WT * ' ' tBTCVICE:' fepAGE TWO news?world! briefly told : " v: - d, h; Ottkitaoding Happenings of Week r; Gathered from Everywhere Con- ti deased for the Busy Reader ! *< Contracts tor 25 bobbing planes. [ n destined to carry 2,000 pounds of j Ki bombs and five machine cuds, have q bee72 awarded to the Keystone Ah-! v>. era Corporation of Bristol P.... at- ^ cordir.jr to an annuuiicemem re- t; cervfcly made by the w^r department.\ The planes will have <- six-hour crus-j ingr radius at a speed < i 10i> milts per hour. ! c< South Plainfield, N. J., Oct. ''.0.? Four persons. including "he pilot!**1 and his harce were- kCJed today when a five-passencc! FaiirJjKd tti cabin airplane tV.J at N't v. Market. . The scent of * he : rag?Jj was aj P< little more :r:*' a mik- from the fs piace _'where the Fokker lajpP^ orsrtd' . fc by Reyheids Airway* crs&fced "n " S* pu-mber with sevt; itvalilies. Ne O Oe,t. ?The tlw it i.:;d?;vu * wiiV'VJ v: ?. X'.jVj. -"bhi ?-?. .??: , ^ of German re^:-* raiioh with a cargo of 3 0.000 -|-?r)o.T3s -:>f 'alcohol ana ^barrels ' [" M-r\v;\r': c:^?2 guard at the- Algiers naval station here ' ff day The c^p:si.n 31 > ; ot' the crew wfttr Held- ,*fTne vaitje- '>$- Tthe r,':g >: - ; at >; ,500. ?:i havh)^/'h^>/r. p-.Vrcha?eo 'lor sor ^ .iasioiini n%.greater' rhi\:i OTfbbbO. N'e>v V. * :. >. :. -7.?T*.\ nty-i: v -j-j hundred 7* the PrctV.-rant j Kpi><cpai _: i ii: -.he Uiute-i States, r-y vote :i 'jfcbptost two :?j one. is ap-n^:; r.eed by Rev. L>r . . Charles LivingsTon, a member of ;n ! board of directors of the National j -l< Episcopal Church Temperance- So-1 Tlj cieiy have recorded their beik-i \ ,-Jo that prohibition is a failure as a! fa; solution of intemperance. I da Weepah. Nevada^ Oct. 30.? Wee-j To I?h. tHe prospector's desert h< c that soared through the lame pi a j he gold rush last March., has dwindled ? to but little more than ? same. The ? no wind-iilpwn streets thai were packed de with jnslbng gold-fevered gambling J ?f men and -.von:-en a few months ago; : be wore- the thanfughfares : "? n-jan habitants today. Throe or four I hi] companies, however, are -nipping ;.> j ?c much us 40 t?ns <.f oiv a day. rSw Rio do Janeiro. Oct. 2S.?The s9 ocean s toll from the ill-fated Iat||n | liner Pvincipessa Mafalda tonight was placed iv: 2S0 dead and inissin :' &' as rescue ships in port ccrsipieted dis-, A' charging their unexpected pa^ip j rl! gen: Tht actual story of the di.-a.-: j ?* twr also began to take definite form j JJ as tb< accounts of survivors were ! pieced together. Of the i.25n per-j ^ son* said by the Italian embassy to j ' have i?n ;.tt> ate tilt vessel. Sivl | J'' were accounted for. l.Oi Angeles. Oct. !._Tht sr.!--1 shapeit nos? of Louts Wolhoim. actor Lv of the stage an! screen must not bikini pe red with under penalty of eonten-.pt of court action before Novem- _ ber 11. and maybe not a tall. Unite.! Artists Corporation, to -vhorn Wnl- K heim is under contract, have obtained a temporary injunction in super- < ior court preventing the actor having *J his nose made over by a plastic surgeon, alleging that a niiilion-do!Jar film was in jeopardy if the actor persisted in having a 'hard bailed" face made over. Athens, -Jot. iu.?-The president | ?f GreecKsiAdrWirai Pari Kmidour-j iotK wa> :;cyM-e!y wounded hcvc tor I . day by s 23-year-oldwaiter who a'.-jle tempted to assassinate hint. Two! shuts wer- fired at the president as] he entered his uut.its one of them | !akiag effeci in the temple after tS having parsed through the wind- ' shield If the car. The assailant was ? c-eeheH from =he mob by the police and lodged in jail. The executive's; ; iiijhriifs wi'l' not prove fatal, The ] waiter, one Zafioiro Collision. said j he had been lonsr unemployed ar.tl sought revenge because he had not! been aided oy the state. Okluhorri;: City, Okia , Oct. 30 ? | jljh? campaign to can into special j I? session the legislature of Oklahoma, j waged by opponents of Governor H. : S. Johnston who seek his ireptach-! nieut, received added impetus today. , Grtw&ids fogEfte special session wc-io | outlined In statements today by >1. j Tom King of Clare more and K; P. Hili of Ma Ales' er, members o! the .legislature whose names have been 1 identified prominently w ith the of. | forts convene. Pressure was brought to bear sometime ago to ; have the governor discharge his private secretary, which he refused to do. It is claimed that she is the. power behind t.he throne in the executive's office. Paris. Oct. 29.?The pretty, graceful figure of an American girl, at tired in ar airman's flying suit, stood up in the little cockpit cf a French airplane at Le Bocrgct this afternoon and surveyed, with a mixture of joy and sadness, the scene around her. Several thousand ontypifiaitir TtVpnorimf. r? nn<] A tnpr? cans grave a noisy welcome tc her and a hundred policemen fought and pushed to keep them away from the plane. Ruth Elder had partly fulfilled the 'fondest dream of her life. She had arrived m Paris by air, bat fate in the form of a leaky oil pipe had intervened just whon complete realization of that dream seemed within a reasonable distance. "I'll do it yet," said the slim little southem girl after the first excitement of le very iriendly welcome of Pans id subsidedv 4ki am determined to low the world that what man can ? ,woman i*1fo can do.'* Washington. Get. 28-?The Jirst ::'bi>t<c casting of a caudidatorial it into the Republican presidential ng came today when Charles Cur5 of Kansas, majority leader of le striate, announced his candidacy ?r his party's honor. None of the :ner party aspirants for next year's oiniration has taken such a definite and. Even former Governor Frank . Lowden of Illinois, sponsored by e sterner? who asuouse the McNaryJiucen bill. has not gone further . say that "no man ever ran kvay from the presidency," while c-nator Frank B. Wilis of Ohio has aiicaved merely that the public >uJd draw its own conclusions from statement he issued last week giv:g his views as to what the Repubcan national platform should conrip The Curtis announcement, tin of *? let* or giving rmission to circulate petitions in ivor x nominating the senator ?r president and for the organiza.m f Curtis-i'or-Presider.t dubs.' .> a it ,;bk interest and importance. Cu tis occupies a strong no.ition. that vii; make him a serious con- \ rale? for the nonunation in the r.t >.f a de: d-eck in the national1 .a-':', r. Of more immediate intost imp Mtance is the fact j &t -Senator O.irtis's e. moum ement! that s at lac-it convinced :8tT there is not the slightest likoli-?b'd *hat President CooJicige-.will !><. : iibtniriaUtdh ;i HE. TURKEY EVIL IN WATAUGA COUNTY Ti "kfcy i- rrt uninl.v fowl. He s ...times cal!e<l a thief; ana .-a.- his food where he can iin<i it. lere i great amount ;;i damage r.c to crops by them. When the rniei sees' his small grain and corn ,Hatred tiy them, and thinks of hisrt >ilfcc:- bill. his seed liill aval his tier in making the crops, and then or- his neighbor boast as to bow 'eh he got for h.s turkeys, he does it to- that he has had a -quart' al. There is today a great amount hardness between church members cause of the turkeys. The shotgun d other means have been used to i) them out. One man sometimes discs others of selling his turkeys. there is hardness that may not be tiled until death and the judgment, le farmer stood in his tracks antl unted U0 cobs whore turkeys had it the corn. Out of every SI(10 -r'n of.turkeys sold, (which have r. large t there is doubtless Si>0 that growth came off the other fill's amis. I do not believe that od is pleased with the turkey busi'SS?they cause so much hardness, have watched ihe turkey business 'in yews and have decided that you are certain you eat; keep them i your own land raise them. If you i rot certain, then do not raise em. K. C. EGGERSk Zionville, X. O.. Oct. 23, it'27. ote: It would be illegal to Dublin}; this it not true. >8-Year Goitre Relieved o. Carolina Lady Successful With Colorirss Liniment. Wants Others to Know Mrs. W. Finch. Littleton. M. C,. ye: "I never Kiwi any relief until i ieii Sorliol Quadruple. My goitre is ;arly gone. I er.n sleep good and e] good ever}- way. Wii; he glad to iswer letters about my experience." Get more information from Sorbol omtiauy. Meeho.Hesbtyrg, .Ohio, vug -to.es everywhere. iocs:!}- at cone Drug Co. l^T US FIX Y^R BEFORE Y Uo not lot a "blind" sen; on that trip without first having your car Our mechanics often find which many times saves a bad Our "aim" is perfect in troubles. We are "square sho< about your car. LET US CARE W.R.W! IPiP & coft BOONE, NOR THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVJ About Your Health THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW By John Joseph Gaines, M. D. WHY "HEART DISEASE"? John Doe, aged 53. found dead in bed. He weighed liJ i". and appeared in perfect health up to his sudden demise. He smoked a pipe, doubtless to excess; drzink coffee two or three times a day?a most deadly drug.' He had been seen to "drink'' at club diapers one never can tell. A cour.ty coroner viewed the remains, heart disease; the newspai pers concur; autopsy not deemed neicessary: incident closed. _ \\rho next? Wei'. ?the fellow with chronic j throat; germs of influenza, that linI ger tor years, and produce?eixd.o{ carditis. The fellow whose blood II surcharged with andigeste<I proteins j from thy six o'clock dinner, a habit ] indulged for fifteen years, and, s&riCr 1 tinned by some very good medical I men. Yt Five physicians died in , | my state during- the ast month; each! under sixty-five. All fat men. gcotl j I livers, high bipod pressure, diners at' | evening.'5 clubme - : loved by every- j body. Heart disease or eerebra1! hemorliage?Bngh*'.- disease. It is j I '.so eaisv C nann the grim destroyer. I yet. rvhv did he cad so m opportune1.Y? A it; - 1 fa i Hfli Sir.:* h ?ninety-ifcrf( i: used tobacco i his -' : !?ank- fill ihC coffee thai he ctvedd meats, supposing they were a < i for him; then,I a.. 1 II*-- luirn ? Vl?lV?U I wasn't 10 king! St sweets; you know. Why 1 - he ...ive.. anyhow?; Taking two or three of -he deadliest i drugs known, wheneve r he felt 'ike it?which was probably frequent enough. I? old fai vner t?:31 Smith a freak? Well, yes * that be lived temperately, at the promptings of ; well-baTanced appetite. There an few such "freak.-" unfortunately; 1 there are more -f the sort that en-j gorge themselves a! unseemly hours, and are intemperau :.n everything,! not actually labeled dynamite. Why J not "heart disease"? Where germs! are, there is infection; where intern- ? Iterance clings, the penalty is sure. j ; If FIRE | IcteJ'froy.r your fiome | If a lire should come tonight. sweeping away your home, or your ! factory, could you | start rebuilding? Are | you adequately pvoI tfrtpr! so vni'.r in. "r.-7- , i suranc epolicies ana not your bank account i would pay the replacej ment costs? Boone Insurance & Realty Company, Inc. GORDON H. W1NKIJKR, Mgr. ,JAny Kind of a Policy" ! Ill nun WW??? 1 CAR OU "DUCK" AWAY ;c of security "decoy" you away us thoroughly grease and go over a "crippled" part, easily fixed break and a heavy repair bill, "hitting" the cause of your iters" and will tell you the truth FOR YOUR CAR iNKLER m IP ANY m Deaim TH CAROLINA | ERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C HUNDREDS OF) FOUND IN HI MEPAL ^Wllilll I MRS . EDGAR, STILLMAN K.ELL.E> ^ i EX young American singers presumably the best in tl country ?will face the micr phone at Station WEAF : New York City early in D cember to sing for fame and forfun Tbcy will be the finalists in tho Nj tional Radio Audition o? the Atwati Kent Foundation of Philadelphia. This nation-wide quest for rani voices has already revealed hundred ci young singers of promise, wh have entered the contests eagerly bi cause the auditions offer them tecoi nit ion at home and a chance to coc pete for prizes aggregating SIT.r.O Distinctive figures are sponsoring tli undertaking as a National Audittc Committee. They are Madam Lcuis Homer, the Metropolitan Opei star; Mrs. Edgar Stillman Kelle: president of the National Fecien tiou of Music Clubs; Edward W. Bol former editor of the Ladies' Horn Journal, and Mrs. Otto H. Kahn, wif of the world-famous New York haul er and music patron. Winners of state auditions?one bo and one girl?receive silver medal and are taken to their district aud tions at the expense of the Found* tion to compete with young Ginger from their neighboring states. Winnei of each of Uie iivo district auditionsone young man and one young woma In each?receive gold medals and &r < An hi i ' ?IS - v |b"- \M S 1W- TobMCT rOUNG SINGERS 'JlST FOR TALENT MADAM LOUISE HOMER. EDWAP.D W BOrC a taken to New York by the Atwater " Kent Foundation for the duals, which 1 will be broauenst over a national net work c? stav ions. The awards for these will he as followe: e Winners of first piace ? one young man and one young woman? will each receive $5,000 cash and y two years' tuition in a musical conIs servatory. i- Winners of second place will each l- receive $S,00t! cash and one year's e tuition. 6 Winners of third place- will each ? receive $7,000 and one year's tuition, n Winners of fourth place will each e receive $500. Cam< onest cigarette advertised ightful tobaccos, the iwn. Blended wi I care* Sold witho any kind, and it le world by billioi ! NOVEMBER 3, IS2T liHHnHHffll | THE MAN BEHIND THE GUN IT'S THE MAX BEHIND tie gun who makes it formidable; and it's the men behind a Bank who make it conservative. In ail our business transactions this Bank seeks not popsk.rity for itself, but safety for it.- depositors. We seek to be accommodating?we are always courteous- but. the maintenance of our standards of conservatism arc ever and always with us the first consideration. If you admire standards of conservatism, tt'av we be favored with j year business and honored by a per; .-o?iai call!' ? < I ) Bank of Blowing Rock Blowing Rock, N. C. i SAVE SAFETY . jrjtssnr/r * drugstore ' One at night? Next day bright I -Ttt^L- '-rfJUjWVt J Thousands of satisfied users fee) that w u y aboutahoul 3sss?S ORDERLIES They work naturally and form no habit. Pleasant to take, easy in action, safe ar.d sure,. Good for children as well as adults. Box uf 60 Orderliei 50c BOONE DRUG CO. Wto-aBWOEft SWV' i BOONE, N. C. i ; _ ^ ;1 ^ JL : honestly choicest th skill ut bunk jads the '.m IS. - ' t: * all cigarettes were as good ; Caniel you wouldn't hear nythmg about special treattents to make cigarettes good rr the throat. 'Nothing takes le place of choice tobacco*. HH iHH

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