i -li' ; W -? VOL. XXXVII, NO. 13 Happenings In and About Blowing Rock Interesting News of Past Week Froiti famou* Rcaort Town Blowing Rock, April 13-?The Blowing Rock school situation, it appears. must rest exactly where it is until at least the first Monday in. May. The plans for the proposed new] building have been approved by both ' the state superintendent of buildings and grounds and by the county board of education, but when they were presented to the county comtnission< r at their last meeting, that body was preoccupied with the Cove Creek speci.U school tax and failed to act on the Blowing Rock plans. It is con.-adored certain, however, that the town will get i$s new school. though the repeated delays may niaKc n impossibc to have the school ready for the opening next year. An early beginning on the telephone line to connect Boone and Biowii-g Rock was seen last week in the filing with Mrs. Pearl Hartley, register of deeds, of 23 permits for a right of way across parcels of property between the two towns. This willbe tin* third step in the network of cable lines now being built over the mountains. The Lcnoir-Blowing Rock line is rapidly nearing completion, as is the surveying of the Boone-Cranberry line. All will connect with the lntcr-Mountain Company's lines at Boone. This company, with headquarters at Bristol. Va., acts as a connecting line for the Bell main i t>?S(' n il' Cherokee, which has been1 iperatcd here each summer in the past, \>il? not be reopened as a camp llr.s year, according to an announce-; Picnl by Mrs. E. T. llciigkins, of Atlanta, Gil, The five cottages that bavt 1" n used for the camp, Mrs. Hdugkiu.- say , will be rented to sum-! I hit ; vacationists. *j Camp Alioh-wes-toe, however, will p, p nsu*l w;!h prospects for an \ : ' r.sun, says Miss Mary i a in riric Thoiups.en, of Charlotte. '.i ... c- - ? ' is:- ii:\ji\_ ;i.vs f>uv .rinms i.o | V*.' ir\--li'uw:* -rxg- itovik vvitliiji :i short1 l?y I. .Ml.lt Y Tsv .hps utrcf- ..f t,.r.;. \ three h'ni i J.:.!\ yroiio.'.i. ..hower Vatlis and an txcSiloiit ly waltr i.npi.v The ...alp WfU! !>c p?V:> fr.mi j u. Aaaa-'. '!! 1 iimay vim > fiir four m > ofit weeks. A typoyrupbiriil . r.'.i- :n the paeAhtii hoik of the hi..wins* Krjrk ng The ishitmce of in horuk for (hi; eoipjioriigr *'; f 'i: Gre*. i Park water main v. ill r.iUav a rtrU-.y hi tnkirir up the bv.ii'iImt wiii no. ..: i rt their value. Tie fhr-r n'M'.'. intv-aiy a socor.ii ]). ha. tion .' ( the notice. The Kails were ? :ough; by i evc-iveo and LompaAv o' A|M'\v?. Blownig Bock thin week took, on the appearance of summer activity, with the- Martin ro.tagi open and ten guests registcn d. w ith O. W. Spencer manager of the Green Park holed, here making ??i\ pa rations- for opening J he. hotel and with highway crews' pressing the work on the roads* to 7 got* them ready for 'summer traffic. rJ Mr. Spencer left immediately after he had inspected the hotel, but said he expected to he back soon to supervise the extensive improvements being made. The remodeled Green Park Golf course, which is expected to he one of the best in the south when completed. .is&lmost ready for sowing the grass. As all members of the town council and mayor have declined to be candidates for re-election on May f?th?ns have announced for any of the offices, a mass mooting has" l.een called lo meet in the town hall April 28 tc nominate candidates. Layv/sg of the topsoil on the Lenoir-Blowing Rock highway -s progressing so rapidly that? those who feared that the road would not he ready for the summer season now- feej reassured. Travelers from 'Mown the mountain'* report that the laying 4 of the top-oil is proceeding with remaruaoie rapidity, especially in the vicinity of Bailey's Camp. Beyond TATAl A Non-Partisan Ne\ -^=^r :=rt_"=ui: r_i~ ^.-.-'"'.rrr: t i.? ?-i^rrrri: BOONE, THREE BAIRD BOYS j p ARRESTED THIS WEEK; pine Clus Baud, of Elfzabcthton, j Tenn.. for .whom Sheriff Farthing ' had one or more warrants, hove into i Valle Crucis Sunday afternoon and j caused quite a commotion in tfce schoOi section. Nea* the heme of C. nn P. T.-.yior. Esq;, the car owned by ji, Baird collided with a telephone pole;! j, thence it werved in the direction of; the Tay'cr r isidence," knocking out' one of tiie posts lo hi:-; front gale. Thr j ear and driver were somewhat injured ; c.h but still able t<. travel. Baird then' made his way ii> the VulU* Cruets garage where he spied Sheriff Farto-; ing. who attempted to arrest him. but, failed, Baird driving away at a rapid; clip, going up the river. In a short] ^ while he returned, his brother Frank,! ^ driving the car. The sheriff hailed V| them and got in the center of the! 1 nr road, waving his hands and ordering I * I them to stop. "Get out of the road!" 1 was the respor. e from the rapidly ap-i i preaching car. The sheriff stood his ground as long as he could, then 1 dodged to keep from being crushed : t j under the wheels. The car then made t a straight shot over G9 to Vilas, from there going over No. GO, up Gove .'J i Creek with the sheriff and a deputy , , in hot pursuit. l>. The fleeing men .stopped at Dr. 1 (Irxil its prhicipabprovi.viitos were un- ! . 1; ehautfCf! by. ae liy4 !c-^:-];i?.ure~-ptii.. I.: payroteMjs ore siii\de semi-strum- 1 .. ally. on June 1. fine Pccentber I. Thisf | 1-1 before the present law i f-'xiftc; tie fiscal year of the s ate oil ,, a-!lr.;r from .leer :>! to June el.. . .. init /ail of He. emir i 1 te !>?. ember i 1. as fo. m5. nuher than c.i* iV27. sir.oe the new fiscal year dees riot bejsin until Ju"ly ; .-1 ' ;. $j^0y ^ Satisfied Visitor: "Youv son ts rather small \ ^ for Li- hvi't ho;" \ Fond Mother: 4,Oh. ho Most of* * P5 the boys t-l his ago are bycv-in*ow? ; \ think!'1"'; ; V v: ft : Sri 'hat point the work will be easier, pi and still faster progress } Mrs. E- G. Under down, charge. jt ; Those assisting in the program were _(Mr.?. W. L. Holshouser. Mrs. Dart i ) Kiut*/-. Mrs. Coon, Mrs. Paul K1 .t/ and Mrs; Cba3. 0. McKaraher. W d-1 nesday of this week was designatedj as spring cleaning day fof* the churchr \ yard. members of the auxiliary loj j. meet on thai afternoon for the pur i v nose of r:*kingf mowing and preparing! ?, 1 the ground for the planting of ad- j a ditipnal shiubbery. ~ . ^ JGA ] vspaper, Devoted to the Be.? WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CARO egional Baptr i5 , Co Confer Here ominent Speaker.' iress Leaders , Go of Denominate ??' This Sec- F? tion Her h. I Pau Dr. Tempi man gave at length his j Car an of financing his chnr.ii of more', was an seven hundred members at1 boll orehcad eil,\. Iiis plan is to pre-i go ; tie at the first of Ihe year a budget wee id then put on an every-member j una :nva.?s. giving an opportunity for | .?7 ;?:li member to indicate the amount i ];na or she may wish to contribute for of lurch expenses and missions during f ic year, prexeraoiy contributing a J the inti \e >art;each Sunday. by "After the canva. s is completed all tea ic first of January," said Dr. Tern-j ?c Ionian, "1 never say any thing fur- Sal ier about it. I never take special Elections. As a result of this sys- \yas m 08 per c nt of my members con- Ap ibute regularly and plenty of nion- yin, r is always in the treasury io meet j tax 1 our needs." pro Dr. Templeton spoke further with der fere nee to the oft-repeated charge disi lat the church is losing its power, poi this be true, paid he, it is because ! w,h io church 's failing tc do the thing Opt t which power was promised hy j yea hrist; that is, to go and make ties- t};. pes of ail nations, poi Mr. Hainby . pok tore paitioularJS' .$1(1 r the mission side of church pro'am. hoy The meeting \vp* fairiy well attend- j:;i. I and very inspirational. Ten or ore churches were represented. ten The Woman's Missionary Society dre the local church served lunch ;ii < e basement The dinner was g.-.od o-;i; id abundant The reporter thorough- 'prb tested both. , ?}\e ~ ? I APPENiNGS AT THE. VALLE to CRUCIS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS fv.v moi Vallc Crucis. April 1 .? The Mary >i;iu-rvliitv'rary Sewn* Vy of the Vallc j ,V). Wfjll: Seh*: o! for Girls has given a'"cjs> imber of very, successful uiy.giaiiis i ^ ?,!k .clioo! vi-ai'. (l.v :.i-i i: .. ing "The ffijiiu o'.' Bath" anil n-li v j \j.( .cebs i-' vuii under the auefiio & "-f ;l,H. i.-s Mr.rg; I-.-!. Offltety, :e;ie.Uer of the . ,.]a. in.iy department. : _c;.,t Tin- YOuiijt Pieiltp' Si-W-'ce ague plans an ice ere nil social ohi .. pi |)|-| 1!'Ih, Co i>r; eiVBji in the dining; ,,ra 0:11 ..(! the school i ,,lr On "(MnsrsdHjr* March SI, tbt fol-1 v , V'ng 01.iiI s ill the sixth and scvenlh jf arte:- ot the school spent a pica-:.!. j ii .profvahVe jtnj- in Hbjmc: CorjU j ,.v(, .i RelVe? Cai-ftS! Ray Jfartoiajr, i Sgj, ;s3?i'l'1 In.ay. l.uuiseTSjhoiton. lla-i! wj,j d Maxtor Pis',or ami Nancy Tester,' v< Mil i'Vaaicr, Myrtle Mitchell, I .....a j v.( . liker. JSnrl Tester. (Say Town.--,a.,I, . gj., d Dare Triplet'. The ciay V pror.m irriiiiic-d sometime spent it- :K-: j urihonse dor-rig the prc-n-ress f t a I S8,( ;;1 ease; finding oat. how a news-i ffersS made in ilu office of the j v.(., atauga Democrat and a visit to he! ^ ait; of the Novo.ily Wood Works. | . laeh. a trip to the moving picture! j ' ok nad shopping concluded the j y- i Hot The Lei.ten services of the Holy! 'oss Kpisvopal church at V.allc Cru-T jqj t have been we'll attended. The im-j essice. and beautiful t.hree-h'ourj H rvice. will jje held on Good Kv ; | -.i the Barter service?, will include | day tily Communion at '5:30: inyraiagj j?h oyer and s o mmt at 11. and the iKBta's flower service in the all-j ml,] noon. .' * j trie. .Miss Moliie Towiijend. of Ya'.le' uot Pols, a firmer student of the Y'd'e J .,pp racis School for Girls, who has been] nou iinc missionary work in China for ! tak veral year;-, addressed the Y. 1'. S. | j in ot Lkc Va'iie ("rucis School lot Girls! a!(r| i last Sunday evening. Mi.-s Town-1 r(,? iltd urged the young people not :o| nt,r hike, snap judgment i| regard io thej k eser.t revolution in China. She said was a natural revolt due to the, v,, rong desire for freedom instinctive 1Tl people. An foi. rORNADO TAKES HEAVY TOUL col If oust,on, Texas, April 12.?Be- f .veen 150 aud 200 persons were died and hundred? mjured tonight ^ra hen a tornado mid waste virtually da\ -^e entire town of Rock Springs, itl!r - i a t: way dispatches received J cra ere reported. j tht \ )EMC st Interests ol Northwest i ~~~* ? ~??: UNA. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 102" >ve Creek Highs so,] Win Two Debates to Chapel Hill Today to Contest >r Aycock Cup; Commencement t}}<. Exercises Bcs?in April 16 193 " Una ugar 0royo, April 13.?On FviCOfi! night, April 1. Cove Creek High .1 >?1 debaters wen both sides of the opii ion: "Resolved, That congress si.fi enact the CiutL-Re'eti hits pro- '^crr ng for a federal department of nation,'" from Virginia-Carolina l'u" h - ' The affirmative was T-hc eld b; Ma:;l:a Love and Hoy El- ,!' 1 wlio debaed here; the negative ,: ' rvprtyenlC'd by imci Xorris and ,or 1 ay id r. who debated at Virginia- 2 lolina. The decision of the judges ::i; unanimous for Cove Creek in '''1'' 1 cases. Cove Creek debaters will v.tccJ 0 Chapel Hill oh Thursday oL this vaf* k to contest for the Aycock m :al vpp against repiesentative: of 1 oilier high schools of North Caro- PVP 1 who wore successful :q l oth their debates. Vjvc Cre< k was defeated 13 to 5' in * J first baseball game of the season trie Appalachian .State Nc -mat 111 on Thursday of last week. A) game will be played here! cou mdyy afternoon at 2:30 o'ol >ck. j ^ <: \ mass meeting ci great interest held at the school building or. ril v. for the purpose of discus- 'i:,: ? the proposed increase in the vev levy of this district in orcer to ?HC vide for a new building. >resi- hef it B. B. Dougherty, of the Nc rmai. usscd he equalization bill and ?f iilcd out thai Watauga county b'/.t lid receive from this fund $40,) this yea; instead of $10,00< last r and that the county could, 'l '1 refore, reduce taxes let- s hool ppses from 20 to 2d cents oi *h 0 valuation. Superintendent .Smith *l1lfc jjaniau presented figures aho ydng ' v he local lax has b. en used and ? v a new building can be erected; tH' 1 taxes still i-e reduced Much ilies; w-?s manifested by the bun- v ; I or niorh patrons present i c<"? annuKr.coment exercises will be- on Saturday night, April Id. with a v 1 gram by the first jiOven grade of ' school. On Easter Sunday night ^1' >v o'ciock. Dr. \V. (?. ! . ; - p;is- lV' of ;V- l ost BiipttVi ehurelv of ''! gpr, wi.i preach t)n ni.aard >'c r-: ,,er w in the school am! dorhuvr. Kr.il.Vv 1 t.-Api r 22 at >. o'clock, the riass. \vi5l gi\v. class d&> e.vv " 5 Sa2utd:iy niorr.ing. Apyit 25. : 'v I1, c/cloc;., Dr. C. A. f.iv. t.- i f'v '' li of Iho. Ecicnco-of '''* rs liii! Cy'Ugo, u'i'l deliver til ual luiiire-r to ihti graltli-'itihg -S.lipThe ('xeiviio.. v.'ilj ilo;. 011 urday night. April 2:;. w ith a : v' firo-spmcd i>j ilir senior rias ' 10 Avorngv Man.'" For- this p> - 1 ? in an ad?riissi6r. for of :!f> writs ' .'oiu'i-- ami Id wills for vhi'iirc':: be charged- Tin sciioo! t-xUind i '>' orutni invitation to the iisreiiiS pybij? gpntp-hUj- to iiAen.i-thiise i:V ' ixr.njititaior.s for/the oa.or rin-s "L be givejhj, tfoj lat.tr r part ;1 k .tad IOV '.ill' other ??tc??i. ne::t '-'-a k. Thr vn.h-m.- iWihWiiiit Op j v> . Ir,; in.pj||^ze:?%y, .lUelii'mnce '< 111! Hill for the high ffi'cKoh !.> - 5-;. .F.v ; rrqiiprt o;V nbers of hef Sunday school cl:i?s I'r'iLly night. ReXrcshihen's o >e'rvclat die, was in Giv.nsboro when the dec ointment of Mr. Hayes was an- eve need. He is qquoted. as haying fc&t en his defeat with a smile. Mr. fort hey h temporary district attorney Cei viriil, it i: expected, continue in car t capacity until the permanent the ointment is made. r. 'barges have been preferred dnsi Mr. HayefJ and whether they ST. I be pushed when congress meets J December, remains to be. seen, v 011 yway, M r. Hayes has the pium the Keeps unless the sen at - fails to (firm his appointment. of G. PKree womt'ii were killed ct a \Vt itie crossing near Chailotte Tuos- ,.i afternoon when one of the South- jg i railway's fas; passenger trains Mi. Shed into an automobile ir. wheih Fh victims were riding. : >CRA1 North Carolina. ' ' / ' .DIER LOAN ACT IS ? v DECLARED CONSTITUTIONAL *n the tenth anniversary of Amor> entrance into the World War, ^ World War veterans' loan act of was upheld by the North Carosuprc-mc court last Thursday a- / ?titvuional. ustice CI arks oh wrote the 21-page lion, an affirmance ol" the judg- ^1K it <>:" Judge I levin in the-January Wat n of Wake superior court mix S. Hmton of ttuleigh, brought t.on> 'taxpayer.' * test suit to restrain issuance of the two million dol- ,>01" in bonds by the state under the vision-, of ;h' act which provides at b the gge of tip- sum in makim? the to veterans of ,;-t: Worbi War; <& r,,t l" =:i "f SJ- ...In, to any one oerson and no; to COUf ced 7a' pev cent ox the appruUcti . r ij iie of the real estate offered as . .irity. fi . he proposition was submitted to (}1- . upon Lh-: court's de- - . , "'r oni -.-ays: ? Che action of th state upremC t(>r irt on Wednesday in declaring ih$ ^ut: >?*1*5 War Veterans* loan act con-1 .utioraf-y valid wu.-. both appro- rj-^, ; te and proper. The decision was idvd down on the tenth nniii- ( ^ sarv ot the decl^rat on of war and j act, approved twice t the ells con 'ore receiving its una! . ; alive wv m. is the unequivocal exj Ion ^ . a people's gratitude to its moid lo ( A (SrfenderE. The purpose of the act is to help ers.ns to acquire homes for there ^ res. either in town or country. #o ouffh the loan of funds up to S.'J.- t^i( ) which are to he paid back with! < u i rest at six per cent hy the end of t ^ wmty-yi\.r perietal Those eligible receive (hose loans arc definitely cified in the act as fallows: '.Section .'i. ICvery person who eon * enlisted, inducted, warranted, ce nmiSsionod. and who s-rved bun '-rrv .-?* , .... to. thly ci? active duty in the militia naval service of the United ?tn;es ^ any t>n between the sixth day pi: l..1j 1-1I Hi 7 and 'he U.th day at , : urtin r;; ami who, at t he tlni , enier.jig &$eh s?.owi$V was a iv-i- V j Nnrih Carolina. ... ; who i h.u.idmb.y - epnrc-.Ud <>*'Jpf't i>mv;ed from such -a;vvu?- or who dill ill active >? rvne or hat-j been " >* . u, or who jjfip been fiirhusijhod -; jj. e^jwuv v?h[p "'-was fit',' SjfthjiF i?. :i |..o;jiid i.ffik than '< > si. !' !.ft>:V,1 ! -'.) to barriv.v nriMfiytif 5^0 fnr.il y roviticd l.,. !.>>.? a> ;.r.ii : ?ic- .-xitut tjjjjf, ; f;ii!0s 'iprt-ii- pty.vi.tKil io'i . j., I'M % 1 fetceKrn n.yvbo law is thom-i'tical- \ it, liiV.i .t .cUC'SI .toskrnjs* that ? si ; fiiiv0-:utf. Tlu. ar.-.n JPI "J a." v i si tlto ?.efcof thnsv ?-U;r.- ...; B-.-rm-tKiie I fur.,! aim its rhu-f ^?mi^i.ra. (iffcm-, & ;ii3pro'4tiK!t ayi;,v:ii0'0(;.: g in,- ina.vr.nim ioami'y ig T uf&j na|h awii^ni why 6?? as, ronjrhly r.p. .tkims- ?tr. r.r maov . ... . curst- many r-f thCAe who ,-ivo- lVl. :i!ilv will not make appbralTotVi monohiiitt irUlin ibw amount n?,:. iinhio -o-.itirt.-li iiva'ci-quntc f..sJ the aui^ipatiii hen!.in.i- nv,-! luieov.-r, in t'.ic dist riliaaion o? Tir iney it is ..inifct1 pos- ,,ot e that the- application lor the ..VK1 is may life centered in the larger A es- and towns wen- ihc wTOroA' i m c'cjsnry tor malting the appli- -;lv on.- may bo mora readily .v.,. In this case the rural districts ..eiV lid bo practical iy twwfewi irom possibility of bbtaiumj: loons" ; rs- a system of allocating a y 'i state department of education ra c 1 G jviTvor McLean, i< "omvi'scd v\n: A. E Aker.-\ Roar o he Rapids; R tax Fitzgerald. Greenr ilie; A. S. poll vot'v Concord; B L. Smi.h. lluthr tow ordton; M>.-s Anne HoMforiE Ra- I h; Eiiiel M'N'jiry, Stflitesville; die si Ila Johnson. Hcnieisonvillc. a p t- momher?. of the commission, will n>a vc for five years. lerli -V ': , < .' V:f " " /* ' t"X!-7 ' ' '*! ~J>~>;i'" ' ''-" % ' %* -' Twas, ''jJyl r\ P PRICE FIVE CENTS istin E. South Is Named Accountant orary Appointment Made by ouuty Cemtnis&iooers h\ April Meeting. list in E South. |le>-k of the suji court of Watauga county, was rioted temporary accountant for aug? hy the board of county coinioijors at its April meeting. The missioner* w< re guided In the aptinent of Mr. South by r. letter p the county advisory commission laleigh. From the letter we take following-: Fhe ii it -1 act. to nroyiile. for Uie ir.nftf&tton of the fiscal affairs of itics. deals \v - h budget ma^p is known a- fh? Fiscyi to Sec. 3 Kis act. which' says that the duties he county accountant in those itics not havi; c coufoty auditors be imposed upon any County otii, except the t\ ea. urer, the shertiie tax collector or he bank actas financial ug.-nt, In a county not having .an audiit might be wise to impose these ies temporarily on the most su.tinun in the county government, commissioners art the best ges as t ? who he is. He might *e temporarily, until the first of e or July, cr longer, until the imbsioners have time to decide thcr lie is sufficiently ''exp< rienc;i modern methods of accounting '.ontitiue as the permanent county juntant. Again, the county government ad~ ry commission advises the county imisMoners not to go to any furexpense after designating the *itv accountant, in putting the fiseentrol act into effect until the get plans am recommended, iro is. be new bookk* pmg to in\ a: this time and on red tape to ipiicnto Ilk- work of the officials. 5 javrnyr.v to be t.ilo r. -s this: actorwhat liia d; yyitmonts i;t duva.y mis ycitv :.a?i tvl.ae is a, :ohaft?0 the uyjjjg t" s- -.'J ami'thi.' ii&ou.ii Kk -:'3^ chtodni to bt fuithtS tts- .lll'iy \o o?iVx?-is-.--,?:co, ik .viore s-t. .... this its o>.vmK rfoo" ": is trOHl.DRY' i.iiCEi. UNDER C. i.L SERVICE j^urhi^ton>'nAoil; i _ 'r! t?h>~ SatesV te ?{V^ i; -iau.n&ed iU county vyide caiw- * 1 ffig' ':?N . ?,' ' ifflHSK - W,-* V ?9&'K^'tfrac nv^siv!0'i\^y:hi g5$ie. bary-iM of piohi i>?; which under n.e m !'svvvi^b(w hy :\n- :i, tii March Mr,-: Mil awBtSiS' ...... : -- w. - - r "dm !'. fi..t. t!-.< : !? y fey : ^S&lM $$*% :jVt;ciiv;i .-ovvics!. vpliwiw-.-v M:?te? ;' ?3 1 ' Mw'?:,i '''': S ^'' v>'"ie- p ?% nuiOif.'-stmiiiP^d iUy.-s* of; : :Jf??\~Sf -BKSi S SSEKS: .iriii jWaSf Sfiiv \"7f ' .Ji'i. ' - 'ill iti; of ahn lho>e for t. *" \v]ii;;r 4^cttth?:n? ,oV ;'' ?? an.ion room5; fur \vyiit>% hK*nt&? V$c,'-'vifefti ;.. These Ay>^3 he gK'J&- hi ,^^VoNri~. !y fi'iK) cities the r.y. The oth?: r examm? ions Jo include -written mental tests in v.inati'on jToms'. h- g H of t he exmnirifttior.s w sit inchiJe ngs on vr. lining ?rv,fc:er?ejYtt-., and application blanks b obtained from the UniLed 0?- eivii service covnm ission,^h; hintrion. IX ('.. or from Mr. B. Wafcsoh at the Booth po> office it the post-of fice anywhere. T? e :?i nation announeA monts give diy ci information ?c;ardiiii the w? of the ?lN ,';rn:n>:;- ai d the reive- 1: fhr ?T?iraHce t!:eeo. NRY J. HARDIN NAMED ... ... A COUNTY TAX oyrtKYlbUK. he board of county cornnvissioners all =