fEftc ?Batauga Skmacr&t. ft. C. RIVERS. Editor and Owner. Published Ever* Thursday by THE RIVERS PRINTING CO. Subscribers wishing their address- \ m changed will please favor us by j firing the OLD as weP as the NEW address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.50 Six Mouths 75 TJirae Months 40 Payable in Advance. Advertising Rates on Application Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Baapect, Obituaries, etc. are charged for at the regular advertising rates. Articles sent for publication without giving the name of the writer will not under any circumstance be published Entered at the postoffice at Boone SJ. C. as second class mail matter. Thursday October 9, 1924 HOW WE BUILD AND PAY Charlotte Observer. It will be but a short time now? whet! the egisiature meets in January?that the 0! ti-vor can flaur.t North Carolina in the face of pouty old Georgia as the 5>100,000,000.00 Good roads state." How do we do it? I Why. in the first place by an efficient! organization of highway people, of] the best business talent from thej State, and an efficiently organized and economical automobile department.! likewise composed of men of the fin- i est business qualifications. Men of | big business affairs have been voiun- | tarily drafted into the state's good' road organizations ar.d these men. by' their works, have justified the faith of the people. Kesjllful application of the state's money in highway construction and maintenance tells the' story. The Stale has now about spent the quota of $ 5,000 000 which was provided by bond issue voted by the Legislature and is reaching out for $85,0000.00 more with which to complete the system. The state would be in an uproar if the Legislature should tail in that obligation, for completion of the system is an obligation regarded by the people as their due. This demand is ask? d on the utppiestiei ? d --uinoetency 0f high way mar.agem* lit and upon the excellent working of trie machinery glared in the hands of Secretary of state Evcret for devtM miner the funds to pay for the work. It is an illuminating utory. It was the expectatio n when the state highway work was inaugurated that the best the state could hope for would be the meeting of interest en the bonds. The matter of reducing the principal was regarded as an accomplishment of the distant future. It was the ''millstone" the lute was tying around the neck of posterity." Eut within thi years th -rtate has retired $1,500,000 in road bonds and will within the week retire another 51,>>00,000. thus taking ur? an is&ucof $2,500,000 of bonds before the ink on the paper is thoroughly dric-d. A favvme expression an-nig some people in contemplation f i big aecompii.shnv m, is chat tlu-y "cannot beiiew their own eyes," bat in this ease ih< v cannoi avoid believing th?plain facts. A- disclosed by the rc-co-is oi Secretary Kvortttb' depart.iv the recoil f om iillomobile . - and fro:-. .it gasoline 102l enabled dcpactihcnl to .-et as b- $500 a nr. * fci maintenance if the highway and to liquidate ail mi. ad . .?pen. v.i the ro?hway department, to pay ab 'merest charges on * a $65,000,000 bonds issue, and to put aside Sl.->' 0, >00 for the sinki.m fund? which means to pay off that amount of bonds. That " the record fo 1023. The dei . l of depart Sc. : _ j- JKL l . . __ _ 1 mviii. inuicatCu -ver a uf-ivr fetora for 192-1-25. Thi exfcctti)i?n is being realised as indicated by the fact that ?I,QCu.000 addition.! bonds arc to ' c i- !)n--i immediately - . look thi.- year is tor devMopm. ; of largely increased revenues fr.,m licenses and gasoline sales, for the state : not near the limit. At) illustration ir "ratio' migijt be given. The tota revenues from registrations and tram fers from November 30, it'll to N'o vember 30, 1912 were $11,1*1. Th revenues from the same source fron June 30, 1023 to June 30, 192-1 weri $o,97o,658.87. The revenues iron gasoline taxes from May 1, 1921 t< June 30, 1922 were $838,724.57. Foi the year ending June 30, 1924 the gasoline tax produced $3,979,855.40 Up to that date the total collection! from automobiles and gasoline taxe; amounted to $19,913,867.73, and tb< total collections of the departmen from all sources to $20,038,109.45. The records further show that fo' the registration year ended June 30 1924 there was collected by the au tomobile department the sum of $8, 077,566.38. Of tfcia amount $824, 192.61 was collected and paid ovc to the State Treasurer in June of thi Tl I This Wetkl By Arthur Brisbane FUR PRESIDENT COOI IDGE. AND THOSE THAT PAY. 2.000 FIGHTING PIANES. FOR ONE DREADNAUCHT. President Cooltdgv recalled .>ecr*Uiy Wilbur, of the Navy, to Wimhin^iuQ to diKu6s with him :e*ative value of battleships and fi>ing machines in v/ar." i.??*i:s. ? ! course, that the PrtM rent will LISTEN to otber?; and TAKE COUNSEL with himself. It means thai, with all his work, he has found tune for the serious problems of Rir defense, and doea not intend tc keep this country among the backward nations. as regards real preparation. Facts alone will influence the President, and tbey are not lacking. For instance: One battleship of dreadnaught class cost forty-five million dollars. For that sum the nation couid build and mobolize TWO THOUSAND FIGHTING AIRPLANES. Does the President or any other sane man ask wnst chance & battleship would have Against 2,000 fighting air machines dropping TNT from the clouds? The French have come through a real war, with invasion to tne very gates of Paris, millions killed, other millions wounded. THEY know something about fighting. What has France done to prepare against danger across her border ? France has a first lino of air defense, consisting of two thousand fighting air machine*, with a reserve of two thousand more And that fighting French air fleet is what makes England, with all her lumbering battleships, cruisers, etc., "the world's greatest battle fleet," so nitifully polito to Franco. She will continue to be polite until she can dominate in the air, as she used to dominate tne sea. The two thousand first line fiscal year 1922-2S. The- remaining, $7.:7.Y7."> was paid over to the Treasurer during the fiscal year 192:1 -: with Ik- exception of $670.40, >ad -heck?. The operating exm r-. | during the year ending June JO, 1924 : was $21 i.lds.O* for automobile Jim and gasoline tax, and $102.! 42rt.o9 fur the theft fund which included cost ox number plates, pos iagt . clerical work, depreciation of i . uuipmenr, oftiec supplies and upI keep of building in which the depart-1 is lucai&S The personal service I os. if admim-t. nr.g the license and ' gasoline tax was I b2 per cent <.i the revenue collected while the total cost > . .* tU.. >. .. .1 v p I ? ... ui i*?. loilecte.l. rr.u total vpi-oso of opei ath-ir ; hf av.tonfiobilo h pavtrr.ent oil fr-.tn rovonue rccvivyd, and no :u:rt i i-f til (J _'cr.eial iun<l of the i.< : aii,iiu;)iiiited for its use. inciJi ntally it miyht be >vr >nto nee ibat in 1 1 1, so far t c automobile detriment knew .?-re we but 11 ,*>sr? t ,.:ornobi!ci ;Jie state and oulj ISO dealers. A t . he alo-ii a if the i.y24 report then v..ajcautomobiles paying i:: :te , t?> the- jtfhod road- ar/d l.AOS dealers ?elling iKomol - And that : how the state grows and how it build no good rnuis w About making the oi nay any taxe- for them. A o in this condition of affah's is locaud the ason why the peon'e are dem; i?ng the rounding out of the work and legislative enactment which will make it possible. BOONE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. lib. VV. R. j Gragg, Superintendent. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. in. j Prayer services are being conducted this week orep&ratory to our meeting which begins Monday night. *1 Rev. W. L. Griggs, pastor oi thi ci rob of North Wilkes ; boro iv to be with us in our meeting We had a fine meeting of the can vassmg committee Monday night Th< a i canvass is for the local work anc 1 frvt- .,nr miecion ."niKpc Ft ic i to be made the afternoon of the 4tl ' Sunday in this month. } We extend a hearty welcome to al to attend our services. FORMER WATAUGAN DIES IN THE STATE OF TEXA5 i 3 A mcsage from Paris, Texas bear > the sad intelligence of the death o: t our former county man Holland F Hodges on last Friday. Mr. Hodge r was born and reared near Boone lea i, ving here some forty years ago fo - Texas where he reared a family am - prospered financially. He is a brotbe - of Mrs. J. C. Ray of Horton and Mi r R. R. Hodges who spends his sum ? mera here. HE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?JSV lighting plar.es that spell security for I Ebmipe, less than haii' the c^!-t of or.r i?*st das* urea . h r??. ier Kr<, :a' .hra Germany ihaJl bu'ii * : - g planes. We continue spc-aJSrg nSfioas on big gi s v." uration f? r practice. They uis. :il soon be class e : a: ,r crtr.sear.'. curiosities. used lo ...;skfc : loud noise in the P/ - :;!al salute, or tickle nig to his ship. A sixteen-inch > gun costs as much as fighting a/rshtps. It lasts only long enough to fire one hundred and twenty shots. Then it is burnt-out scrap iron. The life pi a fighting plane, costing half as much as a single big g*r.-. is equal to that of an ordinary forty-five million dreadnought. Mr. W. J. Davis, of San Diego, earnest advocate of air defense, says truly, ' The nation foremost in the air will win the next wor at the drop of the bomb, and before the world wakes up the next morning amid the fumes of phosphorus or of bombs of some other Kina, ii u ao?8 wane up ui urn, tne var will hiive been won." Battleships, besides beir.g obsolete, are frightfully expensive, soon out of date, worthless in peace. Flying machines, enough of them to make thia nation safe against attack by sea or land, could be built without burdensome taxation, kept up with slight expense, and they would pay their way in peace, twice over, in the mail service, and in spying out torecfc fires. Before this country faces s new war?it won't come, while they are e'i borrowing from us? the range of fliers and submarines will be as great as that of any floating vessel. The submarines will go as fast as any cruiser and tbo fliers, of course, twenty times as fast as any fighting ship afloat. These suggestions are submitted to the Prwident, who will decide what shall be done, and to the people of this country. They will pay the bills in money, which is not important, and in blood, which is important, if a fatal mistake be made in oar plans of dsfenee. What yoa read here is printed in several hundred dally newspapers. including the Herald of Washington, D. C., where those in otftee may see it, and in several thousand weekly nowroapers, read in millions of country norms. FOSCOE GLEANINGS The Rev. Woosley preached a lii a-nv.on here Sunday afternoon. ?. ei pleas.-d lo hav. him with \ and hope he can return often. Mi. Grove;* Waltes and family Blowing Rock visited his sifter Mr i). Coffey. Sunday. .Mr. \\ P. Church ...in Miss \ a Coffey -i.e.,; Sunday in ZionviU Miss Alcna McCain home agai after spendine ths sumnyei i:i Bl.?v ng Rock. Mrs. Walters mad a inn i 1 How nig Rock and Lenoir la*, v. ? e .^nc iook in tnu pioneer snow Tl Covered Wagon." It was grand Miss Virginia Coffey visits Mi ' Edna* Davis at Todd last week. : I think Mr. W. A. Wat son is d i I ' i (r y v; j; ilk' It;, 51.3?. v ! a% Mew va Sew Rj iiHi- 'V*e nave 4 I ? m. *tj; rbe ciesigi ili |d wondertu |i: Sj wait unti |j j II improvers ijij i I dy its heij j !j ' itsdistinc I 1 I I &t?r cow II I m Satin i*ni II I IB refinemei // I fIB * Tourluli ? R7n( IJ IS i Roadster S7i 1114- liflu ' Sport Roadster 18! \laf5l Sport Touring I' > 1! Vt \V? Do Luxe t \V XJgl I he G. M. A. plan makes b f. o. b. Lansin A r\ MTT T A .VI. YU 5 : uLDSj * ery thursday?boone. n. c [Wg] , to find success v*rmo?/r ; j mocm t fport ? uoo*. ??* t?vj; [jiaiomarv - j r?5r"^ Jhenv^L w-?-?-y-~ Uncle lahnl^J I motor*! out to Eesyviiie a day or two ago. ... I'd heard rome tales about 'cm that I didn't think was so. I used to lire at Easyville?she half-way mothered me,-?oo, whan they told ma ahe was dead, aaa I, "I'll go an' aao." She didn't hare no ferror, and h?r pulse was ruunin' low . . . Her symptoms waa about the same as t.hi-ty years ago. Shs weren't cnjoyin' mora of pap than what the law required,? an' ahe wouldn't aaern much deader If she really had expired 1 No flowers was bloomin' oa the lawns and, nary house was painted. If aha had heard of civic pride" they hadn't got aequalntod! The alleys needed cieanln' up?the weeds was growin' high?e a a h family owned a spotted pup that howled aa we went by. . . The wtmman looked slabsided, an' the man was whiskered rank. ... A veteran with a wooden face was oettin' hi the bank. ... I may be wrotig about it, but I've got this ranch to say: I couldn't stand rehearstn' far a funeral everyday I nit; tho right ling it. living to build : ir,t Deep l;:iii 1 hope he can get all I ho eiie.tn.ts he wants.' ilopc they will kelp ii.m advertise ihi place. We don't think we need anything mors f . th ?neai Grandfather Mo tntain s. to aid as. It* you stand on tin moantuin you may see the sun fining i- ions; after it is dark in the val'ey. Try to live up high. Let your v. hole in Hi'e be so, upward, upward. Mrs. A alter- is planning a trip to Hopev.vii church :ext Sunday witr to i some friends. k: < us! ... j WANTED?Students to work in ? !' t'ico while taking business course. Tui i tto-.s .1 from guaranteed positior .-ii'ter gradual ??n. Edwards th:sines: t.'olli-g . High Point. N. C. 9-25-! i; U'' ^ I... - >?- h V * ' ? * _ i ' V ' ' iaivcy ^ j afiner^rt ;gr j | n't changes. g|? ^ of this j;i| I chassis .1 !w4i!{ I. j k you see vsc !?sj; :'j! lent wrought jg|U |j "htened hooa. ;l|i tive new radi- i'l I lights i)uco i|jl \? sa,^ and ocher i 2-Pais. Rus.OopcSlMJ hi "? S-?a;?. <^>acli i?tA5 I I % t'-oupe 1175 ISif/# jil > Sedan 1250 c5Ir/M jJr sedan $i35o lyy g? C. MtenJetl payment rZr y/ tiytntl easy. All price? 3 i g. Tax and spare tire p y/ additional. I rJK. JL?ocai Agent.. 5^^ ma, n. c. * MOBILE of OCTOBER 9, 192-5 ;-:. . -liM. Y? ? ' '"" ii^m imnMir? '** |Ey % J?%?\ for Economical Transportation /jynijr/ . ^ rt flaj 7 il_ J For Immediate Delivery I J We have ust received a new shipment of I Roadsters and Trucks. The Chevrolet has proven its superiority to other cars for this * section in every test it has been given. We woud ask that you place your order etrly, and if in doubt as to whether to buy this kind o f acr or not, just ask the man who owns one Ward Chevrolet Company Boone, N. C. I J' | Democrat Advertising Pays 13 * JL Your Roofs I * i 1 ! I he season is fast closing in and . before you realize it. King \\ inter will have full sway. Why not prepare all your buildings for the rain slow and sleet that is sure to come. We have roll roofing of all kinds at attractive prices, also it is necessary to heat your home to a comfortable degree and our line of hea Jters is complete. We will have a shipment of Hea trolas, the inside and ornamental furnace for heating your entire home at an economical operating cost of fuel, in a few days, and will be glad to show you and tell you ! about it. - cr IIiii?i' Dont forget us when in need of anything in the hardware line. BOONE HARDWARE CO. "The Friendly Store"

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