VOL. XXXVJIJ, NO, 10 ffiiraroRi STATE HIGHWAYS! i $B40,000,000 Appropriated To Help j Stules Build i ?4,1 o I - Mile Systemj of Highway* Throughout United | State? | By E. E. DUFFY Federal aid road- are forming a( network of highways over the coun-l try that will bring all portion? of 1 the United States within hailing dis-| tance of each other. The ;j>t :! J amount of money chat has been ap- j ' propriatexi or will be authorized appropriation to build this network j is $?40,000,000. Nearly 75,000 miles of federal aid} roads were completed or under con-} structioh according to the latest i figures obtained June 30. last. A ho j according to these figures the system will include nearly L8f>,000 miles of j rnori i"Vi on oil ?" *"v"" .... ...... (in. , posed are completed. To build these '75,000 miles of road, more than a. * billion and a quarter dollars ha-! been expended. Of thi.- sum -I-1.j per cent was spent for concrete! highways, IS.7 per cent for grave! 1 and S.3 per cent for bituminous! macadam; the rest of the money wast divided into smaller portions among I other types of roads. According to the conditions under! which the money for road: is given i each state, it mutt keep up its own] system. The plan briefly is this: j If any state fails to maintain its; roads the secretary i.f agriculture Ssl authorized to repair the highway.-! and charge the com of the cop'.i;sj to the ar.'.otu.i of. rat::.;, .l.~ fc.,..u"j government ha- on hand of this pur-1 V. itcular state's portion. The money J tin::-, spent is deducted from the j , money the state bus coming and at! , aliotmdr/ts are withheld from this J particular state until the money has beer, paid bach, .When the cost is refunded it is reapportioned among all the states so that the state fail- , ing to kec-p up the roads loses al! but a sir,ail sum. Thus the states are anxious to build loads that will require a minimum amount of maintenance. For this reason nermunent roads, such as i concrete are preferred. A hard suv- , faced thoroughfare requires leys cast to keep up and the motley 'furnterly j spent in upkeep of semi-permanent roads can he used in extending the state'' highway system. , Another provision of the federal j aid system is that the minimum , width of roads he eighteen feet. Thin minimum is maintained unless 5 spec:;.; perns -ion obtained f ont . the secretin?,' of agriculture to re- < duco them in width. """ * c Federal aid is given to the state ] t ftu road building oil the following . basis: ( P Before any siate can benefit from j f iteia act it must lay out a system, to ' irBpHlpproved by the secretary of agii- j culture. consisting of not more than j seven per cent of the total mileage , of roads in the state. This has been t done in all states. 11 States receive tnonsv according to , theii' population,' men and mileage iSfj < ppst roads in relating'' to the totals i of all (he states. Each of these' , phases are Riven a rating of one- 5 third in determining the amount of , mousy the stf.ic is to leceive. , Except in states v. here more than , five per cent of the area is miao- , public land, the amount of federal ( aid received on any project is Km- , ited to 50 pen cent of the- cost of la- , tor and material?. In the stales five , per cent or more of whose area is ?' public land, the 50 per cent allow- . unce is increased by an amount equal ( to one-half of tile pe'reentage of < public land in the state. , For example, under the above j provision, Arizona is given 72.31 1 per cent of the cost of the roads. , Neva/la benefits to the extent of , 87.72 per cent of the road expends- , Jure. Thus western states with a small 'population are enabled to build extensive highway systems. J1 Pennsylvania has 90,000 miles in *^v its state road system. Approximately , 4,000 "miles an federal aid roads, laid out :? a unified system accord- i ing to Federal provisions. Built forj permanence, 3,900 miles of Perm-i q sylvania roads are of concrete con-1 duuvbivsi. GRANDFATHER NOTES ir-'y Bannor Elk, Nov. 2?L. M. Hodge? has returned from Statesvilie, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. A. V. Moody and family 'spent the week-end at Blowing Reck. < The little child of David AMrich j is very sick" at this writing. , Also I Mrs. Ellis McClean. J. L. Fox and Charley Coffey drove a fine herd of cattle into the community last week. There vfiU be a pie supper at the Grandfather school Saturday night, November 5, for the benefit of the school. v i I President Names Nov. 24 as Thanksgiving Day Cioo'Tige In Proclamation, Recount Blestingv of Year and Auks Nation To Be Thankful W ushington, Oct. 2ft?-Presidem ~oolidge culie upon tin; people to lay to ;i!t aside Thursday, Xovonibei l-i, as Thanksgiving Hay. Che Tie proclamation it osfoltow.s: A "PltOCl.AMATlQN Under the guidance ami ivatchfu are of divine and beneficion! Providence this country her- beer -arriod safely through another year Ciod has continued to be ttovv upon OS the light of His ootni enunce and we have prospered. Xo< iitlv have we enioved material rue :ess hut we have odyanced in wisifoir ihti ir. spiritual understanding. Thi uoducts of our Holds ami our ?acones and our manifold activities lavo been maintained on a high Wvel vVe have gained in knowledge ol ligher values of life. There ha: .leen advancement ir our physical .ell-being'. VVe have increased oui lesire for the things that minister te he mind and to the soul, we haw aistd the mental and moral stanlards of lifeVVe have had the blessings of peace iVtd of honorable and friendly relr. ions with our sister nations through>u: tjte world. Disasters visiting :ertain of our states have touchci he heart of a sympat belie nation vhioh lias responded ggneroutly oul >f its abundance, hi continuing it remember these afflictions v.e shou'c rejoice in our ability to give then: eliui. Now thai these twelve month: ire drawing itb a close, it is tittinj hat. as a nation and as individuals :i accordance with time-himorei mcrfe'd custom, we should eonsidei .he manifold blessing granted to tss iVhile ;n gratitude we rejoice, tv> should humbly pra.v that we may in worthy of a cor.tiiiuatibr! of divine favor, :-.t -;S Wherefore. I, Calvin Coolidge President of the United States, di hereby set apart and designati Thursday. the 24<h day of November next, as " a day of thanksgiving atii prayer, and recommend and urgi ihnt on' that day our people !a; aside their usual ta.-Jcs. and bv thfamily fireside and in their a'ceus tomed places of public worship, givi thanks to Hirn who holds all in lb hollow of His hand. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the se:l of the United States to bft affixed. Done at the city of Washir.gto this twenty-seventh day ot Octobei in the year of our Lord one thonsnw nine Hundred and twenty-seven an of the independence of the finite States of America the one huudre and fifty-second. J?? ..rAV.A CALVIN COOLIDGK. By the President. FRANK B. KELLOGG, Secretary b? State. Spices and seasonings do not snj ply the body with' building mnterii or energy but they are important s appetizers. ; - - UG A iewspaper, Devoted to t] )N'E, WATAUGA COUNTY. NOP.T ! - Ap mistl&t r-a fit Pcese Today upon [ _'Y | h&M of this solemn tow down our heads ?5S ior.j of hire, who thcusmua who have rafie world aiay Eva again in i it. must, rurt, be said t! forgotten the Mood they nor that we are wanting ia : of the ideals for which ? It behooves this Nation cherish through the long, c the fn'.-oe the fnemorj' <>' suffered their young lives i uisbed in thr cause of worts! Paa4 i&ttutg pea<v. We hojic that, Gnd n the notions of the co.-th tl se;. end the will to eircvtc -a glorious. lasting PEAC1 iAnimal Red C Call N< ?! The 'secretary of tii ? Whtauj chapter. Ainsricnn Red Cros t, Prof. J. M. Downum, lies addres ed a letter to the principals ; every vehuol tn the county, tiai 1 i-s them Roil Cell chnivmcii ? the h.'g- membership drive that to be put en by Red Cross hen quarters-, begiiutins on Fridu November llth and closing Thu: 1 Jay, November it This niitsi' from Chairman Rivers is intend to urge the people in the varioi school districts of the county co-operate in every way possih with their toeal chairnvat: to mai ' the drive a success. The year ' membership dues is; only $1.0 one haif of which jjoos to hea quarters, the other being- retahu by the county chapter as :i loc charitable fund. No local memir ?| is expected to pay in for .the ne: I year mole than i he prescribe SI.00, unless some fearful trajre; ' should occur, in which event, v II would all he only toe. giad to con to the front again, as eve lii' always donc in the past, and t-a in our mite for the help of su fering humanity. The war drn 1 in Watauga was unprecedented T, i !| STATE TEXT BOOK I.IST MAD -! OUT FOR FIVE-YEAR PERI \ ' Raleigh. Oct. '!) ?North Carol 1 textbook .commission this afterni submitted to Staie'^Supenntendent T. Allen the lint of hooks to adopted next year for a period i five years, the commission having 'j power of adoption, of coarse, 1 solely the prerogatives of reeotnni ; datio'n. ! The nooks to be chosen will y'a ' from the list of three each cover ; tli"1 .subjects of language, health i grammar. The health series make i ' adoption and language and grann 1 the other. The report of the c< ini.ssion today is made tc. the si ; hoard of education. It is the fi ! undo- the 1022 law of the Mor'i wmeh oKr.riffi?l ' whole pian ot' text book adoption 5 By the tenue ot' the recommen (.ions today and the adoption later D the 3tate hoaid of education. 5 books will, go into u;e first, in S teraber, 1528. This means that st of the subjects put into use i years will not be changed u next year, and as the state text fc 1 commission is a continuing inst j tion. there will be text hooks \vt l will not. suffer change for 11 ye ? This arrangement meets much of .1 obieclion from the outside. So ,l! body is always battering away at frequent changes in text book sty The batterers will be without so tiling to hammer in more than I of the subjects. All books recommended by commission today are new. They s r- plant the series of four used si the 1923 adoption. In offering is commission's report. Chairman H Akers, of the state text book c DEMC be Best interests of Northwest n CA.ROLISA. THUKSDAT. XOV'EMCER c BPt fiffB SiBi : : \ ^ j re. ^ | Be 5 B?3T " |dM the thxeih- 't,; occtaoa to i 3eio? e titc "Izr^fT: : lot tilt r?d |Ml >?acc. ii. we beve | 1 >'? h?ve ibsd, ! : . . jWr*siatio? te te ; wr iey toshl.. f v I iv>' to love and p! ' j tijo? t , {= | ^ ? be acting- gS?": |thl democracy j- i; ! ca || fp: 1 fr W give CO k ''h |i^ f pi is I K'- :Mr. 3-V".:f H ross Roll I t I", ivemfoe ill to 24 y i 'lii j <ii. <? th-.' .',ta?c, the iK,pa?ut'6i. ci>rif'4c?T . th ?<! ; I wl When the call was made this \ Me year f6r the Mi^ksippi flood ?*Jl - ! pf W tcrcri. the ecuuty responded beau : v, j ?- iSt:ii!^J l, ! .... ..-1,. i...a. ! 1/TT^ViiV, nc > ; ^Vl oi' not -full H wake good oac r.uota ! c, is which f"As been assigned iu - (;. '!- T,et me suggest thu. i; '.spiild xv, y, !>e veil for each chairman in '.lie vi; a- county to have a meeting of the o fv citizens at as early a day as posed sibVr and prepare for the houses ; all as To-h'Shsr drive that could easily he tu bp mad- in a nay. >p io Watauga lias never met with a f&; re i rea' calamity, and therefore, many f{ly of us do not grasp win-, the ac- j wJ 0. I t.ivitics of the American Red Cross f th. d- , means. Should wc- be visited by ! be ill '.V iS^t^SacSs-' ' jSS&d V-rt' xiuoii*. (lev ^,-LKi ing s:Mr?isu[tm ft: draughts that would destroy cm bit or | crop:, to ar. extent that hunger vt I Stared us in the t'ace, then backed j Ms :tl j by the great organisation. cur } ,U\ "5y l real needs wouW bo supplied. Re- ; tin x ! member, we are not immune from j jpn w ! any of these calamities, and the I TTa ft' | money we ace urging you to eon- | Ji< et j tribute far' .iusf such purposes... j JCi f- i . For ail we know t:-.r oust call will M; p j be made for 'he people of western i cat in ! North Carolina Think! Act! E | SHERIFF GETS BSC STILE j 'j? OD- IN STONY FORK TOWNSHIP j j ? ; : About two thousand gallons of!?" *,"** J mash and a 100-gallun setam distil-1 c ,"i icwv were the haul of Sheriff Earth- j ,N t" ir.g m Stony Pork ioivristup last; 1 j Thursday. Both the mash and thej ..till were destroyed, but no arrests; but1 ^ !liix!e" ! . e_ ' According to the sheriff, the still j was ono of; the best equipped that, , he baa found ia recent, months. It ,'? . ^ had a rock furnace and whs r,nerat-' J:,0 ;nd ed by steam. The boiler was made i r,? " of a large gasoline drum so ar-: M? ranged that it could be operated by! ;,r steam, and the coil was uf cornier. | , an- - wh ate I M\ irst Asheviire, Nov 1.?Col. Vtrgi: ; Ha ton- tiusk, -.92. second, oldest lawyer in, r? H?.t Vni+t I--. - - = - > j ( v?tv?? ;:eipiu^ nana J Joi ! in the construction of his rjjft'h i ,J0 da-i Buncombe county courthouse- here-' jt( by j Morning morning. !n 3 800. life help- Mi the eii build a log structure, the first Mr ep- courthouse in the city tr. 1868. he cil ime helped fcuild a temporary building to Ha live replace the old one wmeii was burn- j. ntii ed down during the closing years of Mr nok the Civil war. In 1SS0. he helped Ta itu- build a third, and in 1902 he helped Mi uch with the present one. Yesterday he Mi srs. donned overalls and helped, in pour- He the ing concrete on the new $1,750,mc 000 county building. (Mr. Lush at of the one time war solicitor here, when Nc ivl_-1 iL-sX '&B3U& . r.-tQMr-1 is3. ins amna covered practically all of H< me- western North Carolina. Ho prob- 17 or.e ably prosecuted the first docket in M the old courthouse now known as the |?i the old Watauga County Bank building, <ia air- th ince mission, .disposes of the important C< the work in 100 words The reading and ds E. spelling series will be adopted next fa om- y fcaifo ^ ofi m < -i w&PP isa )CRA North Carolina elebrate Golden .Wedding Anniversary! iv audi Mrs. John F. Hardin lightft.illy Enter; air. at Hoinc of j Mr and Mrs. Tracy Councill 1 I By MAJtY BLEDSOE A mountain romance that might! ovido the plot for a beat seller was! called hero Monday ovyrtitig \vh?n{ t*. ami Mr?. John 3*. Hardin ofj tone cekbralct- their voider' wed-J >g* anniv p.rs^rv ax the hoiw* of Mx. <1 Mr-. Traiy Council!. Wfeixe two hundred guest? eauedj ring the evening to pay tributeJ fch - couple, the story of whose; ig married life ?- almost a historyi Boone and of Watauga county, i'.; Hardiri, new in his severity-, yebth year, and Mrs. Hardin, .seven ars Ids junior, told the story of eir ?iTTiple wedding here in .1877, ten the site of Boone was litf/v vre than a crossroads. Sitting in the attiactive living jm, amid decorations of white and Id?golden chrygfrathem urns on e buffet, golden candles in crystal iidlesticks, and golden streamers, phi the chandeliers?Mr. Hardin,] .. . li ~ --- ' ' i iie mfiunv grtjVf xroni goiera,-; adcd lights, told oi how hi- and i"s. Hardin were rmriii'd by Kev. hi: Floyd. a Methodist minisvei. a! e home of the Ionic who was Mar:< Hannah Count-ill. There were few quests at this; aiding Tliyy v.-oi-e Mr. Hardin'1 others, hi-' sister, Jo::i . Hardin, itr.elia Hardin Church. Cir v:r luneilh Iter. Conviciil, Mr.-. ! luncill and Mr-. Gtirrio Coffey .r. . only* Ben < nurci'l is still livt 'The cert mony took piece at eight lock in the morning. Mr. Hardin's; Lai worldly possessions when he ok his bride array from her home at morning were 311.50 sir cash d a tunic and buggy. Guests who <1 come from Johnson City in less: u three hours to attend the anni>? rsary celebration hoard Mr. Hartoil how it took four days for m and his bridfl to cover the seme dance in 5.1857. The first night had reached Valley Mountain, icre they spent the night. The xtj Jay they contrived to reach Elk irk. where they spent the night th Joint Snyder. The next night; is spent with Ham Bay at Shell' celt, and there also the.v visited O..'Ps.. lit 6r< to1 Johnson City. v. In > < ihej Stied Mr. Hardin'.- imeie. Jordan mnciii Hardin. By this time the $11.50 had lieen nost exhausted. Mr. Hardin sold ? horse and buggy. traded for a an of mules, sold these, ami traded r more mules until he had a herd, i drove the herd to Charlotte, lero he made a profit of S'JoO 011 1 em. With this as his capital, hen gait building the 'comfortable for-l ae that he has enjoyed during his or yeans. ; J A. the anniversary celebration i ;nday night, while Mr. Hardin in!ged in reminiscences, guests con-; tied to eall all eve?.iag. They v.v-rc-; sited at the door by Mrs. .Tames] irdih Council! and Mrs ' !. W. iCov.n of John on City. Cittio; & rap M'.'Nine Clpv.upili and! i. rov Hnrdiii Mr't'own received the,; rd?. in the receiving line were Mr and a; Trace Cannc-.U, Mi. and Mi ', hn IV: Hardin. Mr. and Mis. it. fincill, M>> George \Y 11a; tin. of| hnson City, Mr. and. Mrs. Samueli MdSTsjicl: of Charlotte. Assisting in entertaining in rhe ing room were Mrs. J. IX CY.uncill.! v. M. i'. Oritchei". Mr>. T. H Kyps ) .Joncsboro, Tetrn., Miss Annie j mbory. George I"). Hdrdtti and t. McGown of Johnson City. Those who assisted in serving wore! s. Hardin. Grady Farthing. l)r.! nda linrdin, Oscar Hat-din, Paul! litiy. James fjovthSi'.,1 Miss Alice j unciil, Miss Louise Cr:tehe> . Miss) irv Councill. Mies Maude Greene. d Miss Elizabeth Lokabilt. Among the mit-of-towr. guest = ,o called during the evening were, s. tfaoyge \V. Hardin. George 1).! xdln, Mr. and Mrs. L. \V. McVj wn and Hardin McCowit. ail o?j hn>on Otfy; Mi-.-. J. r?. Ei>i>s o:'> nesboro..Term.: Mr. and Mrs. S S. fNincli Charlotte: Dr. and Mrs.: :G. Am era,'of Gastonin; Mr. attdj is. Ed Steele and Mr. Carter Cotiii-j I of Lenoir; Dr. and Mrs. Rondardin of Banner Elk; Mr. and Mrs.! M. Sheik Mr. and Mrs. I>. F. j ist; Mrr, Hard Taylor, Mrs. Cha.^.. i >lor, all of V'alle Cracis; Mr. and[ C" IT * I." . 1 T* t 1 a, o< jl' nunuii. .in. (imi mrs. -ills 1st of Cove Creek; Mrs. Nannie irdin of Decanter, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin represent one the oldest families in Western >rth Carolina. The first Hardin, iffiy, came from New England in J 80 and settled in Ashe county.! rs. Hardin is the daughter of the te Jacob Cour.cill and* the grand-' lighter of Jordan Councill, one ofl e earliest settlers of Boone. .Ionian' >uncill's wife was Sallie Howard, .lighter of Benjamin Howard, the mous tory who refused to take the ith of allegiance at the end of the L JL F IVE CENTS A COPT, ?- - :.?.?-.? ,.? 1327 TAX BOOKS IN HANDS OF SHERIFF No Final Setthmsai H*a Yftl Been illaae Willi Commiiiicnerl 3at Mr. Farthing AdviHfftl Money lor All Uncoflert-d Ttxes Sheriff L W. Farthing on last Saturday received the lav books for the !if.?ai year 1927 anil : ur nooneiny his first round for the collection of same in thi- issue cf The iternocrat. While a final settlement has not beer: made between the sheriff and the board of commit: loners, the sheriff hsir put up a s uff icieot amount of cash to ewer all uncoJ.iected taxes, amounting to some'.hir.y like SUo.OOO IS new county government act passed, by the last general assembly, requires that the sheriff make a complete settlement before he she.11 receive the lists and receipts for the following year. But since the sheriff has advanced the money for all unpaid tuxes charged again-' hint, tree board of corhmra.toners feel that they are within the spirit of rhe law in .cleaning the 1927 hooks for collection. 53m . heriff announces the following appointments for the pir.-pose of collecting 1927 taxes: At Boone oh 1st Mondays ami Tir -icy- iluri ; the mailt!: of November. -North Fork N '.vembt-r 1 i. at Thomas' store i,n the morning ami Potter's ir. the afternoon. Men Crimp?Xir rtrber l". Ho'ilsor.': -tore in tire m mint end Sjte.mis' -tore is: the afternoon. Maid Mountain Nov. If'-.? Voting1 pW&e. .Stony Fork Nov. 17?1. M. Conk's stoic in lilt- iviorr.ir.e1 rr;i Deep Gap in the afternoon. K!k?Nov. IS?Tvit) ctt's store. Blue Ridge?Nov. i: --Stork's store: Blqiving Kocii?Noi. til ? Hoishou&erla store. Watauga?Not. ltd?Covin.-' r-liire ill tile morning and i.. M. liodifos ir. the afternoon. Watauga?Nov. ?Shutls Mills in the moreiw nr.ii at Valle Crucis in the afternoon. Shawneohaw? Nov 2-1- store. l.nurel Creek?Nov. 25. EdminslenN in the mtmiiott and Walt Ward's in the afternoon.. Beaver Dam?Nov. 20. Sherwood's in the morning- and Hastimtan's in the afternoon. Cove Crook?Nov. ?S, Zionville in the. morning and Silyerstone i:i the afternoon. (".ire f'-Senl- V... -HI lllw.i.i...nS\. in the moi nir.tr :ini! Vilas in the afternoon. PARENT-TEACHER A3SO. MEETS THIS AFTERNOON The Parent-Teacher Association of E. out: will moot Stir <Thursday) afternoon at 3 o'clock in the pemori-' stration school 1>u tiding. Important matters coucoriiinp the welfare of the student* will lie tak'en Up and it Js. earcrestlj desired that all parent* who have chitdrrv '< -V.-oh villi att.-nd this meeting. Partnts are in-vivtd to come to the .-ohoo! j\Vit afeir 'he noon hour arid visit.; the 'different ci ea!^.- and re;,;,is tinlil the school dismisses at SJ. The school v.oitic he glad for all parents ti, sea their chi:Jr.i'i ... v. .3 in the rooms and see the teachers at their COrK. The teachers this yea? in jht high sehooi department ;n>,- Pi'of. A. K. Wiliiford, A. B., Davidson rallege, biology and history; Prof. ? '. 1~ 'F'^M Ball, A. B., Emory and Henry College, civics and general science: ' Prof. Paul. W.. Gay, A B? Wake KoreSt, M. A.. University of Virginia, mathematics; Mis= Grace Gryabeal. A. B.. CaVson-Xcwmar. Lstinf in the grades. Alias En la Todd, graduate of the X. C. G. W., seventh gride: Mis;- Sara BaerUy, B. Gs. ';r State Teackors (toliesrc, sixth grade; Mis- Esther I- 'tuning. B. S., X. C. 0. W.. fifth grade; Miss Ruth Vaughn, graduate Georgia State Teachers College, fourth grade; Miss Annie Stanbury. graduate A. S. M. S. third grade: Alias Ethel Bouchelie, Stetson University. 'shcond grade; Miss Madetyn t.amkin Georgia State Teachers' College, firs? grade: Miss Evelyn Ward. A. S. X. S.. first grade. DISTRICT WELFARE MEETING IN HIGH POINT NOV. 8TH The Northwestern District Welfare Cor.fevence will meet in High Point on November 8th. The sessions will be held at the Sheraton hotel. The following counties are included in the district: Watauga, Ashe, Alleghany. Wilkes, Sarry, Yadtan, Davie, Stokes, Forsyth, Davidson. Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph and Alamance. .Revolutionary war and remained a defiant tory until 1780. It Was he who lived in a cave on the mountain now called Howard's Knob. i

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