PAGE SEX "?=? ?"~" -m^rr.r^r -?" BLACK By Me recti t Copvriahs'. Charges Sk-nbpjnS i !i*!ter.s' A jr.." SYNOPSIS Archibald Bennett', ? let. m . ;;/ constant.y ?R the y.-.zeg^&i v/ his iw-'l':- rlj meets Ifv.'hei i... v.*ho . . - ; crhacaclveniury. romance aft'l cxeitomen: us a euro fur hi - iv.vves: Arehiv srce; to B.-'iley ^v)'or t > mt tvtijg&rtt* .1 >uniriH'i *.c r >i- hi- .si.-Uv. A heavy 5T0 m t\>rcos him th nijrht then?. j>uniVjr the lijrh: ?.; >.s awakened i>\ Ijgohsfceps arat in at i nvou^tc r vvit& tiie mt'ruiier." who sees Archio'.- reiieeted ::: t?:e 'nurto? a?ui Archie firfcs it' t etti r:i. wouiiijrrtVgr th'a intruder, v/no makes hi*- e.-c-up. . Archie piar..- tTjjht 11: ev;;.!f puMicir>. Kv . r t-cc?u:;iry cr Ay.ot iv. the Archie "The Governor" trie it est ;u:mnt) o: daivn was i>?caking giuy world, hen a cdijous whistle, a long pipe and a sherr. quick one. ;> the r< its 1<; a sittle \va \ ahead brought Archil? t.? u hak tie drew fci> go .. from his uyercoat pocket and stood petfectl v quiet. lit a tew secopd:* th?- whist > was tepeated and Arc' e> grpv; i suddenly hbki, check-.',1 ur. impulse to fly ami imitated it. A roaii r.ose fcom behind a -torn wall on the rjght and \y :Uit i c him. ,4That con. HofceyT* i: cm! ii sharply. peering through the mist. Seeing -hut hie was not !-Iokey but a stranger with a pistol.- k. .-pr.. \ forward ami wrenched the. gun ':om Archie's hand. "Stop squeal iv.:. Baa vou to fed nif v. th that whiscl without putting a gun. Now you r * fight over there by the fence whsiv I'm pointing and We'!: m.-ttiers a little.*' "I was jusi walking to iY.rt>mouth," tivga" Archie it l ;ithe vno he hoped wou'iu prove couv.i.ring. His canier laughed iron a any. 'Xov, it: to:; to 'lia.tU .'< ofebcoiv ?i; tij ; toil I ha! . .t.t'sx Uikittjr t< i:t>:. i-. iff? , |>toasaB-:'jBteaB^wv i'l-ri.M'.m-jii' .1 Mit'Iv itp ;ti: iipjs- ' at- . In : i.v tr>E place.', "have you . aiio.u. >W ?'! ->;<<^;; ? son:!" in .".; \rvtiio .oiemo^. 'f,r,,'M'ighty ?{uc*'f link} .jon't c;;:-:: upl I. .warned th- ! . TSSI' t these -t-s-sidc viiias; thejr'lo all -ifu titten -.vSth fancy buyjrap' uiaruis that make a o? a row when you U-] on iht- wire it rings a -gronsr loud eiiu-.iLi to wnh< the dead and the:- so01 . chat; jump'? out of Ue?i am! turns on nil tin- lights in tne house ami very likely -.pons up with a gun before you can uig lary. He was an engaging sort oi person, and Archie decided suddenly that the man might be of service t. him. He. was in pressing need of a change of clothes, but he was in nc condition to proceed to Portsmouth to redeem his suitcase; an impres sion that, was confirmed unexpected ly by his captor. "You will pardon my candor, but you certainly look like the devil Let me introduce myself to you as the Governor. Among the powers that prey that is my proud cognomen, not to say alias. Now pleu.-e he frank, what. misrhir-f hrinfrs von here at this hour?" Archie gave serious thought to hi; answer. If he could convince this person that he was a crook he would be less likely to suspect that he had been; the instrument of Hoky's undoing. P'Tve got to make a getaway and be in a hurry about it," declared Archie in a confidential air. "A little trouble of some sort, eh: It rather occurred to me that yor were not promenading for men "pleasure," replied the Governor. "A fashionable defaulter, perhaps? No" Then let it go at murder, though 1 confess you don't look as thougl you would have a stomach for homi cide." "I came damned near gettini pinched P* asserted Archie .stoutly "1 he cops back there in that towi SHEEP h Nicholson :*rr: ? : o'*- Kv!o:tt-; & Through Pul.?. Sortie* uwc :nc- a Sard run fcv \t. I ! )vst c\rawJij?? thrash the window j -i drug tthu'.e when here comes e! / >?Lhi ,-i;g-h i he alley. arts j hotted iy.r the ta!.'"rimber &? hard ; coffld -syr-ini:. Tho fire hell i:i? . . . t&e v. :v'e town w<*kv wp Tito; ' be \vkoUy &rii>y. for vr.v: - i fiier.u }it;yv- heSfc lei' j, they'll be keen f.r i.;i?:ch i?*e lifEjr.o ; or momiier of the uar:y/ Tk?. Clovernor intoned . "A? arv.ateyrlyE Ealci?/ iiV" he ( marked. "He h !] >!" io.l Arc j .-torrfi . "vkj: I a'.vay-. iriay : j *$&&& aiorvc: 1 nevoi had any n>o { pa if. 7* hey ?cet io ; h-> way/* i V Wrong-, ray hoy: \vror:. m?- i.- ew-o::t;ai- Amyself i rnreiy . _ to . \ p? : myself ?t? then affah>; hni j :?iivami octroi the brethren. \ S. .. i . 11 .. .11'. infam- A stormy night ahvi j makes i.u u'.-t hou.-ohc-!:ter.-< -.vakof ; Yi. '..'' all', nipt. my ' or., speaks 1 I courage. but not for discretion*. V j always ash rat rbaui -i ' thihgfsr' "i ti .-oi' y." repled Archie me"ilia; I ?:i'.:j"t ri:\ ni'.e | sooner." "The '< > in:.."!" i. the CI> 1 irr.or in.-;.i*i:y. "B.tii l-'f us in? or: a::-. V.'e must make r. ionir . Uf: -nr. for the const wis ring with 'el particular:; if Hock;, i- lying ei aj the limit-maker's " He walked off Hn?i:iy with Aivl : ns>- i-cski hint. "Uhfth Htkc iff- leij :r. his | chosen eiitei prist I lifted a iit eoadcter that I've tucked aw'ay dm ; here a peaceful .a: - Thought ail road) to give the' fid boy oil if pull fftf ftrehem when he cull iiack but-!" aui y r-'S'llcr the ''rfSce'r U tl I "e. Mini tile lioverr.o; became -i ienly a mar: of nvtpjir f Kr.eeii -i-wer he lietaeh.d New Y. . rS^H rgf| !>j> hiijhhirie. dr. trev.l his inpaHi a Ma ne tag ami tat net! ilk* humming nfttffibi 'TUi rural police haver. : leant this tuple rltwa-e " he expiahtfe. lie ..en: the lir-eardeil lti)J sicmirui iv.-r. $|e?'rr- SRd; lie lump.*-, in a bade Am ine take the seat i>. s: b. hi Tee . -ir w .-or:: bumying oi.-rr ?v?a a rough read that wound tl a ihi.e wood. They followyi! grass-grou'h trail that ended : rupil;. at an abandoned juirtl yam j). "Wr'il shuoi the car around ! liiM.i ; h-it nveoinid ei.ii'iln.i -a j walk a Mi to stretch our legs," ; ' Governor informed Archie, Thi j was mi trace iji .1 path where struck off into the wotai^; Out strode hiong with the easy cm dence of one who is vine of his ii ligation./-.They bi ought up prese : !y bvaide a brook and in a monk | mere roachcc": a log hut planted | the edge of the high hank. 'What do you think of that. .V-Archibald'?*' inqiiited the Govoti j carelessly; Then, as Bfiiie p'aus 5 oe iiided: rQh, youf name."? P .1 fectly -easy! Ar^ihaVi Bennett x {'neatly dewed ill your coat pocket j you' tailor as i observed when rubbed Ely hands over your vt ; -. oat to see if you wore a badge "i got the>e duds out of a suite i I sneaked?ant! that's no name ! mine.' Archie explained hurriec istii! anxious to convince the Gov nor thai he .va- a thief. I "Very careless of you not to ! out the label. -Men have been ban; J on -lighter evidence. But Arehih ,! is. not a name fco>'.sneeze at, am j rather like Archie, so Archie I si .1 continue to call you. Now, xve'ii what we can do to shake- up i-rc fast." He drew out a key arid opened ! door of the hut. 'Not a bad plate. Archie. > -tumbled upon it a couple ot ye i ago quite by accident-ar.d u.-e it o< > sionaliy." He opened a cupboard i vealing a quantity of provisions i . they prepared their breakfast. CHAPTER IV : "My friend," said the Govor soberly as they rose from the ta > "we have dipped our hands in same dish and broken bread togeth I don't mind saying that you've likable chap. I'll .be a good pal ! you and I ask you".to be stvai with me.- Are we friends or?" He put out his hand and An : grasped it. I "All right, Archie?for such I shall be to the end of the chap - whether you lied about it or not. / now let's deal with practical affa I I'm going to spend the afternoon I that stolen machine. I'll paint j white to symbolize our pur 1 l Thprp'c on ukcftr+mpnt nf nln+lino i boys have left from time to ti i Yon can pick 'em over while l working on the car." ' In doffing the clothing he had [ quired honestly and subnitul 1 stolen raiment, it was almost - though Archie were changing character as well. He wondt 5 what Isabel would say if she ki . that he had already slipped the U i that bound him to convention Li i fife THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV pecioru.ed etec more reck?*,*# deeds, .'ha:! she had prescribed l'or him. l'?Vel!: ! ' m v yo'i'iv a credit' our #eat?' eiothins' department!" \ reroasketi the CSi.ivrswr upon hie re-l ! turn. "What do you make of this?'; j Found it in too car." Ho extended a crumple.: telegram; i which read: B:?i!y Harbor. Me. June li. 1 Curt: - y ujjiee. Thackeray Club-1; N. Y. ! am offer lug the house for rent., Silai! take t oy prfcrautiou io pro-' v;'~ | act ntv child ..r. from your brutality. dt'j A. It. , ;a:.'. A t to. hut u irherlng! ' - ft V.".:: ' -c he id v.*as be-j t . ot reply of Mrs.! sdou ... it . :: .! "s telegram! " ri. it ! - o the din-! A ' 1 : _ ! !: bad left j A - R . . . ;mme-j r : . r : I-r his threat r. - citi'.ii. miorht havej ; - f :or if i:u?: .-hot?-not! ! : ?: - . . . U ss i iosi* ?>t . il r it- thought* *;'tf > rt ; ' u] c' r. and he. ? crity v, hint that lie. i . ; .tw ' nclicH-n. After thi> had j >0 ~ consumed the Governor 'KUgr-J . a rsme f ehes.s produced a;' : t .". r-smeii from a cup-; . - - ; c; himself a]: kii ful ;ra\ er. she end of i.w hours the Gpv5? lb: /. ? that they mus* take ; oat ami turned : - htjrthhi-- He \vf? spoivj . v- kicked rest-*', " : a bat finally siept? , 1 only v. let through a wild p.haii; ; '.a- tjjpkori.i oi crime. j "To < > ies;- :* all." he wasj | tninnjerinir a- he onepen his eygs. | -,v*j was m t Isabel he was ad- j '^"J dressing, ccrfederiUc. bland.! ly 5?iiiing-. j I **Ti".; I> * ' < - tioetry " ex-' i ! hrvi :; (. crnor "Archie.' ( ..*' . in . v pr to my pray* j , !*JV! i ! .- ; Together v.. shall drink of t he : : iour.t f C Wv shall clfintj *' with ApbU a>id :lie Pluses Nine 1 :But thi . .call u> teewi ei*e! We l\n ; te and be off! And j ' ' got ail waiting* for us.i (?: . pf thi * *1 rh od h'as eom-! . l"" dig op some hoodie! New Hump- < a> * -cue, You niriy recall the incident, i , ,ii" flee. Leary. u are icy. bold up an! ny m i ss in; tf-avcav and sauntered off j r- lit f{\ tbvv - c : in IH?\V j j v-' t .ink f\ j Brj !> -? y-r, t:u i : : ; ;: .*\v.^n-.l wauls y# ' >-'i! a'iy U\ A cn.vciiv.X ijfir 1* a>' i- lirsi liniv! That casn m5' ?|,l:a:vvd .i\V4v ii: tim- collar of a tUl ti-.Sarch an* ivy *h:> tfmg i- nun-iw I ;;K ii?Kt' vvtfU ii '.ve it. all Hjjpjjy for ohl.J i:,* ! oral o:v-ck ;'!i item trotn t.u: | tuldeUr "Hut Vile nimher.- of these notes 1 i ;.n- i;i every liiiitk in tin- country;' tl-i police ur, ' :I'.y waiting- for ilio hill* to -n'. into circulation to pounce ?i. on the thief." in': -'i an, iw io.i nvin licfiit'ited hei v.iti; my son! That point had: ivel given nip no little worry. But some-i he| ihittvt will turn up; there v.iti be a; hi-i way 01.i of tl-.e difficulty, fhuckl Wi; 1 your bid - feito the creek and; os- , lyipiioivs. We'll hit the; ut- j lone trail." -Ut I tHjfc of the woods and once more; oil) on a snipnt'tl hisrhvcav tlit -toi-u cari I spoii iik.- 3 i jrhost through' S.-i*j r-.TO-^- Thli riomrtinr ! iorj -ir.jvcr V- ci.f (uiaurunce at a mail ; to.; !:i:fnv.- what he> about. Otvaar jI sjonaUj- ti..'.. Governor lifted his ww J voice, i Jougs <>f unimpeachable iith.\ erary musical quality iaa'c tang: ?i sonorously above the hum of ilie In Hfine. J ' j 1 hey struck a stretch of road uti-;? aseidev reiiai: slow tug up the 0o\-]J of I craov remarked carelessy its he'.i it.. !g? . . . - - -' - {..ckcu n:.- v....- xnrougn a line OS rod ] er-j lantern-: i i SjSpeakiug ,f women. my dear J rip Archie. do yen share the joy of tlieji too lyric/ potts it the species'? It occurs |j a'-'i ty ,v> -ha. xvu have probably had |i 0 1 mov.y I'm th:rty-fcor bu:l| tall I've lev d on'y ohV woman. And ! i -co ;tningc as if may seem, she's a bish-1J aK- op's daughter." i . This confidence made it incumbent'] thei upon Archie to make some sort bfli i reply. The governor would prob-j] 1 ably be disappointed in him if he'i ors confessed the meagfrnes- of his ex-i] eo- poriences. re- "Well I'm in the same boat." he.] and answered glibly. "There's only one J siil for me'." The reference to Isa-j] ; be! Perry, remote and guarded as ity ] was, he defended only on the ground '] nor that, it was necessary ill some way ble. to meet the Governor half-wav in ' the his confidences. And it was no lie 1 ler . that he sincerely believed that he , a loved her. Sc. other girl had ever to mused him so much, or given him so ght good reason for standing off and 1 taking a iook at himself. He won:hie dered what she would say if she could see him with r. criminal beside you him. joy-riding in a stolen car. ter. His thoughts of her had led him L M for ntiolri tt'Uo? t"* - - - kll j nucti tut; uo\en:or reiirs. marked rumiWtively: on .'Do you manage to see her? 'er That's the devil of it in my case! ity. The lady's forbidden to recognize the me in any way and her father is a me. tart old party and keeps sharp I'm watch of her. I can't see her and the regular mails are closed to us.l ac- Nevertheless we have an arrange- J ;ing ment by which if she ever needs me! as or thinks I can serve her in any way j his she's to leave a note in a certain1 red place. It's her own idea and veryj new pretty." lashj As dawn broke the whistle and] and; rumble of a train caused the Go>er filtl lHUeSDAV?BOONE, N. nor to -top trie car and dive Into pockets for time tables of whit I carried a large supply. He 'scan wie and huiniped his satisfaction " We'll get i id of this mac! i-iirbt now as there's a station < there a Utile way where we eau Up a local right into Portsmouth, stopped, opened a gate and ran car through a barnyard and ;art. empty shed. ' X-Av for :i brisk vnik.'" 'I crossed the railroad and were s buy log Tickets from a sleepy -t.i master- They alighted at Pi 1 vaultn without mishap, and Ar wh i: his sister thai the Cong house would not due:l) Water street He I rr.-.- appearance of a gentleman, tiie officer did not accost him, th him .1 yachtsman from one the boats in the harbor who been * fsiting friends ashoi . man walked oddly, pausing row then as though in pain, ami was rying his right hand upon his irmldei This morning drons jIoyu: v. ere found *>n the ho.A'ti'dvi . r?T-s Coated tongue, dry mouth, bad breath, muddy skin, groggy nerves _nd sour ".' its use. > ?\.l\ 4 j J The famil ;! or cooking, s !; every one sp They are all ! is new for e< !; gest that yoi j! lay in delivei I; so first come I; There are ;; No matter v I j plete satisfat now on. Co I BOOI 11 Slogan, ' rvvvuvvmvvuMWWWSAA c. r.N: the burglar-gang whc was wo?ntte the paper fell from Archied plckj hard the Govevnvr took it an. ' paper Hi. j "Vou seem agitated. Archie ij7*0.*1" fie - ?- . , , yohct ion mu \vc .-hall csrt^inlv be most circutnsp ?ct in our movements. v j You t ?m move una mote. " 1 '*" >4". I Arch . ' ' or-ir; jyulalo you - Octo* t jplerdtd nerv v " *H;< uls-j Archie's v. .?> nothing he year. jgPMMIIIIWHHMMMMiWK MONUMENTS AND iijf. : t=?i . ' OJS , . . . , . v "a-, 5a ;vi! te= f afs? ,vw ; 3?f Erecr a mi'mnria! t< rhe honor <>1 "ttr-1 ^ or;-s- We famish anything :r. r ifirj^rf Q u a i i i - ana prices guaranteed- ! Ur.-'jpc U ; " m *':ijjjg REV. R. C. EGGERS, you fee SALESMAN FOR WATAI tT ?t ^" Si MOUNTAIN CITY r ua~ =? MOUNTAIN CITY, tb:~ Sli 01, m?JH gwBfiji I HAVE YOUR BAT JftKft-Cl' OK Safety. Comfurt ami EnjoMKfljit ; ujion your batter. BUT? Day or night, the battery MUST ; to start keep your car going. F. r safety, soring r,u<) service ha Foli. rvn.i ano tighten the terminals ol LET US CARE FOR V M W.R.WINI & COMP/ Leading Tire Oea BOONE. NORTH CA! : - ' : - ' ^VWW/M^ATOV.V^A%mV.W.' ... m ' ' vsTi" * UNUSUALLY LARGE SHOW REASONABLY PRICED y in need of a new stove, for eii hould see the display in our annu >ecially priced to encourage earl standard make stoves, incorpora ;onomy in fuel uses and efficient i make an early inspection and a\ w 11 >.1 i - - iv. we sen tnese stoves ngni rro first served, coal burners, oil burners and wo /hat type you want, we can guai ction. This special fall showing me in and see them. NE HARDWARE 'Plant More, Grow More, Make OCTOBER 20. 1?27 '\ 3 oltuirc Eumeelf. !>i:r a H-cond f coffee pu" warmth iota his ail>i he recovered >>ifc'fk-im.wly i.; the hreakftt-t iteca. It" At "ttiteJtjn est- had i-hot r.(it?re was ; -< !'?. ?.-nt ( ??> ; ?= ? fey the nevu- i'^SjKkt . that the wounded man v.a> En st; to repot. hie injury to the But Archie o .rji little comp. the thought that so mew here i world there uiatf :? mar he had ind perhaps fatally wounded, mi let conceal tug anxioaf confront the Governor; for more ever he mu i :t K upph his o friend for assistance in. ' -; from the eoiipeqtiiitces of the in the t" amnion co'.tty<;. tordhig to envp reports as of !. North Caro'if:. v.ii ; o > oaii- of cotton this dnafte^anianfeTfer&'il^uai^ tombstones! y art ' m I "1 r^3 E your (iepr.tie j lov i ^nl n.irble an.! granite. Tor be.-f prices tee or ^ Zionville, N. C.. |j jga county ? 1 U TJrif WARBLE CO. tenn. TEklESIT^ ^ :DER in night driving; depend ' jive the ''Spark of Life'' ve US tost and fill each yom batter roirtilavly. OUR CAR r I fro 0%m__ VJ-.fl-.AV I AW.W.VA%W,VAV.V^ >4 r.kfflBDV "C Trsa < i 1NG | her Keating J lai sno wing, 1 , [ y purchase. I !; ting all that I ; I iy. We sug- I S roid any de- 1 | m the floor, I I od burners. 1 ? rantee com- 1 J of stoves is 1 CO. More." ! | jj .