PAGE FOUR (Etjf 221atauga democrat. tL C. RIVERS, Editor and Owner Publuhed Every Thursday by THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Subscribers wishing their addressm changed vvili pi ease favor us b) living the OLD o.s weli as the NEW address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Unv r car ... 5-1 .??o ; Six Months 76 Three Months 4C Payable in Advance. AdT??rt?nng R?te* on Application Cards of Thanks, Resolutions ofS ftespec*. Obituaries, etc. are charged; for at the regular advertising rate*, j Articles sent for publication without giving the name ox .be writer will not under any circumstance be published. Entered at the po>totfice at Boone N. C. as second ciu mail matter. 1 hursday July 24, 1924. BACK O THK JOB At"tr .T. a)-I. no >/ rive week* at-jf- ah.. ! in the raounta.t - .it-.-.i >? ' >Torn'io "Aim.: '! . i" riie tainooi VIk JJem.'Li-al i;.-.- tume'J andia::;1 ' hi? Tht-i trip iut was m&tk v.j ' !!-.! . . Chienjso an.I J o I nvof >v. ' ( Ttgo, Bar ::n:ion .v Qi.ii.-:o>, tU tnosr raen ; v.,1 ry. Or. our 11 - : Kir: tr.; .. o lit.' l.'i.ioii Pa.-KK-: out of ! '. r i'KK City. LiK'l! ; U - !: M --our: Pa-Cnej vv: ! in ?n f- : Kros : :l> Jon- j icst in time to wak- > ! >.- ' 'tie- :.t with oi.r r ' til !'./1 .OS' :t.Jig fflsjjgg tta . h. ra? >!>< tir? - strain* ?tW Uiiei&Sjfc ! - <&>itiiri<- -fjil > , i chi: W fa. tork'i W89 in < ' r,vv;)n-. . :;<5 j: rtycrJ ; >0,,k5.v ; ??liM j 'ftS hu?-:! "0 ffjjW!. I. olov;. i i. ;!>:< KH id." im.k ?. (ri> ;{? Tl... dry <>< ' - hit" ... ttiM etaC >;e?e , < !>.- drought . a i' xar:at;\.? h'.wover il re than tho^,:1-v ,.{ the a n?1 a-ai ?!; ; est:. I! - p.,1 a .f . few ;;r >? th< popa 'ti'.r, is made tip ci n? ors ar.f mine-owner;- d # nior ... sankeS able barer. * would ??c :* . -:it '< f.:ul oth ": .u> cif iUL'-J.- A; visit to i-ook - Mou;hu ',. . out i L>v n yfer the bury\fcg p ave > Buffalo Bsll. : o Horfecr h, *. express fame, and a 4riv? miles jp Big Thompson Canon Estes Park. I viil say no*.- bug )? ch magnificence, the grandeur, the a inspiring effect these rugged peat fcave on one who has new hel them. It would be a task big Ithi - humble scribe. Another short stay ar the hotr of the son and f turned ;ny fa( homeward. The wheat fields nuisance. 1'hty w il: ^i.rally pay a >?na;l line and speed or- What is human life to them? No worth the cigarette they are smuLiisg. Officers of the law the time has come when you should exorcise every resource lo bring these erimma - ' o justice. v n by doing: so our j.t. - are filled. If the law is not strong - *.uogh then r.:i's have a law enacted : is. We would not give the life ofou innocent lie child for uli the lers that .shall whir! around this t.i?be from .. to eternity's dawn. Meetings Annuunccd for Sutherland and Todd The citizens of Surb? 'and and i T< .U! have become ietiu d in hold-; ! :i:ir a community fair have call? ed meeting to con^iii 1 matter. Thf meeting at S'lth- :.d school bouse will be held A; July 28 a! .'5 :-r?i: The inectir-g '.e school I hou-e ;:t Tedd will b? : Wcdnes vr July : - *00. Mr. i It. C. Crowe! I. cour; of Ashei ' n -v the Cou ' Vgfllt Ofj 'Xiitu 0Okvntv wW ?? he XTeseni.I .:i NM-'-'inLis. s : . jth corn-] are <3iv;tv : Ashe : U.i- ai:-..,. V i citizens ' . 1 . o.'t ferred ih that he . : <' eairfcd t<- r plans , . . tbe . 'omnm: it . lair ibis] 0. you ait : r again?!j 'In- ;-r position come * e rceetwiii oitfc k.!I u or, liiake go. 4011X i! til'I.K. y Agent. V.\cai:ON I iM* JN KILLS ??!<_? rg fUit O iN* *. v.; i ?1.J n MIX. \ ifchts ??r viyi. ; t ! < ; r ana < < - j : :oi. at.d i:> ??/.-< f'-tf'jjffik to tan-' t-h-. < ' . 4 ?o t .i .;.j.-<1 " ?} j;; t. vist 1 ^Svonir.: .1)iy i- - : jSk> ? ?; 1 : vyK' . ft!' yh' Una | 0- i- t? ' I: nir.i , . ; t.> hi? %? > - - ?> t ; tin." ryfti'.:'!.- I'-rjaJU go K rhn ! <>? ! virows l? he rg/bulu flace. :r i'or a .t'ovs I , v, fa kMvO 11 kv .1 ..HI yield j li ' a .i: eh out, a: <1 ii' ho I way be h< \v.i: Aork ofl sonic ! >: I '- , v( u*h and make life wore . . : - .-.-ooiatei vvh> ho . 1'hinh-iiii' i v;ni>;;oii and ? !:.jf v- ..) _{ no reusing .stream.- -f ... - .in, .v- I'entrai li -1 through Morjjant^n, reminds . ft.vUiiia;. are ho. n, V- '-"ii North ? v ' .-. re. a few I; ride irooi M ?or. we cm. tin I - _ : -he midst f a i-fsr Afeu veerfrttion ;'?m t; o ! of resov n the illtll* -tvi'.;' ' ' T1UT * * t t ?U rh-i . i - rr, rrrhv; Kowhc' ean fiiMi m .mm esrbve rie.ii> .?l - yrandfur ti . . at liiBThuV : . -i fc ,>? vii JK.t'at} t; raott'iain or at y';o e- .. d-v/on other {mice. . riot take r - ENP: RitN r:i D !>RJ vERS . . h 'Old not i o pra . in public, i ? . . oiinft Motor r. buikair. i\ ntiv k~-:;oed ai a p.ivi ' < :' tie- cjui^s work " ihe qviickeT.- vv.iv ?.f he automobile accident . : a I tion ts Mi Roberts, *hs ii pirjc.'.t ' inort <-ompeten =*: ei- ht l: is ..:ii be. accomplished pi i tic* .. d practice aderiak, -.u refts whore rh? r< ; brt ? h.i'a ot endangering tr. :rd moeenr of "hose *l> ar S tu an aJva?ic*id -rage in actomobii - i [ C. C. Hacker, M. D. (Cilices over IV : t Ofc'ce.) | Elizaoethton - Tennessee. | Prac'if" ;:nriteci to diseases of | Eye, Ear, Nose, anil Throat ie! Diseases of these organs treat1 ed by the latent approved method^. Errors of refraction scien t tilic&lly corrected. Tonsils and *r adenoids removed only when i necessary 2-1-6mp g, ? >0 "T"-Z^_rT1in| J *DR. ALFRED W. DULA * RYE SPECIALIST "1: zad?l?$^TO s?? BETTER SEE mA \ I 17 Yost's Exporifnce !" 11 The Best Equipment Obtainable Glasses Fitted Exclusively y i I MART!*. BLGCK, LttHSifi, *. 5 < 9 -V TOP 10$ ix from !>T7_A. It's VM Rlfht j * ' WatCK SOtt uA.1^1. -IE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E VFF operation. ' r The point tben is o see that tin practiee is safe. Aral it seems to b< up to the automobile salesmen to a*-': tlu new owner in his venture by offering pertinent suggest ions. The i? t vice driver is not really gaining c.n perienee by traversing a crowd* street. *"Jt in merely jeopard i; the piiblic with his blundering. Mc who are thoroughly familiar wit) their curs have diiHcv.!ty in nuvig.j :ng i\ nai row street it? b?gr cjkty w he: tra/hc is crowded, without forced i dddjge foolish adventurers who ha\ ri.ckuil if. uhi>r? >u- the thing in: t*. ??f the public, motordom is a< cepting a remedj that i> as bad the problem.?Gusto TUA Gazoette. DEATH TOO EASY FOR THEM Statesville Sentinel. Death will be a!i easy and insip nifk nt punishment for the two mux who were picked up on a South Carolina road ihoro than two week ago ky Maj Samuei H. MeLear> < the United States Army. The two me avoiding in the confession of oc< of tbcra. were given a free ride " tiu ofiiici. and thanked h-ni by tak ' h.m from ki> ?-at at the point a p. -.?k. thanked him -t?ra:n by shooing hi-.n to dc??:h. 1 apt o k/ up?o n by taking i. body, stripped ? c- -hi . leaving- i: then to ?e p'? yed up< hy dogs and Gier aa.n>??f liv arth and vol tores of tl air. v :al ' K> . v. l\ <1 VRs repay this nm yo p Atn< ; an ?"? tor ihv moo:.- ? bestowed apt thor:: by I he major. No*. ?>nlv d )u-\ refca> bin? I > den h and aha? to the vulture* hut the; , horror i d suf/o?*inp for h ; n i;\- a; 1 ail. 1 elat ye i i o\v many j:- vt ; hif -tat. kiv v-ab f mis ,vh'.?tr??n criin. . for tia ' v*nii h*> jop. UTy- or if.. ? .< .?v x; Pu'cflb? lht- i\ ^li that tl I'-'rb : O'.Tvf!> :*> a .. .. Mr i" I. a" ... d or ei.'i'irvii'k}7.?&r 1 hi-i~ ?8H?^.96{ Sapd . i man. Thousands. oj jrnod ? ?ti ^t |)wi! made tha; wish.; .h? .;: . - .in . - i'I> r? ; -voipi-thy for o two ntnrdt rei .tin. : I*oh\tw-e-*;,: i't.ey i?r.y ha. j < '?.! !; .a . o?i.'v-r - ,i\ W ? uo r. know. For thorn wo are son it t -V '!. m .11. im- . wha-. :.? >oniiine!it save ihe sentiment th. nails for a just and adequate punishliwii' foi tht ^?k of proti-etinK iuz?.: 1 p ftuni iioh men. 'i hott&tttds of peop't* hflx O mi. de i - h> wish that rhey onal in- s*ivei? 1 . ;. ? {> trial be killed at tyUVf j for tin . nine out of spirit of rev- . e I rite spit-it of ?e\on^ri soenvs to i>. ait nheri'.cd chaiarteri-tic of the human ; I Jor Eronomtca ! 'I WE CAN SUPPLY ROLET CAR < j MAY The Chevrolet has most economical car price. See Walter Johnsoi Farthing. i The Boo <1 tY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C c.?f the insiincts 'vhich mod rn Christianit\ ai:d modern civiir/aion thai": be jjjlxen up. When 1 *i ve firs; read of bou th'- major met i u lis ik-aih the old spirit of teyviige fc he desire of zevenge to avenge that j % . ' death, i ri/ppi-J 110 in us and -( vv do not deny it. But there is some i ( _ \i \ -r ir: cases of this kind. 1 < rhere was r.o motive on this earth j v. n? . i ., of robbery, says one i ? ih of the men toj' whom t he maj'-v was giving a ride, j Civilization demands 'hat men like 1 that extermmuled. There an: peopie the world who say | that civilization cannot take the life j f a man. But we do not agree with ; those people. "He that shcddeth mans! hiooil by him blood be shed." "An j eye- for an eye. a tooth for a tooth" j read two Biblican passages. Civilization must be protected. Those two men are a curse to eive n/atniii ii they committed the crime > told by oneof their alleged confessions. Death will be too good foi them, dust as a Jewish Kahbi in his ynagogue demanded that the two Jews in Chicago who killed a boy for the thriii of Killing be punished by oath for the sake of our laws and ir moraN and our civilization, just. j do we believe the people- of Amer- j i v 51 dcmu$|[ .hat these two men. | i the facts are right, be punished by t ath for ;? crime. Death would i sweet to criminals who would :) to a deed >'? i)loot!-curdling and Tl-if-l. . TWO Kiros Ol LOSERS Gov! Smith seems to have 'a- j . a in a tine spirit. He j it Mi Davis a message promising i ? . up.port and accepted an ! : citation 'o address the conventum j i re-, r-,:. hi, i)U dires. "I'll take! my : < and and st> will ev- \ . -? v. Is- foiio-.vs me in this j t? 5 i',;s ticket" ; o?ld. rh;.r the pj"per p rit. N o matter d Mc.Vdoo might hjc.v felt he hoyhi h;>\< been -port emup to in- dot cat !"rt.nti\- and w ith !-i.o * -S 8?k> to do gOod . t . Tat o';-r , ,.ji - o >- ,-n defeat lu d,- r.i.-t. .V r.. : o. do cr always '.u^:'K-sf'-,Uw ' ?')'<' > a ou to take advantage of Davidson's July Clearance Sale. Don't Miss it. r-Tutt'sPii!s? 3 Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever 9 they wish. Cause food to assimiiaie. j Nourish the body, give appetite. I DEVELOP FLESH } / Transportatiot ANY TYPE OF CHEV 3R TRUCK YOU WANT proven itself to be the in the world for the n, F. C. Ward or W. D. >ne Garage THEY ALL FEEL THIS WAY | s There are many wonid-be officeI at older- who feel after the primaries, is i i hud Pickett down in Georgia! ?ack the nineties when populism L7 va? at its heighth. Pickett ran forj . on the Populist ticketadn 1 Y tanva- -d the district *r? a buggyj {riving: an old tried and true gray; 10 The morning after the lecetion K le \v< t out in the barnyard and " B' -^2 . ft" (! I \felve-in-heac Four-wheel-it ~and Low pr< O fmi n CJ When better autos are bui F. M RICHARDS. W. H. GRACG, Boone. N. C. ! .- "V ft h < x"'\ , m a*.'-"*- "" tjl *? utaym^ T* I II Hay time coines o bout the same time e If your hay is not it means a loss to you Buy new machine time and hay. There is no machii will give you such s? ing line. Come in and look full line of hand hayWhen in need of don't forget we are ! BOONE HARD1 * i JULY 24, 1924. >eued the stable door and looked the old pray horse ;? ,d said: w Mas <>id cay, my Caithfu> friend \Yc traveled far together, \* and down the hills ami dales In fair ami stormy weather, on wished but oats 1 begged for vote-. You got what you desired, nt i was heft and sadly left, in a way iha makes me *ired." 19HSV ^iig^) n/ wB) m TOBI i en^ne-ol course makes -olcourse ??emrp itrftR h/VW 4r4. A W W--W tnsli$een GUt'Seirf r It Buick Will Build Them Banner Elk, N. C. Cha.. E. GREEN, BAkerftville. N C. i i k ! /"*"> i r / ? / v, w "? .r >'f.J jr ' -V* ne nly once a year and a ach year. * cut at the proper time i. i * * :s ana raKes. and save aery on the market that ;rvice as the new Deerthem over. We have a tools. anything in Hardware headquarters. y WARE COMPANY