ra P. OCTOBER 20, 1927 |t ?I^!r Dr. Frank Crane Says: i RIGHT INHERITANCE EASY TC GIVE Most normal men and women lvvi for their > h Wren. Beyond setting: what satisfacnioi can out of their own lives, the; vn.ni to see their children get satis faction out of their, they want u - see they have a better chance am more advantages than they them stiver hud. just how to accomplish this ve quire- much thought and calls- lor ai our intelligent planning. It is pretty well established tha leaving your children -a lot of mono.; docs tfcem nu good. .More wreck have been caused, more lives ruinev and more characters undermined bi having things made too easy fo children, by giving them .too man; unearned advantage- than by any thing else. , It may be safely concluded that I: _ any ntan has a grudge against hi: 9 children and wants them to he fail ures the surest way is to leave then a leu of money. Thinking people know- that oihei thing-, such as character and 811 like, count more than money. .lust how to leave our dear one: what they require is rather difficult ii tne nrst place, we ought to dt whai we can to bequeath to them ar orderly and law-abiding society, ; state in which the laws are respecter and obeyed. People, therefore, that countenance bootlegging and or.hei illicit acts which happen to be popu lar, are working for a state of society v-hich will be inimicable to the coin ing generation. The second thing is character. 1 NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Sl*tc of North Carolina, County o! Watauga In the Superior Court Peoples Bank & Trust Co. vs. Emery Miller, \V. F. Miller and J. ('. 'layBy virtue of an execution i.-suet and directed to the undersigned iron the superior court of Watauga coup. ty in the above entitled action, will, on Monday, the 21st day en November, 1927, at 1! o'clock a L . in., at the courthouse door of s?i< county, sell to the highest bidder f?i cash to satisfy said execution ali th< right, title and interest which ;h> said J. C. Ray has in the folloyvint described real estate, which is a iift interest in same. Being in Boom township! Beginning on a while oak, tile oic Horton am! Hartley's, now Kay'; i " i. ?- ?i - ?*i.u s> cuiutri, i ii11111111_* \vwi with said line -10 poles, to a stake it T). S. Ray's line, north 16Vi rods if a stake on top of the ridge; theriCf west 33 rods to a white pine, D. S Kay's corner; thence west with D. S and J. C. Ray'r. and L. N. Perkins line 100 poles to two white oaks a u branch, J. C. Hay and L. X Perkins' corner; thence north wit! the meanders of branch 30 rods t< J. G. Ray's corner; thence south 8< degrees east 58 poles to a cherr; tree; thence north 8ti degrees eas with cherry row 32 poles to tin upper elierry tree; then 60 degree: east. 24 poles to a cherry tree, Rai and Rrookshive's corner; then eas 40 poles to a stake and cherry tree thence south 10<) poles to beginning containing 43 acres, more or less, b- From the above is excepted th< following homestead: Beginning at the north front gati post and runs northward with ; fence to the intersection of a fanei running eastward and westward then eastward with said fence to thi northeast corner of the garden; thei southward with said east side of sail garden fence and continuing on sami course to the Boone Trail highway then with said road to the heginning containing 2% acres, more or less. This 18th day of October, 1927. I,. M. FARTHING, 10-20-4t Sheriff SAVE with SAFETY ftgnr DRUGSTORE Gauze ts, The Perfect L Manlrina ^ 1 I-H--.""" J A 1 UJ^njIiO Velvet edges that prevent any irr tation. The underlayer protects tl clothing. More and more women are ilemani ing gauze ts because of the prote tion and comfort. 49' Box of one dozen BOONE DRUG CO, BOONE, N. C. !i? op! duty 10 oar children to give them a stood biological inheritance. . This n? cat: do by living (.-lean lives )! ourselves and, in the deal analysis j nio.-t of the good we do other people ? depends on how veil we take rare of ourselves. 1 If the children aie healthy and ' tiling and normal physically the next thing they need is moral cbarj actev. Unfortunately, this is a more difficult thing to come at. Out of many u family with the highest ideals and ~ the most blameless practices can] 'i come a descendant who is absolutely 1 lacking in moral stamina. About all ] i we can do is to give as good an ex-' ' I ample as possible and pood teaching. I U Ti c result then is in the lap of the! gods We caret help it end we are; r.ot to blame if toe vour.g scion i _____??? Now Read V ; Doctors say I Strike Cigare "It's to WHAT is the quality til Giacomo Rimini,. Margai ; j D'Alvarez.Cosare Formichi, Arms '; Tokatyan, Emma Trentini, Willii ; Faversham, Florence Reed, Pi , j Whiteman, and other famous sir ' I ers, actors, broadcasters and pub ' i speakers have found that mai -,j LUCKY STRIKES delightful a 11 of no |x>ssible injury to their voice 1 i )! For the answer vue turned to nietiii men and asked them this quest ic i)o yon think from your expe ence xvith LUCKYS TR3KE c ijt <- rettes that they are less irritati to sensitive or tender throi "'| than other cigarettes, whatc\ | J the reason ? > 11,105#- doctors answered tt question "YES." 5 / These figures represent the 6p: 1 ion and experience of doctors, the : whose business it is to know. ? "It's toasted i No Throat Irritation-No Cough. ?. ? Z yVVtmMVWWMMIMMW ill Phone |; OUR' PHONE ORDER SERVIC _ 3" l&r, for we have proved ourseli C such orders. We use the same I self would use, and you recei I groceries. We want to relieve S" your groceries. Just- PHONE ; prove our point to your satisfy !; PROMPT SERVICI I COLLEGE I If f j; STREET J. II. L GOOD THINGS TO 1 ViVVVVnVVVAVJWVVVWVVM r . ' I . r ^ JP Plumbing?like teeth?sho '" year. Pipes and joints are na le due course of time. You can pense'and loss by calling us i '' needed repairs. c" With freezing winter mont consider inspection, repairs or time. Our service charge is very anteed. We recommend no c advantage and home comfort > Open 7 a. m. to 6 p. m IC. S. ST Telephone 87 1 THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT i turtle out crooked. it is lament; i'but it if Ineviiobie. I A ".other thit.g we can ieave children i- friendship and as.s< ; tier. with the right kind of pes : This we can only -Jo by associa | with the right bind of people ! selves. The best that can be done, i I nntsheli, is to know oor children | companions with them and infhn them by cur o?vrt character as re I as possible. | WITNESSES INTIMIDATED IN ALABAMA FLOGGIt Birmingham.. Aia.. Oct. It?? trmidatioo of flogging case wit ,e in Crenshaw county to the point driving them from their homes revealed tonight in a statement vTiat 11,105* Vbovit Lucky ttes Because tat uy';Sfrifcf3 Utrt my favorite brnfii. IU1 111'fccJhcirliXiJtcd /.'acorun'i, hestnf uif> I can zmake at often as I like, without '5" i?'or cj irritating nij voiK, which is bccomins a great aiset in my work," :es j""* Q-4)sru~.- s IwacrM ^ We hereby certify that we I" Jiare examined J 1,105 signed cflrtfs confirx/jintf i(Ae above Biriftaifiir. 19 LYBRanh, ROSS BROS. & MONTGOMERY Accountants and Auditors New York, July 22,1927. UWW^WtfWVWWVWWWV Us :E is becoming increasingly popules reliable and faithful in filling : care in selection (hat von vout PC only the HIGHEST GRADE yon of the detail of shopping for US your order today and let us iction. . AND LOW PRICES ottrell rr LAT ? PHONE NO. 68 iwwwwywwwwvwwwft HAVE A CARE FOR YfttID Wll. PLUMBING uld be inspected at least once a turally bound to spring a leak in save yourself much needless exn regularly to inspect and make ;hs coming on it would be well to ' alterations in plumbing at this ' reasonable and all work is guarhanges or repairs unless to your . every day except' Sunday EVENSON Shop 13 Main Street ?EVERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N ible, the Birmingham Age Herald by toraey General C. <". McCait. our Br. McCtill raid he told the >cia- tims to use any manner and jple. jjroe of force necessary to pro tine themselves and their homes- The our-, tovney genera!, in hitter words, ( ported that many of those ?i ill a] ho roes had heen invaded by noelt . be; a! visitors acre not on]}' in a pith slice state of tear bat in many cases w inch in actual financial need since had beer, forced to abandon mai ?* aanaaMBnaHMm With every 25-cent worth 2 cents, whe Chinaware. ; We give DOUBLE Family Medicines, and Cara Nome Tc ! more, Hallcraft an plies, Kantleek Ru B i? j uy our company, a than other similar h back as cheerfully < Ask for the Doubh the time. WE GIVE BEL Retail Value 1 Cup and Saucer $.45 Give 1 Dinner Plate .35 Give 1 Pie Plate .20 Give 1 Breakfast Plate .23 Give I Dessert Dish .15 Give 1 Oat Meal Dish .23 Give 1 Coupe Soup .33 Give | 1 Individual Butter .10 Give t 11 1-4" Platter .50 Give 1 42-Piece DI* No Money Require CHINA WAKfc Boone Tlr ? IS T? TT1 ~\ 15>uy a ruj Courrier WHICH SAVES Prices c 30x3% REGULA 30x3% EXTRA I 29x4.40 BALLCM Come to us for yo , cS?f , - At- Tiviiijsr in then- fiight. Mr. MeCaSI said he would repo .."K.. the matter to Governor Graves ; te- or.cn and would take any steps te tect n Other Sizes I* CORDS SIZE CORDS )NS OTHER SIZES PRICED ur Tires. We save you mon W.R.WINKLE1 m & COMPANY Leading Tin Dealer* ^ BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA PAGE FIVE a sign in your window: "Wi Aim to ri Please.'" it Storekeeper: Why yes. That is opt e- motto. ie angry Customer: Well, you ought :o to take a litvle time off for sonar s target practice. j? . . . Poor John Tom: "1 can read your thoughts, Mary, dear." Mary: "Then v.hat makes you sit ?u so far away?" ware vi.1I give you a Coupon il Lancaster Pattern 5c DlircKase 111" Revai! sdies, Jonteel, Juneve r Lawn, Lord Baltit Aid Sick Room Suplity Merchandise made a be as good or better : give you your monej' jur Chinaware in half REDEMPTION Retail Value ter .!#0 Given for 45 Coupons er 1.50 Given for 75 Coupons . Dish .60 Given for 30 Coupons .30 Given for 15 Coupons Jowl 1.20 Given for 60 Coupons .60 Given for 30 Coupons .80 Given for 40 Coupons Dish .60 Given for 30 Coupons .45 Given for 23 Coupons Dish 2.DO Given for 100 Coupons for 525 Coupons. r Coupons Designated OUK WINDOWS ompaiiy _ ^3 56.55} 3.40 ON EACH TIRE j| > Smashed 1 $6.55 g $7.45 p LOW j? ey and serve you better |g