PAGE .SIX BLACI ==~ By Meredl Copyright', Charles Scribners iisbers' Aul SYNOPSIS Archibald Bemiett, wealthy bach lor, travels constantly in the t tcre of his health. Ke meets Isabel Pe ry. who recommends n iife oi critu adventure, romance and exeitoote as a cure for his nerves. Art he gti to Bailey Harbor to investigate summer house for his sister, heavy . tot 01 forces iiitn to spend ti flight th??ro. )>uno$ the night he awakened by footsteps, an-; In ; encounter with the intruder; wt seer? Archie's figure reflected in ti mirror hod shoots. Archie tires return, wounding: the Intruder,. v.: makes his escape. Archie piar/5 ?tigi to evade publicity. He sta cr country on tool nikht. A: cl.vA:: he i- &sopp< d on < n country road by "The Gi^&fiidv niastci-mir.d i:r:mma: wh. rr. sra&i Him for a fellow-criminai. Aichi fleeing, i.- at raid to teU the tr :;fall? in with "The Governor./* whisked across country h> a. stolf <*ar See? story in newspaperkilling at Bailey Harbor ar.<i. trig? erVed. he decides'fc?? say nothing b stick with his .-irarav- : ' a: aw a: L develupmen ts. An Unexp?cled Meeting "No Mr? ' 'bngdo.-i has register* here wH'hih a week. Fni sure. Wi you leave any message':"' Archie paused by the desk, starii open mouthed at the young w> :.m who was asking for Mr?. C* ngdo: If he was Si . i pdssessM of his ronsa the girl was Isabel Ferry. She gian ed carelessly in his direction as li clerk, addressing him as Mr. Cowl asked if there was anythh'.g : wanted. Archie promptly raised hat. only to he met with u reluctat nod and a took of dii.-plea.-ure wit connotation.- of alarm. ?'> w: walkii g t"v.;ini the door as : ipue anxious to escap frnrr. him;. A taxi drew up and Isabc: : pod into it, but Archie. risl; a no the*.- snub before a' >\y her to slip away ignorant ol -.he va change t;iat had been wrouur: him -im< ihotf lust nwrt:^ Wiuskitigtur., Jumpe ,-side . "This is unpardonable!" " e: plunin'tl angrily. "May ! a.rk j'i what, you are do Sir hri ur.uer : assumed name?" "Ueu'ily'" he xviaime.i. peffect'iy jolly that we've iaet this way? You know." he a,We "you tuirf oie to threw a brick the world and I've been Colitw-ii your advice." Moving (iramativ.eti himself a- a pealing before her. a splendid hero figure, this- rm option was alt bat tl last straw to his spirit He: frbw ing silence moved him to furtls frantic efforts; to impress he; yvt the fact that he was a dare-dov: wicked person -the man she won have him he. Vou were asking for -Mrs. i'oi. Jon. We!., i certainly Ceroid you a story if you would uive n lime. If i had known Mrs. Con; Jon was a friend 'f yours I join have acted tifierontly. very Jiffe ently, indeed." "I think," she. said, sweeping hi with a look Of scorn, "that you'' been following me or were put he to watch :oe ' ou went t fcuih Harbor 10 Ic'ok at a cottage, aid." you? Putney Cor.gdoi was the. wasr.'t hi1'."," ''r. tl'.r acre-am >>r it. y< knowl" rvieti. "I dor.': k.:.. Jul' the til0 oi mo whether it \<r Putiwj' Conxion I sfcot at. the Cor. don house or Hoky, ;'r.o burglar. A; it's t!i deheionsly funny that 'yt should be ' :';>r Sir.-, t'.osard. win. may . r widow : . y a1, i know "A widow!" abt'i. with her hai clutching :lw d-w. swung upon hi with epnsteer.atio:: and Ira went depicted in hat face! "Ob, that's the wystery jott present, whether poor old Put.-my dead or not ' .No areac loss, I iTOfifet: But where "... you suppftit H Cbhgdoii went :.> niiie her cltildr! from the brute'."" "That's exactly what 1 suspected she exclaimed, furiously. "W,-. . waiting here to find shut out Hi can you play the spy tor ilitit" V< talk about ?hoothig a man! VVh you haven't the moral courage kilt :? flea! The kindest interpret tion i can put upon your actions is assume that you are hopelessly mad They had reached the station; si jumped out and snatched her ha He tossed a hill to the driver ai dashed across the platform, after h only to see her vanish into the vest bule of a Boston train just as was drawing out. He walked to the water fror firmly resolved to drpv.n himself, b his courage failing, he yielded hi: self luxuriously to melancholy r flections. Congdor v r.s a name of evil otue Wbat business could Isabel ha with Mrs. Congdon? Why tiiou she think him capable of spying up< her movements? Why was she Vortsmoutfc when she had told hi she was leaving immediately- for h girls' camp in Michigan? He had been wholly stupid ai tactless in pouncing upon her wi what he realized under the caimii influence of the brisk air, must ha X::v.vy,CGCsyC-f' ^^rrtrnrr.-r . r^.'.- T=^z~r.-. LSHEEP ith Nicholson r= Sorts. Released Through Pab;o? aster Service . truck her a> the vaporing.s of a c- dangerous lunatic. He had never ^ x been clever; he smarted now under r- the revelation that all things cone sf?iered lit* was an immitigable ass. ?jj He weiit back to the hotel, hitter ' ~ but fortified by a resolution that y nothing should check him now in hisj slesperate career. He had quarreled! if. with the inspiration of his new life. tu hut in the end Isabel should have ; .? reason to know hew unjust she had y- been. After all. it was something to '%ri have seen her. perplexed, anxious j though she had been. He would! bear his martyrdom manfully, keep-dig che humiliating interview care-! fuliy fn in the Governor. /* Isabel was still the most woniere ful girl he had ever met: 'i CHAPTER V :v The next morning the Governor ji! announced Cc-rnford a- their ' ; topping point, a town, ho e.\-, J'-j plained, whose history 'hruat far, l *; buck into Colonial times. When the.v . seated in the parlov car he j brew a small volume front his pock' i. Arr hie saw thai it was realiy a! ,*d j volume uf the Horatian odes. The ill Governor was utterly beyond him | and he stared moodly at the flying Lg j landscape. ir: , i nr.- v u;"J; i.ocu Cllii px?/v*-U lo ue uj ti. ; atmint old tavern. and after a leis-j ely luncheon they took their cbf | c- tec in a pleasant garden or one sidcj . the house, v.! Tva> men came into the garden' ! and seated themselves at a table on j isi the other side of a screen of shrub-1 :? j bcty. They ordered coffee and one: : i: f the hi remarked in a low tone: ' "You oughtn't ti) have carried that ;h I ca. ii up here. The old man is a fool j he '.vuu'iin't have suggested suchj p. a thing-." to i The Governor nodded to Archie-' keep on talking, while ne played,? . e role of em h- "Well, he wrote that ho was <. m ; . . here to -pond a week ami said \ i wanted the ->tack 1 could hvihgi v- the currency here ami emse the si transaction- The Goiigdoro are oil lot of cranks. you know. This old cursw??dg?-i . carrivw a small fortune 't 'arouud ail the time, ami never ae? ::i j coats a check in any transaction." d, Let'- stroll about a little," said ;i* , the Governor. He. led the way ., through thi garden to the sneet,! and bade Archie proceed dowly to j P-j the postoftiee while he walked to ie vvard the main entrance of the inn. When ho joined Archie, he in-j fr ( Turned him that the two gentlemen ! ^ socio Seebrook and Waiters. and jhI f.hoy had. rooms on the floor below! ik j them. I '*- "You don't think they've got any considerable sum of money with J ff-[ i heel, do you?" Archie asked breath-1 I1' | iessil . | "That remains to be seen." | When they reached the green hi i which the town's growth had left r-t to fine -idt .he -:u down on a bench ami directed at tent ton t? a ehurch ni whose history he read impressively "c t'rou; the hookre '"Anil in the cellar of that simple edifice where the eariy colonists '1 used t.. iu-.ic from predatory In-', e. is hidden fitly thousand do'-} lavs. It must be saved from <!--j iu -tiiiCTlon. Vve can't fail Learv." j They iour.d halt a dozen visitors'! as roaeiinfr through the church. and ] -- while Archie eourtooa-iy answered j id'a 'juestinr, asked hioi by a stout >u ; :ad.v. the Governor disappeared . | Wher he reappeared he called out' in a chtk.'iy vo'c*: "If you want to! 3di ? the cellar, don'', tumble down the! :? steps us 1 did. an abominable J !v hoie " ! Ho brushed the irom his [ jf.i knees and mopped nis face until the! is voices front below receded. "All safe 13ft sound. .Stuck it rs.; o'rt through a back window into a eii: Sllnc bush, and we'll pick it up at cui leisure. It's a very decent siiit!"j Sse and you can fia?:d it to a bail! ej hot) and bid him fly with it to your) ,;? ! room. You wore a little 'hart of >c? j liner am! mane a few" purchases?the v.) thing explains itself." ti>| When they reached the hotel, a- Archie, following the Governor's into struction, gave the suitcase to a heli hop, and shortly after, they l'ollow!ie od the suitcase upstairs, where the <j. Governor unlocked it with an impleld nient that looked like a nut pick, er Archie picked up several bundles of ti- the bills and turned them over, reit fleeting that to his other crimes he had now added the receipt and conit, ceaiment of stolen money, ut "Dinner in an hour, Archie." ren marked the Governor. "Meanwhile, e- f wish you would look in at Barclay & Bedding's garage, just around the n. corner, and ask if a car has been left re there for Mr. Reginald H. Skulsbury. ,U1 You needn't be afraid of getting XT* ninpllp/) ftif m 'ickieo in quired by purchase. 1 air. merely m borrowing it from Abe Collins, alias er Slippery Abe. We'll leave here like honest men, with the landlord bowad ing us away from the door." th When he returned the Governor ag was dressing and manifested no survej prise that the car awaited his pleast w'.vVtioi' THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV ure. "Yes. of course." he remarked absently. '"You can always rely on Abe. It's time for you to dress, and we must look our prettiest- 1 caught a glimpse of Mr. Seebrook's daughter a bit ago. It may be necessary! for you to cultivate her a trifle." J When Archie reached the parlors! half an hour later he found the Go\emoi engaged in lively conversation with a gentleman he introduced immediately a.- Mr. Seobrook. "And Mr. V/alters, Mr. Coly. and "Mr. Sauisbury and Mr. Oomly* daughter. Miss Seebfookv* Seebrook ar.d Walters were undoubtedly eh joying the Governor, proof ci which was, immediately forthcoming v?ht*r. Sethrook suggested that chey should all dine together . "You do us much honor," said the Governor. "Mr Oomly ami I snail be pifta'sed. I'm sureA CHAPTER V! Dinner over. th??y cdiitiuued tbcir calk over coffee served in the garden. When the music began. Seehrook liiiri Walters r-'ear!eu a bridge j gagement a: : iht Governor announced that lie must Jo ok up an old friend who lived in Corn ford; "I shall be back shortly," tic said as they separated in. the of fica*. Archie and Miss Seebrook joined znpnny that wive i already ciancaig. After several i dances Miss Stebrdok thought it j would be fine *. lake a breath of; air. and gatht r - - df het loak they' went into the garden for an ice. Miss Seebrook -a a.- speaking of j music, and reciting the list oi operas; she loved best when Archie".- gaze v> as caught and held by a shadow chit j netted along an :ron Tire escape that zigzagged down front the fourth to i the first story of :he iong rambling! inn. "You .-own very dreamy," she re-1 marked. "I xnov hou that is for .1 in!! dream for hours and hour.-." "Ye.-; reverie; just floating on l i'jtids. 01: and on. * Arc-hie replied, though the -r.udov. moving on and on along the side "of the inn was trpublmg him ho:, a iittie. Ho had surmised that the Goyer-i nor's declared purpose to tiaH oh an old friend vyas merely to cover his svith li iwal the port} . hut that. | . could a.- mediiafed n predatory | eJtcui>ioti through the inn Had not entered -into'.- speculations ?s| his friend's Thv e was! n< mi-taking the fKr.ue that had nipyfed s\vift)> . ... the Uttio i?ni?.om at the third :U>?r. He paused; i moment and then v;?mslie . into an open window. Tire hud | said that ^e@jiok party had teems; iu.-t under their own; but-They 'danced again. ami In the ! handolappmg that followed the first ?! <??ber ho turned to find the Hover- f nor, calm, iifc mark* of ins escapade upon hint. At midnight Seelgfook ami came in irons their card game, j a: ii a 1 it'1 a tew men-ant word.-. fncj unrty Vwfc* "Pla An hie'- li: the Governor! hummed t>r.i; ot hi: favorite- ballads; as he .-lipped bt his coat and i picked a speck from :ti.- .-nowy waist-J coat. "It evident," he jerumkedi go.odhumprediy. -that yuu are por-j -.urbfd. anxious'. and have slight -vmptoms of paralysis a {tans. Pray la- seated ana I wiil .in tv.y best to rcstoi e your peace oi mind.*" Hut Archie was not. to he thwarted in his purpose to ioarn ju-t tvhoi the .Governor meant by endangering their security so recklessly. He siauv-j mod the tfar.sbm tight ar-.ri drew, down the shades. "'You neediessh exposed yourself I <? obse; vauoi: by sneaking down the! lire escape this hotel?i know that!' "My iie?- ;.. i was mereiy truth! erlntr a few of the crimson I rambler from Hie ancient walls of I :.'r:e inn Voii may have noted that j i wore a spray v.f buds in my iape! j when [ joined yon in the ball room, j Nov =eat yourself on the- bed ami! I'll tell you the whole story When j 1 left" you 5 i&si&ged into the drug): store an t bought a stick of simyihgi soap. Then i bought few cigars in! a tobacconist's ii; each place I con-) versed with the rlerk, thus laying! ample ground for an alibi. Hurrying I hack to the inn. I > voided observa-j t'on by entering by the side dooi.J skipped opto out rooms-?and there! you are: 1 exchanged our new bunk notes for sixty well-worn one-thou-! rand-dollar gold certificates riegoti- j able in-"ail! parte of the republic. That n ear..- a net gain of ten thousand dollars to bed Leary." ' My God!" moaned Archie. '"You don't think you car. get away with this!" VI think," returned the Govemot imperturbably. "that we must and] will get away* with it." His em-i phasis on the plural pronoun caused Archie to cringe. "You're getting me in pretty deep." mumbled Archie dejectedly. 'How about those blood stains on the sidewalk at Bailey Harbor?" asked the Governor in his blandest tones. 'When you speak of getting in deep you forget that someone besides Holty was shot back younder. You came to me red-handed from a deed of violence, and I took von in and became your protector, asking! no questions-. It's the basest ingrati- j tude for you to whimper over a small larceny when you have .added assault or murder to the liabilities of our partnership: But don't forget for a moment that we're, pals and pledged to see each other through." EKV THURiPAl-BOOST. .V. The reference to 'he [wood ?| reported by the Bailey Harbor pc throw Archie back instantly upon Governor's mercy. Complicity in robbery' of Seebrook was not) compared with the haunting tear the man he had shot ir. the Cons house had died from the wound, able to determine this question was floundering in a veritable se; crime. The Governor was and: ing with provoking indifference his companion's perturbation. "tdeep, lad. sleep! You may sure that nothing will harm us night, and I have faitb that n Q -ijSiTM-rrT VI ??:V : i? | Vi a 13 f. Cht $A l#Too Truck C AM {N-icm / ? /AWAVVW.VJW.W kW If _ I : How aboi ;I that need rej I; evenings are ; gets busy? II do good woi !; and they cos f day and loo ;I the tool" yo I BOO! I" ^incran ' | EVES Iavvawwwwwvjwai^ airs .-tirriajr adventures are ahead of us. beet dice I f&Mtve you for your quairas and "j the quaver--. the pardonable manifests-j youi the tions of youth and inexperience. We druv ting waife in slippery places but we shall T that not stumble. at least not while the light rdor. 'doverhor keeps his head!" Arc! Un- Nothing appealed to Archie .is of he greater importance than the retens af tion by bis companion of the head ess- that now lay chastely upon n snowy i to pillow. A handsome well-formed | . head suggestive of family and thej be pride of race, though filled with thej *' to- most complicated mental machinery you, lore with which a human being had ever a > j|f ?conon%lcal Trarttfort/lJiC* WO Tru :Ton ' T?0? I n nmn assts Only use today h ^ iflfe Iff any other c t. the units u r thousands . ... , meet the rt >. b. Flinl, Mich. . .. delivery se mi-m . ' ' what^he"i TUfft pariscm \vi A.'i-Jr j$? f. Then you' as is Only is the w jmt a?M of gear-sh SJk ?fa*I puted lead V and V4-Toi tusm with Cab fSe.lO . o. b, Ftiat, MmA. ;OON? CHEVROLET COMP BOONE, N. C. Wfl^VVWWVWYVVWiftWVWYWVWVV fif ^ ?aai it the home tool kit? Aren't thei jiacement, now that the long ind : here when the handy man abc Good tools are necessary if you rk. Boone Hardware Tools ar< t no more than inferior makes, k over our stock of tools. You u have been needing. NE HARDWARI 'Plant More, Grow More, Mak :R THING IN H A R D \ J L OCT0KEK 27, V.K7 A i endowed. Ku out tK> KSjgl'' ttad get nut to touch 1" the Cwernor muttered tsily. he man certainly wore his crime* sly. He was --'unci asleep before tie had got into his pajamas. (Continued Next Week) The Door radu.ue: ''Have you an opening a splfegy trained man';"' anager: "Yes, it's right behind and would you ntinil flosiutg it ou go out?" cks Y at lead world in pularity er of Vis-Ton trucks in ?far greater than that of apacities?for these are scd by thousands upon of retail merchants to :quireruentsof modern rvtce. ise Chevrolec offers the hie available in each of sires?and because it vorld's lowest ton-mile itheChevroletTonand - ^ tcks are leading the > Kjpularitv. ? and see for yourself /rolet offers you in coi?ith other haulage units. II know why Chevrolet orld's largest builder ift trucks?with undi*lership in both the Ton n fields I ANY fffiSjgjgMragarei 1 AnnCnnflHWIonmiflM iV.V.V.WAV.VAWAWW tl |i ====' o* ?: . II -e a few toots >; oor days and ; I .ut the house 5 j; are going to >| s guaranteed ;! Drop in any 5 '11 find "iust ^ i E CO. e More." ! VARE i;

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