JU?V 3. 192*. 3?ataii(iu democrat ?T Local Affairs Town and County ! Rev. S. E. Oapgr will conduct the services for the Advent church Sun.1 * _1 J C* . . utxy tti citven v viwtA o:m ounauy ai S:16 p. nt. Everybody is extended i cordial welcome to attend each service. Mrs. Rov Johnson was hostess tc th e Friday Afternoon Club last wek. A pleasant hour was spent in sew rig after which an interesting contest was eujoyed: Afro. J. D. Rankin won the prise, a lovely hand-made handkerchief. A deiieiuns salad course was served by the hostess, assisfled by Mrs. Harry Wilson and Air*. M. P. Critcher. Prof, and Mrs. Claud Moser and iHniiiy, Hccorrpaiiifu uy aujc Annie Howell spent the week end in Cherry ville. Mrs. J. D. Rankin and son Winton Capt and Mrs. B. L. Smith and son B. L. Jr., and Helen Anders spent Sunday at Rutherford College. Prof. A. M. Norton of Newton is visiting Dr. Rankin. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Courtney and son of Thomasville N. C. spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. VVoosley. far. Me. G. Anders, Mr. anrl Mrs. W. Y. Warren and son J. K. and Tom Henry will arrive today and will spend ten days with Mrs. Mc. G. Anders. Mr. Walter Horton and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Horton at the Charlotte Sanatorium. The many friends of Mrs. Horton will be glad to learn that she is improving and will be able to return home in a short time. l)r. J. D Rankin spent Sunday with his mother in Salisbury. Sorry to hear of the seriou< illness of Mrs. Carter Cook, who after three weeks is unimproved. James W. Bryan, Esq , has so far as we know broken all records this ^ oa..u,... r.... i,iii., wtrw U.| VULIUIIIH v?v Ulf, VII^J '??*ing on last Thursday landed from the power dam a black bass weighing nine and one half pounds. About 250 of the teachers from the Appalachian Training School visited Johnson City last Monday, returning the same day and without an exception report a wonderful trip This excursion was made possible by the utartness of that splendid gentleman, Mr. R. R. Johnson of the local railway company, who is always on the job. We are glad to see our old friend Adam Hodges of Coshocton, Ohio on our streets again. Hope he may have a pleasant stay with us. He was accompanied here by Mr. Rom Lovill, who has succeeded wonderfully well during the several years he has lived in Ohio, this being his first visit to his former home since he left. Mr. J. T. Hendrix and wife of Roanoke, Va. where M?\ Htendrix 16 employed with the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., are visiting relatives in the town and vicinity for a few days. Mrs* J^irfths Miller of Silverston^ passed away Monday morning while sitting at her breakfast table. The lady had not been nick before arc: her sudden departure is u shock tc the friends of the weta-known family .u r. anenun i ipiun, lyeumoi IV < engineer on the Lnivilic River roac has iA'tn enjoying a well earned va fcatior. for the past few days, Mr James Miiier supplying for him or trains one and four. Rev. C. G. MeKaraher of Shull: Mills was n business caller at thi ' emocf.it T:cc is week Attorney V. B. Bowers of Elk Par] transacted legal business in town 01 Tuesday. During the rush of press time las week we in some unaccountable wa; omitted the program for the fiftl Sunday meeting of the Baptist churcl which omission we regret very mucl and nope the good people will lool , with forbearance on the deed. Dr. Fredrick Mast Dula, son a Dr. Alfred Dula has just received nc tification of his passing the Stat Board of Optometry' with high hor ors. Young Dr. I>ula also made hig grades before the South Carolin Board a fej) days since. Davidson's July Clear ance Sale begins Tuesd'] July 1. For more particu lars see page 2. PAINTING of TI NUFF ^"KNAPP, Mr D. M. Oevsne, who wiii 1 remembered as having spent a got deal of time in the employ of tne i i T. S. some two or three years at has reyrned to Boone ur.d aceeptt I at least a temporary position with t! isehcol. I.ike all others who have bet absent for any length of time. M Deyant thinks the growth of the tow nothing short of miraculous. DwigWt, sen of Mr. ami Mrs. Cha 1 Horton of North Wilkesboro is npei ding a few days with his grandmotht Mrs. Etta Horton of this city. '| Dr. A. W. Dula is in Watsu.a th I week, practicing his profession. H j tolls the Democrat of tUo receipt c i a letter from Mr. W. J. Horton < 1 j Karrel, Pa. telling of his starting o ! a rather extended*: motor trip. H I goes first to Gettysburg to the fouit of July celebration, from there t ' White Hall, Md. to spend a shoi time with our former county mm Mr. "Pete" Mast, thence direct t Lenoir for a visit, from whit Ji piac he will come to Watauga for a vhih Mr. Horton is a native of this count and this bit of news will be receive favorabiy by many local friends an acquaintances. Miss Lula Love and Miss Clar | Donnelly will give their gradnatir 1 ninnn ronilu! nmnrl >\? ntmninrr -Ittlv ' j 1924 at eight o'clock at the A. T. S | auditorium. They will Be assisted b Prof. A. R. Smith, baritone and Mis Annie Dougherty, soprano. We learn that the big hand mill a Shullr. Mills has shut down indelinil ely. This is a severe blow to many o its faithful employees and reports ir dicate that thai once thriving lun" ber village will soon be a thing o the past so far as manufacturing i concerned. WORTH WHILE CLUB Mrs. Emma Moore and Miss Jenni Todd, members of the faculty of th Appalachian Training School eutci Lained the Worth While Club in th reception room of Lovill Home Fri day afternoon. A profusion of summer flower were used in the decoration of th reception room. The talented Mis Ruth Rankin rendered two number on the piano that were enjoyed by a present. Miss Fawn Watson gave most enjoyable humorous reading er titled Willie. Miss Annie Dougbeit who has been taking voice at Carso I Newman College, sang beautiful! ] "Last Night" followed by a piano sc I lo. given by the highly accomplish? music teacher, Miss Ruth Coffey. Mis Winchester kindly consented to sin for us and was brought to the floe again by a hearty encore. At the cioi [ ox '-ne oxLcniuun ui u^J .nil avuciuue i I freshmonts consisting of punch an cookies were served. Dr. F. E. Hai per of Salisbury will be with us t the next meeting which will be < | the home of Mrs. Watt Grugg o Friday July 1. LOST?Bunch of keys with seven Yale key's and others belonging t padlocks and ordinary mortice lock Reward of two dollars will be pni anyone returning the lost article t the Democrat office ' 1 : Wing" Dr.AW.DULA I EYESPECIALISl I hiY? been Qccnjcd by examination by t Stata Boarda of Examine*-* of North Carolu t South Carolina and Tennea*e? ind pronoun: y thoroughly competent to cxamtna eye* and a <laa?c*. - - - n TO SEE BETTER SEE DULA il Sa* me at following place*: t Jefferson, N. C. Monday and Tu< day July 7th and Sth ,f West Jefferson, N. C. Jfced nesd July 9th o WaYrensville Thursday July 10th [. Lansing, N. (J. Friday July 11 h My Lenoir olfice will be in char a 01 ur. Fredrick Mast fiuia, gvadut ! of N. C. University and Norths I Illinois College of- Opthnmology, ~ I Chicago, who has been licensed -j both the N. C. and S. C. Board Examiners. I will always be in I ' noir, N. C. on Saturdays. DR.A.W.DULA tE BETTER KIND CEDD THE PAINTER" THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT? *? ROMINCER >d Corn is growing fine since the hot V. weather come in [o The roads here are a niusance. d .1 tioos-t impossible tor the mail to le1 go. We must pay our taxes and it n! stem? that our roads should be worr. kcd. There are two things ?t least n that are looked after in our section | ?our taxes and votes, s.! The Zion Hill xirisritnr choir met l- the PhiIhps Branch singing choir at >r Antioch Baptist church and had a good singing on June 22. is Miss Ida and Master Ben Tester e visited their sister Mrs. Coy Rominif ger last week. rf | Messrs Uewey Rumitiger and Ohas. n: Mast have brought o first class roov- I > ir.g pictur? show which will he in ] h soon. Hope the boys make good, o Some of our youre folks atten-' -t ded the Campbell show at the John?, son school house and reported a good o time. e Mr. lionet Ward has purchased a -,| new ear and is giving his friends ar.d y family joy rides for recreation, d There will be a public singing at d Zion Hill Baptist church the third Sunday in next September, a We are expecting the best school g here this year that has ever been at 1, ltominger as we have the same teu>. chers that taught for us last year, y Mr. Henry Kagaman and his sister kj Miss Susie. ,t NOTICE > There will be a meeting of the ,f stockholders of the Three Forks Cheese Factory July 5 at the factory ,f Don't fail to pay your tax by next is Monday as I am bound to proceed to collect by law after that time. C. M. CRITCHER, Shff. i * Subscribe For Your . County Paper. (' i" i s Ask You s II :t : n > Whatever your f <1 ? large or small; v at ,r tion that's puzzli ! ' - e banker for his ac t- having. \\ Every ciay it is o vise Vv'ith our dep regarding the di , f money and the w c of investments v S. <i notice of these p :o Let us also have I assisting you. Call in today. L The Peopli ; Trust < 'A fit * For All : "T^E have usfld Black ! * Draught ever sicc< 1 we have had a fain ge "fly and that was shortly >te ; after 1874," saya Mr. E rn " A. Brans tetter, of St I J James, Mo. "It is my firai y. remedy when any of w ? gets ?ic]$. . . . We u a < Black-Draught for torpi< ; liver and stomach com " plaints. I n '(xiri r ? H f? U?U A fVV BlUfBHt ? Q and dont feel 90 good, H take Black-Draught?aw h you hare to show me tha there u> a better medldn; 5= i." ? ? Ate trrrMSot Tte I BLACK-! : VagetaWfi I s&>"i't'i 1. EVERY THURSDAY?BOONEf N. C | i 1 A bank book is a cf. tention. Carry your b< commendation for a I which counts for mm you become financial DIRECTORS:?N. L. MAST. L. FOR SALE?From now until July! ^ 10th, Sweet Potato plants at 25cs per hundred; tomato plants, ail varieties 50c per hundred. These plants are strong and hardy and will mature. Guaranteed. Hugh F. Webb, Johnson City, Tenn. r Banker ? muiiuiai * vui^nio whatever the quesng you?ask your Ivice fpr it's worth ur pleasure to ad>ositors and friend isposition of their isdom and fallacy vhich come to the ' leople. the opportunity of 3s Bank & Company the Family | - in Missouri. I think it is ?3 i fine for indigestion or for H headache. It is a splendid L family remedy. My wife tj ' uses it for any stomach H ailment, indigestion and W . biliousness. We never let ju t the house be without it if H i I kaqw it We also give it H j to the children for ehil- u 1 dren's complaints, colds o* a . fever." s Keep a package of Black- M > Draught in the house for p I all the family. H } Tour daatat will a?Q run a H , nunnoth p**iuam, ag * On at the peek- H 3 era. Ift ahespK. D Mi, ft tfot 1RAU6HT \SW MBWI ? : | Your Diplomacy srtificate of business abilil ink book with you. It is e letter job; a mark of cha ch. We invite your accoi lly successful. A. GREENE, F. A. LINNF.Y, G. K TY, S. E. GRAGG, J. H. MAST vSSI U T i ?H WAIAUW i ba: ^31 BOON "" ? d J. H. Pnentwood, Manager Blowing! Rtrck Business June 1 io October 1.1 T.F.SEEHGRN ! LENOIR AND BLOWING ROCK Live Stock and Vehicles, Tyson & Jones, Henderson, High Point and Conover Buggies All Vehicles Made in North Carolina Agent for the Old Reliable Wedge Spoke J. 1. Nissen Wagons 6-26-3mc . . . Pall Ir I I I NOW IS THE TIM HOUSES ANI OlDi We sell everything y< our line BRICK, LIME, SAND, PLAS1 ROOFIN I I SIDING, CEILING FLOORING, CJ SHEET RC WAL1 ai COMPLETE Ltt HAP If you will get our terial it will mean a s? Call on us, we app WATAUGA FURN by W. R. Gragg, PAGE THREE ? 1 n :y that commands atin identification, a reiracter and reliability mt and want to help ? HAGAMAN, B. B. DOUGHER\ COUNTY MK L \1 V [ E . N . C. Davidson's July Clearance Sale begins Tuesd'y July 1. For more particulars see page 2. WANTED All Kind, of Root, and Herbs, Barks, etc. Write for list* M. E. Proftit, 536 W. Market St. . .Johnson City, Tenn. 6-12-4c Office Phone Residence 665 261 I | Sugar When You Want It R. E. JOHNSON , I P r\ D oen C - ! * ? II i . w. mux *.oi. v?63iunia, i"*. V_. i l | i Line E TO BUILD NEW j > TO REPAIR ONES >u need for the job as includes PER, fG, SHEETING, FRAMING ^SING, )CK, L BOARD, windows nnors id IE OF BUILDERS DWARE i prices and see our maile. ireciate your trade, ITURE & LBR. CO. General Manager.

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