vage eight MIS.S Mi-CSJIRE ENTERTAINS AJissi lia/.c! McGwire gave > do igUtfut dinner party at her home on Daniel Bbouc HiH last Sunday at o'flt-ck e\ honor of ?cr week end guest Miss Gertrude Stines of HietcThe guests were invited into the d?iilng room where a delicious three ?. ot.rse dinner wiw served- Pink and white carnaliom were used e.ffecUvciv in decoration. The guests were: Misses Gertrude Stines Ruth and Rtthj Cottrei-, Verna Gragg and Annie Lee Trivett; Messrs CarJ and oieiiKiS Payne and Roger McGuire of Boone, WiPiaig B. Cook of Lenoir and Robcrr Huh and -Jack Brooks of Hickory. Alio dinner Miss Annie Lee Trivefcte rendered a number of beautiful piano selections. COVE CREEK HAPPENINGS Prerimirv ry debates v-crc held last Friday morning: at chapel and at the society in the afternoon on the Curtis-Ret . ; he subject chosen for the annual high school triangular dci a; c. :udviits Look part in the contest and those winning out were Ha::e: Not l is. Ray Ellison. Paul Tayic and Marilia 1 ove. They will repres.rt the school in the triangular arrangement to be announced la Re\. R. A. Taylor was a visitor jt chape: on?' day last week. Rev. ,i. C. Canipe and Rev. L A. Hurst, were visitors at the chapel hour a few days ago. Mr. Canipe conducted the devotional ami talked very interesting:! y to the school. Cove Creek was victorious again over the boys and girls basketball f ibi junior high <?f Boone in interesting games played ??n the local court a few days age. Mr. R. F. Edwards, Grand Lodge 1<-ctu'reT-. giving n series of lectures Snow Lodge this week. The many fremis of Mr. and Mrs. A S. John>on ix-er.d them their sym-' pathy in their bereavement Crude dciemy Green died last Thursday and was buried on Friday afternoon, isorviees were he'd in the < ove Ciei k Baptist church. L SAM TAKES NO CHANCES ON TOMMY RYAN ' .? sheytlK . F b. A special ordor froir. federal authorities provides I'-r treatment of Tommy Ryan. aiia-j Hammond. alleged dope krln^r. when h- coaxes into court to answer to r several chaVg. - growing out of nlieg? d violation of the nurcutii act. Ho. will wear double bracelets of the latest steel cut, and will be honov?.d with an .-.snort 01 half a dozen m-!. with star: pinned lo the front part ol then waistcoats. That is hot all. Between now and the linn- the tr at is staged in federal court Ryan will receive his food from paper plates and will drink from jiiiper cups, anpaier distinction not accorded ordinary prisoners. Ir. fact Uncle Sam appears to have taken a special interest in his weltare. This may be accounted for in some measure by the frequency with which he stages escapes and near| escapes. Sv many hack .<i\\\s have1 been fuoiul in the local bastile re-'j ceniiv tliat the night jailors are reported to he suffering from chronic ir.<oir.rdA. Wv7ni\ i< voiTiirnpa hv the officcis a slippery customer and the bteps ihat tire taken art- calculated to lti ure his appearance hianre judge K. \ Sites \Vobb, In federal court. RIDDLES FORK HAPPENINGS Miss P.ina South, e? the Tamarack section, veiled relative;. here last U-" week. ; ;' > r: C Mrs. A via Coir has been very III for a few \lay>. but is improving at this time. ?: : t%*". iff. and Mrs: Joncic McGuive and little daughter, Lois, visited Mr. and Mrs. 5 J. Cole Sunday Mrs. Martha Hodges, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. E,\ returned home last Thursday. N. W Davis who was injured while working on the highway near here arid who has been at his sister^ Mrs. Nettie Davis, ?anec, was brought home Friday afternoon. Alviv. J. Cole made a business trip to Jefferson Thursday. Claude Miller and Miss Rut!: Green, daughter of ?f. C. Greene oi near acre, were married- c-uuaay. r *-ster Wood ring has from Pennsylvania and it visiting hi.1 uncle, N. W. Davis. Stanley Cole visited friends or. Gras :.y C'rccfc Sunday. J. iV: Jackson. was a visitor at tilt home of B H. Gross Sunday. _ [ That's Fair Enough Vjsitori'.i What is that historic looking dwelling? Native of Trenton?That's th< house at winch Washington woulc have stopped at if he had come dowv this street. KS;??H-'et-f. ,',?* >" T WATAUGA BOY HIGH IN RAILWAY -SYSTEM' Mi F. G. Moody., a Watauga nb>\j maybe the exhortation of; jjlofac* Greeley. "went west," many; rsia^jy years ago. when oiiiv a lad. se-} cured employ meat with the Northern} Pacific railroad aiul has really "made! :he grade." The Democrat is appreciative of a letter; from Mr. Moody in which is this paragraph: "You probably receive more reading matter itukh you can read but t r.m sending you under sepet-ate co er copy of the Tacon.a News-Tribune: Oh sheet two there is a little article that will give you one idea! f our shops at this point. The picture eir.g taken from an elevation about one spile from the shops does not givc cm- much of an idea of the layout.. ' am '(.sponsible for 60 per con*, of everything that goes on in the p'ant Of coin se 1 have plenty of good competent foremen, eighteen in all, Who | , 1 to : and each of them is an ( port iv. his line." The many friends of Mr. Moody in I Watauga county will be interested in > :i feiv figure^ as to the size of the; 1 plant referred to in the letter: j The payroll amounts to $1,500.000 : | per year; some months it reaches better than $200,000; there are 36:| ! seperate buildings with a fioor space ; of over 660.952 square feet and the; , buildings cover 16 acres of ground.; ! In a years time about 100 locomotives are rebuilt ; 200 passenger cars are | airbed out new; 10,000 freight car: | are built or rebuilt, and 10.000 tons! | oi forgings are turned out and snip-. ' pt:d to other plant- of the country. ll takos fi i>m IS,000,POO to 20,000,-' 000 feet of lumber per year to supply the shops. i All ioid in Tacotmi the Northern] ( Pacific has 2,01 5 employes and pays in toagos $3,472,020 annually. AN INTERESTING LETTER | The editor of the Democrat is in ' re co iPt of a very lengthy and much i enjoyed letter from Mr. L. C- Cook for thirty years a resident of Denver; Colorado, having last been seen here as ''devil" in the little old print shop j j in the wee brick building. Mr. Cook j , is a son of Mr. ami Mrs. John Cook [ of the Iiambpo section. lie has beer. I an employee of the First National Bunk of Denver for many years, and | I v. e take from his letter a paragraph conct thing- our wonderful building and -oatt Association which, wjll be [>>\ gt ner&l interest: "In reading the statement of your, Liuih ing & Loan Association I saw j that you were connected with the in-j i stiLution. It is a splendid institution] both fro in the standpoint of its own-: ! ors and its patrons. The people of; [Watauga should be very proud of) : having this organization in then i midst It :s the great means through . which ]>rogress and development will i ; result. For ten years 1 have been con- j | net ted with the National City Com- j I party, the bond department of the. i ! National City Bank oi' New York, ; which is today the largest national ' bank in the world. having deposits in round nulabel's, of one billion three | hundred millions I handle the foreign exchange rates for the banks of | Denver and Colorado and three ad j joining: stales." BE TRUE No matter what the sorrows we may share. And r.o matter what the burdens we may bear; Let us iearri the living art., well per-: form a worthy part. With a true and noble heart do and' dart! J Our Ma ter wilts each trial tor our good. . He will help us to perform the tasks we should; j Ho Will guide us all the v.av and be with us every day And he'll be our shield and stay or? J the road! 1 Whatever then the wiirV TT#> i you I Ever strive with purpose high to earI ry through: Every place that you may fiii you may be a hero still; : Do your duty With a will, and be true! and be true! ; ?James Monroe Downum. i i Fiffioiu Partnerships { Time & Again. > Lovem & Leavem. | : Goodbydear & Callemup. & Forgctit. I Waypastm id night & Wherehave-j ? youbecri? Ilereitisnoon & Nodinner. Yonng & Foolish. Twins. Inefficient Upland: Does Jack make a good policeman? Down: Shucks, no. He couldn't even arrest your attention. I Each Italian on the tribal roil of j the Osage Indiana was allowed $2,j 200 with which to do his Christmas j s hopping. HE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E V El DEAD CITY DISCOVERED BY j FAMOUS RUSSIAN EXPLORER J Moscow, Russia. Feb. 25.?Mou? j , ks-vs, gorillas and mabdrilis pufciyum-i bcr the human inhabitants oiv Tibet,!Colonel Peter Kozjkrffj Russia's fa- ^ aw us explorer, who discovered the J { .lead city of Kharakota hi a recent jr xpcdilion, asserted here today. jt When the expedition first arrived j in Tibet, he sstid. tribesmen professed j , friendship for its member's, butij after the Russians settled in their ? t tents, the Tibetans made a surprise , attack on them in the middle of the j <t night with 450 armed horsemen. Kozloff's sentinel gave warning to; . the sleeping explorers just in time ^ and the Russian* opened fire on the'-] attackers, killing several. After i j j gun battle lasting an hour, the tribes- j, men fled to the hills, but not before ; they captured most of the expedi tior.'s rifles and ammunition. "We traveled for weeks without '< seeing a single human being," the ex- ; olorer said. He had trained a large.! hideous, but extremely intelligent , ape. which was made a member of the j expedition. Colonel Kozloff asserted that i * inet is covereo wnti enormous yaks. ; weighing 8.000 pounds whose skulls 1 < are so thick it is impossible to pierce , them with ordinary bullets. Thousand? of other animals roam the country and do not show the slight- ! est fear when approached ! * o'onci Kozioff discovered in : Kookoo'nor Lake a mysterious sacred ' . land, the only inhabitants of which are three Buddhist monks, whose11 w.'ld appearance, large frames, hairy A bodies and enormous shaggy heads (gave hem the appearance of stone;* age men. They never before saw a : civilized man and fled at the sight of Kozioff and his associates. j 1 In tfic K'harakota region Goto he 1j1 Kozioff found enormou- stone fig ! lire? of women called by the natives j1 "Evii Eyed Females," whose glance, j ' they said, was sufficient to bring : misfortune on ail who approached them. Colonel Kozioff took one of ' these to Moscow to the immense re- 1 lief of the Tibetans, who declared ' 1 it would rid the country of much evil, j ' THE LEGISLATURE PRAYS Almighty. God. Lord of all govern -! < meuts, help us in the opening hours ji of this legislative session to realize j 1 the sanctity of polities. 1 Give us the insight and grant us j i the power to lift this business of; i .Government into an adventure that1 < wo may with reverence call the pol-1 \ tics of God, because by it we shall | 1 e?4k to fashion tin- life of this com-j \ monwealth in the likeness of thatj 1 City of God which hits beer* the! dream of saints and seers for annum-; bcred centuries. 11 Save us from the sins i<? which we J kail he subtly tempted as the calls j of parties and the cries of interests i heat upon this j-cut of government. : Save us from thinking about the s next election when we should he thinking about the next generation. ; Save us from dealing in personal':- . ties when we should be dealing in principles. Save us from thinking too much about the vote of majorities when virtue of measures. . Save us, in crucial hours of debate, sake when we should he saying the things that are true. Save us from indulging in catchwords when we should be searching j for facts. Save us from making arty an end j! in itself when >ve should be making I ii a means tu an end. May \ye have greater reverence j for the truth than for the past- Help j j us tc make party our servant rather j? than our master. ]? May we know that it profits us Jj nothing to win elections if \ye loser, our courage. jl May we be worthy cf the high j calling of government. Amen.?Dr. j Glenn Frank, Chaplain Wisconsin j Legislature. Members of a religious sect in Si- I bona reside underground from the | age of fort?- till death. The cave j dwellers call themselves "Subterriih- J can Dwellers.'' According to Sir W. Arbuthnot < Lane, noted British surgeon, fair- i haired perrons are more able to fight j | against disease than dark-haired ; | ones. ! The world's neatest, disasters by ? j fire were: London., 1606; Moscow,)! 18112; Chicago and r'aris, both in | ; 1871 ; Boston, 1872,; Baltimore,tj | 1904; San Francisco, 1906, and Sa~ j lonica, 1917. | Oh, Oh, Irene! I Irene Green just seventeen, Wore flimsy frocks of erepe de chine I And when she walked upon the scene, I More Irene than de chine was seen. ' Read the red circular of j D J. Cottrell s closing out | sale. Prices are amazing. i V . ; ? ik?&f| frA ' $ tvY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. HIDDEN!!'.? MINE BOOSTED f" t&atcsvillc- Landmark; Dr. Chnrles Pa!aehe> professor of uiueralogv in Harvard University ltd recognized as one of the greatest iiilhoritics on minerals in this counry. was here for two days this week he guest of Mr William <"oIbum the nnitsiger of Hiddenite mine, who is nuking his home at the Vance Hotel. Dr. Palache visited the mine, went; ?ver the specimens and was very an nucb pieased. He made some, bids ou i?i several specimens for the Harvard ai< oBection and also fot the National Museum at Washington, D. 0. The distinguished Harvard miner- ,a dogist and his assistant took back .vdh them numeious spi .mens of al- a*? ice minerals found in connection with v,r [' ddenite, end after mailing a study :'il jf 'he -peei: *ns. will write an ar-' dele giving the- results of their in-jso instigation. wc Within the past two weeks, Mr. juP Coilvurn hiddenitc* has 4?e?vr? ' found in an entirely different form J ro; from the original. The new speci-j*0< mens discovered rsre not of the jewel Ut quality, he states. Dr. Palache was carried away with ',u the f nc weather which continued durj,ni ing his visit and he was greatly pleas-! L'd with Statesville. He was aiso in-j'"a r,crested in the large herbarium of e<' Wallace Brothers. !' - t-i 104-YEAR OLD MAN EX-SLAVE "1 TO iJICICORY FAMIl.Y :i [Iickory D.iilv 'Record | he George Washington Arnte, 104jw<j -.-curs o cj is r.ciding; a revival this .vook at the- Friendship church. Arnte ?s preaching; tonight to his white folks {iV :r.d :i section of the church is being! J* reserved for thorn. '% "Uncle George" is one of the most t j iniquc characters Hickory has seen j I" n Many years He was born in J Mecklenburg county as a slave toi"I he well known Shipp family. Apd ! 'Uncle Georg' " i: an aristocrat of I" he first water. After his services " ;rc- completed here he is going to llreensboro for a short stay and then ;! in is going to Raleigh where he J? lopes to see Miss Kale Shipp, one of ? he most prominent women in the j c. educational life of the state. . jjj The old colored preacher has trav-; jC led all over the world and back'c igain. He says he speaks 27 foreign i 5 languages, but through it all his'JS ove for the "while folks" has re- J uainod the most treasured possess- j ? on he has. He knows the history |S >f some of North Carolina's mostjS vrominent familic . and he talks of he go hi rush in 'dp with an inti- 5 viacy that many of today talk of the S iVorld War % Every eitiir.en of MontpeUier. 5 -'ranee, claims that he is entitled to ? all himself a baron- In 1537 the Ji a., r* ,..u~ uv yttiavvtiv, ? iiw HI i| ilontpoKier, bequeathed his title and'tS state to the city. Hence, It is J? cI'ijufu every ch born in the city ?J nay adopt thq til J? Principal crop* growing in the J? United States during 1926 reached ?J \ To'al farm value of only 87,802 - [ Ll-l,C00, as compared vith $.* 919,- J? 121 000 in 19? , Interested iij Victim: '4\VThat has happened? j\J iVhcre am *?" J? Doctor: 44You have been seriously "J injured in an auto accident- But ij :heer up?you will recover.'" Ji Victim: %<How much?" j[ 3^ ///^ ffl We have just p CASE Threshing If you are intere: ?| from you. p We have just o] || lowing are some c yq Brass-lined, wellp ( More tl Auto-Strop Safet I lot of 10 qt. wfi 1 for p with your choice gn! ding pan or dippe PJTJ x\r r . i .* ? Eg Watch this ad ly^j get your part of t] I FARMERS HJ ?Miss 1W A Question Box WHICH TYPE OF WOMAN | ARE YOU? There are many varieties of worn to ?>e sure- But there are two tstanding types with which we , ? concerned today. The one who calm, poised, and efficiently eon-j cling the duties to which she has s been assigned, and the other; rried strained, rushing futilely out. accomplishing little more than inkles With her poor system of inagcmeiit. Invariably the woman who has no rt of a system for her work is the Who finds her days so taken with work that she has no time r anything e|se ?not a minute to ad or to play. She is the woman, u. who is cross and irritable and sc j urn out hv the time night comes at she is too tired to do anything t go to bed. Naturally, her looks! a*l suffer; Tell the average woman that you j vc heard of a new cream that will use from her face all the lines of! >rry and you will never know a wile's rest until you have told her I ?erc it might be obtained. But tell | tired, ringing woman that she can j event tiny lines from creeping into r face by adopting a system for hor ?rk, and she will laugh at you. It may be broniidic, nevertheless. WWJVWA'AWWW.V/.W [?HFX?IWFJF BLUE FRO IN WE SAVE Y< Because our prices i cheaper than others, C chandise is inferior. Quality is Our V GRANULATED SUG BEST VEG, SHORTE ZEB VANCE C.OFFE KRAUT "Carolina M not shredded, 2 larg POTATOES 7 1-2 lbs EVAP. PEACHES, G. OLD DUTCH CLEA* WELCH GRAPE JUf LARGE CELERY, crh LARGE LETTUCE, 1 Carolina Stores j BOONE, N. C. ^IUi3ire(ueiU5lllE!aiPnjHi n=nrpnr=n ift.i; been appointed agents Machines, also for the R jted in a machine this ] pened a bargain counter i >f the specials this week: polished pocket knives, ian 100 patterns to pick y Kazors, $ I .OU value 1< lite enamel buckets and of large wash pan, mb r with each purchase, * ? <{ .!) *> for new specials next v iese goods at these price \RI>WARE& SUPP! MARCH 2. 1927 s Corner ; for the Ladies it is true that system wins success. The difference between the burners and the people who really accomplish big things and hold to youth and beauty is in the system established in the latter's lives. Every big woman who has reached success has done it by conserving her energy f*r the important things, wasting nothing on fruitless rushing about Not that she excludes play. No indeed* she provides for that as a necessary part of her upkeep. Begin your day the night before by getting ;t full quota of sleep. Get up in the morning and start the day right by first planning your work, thai you will have time to read?time for friends?time for pleasure, and tin..- for the observance of health and beauty rules; eating slowly, for one tlting, relaxing the muscles of j the eye- and the body occasionally during the course of a day's work, brushing the hair night and morning-?al! of which are very necessary in keeping alive the spirit, of youth. He Told tlie Truth Mary: "So you turned him down." Nora: "Absolutely! He told me he was connected with the movies, and then J saw him driving a furniture van." f T STORES i; 31) MONEY ? ippear unreasonably ;! lo not think our mer- 5 V It is just the reverse. 5; ery Watchword ; iAR 7 l-2c. ! ;NING,81b. pail 1.13 i; .E-old and mellow 29 aid" home made ;! e cans 25c I; . No. 1 stock... 25c old Bar quality,. . 16c | 'SER, can 7c I CE, pint bottle . 28c f jp and tender.... ISc < arge firm heads. . 15c j j \re Your Stores ;| BLOWING ROCK. N. C. 3; SftVVVUVVWV kS I for the famous umley machines gp j /ear let us hear l|;\ v ' m in our store. Fol- gQ each 69c ^ from) !| >r 40c |1 1 4 qt. dish pans $1?00 ting bowl, Pudfeek. Be sure to LY CO. INC. I Jk

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