar.d when the 3rd and 4th table lulls came you couldn't tell ^ that anybody had been there, so far as exhaustion of eatables was eon corned. Fresh strawberries and good e mountain cream followed each table n as desert. r Such hospitality as is found in the ^ mountain country homes is to be ap preciated and such occasions are lonj . to be remembered.?One present. .11 METHODIT CHURCH ~unday School at 10 a. m. Help make the church school el Sclent by being in your place. Preaching at 10 a. m. and 8 p. nr by the pastor Rev. Woosley. Epworth League at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday night prayer service i 8 p. n. Choir practice fallowing. A welcome is extended to all. . Subscribe For You County Paper , fpR. ALFRED W, CUlT" W F.YB SPECIALIST see better SEE SlJU 17 Ycar'i Expcriance [ The Best Equipment Obtainable V Glasses FitteJ Exclusively I SfcBT'K BLOCK, LEHOH?, K. C. 8 yoa ?ut It ftom UCLA. Jt'8 Ail Right ? f * ;. WATCH J?AR?T- tCO* OATH-. I I , . .. HE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E V] Dept. St< ; Davidson Department Si entertain our iriends and SURPRISE BOXES !n order to clo*e out our odd* and end* in notion* we have filled up a couple of hundred boxes with a variety of all kind* of notions value 40c to Si. Choice only 25c. We do not guarantee you one dollar in merchandise in each box, but we will refund your money if you don't get more than your money's worth. Jim: "Gee, my head is about to burst!" Jack: "Don't let the sawdust fly my way, please." Beys all woo! pants at less than wholesale price. Men's and young men's pants at greatly reduced prices. Ladies rain coats at halt price. It is a pleasure to talk to your wife through the telephone. You can stop listening any time you wish. Why pay for overalls $1.25 to $2 when we offer you extra heavy blue denim overalls for only $1.50? Buy Real Estate in Boone Good six room dwelling witt stairs, running spring water, fin< j and shrubbery, shade trees, out which there are six beautiful I all overiooking lloo'.ie, close in, J ie*4.o00.0u. Easy terms. Two lots on Grand Boulevai Three others nearly level $350.0 $100.00 to $250 each. WANTED?A small farm ; home with two acres of land, h chance for somebody who want hour fine frontn to S1250.00 each. A going business including . A chance seldom found. $l00o v 1 have a long list to show ; or sell, t Can insure your property ir anci companies in the world. H.W.H REAL ESTATE | Jor Jtconomic. ! 1BE IDEAL CAB I TAIN "I M Carloads after ca have been delivere< this section, and sti Those who intend ] cars should not dels made for a while 1 ness. Ask any C ! SESbr thinks of his car. |J The Bo< <#? -RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C ggR ore News' tore with the hope it will ] customers. . .Young lady: "Two hair nets, if| you ple?u:ldtnc sites fronting the road, and the price for .piick sale is il in Daniel Boone Park $200.00. ') and about forty others at from i few miles om in trade for a seated right in Boone Here is a - to educate their children. ig on the Boone Trail, S2.">0.00 . stock of goods, a poslotticc job. fill handle, might take some trade you. See me if you want to buy i one of the strongest fire insurI0RT0N AND INSURANCE at Transportation I FOR THIS MOUNSECT10N rloads of Chevrolet cars i to satisfied owners in ill the demand is great, placing orders for these ay, for deliveries can be vith reasonable prompthevrolet owner what he >iie Garage JULY 3. I924L LOST "1 To Our Sight Are Our Departed Loved One# but th? MounUio City Marble Company mn luraitli you a mark for their last resting place in either marble or granite at reasonable prices. Nothing but first clan material u?ed and first H class workmanship in the finish. Be sure to get their prices be- H fore you buy. C. C. CRESS, Azent luBMHWHMnMMNMHttHHMMIHEIBIlHHEHSNHHEHHMMNMMHBMMBMBH zi*3i J^^See it for Yourself l When better autos are built Buick Will Build Them F. M. RICHARDS, Banner Elk, N. C. W. H. GRAGC, Boone, N. C. Che., E. GREEN, Beker.eille, N. C, I Save Money - * DID YOU KNOW YOU WERE BURNING UP MONEY EVERY DAY BY NOT USING AN OIL STOVE? j ^ X Let us show you that it costs from one third to one half less to operate an oil stove than it does to operate a coal or wood stove. "THE LORAIN" I is conceded to be the best on the market at j( any price They are equipped with a giant burner * interchangeable to any one of the wick containers, dos not burn any more oil and will give you two to three times as much as the regular burner. j ^ Come in and let us demonstrate this stove to you. We can prove our statements as to saving by those who know. ^ i ? Dont forget we carry a complete line of hardware apd come and get what you need. BOONE I \RE COMPANY J 1 "II II *! !,! I ?EK& - - g|3j. *