PAGE K1GHT With the Churches AnnouncemtnU and Nttwj o Interest to Locai Church Goer* as R.sportfd by the Various Pastors. ' ADVENT CHKXSTXAN Sunday school 10 a. m Preaching it^.l.l a to. Loyal Workers moeving at (3 r p. m. The week I v pi ay or meeting :s Tuesday night and choir practice Thursday night at the church. Asi invitu ion is always extended all who will to coca- and ho with us. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday iwhool 10 a. ip. B. Y P. i IV s Sunday afternoon at 0:30 lock- Mid-week prayer -ervice ?Vt-,ineiday iv 7 o'clock The- public y* very cordially invited to attend all - i vivcs ,:t '* ? church. CAUCND VR OF LU FIXER AN SERVICES Rev -1 A.L0NZO cl'NT Pastor ST MARKS K 1. CHURCH Bully's Camp Preaching on tlie first Sunday of ehch month. Sunday school at 10 . . v.- Preaching service at 11 a. m. GRACE E. L. CHURCH Boo he Preaching dv.ces every second a." n'bfctotn Npr'frj i arpjina. when- thty [dan to make ,Vtr.eifelhome. Hie l.mdi i - tb< d . u^rhter of .Mrs. MauV?i W!#* r. .'H'ti ;n:rl H'iriil'11' 111 a " i&ur$ef?cziis>?4to Pol ley hoU'lors. $5 1,7 $:M?j :R?1.72: T;|S-! 'Fire Kudvs?\Yritteh or renewed durii In' 'force. _<&v'jr|58. :.. V_ -~c^s. A Other Risks? Wvi'tcn or vorv< l.T2o.r,01,;;!Ta fVifcv ... .. ASSF. Value of Real Estate ?: Mortfragv* Loans on Real Estate - ? I.oant ;soV'Oi"! ("TUf UrMesrrwm is son of Mr. a.iwi M's A. t>. m of No> !> Oaro'Si'ia. ae?? rraplnyed at ! trio plant Re i- an estimable! rotmg ;?&) md w:ia receive m any congratulations un winning his > < 1 a* rauig bride." REMOVAL OF WAGNER TRIA LORDERED BY JUDGE {Continued from Pag On* > via presiding and Solicitor Joho >v . TYivctt:, T I I'uirj . i: . Alfred Watson. G W. ? lurch. W. C Calloway. C. W. Fowei? Whop court adjourned at noon! Wednesday the criminal docket had ii dispo? < ot* with the probabh exception of one: case The sci faj docket, was disposed of during the! I afiei coot) and the ; . iJ docket \vils t tkeit tip w he n court convenes , j this morning. ar-.d wit! pro^tiidy con- I ; tinue into next week. Quack- "Th&jfcf pdis 5 offer you, \a- j are the finest things for making one strong ami health* and increasing one's life." V orc( from crowd: "But vvbat about your forefathers? There were no such piUs in their days." Quack fcotivmningly) : "I quite agree with you. Ami where are they now? All dead I"' H? was one of those fresh young fellows given lo the wise of slang. At 1 the breakfast '.able. de-n*ing the; milk, he exclaimed: "Chase the cow (his. way ph ase." "Here, .lane," said the landlady. ike the ow down to whore the calf is bawling." - .. ' < SALE?? I Co aclt. Cua run teed to cemo up and make perfect flower. V \\. Mon . v. Box oht>, Boon- . N. C. - ' ' i 1 \M ST!'..I. !X TttK M AiiKKT FOR ; I'otn'oes Will pay for the next Large - ..or 1 J. L. Quails. Boohe, X. (\ , WENT ISURANCE CO, Ltd. ids. luwa as shown hy nifflL-mcnt filed. S 500,0dft.00 .us year ... $2.&24.321.'<)8 u'lh.n!); Miscellaneous, 1.402,308^1 ,805.01; Miscellaneous, 1,454.1 00.73 | VT year $1 ! 1,590.824 ; :07.712,0:i5.00 mod (iuricjr year, ^ 10-".,1 79,003.00 - -- --- S 71,283.82 1,088.748.08 ks or other collateral 4,000.00 598.890.18 t? on Vote rest 10 1.1 5.'!.20 s written prior, to -- 313.814.30 8 ^ 251.117.75 - 338,530.37 52,268.72 tr'' -- 64,765.78 - 2,893.7 31.28 323,923 40 $ 2,569,807.88 [TIES - -S U2.9P6.03 --- 1,461.474.79 ts. fees etc. due or - 2.315.42 . !. State, county and - ? 22,974.86 res due or accrued-- 7,300.00 i other companies-- 9,371.00 t eirent 2,801.56 lities except Capital .8 1.619,403.66 S500.000-0!! 450,104.20 950,104.22 $ 2.569,807.8S VROl-lNA DURING 1926 Premiums received J258.95 Paid *457.00 Secretary, C Torgeson. E. Hamilton. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ?ade, Insurance Commissioner, rie Office. ?INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Raleigh. March 3, 1927. lommissioner, do hereby certify that t of the statement of the Inter-Ocean ids, Iowa, filed with this Department, 7f on the 31st day of December, 1926. , the day and year above written. ,YADE. Insurance Commissioner. m ' r- . IE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT? EVKI OH SALE?Hof-r.i' Bulls, all aires a.and of hi/rh breedh'.jr. See or write Rive? Plain Fat'tn. T. W. ?Vvg?;?ott, Mgf., Fee-I 1 ION EY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPc?t> in Boone am) West Jefferson! on five years time, first ami sec -! oiul jaortyavTs. repayable monthly. : Write or see W. C. Allen or I> I' : Wade, Rev nolvi> Arcade i Box 16 . Bristol, Va. 2 1 1 :\TGJL1SH STRAIN WHITE LEO-': horn. Barred Plymouth Rock and i Rhode Island Red baby chicks. Kc - : duced price for May and June. Oak Grove Poultry Farm. I> R. Moon, Owner. Granit* Falls, N. C. J | 5 A BY CHU \< HATCHING EGG > - B '* yoi'T order early I can i'nriiifh Parks bred to lav. :?mi ! Thbwior's irn?.a Barred Rocks. | Also Ferris & Barron's strain I White Lovhems. Rhode Is-land I Reds. \Vh?i \ ?>? - j i' to rrtc i or res and dates Rom | I.. M-iltlja. Boom N. G ??u , TROXG r : 1 >' jf\ BABE CHICK 5 | -- -Thb ! thejw from flecks ! state < it er vised, blood tested. Barred and White Rocks. Tompkir.s Reds, White Wyandottes, >* 16.00; A 'M Ofia.c Whit e Leirhoi r. . >1 J.00: ieft eves. heavy. light. Si :0u. Orcers filled premj)'.ly Order from tsuF ad. Custom hatching write for reservation ! nodtVP 1 \VILKES UATGHERY, North Witkesboro, X. C 4tc I 11 SI SEE OUR WIND' In this-versatile collectio frocks for immediate \ will f?na models new 11 different in trimming, a. quality for winch we are line, in treatment and these frocks are exact co of the mere expensive pr 1 une and two-piece mot pleats, tucks, jabots, J flounces. Coats " bled s tailore fl Y nine b I I 1 light o lilil Ih These ?rp-pr 1 / fashion \ / sheer, i JL All the uH are incl darker 1Y THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. . A FEW MOMENTS SPENT AD WILL MEAN DOLLARS ING YOUR NEEDS IN 1 MENT THIS S Dii ing the two weeks bej week) we will give a ! 0 per of the Following tools: Pe< rows, Fertilizer Distribute Stocks and Plows of all kin We have several regular 5 I will sell during this time at (while they last) a good f< live-strand Broom at 35c. long. Come early and buy ; We will also during this tir 55.00 purchase or payment Handy Pocket Knife Sharp Only one to each person. The Above Prices FARMERS HARD' BOONE, 1 ASTER 'AINHOUR READY TO-WEA I he very mention of Easter hrin< nine mind vivid pictures of new this year we have outdone all pr i ? ... in selecting models winch will c.< expectations of the exacting; v or suit was well worth the effort f and sheer loveliness of our new without equal. Every depart m< ly stocked and widely varied. ; noted. In X ' ^ J in detail, \ >' ^ MB unterparts / /l -y T~~ \ v oductions. i k I \ V" dels, with \\ \ V\ frills and , fi *4 for dress and utility wear?assemapercritically, and revealing the utn workmanship, quality and style, shmire, fine twill and kasha cloth, ichly furred or plain collars. Slim, d silhouettes or modes made femiy intricate tucking and tiering. In r dark colors. iSIERY IN ALL POPULAR SHAD] lovely stockings are silk from top to ied and reinforced at every wearing ] ne'dium and heavy weights, as well a : spring shades, including black and i -11 i fc % ;uded, as well as two-toned effects, ob heels. MARCH o5. 1027 sar? ? ?i-r-^ IN READING THIS SAVED IN BUVFARM EQUIPPRING ginning March 28th (court cent discount for cash on any I Tooth Harrows. Disc Harrs. Wagons. Shovel Plow ds. -2 and 6inch Hoes which we 50c each. Also we will sell mr-strand Broom at 30c and These bargains will not last your needs in these lines. nef{if they last) give with a rr on account your cho-.ce of * u J IV/I: ? r;ite i ui L.auic? s. muu Are For Cash Only tVARE & SUPPLY CO., INC. NORTH CAROLINA . I??? ?????1m ??? ?M? AT S', Inc. R FOR EASTER f r to the ferniraiment, and * S3 evious efforts V"/ :>me up to the fgji l&Jbk. nan. 1 he re- jti ffijf or the beauty gt| creations are sut complete- J Regardless of your favorite sport, you will find here the correct costume, in any number of charming variations. ?^ The collection is replete with interesting examples of the A mode for two-piece costumes V of silk and jersey combinations, all silk or all jersey, rwpatpr arii-3 ' ,, v>v?wv.i UI1U piuaicu 5N.JI I out" fits and very swagger threepiece costumes. Becoming * sport hats, gay sport stockings and every important acv cessory is here. SEE OUR WINDOWS ES toe, full X