Jh. MARCH 10, l!>-!7 With the Churches Announcement*, and New.-. o Interest to Local Church Goers no Repoited by the Various Parlors. BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH ! Sunday school 9:15 a. m. Services ! Sunday morning, conducted by Mr. | Santford Martin, of the Whistoii-Sa^ lem journal. j ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School at "= 0 a. m. Preaching service at eleven. Prayer meeting Tuesday night at the churchCALENDAR OF LUTHERAN SERVICES J Rev. J. ALONZO YOUNT, Pastor if ST MARK'S E. L. CHURCH * Baily's Camp Preaching on the first Sunday of each month- Sunday school at 10 j a. rn. Preaching service at 11 a. m. j GRACE E L,. CHURCH Boone Preaching services every second | and fourth Sunday at 11 a. m. Vesper services first and third Sunday evenings at 7 p. in. Sunday school evCmffll.' ot in - ~ ' ' J JW o. Ul., ill l/Iie E/piS- I copal church cm Main'street. HOLY COMMUNION E. L. CHURCH West of Boone Preaching service on the third Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Everybody cordially invited to these services. METHODIST NOTES The Sunday school attendance last Sunday was as large as any of the winter, 292 students being present. We note also that the "on-time" percentage is gradually climbing. Severa! classes report practically ail members on time at Sunday school each Sunday. The Koworth League had a large attendance Sunday evening, and two. interesting programs were rendered j by the leagues. .1. lb Steele made a. very interesting talk on missions for| the senior league. . I Member/ of the Woman's Mission j ary Society say that the basement ol' the church, niust be completed this j year. Anyhow they are raising some money fur hit much needed task, j Now is the time for every good man j to oome to the aid of the faithfull women The second quarterly conference j of the year will he held Saturday 1 evening before the fourth Sunday in this month. The meeting will be held at Blowing Rock. Sunday school Sunday 8:45 a in. J. D. Rankin, superintendent. Epworth Leagues will meet at 6:45. p. J m. Wednesday prayer service and I choir practice at 7:30 p. m. Breaching by the pastor at Blow^r ing Rock 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Taylor Motor Company. Bristol Bus Company. Boone Chevrolet Company. D. J. Cottroll. Carolina Stores Boone Hardware Company. Walker's Jewelry Store. Boone Drug Company. Watauga County Bank. Pastime Theater. Boone Insurance and Realty Co. BABY CHICKS?Hatching Eggs, Barron's large :3Vhite Leghorns . will make you more money. Blood tested stock. Catalogue free. Champion Poultry Farm, Thomas O. Min ton. Owner, Champion, N. C. 2-17-4tp' 'i "MONEY TO I.OAM ON CITY I>KOPcrty in Boone and West Jefferson} on five years time, first and ^ec-j ond mortgage, repayable monthly. Write or see \Y. C. Allen or I). P. Wade, Reynolds Arcade Building, a Box 163, Bristol, Va. 2-10-4 TRANSPLANTED PANSY lTfANTS $1.50 hundred; Martha .Washington Asparagus Crowns $1.00 hundred; Cabbage Plants $1.50 thousand; KI ondyke and Aroma Strawberry Plants GO cents per hundred, $ 1.50 thousand. Write for special price list. Hickory Seed Company, Hickory, N. C. It BABY CHICKS?8,000 -every week,. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds,i White Wyandoftes. $11.00 perj nunurca; mixeu l.UTgC 15reeds I $13.00 hundred. White Leghorns $13.00 hundred, 500 or more $12.00 hundred, for delivery every , Monday and Thursday. Catawba Creamery, Hickory, N. C. NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION . ' i Notice is hereby given that anj election will be held at ihe courthouse in Boone on Tuesday, May 2, >r the purpose of electing a board, of town commissioners and a mayor for the town of Boone for the ensuing two years. This March 10, 1927. A D. J. COTTRELL, Mayor. ** A. Y. HOWELL; Clerk. I FOREST FIRES DO MORE THAN MILLION DAMAGE IN STATE ??.-> < ir-i? M.i-. i. S.?-J'\>rcst f'res in | Use counties of North Carolina cow*V?s" -i:tr dvr?,>ruhent oSj ??ted Suites forest service in. | fire prevention work for 1926 resulted in damage eLtiiriuted at $i.13 ;.151. These figures represent ar? mere,'.stover the estimate of $875,407 of the . y. .u* owing: to the larger number of counties under the protective system and to a worse tire year The tabulation shows a total of 1,060 fires in the counties for 1026; as against 1,062 in the lesser ntim.?er of counties for 1925. However, it is shown that the average firt inj 1926 caused only 9682.62 damage, j while the average .(ire for the previous year destroyed property vain-! ed at $824.37, owing to the effect-j ive work of the warden force. Owing to the large area under supervision and to the greater fire hazards in 1026. it wa- necessary to expend $23,254.42 in fire fighting, costs, while in 1925 fire activities represented expenditures; of $11,347. These funds were furnished in co-operation by the fed- 1 eral government, state and counties.; Lands of all descriptions covered by fire in 1026 amounted to 353,580 acres of which 1 11,325 acres were :n oierchan able timber and 212,225! n second gi'.nvtli and open lands. A larpe percentage of the fires occurred in the east, which reported 981 with 670 reported in the western part of the state. UP IN THE AIR Charlotte, March 8.?Creation of a new judicial district in North Carolina set Frank A. Linney, of Boone. | to i matching hi? head over law books; today in an effort to determine j whether he was still district attorney , of the Western. North Carolina dis-; trict or an ex-district attorney. Perusal of federal statutes reveale<l that the permanent residence of the district attorney must be in the] district over which he has jurisdi< lion and the permanent residence of! Mrfl Linnev is at Boone, which was; in Hie western district, hut which is j now in the middle district. Mr. I.inncy said rhe statutes pro-! vide.that the office of district attorney shal: lie deemed Vacant if the, permanent residence of ;?,hc attorney, is not within the district. Therefore, the official was wondering tonighi whether he was or is! a district attorney. Useful "Did your husband appreciate the] scarf I knitted for him?" "Oh. mum, it came in most useful?Vs front and hinged hsself with] it." I i LOST?IN BOONE MONDAY, pairj double tense, shell and gold frame ?:_j? ^ 1 rmaer return to JJeirio- j crat office and receive reward. A FEW VACANCIES for women dc-j siring: to train as nurses. Apply to Long's Sanatorium Statesville> N C. 2 -17-It! FOR SALE?All household and j kitchen furniture of Geo. C.1 Greene at prices that will interest 1 you. See Clyde R. Greene. j NOTICE OF TROSTEE'S RESALE The hid having been raised, [ by virtue of the power of sale coritaincd in a certain deed of trust exe-1 cuted to the undersigned trinteed by j W. H. Auton and wife. Gladys Au-1 ton, on the 6th day of Jnnur.ry. 1926, :o secure the payment of the sum of $2100.00 to Eula Miller Clement and default having been made on the pay-j mcnts as provided in said deed of j trust, I will on Monday, March 21, \ 1927, at the cour, house door of'Wat- ; auga County, between th - hours of 10 a. ro. and 2 p. hi., to satisfy said deed of trust, interest and cost, sell to the highest bidder for * ash the following described real estate, to wit; j. Adjoining the lands .of Cannon.j Ben Edmistou place and others and: bounded as follows, viz; '. Beginning on a chestnut and sarvis, j the Ben Edmristeri old corner, arid\ runs south-775 poles to a slake and pointer? in old line; thence west 60 pokes to a chestnut. Cannon's corner; thence north .1 m-.W- -? Autbfi'p corner; thence we?I 75 polesj to a maple, the old Hartley corner;! thence nor b 30 poles 10 a chestnut,! the old corner; thence east !> poles! to a stake and pointers on bank of) Deck Hill road; thence north with; said road 23 poles to a stake on side! of said road; thence north 58 degrees! east 55 poles to an apple tree; thence north 91 poles to a chestnut in the old line; thence south 71 degrees east 62 poles to a stake and pointers, I CotincilFs corner; thence south SO poles to the beginning, containing 85 acres, more or less. From the above description is eNcepted a tract containing two acres, mere or less, which was .-old to ira PenncJl and described as follows: Beginning on the bank of the road in Fred Penncll's line and runs with Fred Pcnneirs line to Anton's line; thence with Auton's line In Koneyeutt's line; thence with the upper bank of the road to the beginning,] containing two acres, more or less. This March 5, 1027. G. P. IfAGAMAN, 3-t0-2*c Trusteei rHE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV I I SEVENTH DISTRICT TO GET SLICE Or HIGHWAY FUNDS Definite ussurane.e that highway wtl* be improved in the seventh district: which includes Forsyth county and a number of oilier counties in the northwest was given yes if-id ay | with the passage by the State Sen-| ate of the ^10,01)0,000 road bill. The seventh district gets a huge j slice of this appropriation, a total of upproxirca ely $3,000,000 being alio J ted for roads in that ter-j ritory represented by Commissioner' Alex Hanes. Mr. Hanes said last night no plans? had been made for expenditure oft funds in this district and that he I did not know what projects would be j taken care of with the funds derived from the sale of bonds. The highway, ennrsi ruction program will have to be formulated later it was explained. Contract for grading highway six-) ty from the Yadkin county line to j -o has already been award- , ed and thai road will probably be hard-surfaced. The same highway, from Wilkesboro ;o Boone across the . mountains need- straightening and! improving. Highway sixty-five from Mocks-; ville to the Iredell con*:t.y line would , be completed in this district with the, construction of about oiglit miles! between Winston-Salem and Statesvlllo. Highway sixty-live is also incompleted between Winston-Salem and lleidsville hut no definite ulans' have Been made for the location of! this stretch known as the Belew.s; Creek road. Only that part of the; road in Forsyth county would be in-j eluded in this district however. Contract for grading Highway 601 from the Yadkin county line to j Wilkesboro has already been award-1 cd, and that road probably will be! hard surfaced. The same highway from Wilkesboro to Boone across the! mountains needs straightening and Improving. . . Another incompleted road included in '.he seventh district is Highway! i s from Wilkesboro to Lenoir, couitty seat o f Cnlchv ell county, via Moravian Falls. This would complete the 'nighway front and Morgdivton i" Vyinstoh-flhlctn via Wilkesson:.?-Winsf.oty-Salem .1 oil rial. la 1ST pn the t!ir: S;i!ue.l:iy evening an A. S. N. S. Hell. Finder will please bring to the Democrat otfici or Jennie Mast and find reward. 5 :: 1 ? ll ; _ war? fli waiKt i 2fRY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. | The seventharniu&T state Trbnven- I ^ : oi of the ! "\jrur of Women Voters | < and School of Citizenship will be I held a? Chapel Hill March 10-111. atcoaling to announcement made by Mi - Gertrude \Y?st,>&tatc president jV V the league The "unmasking" bill died on the table in the house of the North Carolina gelieral assembly lata Friday afternoon in the press of iast-minute f law-making Defeat came so sudden ^ and so overwhelmingly that Speaker Fountain did not finish the count of ^ representatives voting to sidetrack <? the bill. ~ ~ i Ex-Governor Cameron Morrison's j ^ "Su>ckwe)l Signal Pride," a Jersey Rofc cow. was the leading; milk and but- ]>an ter fat producer in Nocth Carolina just for the month of January, according The to figures made public by Kope Elias, for Mecklenburg county farm agent. "Stockwell Signal Pride" gave 111 pounds of milk during January and | ' >' pounds of biVtter fat She was' * reared by P.. E. McDowell, breeder! ?f Jer.-cys in Mecklenburg county. 1 gg Knew What Was Coming Mr. Capron and his wife struggled valiantly to teach their little daugh-! or, Edith, to repeat the letter "a." , A I > y as they might, the child refused ^ o pronounce the first letter of the1 alphabet, and after several vain e?- i forts Mr. Capron retired from the j "yf Struggle discouraged. Mrs. Capron called the child to her Pp" and in an affectionate mariner Fr asked: "Edith. dear, tell mother why you won't learn to say 'a'?" "Well, mother," explained Edith, it's because just as soon as I say 'a' you and father will want me to soy Moi Guilty Counsel: "Now, sir. ; 15 me, are you < well acquainted with the prisoner?" Witness.: "I've known him for 201 VI IIS." W" Counsel: "Have you ever known! him to he a disturber of the public wi peace*.?" Witness: "Well? or?he us? d I o belong to a band." Thi There are nettles evtrywhere. But smooth green glasses are more common still; The blue of heaven is larger than the cloud. *' Elizabeth Barrett ttrownimr. VELB Highly 1 From every pc service?there and gratifying. ?and that is possession for here and that s We have the m North Caroline Diamonds to n stocked and ab In connection , ducting a first < at all times the Cameras, Kod; diversified line erally carried ments. Our Wa and proi watch u) t's Je\ Boone, I K GOOD CORN see /V. C. Ma Sugai* Crow, N, G., at $1.00 i rnshel oil licr on cob or shotted. -? ?,.. *A A ||||^ "A p | > -.;: ; fTy success ' 'ho successful- business man ca run his business without mvii king facilities. A bank account : as necessary as money itself, first step on the road to fuccc many a business man was t?k< n he opened a Bank Account. >pen an account with us V every facility to either large ,11 depositors. DO IT TODAY ink of Blowing Roc BLOWING ROCK, N. C. IT THE PASTIME THEATER i? PLACE OF GOOD SHOW* iay-Sal.urdaw. March 11 and 12ed Thomas and Silve King, The Wonder Horse "A Regular Scout" iday-Tuesday, March 14-15 George O'Hara IN 'California or Bust" dncsday, March 16 Pete Morrison th his W ondcr Horse, Lightnim IN 'Bucking the Truth" irsday. March 1 */ oah Beery and Ernes Torrence IN ,'e're in the Navy Nov Cherished a >int of view?charir s nothing like Jewelr And to give service what yon obtain at years and years. Qc why the values arc s< ost complete jewelry i i. From the most ex rere trinkets you will >le to render the very with our regular Jew ilass Book Counter or best and latest i ictio aks, Flash Lights and ?in fact our store o in the better class c tch Repair Departme ript service is given o lder a positive guarar velry ST. G. , PAGE FIVE ustJlIAliY CHICKS. HATCHING EGOS ??rj ?Book vo'.u order early. 5 can Racks bred to Jay, '' 'xfc' Thomson's >t ruin Burred Rocks Also Ferris & Barron's strain ^ White Leghorns, Rhode IslandReds, White Wyandottes. See or write me for pcrces and dates. Rom ' v L. Maltha, |>hone. N. C. PUREBRED Registered Jack i Will stand at my stable:' at Sands during, the season. Season $10.00, payable when colt tand* and sucks. All mai-es traded after bred sea*oi due. ? "gt HARRISON BAKER 131 SANDS. N. C. SH| eoi __ _ or y A Practical Dressing FOR THE HOUSEWIFE, THE MECHANIC, THE ATHLETE if1 Oho of th<- nio.st useful I and practical i.oduo s ! ( vcr offer'd i.- t!ie new Readymade Bandage ; A cum'fi':-"tif>? of piadded 1 a.uze and flesh-color ad| ...jsive plaster. Always Ready 25 Cents * Boone Drue Co. ; 3 f' ! 7ke ^'XaCl Store B C.. BOONE N. C. L| t All Times i, appreciation, and y that is so satisfying it must have quality Walker's?a valued lality is predominant i exceptional. store in all Northwest pensive and flawless find us always wellBest of service. elry line we are coni which may be found n. Bibles, etc.. Batteries add to our ffers everything ger >f Jewelry establish;nt is adequate >n any make of itee. Store

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