Y VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 39 |||| .Examiners Visit Watauga Co. Bai Meirsrs.. Williaots and Harrisoo f Annual Via it to Locad Institution; Bank in F\nt Shape W. L. Williams and M. L. H rison, state bank examiners* mi their annual examination of the W ini'.1 County Bank on Monday ? Tuesday of this week. The last s sion of the general assembly uu the laws governing banks move str Sfe and the examiners are requiri ^ ^ itrict obedience to the regulations. Saflji T A statement of the condition re? this bonk appears in tins issue of 1 mRb Democrat and shows the instituti to be in splendid shape, with assi of more than three quarters of million dollars. This is indeed a fi showing- for a bank in Watauga. SAYS BUSINESS MEN MUST HELP MAKE ROADS SAl Rocky Mount, Oct. 25?The mt P^V-; serious problem facing North Caj PsSSte 1 !_?>m :.> ?v,,. c-* ip' *"* opnntjn 1 >: oiarv v.11 jg?|? missionei; of Revenue R. A. Douy ry.i-y ton, is the mounting casualty li ir from automobile wrecks on hi* *$$i ways. In addressing a group of burin* KgS men here Mr. Doughton pointed t m that since July 1 there have he y', ' 1121 automobile wrecks, resulting 14o er.-om killed and !,I70 injur gi'iA 011 highways. "What the solution may he 1 not know," he said, "but I do km it presents a problem, which calls f the most careful thought and cons &"!' eration of cur citizneship The I Sic ture of North Carolina rests wi you business men. You must stu V. state problems and aid in solvi SR r them." m' JUDGE ADVISES ASHE PEOPLI TO ARM AND PROTECT HOM1 Jefferson, Oct. 24.?"Citizens Sg? Ashe county, provide yourselves w guns in your homes and if any ma: fjjjgL ed men enter your homes, it 1- 1 only your right, but your duty faff? shoot them and be sure that y &?? shoot them." was the admonition J?," Judge N. A. Sinclair from the beu at superior court here. igjtt ."Nobody hut o coward ever wrc an anonymous letter," was anotli ' .$? judicial declaration in which Jud Sinclair showed his disgust with j leged flogging and threateni methods which had been used certain groups who claimed to H} affiliated with the Ku Klnx Klau. CLOTHING FOUND IN HICKOR' STOLEN AT BLOWING ROC1 Hickory, Ocl. 2b?Sixteen pa of pants and twelve coat? were fou ir. handles in the depot here wh pjjfc officers made a search, following t I "V arrest of Guy Cook, believed to be *1 \ resident of Blowing Rock. Cook was arrested on a charge being drunk. A bus driver of t Blowing Rock line tola officer: ill Hgv Cook had several bundle? with h when he came down on the jifnt IfP A pint bottle of whiskey was al found when officers searched I station. Cook denied ownership of; any the bundles containing the ciothi and the liquor, at the same time 1 fusing to teli the officer- nis n n Persons acquainted with him fiiruh ed the niormatioii to the police. REV. WM. T. JORDAN BEGINS TERM IN STATE PRISC Raleigh, Oct. 2i>. Rev. Willis Jordan, former Columbus, Ga.. mi ister. convicted recently of bigai in Mecklenburg county suevior cot at Charlotte, tonight began servi .a sentence of 18 rr.onthsin the sit prison here. He was brought fr< Charlotte by deputy sheriffs. 1 was placed in his cell for the nig1 prison officials, told newspaperm who sought interviews. U. D. C. MEETING AT A. S. N. S THIS AFrERNOON AT 3: There will be a meeting of t Watauga Chapter, Daughters of t Confederacy on Thursday afterno I ni. .t .ois o ciock vitn ivuss 1,11v ui in the Administration building of i Appalachian State Norma! school. Persona eligible to membership ; invited to join. GENERAL MOTORS EARNING New York, Oct. 25.?-The Gene Motors Corporation, in point earning capacity, tr.e premier ind trial corporation of the country, day forged far ahead of its near rival, the United States Steel Co oration. The automotive conccr net income for the first nine mon of 1927, amounting to $193,757,3 broke all previous records for j similar period, and exceeded the tal net earnings for the full year 1926. The Steel Corporation rep< ed a surplus of $74,C'50.023 av able for dividends in the si SK VATAI A Non-Partisan Nfe' _-r=.-- - . ., , ?:?-v: BOON J NEWS OF WEEK AT j i BLOWING ROCK J? I Relatives and Friends Visit Sick irv j Sfcitesville; Movement Lsuncbed' ar re "i _ j ?_???utivi jUiiicu IUV UKWUIgl fl >h Rock party at the dinner table at Mrs. Gilbert's. She ha.. been in I Statesville with her daughter tor] j ml several weeks. , , en Mrs. Fentress, who was passing;i . through Statesville Saturday. paid j ^ c'l visits to the Blowing Rock peopie inj the ho.-pital. s do Peck Holshouser and Thomas Cof- r >w fey. Jr., passed through Statesville j ?r at the same time on their way to the id- football gume at Greensboro. Car _. u_ trouble, however, forced them to stop th ..yeral hours in Statesville. ^ To Beautify Streets ^ j With the approaching completion| f of Blowing Rock's paved sidewalks, a 1 g. movement got under way to beautify '-c ;'q the streets by planting flowers,; .< shrubs and trees between the edge | o of the sidewalk and the curb. Dona- r tions of ?75 have already been a promised for this purpose, and anoth-! s >k- er S>75 is said to have been tentative- i u>t !y promised. v l? Those taking the lead ir. the tnoyiou moot r.ro Donald J. Boyden. manr.- f 0f ger of May view Manor and Blowing c|, Rock Motel, Mayor George M. Sudderlh. U. C. Havos and other.-, ite I' U!ls pointed out that this Would . , ,(.( be a good time to replace the maple, j 5j0 trees which once lined Blowing! ; Rock's main street, bat whirh wen?! '[ up. cut down by the highway depart-! v by ment. ; 3 hr | Walla of School Building Finished .1 T.'i- brick v.nrk on the new Blow-' i ing Roch consolidated school build-1 ' * ing was finished last week. The roof C' was to be put on the coming week,, ^ and then the workmen are to begin j a :rs the interior finishing. It is thejr.d j hope of the school board to have the.' e:i i building ready for classes within six; J ao weeks. a Beautiful Weather Follows Storm {>1- Only a light autumn breeze rejiei niained Saturday of the gale that , ? I swept across Blowing Reck moun- v im! ' " -1! the early part of last week and ; . j brought snow and sleet witih it. Old J f ; "! citizens said it was the worst wind j L' .^ j in their memories. One ; *q_ I Minstrel Show it JLsnville le. The minstrel Ehfyiv bejgjr prepared! j. h- by the Blowing; Rock band under the ; direction of Joseph Warren of M t ., Airy, will be presented sometime next week at l-iuyflle, it was an- . j. )N pounced Tuofday by Mr. Warren, i s, Daily rehearsals are iieiup held in-i ^ T. orepsration for the entertainment.; z in- The erst will consist of members reft ny the hand, assisted by A. E. Mercer, i , nt principal of the Btowimr Rock ? nyr school:.. The Blowing: Rock Dram-; -j ite atic Club; also directed by Sir. War-' im ren, is rehearsine daily on ihe farcei FTe comedy. "Misery Moon." which vtilfl j it. be presented here, at Boone and at j en surroundiotr towns durine November. .. The hand will furnish music- for the s comedy. j t A school bus. taking children Jo ? 30 ana from Blowing Rock consolidated j rt Ii-on and Steel Company, at which; ail- time a contract for the erection of aj: ime filtering plant on the Watauga riveri was also lei. V * JGA wspaper, Devoted to th< K. WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH A.very Man Guilty of Second Degree Murdei Charged With Slaying of Robe Burleson Several Months Ago; Mrs. Burleson Acquitted Newland. Oct. 23.?Pitt Holt vas found guilty of second de^ uurtier fur. the killing "of Ruber iurlesdn in the lager's homo severe, nonths ago, anil Mrs. Ida Burleson ridow of the dead man, was acquit ed, when an Avery county jury re urned a verdict this morning in th? uperior court after having been oui iitco 10 o'clock Saturday night. Pitt Holtzcluw. Mr*. Burleson anc oc Holtzelaw, a brother of Pitt ntered the trial here several day; go as co-defendants under indict nent by the st3te. However, aftei hp pin itsiri fiAn ?"? 1111I0/J estmiony, the case against Jot foltzclaty was thrown out on motior f the defense, on the ground thai here ;va< hot enough evidence tc phold the charge of the state u irhich move the court agreed. The trial then proceeded with ttit load nvin's widow and Pitt Hoitv. lav as defendants, testimony be;n? ornpleted by the defense Saturday nd arguments heard by the jur\ torn prosecution and defense. Jurig< ohn H. Harwood presided. Tin nineipals were ail residents of Me lewriU county. Burleson was killed one nigh hortly after entering his wife': oom according to testimony of Cor* Jurieson. his 10-vor.r-olri daughter .'ho was the star witness for tin tate. According to the girl, she was ir ed with her mother in the roon nd it was dark but she had see? *itt Holtzclaw in the room also. The father entered, and the moth r, according to the girl, told him tt trike a match and light an oil lamj n the mantel. As he struck tin latch. the girl testified, there \va: pistol flash from the spot whcr; ho estimated Holtzclaw was stand .ar.h the father fell me stall; rounded. AS. l.INNEY IMPRESSED JUDGE J H. HARWOOt "Governor McLean certainl; crirtt; no mistake in appointing Judgi ohn H. Hurwood as .superior eeur Uilircs," said District Attorney F. A .inncy. on his return from New i a rid .'here he attended the Avery count; uperipr court term presided ever bj udec Hanvood. "Judge Harwood," continued Mr intiey. "conducted the court in : hnruughgoing business like manner Le gives promise of being one of tiu blest superior court judges in tin tate."' TFTH SUNDAY MEETING AT I..IDDLE CANE CHURCF Tlie Democrat is asked to an loaride fliat there will be a fiftl band a \ meeting at Middle Cam lunch, Stony Fork Baptist As so ration, beginning- Saturday, Septem er I'D at 2 p. m. and continuinv hrougft Sunday. All denomination; re in\ ited to attend. * Organitatior .'ill be perfected and the pyograu annum: cd at the Saturday af'temroj e.eetirur. ?E... run BLOWING ROCK PUBLIC SCHOOl County Superintendent Smitl fagaman went to Conovcr Saturaaj . here he purchased a bus to b usee ri transporting students to and frcu he Blowing Rock eons.ilidat.ee chooi. The bus was purchase! hrough the Boone Chevrolet Com any and was placed in operatic: "uesday. ?~ ? \ -V"-? Memphis. TeriSS?, Oct. 22.?Tote saVage to the state of Misslssipp rem the spring flood was placed to ight at 515.931,29d by the Missis ippi River Fiood Control Associa ion following an extensive survey oi he 21 counties affected. Similai ata will be obtained from Arkansas Uinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Ken ijplrv f 1 -?1 khv. uvuiontK'Y itiiii Mjum jiei o congress at its coining session, F ). Be.:eke. secretary of the associu ion, said. Heaviest damage in Mis issippi was tc crops, the nssociatioi eport listing crop losses ni 523.117. .29. Sight hundred thousand acre: if crop land were flooded and thi :cst of renlanting was estimated a >1,654.950. Property damage wa: estimated at 515.238,965. includim he destruction of 2,726 houses am lamto 22,940 otlicjs. Busine; Oifes were listed at S3,220,000 isrdv.cod lumber industry, 42 mili iffectci, $1,165,000: damage t ;c h e o 1 buildings end equipment 5103.000. and damage to highway :ri,i bridges $100,000. Losses o livestock totaled $1,031,550. it wa shown. A wire dish drainer is a great t:m saver. Hot water can be poure over the china, and only the silvv and glasses need be dried. fig?s??jjljj DEM< ; Best Interests of Northwt CAROLINA. THURSO A V. OCTOREI "p/ksOFWEEK~~ / m THE COUNTY (apipetiinjfa From Various Sections oi Witauj;a u Relate*! by Demo- j crat Correspondents; Some Things You Know Mnd Some You Don't 1 ? lj MATNEY . | Mat.ney, Oct. 24.?There will be a j -; pie supper at Matney school Satur-I - day, October 29, at 7 :K0 p. m. Every-j ; body invited to come and bring i I your friend and sweetheart Refreshments will be served. j i Mies Laura Carender went to . Banner Elk this afternoon to re> sumo her studies at Lees-McRue In-j - stitute. " A revival meeting will begin at the i : Northern Methodist church here the * first Sunday in November i| Prayer meeting was held at the! t home of Mr. .tim Baird oi: Sunday: > evening with a large attendance. i Miss Leola Edmilisten and Miss' Claty Baird visited Mrs. George i ' Baird Sunday afternoon. C | COVE CREEK ' i Sugar Grove. Oct. 25.?The many j i friend? of Mr?. Xnn Johnson of Slier-1 wood will learn with sadness of her ? death last Friday in the Boone hospital. Mrs. James Mast is spending the ^ week with friends in Hickory. s Mr. and Mr?. S. F. Horton spent* the week-end in Charlotte and Gafl*' ney, S. C i John B. Horton spent the weekend in Charlotte. 1 Mrs. J. S. Mc Bride was operatedj ' on for appendicitis in the Boone ' , hospital last week. She is getting; along: nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Bingham ' j have recently moved into their at? tractive bungalow. i) Mr. Gordon Hodges went to Stutcs51 vflie Sunday to see hi? brother, -1 Lloyd Hodges, who was operated on " for appendicitis in a hospital there " I last week. S. F. Horton i- undergoing treatment for a serious trouble under Dr. J. I'. Mathe-on of Charlotte. ) Miss Winnie Taylor spent the l wee!:-end at her hnim? :r VViibi.c y county. e Miss .Ruth AlHsun sjpeni the weekt end with Miss Louise Critchci in . Boone. Mrs. D. C?. "Brown who has been , j very sick for several days, is some j what improved. POPLAR GROVE ' Rev. G. \V. Scbastain he'd his ' j rejrulni appointments here Saturday ' i and Sunday. He will l?e here again I November 12 for three servirt.-.-. County Superintendent Hagamap j visited the school here one dry last j week. I Mr. and Mr- i' A. tletfner and family of HieVofy visiteii Mr and - Mr.. Fred Winkler Sunday. t Severn! people from this con; iiiumty are attending :he revival at -1 Shulls Mills, eor.dueted by Revs. - j Braushaw alia Cook. r| Poplar Grov. schooi. tanirhr hv i Mr. S W. iMiliov and Miss Florence i Greene-, incite yon to their i Haliowveen entertainment Sfiinday i night, October-Til at 7 o'clock. Tito i entertainment is given by die . chord and no admission wilt be .jthargeu. | there will be good thing- o eat for . tale. The proceeds whl go t?. the scheoh ii -j 18 OUT OF 35 COUNTIES t| SHOW DECREASED TAX RATE i I Raleigh. Oct. "25.?Reports giving ' the 1927 reai and persona! valuation of thirty-one counties have been rocHwd at the offiice of thv state board of equalization here. All the ' counties have revalued tiieir proper1 ty. this being revaluation tear, which - gives these reports additional inter est. Eighteen of those received show an increase over the iSyb valuation j which totals ? J'.'.l 1J .Sl.'X Forsyth jiieaiis cne list .vitn at: jjfterease of: -j $19,929,790. Durham. Cabarrus. Transylvania. Lincoln. Wilson, Stan ly, are other counties that report a - material increase in values. Thirteen counties: have reduced i j real and personal property values - from the valuation of last year by a s total of $lu,Sll,20o. Pitt county ~ leads this group with a reduction of t S2.tS0.80f-. Others following closes' ly are Person. Cumberland. Johnston, X j Warren and Scotland. Jj Practically all of those heard from s show- a reduction in the tax rate for l.i schools Thh is largely accounted > for by the increased amount of state o aid resulting from a larger eqcaliza' > tion fund. The reduction may not s appear to be as great as many hoped f for. however, i: should be remembers ed that school expenditures necesj sarily increase each year. To meet l that increase it is usually necessary e , to raise the tax rate. This has been d j avoided in oearly all the purticipatir! ing counties and the tax rate lower I ed instead. & St? wi a M VL ist North Carolina 1 27, 1927 i Mrs. Nan Johnson Dies j ^ Following Operation1 I fill | Belov?tl Cove Creek Lady Pa*iid *' Away in Hmpiul Here FrWay; Othfr Deaths in. County i At 7 p. rru last Friday, Mrs. Xan| nit- Johnson, of Sherwoccl. relict of "? of [Mr. Joseph Johnson, died at the Watauga Hospital following a?ij operation for appendicitis, which wasperformed n lew days previous. The i't funeral was conducted from the Hag? home Saturday afternoon, the Rttv. lag- \ L. A. Hurst, pastor of the deceased, ..jjj conducting the services, interment \ * being in the cemetery near Cove Creek Baprist church. j Mrs, John-on was 65 years of age., \ 1 and had for many years, been u de- ; ^ voted member of the Baptist church, j " Mj and had lived as nearly up to its pre-, , oc ;f e * - i:..~ il ??.- ?v IC (iuo.-fvic ?V?I Ui'C I>J live, j Wednesday morning a gentleman in > ( Boone who had known Mrs. Johnson; ^' all his life, was hoard to remark, ^ "There wasn't a better woman on Cove Creek, or one that will he more; j ^ generally missed than Mrs. Nan; .. .. Johnson." : ( She is survived b\ two children, . Mrs. Charles Lewis of Boone, and . lv Mr. Arthur Johnson, of Cove Creek, ?" She has one surviving brother. Mr.: Sam E. Day, of Neva. Tenn. MR. FRANK BROWN PASSES AT HOME ON MEAT CAMP matt I Mr. Frank Brown, 71 prominent! i either, of the Meat Camp section. ;u, rp 1 died at his home Monday afternoon, ! after several months of riccii ring \%t.ei j health. And Mr. Frank Greene. fron, I son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Milton j sef Greene and grandson of Rev . and i q^ov ' Mrs. Ed Greene, of the same com- t,ouv i mui-ity, died about the same time, " ,, ! following a lingering illness with " tuberculosis. Both were buried in the vou ; Brown cemetery Tuesday, the Revs. "SC;K, ; Ed Hodges and Watts conducting : the fuheral. cyan Mr. Brown was a good citizen, j ,, r( ; and always very firm ill his convit-! , |, . Lions, no rearer a iarge family of . children, Mrs. Pc.ly Wvke of Boone, ami Messrs. Conloy and Wilby Brown w? j being among the number. Mrs. \ r, ( BroU'r. also survives. tissn . GEORGE L. STORY Mr George 1.. Story, 72. oi;i ftrst Blowing Rock R. F. L) . who hail ,f;y: been seriously ill for some time, died at hi.- home Sunday. Mr. Story i.. : was for many years the loading mer- that chant 0,1' his section of the county, fmn and was aire a good farmer. Hut old Con age came along; his property was fioa divided among his children, and at ...withe time of his death hi- holdings Ai t we're meager. qua, Mr. Story had his faults?we all clerl have them?b'st. the gotci in his tli.-i' , makeup largely predominated. While a prosneions merchant, the poor; ars ; the needy, the affiicted of his neighs it i I iHirnoou ;t.vorc always /eared. tor 1?V ; jfhim, rcgardie?? of -whether or aotg p\ipi he ever expected any reward for his speu charitable de'ed^, I? many respect?, nigh he wuv: indeed a splendid citizen, .-Hid Re is survived by his widow. tour, from I son? and three "'daughters. The faner- fashi j ai was held at Aho Monday., a iargeC in?r number of relatives and friends being, milk prefect. - - ; J self j to c MINISTERS ARE GUESTS AT surpi NORMAL SCHOOL DINNER a nu from Revs. 11. C. Campbell nno R. J. ; brim Parker, who reeehMy conducted want I meetings in the Baptist and Method- me. ! hu churches, together with the facui- net | ty, were invited to dinner at the j utes. j Normal one day last week. DuringrJ niy the meal a purse \\Ls presented to item ; Mr. Parker by the Young Peoples', to e; Sunday school class of the Methodist' a.skh church, in appreciaiibn of the mark-j if \ ed services rendered during the meet- ; all t ing. Air- Campbell was honored by J not 1 the Rutherford county ciuh by bei7iCigriei invited to use aiiespecialJy prepared ! near : table. After supper a number were', invited by this club to an assembly V/Al room at LoviH Home where an interesting program was rendered. Mr. Parker sang in Spanish and afr6r-? Be wards read a part of a chapter from! The I John 14. Air. Campbell delivered a J Fartl splendid addvess. Some others were j will ' called on for a few remarks. ginni ; here INDIANA FARMER DEEDS the ' LAND TO PRESIDENT, T1 , mem Indianapolis. In. and his wife. i cafe The deed conveys the land to cd < i "Calvin Ooolidge as trustee" for1 tied 1 Andrew Mellon, -lames Reed, Simon j r.om D. Fess. Julian Bames, Wiiliam Jar- drat (dine, Herbert Hoover, Pat Harrison! and and Finis Garrett "as tenants in' to 1 , common." { T Duffey has long been active in, fort -1. efforts to obtain farm relief. The; The I deed has been recorded. i er i r FIVE CENTS A COPT st in county fty years a;g0 Zebulor. V. Sherrill Taught ;hooI on Stony Fork in the Fail 1877, Receiving $18.75 for i*ro MonUu' Session unty Superintendent Sroitii iman i- in receipt of the follow? otter from Dr. Zehu'on V SVier of Marion. Va.. a former resiof Watauga count;., who, after ing the -lory in lust week's issue he Democrat about some oid si voucher;;, says he taught in :ounty half a century ago: see in the Watauga Democrat .erence to an old voucher paid Nannie Rivers lor teaching at Meat Oamj> school in 1884. I ot suppose chere exists today in county superintendent's office voucher to prove my assertion, it is, nevertheless, a fact, in the of 1877, fifty years a: home frei- lircr.e. The lat\vorked \tp hardship or. me,. At wSkiniC vas ii> style rvT gbdd then and v. ' good yet for >inic down thai - jiplus miipase 10, sm common adays. Iftoi' uv. ftrst echo-il nt ver Dair in lsf|). 1 hontrht my piur of I'vov. Mr. \V: m ni K. i'tv. 'No 'remIt mad ck>thin.r" was in the two n'riV > : Boon at early tin to. 1 borrowed a horse i ;; neighbor and ' nit- to a Mo. Its*', .-tore toiney.heie not far ! ! >eep gap ?'1<: bought my first coot, made of pure cotton cloth, his rally date} M - OoW.es !;eot a large store with a number of n ami jK^mrd to be diking a ing basinets. r 1 a I ,i;? S2i:< ... i-iufir 1i.?r SI?'." it. nv.e iii" the schools referred to binfc it vviti. in the Stony Fork on) I went home with one of the Is one evening after school to d the night. At the table tb:it t we were eating sweet potatoes wlinking sweet milk. The cups i which we drank wore the ?ldioned high, quarts. I wn- niakprett.c good progress with my anil was congratulating my-on the fact that 1 would he able omplete the job. when, to my rise and dismay, a nice tali girl, niter of the family, stepped up i behind and filled iny up to the without so much at asking if I ed more. It wa tub much fc." T hurst into tears and could control myself for many tniti1 finally was able to e.vp'air ondqet to the family by telling that my mother had taught me at all that was sat before me, tg tto questions, and I felt sure ate ail the potatoes and drank lie two quarts of milk. 1 could long survive, and therefore, my and sorrow on account of my approach to death." I'AUGAN HONORED AT BEREA COLLEGE, KY. Te-<1. K'v.. Ort. fSnotnaU . - - - ,--r friends and neighbors of Thos. ling of Watauga Falls, N. C., lie pleated to learn that he is being the year at 51 ere a College as corresponding secretary of rau Kappa Alpha Society, lis organization admits to its bership people Who are particuproficicnt in public speaking, farthing has qualified for meroiip in the organization because is very great interest as a pubpcake r. (NE TRAIL CAFE ENTERED THIEVES THURSDAY NIGHT nie\ es entered the Boone Trail here Thusday night and obtainigars, cigarettes and candy, valat about S10. but no money, as 5 had he,-n left in the cash cer. No arrests have been made no clews have been found likely pad To an arrest, he thieves entered the cafe by ing the lock of the front door, burglary occurred sometime aftmidnigitt. ? SKI5?ES?SIK? ;v1? ' v SSsilsfiS