PAGE TWO rnmWWm BRIEFLY TOLD Outfctaxi&ng Happening? of Week Gather^ From Everywhere Condensed i'or the Bu*y Reader Lor- . ; 5 i.?The royal family has $f?*? pur?*reu into xr.turning by the sutfder, death of the qu?en% brother, the Mavqui* of Cambridge, which occurred ai'ter ari abdominal operation. Fire :' ardete rj&5tt|? <"igJr Monday asv-in.vcsig destroyed the Basketeria Sto-.^ --he dow^iiowr. business distrk-t Wktstot'-Salem. The ' 'bliaxe' "vir&sf :cohtr 5$.0$).' A i ; - - ?. i: - -. : St. '.i'e congress present <7 < . v r.a-o A. Lindburjrh >v:ih a ?'r?^yij?rs$ifor his Xevv- York to F:.r-.-- an.l provide hisr.. v.ALh Wfy of $ 2k>k0 per v-l-ar foil "Jii'e as v. ri-'krtO r.rrhv v. Bait In? or . * ? . : _ k S> piyteJ AVarfieid. ;. o-.-iocr: <.. ! the Seaboard Air Line ra: \\? y. died here tonight, i ollcro i:?L ar deration ic-r double Hernia - ck?t it the heart. ivh\ \Vari e . had entered the hos.j>Vtaf under the .?.arne of FosieW meet on. tew - Knew 01 his iHn'ct?'?. Unit-u tttai'v- eniuneers this wets haw; pielinvnarvrtn the re'.' -rare!-ndattor. : thy war delta rtm< t foi Si" of water -r thi : FV river: ''' o'.ii \YMminitov :< The -cu. U w'rtS be (lis 4.,.rniin... :r. sura; time what use could lie ude < : iedper channel ami what : r.-: -.vonSd be jr. freifrht -axes. Wash;': ci - Oct. To. re i dentin! ttrrdi.iney *' "w*: ..tor Norris of jNfebtaasa was fct-bujthi to the fSroy"Otlno rtcrni" -Say by a croup of ; Kep.u" . ea: irideoendent leaders. o'liirF, side:-nek, : :.t itoonforr: *.-< d'eeiki'on :t details of farm > r* i-syiS'S.:;i. . Senator Borah, ei Idaho reiterated his support of the h'ebraskrr. Ash-.vT--.. 23.?-'Memhers it eo'ir.ty, hrrcstcd ! '< : Anderson. outlawed jDeathf- "f the "B't.ek Ar.deson" clan. Anijcrsor. was broujrhl. to Ash'-v:h: under heavy jrtmrd. He has by r living tht lift ,.f haunted animal he fise'ri iiior. ai party if officers '^ah." This will i {paten gut. however," Gov' crno. McMiben -ays, because it is j entire1, v <>? harmony with pre; vailing ffiruu! -entimeru in the west. Ii:- repeated attempt control d* !<.j gales fron: the western :.aus it? the : 11* 2S ajiventiov: likewise will fail. "No: only the vv astern and southern farmers. hut iairminded men in all; : walks of life, want a national ad-; ministration that is -ympathetic with I agriculture. informed .??i its problems, and epuvffiecafe erovijpi to lead : the devedoprapnf of a new national' policy aimed to j-roVhote farm stability and prosperity. A<:riculttire, states are in a better position to se-; cure this row than they hove been at. : any time i:i the past oO years, To ac- , | eept seriously the program which j i Senator Bo?ah seems to be heading.; wtrsiui niivn tiiTinvmg: cue c&ance: " thinks Governor .MoCiilIeo. j 25,000 DISABLED SOLDIERS CARED FOR BY RED CROSS In the iiniiy. ,Mivy arid marine j corps? cahij- and in th* gov eminent hospitals v. hct. 25.000 disabledj veterans ? thr World war. vh< American Red < ross Kgrs assisted an average vtx nearly persons ( kch mp.ri._th luring its last fiscal year. The. o.igumV.aiion's annual report, ! from which thsse figures were taken,, show a diyevsity of service condv-ctou; during that period for members of, the natic.jy- defense forces ;>nd for the great army of disabled veterans in hospital?. The national oijganuditftm maid-! tains special services in the hospitals, where in many cases trained medical : social, workers are provided l<, help > the veterans solve their personal . problems and aiso to as>jst medical ; authorities in procuring: sfeal H|?i Lories and other data essential u> the , eorreCt treatment of certain cases. This information is procured through local Red Cross chapters, of which there are 3,50.0 in the coiintr.vv Without the . m 4>ri:>iiir.i.-n? mvreldv Oil by the Red Cross, the ionu .- extended. Liaison j officers. maintained at these offices, j act a- the personal representatives ! of chapter*- to assist them in : sivaignu'ninK out' difficult c<>mper?sc-l I t'on and disability claims, and to j settle special problems in connection I with procuring hospital treatment for 1 veterans. I For the men in the service, the or-) J ganizatibii maintains a "Held service" Int the camps and training stations. These field workers provide recrea . tion for the men in hospitals, and ! assist them with their family and other problems. They also give ofj fecials ciojf co-operation in procur! ing accurate sand dependable infor roation Spout home conditions of ; men applying for special privileges ij or needing special attention. An ! average of S.70& men in the service j were assisted each month daring last i; year. The service is similar to that i; which the organization carried on i; during the World war for American -i soldiers, sailor;, and marines. t ! No danger in the Fall-Sinclair ; attorneys ''pulling- the wool" over j the eyes of the two bob-haired women on the jury. >1 : Your tongue i tells when you need I ( . S TRADE MARK REG. i Coated tongue, dry mouth, bad breath, muddy skin, II groggy nerves and sour s stomach suggest its use. k THE TV ATAXO-A DEMOCRAT?EVE? REPORT OF CONDI PEOPLES BANK & ' 111 Biiiifit?. i-p. iae SMitt'i of North Car?lir 10, 1 OCT. RESOUR | 'A- ' ? Loans ski! Dis<>u;tt> ... Deraanii Loans O" t-;-dn:fii. i6?re and Mortgages Banking Hotwe, X'urhiluri ami Fixture AM oth-.' Eta. Esiuit Owned . Cask in vsjalt arid r-.tX amounts cue frr j Tsii st Ct'Wtjahit'B Cash hews -I..: offer hours TOT AT. LUBSLtl , .r. I.:.: .. ! Surplus i a rid _ .. Ur>d \-.j?.. csi rarterii >; ens*. I LMi.- Payable _ . _ ' Bum! 'v Ok ; . >i ' 7 f,ns! ... .... } T'.'tAI. ?.... i STATE Oi NORTH CAROLINA?Coin | 2, Avvtj V. H . OtishVer of th swear that tfcc al < 1 .'.Tc-r.v. r ... true belief. A Sr:?. : 1 . rxi *.*> ht f-.o'.- me, r.Ct rrectREPORT OF CONDi WATAUGA COi at I-r-v . .?.. n fr.* ^U-.z\ i North Carolin* .1 RY i.risreui'' Bank H;- Hi . 1.1-: Furniture an Cash in vault ' * * rx i knkiupis ?U:e fro i Trust ''-it:ir :-.r- ' . .. i 'iv " 1 . :l' v. i. i ^ TOT A! B--4 ?-.J 1.: ABli.IT . Capitol Stock juSi'l in ? ; Si! rpl'.i - Slljiii - j li'i'iiviotil FrftfitW,' . ? current expense: | Note- and Bill" i- : "itnl ' Deposits subject ft; heck, lr,dividual Deposits due Sii.iv -f N.C.. an\t Ssny Of: ' r.f i vptstaueiufr Time- Certificate- Itetios't. Dae on 01 ! Suvii-u> !V;VO!> T-D1 A.i. .J STATE OF NORTH ?'AKOi.lNA?C?u? 1. G. V H'&cazuai.. cashier of the swear thai lire anave statement is true bejifcf. Subscribed and -v.,-. *J> he fort mi i A. K. : Q! WHEN BETTER AliTfivoRnr-c *pe i Power fflS^V7HEN the tas f" vV plished is < stamina, dcpendabil power are essential those who know is, Drive one today at Sedans *1195 to *1995 -C Sport Models *1: AU nit,, f c- b. fihit. Mich., I. A. C. finMuunxp!unt u* | BUI CKj CALDWELL MO LENOIR, NORT* | . . | MONUMENTS AP grjj Erect a memorial to the horn s|j ones. We furnish anything gS Quality, and prices guarantee) jys write. ?j REV, R. C. EGGER yg SALESMAN FOR WA !oi MAIINTAiN riX\ | j|| MOUNTAIN C! iV THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. tTION OF THE rRUST COMPANY a. at the tio-e of ausincs- Octuber CES ---S14S.-U1J.CS 3.500.00 10.00 1.500.00 > 2.780.0'J -.5911.00 lie Banks, Bankers ar.d 23.584.71 370.95 -- ... Sls-r'-S6.-21t PIES S 20.0(10.00 5,000.00 ?n 4 tv { Watauga. Oet. 15. 1927. above named Bank, do solemnly to the best of my knowledge and G. 1'. HAGAMAN, Cashier. . this J 9th .lay of October, 1927. :OUTH, Clerk Superior Court, r.rreei?Attest: X L. MAST. F. A L1NNEY, it. U. BOIJGHERTY. Directors. n 1LT. Bl'JCK W1UL BUILD THEM I pits most Qli*by iker k to be accomlifficult?when ity and unfailing ?the advice of "Buy a Buick!" id find out why. tt ?nr ? lo * i?5u 195 to #1525 n *THMCMi tax to b* added, f MOU Acurrtbk, it avsiUbU. "1928 roe company 1 carolina id tombstones 9 >r of your departed loved bffl in marble and granite. gjj 1. For best prices see or K& S, Zionville, N. C. 1 lTAUGA county r MARBLE CO. I ITY, TENN. {^gj **Yes, WUlard Mack are best," says Pa PopulaT pugilist tells his manager,Benedict Sterns, that Lucky I. Strikes are. the finest /' cigarettes. j I ' " j YoU, too, will find that LUCKY STRIKES give the greatest pleasure?Mild and Mellow, the finest cigarettes von ever smoked. Made of the choicest tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great I skill, and there is an I extra process?"IT'S Jj TOASTED"-no fj harshness, not a bit M of bite. i ! "It's tO? No Throat Irritatio imidi ' """ I i in i.^ vmti UMMT -j**}** *? tw** gjmuHgn r i J ?3 OUCa.a??l ?k?*? gHMHK ? I