' " ' NOVEMBER 3, 1027 - With the Churches Announcements and. News oi In- ' terest to 1.0 rai Church Goers its ! ' Prepared by the Various Pastors. i.i ?i , ? ADVENT CHRISTIAN Sunday school at 10 o'clock., preaching service at 11 by Rev. S. EL| sGrapp. Loyal Worker.- _ >>:40 p. m.: ; Prayer meeting Tuesday nijrlu and '5 Bible study Thursday night. Every-!1 one is cordially invited to attend |f these services. I ^ ;? BOONE BAPTIST Sunday school 10 a. m.. ft*. U. i ' Gragg. superintendent. Preaching at I11 31 and 7:30 bv the pastor. Rev. P A. Hicks. B. V. P. U.'s 0:30 p. m. j, ' Mtd-week prayer Service Wednesday:11 7:30 p. rn. You are cordially invited erf to attend ail service- at this!'1 y church. i b ? CALENDAR OF LUTHERAN i \ SERVICES ST. MARKS LUTHERAN j Bailey's Camp ? Services on first Sunday oi each a. month ct 11 it. ni. Sunday school ,.; every Sunday ;.t 10 a. rn. ^ uiva^D I.L i J5UUIMS | c., Sjervjces the 2nd and 41 n Sundays- of; q, c-ach month at li a. m. Sunday! s< school every Sunday at 9:45 a. ni.jf, Vespers on the 1st and 3rd Sundays; pj at 7:30 p m. Service? held in the! Episcopal church or Main street, op-l vv posite Daniel Boone Hotel. ri HOLY COMMUNION" CHURCH ni Fourteen mile? west of Boone, d< known as? Clark's Creek. Service? si on the 3rd Sunday of each month at i ed products'worth more that) one j . 'oillion dollars in 1926. It now gene- /*' rates the fifth largest amount of 1 ? hydro-electric power of all the = states. It distributes this electric ? power and light over the most extensive transmission system in the world. "In this state is the largest towel factory, the largest underwear plant,! the largest hosiery n-.ills, the second! largest aluminum plant in existence. Here 28 per cent of America's furniture industry is located. It? tobacco industry is the largest. It has silk mills, tiic factories and hundreds of other industries?well diversified in all lilies of manufacture." Thus North Carolina is getting much desirable and valuable ' publicity in other sections without cost to the state or her people. Interests outside the state now ?ie paying good money to attract attention of r capitalists and investors to the presr* eiit-daj economic progress of North Carolina. Investments in good roads and hydro-electric power and education did it?Charlotte nt.e?e ?, ' PUBLIC WORKING ON COVE - CREEK SCHOOL GROUNDS On Friday, November 4, patrons and friends of the Cove Crdek high school are asked to bring their teams and give a day's work on the school grounds. Several have already furnished teams for one or more days pnd we appreciate the work that has been done. The high school building is practically completed and the grounds should be leveled before moving into the new building. We should also like to have two or three trucks to haul sand and gravel for the walks. To test samples of fabric for fastness to light, cover - one-half with cardboard and expose the rest to direct sunlight for ten days. To test A for fastness in laundering, wash and dry half your sample udder ordinary conditions. Certain material should be tested in these ways before purchasing dress goods when possible. =^?:===_===?== News of the Week j About Blowing Rock' | Ccnlract for New Oorniitory at Nor- j mm\ Will Not: Be Avxrded Until Spring Blowing: Rock, Ivoy. 2.?-The new\ prl's dormitory at the Appalachian { >tate Norma* at Boone will :tot bel ftsrterl before next spring, as tacl rustees have failed to obtain aj citable contract, said Thomas H-i ?offey of Blowing Rock, chairman j >f the board. Lact month the trustees met in Lc-J :oir and opened bnl? for the buildng. but all were considered too bights no I etter bids \Vere forthcoming, t was decided ?o put oil the build* tig until spring. The foundation ha.* already been aid. The rest of Lfae building is to e done under separate contract it ill be fireproof throughout, will ave 75 rooms, and will aceommoate 150 students. To Assist in Roll Call Pupils of the Blowing* Rock con- ] }3idated high school will probably i ; ssist with the Watauga county vol? all of the American Re ; Cross. Prof. ^ .. E. Mercer, the principal has rc-j nvc-d from the county cnaper a re-, , uest for the co-operation of the' ; rhool in the ror; call and has asked i \ ?? VoJ-U-nt<>n> 01 the Centra! hotel Monday j dhi- The large dining '00m was | [ eotateti with orange and black de-' gn.- carrying out 'he Halloween i j ea. A large number of people of J * ie town and from the surrounding | 1 .ill)try enjoyed the dance. I t Halloween passed without anyij sorders of any note. 11 The revival meeting conducted last < eck at the Methodist church by the c istor. Kev. M. B. Woosiey of t lone, was well attended through- t it the week- Enthusiastic meet- j f-s were reported. Interest in , lurch work is said to have been t eatly stimulated as a result of the j eeungf. ' t H. C. Hayes returned Tuesday r om Raleigh, where he visited his j mily over the week-end and wit ssed the Halloween celebration b.v j liege studr-iits at the capital, i errymakers, Mr. Hayes said, took . e town Monday night. Sunn: 1,-1 j 10 students paraded l! e streets, j. riich. were given over to them fcr , e night. c Steam Shovel Moving Slowly The steam shovel on its way to Has to work on the new highway to very county was on the outskirts v Blowing Rock Saturday. It was j cn working its way up the mounin from Lenoir for the last two j, :eks. hut now that it is at the top t is expected to make more rapid ^ ogress. a From Vilas it will proceed to ille Cruris and there it will begin ^ tting the passage for the new _ ghway. . At present the Watauga \ d Avery county seats are connect only by runabout routes, one ^.X. rati- ' " tuugi: oiljjticj sssk mi ine norm r<1 the other through Blowing * >ck no the south. This road will orten the distance considerably. He's No Gambler | Kind Lady: You should brace up. v poor man. Remember what you .'e to society. Hobo: Ivdon't owe society nuthin', 3y. What do you think I've been in'?playiit' bridge? HMHMMaUtfnWMMHHUMMmUWUMMlMnMMianD Every delay, which means a- d for the winter's supply of con] because we cannot, control p advance means you must pay delivery right now means goo't mum cost, whereas rush deli' and cold blow, may mean tha inferior minings art any pr Save money by Winter supply ol BOONE GOAL WfjSaWilMjl THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?I WE5TERN t;. O. P. TO MAKE LEAGUE OF NATIONS IS55J1 .itVashirigtc-ii. Oct. 31-?The bloc ? progressive Republican senator from the went* headed by Senator Borah and Nwrif; has .started out ti ^vanize into life for the prcsidiein tiai campaign the League of Xaiion: and the World Court as issues. The! motive in making thi?= move, it is: re ported, is to eliminate both formei Secretary Hughes and former Cover nor Lv>wdei> as probable- choices o1 the Republican convention. Thej will fight the nomination, and -i Qominatcd the election of any candidate who, as president, xvtay cause this country to become involved if "entargiing alliances" with foreign countries. It appears that the hostility to the league and the court is ire only ground on which all this group of western progressive senators are agreed. These senators are not together in their plans for farm ?efief\ Senator Borah, who is now reckoned the guiding star of the Woe, is unalterably opposed to the equalization fee in the bill. Senator Norris now seems only lukewarm for the equalization fee which he supported ?t the last session of congres. Senator BrOokbr??-t r,f Fjr._r.r-i u- - ? * .. .vwa, nae iiomeu a farm relief bili of his own, with the :qualization fee left out. Senator McXai y. of Oregon, one of the nitIhors of the MeNnry-Haugen bill, tontinues to hob! on to the equalization fee. Senators Novberh and d('Masters, of South Dakota, have .eased their insistent demands for he bill, but Norbesy hr.s declared 'or Lowden. There does not seem to be any mmediate danger that the friends of he League of Nations or of the iVorhi Court can bring about a sit union whereby the United States will te "threatened'' with membership in :ithcr of these bodies. The irrecottilabtes, chiefly among whom was senator Borah, effectively blocked he joining of the league on the part, if the United States seven years ago.] lornh. again leading the irieconcil-1 tbles iif the senate, succeeded ini acking on the membership of the] Jnitcd States in the court such dratio reservations that the European intions wouid not accept our memicrship. But now the Idaho senator ma his irreconcilable colleagues in he seriate have discovered that the! eague and court, record? might weli! le used against two prominent ite lubtican candidates for president tol lelp eliminate them from serious! onsideration as probabilities in the] (invention. ( WHAT THE FLOOD COST Floods are costly. Take, for in-] tnliee, the livestock loss during the lississippi flood of last May. .Tune nd .Tuly. An area of 1,417,500 1 124 counties and parishes was covred with water. More than 225,000 ead of horses, mules, cattle, swine nd other livestock were lost. The pultry loss consisted of 1,300,000 owls.?The Pathfinder. CANTED?A girl for the winter t' help with housework. Address Bom 94, Route 2, Boone, N. C. 1 'OR RENT?Two or three rooms for light housekeeping. Modern conveniences. See H, Roy Hagaman, 31 Hardin Street. 2t RON riPE FOR SALE?1,000 ft. 1 Vi -inch gaivanised pipe, good as new. Also 300 gallon tank and hand force, pump and electric mo-J vVL piiiiijj. AUUiess C?. L?] L'OKPT, 1730 College St., Columbia, S. C., in- .Top While (Rowing Rock, N. C. ay, in placing your order j I can mean a loss to you, ricer. and a cost.-at-mine accordingly. Then, too, i first grade coal at mini/cry when winter storms t you'll be glad to have ice. ordering your F Coal NOW. COMPANY 1' ' ' SVERY THURSDAY?BOONE. X. O. 1 SIMMONS THINKS TREASURY ij CAN STAND CUT OF 4400.000,OOCj sj Wash legion. Xov. I,?Sen a tor It sj SI mm or.- ralied at the White Hou.se( > today to "pay bis respects? to thej - : ->w ." :* \.a?- said. Ff Representative Dough*. tranii jury as as having been tam rertd with. One of there is Edward Kidwe-l !r., leather worker, who i declare'. :o have boasted thai a verdict e :on\iction would mean nothing t< :im, whereas a verdict of acquittr. vouid bring him tin automo'oiie "t TilPV \Si?r?*.r .? * * x. t m .* ^ 10 stones will be constructed there. 1 containing 3.000 apartments, eight i elevator.- a;;d ail modern coinforts' V ^ j# |[H2??53S Call on You rested fox action, it is too 3E. The loss may he Jarg^e? but a loss nevertheless unless personal property well insiny of the year when nre losses taking out a nre insurance o one can afford. Let us exmay be enjoyed in various isurance Go. G. P. H AC. A MAN x?rig .; $| Sp|lH Ws$B0& WS htMI MMi iifi 111111 3 uch nearift Giving i are here gKts turn :ason gets ing delivnovelties. on while om a par' r the holihistory of rward to glad sear and look are lower VSIDE A ME' ONE. V rp- * r Store HH OH Kj^n5^wM^^Cffai!HKwA.araB!StS3lc^SHC^ng^SKia RnHBI - < .' -jft