jk Y\ VOL. XXVIII, NO. 16 PARIS-NEW YORK FLIERS LIKELY LOST IN ATLANTIC Hope for the rescue of Capt. Nunguesser and Francois Coli appears toj hang on the slender thread that theyj may have been picked lip hv some J Nov; Found!ajid fishermen or some' coasting vessel off Ireland. The' fliers overdue a full tiny in New, Yo?h on their -?>? ?!isr?3t from Paris, have become aro'.bc r :r\ lery of the.' sea Wireless suVJobs from Newj ?** York to Labrador have sent }:i all direction- asking teamship- in courses : hunt foi the avia i rs. But tio'j v i ted -seeing the 'White Bird.** which hepped of: so* ; aveiy from L Bctivect -field with: the -kid' and cross hones till; 'death's head" m.trkeo or, the white! fuselage a? to o-. fy it:e c)nr:v^ j l;.e government :it Wa-Miigton, it.-1 sending to a request of the Frenchj government, has set about lo make organize*! effort to locate th- lo t bird men. The Mass Education Movement in China By MISS MOU.IE B. TOWNSKXU < ru-sl Missionary to China) China has hern referred to for many years as the Sleeping Dragon, nut that ea* no It'ingcr be said of her. The world is begij/riinT to realize that the dragon which has l.tr?i 1 for -oroo vim is av.ak? and that nia i- experiencing a thorough Ylo-nnai-r.-inci'. It is a very trying' tiffte; one of searching, revaluing and r< :d justing oi every institution ??f di*rn eiviii-.-ation While the av. lkeuir.g t> nll-comprehens ve per - the ''Student Movement*' is the most goifitu aiit evidence of the new day. Tin re is no country in the world vvhv re the scholar has held the -u |!:vm? position that he has in China f:s- d though hi number was small he has dominated her in *he past. The Student Movement" of today savs th-l education1 shall no longer be con-: I. ed to the few but must become the. common property and guide of all. Within tiv- las? twenty years fhe.-e fpr.upg up twentyrfiye mode.ro leges ;?-;d an ivor-it tea acxidmmp. . : -a: from t-? to fifteen thousand >;erttepis An inci easing number of ; < r.irh year fo'p fuiV-j :h r -I'uiy aid bettor equipment. i r i~ Ji.n :i fit !.! i;i which these yfes>: .: to |%i m>\v in a yy;?^. thai was undreamed of '? > the^'holar oC the ahcietU classes. The im>cameot for wa.\s .education i was a natural outcome of the ir.? rea ? id interest in education along W'es.ti" v.nc ?1 'n?c iw?f?u FI*.V-? rj?i 11 rnoi! student \y ho bits "the; movement nfiii shaped its poiky, v, - l ,-i out ;;: methods and selected v> hat shuik'.t be taught and how t< teacn it. Then came the -problems' of '.rfcmmunity organization, publicity, \ it . riiur for bot h teachers and pupils knd the securing of suitable j hvdUHnir.-. all of which have been 'amy! / handled. T'udoubt'cdly there has never been: in the history of the world, a moye jrjent of this kind or* so vast ak=oale ! p.>- this one arid ! venture to say that there has never been one so preg-! . u;.i!t-with significance. It aims at; siicli ah adequate education as will train foi tho ivest citizenship, unify the nation, create h new literature' t / and strive far tin* realization of ^iA, wtnid peace. this is a big program and is conducted in <; big way. W'e can not predict how near it may _eome to! achieving it- goal. Mr. V. C Yen) says that il is a movement of the \ people, by ' he people and for the peo-1 pic and as such is surely must sticy ceed. | Ready-Cut Head Bill: What business are you nowj in. Jack? 'JJack: I'm in the lumber business. Biii: Well, you have get a good head for lumber: So Personal Teacher: Why. every time 1 breathe a Chinaman dies!" Voice from the rear; "Why don't you try cloves?" The C orinth Canal was started by Nero about two thousand years ago. The piojest was abandoned and rev . . The tola! in North i $X t?>:l7U,0o?V compared with $i0(.LG50.1 >-7 fo. the proceding* year. An increase of $16,7Vi,GGS was shown in collections, the total of which was $203,526,701. Damage estimated at sixty-live to tevent y-lTve thousand dollars was done in Kinslor. early Sunday when tire swept through a Main street building. The origin of the flames is believed tv? have started in a pressing club \vhich was destroyed, along with a shoe store and another business house Henry Tioutman, rh?ef of police cf Albemarle, was accidentally shot and killed by another officer, Dan Speight, Mor-day afternoon- The officers X'/Gi-e tempting to.arrest' three negroes when Speight struck one o: the negroes .over'.'the head with a revolver, it discharging and Die bullet st riking the chief of nonce on Uy neck, seyetincr the jugular vein. While There** Life There's Hope Old Maid: "I wish Clod had made me a man." Grandma: ''Don't worry, dear, you may find one yet " Attention, Members of Legion and Auxiliary There will ho,a call meeting of the Legion and Auxiliary in the Legion hall Monday -night, j May 16, for the purpose of ar| ranging and completing plans for the Fourth of July celebration: i If .you are not interested in giv1 ing the American Legion your ! support in behalf of the July j celebration, we must now cancel this undertaking:. Please eonsidI ev this as our plans for or j against as final. We "wish to urge every man and vomau in the county who are eligible to belong to the L.ty*ion or Auxiliary to bo present at this meeting Olid become a meo.bf.r and help us out in all our ur.ilcrtiiking-s. L. S. ISAACS. Post Commander C. S. STEVENSON. Adjutant. UGA Jewrspaper. Devoted to the JE. WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH C NORMAL TO BUILD j NEW dormitory; | I ' <>*_*. )i; y tl ?An ox*".- ivo ; sion of the boa^d of trustees of the j Appalachian State Normal school atj t Botero was held here several days j \v*lh T. H. Coffey of Sio\vihftj ftock, chairman; H. t>. Dougherty j >f Boone and -J. M. Bernhardt of tlasj ! place present. At this meeting j plans were discussed for the new; dormitory for girls ar the school, and' BciUoa and Benton, architects of' ' Statesviile. were employed to draw j - up plans fo; the building. Also al i powerhouse: with a heating system t.'ol ' nggironi the jmwrrUouse to the new! j building- The re wis: be a meeting j ( t?f the board of trustee within al j few days and in a J pro!'ability some j definite action wbl be taken about! j NEXT CONGRESS MAY MAKE DRASTIC TAX CUT Washington, May ! .?The greatest tax cut since lJ).2l can and probably will be made at' the next session of Congress. Receipts under the present law J have nil! away with the estimates and buried the fiscal prophets under an avalanche of unexpected revenues. The surplus in 1 a27 will be the largest, save for a single year, of any 12 months since the nation's re-] turn to norma ->. In conic -tax receipts, far from shrivj : cling under the lower rat have gone ; 1 higher than at any time since 1U21- ! Debt reductions will exceed $000,-1 | OOti.OOO and hCay pass $1,000,000,-! j (100. VALLE CRUC1S HAPPENINGS | ! Valle Crucis, May 11. ?Mrs. I. 11 Taylor. M >- Alice Taylor, Mrs. T. \V. Taylor; Mr. 2. M. Shell and Glint Huird attended the funeral of Robert Duui in i.enoir last Sum lay. Mrs. D. F. Mast ami Mis. W. L. Baird also return*d home on that day, having spent the previous week with the Dula in Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Graves of Yancey vide, arc visiting the Rev. and j Mrs. I.tun - R Burke: j DanielTownser.d is ill at his homo j j villi Congestion of the lungs j Mrs. Luelnda Mast, retiiincd .Sun-j j ?my from S visit to Mrs. Grooue in gync, aoM>mpuniuyas hero iast w.. making arnnigemeriTs for a eoltaj in which he will spend hi.- sunnvi Vcicai'Ion. Mr, Draper is now emra ou ill laying oui the* 'golf conrse I. i n?' 11 *. Mr. and Mi's. W. Z Simpson ? Rock Hill, S. C.V wore here prepa inir io open their collage for tl summer. ^ / ! Mr?.. K- Myers also avrivt and opened her new roUnye in Ma view Park, which was built t'di ! during the whiter by .i l.ee II.iy. Other visilors in Vbwu '.vere M airid Mrs. i. Huff of Kvansvill hid.; II. rownor. f, R. Eowr.c C. B. Audson ami P. M iicarek, ali < PJnehurst; Mr. and M*s. E. Prest Harrill of Wilmington: Miss Ale Beckett of Rock Hi!'. M. P. Kirkroji ?>i *: n* < sis f >01*0; JLilh&n U. if arsons- < r.. a. X. .Tbe L. Harrison ? Richmond, Va.; Dr S. S. Syuinde and ivi. M. Saunders: oi Sigh im Miss F.ula Quiiin and Mrs \V. L. Ga -away of Greenville, S C.; Mrs I 11. Blackweh of Waynesvillei as Mr. and Mrs. R H. Webb oJ Cdi cord. Mr?. Elliott Reed ?>'" Savannah, G:? who is building a $20,00.0 ? urn rue homo in May view Park, is expects h? re this week for the Hammer. H? new house will ?>e. read> in hi i'irnc, it is vaid by the contractor, , Lee Hayes. Miss Helen Coffey is recoverin from a serious il-noss. She spes several day sal the Davis Hospit; in States vile, but last week sho xti brought homo ami under the care < Dr. It. B. Scales she is recover! n rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. H.' R. Gray ton ( Charlotte were hosres at their cottaj iii Mayview Park Saturday evcr.ir to a parly of Blowing Rock ar Charlotte guests, honoring Mr. Wv Dudley of Charlotte. Those prcsei were Misses Dorothy Hayes, Lis and Annie Ward, and Mrs. J. A. P nel.a. . Bill Ingle, Bud Whitm-r ai 2Hr. J.IK/., an oi i. ftanotie aivn fcr. Sherp.il of Troutman. The Widow's Right "This i> a grave question," said t* widow as t.hc-y decided where to hu the body of her deceased husband. OCRA vest North Carolina. , 1027 FIFTH SUNDAY MEETING AT UNION CHURCH. MAY ?.8 k The program for the fifth Sur.ek day meeting of the Three Fonfe Baptist Association ivili be held with (inion church a: Mabel, beginning Sa'.wrday. May 2?lh and comicsuirg th -h:ough S\if,'ia;. . Saturday A f tcr rvoori a- 2. p. m. ? Song .sosyice led by JC>' Ur:it?n choirl fg 2:15 p. m -St-mmr.- by Key Do:^ p. m.?('a'.nuzat.'.n. ,n p. ?j.~ -Loyalty to the Baptist [d '' II-, K ('. Il.viir . W 3. Farthing. ' .!?(i m. -Qiiesgon box. > :"> t-v. m. ?Eyehifixj service. Sunday Morning t Sjurn'ay school . cJo?-.Sinir:r>i- led by l ':. t A. lh"rIPi.tO?What should be t5u: its e ; ch.nchV attitude toward :invjv-i.nuTiis??.A. J. Croono. I. G. Greer. I \\ . F. Shei wood. 1 I : I r. Sir-":'. - * : ? :jj Hern-one." led hx Midi Fork ' rh.-s. 11:20? Sermon by I. A. luif j 12 m.?pin nt?v i Afternoon Session jr ! ... ' i i p. n\.?Son** stnaaye ei "t bn?K, llannonv." lead l?v VV. T Va;:61 . . Ill' 1 :20 ?The new problem of the !C ooiihtry einuvh. by Smith Ilag^tman. n fb! :wi1 by the t . of the 'V t'hVirehcs. 2 :3.0; p. hi. - -.-n> h - and :! ?in* lii.Mrv . t. <\V Hs.X!I>r 2 :1 o?C losing ex*, rrtses. ; 219 Total Toll of Mid-Western Tornado 'st l(j h'ansds h'jfcy. May 1 i?Scpurued by tornadoc.-, torrential storms ami blizzards oyer three day period. the midlife west eourslud its, e.eau at 234 ;ni ^ Tuesday. wiih imdmbly a thnu amid persons injured, hundreds home-; ies: and property- uamaev into the miliums. y?f\ in oiftht states l'roai the Roeky ,} Mountain region to the ast and Uli I southeast the fury of the weather bhOUicbt death and sufferjnjj. Arfcan jis, (ilinmulg otlnorcti ilf K.ulti^s:. ' s- col.dnei. rober1 bingham dies a i asmevm-le homf. "" fe; -'Ml '' -X ' ilor.el Rohorl 8||?ujvi, for mart ivy yoars r.-aiiniasH-r of riu* UinA=k h?.m M-!ito.r\* ?i. \ :i\ his :v iVyieriai\ Chirrhli "S -\.-!&? r viUc. ' w ?\?U>ooi RinghmP vvas the third nyri'vn of Rmtrhahis : f*peva'Ce ?d fiomvus BihirKam MiHlxiyy sehooi. y- v \dch was established by his irr.nni i- o fcey :;r iVIebane iii IT'*;?. NEWS OF ROMiNGER p.. "-A 1: - p'.'. v, Mt-'i i-, May 1 F?-Mr. Dowoy ?i , ilmwi rigor's family b down \vith Sffee . ?n fhi. ;e Mr. Coy Eominge r suffered :i it' broken log while working hear )i Spruce IMne. lie is in the Grace hos'5* pitai at Banner Elk cs Elder i>. A. Greene, pa-tor o? ikon t; iiill Baptist church. spent ^ Saturday.) ? night at the home of Mr. M. l\ c. Trivett. id J. IV. Harmon is putting his saw-; b mill down near the home of F. M Harmon where he will saw the bowri-v u, dary of timber Mich he recently pur-) lr; i hiiMd. <1 The farmers of this section arc; n- now engaged in planting: corn. j l i. The One Exception "But. surely/' Jones urged, 'seeing g1 i > believing?" u "Not in'.''.^ssar*ily " replied .lohitaoo. a) "tv-r iivsatnce, 1 see you every day." IS i u Special School l ax Carried in Cove Creek The election hold m Cove ! Creek i own ship Tuesday cn a !'""j special tax rdRdsntion for chot ; erection of a new budding: ac the ; ? high school was w^n hy the tax advocates fey a majority of 110. Only 30 votes were cast against the proposition, there being 2S2 ^ voters roistered. ~'v; The'terms' under which the eic-ci'on was held provided Chat a ' tax riot to exceed 12 cents on i \ the SI00 propeity vahiafcic? and 1 S*?_ 36 cents on the poll, shall be ry levied and collected for tire spej cific purpose. i gjfif?|| p " c- R l'' vtw?n^?i ^ -5!?*- -3jS3|>ffr/Jj T ~-?.vr *'???? ----? "?-j--^?? 5 ?-? ., . " 'price: fivk cents Commencement at the State Normal Finals Bf^an Willi Play on Thursday and Closed Friday Afternoon; Interesting Figure-i Given The commencement exerciser- of tfce -Yppalach'an Ft a.te Xorm.al began on Thursday eight after the exami:":t''ins om Wednesday and Thursday. The Thursday night's exercises was a p'ay l?y 'h senior Normal class fur the benefit of the -oaf? fund. The targe uumeet present grc*. Fy enjoyed the fine chariieti rizatinn displayed by thpse taking pert, and more than $lo0 was realized from the proceeds-. On Friday morn 'in? the class day exenciset were hem. folbwed by ' he literary address i\\y Dr. X \V. Walkar. dean of criuca lion of the University of North Cam ina. whos: >ubj ct xifbg "The wiirl; apd training that we are to accomplish after we hav- graduated from college." Dr. .1. I>. Rankin delivered dipiovnas to the foiiowing graduates: Annie Dula Beverly. Ruth Blair, Billy Bollinger. Rear: Clopinger, Marv Culbreth. B tty Ruth Duncan, Jane e Hoiyeij.. Nancv K Hunter. Mrs. Uthel Brown Johnson, Naomi Lnwery, \\ rink- Rose Moore, Verd'a Ht-nicft .Morgan, I.rola Margaret Pivl.er, Flora Mao MeFahven. Kva Miller, Uu h NcsVev, May Bittman. OUie Ra\. Cynthia Pearl Reeves. Annie Beilo 1 leg;:-!. Miir\ Uoui.se Regan. Lutiicr Ro.bijison Marx Eugenia Short, Mildred Virg'u .. Spencer, Alta MeS'varn, Gladys Rose Swift, Carry hla Ward n. John W. Warden, Kathryn \Vyhe, Ethel Marie Zimme email* ICIi/.rh' ih Bat is Wiggins, Alma lloff. , Mrs, i.t v Tea gar. Ruth Hunter, C.cnava Wimwctfi*, Fay Mcintosh, Item \V. Ubvis, Mary Raper, llosic McN'cin, < ha Crump, Esther Be; 'i . Mary K Hoiton, Evelyn MbsTeilei, Jam* O. OsbpriTo , FRzabeth isi'i!;, \Villir Mm- Robinson. Tho. <, who received eel tifo.-ates weryt Pa-.i! Donnelly, Wendell P:ir. 1 ';u": ? Coft'ey. ??ay Carter < hpi'ics Fniihing. H aid Goodnight, F'ai.-! GoCirley. Frahu la>.gan, AD in Outlaw.' T'r Uciwii. Roy Robinson C:. ily T..-i and |1srd Ashley: 1' of. .1. M. ppwrmin; tlye. registrar. jray* '?wi,h> vury ;mvrehtin>r siausi.)cs of t'w NiSrm d yo iet.v ?or the pusi t'.v.i M'ar.v. u of wh'ch were: Xorr.uil studeias for lOti-l-iM, ini o-linj'. .- dnmii-:- school.-. 771, with to prnduates; 102l-2r>. \y;*h 'summer schop!.-. 1.028. $^??5 -*l tfv^duato*; .1025-tf, alrn with summer terms, 5 ,$$7 vith 50 p;ra i cent fur these three \VfiV-s in vunoher registered 158 per c*. at. and iii ^radviMt ion, 100 per ceiit. From the rate at increase for I he so three years, IVtvf. Downurn was avk<*il to -give his est)matrons i? the. nu;nhcr he expected for thecoming year, as he has done for several years* with fair a ecu racy. He said t ha'. he expoy.tc.il 7 ' : : for the next year with 100 graduates. The exercises, considered ;o h.?ve lveei: hhoui rhe hest ever hc -d at the school. viesed wii'h the chjsS sortg ,?. . v- " >- ' :U'-TtSs* -.-v.. , '., ' ; J. .nut T.?neuicimii. v.^TV;--:&&? Yev7X Friday afternoon came a declamation contest for $3.00 in i-eid in which Alien Ashley won, following which the class day exercises of the scjujbl depanmetit, w'ore-"held. The siirninei school wil- open on May rn. which is expected to be a record Verm. ;> very large number of applicants, numbering near i>00 ha? e a.1 ready ayjplied. UNITF.D STATES CALLS IN LIBERTY BONDS Washington, May S. Using one of the greatest publicity machines ever adopted by a government agency the treasury tomorrow \viU call the $3,700,000.000 outstanding of the sec and liberty loan. These bonds, w til be paid on Noy ember 15 the- tenth anniversary of their issuance and wHl not bear interest after that date. These bonds would weigh 222 tons and if .spread out would cover almost exactly one square mile of the earth's surface. It'* a Fish Guest (to hostess): "My dear, i.t re did your wonderful string of pear is cant- from? You don't mind m> ashing vie you7" Hosi'ess.-. "Certainly hot. They came from oysters!" K. A. Poe <>f heir.)ir was a business