jfgjl rfifei/?cA'vC'- - &'?RflBs!SE / BlS^ffltii^CJ PAGE TWO Vaile Cru cis S< To brirtr "Out of the colli gray ashes :W fj is a i!tf>TeuU achievem :n' b n one} accomplished iU/j?iy dines pi 'ho histories of die v,\rKu?s roh;sStt?? and at > fe-v r.ipre -ik.v.jrly rhsn 'ut zb::i 'out-i! pus: of our ehv.vch- ?Yaife Cruris, Watauu'.. - . .: . = y. Nor tit ( Work in this hiutiit?tii riioiiTtT\*io vaiii.y vogiu) in leyle, ctos'd hi J^ij-2;' revived .mi ISt'ri. Then, very shr.rJy a/fia the consecration of K^op lie-.' ne-r, tlit- pi'k->t'r.t p'ao of a sehoo- t o \yfd- pu> into effect. h;> sister.) Mi-;- Mar. Horner, scrv big - : ncipai from IbiO until her (lor.tr. b. 3btCJ. at v.hicb time the school prop-' arid Auxi.'a: y lialis. ...: ? !? mission house, a sroaii i fame .chapel never oouse-j cieate'i). and swvt rai cot\?|&&s for * work, is ion the far. The sdiaic^ioria: work Lickided J orlv eight''grade? tihie school war! known as.a mission si-hooi P ot ye: : ug on \sceksion , lh?y. !>Sa\ iO. lL'io?the iTiH.n;: rector. the R . v . ->ame. prestod Burke.! gave up iy-.ererttng vcrk in Reals-J vilIt- to take cJ airge of ; k k at" Vafir (Tueis. ' when it >..> yigarous'.yprosevincd v. ir h x?& tan-; gibU remits.. Perhaps the 'mrt v-*h?p'.cuov.h of. there is the nMv PI : Cross) church. a 'pl.;i*:r?s'p.e and beautiful' structure oi native griiy stone, oh-! tainod from "no school's uvva ipiar-] jries. am! ptforerf on in. ground? with- \ in a stor.o s throw of the school build in'2;Hi on j hand lowatil the budding; of ta w J church, more than. -rH?,?.? >(> ha? uoGn ptaiii on i'h. .^"iOc'O.O biiihliug .iii.'i it j is hoped it way otpconr^C'ra-Ve.i-within. a eirsh parativelv shoH t?m< feminist- J astk afl"< rUs are cominually bctog! made to ibat end. Sohvioos have been . conducive ii. it riu'f .ir.iy 01 iast; Tlie membershipof the church has. kept pan' with itr iiu rrascd accom V?,jt'ho /oui y.epr*"43|j fifthtVf ' -' < fc?S| av..i . --i.'..;. 'v:;> Jrfi 4i: SSfi tfl lir0v,.n;..,i fi,p nrt'.rniatUOV . ?^1 ;i3|^xui-$gj :"<>?-;! jjrcp:;U-!i(i?:r- rv: Si. A'.i-.j . t. houses 11hi^-Ja_ vwHm* vn.g Uod;. ,. i.V.,' fyiH'ilfOS hdVC^ tlikpilV {d;iiN; til {! the school it-v-il!. which has b*??i ev.j ieiuletjur include u tt'Ur-yv>r atjercb ." rhy naoK'j has hi^ch: ohaijcri .1 frem Yal^ jppiei': : fur Gir!s With >;he exvepUoii of thi . famou* Sv. Mary's a; Raleigh (foiiit-i tied in S i:ii this is tSB only accredit- ? oil Kp'soopa! schoo- for girls m the J; O-d NtfS^-K Starr, and ??.: ' aim is toj . supply the demand t'oc an inexpensive church <' fbi worthy gitfjfg This has been accomplished ??y Keeping ^ihe ensure v'c.est far boatd and tuitiphl || for the eight. months school year) ^Bp to thev^fy moderate figure off to the yi' is. There art* i tew GchohVr^hips i'.-t especially Jeservivigj tore- of the situ a ci on is that the /^stKooJ buildings aiui equipment Avere ivitu re/*0 while the': present evroiiment comes fully up to j -exp HztiU : then: v plenty of room j I^r^zddiyy^A- tinis,-]jkv:iy to? be IbV st.vonii year- to come. The "'ow cost ;s niaiotain^ by J'Jtpk BB^rMh eJ! the >tf:cTenT?fwho yo; all of tj-.o ho".:sewqik?v/liion in useif| supplements' tar cphvse in liohu s;v-; ^iene.e a:i ptoses Milk is supplied from a h< rol-estate. The ' Rectory,. Valvey Vi>ia conagre named for its? .chmmtag and exten-; view y ai?d the A'Iji. Mis-.Sor. Rous?., ha:-c bee:: painted and" furnished and a -anti r.-.-w coat ace built. These List three z\y readily let for the summer to ; irisvs. thus supplementing' lh>. sv bout revenue considerably. In- i deed. such i> the demami 1 hat the' b&fjKb'g of more small cottages would be an extremely good investno and wcu'd aid greatly Ui our church's work in this' neighborhood; i As has 'oeen indicated. Vailo Crueis! Is an t >:ccpfio:jal!y beautiful corner of beaut:fu! West- m North Carolina, it gets its name tin English, the Valley of the Cross' from the fact that two large mountain streams and rbcir surrounding b v.'aads form a Sr. Ar.dtvw's en.-s in the midst of a bowi of woiivirous loveliness formed i.v gte? t? and i- v? ! pastures, set in the midst, of heights of gray graniteis u.uot nr. laurel and rodc.dcndirn?a veritable vision of Eden for the ef:eare? part of the year-?indeed for: the -ky, many etyerjrreens and t'jpi; cc nsiunn' have their ovn . :ri:-t<-iv These natural ax-\ . the view? of Grand-] Ma'-srinir Ko' k.' Guteh Creel; FaT-s and bfc f genuine nature j lovers ..? h yar..without d'-awiui: the j Goths and .Vandals? t.'.t vYftar found a! .>uniRu-r it'SoUs where |he preva^g iftg ivp of amusements are to be j t'ourui. in order to y$ee; a real demand fori ac< orn:va>?i .vsWeil as to supple.-! want th< rey< nu< - and n 'y >? self nu far ;u- possible, the school receives samtni-r yit'M:- . i r? .o-Miable rates. a. e w i :. :i has 11 us Fir proVt y?::iHy satisFac;!\u-v and y roFit able, j Al&tu weedy Hi 'tlfy.j :: srimmer for i-eliyh>us V?' itifr ;> ?'. hi. wl.H'l, many .if ?h?- rlt-rjry I r.i.ii 1 !ii-r \\'i ivi s org distances Ally. Ami through tin' t;iig?-r die trie power plant recently erected by ; me aid of Bishop Horner, the village | I., supplied With lights ai a less than. standard charge. Alt these things Valie Cruets j School doer, but it is not resting on, its ir.'ircis but i> always seeking fur1= . | WANTED i W 111 pay casK for limited amount of clean rags at the 'Watauga Democrat Office. i'f: % T~t::S l 1 TEN DAYS Gemimt- Krypi'ok lewises, "fnvis far iaiul 'near v;?jori ":r: hanrisovrv site'.' f/amos at \vh63eiale prices in .any style frames at moriey-sc ?. pair of Idrises you see well wit SAUNDERS OPTICAL C 140 Eighth Ave.. i WALL PAPE1 PAP THE 19 SI PHONG" /vpleUon of Airtx.diary IIall. which a. la j present > :>.i a usab e but rough con-. s< ! ditio*:. and the erection of a gynvu.si- . in j iiin r.:- } i* ?-*al auditorium. The use-' d', jfe which the lo.ttvr couH aud would ! i?f i be nut. rave already been indicate--J: Xi itiid the heeS for the former cannot r , ov. r-: emphasized. "A soniid mind in .1 sound body" is the aiin of ?rt0.s: - < schools ir. ihese enlightened times. ; :. may be argued that many of t*hc pitpi'- ;t?" 'iravr: from the f-vks ._ < I'the ir.Oiir. tains they arc- in r-j^goi J-gpj ; health. While this is true, they have w nbt reached their highest* phy-iea1 ; i dovc'opmer.i. Strength there is. but v, | strength without co ordination and training, so that the nrjscle> do not oi | respond to the will as do those of: ci | pupils trained in athletic?, and wlr.U :n j there is as a rule very noticeable itn- j pi ; proveinont utter a few months. . ver>. j with - la' present limited equipment, i n> | \* t "pjM.jtuni* :* :< for b&ng out the j cl very best physically are lacking. Let j its hope some per-nn. persons or organlzations wi'd tud lnoans and the sd I "vili ' . help M. r\ th \] Different Conditions I ^VYif . "Heic's a slor> oM his wife for a b.orso. ; You wouldn't si i!. roe for a hor-o. oi ! .vdal : ) Hole Man.ojvr: "Yes. sir. and 1 hope you wi-l he round again very lh shortly!' Economy " I - ok. papa. Jkey's cold is cured v: ard wo vox 'oft a bos. < ? eouyl: drops." "0<-. v?f* v xtravaiTcitu< ! Toll A; :r i"ii* ?;' oltoe and yet his fo. T ! A>1-" yy He- I eased the Cat "You know. irrar.tipa. your |gU ; [knows rite ver\ well. ioo."': "Heally?" "Oh yes. The minute he -ees tut ' r'JIris i'Virl .hides." |Js i"S?5.S':. d ?& *, $&? iffiSH I Suppose this were the heading of a newspaper article referring to YOU and YOUR car! j The courts are always full of ; I automoM!,' accident cases j vyiKre .suits nave been brought jj ! u gains! oar o>v}.>x-> c.n.d ;.avg- j awards ask*d?and Very ite- j ouentiy lann. awards ARK J GRANTED! Wise car uwtu-rs\v\li \)oi drive a font without adequate Liability Insurant v. Call, write or phone tliis agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance \ Company make sure that you have complete protection. | I Booxi.e Insurance & Realty Co., '?? . ;3 I I ^ ;! Far information about Public Lia- (Ui bdity, Property Damage, Collis- i |j| sion. Fire. Theft. Employer's Lia- ! a ; bbity. Bond or Rain lnjurar.ee | W SEE : GORDON H. WiNKLER. | 3| General Manager . I ? 3i FREE TRIAL j! ihle. "Ground-in". Lenses for (tf % white gold filled or metal lined j lb* Also reading or seising lenses a? iving prices. Slate age and send j jjj h at a distance. Write lor prices. : -O.. Wholesale Department ! N., Nashville, Tenn. j Ill R 1 ER HANGING j 27 KIND EE | p p THE PAINTER jj Y THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C V Ai.LE CKUCiS SCHOOL NEWS Vaile CnicD. May 1 ? -Miss Kf Tovpsen.d. a forme- pupil ;>f fl Ubol. v. d1. spend the summer tzave jr ?r* Europe in the course of h? it?c> U\ a position obvdihetl lor |n rroutrh t present member of tl ICUhtV- jH :;V 1 'i - . r i r People s* Serv is \ojvved an address by Mr : - S. K j t. i ? - field see) ry. San<3ay ns frtveu to the fnenhv h>v the b: j-s ej toe seaertce cour: as i ul'y up to the i-i'rb . i s< i' the firs* two. The color sejien as bbu-k and white, and the men rve. tor :) pupils for :i very (ieli^htt'til; paV c at the Mountain Orchard .spnu , Thus -day. May :-.k. Meals Unsatisfactory if - ( tray Mart : * \ don't cat >r the way they have hc-cn mixiij [an wi?oiir oats lately.'' Brovvi's Mule: "X- . it a-.:. c Fair Enough fti*nooinia$tftr: v*iv.e me h v a in pie <-t a coirtcwh net'." Pupil: "My father ar?<3 mcthi ere umiii-'I oh the dayl" Tom Tarheel is ^enjng h liiarkv ? ready for tin . ur er trale. ?ir>^ | I'll A III!!! ^Ev I in 1 t>OD< j br?th ti il! ^sto ' TJ OIL S Tj nmnmai 1 3 ill We have the t I for you to sele nj n See the Loraii | adjuster. Th< consumption i MONEY TAI kitchen this si y! j ,j~ x aiuco anu uc 1 n} p I BOONE h Slogan, "F t? i 0 i I at 'H 1 % ill 0. No. 110 rtj How often *! visit your jc p? i Not very often, you'll agr ,! the visits you make to j other stores. ; This is natural enoug " ; watches, rings, etc., are no period and replaced, as wii Things bought at the jev, serve longer. That's why there is only follow: Buy the best. C bring permanent, depend: in the long period of use extra dollars in cost will gotten. Here you'll find the be; ?at prices that ate ah\ quality considered. Of es otu new showing of wa Wadsworth style leaders aigh-gradt timepieces. V 1 Walker's Jew< ? A New Mo if ?n' , rni1Y^ New cylinder heads. New oiling and cooling sysl -j- last word in advanced desigi ** 1 And 24 other important iinpr McConneil Moto BOQNF.. N. C. A N*v) Tyrr?Th? Convertible Cat Rumble Scat?Nout ttn DisjJ TOVES >est selection of Oil Stoves we h :ct from, all the leading brands, n Adelphia. Look for the red e stove that gives off more heat of fuel. XS Savp rrmnf-?"*r r?r. fn?.l ? . Uil A UV>i IXIIV, umme. monstrations at any time. IARDWARE C< 'lant More, Grow More, Mak< ' ^ | 4 MAY I?. '.'27 ? Nc.:?i ??? JS2 . |i '{/ ! No. \Qf? do you iweler? ee, compared to ^ ."our grocer and ;h. Silverware, L used for a brief th other articles, relry store must ' one safe rule to >nly the best will able satisfaction . wnen uie lew have been forst of everything ays reasonable, peciai interest is tches cased by in the dress cf isit. us. elrv Store v-V tor' ' tUI ? ; ill 'X " ili I ? W I i!|(j B ill) I i ismission* If a J < * ! i g act ion. SI I jj i loon tires. j||jj 1 j5j ems?the j j( jl I 3 r Co. Illl a trin/ft with ||||| W hri shM$9$h1 ''K.-.i-f; -- f?i ;. W : ' m ? BS * ra V 5,-] \ / ave ever had ?S / " ffe* 7 an! P ball on wick |g on the same |? I keep a cool ^ MMPANY 1 t More."