IllWk; :* PAGE TWO NEWS OF WORLD ' BRIEFLY TOLD m' ( Outstanding Happ*n:nti of Week Oatkereif {torn Everywhere Condensed for the Busy Reader i1 Gj> November ";ib. !o>ineoc conn-; ! iy, Tenji., vssli vote an the prbpo-j! sitipxi to issue road bonds s lot the purpose of bniUHng addition- ! a! bsphuays in too county. Part di < the proceeds from she ;>sut. if cars ricd. ? :':! be tssed to buful a High-1 was "lOra Mowta.;: ( "y K:; Mbethtop. ^ Norfolk. Oct. 14.? The too-1 . tor i.-oa* Nomad, fovjr-c-t ly s sub.' marine ehsr-er, iswisied svith lO.Cdfdjt : of v. hi-k'.o- aieoheo arid. her strew of forty sveie eaptr.ied by;, coast tsaard pattes! best CO-isn new ? Woi/trap ;>Rht in -u%-: fee bay. ; late yesterday. The vesseS tvak not take i ant'.: r t>s:. :>c:.?ncd ?.-t the ajiore and -tt . :: fire by hcrje cro'.v. The crew1 leiibed overboard.! t after applying the torch to the rare- ; : laden craft, bat evert captured when'a the patrol boat rened fire on them. . . The boat was net seriousiv danciy esi i \ Hi M BtlWMBWlMBMIlHintriniTfWriilTiMT iii'iTI liTTiV ....... ..... Pittsburgh. Pa.. Oct. i p.?-Corn- " rr rating: the- .ivy : the;' day 11 which Andrew Carnegie' 't-?ii-! ' > cait'i his sir. plus '/efith the eiio cation of the people. Prevdent Cool- idge declared ::: a tw'-'cch r.eie today ' 1 tea*, a mutuality of interest has; ' svi.-x n bciv>e(-J: enpioy s i s:id fin- 1 (v-ny;- n--.I" . : id ijiriii pence" which short time ago \J V>f,.-Id ha"'.i bit--, thc.jig--.-i impc-f- ! ?-.i: A.' Hi - address also '' rr.-isilly i1 o|.-.' i t! the ir.ici-uhtiortal - xhibitior, ?t jjiiirrangs in ;id a Pitt-burgh this year tft:..$$:h the strppoit of tridre-.v ? \V. c Richard B. Mellon arid nilu ing '.( th'vir -ic-vi. . Mr F..oiid-ire r aid ipit', ,t high trii,--i;T" - ' hit-:: dt'-.-n hearty respdr.-o ft dir. ra aidiirce ' which packed - ti.t: i' j. i;. si rrar-' Mrotste hefl, ' ,.'P'!?/w >*<?> peoii nation or. . laifi sonio the t..r. v Para, Bra- ,jii. were annpuueed last week, in \ trim by Ed so! TVrd. president nt' the j v Ford Motor Company. The Ford , company, according to. thv I meat, ha- i-nanvo.i a rubber cvng'vs- ] aiim of sT-.'-in '.(100,03(1 to l.OuO.OOO i r- in the Amazon valley, lying- o-n i ^ the Tap.-t.ios river with the larva- i River Dciuot to the \vt-i. Ori ofij the conditions > the t,-r..rt is that > , <* -,SESS???i> iuijicw/u i>; aci c:tj.T?.' ik? , (' lamed to' rubber each year. The ,, development company will be th<Ford Indhsxrird Expansion Conspuny ( sail it %ill he i-oiyl'uJsted by Henry , Fold and EdnT Ford ainr tether per- sons prominent in the Ford ''oil! , pany. Its chjiiVa'isntio'n will bo j e 000,000. Se.tUpinertf. are lie lahiislied on ire devoinjimeni and{ r steamship.-' ,-f the Ford fleet \viU;; make regular tripe :<> the dhitr-ci.' i. Airplane comfevurtiuarion between the; -t piantnt iiu"-. and Detroit. in content- j | . (baiion. V.vJ.. ' , Hvrui, i-.un.'i if rays:. Aac-res, | ij Oct. >.?<-?Several thousand -perrons,j t practically the entire population of! this -luaint tr.Uhri tov. n. welcomed! Ruth Eider and (A-orgi- Haitiman.! the re.-'cne-i sTiers i n- the lJi-fatcd' 1 (i/i.nv. Tit, Aferiiiin Girt, xb-x a-, sma); Ipirich ;*>n>?ghv e % ""jj" ,f ffrhis .^.J, ,****** f'~' . IV^riT.yciMMoj ( | vscornni! U This Tag Pro vLfchtln* ) | , , "CiSflMoo I Y?a *sn "* also! trBattov i certain of the quali HrrrSaT ! any reconditioned L-UptoUicry S >'r4 K# from "3 | when v/e reror.dto IVjWk^ 11 ear, we do the job jV^LTT ojghty! \~J~7, I ^1 work is done bt J yjjf S J own expert mecfi, i, yifj W-ff-H and is subjected ti t'mTrjrii regular factory test; Boone CI". Hj BK * ; : ATTENTION, 5 "NOW IS THE TO LIME YO V?G are operating the Lime 1 Johnson Tennessee, and ; customer!? pulvoriued iimc phosph: and 100-pound bags from our bin MR. ,1. M. MORETZ is our )< may be seer, at his store in Boom sired information. , We have no* plenty of him ycur track while the roods are gc BRISTOL QUARI P. O. BOX 248 ' - - - ' SH - W re. re today from -Oil" Barovdrecht. the Butch oil iatgKei Winch had snatche : 'hem J'rc-m death hi midjcean. Never jit the memory of the inhabitants has there been such extitcn-.ent in these stands. The girl flier. .harming in plus-ioncs and a eKthev jacket, and with a cap bor* caved from the tanker's captain verched en her curies, showed only jy a hrv?jd anile her tvuberant hapjicess over her ;estate. -She had eer. under the strain of the fight for Hie during five hours of storm tmi the knowledge that the engine tad gone wrong in the l'inal hours if her - ti nt to negotiate the (istance from New York to Paris. !.uv?n-.e. Air... Oct. 15.?Gihmattr.c - '.Vrcl. of ntuii;'. into masked ce and a probe. into the innerno.-t working.- of the In K'ux Klan. special grand jury it te today retimed 11 ! ttiihctrrctits itgunlst men hiiiirti! with tompiicity in do 01 note lashings in Crenshaw comity ma xnauf sweepinc : ihi senstaumm j bait-.- tfca- Mt!' high iti the oduiiils oi '-ho Tnvi-ibie Empire" were 'u.'iv.oi'i.Y nf trust." Al! mdiitments xcepr, one were against members of. he Ku Klux Klan and the jury re-1 airlt.d that w :1r a single exception j ii 1 be naskf ) lashings were cotn-j ". '.ted b\ members of the k'att.] rearing hoods and robe- ni the or-! tier. f-iking conditions; ir_ Kronhaw - t-'ity it. tin.? which existed tt.injr the time of the Spanish itiuisiti( i. :o grand jury pointed an .-or .- hrc.' a: .'antes Estiel. rrar.J '-.icon of the Liar: ill A >:t an:-: . .ii Da is. former grand ti-| an of '.! .. southern loaivinei of thej rdei. Rev. F. A. N. . frrmn head! ' 'uirna v. f the! ; ' ra R. Thompson said '"I r eye! - *' the Luvorne iinit. of] h:i '" ii .e.tUoiioii. MICH LAM) IN CAROLINA IS ] iTILL COVERED WITH FORESTS j j - ti i aval ...: North! .ar.Oiita is stii! . ia-s-f; ns ft.-re-i j ; :\vL ...v " Holme". -t...e fores-1 i . _ reciting .. orisi fact. Mm! i i the 'and has had the greater! att merchantable timber cut! rtjSfj it. fi&i-juci: de-iwotive j aadaii.t. tut pert it; i !!.c ami rovedI ires-, '".i! til the -.mi" time it is! tossed a.- forest land. A "Lnpny chnnge" is taking piacr: luting the last few years, hew ever. ] dr. Hoim.os says. Lund-owners nrej uti'.t.jr mere caiefuliy inltle and; toga have been controlled in nearly! ii! en::.lies, and protection fromj ires ... being externum as raptftiy as) ovinty, state and federal f unds ate j nude available. "The chief thing now lacking,''j "? says, "is the interest unii co-l iperation of ti e people nf the town is wo: j as of the country, in growing :tn! pioiei ib g our trees and forsls." ' Xovii! sto/tts, including tar- pitch, Os:o ant! t'.irriomilnt- ere .,Ko,in.i,l , Itrm ! exclusively from the iohg eat pine, one of North Carolina':; lest known trofca. The wood is M:f.vy. nard. y'tjopg and tough, fts Tom- rfiutivc. the stash pine. k also i great ro o-.ttiec af raw genu. <e oror: > "hieoding." Marathon Guy War kisses are wonderful. Jut : -n't you ever get tired':" He: "lion't they -ay thin wonders iff cr -cast-''" ? our tects Your Purchase || te!y inspections.Gtr.uirieparcs ?9 ty o{ are used for all replace- M I used merits. r,J?l After the car has passed S fi,?. final inspection, a red K? "O.^K." tag is attached to SB the radiator cap. This tag Ud ' our is the piircffi&ero guarari- 9 mica, tee of \alue ? look for Mat > the it when you buy a used ffi ievrolet Co. 9 j E^TaPiMEF] ' TIME I UR LAND" I 'hosphare Quarry at Maymead, are rrr position to furnish our ate in ear load lots, ton lots s p.t Nayrnead. >cal representative and samples t. He will gladly give any dei on band At all tame*. Briny OES COMPANY BRISTOL, TENN. THE KATAT&A DEMOCRAT?EVERY TR ||iil^f^^ S Biggest/ Z.T.J I 1 1 224 ACRF I A1 y aanaaniWMnnH ' id Sfe =i3 fj IMPROVEMENTS?Or lawn, with maple shade buildings; five splendid < HI ^ This property, formerly \ have always been eonsidt [ ; intersection of the Bristo from Mountain City, Tei the average farm. S LISTEN! High School, ii the door. property should ap] g land, merchantable timix right in the heart of one < ?=3 g? Subdivided into lots and Z. T. Johnson. Bear in 1 B modations that this one < p3 ' 7 |S jg DON'T FOR FRFF - * is p I TERMS- 0NE-T1 ii Brass B< Any one of the undersigr j| W. R. JOHNSON, Adm IP Trade, Tennes cuii H m ABINGDON, VA. URSDAY-?BOONE. X. Ctaction of !h THE ENTIRE? ohnson 1 Trade,Tenn SS SUBDI VIDED I NU SMALL THAI 10:00 A. M. ie fine nine-room brick residence, trees; two good four-room houses, * * - - irciiards, including the best cherry mown as the R. H. BUTLER and ? ?red two of the best farms in East 1 to Boone State Highway No, 34 an., to West Jefferson, N. C., givin Grammar School, Churches, Store f>eal to any one as there is plenty < er, wood for home use, fruit, sprini jf the most progressive sections in tracts selling for the high dollar tc nind, there is not another farm ha\ offers and can be b ought at your o' GET THE DATE, THURSDAY, KaBE$S2pl?i??5ilI?^iH^ EW ORTHROPHQNIC VICTRC yd OTHER PRIZES WITHOUT O CATION TO BID OR'BUY -. IIRD CASH, BALANCE ONE, BHHBBmnwMiHnnnnB and - - ?erl will be glad to showw you oevr inistrator, R. SJOA T OCTOREK 20. (02? e Season! | - :?] \m j r NTO LOTS I >rTW i A A ?|j m\ dj KSfffSftSBSSCKHIRM mH FErrj S S*j; with running water, nice ^| three barns and other outorchard in this section. g| h H. LATHAM FARMS, fll I ennessee. Located at the |sj and the Highway leading gl g more road frontage than s and Postoffice right at ^ jf rich bottom and grazing || gs and running water and |p y the county. J > settle the estate of the late ig| ring the location and accom lli wn price. !..! j OCTOBER 27 Hi mi K - FREE 1 MBBHMBHHHmMBHMMMMBH Si H TWO& THREE YEARS I El nMHMWWMMVBnan jp Dinner 1^ the property before sale, |' ! R. MADRON, Auctioneer jj * ' f"** ?' 'i'o? ...vMinbuui "V**IJ1 y A Cilllt YD CO. HE PEOPLE WHO SELL ?1IIM ^

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