PAGE EIGHT IMPROVED UNirCJlM IXTTPJATTOK SiindayScho ' Lesson fBv OS' t? VlTJItt'iTrp r-f t-?. o -h.H-i 1> ;i*b! i.-f {ftiChC.v) :. ."? W -- - v Lesson for July 27 THE TEMPT AT ON OF .'ESU t . ,v t;.;Y v. - n : GOiJ :.N 5'W " Jiith u'-r-'j S?-rt'i*c He iv erjtfsiaaw Vl'.ej:: tll&l i* m .vR\ r >i*'C?j I> A r-iK JTMOH TOVIC?J *tis ?*r. . :vr; T-.' p|? .N . ' \T-Z ASX v 3C -Je? '!* > % ? i 7*s5 Ifov: *? ? r Temp: Vol N . I K'U'liK aNT.? '.1^1.1 --YU'K-rj Over Ttvmpter I. Its Purpose IV I). The Holy H?ttx inv wily (He 2.14). His * n Tj'?t ? ]>- -tirar! Of ' 1. ' " v ' *t I * ' '? C aavi sa:&:i waicfe to ii tun nt.. Ir vis ! -t To . to t-n.I .02* t-? wlr';!-- '! ' " s'au-i ' ?* > *? 'vh?-?'..T ?i,' v sin. ***! p"irr--'r*t? ' ^1 * :) : :? cv T H - rVo-r .? >.' I! is n ' "*! .i' ! i _Lr nil >v r*\at a tin4 > *lvro n ?*? ! I:: I 1 ; ' V lllSTII? ' If T*e CcrWct (vv - 1 M. I. ' r.fs * I>'N !':* M..Is " il#? T*. ! : ' mm 11' Vi'.j-I'IMO. f -.-| It'iHoj o; . i'iTr <: Noiiv- -nly . v--,;!' fi.-n ?v? gm P?t? ttBJ-! ? sfX'li r.'t- -e. /-J> Th?* Ocvt;. po ' ftsi a roai *?i7. i?1. A IJHO nlv :? v \ t'l ain# "'! '-i^v " ' i tiv IfVr'li ? !.m;vV lit ! Wi u *H most oi?Tc:,iiitJir.u--? ;.n.? i 1),; ?en *v4!?s ' << surr . . : 1 ! > blasts in.? rr'nnv?,,"tl .< >.. v.- : ?; A B'li'v i> "ir K?Htov.: - i'\i Hm x thr*vf >t<2 r "7.iTr.unshIjt. fjij of Miir- ?*vg of ;: ?r.*1 \j Me e?u-l 'vkm I'm ' ? ground of a J i?? Son of Mon If* 2. T V . T. ,-:tv of HU 4 Itv T- -n^tvar*' whether :! n:.-*y ? ; .twrl thro a virgin htrrh HPf r^A-. the uppo ii: i !" r<> 'he .nsTh:of hunger. Afft* 7s IV.1 rht* ro;!ilf ,f gin. Wh .o-.T:> r > !: to ?ia**e xu h In a ! ivotvl'i litix* stn v> s -n < -t '? > '. iw r?, 6i. Tli a ;? >' '..-t lbf? which ' i ' i. Iu*ji-v taken - it^fjEuumrnity vfl^ lirt !' ! . Mo Iftt t . ' ' pr*?s:jii: f* own \a.i ' .i*vrl * .-'inniion ; tion : > 1 for 7 Just to j>li? > :t ?ln ami :!* S'ft-tan t -tsiptf- : * spc-**:?? u!ar thinvr^ <5er * . : y to gain r'a Of * 1 : ' ? T ('*.) As t v*v 0";. t miss' ?!: -as the M-hs>5: h was to r ti s : *' 14 ?vt! T1 oflVr?*d ?. To Him Hlllipie aoi: 'ir'.-.i. t|:.,; H> \voiiW his (V::s ..I -via Ting The sity of *;u- - ross. Tr-.e kingdom really Ohr:-*V. :m Ho knew tin WOllld ' ] a rely ts*.?;.:? Ills, du.-oiof JIT v as ?o immediate si m wit hour the sufferings cross f The Defense v-\ j. 7. T?i. met the OTtemy time an I r< Bs :?*:n? T 'rl ?he VVord of Oo<] fl:n? Ho ' :i!'1 "1* is wrJltci qvi -v fro ' :n>. tb vh;- 1 V. 1 : ;-.! ."s wot: ci'- '.ii. (7rs: h.i'l eiJoijgh coti in ! ! > u>?- it ,t. ; *. - i:v"?3r Yionr of . - t or - 1 - ' st> -ry 5. The T>r-;ie J?. 7?* . rp S. -: r. . u The -1?- o -K~ fi>i4r*4. The inaii ^ > faj&i! "vjr the spSi > his ..* :> " 1 e. (-'? \ nntl mil *r*:3> -v.-rn wr.s * ? rfcuf :! - - ?vs oeimrs Tnjm ' . an it ?*ecoir.:ii to ?*:. the triumphaii Man's Sorrows Man's ~i>rro\v>- tr^ a my^t that sinner- should not have w-re a sadder mystery stiIT. A pleads with us all Dot to lose iJ of our PxperleDces of the hitter sin by our levity or our blind their meanings.?Alexander Ma A Prayer \Ve pray Thee O God, thai Tt help us to he faithful, earn*: true ii? all of oar work, whal may he Clear Conscience Lots '#f people regard a cie science as more of a luxury necessity. C ' * * '? > A: I JSC dunps cl otie.-rs {bun lo do our Tl 1JU_ | ICO (.'CATION AL TOi'H TO WASHINGTON CIT^ dFw the braefit oi thv>o v/fco vi-e Vi.'' ; :nj,T"-. I . (. . at the trim < I .ht s'-.' -i y : a t iV. W c Sfiii.: ?'.> !COM %X\ fk - i?v.\? bv jjtnev and ieaw W *1[>?nn ^ :.n- - 1 (> a). 4irrty it h "l:D. . at if a. m.: ; " altviio >tli vivv - 81 St- A ' ^ . it hi ira . nhei Wotidrtfw Wi =*?: *s j | remains a,v bu(W; visit Art amol .theater and i >for.. -...J ;>z\ Sunday r.:*rv* ati end chert? eh \\hk'b Prc\?id&i)t ' tK*?l v h : \V? -i .ail have i\n-.r are i ; :h . y. vUilufcr the c&pi: '' ~s to Whifco !t"Vi> . thv Trear-ur} B. i the . * - - arid Printing. ?' . L ra- y. Old an.l N -v. Y , >. ^ Par Amti .. Building, Vv : Monument. andria. Mou \ ?17C : noil, the Zo'.- and scores . : r. j points interest. \V?. h-ave Wasr.irijitr,* . ' ?h > j \ . y night at it: re rpose ,ac^ North Carolina on Th iv s? the y . w <*?_ : na'" ' ' 'l v ' " - ' K' u.'~ . .l-.j Those iles .. :iq i\ ( r Gi : 't?i and ot&f r filling aloiur the ^oy may do >c>. Urlst ' : ?*.v pv v.-' ? the trip. ir. i Sa- .1 i :* -. hiillman h.-rt- -i' Jesus ... .rh- - . r:iv bills ami in. roui,! f dollars. We ,h . ;> **' ^ ii .i* .-it Hotn. "lie ot -* as to * }! r-.. ami tour tn :ne lu> .. o1>. . I .i-.- I-1-. i : kr. vie-itt:iI y . ?m?i V yd {are ir?.:ns ? tool'', v;? . reservations. I"hi ? ha . be as tr.a :y a?' fcivv:. : 'I. v. oTiet yeu car pet your : m i <-ah plan for t ... : he trip ? a! m ikl- c tmuicy.- ; . . . : am a< i V to arc-..; > ,r> of . !>' b\V? o V ii.-i f the i-; veil ? !:. : > I . p I er u so< the cup-- .. ' P*'r" ;,v . tJ.-: v. . i 'rn ' MKS \Y LKAK i'l w M METHOD1S1 CHURCH c;.. - at *' j . v.,?. lei - .. J tirst r.favarth Lca^iu 7.1a :b dfie V . pi r sorv < -> ' 1. m. (Iho r prat; iet v. - j . Bi a K- . .San-j ' ?.yn i Br; :6yoranp nt b hy ij| past. j 1 \ . i .: vi :i."r . v.* t :?. ! *o| l' F.N TRY NOTICE NO. 2570. :?tv f Nor vi ' ,':u'ol.i :i, Watai.;. trlsfted \: . . i v. : > laker h*vfc said Wvnnlv. V. '1 lv^r-> locates and vntors 501 . a- : ir. \\ :?ttownshii . , . *. hv waters tit Watauga liver ami - Cil'vk. l3 am: . ?. an- with -aid rraur i: > north to a - if * :>.* < * ? tier f said grant ..en \ 1th N. ii I'..-);/.- ami other's - ~ . - ... ?ui the beginl;. a.- htvittde all thl- vacant r ,and ivi -ain hvnnithtry. . ... Enri-r. t; tins St'n day July i'dJ'. ii .1. HAuIOX. Entry TuK.-: NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Xor-i. linn, Wa: nra County i: E | the Superior (' ?urt m.Tore the Clerk. . C Farthing :.. Grady Farthing. Don aid Fart I 1 " sx ; ^^.,^.4.-. D , \ i apcr. Subserve For Your i>rANDASi)S % j j SsT It Iflfiasfc 13 * . im on ;;:1; - J|1 Rt^W^ANDARD' ,j cil. t? WATAUUA DEMOCRa r?? V j :n.., ar.d Juriiey arid Ralph J u r i l y Tile defendants Howard Jnrney and Rail h Jtirra-v will take that : 1 *v:ien e a til led :t~ ?t>ov?; has Be e* ecmmcnced ix the Super? er . ??; v\ .r? c.-.i < . \" *' io :he of oiling the iHtid< belongira: t. ; otatf of Fred V'arthdeceased, for the purpose of mnkiiig <'?? the saUl estate. ?nd the lief. v fvubor lake notice thai they are required to apc-ar at '. v.-v ?>i ire Cierk ;?f the Supc : of V\ ata'.e.' ? ty on th- Lll-r day of A -gust 2S24. at the court .d.i o-iriy arid an-nve, ..i C-mur to tfc+. complaint in said . ? At.... rlainuiY will apply *" : he . ou? i'.it ;he voli* T ?ienu; led m the -aid complaint. This July 12, K'"2 1. V W. SMiiH. Clerk Superior Court. Linney ? ' 'fey. Attorneys for piaintiff. NOTICE OF SALE B> virt < t? an order of Isaac T. V*. . Referee hi Bankrnptcy i?i the matte! ? i A. \. Lenlz and Will Lentz ^' i a?nier>.2nje:\tr' i the estate of said hank;-i:pr rvjiii-h ha.- been cut into convenient parce - ar ?i will be ottered . n>o-t ?aov. y r.o the creditors Tir- -a'a - will v n !>as:s of one tilth. cash, balance in four equal payments due In four six. twelve, eighteen a s: tv \ : our month* from of confirmation of -ale by the court, ho deferred payment.- to be . .red y jj.-t-ds of trust upon the piop rty purchased and to bear inof .1 :< Th* ca - h. raymeiu of 20 Uuo-i from the date of *iu? eonfirmarver cent iiiusl be deposited with the trustee at the time of -ale. or the property wil hnnicdiatuiy resold; re properly w'.\\ bo m.Iu free from a - encumbrances and a plat . - \h:a: ihe iime of rhe I in ported upon appiicm'h.r to the iirjlfi-iRnod trustee. t'r . - iiaV f 'lily i :'2 1. GFORGE M SUDOERTH Trustee in bankruptcy. N? ilCE Oi EXECUTION SALF By v!?*tlit- <.i an exec^icn diluted !< ; ,h? araleisiy;c,od sherilf of Watautra <=ui;tv ?n>m tho -11perior cotiVf f aid count v : that certain action in * the V.i ie truck Bank is the ..''tiff and W. C. Eggers and K !' t ry ai defendants, for th? - i?u and interest and costs, 1 Monday Sept. I. I!*_;4 at i k. o. m. >elJ to ? lie- highest bid fot cash, at tho court house door -aid i - a: ;y the following tract of i. to V) it : huirtr on rho center of the iiTv in C. Eggers* line, thence the public road, south 22 west south - 1-2 east ten poles; r poles; then sou'.h 2> 1-2 wast to a slake in middle of aid > :; then south 6 1-2 west one pole maple stump: then north s2 \V c.oles to a beech. J. M. Greer* s a ; er, then with G. \V. Eggers' line > \v--st poles to a stake in SoutV i\ 1 ?r of Ellison's t'veek. near a buvl . . then with the middle of saic k north SI* we t fi poles, rher :*th ; 1-2 west <1 poies. then novtl 1-2 west 4 poles then north 141-*: v. yst 6 pole*, then north 81 west h V'.-. r.i.r. north 72 1-2 west 6 poles 'he;: north >> 1-*? west 7 1-2 pole: he beginning:, containing 4 acre So poles. ! the ! th day of July 11*24. C M CRITi HER, ShevitT X. VAKD. D. s. i pump i town his sign, me i\paa IN DARD" SOLI N E in the Tank >~a perfect day Made t*i tiii' f arolinas F.RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N C ??Ti roUna, WaUu^a C mhty, in{ j Superior Court. IM tore toe; * ^ Annie Gwjpv vs. Steele ! Gr. NOTICE j. '? , i "rtam ov? named will jtak . < . that an action entitled asj i- been commenced ;n thej ! couri 01 Watauga , >imty to] Km w '-ends . f :n.itjrn*v>ny he?? .vni the :> M;li :?nd t)u? de. -ndafi' *Ji -. '?i the detVoflac: wiii ..... ..:av .... - - 1 " od * appear at the awt term of sup ri ' court of . hold 'he fir:'. Moi".iay vet September : -i at the court hoiuse oi* .said c.iwr: ". Boone. X. C. and answer or o- '.ill' tv the complaint In said actio or the plaintiff vrtJi apply to :hr ' f?>r tnt ie-icl demanded in \ >a:?i ktr.piiaiist. Th July 1, A. V. SMITH. ? rk of the Superior Court. Notio of Dissolution of Partnership A -rsons are hereby notified i that ave >
f July lt'2 i. J. S. RAG AN. 7-1" NOTICE OF TAX SALE . . F the purpose of colecting th?* taxi** r the >car 1922, ! will on Mom August 4, 1924, (or the purpose S collecting said tax and penalty thci with the cost*, sell to 'he - heat bidder for cash, at the curl door of Watauga county . at 1 )ck p. m. the following land* t o v NOK I H FORK. I V\ ?V "* ? 4 ? ilvte-. penalty ' i'?.*> ax > 7 v It: uili 14 acft >. pev.alty .->1* j tax K Miller. 11 acres, |u:,ai'\| $1.6 ... $8,33. AI; John \\\ Main 11 ;ur<-.* p?-it -j ally : lax C.'i!' K^er.-. ai .00. B ? Co. 00 uciv.<. p< .90 J tax 9 rt: ilu- 5lp day of July 1924. J. K YOUNG, iCx-Shoritf. j_ R. D. JENNINGS DENTIST !' (iii'iea Over Watauga County Bank* BoONE N. CAKC x auenw irom a distance would dwell to write and have appointment j arranged beforehand, Hairs Catarrh Medicine Treatment, both local and internal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for ovc: terry years Soli by al! druggists. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio ENTRY NOTICE NO. 2571 Slate of North Carolina. Watauga! County othee of entry taker for! said county. X. H Eari- locates and enters 20 : acres of land in Watauga township * on the wa'ors of Watauga river. Be1 ginning on the northeast corner of 1 the W. E. Shipiey tract and runs with said line to Mast's line, then * with Ma t's line and various courses c and distances to the beginning s%> as to include all the vacant land in the f said boundary. Entereu this 8th day of July 1024 li J. HARDIN. Entry taker i i ! - ... ( j V f i AN AVALANCHE OF MONEY bother* many a man when his hi* hills begin to turn into cash. For safety ease in disbursement and gaining j almost instant credit in the business world, be should at once turn the sum into a ba.^k. Open an Account and begin to do all hs bill paying by check. It is the simplest and the most accurate way of keeping posted ! a? every stub is a postitvc receipt 1 that said bills are paid. There are manifold advantages attached to this , bank method of doing business that j never fail in advancing a man on the road to success. The Bank of Blowing Rock Blowing Rock. N. C. ffer* it* unexcelled servh e. j lllii? III?IIMIHHHill lil 1H11I Hill mill THE THRILL 'n the n un i &*&_ I A. GJ Local Agent. JULY 24. 1924. I* . hi" seme ta); Wttw out for you*' ? \r?i oh the thrill of that! Oh. fathers in these modern days, get out and know your boys. .Stay < !< " to them throughout their ; outb and share their cares and joy Show t .em that healthy minded fun i never tame or flat, Lo-:d w m to clean and honest, sport ?they*.' get a thrill from that! ??