VOL.. XXXXVIII, NO. 11 Happenings In and jLl About Blowing Rock Interesting Nrwt of Past Week. J From Famous Resort Town 1 h* ! bo Blowing Rock. March 30.?At a,McJ mass meeting of representative citi- j ?h zi-ns of Blowing Rock last Wcdnes-: day night. it was voted to accept a building plan for the new .school sub-j co mitted by Dr. B. B. Doughtily, pros*- ^ dent of the Appalachian State Nor-' Dt wai School nt Boone. an The accepted plan provides for a gymnasium, an auditorium, eighi ::,i classrooms, a library room and ?wo; an . ffices for teachers. 11 was proposed that the town and Pe the county divide equally the cost of' wa the building, as the county does not ail Ti anally provide for gymnasiums iu: Jts consolidated schools The town ;-su2th6. would haul the materials. If ?d brick i? used, t he hiiiMi?(r ?-;n ! on about $3?,&.00? If stone is used, the! tosl wili be somewhat lower. i ^ As soon as a piaco can be prorj vided. the cage and equipment of the 0f oM Watauga dbunty jail will be ov nttoved to Blowing Rohk and install- jol ed as the town jail, said Mayor Geo. nu M Sudderth. Blowing Rock bought; Wi the old jail equipment to save the of expense of taking minor offenders to Ar the county seat. i an Blowing Rock's insurance rating wi] will be considered for revision as j ma won as the state bureau has finished j ass with Charlotte, which is also having j th< q/ its rates revised, says a letter re- bo< reived by Mayor Sudderth from the ex] state bureau of inspection and rat- . \V< >ng. Blowing Rock is now in the; fourth class. but since the completion of the water works and the organization <?f a fire department, it is ex-i Fii pected that the town will be raised to ex third class. of Hh In spite of snow and slush, a large ser ? tuiu rnmuMabLic sessions pu were had it th< quarterly, conference 1 of ast Thursday of the Bap-ij*C- Wosn- * ' c-iT* Missionary Union of the Three the Forks Association. j rus At the morning, session the devo- the tiouai ; wr rises were led by Mrs. \V. ma W. Wilson, and the following deliv- est - -e(i add res:- es Mrs. Nan Johnson, boi Mi>. .Smith H again an, Mrs. Pehdley, wit .Mrs. W. V. Farthing and Mrs. Lee To Swift. Miss Ruth Dotson recited a lev poem Mrs.- J. A. McBrid.e led the No afrimoon devotional, arid addresses wevt delivered by Mrs. Coffey? Mrs. ? J. A. WiSlinm? and Mr?. M. More'/.. The Three Forks Association is vlc. ri.ee of the oldest in ths state. It G centers Op the Three Forks 'church; !,rCl. founded in 1700 nl^ : ^ RiHliant sunshine last Friday had molted what Blowing Rook and the Nva mountain section generally hopes win to the last enow of he winter. With ^(J the return of fair weatii r. road ma- j 0 cLinery went into action throughout j?u the mountain section. Graders were *i;| :?t work on the Boor,4- Trail from ^ V/iikesboro to the Tennessee line, (jr or. the Ybnahlbssee Trail out of Blowing Rock, and on a number of ibde roads. Laying of surface- rook on the Blowing Rock end of the Lenoir high way has been completed and it is now being leveled in preparation for the real of tar. PThe Blowing Bock chamber of commerce is seeking to correct the impression that this road i.- impassable or is difficult to travel. This jley point ouu is one 01 tiic oest upike-mountain roads in the slate. The highway crews arc merely engaged in 1 making a good road better and are ^ r.ot in any way impeding traffic. ? m% Routine business was the main occupation of the Methodist quarterly lot conference of the Boone and Blowing he Ryck charges here Saturday night, wi Several speakers addressed the meet- wi jug which was well attended and en-, Ut thusiastic. on wl Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boy den are now occupying one of their cottages fr< at Blowing Rock hotel, where Mr. er Boy den is overseeing the preparar ed tidn of that hotel and of May view bt Manor for their spring opening. Mr. i wi and Mrs. Boyd en will be in Blowing or Rock continually from now until the end of the summc-r season. nr Mrs. Etta Noryill, of South Caro- sc lion, and Miss Norviil aie now .oceu- m pylng one- of their cottages and are ra patting the others in readiness for ?wmmcr." Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Winkler ar p! tack in Blowing Rock, after spend-j-'Si. ATA tc ' < '" -/ ' -V ; A Non-Partisan I BOO ~ ? -? --?-rr-.-TT -:-?-r-" r~1NNEY CHURCH DID NOT DIE OF POISONING Lhincy Church, a Wilkes county >-. m connection with whose death 5 cousin's husband, Bii- Mason, <vas id on a charge of poisoning the y, did not die- of poisoning, accordsj to a report by the state ehemisl the analysis of the boy's stomach. ie report vi*as received" Iti Boone .turday by l)v. J. B. Haganian, uuty coroner. The boy died in ilkes < ounty, but was buried in the rep Gap section of Watauga county, d for that vea.-on. of course. Dr. tgamun had to exhume the body d send the stomach to Raieigh for aiysis. Mason, Svho was held in ? Wilkes county jail without bail nding the outcome -if the analysis, is released from custody Saturday tevnopn. It h. stated that Church's death relied from a strain in his back cansby a'tempting to get Mason's car t of the mild. \RINES TO START JOURNEY TO CHINA THIS WEEK Washington, March 27.?The. force 1,500 marines now mobilizing er the country will begin the long lrney to Shanghai this week to ;et the request of Admiral C. S. liiams for additional men in view the increa.^iricrlv en-yUi?v*. -< e?-~ 6^"'^ l'"6ul- UJL nerieana in Tangtse ports. A detachment from Quanlico, Va., d one from Paris, Island, S. C., 1! leave for San Diego direct, while Lrirtcs from 12 other bases will nimble, at Philadelphia to make i trip across the continent in a iy. The transcontinental journey is peeled to get under way about idnesday. WATAUGAN IN NICARAGUA A.niong the U. S. Marines with the ith regiment, recently assigned to peditionary duty in the Republic Nicaragua, is Ralph Tongue, of >wing Rock, who was selected for vice in the Central American rcblic, according- to an official roster the regiment. The regiment left for abroad oil i U. S. S. Henderson, Into in Fcblry, when unsettled conditions in ? republic made it advisable to send rir.es to protect American inters. Teague is 2:> years old and was rn in Boone, and made his home h his mptfier, Mrs. Elizabeth ague, of Plowing Rock, before ening the sefN'ice at Greensboro last veniber. MUSIC RECITAL AT NORMAL The pupils of Miss Ruth Goffey, | id of the department of music at ; Normal, were presented in piano ita! at the auditorium on Saturday! :ht. Miss Annie Dougherty, so-j mo, assisted in the recial. A. varied program of the classes s presented. The following pupilsj k part. Ruby Cottrell, Virginia1 ret7., E/Velyn MosteUer. Naomi wery. Grace Grouse, Lueile Mast, by Pennington, Mary Culbreth, try Ray nor, alary Kilby, Marie' rreil, Lillian Crouse. Luciic Sar. Margaret Loven, Ollie Jean Cofr. Virginia South. Mary Edith hp, Garnett Nester, jimmie Hp-v:le and Paul Donnelly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Spainhours, IncorporatedVm Grucis Co., Valle Cruris. Boone Hardware Company. Watauga Lumber Company. Liggett & Myers Tobacco CompanyStandard Oil Company. Boone Chevrolet Company. Sfcacey \V. Wade, Insurance Comssioner Pastime Theater. : the winter away. Miss Elizabeth Panelia, of Charto, spent a recent week-end with r brother, Mr. J. A. Panella and fe. She returned to Charlotte th Mrs. Pattella and Mrs. E. G. jderdown who motored to that city business, returning by Statesville iert; they spent one night. A large number of young people am Blowinc Rock. Boono and oth neighboring communities attcndthe dance given in the Robbins lildirig last Friday evening. Music 11s furnished by the Daniel Boone chestra. An attendance of over 60 was re>rted at the Presbyterian Sunday hool hist Sunday, an increase of ore than 50 per cea: in the enrollp>if within tbi? last wpi'lt Mr and Mrs. Cecil Oritchcr and seir two sons are back in Blowing >ck, after spending the '.viTiier a< rn Pines. - ' mm MSI UGA Newspaper, Devoted to the Nh. WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH C. | New Automobile L,aw Is Now In Effect [i Rfctvit EnActraent? of the Getternl |{ Assembly Begin Oper*t?oi*.J Today ! | It may or may not be au Aprilj > ool ii joke if a cop waves you down 11 .J or: this we.'i known day of pranks, j 1 Yoi: may have violated a lav: rhat j a ahii't a law yesterday. Yes, the auto , law has been it-vamped, revised and1, j're-vnacted. > J* The new version goes into effect 5 itoday. Aprii i. < F.he 1027 code is new virtually all ; - the way through. * Every car in Boone and Watauga jr j county must carry a tear light: speed i ! limit is increased' to lb miles an hour on highways, 20 miles.in residential ' sections. 15 miles in^ business .areas; t , 15 miles on curves'and in . schpol i I zones when pupils are about tshe j ( ibuildings. j j j Driving while drunk merits 001 i days' sentence to one yehr or $100 j j to $1,000 fine or both. Reckless! j driving merits five to 90..days in jail J I | or $25 to $100 fine or hotV.. 3 ; Cars must slot) onlv iit cro sincrc i designated by the state highway commission. Maximum caitvWeighis i ? must not exceed nine tons, width t'3 j' inches maximum. Certificates ofj] test of lights must be carried. The j highway commission does the testing. I ] Lights must not show a glare ab$ve ' 1 I 42 inches at 75 feet. Drivers must not coast downgrade i by throwing gears into neutral. ! Drivers involved in accidents -must \ -top. I Signs, posters, stickers arc pro- > hibited on front windshield, side i wings, rear or side windows. I On and after July 1. the outomo- < bile license plans will remain with ' the car for a year instead of being '? transferred in event of sale. i License fc cs on all automobiles of v i 25 horsepower or lc>s will be $12.50; instead of $20. On June 30 plates j J will be issued for six months, with J' extra fee of 25 cents to cover : the j special issue. } Effective ly tlie registration 1 cai^ must he kept in a container ! placed on cowl or instrument board * and under the law the department 1 is given authority to charge 50 cents j I for tbb container. ! 0 i p ANOTHER FIRST FOR OLD NORTH STATE IN CHINA ] j Washington. March 28.? In addi-i? ! toin to beiiur first ?L IktKel furiUp>.t i lit Ge ivshurg and last ut Appomatox,: | North Carolina was quickest at Scony!11 | ml, China. Henry O. Wanin.j i Quartermaster. third class, one of the ^ ! bluejacket? who signalled the Amcri i can and British warships to start fir- 1 I ing on the Cantonese at Nuking, * i hails from ()!in. Iredell coun y ^ r- nplc here are lauding War ion, 1 for he actually did the job. {" COVF. CREEK NEWS J, Sugar Grove, March 30?Mi's, j > Chas. J. Greene returned from her home at Itussellville last Week While .. i at. home Mrs. Greene was operated ^ : on for onsilitis. j Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Horton spent ^ the past week-end in Lenoir and . Gaftney, S. visiting Mrs. A. R. ' Barlow and Mrs. W. M. Phillips. ^ Miss Bertie Phillips, of Gaffney, S. C.f is visiting Mrs. S. F- Horton this ~ week. ' | Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Taylor visited * ! Mrs- iST. L Mast in the Grace Memo- J i rial Hospi'.al at Banner Elk on Moil- . j day. j tf usKetDai! has peeu discontinued in \ jy fa vol of baseball hero recently. Covej Creek will play Mahal next week, j On Friday night Cove Creek villi debate Virginia-Carolina in the audi- c torium here. The subject is the <; Curtis Reed hill pending for a fed- 0 era! department of education. The 5 affirmative wili he represented by v Mar ilia Love and Ray Ellison, the r negative by Hazel Morris and Paul \ Taylor. Our negative will go to Grassy Creek at the same time. Arrangement has been made for a 3 debate with the Boone high -chool . within the next two weeks. The } j question is, "Resolved, that the ISth amendment to the federal constitu- ] ! tiun should be so changed as to pro- ?. ' , .>r t.^kV .j beer." The affirmative speakers will v j be Blaine Bvcrs ami Dayton Winej barger, while the negative will be | upheld by Rebecca Taylor and Ivan , Church. i Prone apple trees so that, the sun! light can reach the leaves and fruit , ' ^y.'V' ; -"V ' ' VmfttPt DEM( Best Interests of North we; AROLINA, THURSllAY. MARCH 81, Progress of the Local American Legion Post Plans Now Being Perfected For July . Fourth Celebration; Roster Con- j t*ins 54 Names I Watauga )'o<t No. 1 StL American . Leo-ion, heir! its first 1927 mebtitig in :fce old Watauga County Bank build- \ hi: in Boone, N. C.? on January loth, md elected officers for the now year. v Since thai meeting: fifty-four ex-,x ervicc men have become a member j >f the without solicita* ion and a :re working in harmony for tin '"bet- k erraon of their follow men. the comnuniiv. schools, state ami nation. v As an indication of the interest bong manifest in the local post, and a he desire on the pari of the World c A'ar veterans to become members. n .'ommander L. S. Isaacs hands in the ^ following letter, dated Pineula, N. C., :i larch IN, 192.7: "Please send mc '' in application blank as I wish to join rtiir Jl.l.- u. - i ? - - - - uuTHe auaress is Val-;v e ("rwcis, but u--.II probably be at the ! Ujov?* address all the remainder of * :his year. I h?-ar of 'he good workj ^ tnd interesting' meetings you are hav- '' 11 g and I wish c become a member! ? >f your post." This letter is signed by' 1 Uyman It. Burkett, .who was with the | 17th U. S. Infantry, and also Com-: r [)any "L". 328th infantry during the ,! war. p Plans are being completed at each.; 1 neeting of the post now to perfect " he Fourth of July celebration,' 1 vhich is to be staged by the American Region and the Legion Auxiliary. It ' s i he .desire of all the members to jet all the boys who are eligible to 1 lejcpme members of the post at the * ?urliest date possible, so that when * he roll is called in the Legion Park n Boone on July 4th, and there rally around the flag of the po?t and lation and have a groat reunion with die boys and recall ro memory byrone days of toils in service at home ind abroad. Our memory goes back in bereavenent for our companions who fought :or- this great, nation; shed their , c iibod and fell on Flanders Field? vho did not return with us and who :an!iot he present on July Fourth. l-.veiy cx-servicc- man is invited to lUmui fho next regular meeting of h P< st to Ik- held in Boone on April 1 ! at 7:?"(? p m. in the old Watauga Jouri'v Bank Building. Commander 1 saacs says these meetings are "your \vn meetings*:" f si following is a complete list of mern>ers of Watauga Post who are now n good standing: B. Kelly Osborne, Sam F. IZorton, Vnarles C. Rogers, J. Wilson Norris, ! i. C. Phillips, S. E. t)r?y? Stewart J. Barnes, Charles L. Y ounce, Edgar B lardin, Troy Norris. J. C lifford Mr- 14 >onnall, Russell D. 1 . E. .1. n Jurkett, Charles S. Stevenson, i>loyd 1- Isaacs, Honda B Hedges, Sylvester ^ Cr.i:-.- Tracy Council!. Conley M. iT-aies, Carter G. Cook. Vance C. lowe.U, John E., Combs, Linol! Ward, arney L. Bjngham, Edgar L. Payne, j . By nam Taylor, Ernesr M. Hodges, toy i. llajT.es, 'lohn F- Cook. Tho . '' "aylor, Stewart Barnes, Walter C. c V'nebargv r. Lorenzo 1). Woodward; V. Ernest Corner. Dean Swil't, Dr.' P dhn B. Hagarmm. G. Nile Cook, Sam ^ ukins Luther X. Ward, Flake E. y human, Romulus L. Maltha. Charles sl 1 P>ougherty. Spencer Miller, Donbl O. Wa^d, J, Roy Latham. J. M. Jooke,-/Wiley L. Stanherry, James I. Burketi. Charles Watson, Marion f. I. Barnes. Marvin F. Thomas, Thos. Hollow ay, Lyman R. Burkett, ji V"alter Lewis. tl V iRS. COTTRELL'S MOTHER DIES IN CHARLOTTE Lenoir, March 27.-?Word was reeived here yesterday of the death in a, thar'ot!? of Mrs. J. C. Powell, widow! (>| f ). Ciingmaii Powell, ol this county. drs. Powell was spending: the winter j j( vith her daughter, Mr^. Knox Hen-y in Charlotte, and two weeks ago . | vas stricken* the illness ending in her ri leath. She was m her 81st year. Mrs. Powell made her home with; ^, dr?. Henry in the winter and the rammers were spent in Boone with | j. lor daughter; Mrs. Hill Cottreil. MlfL PftwV'll -? Wdiwhav ! ??* i - - X,A [ Presbyterian church and the funeral ~ervieos were held from the Westmin- v cer Presbyterian church in Chariotte p jatiiriiay morning at 11 o'clock. }i "There are two sides to every: Y iicestion." proclaimed the sage.: "Yes." said the fool, "and there are iwo sides to a sheet of fly paper; but < it makes a difference to the fly which i side he chooses.'?The Outlook. t >CRA st North Carolina. 1927 SITUATION IN CHINA IS J CONSIDERED SERIOUS Washington, March 29.-?Despite; i lull in f.bo &orin of Chinese azitiioreignism which burst at Nanking asl week, official word was received here today that the situation at Vo'nu. farther up the Yangtze river, ios worse and trouble might be ex-'s >ectccl at any moment. 1 'the same time, a me - aei> for- F, .arded to the state drpartinen: by' -lioi-d&j* MncMurray at Peking, sag- >-y estf-d imnndiaf withdrawal of all!* Americans in nationalist territory "i ud w. view of outbreak at Nun-] " ng trv 'iiiacruiixii!? of some action' t\ ufficiert'.y s: song to defer the* per- V( o1.ration of similar incidents else-, . - j ,V Coincident with the receipt of these ri vices, actual movement neross the ontinent of the 1,-500 additional hi larines, ordered to China got under ay on the Atlantic seaboard, with dicalions that it would be a month efore the transport Henderson. 1 rhich will take them across the Pa- tl ific reaches Shanghai. n At ilia White H oiec it was said oh V. 'resident Coolidge/s behalf that he tl as opposed to any merging of Amor- u :an forces in China with those of ther powers although he expressed f< he utmost co-operaticn. j r\ The official reports from Nanking a: e-emphasized the belief of American it rives' igators there that "the camraigri of terrorism and hv.uU to for- f( igners was not only offkvady conn- dt enanced and directed by nat o .alist H waders but even pre-arranged." ; tl "The incident at Nanking could lardly have beer, more outrageous." message relayed by Mr. MacMur- n ay said, adding that there had been 0 wo attempts at criminal assault on fv pmvuvtiu vJpim'ii uuring cne rioting. ji COURT WEEK IN APPALACHIA Boone Monday had the appearance .... if a small town on circus day or ; ounty fair day. Mountaineers from h very corner of the county were icre, and all available parking space n the streets was taken up, and r, amp grounds were established on T> acant lot? near the courthouse. Mary of the visitors o the county eat broacht their lunches and ate |t hem on the |?urihouse grounds and A n the vacant lots, where they camp 0 (I. Some of them even brought oofcir.g Utensils and prepared their ieal: on tin? spot Those who went f; restaurants for their food had to y '.and in line waiting for seats. (j: ni A hook agent, selling "79 different \J pok from u family Bible "heauti- || dUy bound and decorated with hoce engravings" to histories, fie- xv on pad works on philosophy and c< sychology. held forth on ihe cor- p, or of Mail*, street opposite the ourchouse, and throughout Monday was never W ithout. ;.m audience ni lat blocked halfstreet. / ;;A? A no' her vendor >et up a stand on f.; iit* siilowalk, in front of the court ty ouse arid displayed a "now and ivn-lv~ roved crocheting nc duele"'* to the v< IVWUS ' n. A hot dog stand was doing a thriv- j ig business on the edge of the court ^ ouse grounds- It had all of the j nidation paraphernalia of a circus! and. As court opened, a souvenir moori-1 r,f line still made in the Boone Novelty ictory was presented to Judge Wal-. ' ;r E. Moore, presiding-. It. had the f ' !QgeV. mmie burned on the base of j v ^ ie still, with the words, "Judge j /alter E. Moore's Moonshine Still:" i\? 1 ! Squire Clay, who once oast the nly Democratic vote in what is; t>w Avery county, could not he kept' S* way from Boone when court Week! 5<; ened Although ho is suffering cc ~oir. the efieets of paralysis, he en- [ , r >ys the court sessions ay much as r.yone present. The stoi-v is told lat when Squire Clay went to Avery tnrnly. he was threatened by Repub.Mils, who sought ro prevent bim c< row voting. The squire replied, "I'lJ how you a thing or two," and cast n is Democratic vote, ihe.on'iy one in \Ci he township. ' in K. J. Norris, of Howard's Creek,j .as anorher interesting mountaineer! v resent. Although he. is pa-t eighty,j f >e says he ean still bring down a' g uuiiTel from a lofty tree with a 1 ifio. j S A \vr: t watch serving as an alarm lock has been invented- A revolv-v rg unit with protruding points that ouch the skin serve? as the alarm. ; : | Till : PRICE FIVE CENTS Removal of Wagaer Trial Ordered by Judge "astir Will Bt? Trit-d at August Terra of Superior Court cf Wiik<? County After a series of The inoPt iin^.sioned pleas ever heard in the Watuga county court house, the trial of U'jbvrt S. Wujrner on a charge cf :t\ jr.jr killed last Christmas day Eari loodv at Foscoe, was ordered transf'rred by fudge Walt*, r JG Moore, to rriikes county for trial at the next rm of Superior court,, which eonenes in W: ike shore on August 8, L'fore .ludge IV A. Mr Kirov. The order for the removal was iven at 1 ! :' '{) a. in.. Wednesday, id attorneys for the dofen.-e and le prosecution immediately retired ? confer on a sui able place for the Shortly after neon they reirned to the courtroom and inform1 the judge that they had agreed 011 "iUces county. The judge ordered ic removal and trial af the August mi ot court. Solicitor John R. Jones then asked >r a ccntir.ance of the erase involv:g the killing of Dexter S. Byrd, id it was continued until the next rni of cour . The removal order of Wednesday dlowed the failure Tuesday of the fense motion for a continuance. Seated arguments for arid against, le motion were heard before the idge who denied the motion. In appealing for the removal Wencsday. Johnson J. Hayes made one f the most eloquent addresses ever card here. He pleaded with the :dge not to take Wagner's life withut -i fair trial, which, he asserted, iulri not be obtained in this county; "II is as important/' Mr. Hayes ild, "for the defendant to feel that e has had a fair trial as it is to give m a fair trial. If he is convicted in .is county, with sentiment county s it is. he will go to '.he electric chair cling that lie has been judiciaUy uirderedi" Ep?k >A. f Jnney. Hayes' rival for :e judgeship of the new fed ral dis"ici of middle North Carolir:; fnl >\vod with n pT :? that brought teal's > the eyes of Lee Moody. fa.lwi of iV".' of the ii. i killed l>y Wagner. M i I imvey denied positively that thor Mood;, or Byrd had been :ict*6 in stirring: up senHmeiu against i'agnfr, as was alleged in an affinyii by Wagner, upon which the i.otion for removal was based. Mr. iiiney also duo ted the law in reit rd to the selection of juries, and iid special stress on that part of it hi? h states that the j, ry shall be mijKised of the defendae 'r, peer. A er. Mr. L-nney said, is a neighbor ho. lives in the vicinage in which the. *; ime is supposed to have bcen. comiltcd. He argued also that ibe s<: nc situion that is complained of -in he af~. r in Watauga eoun exists also ir. all o<* the ml joining >unties to which the case could be moved, for the same newspapers rculnte in all of them. I'was to the l'wspapers thai Wagner's affidavit tributed a large part of the a'togfed istile sentiment lu Watauga county. -I. If. Burke of T&ylorsville aun;i the defense with its argument of uesday tor a continuance. "Vesrdny." Mr; Burke said. 'the de nse argued thai the citizenship of alauy.:' i so honorable a>;d so just at it is willing to wait until a later tie for the trial. Today, they say at this same Watauga citizenship i? i biased that a fair trial cannot be id here." W; C. Ne.svland closed for tl*c dense by answering Mr. Liriiiey's ariment about jury selection. He a.*rted that the jury should not be imposed of men who knew all about te case, but rather of strangers who new uotbing. Ai or the arguments had closed, adge Moore said that situ? he had eeii in Boone he had learned through Hiversations ho had overheard ar.d irb'cgh ether channels that a scntilent does actually exist in Watauga >unty in regard to this case, and that his sen tiniest justifies the order for cmoval. Witnesses subpoenaed in the case rere called and instructed without urthcr notice to appear at the August term of W'lkes superior court, ""he witnesses were recognised under 200 bend for their appearance at lime. Court got under way Monday pith Judge Walter E Moore, of SyU (Continued on Page Eight)

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